It is a sensible plan for gradual withdrawal but there is a problem, the Not
Invented Here Syndrome aka sour grapes. Using it would obstruct the ill
disposed, saboteurs et cetera. Doctor North says that a "dysfunctional
Parliament" created the EU problem in the first place. He stops short of
mentioning Treason At Maastricht but
he does mention the profound ignorance of BBC journos.
There is no comment on their corruption, Marxism
or Homosexuality. Writing off the
Foreign and Commonwealth Office as a problem not a solution is sensible.
Convention on
1978 should be applied although we are not a party to it.
That said, we do of course need an exit plan but, as with any
fundamental political change – the impetus must come from
outside the bubble. Since the dawn of time – from Chartism, the
welfare state and the Thatcher revolution – this has always been
the case.
And it is the abject failure of the "leave" campaign to embrace
the only fully
prepared exit plan in existence – or produce one of its own
- which is proving to be its greatest, if not fatal weakness.
After all, if the campaign does now have the courage and moral
certainty to acquaint the voting public with its vision for a
post-exit EU, and offer a credible plan for achieving it, why
should anyone cast a vote for it in the referendum?
Yet, despite the very obvious and desperately urgent need for a
plan, there is no progress from the noise-makers.
Farage and his GO monster is committed to political suicide by
turning the referendum campaign into a debate on immigration,
Arron Banks – after briefly showing a spark of courage – has
retreated into his bunker, and the Cummings-Elliott duo have dug
in their heels, determined that, whatever else their Titanic
has, it won't be a structured exit plan.
And there we are, as the two competitors for designation lock
horns – neither are able to offer any credible leadership and
neither are able to confront their own fundamental failings - we
have the makings of an electoral disaster.
Yesterday, at least, though, we had our final planning meeting
in the Leave Alliance, preparatory to our launch on 16 March -
budget day. We'll be at 1
Great George Street, in Westminster, starting at 2.30pm,
when we'll also have copies of the short version of
The event will be filmed and we'll place a professionally-edited
video on YouTube clip, to go alongside the Flexcit pamphlet. And
in April, we have plans for a workshop in London, further to
roll out the plan.
This at least will give Flexcit some more profile, then to make
the media and noise-makers all the more absurd for ignoring it.
Come what may, we're going ahead. If this referendum fails,
it'll be none of our doing.
The success of a new relationship with the EU after leaving
would depend on the "degree of mutual recognition enjoyed by the
UK. Would the City be able to hold on the "passporting rights"
that facilitates cross-border business in the European Economic
Area, i.e. the EU plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein?
"There would be an impact. I can't give you a precise number in
terms of institutions or jobs or activity, because we don't know
where we would be on that continuum between full mutual
recognition or pure third-country access."
There is little doubt that the markets may jitter at the
prospect of the referendum, so Mark Carney is speaking the truth
when he warns of uncertainty. This in itself is not a good
enough reason not to hold one; democracy is necessarily
uncertain at times.
HSBC previously warned it would relocate in the even of Brexit,
until the board
voted to remain in the UK in a decision that drew a line
under almost a year of uncertainty over the future of Europe’s
biggest bank. Banks and business do not like the prospect of
change or the risks associated with the people expressing
themselves democratically.
However, the reasons for HSBC remaining in the UK apply to every
bank that warns it may relocate if Britain leaves the EU. Stuart
Gulliver, HSBC’s chief executive, said HSBC's current location
“delivers the best of both worlds to our stakeholders.” He added
that said Britain’s “internationally recognised” regulatory
framework and legal system, as well as its workforce, meant the
UK should remain HSBC’s home.
There is in no perceivable advantage to leaving London; it is a
first rate global city that will remain a global hub in or out
of the EU. As for Britain’s “internationally recognised”
regulatory framework, Britain has adopted global regulatory
conventions made at the real
tables where the
rules are made, and would do so in or out of the EU.
From a regulatory perspective, there is zero competitive
advantage in moving away from London. Why relocate to mainland
Europe in a post Brexit scenario? Nowhere would the business
environment improve, there are no tax advantages to moving to
Paris, thus it would be a waste of time and resources.
In any case, in order to secure the economy and de-risk Brexit
in the event of a vote to leave, the Government will
inevitably seek to retain access to the Single Market in a
mutually beneficial negotiated settlement. The
Solution is the optimal solution for alleviating risk,
calming uncertainties and seceding from political and judicial
union in an orderly fashion.
The mainstream Leave campaigns are making a mistake in not fully
endorsing a negotiated secession that secures continued
membership of the Single Market. The uncertainty and doubts of
the market and the public would be significantly calmed by the
acceptance on behalf of the Leave campaigns that our continued
participation in the Single Market is inevitable and desirable.
Alas, they
lack vision.
Instead The
Leave Alliance is the only campaign group that champions a
staged exit with a soft landing, providing a platform to
build our
future on, as well as being the only campaign with
serious plan.
At the prospect of the UK retaining Single Market membership
after leaving the EU Mark Carney expressed concerns. He stated
that there would be questions over whether the UK would lose its
"substantial influence" over the development of EU financial
regulations and would retain the flexibility achieved in the
renegotiation settlement secured by David Cameron.
Sir Jon Cunliffe, the Bank's deputy governor for financial
stability, also raised points of concern when he claimed that if
we wanted to remain in the single market for financial services,
it would be a very big negotiating ask to also have the
influence on setting the rules:
Have Nothing To Fear From Brexit
Friday 4 March 2016
Two million UK citizens working abroad could become illegal
immigrants overnight if Britain were to leave the European Union
according to remain fear mongers playing fast and loose with the
facts . This is one of the more flimsy and morally objectionable
deceits given that it is designed to disseminate anxiety amongst
the expat community and in many cases this myth is proliferated
by people who should, and probably do, know better.
The status of treaty rights acquired while a treaty is in force,
when that treaty comes to an end, was dealt with in a 2013
Parliamentary briefing, and is covered in much more detail
UN lawyers. A clarification has even been issued via a House
of Commons Library note, which stated:
“Generally speaking, withdrawing from a treaty releases the
parties from any future obligations to each other, but does
not affect any rights or obligations acquired under it
before withdrawal.”
The (1969)
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties is clear, in
article 70.1.b it states that a termination of a treaty:
“Does not affect any right, obligation or legal situation of
the parties created through the execution of the treaty
prior to its termination.”
To summarise, “acquired rights” – also known as “executed
rights” or “vested rights” – do continue to apply to
individuals. So firm are they embedded in the international
order that they have acquired the status of “customary law”,
which means the principle does not need to be anchored by any
particularly treaty, but stands alone as a fundamental principle
of international law.
Thus, should it come to the UK leaving the EU, those persons who
currently live in other EU member states, invoking the right to
remain under the “freedom of movement” or “freedom of
establishment” provisions of the treaties, will be able to
retain that “acquired right”. There may be some details around
the margins that have to be settled which will make up part of
secession negotiations, in both informal talks that begin in the
aftermath of a vote to leave, and formal talks that begin after
our Article 50 notification.
The issue is settled. Spreading fear amongst expats is now the
reserve of barrel scraping social media campaigners, with even
Europhile think tank British Influence conceding the lack of
credibility to this argument:
“General principles of EU law concerning legitimacy and legal
certainty as laid down in the Treaty of Lisbon presuppose that
the UK and the EU would be required, or at least strongly
recommended by civil servants, diplomats and government lawyers,
to agree on the protection of acquired rights…”
The report concludes that it is likely a transitional agreement
will be achieved, but even if one did not materialise, or if the
transitional agreement had problematic “gaps”, acquired rights
are covered my international law:
“International law should be sufficient to protect acquired
rights. For example, under the Vienna Convention on the Law of
Treaties, while parties to a treaty can be released from future
obligations by withdrawing from the agreement, rights and
obligations acquired under the same treaty are not affected".
Stop lying to expats. They have nothing to fear from Brexit.
BMW have no right to interfere - and no credibility
Rolls-Royce CEO, Torsten Muller-Otvos, has sent a letter to
BMW employees on Britain's EU referendum as though who governs
us were any of his business. A
copy of the letter was released to the media. Here we
analyse the key points.
"Free trade is important for international business.
Rolls-Royce Motor Cars exports motor cars throughout the EU
and imports a significant number of parts through the
region. For BMW Group, more than half of MINIs built and
virtually all the engines and components made in the UK are
exported to the EU, with over 150,000 new cars and many
hundreds of thousands of parts imported from Europe each
year. Tariff barriers would mean higher costs and higher
prices and we cannot assume that the UK would be granted
free trade with Europe from outside the EU.
Actually we can assume free trade. That is actually the whole
point of the Lisbon Treaty Article 50 negotiations. Both parties
know full well that erecting tariff and non-tariff barriers has
harmful consequences for both sides and runs anti-ethical to
what both the EU and the WTO stand for. In this, we see that
forty years of integration are not so easily unpicked.
With that in mind we know that a bespoke agreement cannot be
delivered inside the allotted two years and nobody has any
interest in it dragging on. And so it is entirely reasonable to
assume that our government would seek to use as many existing
legal instruments as possible to ensure the settlement was as
close to EU membership as possible. Not least because no
Westminster party actually wants to leave the EU.
It is therefore next to certain that we would continue as a
member of the single market while leaving the political EU
construct. At the very worst, if talks fail, we end up with a
mutual recognition agreement and a free trade agreement along
the lines of the Australian path. Not immediately optimal, but
certainly no doomsday scenario. As authors of the most
Brexit plan in circulation, it is our best estimation that
the Norway Option would be stage one of the exit process. Is
that really so bad? That brings us neatly to the next point:
"When it comes to regulation, whether the UK remains inside
the EU or leaves it, with Europe as the UK's largest export
market by far, we would have to abide by European rules and
regulations in any case. We believe it's much better to be
sat at the table when regulations are set and have a hand in
their creation, rather than simply having to accept them.
Does Torsten Muller-Otvos realise that they are no longer
made by the EU? When we actually look at where they do come
from, we find our old friend UNECE looming large. Its Transport
Division, based in Geneva, provides secretariat services to the
Forum for Harmonisation of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29), and
has been doing so for more than 50 years.
By its own account, the World Forum incorporates into its
regulatory framework the technological innovations of vehicles
relating safety and environment impact. WP 29 was established on
June 1952 as "Working party of experts on technical requirement
of vehicles". The current name was adopted in 2000.
As to a little bit of detail, the core of the Forum's work is
based around the "1958 Agreement", known formally as "Agreement
concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for
wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or
be used on wheeled vehicles and the conditions for reciprocal
recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these
prescriptions". This was augmented by a further Agreement in
As helpfully explained
here, these form a legal framework wherein participating
countries (contracting parties) agree a common set of technical
prescriptions and protocols for type approval of vehicles and
The UNECE instruments, produced under the Agreements, are
classic "diqules". As quasi-legislation, they have no mandatory
effect until converted into laws by the territorial bodies
signatory to the agreements (contracting parties).
Despite that, they used to be called "UNECE Regulations" or,
less formally, "ECE Regulations". Since many non-European
countries are now contracting parties to the Agreements, the
regulations are now officially entitled "UN Regulations".
Through this, each contracting party's type approvals are
recognised by all other contracting parties.
There are currently 57 signatories to the Agreements,
including non-EU countries such as Norway and the major vehicle
manufacturing countries of Japan and South Korea. And the EU is
also a part, having acceded via Council Decision 97/836/EC of 27
November 1997 and Council Decision 2000/125/EC of 31 January
And now for the interesting bits. When it comes dealing with
the World Forum, we see this
interesting report. The European Commission on behalf of EU
Member States, it says, seeks "continuously increase their
involvement in the Geneva technical legislative process, in
particular by working within WP.29 and its subsidiary bodies in
order to ensure harmonisation between UNECE Regulations and EU
As a result, we thus discover that the EU's own major
regulations on the general safety of motor vehicles have been
replaced with UN Regulations. They aren't EU regulations any
more. They might have an EU label on them by the time they get
to us, but they're made in Geneva, not Brussels.
Dealing with UNECE, of course, is part of trade policy – part
of the Single Market, so the EU takes change. Graciously, the EU
Commission allows Member States take part in the preparatory
work of the UNECE working parties.
If it becomes obvious at this stage, they kindly EU tells us,
that further discussions between experts are necessary, an
informal working group may be set up within a working party with
a view to making progress in the development of the Regulations.
This may occur where there is a rapid development of complex new
technologies. And we can even take part in these informal
However, when it comes finally to agreeing the standards
proposed by UNECE, the Member States have to take the back seat.
The European Commission, it says firmly, "exercises the right to
vote in WP.29 on behalf of the EU and its 27 Member States".
Thus, despite the UK having major vehicle manufacturing
interests, producing its 1.58 million cars in 2012, we have no
direct vote on vehicle standards. We do not have a seat at the
Just in case you might ask, yes Norway – as a full member of
UNECE - takes part in the World Forum. As an independent nation,
it represents itself in the committees and votes on its own
behalf. Despite having no indigenous manufacturing industry, it
an active part in the proceedings.
More to the point, as a multinational company, BMW and the
like operate at levels far higher than nations and blocs, and
since it is more that just the EU who adopts the rules, their
self-interest is not in any way threatened.
"Finally, we get a significant benefit from the easy
movement of our people between the UK and Europe. This
allows the rapid transfer of expert knowledge throughout
Rolls-Royce Motor Cars and BMW Group networks, building the
skill level of our UK workforce. Our employment base could
also be affected, with skilled men and women from most EU
countries included in the 30 nationalities currently
represented at the Home of Rolls-Royce here at Goodwood.
Put simply, there is no real reason why would should expect
that visaless access (as existed before the EEC) would not be
part of the EU negotiations, and since we most certainly would
want it, the EU would likely leverage it to full EEA freedom of
movement in any case. Most serious analysts think that leaving
the single market in the first stage of Brexit would be
improbably and politically difficult, as
outlined in the Daily Telegraph. It's not realistic to
believe that we would quit the EEA.
What we're looking at here is pure propaganda shrouded in
ignorance. The EU is not the single market and trade is not
contingent on political subjugation. Torsten Muller-Otvos has no
right to interfere or even attempt to influence the votes of UK
employees. Morally, it is bankrupt.
Could Peter Mandelson be any more offensive?
[ Probably not but then he is a Jew on the make - Editor ]
Tuesday 1 March 2016
In his first
intervention in the referendum debate, Peter Mandelson, the
Labour peer and former Trade Commissioner, claims that the UK
could not only lose access to the single European market but
could also lose the EU’s preferential trading status in foreign
markets if the UK pulls out of the European Union. He also
asserts that British exporters would face trade tariffs of up to
20 per cent on goods such as cars, whisky, pharmaceuticals and
fashion sold around the world.
In retaliation, he warns, the UK might also have to raise
tariffs on imported goods – pushing up the cost of foreign
imports – while new trade deals are agreed. This he claim “would
be harder” than those in favour of Brexit think, as after years
in the EU the UK has “no real trade negotiating capacity”.
Now, unless Lord Mandelson's appointment to the EU was largely a
political sinecure to keep him out of the way (we couldn't
possibly comment), it is unlikely that a man of his stature and
reputed intelligence could be this ignorant. From an MP or MEP,
perhaps yes, we could write it off as run of the mill stupidity,
but not so here. What we are looking at here is a grotesque
Firstly we note that magic word "could". If we leave the EU, all
sorts of things could happen, but in this case, the
probability of such occurring is next to, if not, absolute
The only way this could happen is if we left the single market
as well as the EU and left unilaterally without invoking Article
50 of the Lisbon Treaty. To do that would require a repeal of
Section 2 of the European Communities Act, which last time we
checked requires one of those parliamentary vote things. Given
how obviously suicidal this is, nobody sane would propose it,
and if they did, parliament would rightly block it.
That means we will leave via Article 50. For tariffs to go up,
we would have to leave the EU without first having secured a
free trade deal. Mandelson has it that the UK has “no real trade
negotiating capacity” - which is wholly offensive - but if that
is true then it speaks to just how corrosive our EU membership
But then the whole point of leaving by Article 50 (apart from it
being the legal instrument we've agreed to) is that it is the
only instrument that compels the EU to negotiate an exit
settlement. In this, it is more than reasonable to assume that
neither the EU nor the UK wants to see an end to the
relationship on less than amicable terms. To leave without a
trade agreement at the very least would cause a toxic shock that
would have far reaching ramifications for both parties, as well
as knocking confidence in the still fragile Euro.
Therefore, we start from the position that all parties are
negotiating in good faith, will necessarily be risk averse, and
will seek to conclude an agreement as quickly as possible to
remove uncertainty. Everybody wants this done with the least
amount of fuss, the least amount of uncertainty and maximum
continuity of trade.
As many have now pointed out, including Mandelson, a bespoke
agreement inside two years (as mandated under Article 50) is
just not going to happen. That means, we will look at as many
existing legal constructs as possible. The EU will not be keen
to replicate the tangled mess of the Switzerland model, nor will
it be in any hurry to engineer any special UK exemptions lest it
precipitate more member states voting to leave the EU.
In that regard, it is most likely that the European Economic
Area will be the default option. It addresses the matter of
leaving the EU while ensuring continuity, while requiring no
special exemptions not already enjoyed by non-EU EEA members.
That means the single market is protected.
This will likely be accepted without challenge in that as
much as neither side wants any headaches, it will also be
negotiated by a government that doesn't actually want to
leave - so will opt for the relationship that most resembles
EU membership.
But this is all familiar territory to those who have read
our comprehensive
Brexit plan. What makes us double-take is a subtlety in
Mandelson's words where he says the "UK might also have to
raise tariffs on imported goods – pushing up the cost of
foreign imports – while new trade deals are agreed". This
makes us wonder whether Lord Mandelson is actually
startlingly ignorant as well as dishonest.
The point being that we do not actually leave the EU until
Article 50 negotiations are concluded and a settlement
ratified. Therefore there is no gap between EU membership
and the new settlement. Moreover, we are able to rely on the
principle in international law of presumption of continuity
- as he of all people should know. We retain third party
In any case, the EU has a common external tariff that it
must apply to all non-EEA members (his scenario). If we
matched it in reciprocation, as Mandelson suggests, under
WTO non-discrimination rules, we have to impose tariffs on
all our other trading partners worldwide. That creates
havoc, so we end up not imposing tariffs on the EU
while they impose tariffs on us. That is why unilateral
withdrawal would not be on the table - and that is why there
is really no such thing as the WTO Option. It's just not an
option whichever side suggests it.
And so, making estimations broadly in line with the
political realities, with single market access intact, there
is no justifiable reason to give credence to anything Lord
Mandelson has said. Put simply, he is a liar using the
prestige of his former title to distort the debate and
deceive voters. It's easy to see how he was the architect of
New Labour - who took political lying to new heights and
pioneered it to an art form.
But then having gone through this process of elimination
we can now say that an off-the-shelf solution is the
most realistic and politically achievable - and we can
dispense with all the silly scaremongering about what could happen.
Stronger In repeats the claim that we don't know what
out looks like. Well as it happens, it rather looks like
we do.
What it does mean is that we retain freedom of movement, we
still pay into the EU budget (albeit considerably less) and
we get no immediate deregulation. That said, it means we get
control of fishing and agriculture back along with energy
and environment policy, a veto on new rules and regulations
and as per the whole point of this exercise, we are out of
the EU.
There are limitations to this option, but as we continue to
spell out, Brexit is a process not an event. There are
pitfalls, but also a great many freedoms and future
opportunities. Over the coming months, we will be outlining
what those are.
While this will not immediately satisfy Brexit hardliners,
they should note that in the first instance we would be out
of the EU, and out from under the rule of what is
essentially the supreme government for Europe. That alone
would be reason to celebrate. But it doesn't stop there.
Adding our weight to Efta, we then have sufficient clout and
leverage to renegotiate the EEA agreement at a later date,
including freedom of movement, where we would be kicking at
an open door. Those are negotiations we would never get
while we remain in the EU, especially not after this
referendum and the sham reforms of David Cameron.
Voters’ Remorse, or The Morning After the Night Before
Everybody in British politics is in shock now that that they face the
reality of having to negotiate the United Kingdom’s exit from the European
Union. In the case of Boris Johnson, a charming opportunist who took the
leadership of the Brexit campaign in the hope of succeeding David Cameron as
prime minister, the prospect of having to lead those negotiations was so
frightening that he simply froze up.
That gave
Michael Gove, co-leader of the Brexit campaign, an excuse to stab
Boris in the back and supplant him as the main Leave candidate for the
Conservative leadership, which he duly did on Thursday morning. Gove is a
true believer, but he lacks Johnson’s charisma, so the next Conservative
prime minister is actually likelier to be
Theresa May – who
supported the Remain campaign.
If most Conservative members of parliament are terrified by the outcome
of the referendum, that is even more true for ordinary pro-Brexit
One thing all the contenders for the prime ministerial job agree on is
Britain should not start negotiating its exit now. Recognising this,
Cameron promised to stay in office until October
to give the Conservative Party time to find a new leader – and promised NOT
to invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon treaty during that time.
Gwynne Dyer writes,
often well. His article makes sense until he mentions our remorse. It is
news to me & I suspect lots of others.
Cameron's treachery is very much what one expects
from a corrupt War Monger; it's what we got.
The Meaning Of Brexit [ 23 June 2016 ]
Gilad Atzmon explains it; showing
that 'Right' & 'Left'
are different terms for the same gang of corrupt manipulators.
Ten Ways To Leave EU, Scenarios For Brexit
[ 23 June 2016 ]
Yes, it is all unsettled. Mr MacDonald does not mention we 'joined' by
Treason At Maastricht & that we are
fully entitled to walk away. The American
Declaration of Independence
applies just as much to England as America. Honest government [ an alien concept
] has the Consent
Of The Governed. WE have the
Right Of Revolution.
Will The Tories Betray The Brexit Revolution?
2 July 2016 ]
For once, the clichés are justified. We really do stand at a
momentous juncture as a nation. The decisions made in the next few
months will determine the path we take post-Brexit. Will we take a bold
leap, or will we take the timid, tepid, half-hearted path, row back to a
“Brexit-lite”, squandering what really is a once in a century
To say “we”, of course, is incorrect: unlike the brave Brexit
decision made by the British people as a whole, the path it now takes
will depend entirely on the internal politics of the Tory Party, an
institution with a somewhat dubious history when it comes to putting the
nation before its own needs.
Let us look at the situation cynically from the point of view of Tory
self-interest. There are four years to go to an election and the
Opposition is in meltdown. No other challenger is likely to arise.
However Brexit is not without considerable short-term risk. Rather than
do what is best for the country fifteen or twenty years hence, how do
you ensure your domination for the foreseeable future?
Firstly, one imagines there have been some rather interesting phone
conversations from major Tory corporate donors over the last few days to
the various likely leadership candidates. Shocked and panicked by the
threat of removal from the single market, a great deal of pressure will
brought to bear by vested interests to ensure such very agreeable
arrangements continue: free movement of cheap labour, crony capitalism
via the Brussels regulatory regime and, of course, tariff free access to
the EU market..........
In essence, the future of our country relies entirely on whether the
Tory Party can rise to the Brexit challenge.
There is no mention of horse trading or Jews, just rich donors but it is
somewhat realistic.
Denmark Wants A Referendum Too [
2 July 2016 ]
DANISH politicians are urging its government to hold a referendum
after Britain’s decision to leave the European Union.
The Danish People's Party (DPP) and the Red-Green Alliance (RGA)
have renewed the demand for a vote on the Scandinavian nation’s
membership of the
Euro-bloc after the Leave camp’s success.
Leader of DPP, Kristian Thulesen Dahl, said Brussels had made
its bed by underestimating the looming scepticism in Europe and
now the Danish people must be given a chance to follow Britain
out of the EU. The right-wing politician said: “This shows that once against
the EU completely underestimates people’s scepticism. The EU has
made its bed.
“I also believe Danes should of course have a referendum on
whether we want to follow Britain or stay in the EU.”.........
The demand for a Danish referendum comes as
far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen called for a
French vote on EU membership. As the final results revealed Britain could cut ties with
Brussels this morning, the French politician repeated her
previous calls for a “Frexit”. She tweeted: “Victory to liberty! As I have been demanding
for many years, we now need the same referendum in France and EU
Asking people what they want is an idea. We could call it
Democracy. Didn't they try it once in Athens?
Perhaps it isn't the way to go. Wonderful politicians know how to run our lives
better than we do, don't they? Isn't that why they imported millions of
Third World foreigners to do the dirty work - and
rape our daughters?
Andrea Leadsom Pledges Britain Would Be On Fast-Track To Brexit
[ 4 July 2016 ]
It can be done. Andrea Leadsom says she
can and will. It is a power bid but probably a sincere one.
Liam Fox Says No Brexit For THREE YEARS As He Rules Out Deal For EU Migrants In PM
Pledge [ 4 July 2016 ]
Liam Fox, a comedian
with light fingers can do a Brexit on the worst
possible terms.
Brexit & Jews [ 1 July 2016 ]
So many Jews flock to 'Left Wing' causes but
they are just means to an end, to the supremacy of Jews. Their
Useful Idiots believe in superior rights for
Third World aliens,
Feminism, Homosexuals,
White Guilt et cetera. Jews are not that
stupid; they have their eyes firmly on the main chance because they are
shamelessly Racist. That is why the Jew
explicitly asked “Will
Brexit be good for us Jews?”
Belgium Offers An Olive Branch To Brexit's Friends Calling For A North Sea
[ 24 August 2016 ]
Belgium is a nation of shop keepers too. They want trade too. Going
through there means bypassing
Calais and 9,000
vicious Third World invaders.
After Brexit, Ask Not What This Country Can Do For Immigrants, But What Immigrants
Can Do For This Country
[ 3 September 2016 ]
The Telegraph asks the right question for
once. Ask what they do to
or look at the next reports to know.
MPs Try To Block Brexit [
11 October 2016
Second guessing British public is NOT
acceptable' May rules out allowing MPs Brexit vote
THERESA MAY has ruled out a vote for MPs on
Brexit with Downing
Street insisting Parliament should not be allowed to “second-guess” the
will of the British people.
The Prime Minister has been accused of “Tyranny” by ignoring
the House of Commons as she pushes ahead with negotiating
Britain’s exit from the EU. Over the weekend it also emerged former Labour leader Ed
Miliband has held secret talks with Remain-supporting Tories in
a bid to force a parliamentary vote on the terms of Brexit.
But while Downing Street today insisted MPs will be allowed
to “scrutinise” the exit process, a vote for MPs on Brexit
appeared to be dismissed.
The rogues alleging
Tyranny are proving their hatred of
Democracy when they don't get their
own way.
Obstructing Brexit [
12 October 2016
EMILY Thornberry MP was slapped down by Tory MP Bernard Jenkin for
arguing the House of Commons should have the final say on any Brexit
deal instead of the elected Government.
Bernard Jenkin hit back at the Shadow Foreign Secretary's
flimsy proposal that the House of Commons should sign off on any
Brexit deal.
Defending the mandate for any Brexit deal the Government may
strike, Mr Jenkin said it was "the biggest ever vote cast for
any single proposition in this country, ever".........
Emily Thornberry claimed pre-Brexit
promises were 'contradictory'
However the Labour MP claimed she was "frustrated" by the
lack of information Parliament had received on Brexit talks...........
Ms Thornberry – one of the MPs who decided to serve [ sic
i.e. make a power grab - Editor ] in
Corbyn's cabinet despite mass resignations earlier this year –
said voters were not given a clear direction on what type of
Brexit they were getting during the referendum.
Thornberry is a fat, ugly lump on the make; one that despises
the honest English Working Man.
She joined the Labour Party
because she saw more mileage in it. Then she proved her contempt
for principle by joining Comrade
PS Only 96% agree that it is not her business: that WE decided democratically.
She hates Democracy; she wants power.
World Trade Boss Working For Quick, Smooth Brexit
[ 28 October 2016 ]
HOPES of a rapid departure from the EU were significantly raised
last night after the head of the World Trade Organisation vowed to "work
hard" for a "fast and smooth" Brexit.
Roberto Azevedo, director general of the governing body for
global trade rules, insisted the UK would suffer no "vacuum or
disruption" on breaking ties with Brussels.
And he recognised that the referendum vote for leaving the
European bloc was not an "anti-trade" gesture [
Quite right; it was anti-Third
World invaders - Editor ].
And it came as a major new report warned that British businesses and
taxpayers would hammered by massive new costs for bailing-out the crisis
stricken euro if the country remains part of the EU Single Market.
Recall that we were told loudly, repeatedly that we needed to join the euro.
They were wrong. We were lied to about the need to join the
European Union; it was government propaganda. Out means freedom.
Her Majesty's
Government And Democracy Are DEFEATED in High Court As Judges Claim
That MPs Must Get A Vote On Triggering Brexit
[ 3 November 2016 ]
This case is an attack on genuine
Democracy, as distinct from the representative sort, which it is so much
easier to pervert by bribery, blackmail or what ever. It
pretty much proves that the law is a crap shoot. Her
Majesty's Government can override the court if it wants.
Jew Used Third World Alien To Front Attack On Brexit And Democracy
4 November 2016
The Jew
Alan Miller
Gina Miller a Sikh from Guyana as his front woman to attack the clearly stated will
of the people in the Referendum on
Brexit but then, of course Jews hate democracy. Miller
looks like a White Man; lots of Jews do. It makes
their treachery easier to perpetrate.
Recall that
Michael Foster,
another rich Jew infiltrated The Labour Party
in order to control it, to get rid of Jeremy
Corbyn because Jeremy is naive enough to think that
Palestinians have the human right not to be
murdered or harassed by Jews. His legal action failed. NB
Foster was the Managing Director of
Carlton Television
a colleague of David Cameron ex-leader of the
Conservative Party; his business, like his
politics just part of his tribal loyalty to
Zionist crazies, vicious rogues like
Netanyahu, the thug who runs
Israel, an area full of Hard
Left Socialist Jews. See e.g.
Rich Jew Abuses Comrade Corbyn's Inner Circle As Nazis..
PS Foster used Mishcon de Reya as
his solicitors; they are also Jews.
Jews Are Leading the Legal Fight Against Brexit
Andrew Joyce fingers Mischon de Reya [ Jews ], Alex Chesterman [
Jew ], David Pannick QC [ Jew ], Brian Leveson [ Jew ],
Terence Etherton
[ homosexual Jew ], Philip Sales [ Jew ],
Anthony Julius [ Jew ] but misses
Alan Miller.
Black Alien Will Vote Against Brexit
[ 18 November 2016 ]
Lammy [ an MP in Parliament ] alleges that it is his conscience. Others would say that he is an
enemy alien making trouble and excuses. Perhaps we should just settle for
another of the Enemy Within like
Brown, Cameron,
Cox et al.
Third World Alien Fronting Brexit Attack Gets Gobby With Michael Gove
[ 22 November 2016 ]
She is being used as tool by Zionist crazies,
the Puppet Masters e.g.
Alan Miller.
Jews are attacking Brexit,
attacking Democracy. They prefer
Representative democracy;
perverting it, perverting MPs is so much easier.
Gilad Atzmon, an honest Jew said that
Jews Buy All Western Politicians For Less Than One Main Battle Tank. I think
don't come quite so cheap but he is very much on the right lines.
Lord Palmerston Sums Up All That Brexit Is About [ 25 November 2016 ]
Lord Palmerston: “I hold with respect to alliances, that England is a Power
sufficiently strong, sufficiently powerful, to steer her own course, and
not to tie herself as an unnecessary appendage to the policy of any
other Government. I hold that the real policy of England—apart from
questions which involve her own particular interests, political or
commercial—is to be the champion of justice and right; pursuing that
course with moderation and prudence, not becoming the Quixote of the
world, but giving the weight of her moral sanction and support wherever
she thinks that justice is, and wherever she thinks that wrong has been
done…I say that it is a narrow policy to suppose that this country or
that is to be marked out as
the eternal ally or the perpetual enemy of England. We have no eternal
allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and
perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow…
if I might be allowed to express in one sentence the principle which I
think ought to guide an English Minister, I would adopt the expression
of Canning, and say that with every British Minister the interests of
England ought to be the shibboleth of his policy.”
Speech to the House of Commons (1 March 1848).
This applies to the systematic importation of
Third World aliens, the firmly held policy of
Her Majesty's Government and
Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition. In fact
Her Majesty's Government Is
Rotten. The other lot are worse.
Arrogant Third World Alien Attacking Brexit Says We Are Too Stupid To Have The Vote
[ 29 November 2016 ]
Miller is a mouthy ratbag being used to manipulate us by Jews See e.g.
Jew Used Third World Alien To Front Attack On Brexit And Democracy
Withdrawal from the European Union (Article 50) Bill 2016-17
[ 8 December 2016 ]
This Bill is due for a Second Reading on 16 December unless it is
preempted by events. It will give us an opportunity to see which MPs are Enemies Of The People,, who votes
against it and against us. The Referendum was
about Democracy, the will of the people.
Parliament is about Representative
Democracy, about which 'representative' is stupid, wrongheaded, bribed,
blackmailed, whatever. The Bill is short, to the point and at
Withdrawal from the European Union (Article 50) Bill (HC Bill 104).
It should be redundant because we were forced into
European Union by Treason At
Maastricht. We are entitled to leave by
Revolution or just a declaration.
Lawyer Defying Democracy & Brexit
[ 10 December 2016 ]
Remain campaigners are seeking to get EU judges to rule Brexit can be
cancelled in a fresh attempt to defy the will of the people.
lawyers will today launch new proceedings in Ireland that could [ sic ] pave the
way for Britain’s departure being abandoned after the two-year formal
exit process has been started. The pro-EU
campaigners will bypass the British courts as they believe the Irish
judiciary will be more likely to refer the case the European Court of
Justice – putting key decisions on Britain’s withdrawal in the hands of
judges in Luxembourg...........
Jolyon Maugham QC, a barrister who is leading the legal bid, said he wanted to
give voters the opportunity to ‘change their minds’............
45-year-old tax barrister is hoping to ‘crowdfund’ £70,000 in donations
to pay for the action that will begin in the Irish courts as soon as the
money is raised.
You just might feel that
Maugham is running another get rich quick scheme and that he is an
arrogant rogue - see the mug shot, one who despises the huddled peasant
masses & Democracy. The first legal attack, in
the High Court was set up by a Jew then fronted by a
Third World alien - see
Jew Used Third World Alien To Front Attack On Brexit And Democracy. So
is the one in the Supreme Court.
European Politicians Don't Like Theresa May
[ 17 December 2016 ]
Theresa May said 'I think I better leave now'
at a Brussels summit after EU leaders refused to discuss Brexit negotiations
in front of her.............
Mrs May's
attempt to spark a discussion was met with silence from the other 27 EU
leaders, who waited for her to leave the room so they could talk about their
own plans for the negotiations [ i.e. how to rob us blind again - Editor
The Prime
Minister returned to the UK without dinner after the tense summit, which saw
EU leaders threaten Britain with a Brexit divorce bill of up to £50billion,
including payments to cover pensions for EU staff...............
In his first
evidence session with the Brexit committee, Mr Davis said it was not his job
to set immigration policy only to regain complete control over it.
European politicians are not the Enemy Within
but they are Enemies Of The People -
in Europe too. The
Daily Mail's readers are on side.
Chancellor Shocks Germans Regarding Brexit
[ 17 January 2017 ]
While our own newspapers made a lot of intimations that
Theresa May's much-anticipated speech on the
matter tomorrow will make it clear she is prepared for the UK to leave both the
European Single Market and the Brussels-negotiated Customs Union, that German
paper had a remarkable on-the-record interview with the Chancellor
Philip Hammond......
But in his interview for Welt am Sonntag, Mr Hammond dashed the hopes of
those who saw the Treasury as a drag anchor against what might be called the
Full Brexit. He insisted the leaders of the EU ‘need to respect the British
people’s sense that our history and destiny is an engagement with the rest
of the world . . . historically we have never been a nation that was focused
on continental Europe’..........
He went on to warn that Germany will pay a high price if that happened: ‘I
think Mercedes-Benz and BMW and Volkswagen would also like to sell their
cars in the UK market without tariffs. Germany’s biggest bank has a large
operation in London and I assume it would like to continue that operation.’
It's coming together. Good news for once.
Jews Pervert the Course Of Democracy & Brexit
[ 24 January 2017 ]
Supreme Court rules against Government on Article 50
Theresa May must now get permission of MPs
David Davis to make a statement at 12.30
Corbyn to launch bid to send May's final Brexit deal back to
Miller, a
Jew Used A Third World Alien To Front Attack On Brexit And Democracy
Attack On Brexit And Democracy Set Up By Aliens
[ 25 January 2017 ]
Brexit was real
Democracy, the voice of the people as distinct from
Representative Democracy, a very
different kettle of fish. As Gilad Atzmon
told us
Jews Can Buy All Western Politicians For Less Than One Main Battle Tank.
I suspect that our politicians aren't that cheap but, yes they are bent.
The legal attack was fronted by
Gina Miller, a Sikh from Guyana &
Deir Dos Santos, a
barber from Brazil. Lurking behind the scenes is the Jew
Alan Miller, husband Mk III of Gina M -
Jew Used Third World Alien To Front Attack On Brexit And Democracy. This
may well be why Jews like
Mishcon de Reya & David
Pannick are being used in court.
The Supreme Court split 8 to 3 on this one;
thereby displaying their contempt for democracy and proving law is not
involved, just their prejudices. NB The head wallah,
Neuberger, is
a Jew of authoritarian bent who misapplies the law when he thinks he will.
Hale &
Kerr are just as bad. Lords
Reed &
Hughes got it right.
The law is a crap shoot. Albeit the
Law And Religion Round Up 18th December casts light on the proceedings.

Our trouble maker is a sour faced rogue full of hate.

See her gloat after defeating England - pro
Theresa May’s “Clarification” Of Brexit Means Brexit
[ 30 January 2017 ]
Does she say everything she means and mean everything she says? Hendo thinks
not. She was a Remainer before the Referendum.
Arron Banks ex Wiki
Is a rich supporter of Brexit & UKIP as well as
being lively. Left Wingers hate him, a distinct
plus point. He reads as a Capitalist Swine
with off shore companies.
Gina Miller ex Wiki Sikh, loud, very pushy, a bolter too,
currently married to a Jew [ Mk III ]
Gina Nadira Miller[4][5]
(born 19 April 1965[6])
is a
business owner who is known for initiating the 2016
R (Miller and Dos Santos) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European
Union [ See
Dos Santos, a barber ] court case against the
British Government over its authority to implement
without approval from the
House of Commons. Miller also co-founded SCM
Private in 2009[8]
and founded the True and Fair Campaign.[9]
She owned a property photographic laboratory in 1987 [ aged 22 ], before becoming a
marketing and event manager at
BMW Fleet
Division in 1990. She started a specialist financial services marketing
agency in 1992, and launched the Senate investment conference programme in
1996. In 2006 she became a marketing consultant.[6]
In February 2009,[15]
Miller co-founded the investment firm SCM Private (now SCM Direct) with her
husband Alan Miller.[12][16]
She has been a leading campaigner against hidden charges in pensions and
investment and what she describes as "flagrant mis-selling within the
asset management market". She set up Miller Philanthropy (now rebranded
the True and Fair Foundation) in 2009, and established in 2014,
as a female-focused investment brand.[6][11]
She has been married three times, and has three children.
Husband Mk II
Jon MaguireBeat The Fraud Investigation - hints were at
'God told me, look after Africa and I'll sort out your fund', says
investment chief whose £400m empire is in turmoil - God may work in mysterious ways, but
telling the maverick financier Jon Maguire, whose £400million empire
is imploding, to 'look after Africa' seems more puzzling than usual.
[ bit rot set in ]
David Pannick ex Wiki
The Times of Israel chooses to allege that Pannick is a Jew.
Mishcon de Reya ex Wiki
Set up by the Jew,
Deir Dos Santos
ex Daily Mail
Is a barber & Singh's
co-conspirator. He is a Brazilian but alleged to be "British"

Now just where did a Brazilian barber find the money to hire lawyers to run
this attack on democracy?
SCM Private the losses behind the headlines
They have attracted plenty of headlines, their investment performance is
respectable, but Alan and Gina Miller’s SCM Private has racked up £2.5
million of cumulative losses, according to its accounts at Companies House.
A trawl of the firm’s accounts found that the Millers, who are the sole
owners, have put £2.7 million into the partnership, extracting only £190,024
in remuneration since SCM Private was incorporated on 21 January 2009.......
Gina Miller is the face of the
True and Fair campaign, which has garnered many column inches across the
media. The campaign is calling for greater transparency around fund charges
and urging more action be taken to encourage people to save for their
The pair have been consistently critical of the charges levied by the
fund industry, questioning the value of active management. While some would
argue this is laudable, the more cynical point to the fact that Alan Miller
is understood to have made millions while previously running actively
managed funds, including a hedge fund, at New Star. Money that now funds the
business and is thought to make up a significant chunk of its AUM.
Alien Enemy Of Brexit Gets Death Threats
[ 29 January 2017 ]
Anti-Brexit campaigner
Gina Miller may be forced to leave the UK by vicious deaths threats
[ allegedly ].
Police are investigating 22 cases of
intimidation of the former model, 51, who successfully challenged the
authority of the government to invoke Article 50..........
Mrs Miller was the lead claimant in the legal
case after she privately engaged the City law firm Mishcon de Reya to
challenge the government's authority.
Miller is a Sikh from Guyana
fronting for her old man, a Jew. Does she care for England?
Does he? Somehow I doubt it but he is using her as a cut out, hiding behind her
skirts; she gets the abuse.
Of Brexit And Democracy Named [30
January 2017 ]
Below Guido introduces his list of MPs who have indicated that they will
vote against Article 50. Our spreadsheet includes a column showing how each
MP’s constituency voted in the referendum, quite a few are bravely planning
to defy their own voters – those Welsh Labour MPs can expect a major UKIP
challenge in 2020. LibDems Norman Lamb, Greg Mulholland and John Pugh are
not on the list because they abstained from the last Article 50 vote and
oppose Tim Farron’s position. Ken Clarke is the only Tory who has signalled
an intention to vote against Article 50.
MPs are there for their constituents, in theory. The reality of
Representative Democracy
is rather different. Bribery is part of it. So is
blackmail. The SNP have another opportunity to make themselves a nuisance so
they are taking it.
MPs Pass Brexit Bill 498 To 114
[ 2 February 2017 ]
Boris Johnson said
that “history has been made” after MPs voted overwhelmingly
on Wednesday night in favour of triggering
negotiations and beginning the process of leaving the EU.
The Foreign Secretary called it a “momentous” night as
MPs voted four to one in favour of triggering Article 50.
Kenneth Clarke, a former chancellor, was the only Tory MP to
oppose it.................
Theresa May, the Prime Minister, will today publish a
White Paper formally setting out the Government’s plans for
Brexit in response to the concerns of pro-European Tory MPs.
The Commons got it right for the right reasons or wrong. The
Bill must go through various stages before being signed into
law by Elizabeth II. So the
Alan Miller's attack on Democracy
has almost certainly failed. Miller used another alien, a Sikh
Gina Miller to front for him His power play,
from behind the scenes is a typical bit of evil.
Jews are destroyers.
The MPs who voted against Democracy include the SNP, at least seven
Third World undesirables and a Jew.
Tory MPs Collude With Opposition To Derail Brexit
[ 7 February 2017 ]
Theresa May is
facing a bitter fight for Brexit this week with up to 27 Tory MPs ready to
back moves to water down the historic EU Bill.
Conservative rebels are said to be plotting
with Labour, the SNP and Liberal Democrats to pass key amendments to the
legislation in the Commons. The scale of the opposition has emerged as the
parliamentary battle over Brexit enters a new attritional phase.
MPs have tabled more than 140 pages of amendments to the Bill - which is
just 137 words long. There will be a series of clashes in the Commons next
week after the Speaker selects which changes will be voted on...............
The rearguard action against Brexit is likely
to be even more fierce in the
Lords, where the government does not have a
majority and members are not answerable to voters..............
'In the end the Lords normally defer to the
Commons after asking it to think again, maybe once, maybe twice or more ... the
scope for mischief is there,' he wrote in The Sun on Sunday.
'If the Lords and the Commons in league with each
other were to obstruct and thus sabotage the Government's timetable, it is
obvious what the PM should do.
This nausea is the result of mischief making by the Jew
Alan Miller using his old woman to front it
- see
Jew Used Third World Alien To Front Attack On Brexit And Democracy. She is
an insolent foreigner full of hate- see
Arrogant Third World Alien Attacking Brexit Says We Are Too Stupid To Have The Vote. Getting rid of the
House of Lords would be a pity but most of them are not Lords at all, just
clapped out politicians and chancers on the make.
Lloyd George sorted them out before. He is the crook who brought us his very
own Honours Scandal
among other worse problems e.g. the First World
Elite Made Brexit Happen Says Mervyn King
[ 10 February 2017 ]
Mr King, lately the Governor of the Bank of England doesn't quite say
that our Referendum was a vote against
Third World immigration; but it was. Mr King
doesn't say that it was government policy to inflict these parasites on us
but he knows the truth.
PS The Mail's headline is verbatim.
Jews Manipulating Brexit
[ 3 March 2017 ]
The businesswoman behind the Article 50
court case has threatened another legal challenge unless
Theresa May
guarantees a 'meaningful vote' on any new deal with the EU. Gina Miller said she could not think of
'anything better to do' with her money than ensuring the PM brings the
package back before the Commons. [ What about some knitting &
dressmaking? ]
The comments came after
campaigners obtained legal advice that Britain's 'actual withdrawal'
will have to be authorised by a fresh act of Parliament.
This nausea was started by Jews, with an overweening contempt for
Democracy; the little people are so
stupid, don't you know? It is fronted by a sour faced, sour tempered
enemy alien. Miller
is a Sikh from the Third World. Her
current husband, Alan Miller is of
course a Jew.
Lest we forget, another Jew with an agenda tried to
rid of Comrade Corbyn. The trouble with our
little Jeremy is not so much that he is stupid but his idea that
Palestinians have human rights e.g. the right
not to be robbed, tortured, murdered,
Ethnically Cleansed et cetera by Jews, by Zionist crazies.
Lords Vote Against Brexit
[ 2 March 2017 ]
THE LORDS have defied the Government [ and
England ] over Brexit by voting to guarantee
the rights of EU citizens living in the UK. But how did each peer vote last
night? Peers voted by 358 to 256 for the amendment that requires proposals
to ensure that EU nationals can to stay, within three months of Article
The pretence was that it was a vote for human rights as distinct from an
attempt to Subvert the will of the people, of
Democracy. Notice the names of too many
Third World aliens and Jews. The vast majority
are clapped out politicians on the make.
PS Recall that this whole problem was set in train by Jews but fronted by
the Sikh
Gina Miller and a Brazilian barber
Deir Dos Santos. Hiding behind
the scenes was the Jew Alan Miller. Andrew Joyce has
something to say about the perpetrators - see
Jews Are Leading the Legal Fight Against Brexit. One is
Alex Chesterman; the
Wikipedia does not say
he is a Jew. The
Jewish Business News does.
Brexit Bill Passes As The Lords Decide Not To Defy Democracy Again
[ 14 March 2017 ]
Theresa May has finally won the power to trigger Article 50 after
peers backed down and passed the
Brexit Bill
after two crucial votes in the Commons earlier. MPs followed orders to
delete an amendment on guaranteeing the rights of
EU nationals, backing the Government 335 to 287, majority 48.
The Commons also defeated the second amendment on the timetabling of votes at
the end of the negotiation by a majority of 45.
This whole Brexit nausea, an attack on Democracy
was started by Jews fronted by Third World
aliens, a Sikh from Guyana
Gina Miller, a Brazilian barber
Deir Dos Santos and, hiding behind
the scenes, a Jew Alan Miller. See more about the perpetrators
Jews Are Leading the Legal Fight Against Brexit.
EU Commission Boss Threatens To Screw England Pour Encourager Les Autres
[ 25 March 2017 ]
Outrage as Juncker boasts that no-one else will want to leave the EU after
they see how badly the UK is punished for Brexit
Jack in Office is a tyrant.
Juncker is a
loud mouthed peasant from a nothing place, a cock crowing on his dung heap.
He will go back to his little village to be forgotten.
British Fishing Grounds Will Be Ours Again
[ 27 March 2017 ]
Recall that Ted Heath, a fat
Marxist, a rogue with an unwholesome interest in
choirboys and brown envelopes gave our fishing to the
Europeans using a postdated cheque so that his treachery would not be
exposed until he was out of office. He got away with being a
Paedophile because politicians are above the law.
Third World Alien Will Sabotage Brexit Again
[ 29 March 2017 ]
This woman is a sour faced Sikh from Guyana. Her old man
Alan Miller, the one hiding behind the
scenes is a Jew, a manipulator.
Andrew Joyce has
something to say about the perpetrators - see
Jews Are Leading the Legal Fight Against Brexit. One is
Alex Chesterman; the
Wikipedia does not
admit that
he is a Jew. The
Jewish Business News does, implicitly at all events - see
Zoopla's founder Alex Chesterman execute with $34.2 million deal.

She could do with a good wig and Polyfilla®
for her skin.
Theresa May Triggers Brexit - Horse Trading Begins
[ 30 March 2017 ]
The Frogs will be the biggest pain but all of them are likely to be
hostile. Of course if that nice
Marine le Pen gets to be president it will be that much easier. Recall
David Davis was
21 SAS so he did Selection and
Resistance to Interrogation; he shouldn't have too much trouble with
corrupt civilians.
Sterling Is Up After Theresa May Triggered Brexit
[ 1 April 2017 ]
The exchange rate went down when we voted to leave Europe. Now it is on
its way back up. This is reality, not Propaganda
or Main Stream Media lies; the market has spoken.
See the
graph; see the truth.
Jews Meddling In Brexit
[ 19 April 2017 ]
Arch-Remainer Gina Miller is launching a £10,000 election tour urging people
to vote against 'extreme Brexit'. The businesswoman and former model has stepped
up her campaign after Theresa May dramatically announced a snap poll.
Ms Miller has already forced the PM to pass
Brexit legislation through parliament after taking the
government to court. Her latest effort involves trying to raise
thousands of pounds through crowd funding, which she will use to support
Europhile MPs in the run-up to June 8.
Posting on the gofundme website, Ms Miller
said she would tour marginal constituencies to ensure the government did not
have a mandate to 'destroy our rights and our relationship with Europe'. 'We need to prevent MPs and the people being
forced into an extreme Brexit that is not in Britain's best interests,' she
Gina Miller is a
Third World alien,
a Sikh
from Guyana so you just might wonder whether she cares about British interests.
She is fronting for her old man, Alan Miller, a Jew.
They definitely don't care about our well being. Recall that
Jews Want Third World
Immigration for England and the rest of
Western Civilization but not for the
Stolen Land, not for Israel.

Miller is a surly trouble making devil full of hate.

See her gloat after her legal attack succeeded.
The Twenty One Biggest Donors To The Leave Brexit Campaign 2017
Tessa Keswick — £20,000
Chris and Monica Miller — £25,000
Lady Annabel Goldsmith — £25,000
Jan Colam — £25,000
Jeremy Woolridge — £35,000
Sir Rocco Forte — £42,000
Will Adderley — £50,000
Terence Mordaunt — £50,000
Lord Harris — £50,000
Paul Marshall — £100,000
Sir Michael Hintze — £100,000
Tim Martin — £212,000
Lord Farmer — £300,000
Michael Freeman — £348,000
Peter Cruddas — £350,000
Lord Bamford — £673,000
Crispin Odey — £873,288.15
Lord Edmiston — £1,000,000
Jeremy Hosking — £1,691,296
Peter Hargreaves — £3,200,000
Arron Banks — £8,106, 375
David Davis Will Walk Away From Brexit Talks If The Foreigners Are Just
Trying To Screw Us
[ 21 May 2017 ] QUOTE
David Davis
has warned he is ready to walk away from Brexit talks if
demands a €100 billion divorce bill. The Brexit Secretary declared that he would view £1billion as a 'lot of
money' as he made clear he was braced for a 'turbulent' showdown with the
States who are net contributors to the bloc's
coffers are said to be unwilling to pump in more money to cover the huge
hole left by Britain's departure. Meanwhile, members who are net recipients
of funds are refusing to accept low handouts..............
There are fears the stand-off may end talks
almost before they have begun next month - as EU chief negotiator Michel
Barnier has said he will not start discussing future trade arrangements
until after the terms of the divorce are agreed.........
The divorce demand is now expected to include
money they claim is still owed by Britain from the period 2007 to 2013. There
could also be pressure for the UK to hand every EU citizen who has lived in
the UK full rights to live and work here and claim benefits.
Notice that their head negotiator is a Frenchman. He will not have mentioned
what they owe us from 1939 to 1945 or, for that matter 1914 to 1918. Quite
why we should subsidise ungrateful foreigners is another question. Barnier
is stalling so that lots of things will get decided in a rush at the last
minute to our disadvantage.
David Davis
isn't fool enough to swallow that. We can always shut off Calais and go through
DUP Demands A Price For Helping May & Brexit [ 12 June 2017 ]
The Tories look set to water down their controversial 'dementia tax' as part
of a deal with the DUP. The small Northern Irish unionist party, which is in
talks with the Conservatives to keep Theresa May in power, has reportedly
made protecting pensioners central to their wish list of demands.
Many Tory voters switched to the DUP [ That is total rubbish - there
were no Tories to vote for - Editor ] because they were angry at Mrs
May's plans to make more pensioners have to use the value of their home to
pay for their care.............
The party believes [ because it is true ] that former veterans are
being hounded through the courts while others involved in Republican
violence are not......... Under hugely unpopular social care reforms
unveiled in the Tory manifesto, tens of thousands of people who receive care
at home face costly bills as – for the first time. The value of a person’s home will be included
in their assets, with only the last £100,000 protected.
The policy bombed with voters and was seen as
the turning point which saw Mrs May's election campaign derail - ending in
her humiliation in the vote on Thursday night.
The DUP has its wish list. They will get some; enough perhaps to restart the
guerrilla war in Ireland. The DUP is right about
the dementia tax; an obviously stupid idea. Ditto for
Malicious Prosecution being used to
screw men of the British Army while
IRA murderers have immunity.
With the DUP on side Theresa May will have a
majority of 6, enough but only just.
DUP Invites Labour To Offer Bigger Bribes
[ 23 June 2017 ]
The DUP has held secret talks with
Labour and the
Lib Dems to pressurise
Theresa May into accepting their spending demands, it is claimed. Ian
Paisley's party is said to have met with the opposition parties in a bid to
get their backing on an amendment to the
Queen's Speech which would rule out the return of a hard border with
The party, led by Arlene Foster, wants the
plans to be approved, in return for them agreeing to a confidence and supply
deal with the minority Tory government.
Comrade Corbyn will use this one to leverage
Theresa May. He could force her to call
another election, putting him in with a chance of power and an opportunity
to destroy England.
DUP Demands £2 Billion Bribe
[ 23 June 2017 ]
That is just for starters. Comrade Corbyn
and the Liberal one are in attack mode.
UK Ready To Pay £36 Billion Brexit bill, But Only If EU Talks Trade [
6 August 2017 ]
Is Her Majesty's Government
working in British interests? NO! What are the French going to pay us for
helping them in two world war? Not a lot. What are the Germans going to pay
us for starting those wars? Not much either but they bunged
Jews With Light Fingers Took Germans For €63.2
Billion on the strength of the
Holocaust® Story.
David Davis Rejects EU Demand For £100 Billion Exit Ransom
31 August 2017 ]
Brexit negotiators were left “flabbergasted” after their
British counterparts launched a legal deconstruction of the
so-called “Brexit bill” Wednesday as the Brussels talks
headed for an increasingly acrimonious impasse, EU sources
have told The Telegraph.
British negotiators spent three hours launching a
painstaking, line-by-line rebuttal of the EU’s demands for
€100bn divorce settlement to the barely concealed fury of EU
"There was total amazement,” the EU source said,
“Everyone was completely flabbergasted that this young man
from Whitehall was saying that the EU's preparation on the
financial settlement was 'inadequate'. It did not go down
These foreigners are a grasping lot of rogues. Have the French paid us a penny
piece after we dug them out of trouble in two world wars? How much did the Germans pay us by way of reparations
after causing those same wars? The answer is not much. Now the
European Union are demanding our
life's blood for the privilege of not being robbed by them. But they are
prepared to kick Poland out for free. See e.g.
Brexit latest as Donald Tusk admits 'Poland’s future in the EU UNCERTAIN’.
It is fair to say that
Davis served, unlike too many politicians. Being in
21 SAS means that he passed Selection & Continuation as well as
Resistance to Interrogation. He is
not going to be a push over.
The UK holds the cards in the EU 'divorce bill' row [
2 September 2017 ]
What are these cards? The journo does not say. The French are just plain
Barnier Hates England [ 16 October 2017 ]
Brussels’ chief negotiator would be ‘happy’ for Britain to fall out of the
EU on ‘hard
Brexit’ terms to punish it for leaving, it was claimed last night. A
senior diplomatic source said former
French minister Michel Barnier, who is handling the talks with Brexit
Secretary David Davis, believes Britain must be seen to ‘pay a big price’
for quitting.
A new war of words erupted as former Tory
Cabinet Minister Michael Forsyth accused
Brussels of ‘Al Capone’ tactics over its demand for Britain to pay a
massive divorce bill.
Barmier hates us; it is why he got to be the Brexit
negotiator. We dug the French out from under in two world wars. We should have left
them to naughty little Adolf. He wouldn't
have put up their insolence or their ingratitude.
Germans Want Free Trade With England [ 20 October 2017 ]
Bloomberg has the scoop: Germany’s foreign ministry is working
on a “balanced, ambitious and far-reaching” free trade deal with
Brexit Britain – apparently they want a deal on security, agriculture,
trade, energy, air travel and research.
Sounds sensible…
One accepts that Merkel is deeply evil, worse than
naughty little Adolf Hitler ever was but a
25% import tax on Mercedes would hurt the Hun. Barnier is a malicious Frog
trying to screw us. that is why he is refusing to negotiate on trade.
Sweden Wants Free Trade With Us Too [ 20 October 2017 ]
After the news that Germany is
seeking a “comprehensive trade accord” with Britain
post-Brexit, now Sweden is drawing up plans for the next stage of talks. The
Swedish government has asked its National Board of Trade to report on what
they want from a trade deal by the end of January. Trade minister Ann Linde
“In order to be ready for forthcoming negotiations, the
government is currently calling on the National Board of Trade to draw
up a basis for Swedish trade interests in the EU’s negotiations with the
UK about a new trade relationship after Brexit................ The
in-depth analysis will consider how a future trade agreement can affect
trade in key sectors and whether there are existing technical solutions
in other EU agreements or other solutions that may be desirable for each
EU countries are getting ready to move
talks on…
The Swedes have worked out that Barnier is stalling because he is a pain in
the rectum who hates England. The answer? Buy Volvo, not one of those
peculiar French things.
EU Softens A Bit On Brexit To Keep Theresa May In Power
[ 22 October 2017 ]
TRADE talks between Britain and the European Union have inched closer
after EU leaders softened their negotiating position.
Discussions on the future trading relationship with the continent have
yet to start because talks on issues such as the 'divorce bill' have reached
The enemy is using Barmier to screw us; that is policy but
David Davis, lately of the SAS
is not a soft touch. So Brussels have decided to pretend to be nice. Using
Theresa May to defraud us is going to be
easier. Notice that they threaten Poland & Hungary for refusing to allow
Ethnic Fouling by
Third World parasites. With us it is extortion. David Davis has what it
takes to tell the Frog to fornicate elsewhere. We stood alone in 1939
against naughty little Adolf. Now in 2017 it
is Juncker, a cock crowing on his dung heap.
Brexit Is A Stupid Idea Says Rich Insolent Jew [ 25
October 2017 ]
But Bloomberg
still opens a big office here, not in Frankfurt, Paris or even Dublin
because he wants to get even richer.
David Davis Beating Brexit Attackers [
11 November 2017 ]
The frog is an arrogant rogue trying to bully
David Davis and rob England. No, he is not going
to have Northern Ireland; it would not be much use to him, even if he had
Brexit Could Make Us A £65 Billion Windfall Say Economists [
13 November 2017 ]
Given the reality that economists are normally wrong, it pays to ignore
them. Hopefully this time they are right.
Germany 'Expects Unconditional Surrender' From David Davis In Keynote Berlin Speech [
17 November 2017 ]
Germany expects
Brexit secretary David Davis to offer his "unconditional surrender," to the
EU's terms when he delivers a keynote speech to trade chiefs in Berlin on
Thursday evening, the former president of the country's largest trade
body has warned [ said/stated/alleged/claimed - delete to taste
Hans-Olaf Henkel, the former head of the Federation of
German Industries (BDI) , said both the German government and
businesses wanted to see major concessions from
Mr Davis on the so-called Brexit bill and transitional arrangements.
It comes after Michel Barnier, the EU's chief negotiator, demanded
Britain offer more clarity on the bill if EU leaders were to agree to open
discussions on future relations, including a trade deal, at their December
Adolf Hitler was doing the demanding in 1939.
Look where that got him. Meanwhile see the next one - i.e. German government
No Deal Brexit Is The Way To Go Says World Trade Organisation Boss
[ 27 November 2017 ]
BRITAIN has nothing to fear from a “no deal” Brexit, the world’s leading
diplomat declared yesterday.
Roberto Azevedo insisted
trading with the EU under World Trade Organisation rules was “perfectly
The director general of the WTO made the welcome intervention as EU
officials turned the heat up on Theresa May in a bid to get Britain to up
its divorce bill. Speaking from the WTO HQ in Geneva Mr Azevedo said: “It is not the end of
the world if the
UK trades under WTO rules with the EU.
“Around half of the UK’s existing trade is already on WTO terms – with
the US, China and several large emerging nations where the EU doesn’t have
trade agreements.”
Walking away means refusing to pay this monstrous demand from greed driven
crooks. We fought off Hitler &
Napoleon; then there
was Mussolini.
Add in Spain, Portugal, Russia, Holland to get most of
Europe. Of course if we don't pay
Danegeld the French
will be a pain in the rectum, better that than having them sneer at us while
they spend our money.
If EU Gets Greedier It Is Time To Walk Away & Let Them Whistle For Danegeld
prime ministerial visits to the Continent in search of
“agreement” tend not to end well.
“I have it. I have the paper. Mr Juncker and I …”
Pray that Theresa May has enough sense of history not to
utter anything remotely resembling Neville Chamberlain’s words,
either now or later.
If you are in any doubt about how badly the Government has
handled these negotiations, you should note that last week we
heard that Jean-Claude Juncker was keen for Mrs May to get some
sort of agreement in order to prevent the fall of her
Government. He feared that she could be replaced by a
Eurosceptic prime minister, prepared to leave the EU without a
deal. Hey presto, there’s an agreement. Now, it’s on to the next
Once it became clear that the EU was going to
play hardball, she should have immediately embarked on a no-deal
strategy. This crucial error has landed us where we are, with
the clock ticking.
Being compared with
Chamberlain is the ultimate insult. It is about the
Appeasement that led
to the Second World War. This
time we have the nukes but they still qualify as overkill.
Theresa May Pretends She will Stand Up To Johnny Foreigner
[ 11 December 2017 ]
Believe her if you want.
The Inside Story Of How Theresa May And Britain's Brexit Team Secured The Deal With
The EU
[ 17 December 2017 ]
That is The Telegraph headline verbatim. Not
for nothing is it called The Quislinggraph.
Theresa May "succeeded" by letting the enemy
win, by betraying us & England. It is always easy
to get a quick deal by letting the opposition get have whatever it wants.
EU Officials Will Hold City Hostage In Brexit Talks
[ 27 December 2017 ]
It is time to tell the Brussels Bandits to fornicate elsewhere
EU officials are planning to hold the
lucrative City of
London hostage in the looming
Brexit trade negotiations, it has been reported.
Brussels is scared the next stage of talks will expose deep divisions
among the 27 member states as countries will not want their trade harmed in
order to punish Britain.
Eurocrats are said to be desperately plotting
to maintain the bloc's unity in the face of these competing national
interests. Under one plan they will try to block talks on
access to the single market for Britain's financial services until the
eleventh hour - with one official warning a 'high price' will have to be
This would set the stage for a major clash
between Brussels and Britain as many backed Brexit to free the UK from EU
red tape.
Edward Heath got us into the
European Union by Treason At
Maastricht while Theresa May is letting
us down by her weakness & incompetence.
Maggie Thatcher
wouldn't have put up the insolence of third rate apparatchiks like Juncker.
Spain Wants A Good Brexit Deal Too [ 13 January 2018 ]
SPAIN has become the latest to join a growing list of EU countries who
want to give Britain a good exit deal. The Madrid government’s support for a
minimum tariffs agreement emerged after its talks with another pro-UK
country, the Netherlands.
It leaves Germany and France more isolated, as the two member states
pushing to hit the UK with the toughest conditions for market access. The countries’ two economy ministers agreed to push for a
Brexit deal “that keeps
Britain as close to the EU as possible”, Bloomberg reported. The Pound soared on
the news............
On top of the Dutch, the leaders of Italy, Poland, Hungary and Ireland
have all spoken out publicly to call for the EU not to punish the UK for
But Spain is also still demanding a say on Gibraltar’s future and has been
given a veto on any Brexit deal over it by Brussels [ in order to create
problems - Editor ].
Merkel is an enemy of England,
Germany & indeed
Western Civilization. The French can be perfectly charming but Barmier is
another wrong one. That is why Brussels is using him.
French Attack On Brexit Is All About Money
[ 24 January 2018 ]
is to offer language lessons to London-based bankers and their
families in
its latest ploy to lure business from the UK capital to Paris
after Brexit.
Paris will beef up bilingual schools for children of “impatriates”
when they arrive as well as opening a special English-speaking
hotline to help them navigate the confusing
French education system
We dug them out from under in two world wars. Are they grateful? Not a
chance. Theresa May sacked
David Davis because he was getting a decent deal. Now she is smiling at
Macron and letting him rob us blind.
Why Would Anyone Believe the Treasury's Brexit Predictions Ever Again? Says Guido Fawkes
[ 31 January 2018 ]
The new Treasury-led
Brexit forecasts have to be read in the context of their record at
predicting what would happen in the immediate aftermath of a Leave vote.
The HMT prediction for GDP 3 months after the referendum was that
“the UK economy would fall into recession” and contract up to -1%.
It grew +0.5% in this period.
The Treasury told us: “The analysis shows that immediately following
a vote to leave the EU, the economy would be pushed into a recession, with
four quarters of negative growth.” The reality
has been positive growth every single quarter since.
HMT forecast that in the two years following a Leave vote GDP would fall
between -3% and -6%. GDP grew by 1.9% in 2016 and 1.8% in 2017, with better
than expected growth in the final quarter.
There is now no recession forecast.
On unemployment, they infamously said it would rise by between 500,000
and 820,000 in the immediate aftermath of the referendum.
Unemployment fell again last week to
a four-decade low.
And the Treasury said government borrowing would rise by up to £39
billion immediately after the vote. Instead borrowing for the financial year
to date is down
12% on the same period last year. That’s
the lowest year-to-date total since 2007.
These people produce numbers and waffle, baffling us with alleged science.
They baffle themselves too.
Jew Threatens Another Attack On Brexit And Democracy
[ 29 January 2018 ]
Remain campaigner Gina Miller has threatened a new court challenge to
ministers over the deal with the
to spend an extra £1billion in
Northern Ireland............
Ms Miller - who rose to prominence
successfully challenging
Theresa May's power to invoke Article 50 and start
Brexit - insists there should have a Commons vote.
This will be a second legal attack on Democracy fronted by a Sikh
from Guyana
Gina Miller and, behind her skirts, a Jew Alan Miller. Andrew Joyce has
something to say about the perpetrators - see
Jews Are Leading the Legal Fight Against Brexit. . One is
Alex Chesterman; the
Wikipedia does not
admit that
he is a Jew. The
Jewish Business News does, implicitly at all events - see
Zoopla's founder Alex Chesterman execute with $34.2 million deal.
Miller looks like a surly troublemaker.
Jews Attacking Brexit And Theresa May [ 9 February 2018 ]
Soros, the billionaire known as the man who “broke the Bank of
England”, is backing a campaign to overturn
Brexit, the
Telegraph can disclose. The investor is one of three senior figures linked to the
Remain-supporting campaign group Best for Britain who plan to
launch a nationwide advertising campaign this month, which they
hope will lead to a
second referendum to keep Britain in the EU.
The campaign is trying to recruit major Tory donors in an
attempt to undermine Theresa May. It also plans to target MPs and convince them to vote against
the final Brexit deal to trigger another referendum or general
election, according to a strategy document leaked from a meeting
of the group...............
Mr Soros’s involvement
emerged after he entertained six Conservative donors at his
Chelsea house last Monday........... More
recently he has been accused of organising rallies against
Donald Trump in the US and
interfering in the democracies of several European nations.
Also at the dinner were
Peel and Sir Martin
Sorrell, the chief executive of the advertising firm WPP.
Soros is a Jew full of hate, active in flooding
Europe with Third World parasites. See e.g.
This is Europe’s Last Chance to Fix Its Refugee Policy [ to his
] or Why
I’m Investing $500 Million [ To Import ] Migrants. Gina Miller
is a Sikh from Guyana married to a Jew; it helps him hide. See e.g.
Jew Used Third World Alien To Front Attack On Brexit And Democracy. Sorrell
is fingered as another one by the
Wiki. See
Martin Sorrell ex Wiki.
Brussels Bullies Threaten England With Trade Embargo
[ 7 February 2018 ]
Brussels plans to punish Britain if it refuses to sign up to new
EU laws during the two-year
Brexit transition period by stripping the UK of single market
access. Leaked EU documents show that the EU is
plotting to draw up a punishment clause which could see planes grounded
if the UK does not abide by all its regulations...........
Under the plans, Brussels will demand that
Britain signs up to all new rules and regulations during the two -year
It also wants to strip the UK of the right
to challenge decisions made by EU judges in the European Court of
Justice during the transition. If the UK refuses then the Brussels club
plans to hit back by blocking sectors from having access to the single
The Frogs are being a pain in the rectum. That is why they are using Barmier. Do
we really need Mercedes? We could even try making our own cars again. It didn't
work last time but the Japs can do it properly.
Brussels plots to strip Britain of single market access if it ignores EU law during Brexit transition
[ 7 February 2018 ]
Telegraph confirms the Mail's story.
Theresa May took over negotiation; she is
fouling up big time.
6 Major Leave Donors Receive Identical Death Threats
[ 11 February 2018 ]
At least six prominent donors to the Leave campaign have received identical
death threats in the past week as part of a concerted campaign of
intimidation from a group calling itself “The Real 48 Per Cent”,
Guido can reveal. The chilling letters, which were typed but sent in
handwritten envelopes, told the recipients: “You have stoked the fires
of Brexit and led us to this moment. You can no longer be tolerated. We are
coming for you. We are going to kill you”. Guido is aware of six Leave
donors who have received the same letter...........The sender identified
themselves as an opponent of Brexit, writing: “We were born in Britain.
We live in the UK. We are European”.
If you are a Leave donor who also received the letter and haven’t spoken to
Guido yet, get
in touch. The police would also like to hear from you…
There are
Jews Attacking Brexit And Theresa May.
They would doubtless claim with great
enthusiasm that they did not do this bit of intimidation. Political
manipulation using Terrorism for
Zionist crazies. The
King David
Hotel Bombing is just one of hundreds of operations they carried out. Of
course Mossad is a criminal organization run by vicious Jews out of control.
Anti-Brexit Pressure Group Trains Supporters To Pressurize MPs
[ 28 May 2018 ]
Pro-EU supporters are being trained to 'ruthlessly' target MPs in a
series of nationwide roadshows aimed at stopping
Brexit, the Daily Mail has claimed. The
Best for Britain campaign, which is backed by billionaire
George Soros, is
allegedly using the events to highlight ways activists can 'press the right
buttons' to frighten politicians into voting against leaving Europe. The strategy reportedly includes getting
negative stories about MPs in the local and national papers because these
will 'get to them on a personal level'. It also encourages mass phone-ins and
letter-writing campaigns to get MPs with slim majorities into believing they
will lose their seat if they support Brexit, the paper claims. Activists are told: 'Like anyone, an MP is
worried about keeping their job. 'This is a very personal motivator, and
raising uncertainty in their mind about this can have an enormous impact on
their actions.'
Brexit was
Democracy in action. Politicians
hate it. So do the Puppet Masters, the
manipulators behind the scenes. Jews like Soros
want a New World Order with them in charge.
Democracy be damned.
"Best for Britain",
a pressure group started by the Jew,
Alan Miller using a
Third World foreigner,
Gina Miller, a Sikh from Guyana to front it.
Other Jews are at the heart of it. Here the
Mail explains how Propaganda machine operate; they
are in the business so they really do know.

This is part of the take over of Western
Civilization, part of the Long March Through
The Institutions using Entryism. The
techniques were worked out by Antonio Gramsci,
the leading intellectual of the Italian communist party.
Weep For Brexit The British Dash For Independence Has Failed
[ 7 June 2018 ]
That is the
Telegraph's headline verbatim. Did Theresa
May cock it up deliberately? Did she sideline
David Davis in order to make it fail? Quite possibly. Is she an
Enemy Of The People importing
Third World parasites with malice
aforethought? Yes! Is it part of the
Ethnic Fouling of England, being used to cause
Genocide? Yes! Is that why she appointed a
Pakistani as Home Secretary and a
black as a minister?
Presumably. See the next one.

Korbyn the Klown. Does he care about England or
for it; is he another destroyer? Recall what
Vladimir Lenin had to say about
Comrade Corbyn's comrades - see
Labour Party Assessed By Comrade Lenin. His remarks are in full at
Marxism and the British Labour Party:-
"Regarded from this, the only correct, point of view, the Labour Party is a
thoroughly bourgeois party, because, although made up of workers, it is led
reactionaries, and the worst kind of reactionaries at that, who act
quite in the spirit of the bourgeosie.
It is an organisation of the bourgeoisie, which exists to systematically
dupe the workers with the aid of the British
Noskes and
See ]
ENDLESS BREXIT SHAMBLES Now Barnier REJECTS Britain's proposal to include time limit UK
[ 8 June 2018 ]
Theresa May agrees to ‘meaningless’ 2021 cut-off date in Brexit bodge to prevent cabinet walkout
Theresa May's humiliating climb down to keep David Davis onboard could delay Brexit until 2021
Three papers, three headlines. One prime minister, a long string of cock
ups. She has turned dealing with the enemy into a mess.; grasping defeat
from the jaws of victory. The Frogs robbed us blind going in because
Heath wanted to join at any price. Now they are doing it
again after we dug them out of trouble in two world wars. Maggie must be
turning in her grave.
David Davis Resigns Due To Brexit Nausea
[ 9 July 2018 ]
David Davis resigns from Cabinet over Theresa May's Brexit
Steve Baker, his deputy, and another Brexit minister also
Jacob Rees-Mogg says he cannot vote for Brexit plan
Prime Minister is due to address Tory MPs on Monday night
Theresa May: Our Brexit offer fulfills the vote to Leave
Theresa May's Government is in deep
crisis after David Davis dramatically resigned as Brexit secretary on Sunday
night. Mr Davis shocked
the Prime Minister by telling her he could not support
the Brexit plan agreed at Chequers on Friday, and was quitting “in the
national interest”.
Theresa May is grossly incompetent. That is
the kindest possible view. Of course she is also a
Traitor, an Enemy Of The People
importing Third World parasites by the
thousand but then they all are.
David Davis acted in the national interest. How many politicians know about
that, far less care? Mr Davis served Queen and Country while he was with
21 SAS. How may politicians ever did that?
Theresa May Has Destroyed Brexit
[ 7 July 2018 ]
QUOTE Theresa May
announced that her Cabinet has signed up to
a Brexit deal that would keep Britain tied to EU rules and regulations
The Prime Minister said Britain would establish a “free trade area for
goods” with the EU, allowing for frictionless trade and
avoiding the need for a hard border in Northern Ireland. A new customs
arrangement will treat the UK and EU “as if [they are] a combined customs
territory” and Britain will adopt a “common rulebook” with the EU on
industrial goods and agricultural products.
Is the woman a fool, incompetent or lacking drive? Maggie would not have
swallowed a total defeat by corrupt politicians in Brussels. On this day in 2014 Theresa May
set up the
2014 United
Kingdom Child Sexual Abuse Panel Inquiry, which did nothing for the
1,400 known victims of Pakistani Perverts
in Rotherham but is making lotsa lawyers even
richer while keeping lotsa police and politicians out of prison.
Is Brexit In Name Only To Keep The Plebs Happy [ 14 July 2018 ]
My wife has decided she likes Dominic Raab, the latest poor sap to be
despatched from a hamstrung, spasticated government to negotiate our
exit from the European Union before a plethora of sniggering pygmies
from the Low Countries. I think it’s the sound of his surname, those
consecutive vowels, because I’ve noticed she also likes aardvarks and
once expressed a wish to visit Aachen. I can’t think of many other
reasons to like the chap. He surely knows what we all know, Leavers and
Remainers alike — that the route our Prime Minister dreamed up one night
while out of her box on skag, presumably, is not Brexit at all and would
leave us in a far worse position than if we remained within the confines
of that increasingly totalitarian bureaucracy.
It is in fact that thing which has become a hallmark of the
staggeringly hapless May’s administration, the botched quick-fix
designed solely to keep her in office for a few more weeks. Everybody
knows this — in Europe and inside our government and out. It would have
been better if she had said simply: ‘We’re not leaving the EU. That
referendum counts for nothing, so stuff it. We, the establishment, know
better, and we’re staying in.’ That would be far more honest, and
preferable for the country too. These cosmetic genuflections to the will
of the people become more emetic with every day that passes. Brexit in
name only, to keep the plebs — the thick northerners, the racists, the
England supporters, the, er, democrats — happy, because they know no
May was a Remainer, of course, so we understand that she does not
have an ideological investment in Britain leaving the EU. It is why she
should never have become Prime Minister. But she ascended to that hugely
unlikely role because of political failures more grave than her own: the
Tory Brexit-eers and, in particular, Boris Johnson.
I like Boris, personally. He is indeed capable of being witty and is
good company. He has chutzpah. I don’t mind the buffoonish stuff, either
— hell, not every senior politician needs to be as deathly boring as
Douglas Hurd or Norman Fowler. And he gave me a column in this magazine,
so I should be much more grateful.
But there is a strand of intense dimness running through that family
which, when allied to an almost bizarre sense of entitlement occasioned
by the most expensive upbringing that money can buy, plus a surfeit of
ambition and an almost complete absence of principle, leads us to where
we are now. The least effective foreign secretary in 60 years resigns
and is hunkered down with his simpering groupies preparing for what he
thinks is his birthright, i.e. to lead the country.
You must be joking, Boris. Is anyone convinced that Boris is a
committed Brexiteer? Sure — I know from first hand his genuine disdain
for the rules and regulations of the EU. But I suspect he opted for
‘out’ in 2016 because he thought there was more chance of personal
advancement in taking that position. Which is also why I think he has
now resigned. (‘Does another resignation weaken her fatally? Or will it
weaken me if I do it?’ That was the calculation.) I don’t think leaving
the European Union came into it.
And remember the debacle once we had voted to Leave — the complete
absence of any senior figure from the Leave camp capable of stepping
forward, a catastrophe of vaulting ambition, spite, misplaced hubris and
real stupidity which left the Conservative party with a choice between
Theresa May and some woman called Andrea.
I cannot remember a time when the British public — both the decisive
majority who voted Leave, and the Remainers — have been more let down.
Stupidity particularly — a familiar trope for the Tories, I suppose: the
stupid party. Exacerbated by May’s decision to foist an unwanted
election upon the country, with the result that her previously tricky
position has now become patently impossible and untenable.
I see May’s current difficulty. I do get that. No working majority. A
party and parliament (and establishment) which is for Remain, an
electorate which expresses a clear majority for Leave. How to square the
two? And the answer — pay lip service to Leave and the public will,
while remaining. But that doesn’t work. And it plays into the hands of
those with whom we are negotiating.
It should never have been quite this problematic. The European Union
is itself in utter disarray. One by one the countries of central Europe
are rebelling against the diktat from Brussels — primarily over
immigration, but also over their rights to run their own countries as
they see fit without being chastised by a perpetually zonked
Luxembourgish panjandrum and threatened with sanctions.
And one by one, Eurosceptic parties or coalitions are winning
elections. This is something we should have exploited from day one. We
should make common cause with the Hungarians and the Greeks and Czechs
and the Poles and the Austrians and the Italians. Oh, and of course the
Catalans. Support them in their struggles against the very machine which
we voted to be rid of. Tell Barnier we will pay not a single penny to
the EU and that he can do his worst. Strike an immediate trade deal with
the USA, Australia and China. If the EU threatens tariffs against our
exports, do the same back: they lose more than we do. If this leads to a
‘hard border’ in Northern Ireland, so be it. We should leave the border
soft, because that is what our people want. If the EU wishes to police
it and set up customs posts from Donegal to Newry, let them, and then
let the people of that island see who, exactly, is causing the problems.
Call their bluff. It would be bumpy for a while. But scarcely less bumpy
than it is now.
The argument continues online.
Britain Will Not Pay Danegeld To Brussels Without A Result
22 July 2018 ]
Britain will
refuse to pay its £39 billion divorce bill to Brussels
if the European Union fails to agree a trade deal, the
new Brexit Secretary pledges today. Dominic Raab told The Sunday Telegraph that he would make
the vast payment formally conditional on the EU “fulfilling
its side of the bargain”.
The promise will be welcomed by leading Brexiteers after
the Government said in May that there were no plans for a
legally enforceable link between the bill and a future
trading relationship.
Amid a breakdown of trust with No 10, pro-Brexit MPs had
threatened to force an amendment into the Government’s
Implementation Bill in the autumn after Philip Hammond
claimed that “walking away from an obligation ... would not
make us a credible partner in future international
In his first newspaper interview since his appointment,
Mr Raab said that Article 50, the exit mechanism triggered
by the UK, called for a trade deal as well as the withdrawal
agreement, which includes the £39 billion divorce bill.
Raab talks about taking the war to the enemy, albeit he puts it rather
differently. Having someone effective running things is good news. This is not a
criticism of
David Davis, far from it.
Theresa May is ruining the whole thing by her
treachery or incompetence & helped by the malice of the
light fingered rogues in Brussels.
Dominic Raab Gets A Grip On Brexit - May Sacks Him [
25 July 2018 ]
Dominic Raab was interrupted by news of his own demotion today as he denied
being sidelined by the Prime Minister seizing personal control of the Brexit
As the new Brexit Secretary gave evidence to
MPs about his role, his phone rang with a Sky News alert. The only
notification at the same time was about
Theresa May's announcement
appointing herself as the lead Brexit negotiator.
During his evidence, Mr Raab insisted there
were 'no tensions' as he gave evidence to MPs alongside Mrs May's top aide
Olly Robbins - who has just been handed more powers.................
Mrs May said: 'I will lead the negotiations
with the European Union, with the Secretary of State for Exiting the
European Union deputising on my behalf.'
Cause and effect? Does it just look like it?
May a fool, a Traitor or both? She went
David Davis's back to undermine him. Now she is at it with Mr Raab.
She is obviously one of the Enemy Within,
importing vicious Third World parasites by the
thousand. That is Genocide, a crime against
International Law; see the
UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide for
more and better details. May is just like every other prime minister
back to
Blair if not
PS The
Mail's readers are not impressed by
May. Someone else took direct personal
command, a little chap called Adolf.
It didn't work out awfully well for him, his Thousand Year Reich or Germans.
Barnier Treats Theresa May With Contempt [
28 July 2018 ]
............At yesterday’s negotiations press conference with Brexit
Secretary Dominic Raab, the EU’s chief negotiator, Michel
Barnier, dismissed any possibility of peeling off national
leaders – “Anyone who wants to find a sliver of difference
between my mandate and the leaders is wasting their time”.
The main takeaway from Thursday’s presser was Barnier’s
response to May’s complex customs proposals: “The EU cannot and
the EU will not delegate the application of its customs policy,
of its rules, VAT and excise duty collections to a non-member
who would not be subject to the EU’s governance structures”.
In short, “non”.
Barnier's real message is Fuck Off.
Civil Service Mandarins Working To Destroy Brexit Get £750,000
Bung For Their
Pains [
20 August 2018 ]
Brexit civil servants received more than £750,000 in bonuses last year, despite
fears that the UK could crash out of the EU with no deal. Dominic Raab, the
Brexit Secretary, faced calls to justify the huge performance pay-out.
The row broke amid reports that the
Government’s own ‘no-deal Brexit’ plans will this week warn that the M20
would become a giant lorry park if the UK left with no formal accord. Mr
Raab sought to dispel gloom over the Brexit talks last night, claiming that
‘securing a deal is still by far the most likely outcome’.
The concept of bribing civil servants is corruption of the blatant,
shameless, in your face sort. MPs do the same by taking bungs and declaring
them. The
BNP is not amused either. Mr Raab did get off to a good start, taking
the war to the enemy, which is why
May leaned on him.
Theresa May's Brexit Stitch Up Falling Apart [ 15 November 2018 ]
Theresa May is facing the threat of all-out Tory revolt today
after Dominic
Raab dramatically quit saying he could not 'in good conscience'
submit to a Brexit deal that amounts to 'blackmail'.
The Brexit Secretary dropped the bombshell
news the morning after the PM forced the terms of her proposed plan
through Cabinet in a stormy five-hour meeting.
Mr Raab was understood to have endorsed
the draft deal 'with a heavy heart' at the meeting yesterday, but
harboured deep concerns about the UK being locked into the Irish border
It was amazing that the Cabinet swallowed her plan, 500 pages of it, her
surrender to the enemy. Now her second Brexit
minister has refused to countenance it. Will she get it though
Parliament? Will the Irish swallow it? No
chance. Will Comrade Corbyn use it? He
certainly will; he wants another general election, power and a chance to
destroy England. In fact he is protecting
May because millions know what his game
is. Voting for him would be accelerated suicide.
PS The minister for Northern Ireland,
Salish Vera
bailed out too. He has some understanding of the constituents even
though he is a Third World alien. NB May
has managed to drop the price of the pound from EUR 1.1471228
to EUR 1.1325, some 1.4% in a few hours.
Jacob Rees-Mogg Submits
Letter Of No Confidence In PM As Brexit Deal Sparks Wave Of
Resignations [ 15 November 2018 ]
That is a third resignation. May is on a loser.
Politicians Squabble Over May's Brexit Foul Up As Third World Parasites
Flood England And Parliament
[ 17 November 2018 ]
British Prime Minister Theresa May has predictably completely messed up
the “Brexit” process, sparking off a fierce squabble in her own party
which may yet bring her government down, while the real threat to the
country’s future—Third World immigration—continues unchecked and
ignored, and made up nearly 60 percent of all inward migration in 2017.
At time of writing, a number of May’s senior government figures had
resigned, and more were threatening to do so. At the same time, the real
possibility of a motion of “no confidence” in her awaits in the British
However, an analysis of the “British” politicians who have resigned
from May’s government reveals what is really happening to Britain: a
great racial replacement which is far more important than low-level
squabbles over customs agreements and the like.
Of the seven resignations so far, four have been nonwhites whose
immediate origins are outside the UK. They are as follows:
Rehman Chishti
[ Pakistani ]
Shailesh Vara
[ Indian from Uganda ]
Braverman [ Indian from Goa - looks stupid ]
Jayawardena [ from Ceylon ]
PS The
New Observer does not mention that the mayor of London
is a Pakistani. Recall what a previous crooked prime
minister said:
Cameron Wants England Run By A Pakistani. He looks fair set to get
away with it.
Brexit Means Brexit - Allegedly
[ 20 November 2018 ]
Two-and-a-half years on, Brexit means anything but Brexit. The
Spectator has a grim hit parade of
the Top Forty horrors to emerge from the PM's "deal" with Brussels.
Sample quote from her triumphant "agreement" with the Eurocrats:
All references to Member States and competent authorities of
Member States ...shall be read as including the United Kingdom.
UNQUOTE You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave;
It's just like
Hotel California
PS Theresa May has got the pound down to EUR 1.12
& Comrade Corbyn slavering in the red corner.
His bid for power is looking like a better bet.
The top 40 horrors lurking in the small print of Theresa May’s Brexit deal
[ 20 November 2018 ]
[ Read this rubbish if you want. I won't - Editor ]
What's in the 585 pages of
small print that no normal human being will read? The answer is total
surrender and paying billions of our money to the light fingered thieves in
Brussels. Small print is there to conceal the truth
The Brexit deal 40 rebuttals to Mr Steerpike’s 40 horrors
[ 20 November 2018 ]
Downing Street responds. Believe them? Not me, not ever.
Deal Is The Best Deal [ 23 November 2018 ]
How to save Brexit
It’s pretty hard for Britain’s friends, here in Australia, to
make sense of the mess that’s being made of Brexit. The referendum
result was perhaps the biggest-ever vote of confidence in the United
Kingdom, its past and its future. But the British establishment
doesn’t seem to share that confidence and instead looks desperate to
cut a deal, even if that means staying under the rule of Brussels.
Looking at this from abroad, it’s baffling: the country that did the
most to bring democracy into the modern world might yet throw away
the chance to take charge of its own destiny.
Let’s get one thing straight: a negotiation that you’re not
prepared to walk away from is not a negotiation — it’s surrender.
It’s all give and no get. When David Cameron tried to renegotiate
Britain’s EU membership, he was sent packing because Brussels judged
(rightly) that he’d never actually back leaving. And since then,
Brussels has made no real concessions to Theresa May because it
judges (rightly, it seems) that she’s desperate for whatever deal
she can get.
The EU’s palpable desire to punish Britain for leaving vindicates
the Brexit project. Its position, now, is that there’s only one
‘deal’ on offer, whereby the UK retains all of the burdens of EU
membership but with no say in setting the rules. The EU seems to
think that Britain will go along with this because it’s terrified of
no deal. Or, to put it another way, terrified of the prospect of its
own independence.................
As a former prime minister of Australia and a lifelong friend of
your country, I would say this: Britain has nothing to lose except
the shackles that the EU imposes on it. After the courage shown by
its citizens in the referendum, it would be a tragedy if political
leaders go wobbly now. Britain’s future has always been global,
rather than just with Europe. Like so many of Britain’s admirers, I
want to see this great country seize this chance and make the most
of it.
Tony Abbott
is a sensible chap. The 500 page surrender document [ see
The top 40 horrors lurking in the small print of Theresa May’s Brexit deal
that the Brussels crooks have produced proves that.
May is the
Enemy Of The People.
Donald Trump Calls Theresa May's Brexit Deal 'Great For The EU' And Warns It
May Rule Out Any Trade Deal With US [ 27 November 2018 ]
Don gets it right for once & he is a deal
Europe Needs Us More Than We Need Them [ 13 December
2018 ]
balance of economic terror over Brexit has shifted over the
last year. The eurozone is more vulnerable to the shock of no-deal
rupture on punitive Macronesque terms than it was at the
point of peak hubris in December 2017, when EU negotiators
set the trap of the Irish backstop.
Europe’s QE boomlet has since deflated. The underlying
pathologies of monetary union are again in evidence. The
bloc is stuck with a North-South chasm in competitiveness
that has left a string of countries in near permanent
malaise, starved of public investment and left with no way
out other than internal devaluations.
This has led to the Gilets Jaunes in France, and Lega-Five Star revolt in Italy.
Evans-Pritchard, a first rate journo wrote this.
May is incompetent, corrupt or both. I settle
for the latter.
Europe Is Disintegrating - Leaving Is Great [ 27 December 2018 ]
Brexit debate has plunged British politics
into an agony of self-doubt.
After a year of political high drama and
turbulence, and given the seeming parliamentary impasse over the Prime
Minister’s deal, there are massive anxieties about the consequences of
leaving the EU without a withdrawal agreement in place...................
But we should also count our blessings. We are
not the only country experiencing turmoil — and for many of our neighbours
it is far worse.
Merkel is using
Illegal Immigration to destroy Germany.
Macron is doing
the same to France without any help. Spain's unemployment is monstrous. Then
there are the east European countries with allegedly
Far Right governments voted in by real people that refuse to let in
Illegal Immigrants. Sensible chaps,
what? Worry about Brexit? Not me. No Deal is the Real
PS You might remember those people telling us that we needed to join the
Euro or starve or suffer from a plague of boils
or.......... They are the same lot, Lenin's Useful
Idiots; wrong then, wrong now, wrong forever.
Bercow Trying To Stop Brexit
[ 11 January 2019 ]
But then Bercow is a
Jew. Recall that the
legal attack on
Brexit was fronted by
a Third World alien, a Sikh
from Guyana
Gina Miller, a Brazilian barber
Deir Dos Santos and, hiding behind
the scenes, a Jew Alan Miller. Jews want the
New World Order, with them in charge. See more
on the point from Andrew Joyce in his article,
Jews Are Leading the Legal Fight Against Brexit. One more is
Alex Chesterman.
MI6 Boss Says May's Withdrawal Agreement Threatens National Security [
11 January 2019 ]
former head of MI6 has called on MPs to block the Prime
Minister’s Brexit withdrawal agreement, warning it
“threatens national security”.
Sir Richard Dearlove joined forces with Lord Guthrie, the
former chief of defence staff, to take the unprecedented step of
writing to Conservative Association chairmen. They described
Theresa May’s deal as a “bad agreement” and accused the EU of
demanding a £39billion “ransom”.
The letter states: “Your MP will shortly be called upon to
support the
Prime Minister's withdrawal agreement. As a former chief of
the secret intelligence service, with my colleague Lord Guthrie,
who served as chief of the defence staff shortly before I was in
charge of MI6, we are taking the unprecedented step of writing
to all Conservative Party Chairmen to advise and to warn you
that this withdrawal agreement, if not defeated, will threaten
the national security of the country in fundamental ways. Please
ensure that your MP does not vote for this bad agreement.”................
add: “Buried in the agreement is the offer of a 'new, deep and
special relationship' with the EU in defence, security and
intelligence which cuts across the three fundamentals of our
national security policy: membership of NATO, our close
bilateral defence and intelligence relationship with the USA, “The first duty of the state, above trade, is the security of
its citizens. The Withdrawal Agreement abrogates this
fundamental contract and would place control of aspects of our
national security in foreign hands. Please ensure that your
that your MP does not vote for this bad agreement.”...........
“The first duty of the state, above trade, is the security of
its citizens. The Withdrawal Agreement abrogates this
fundamental contract and would place control of aspects of our
national security in foreign hands. Please ensure that your
MP votes against this bad agreement and supports a sovereign
Brexit on WTO rules, without payment of ransom.”..............
Notice that Sir Richard
Lord Guthrie wrote to Conservative Party chairmen
not the MPs, who are too involved in Westminster to be trusted with the
national interest. They know that
Salus Populi Suprema Lex; it means that the welfare of the people
shall be the supreme law.
Theresa May doesn't know or doesn't care.
Another Politician Lies About Brexit [ 13 January
2019 ]
Are they all stupid? Do they all have agendas? They do hate
Democracy and the will of the people. This oik
is Grayling, another nothing man.
May is the worst because she has the power.
She is determined to betray us and Brexit both.
Nigel Farage Sorts Out Brexit Nausea [ 16
January 2019 ]
NIGEL Farage claimed the European Union would "bite our arms off" if Theresa
May was swiftly replaced by a Brexiteer announcing the UK exit from the EU
under WTO rules on March 29th.
Speaking to ITV Good Morning Britain, the prominent Brexiteer argued the EU
would come back with a better
Brexit deal
within 48 hours if the threat of leaving under WTO rules was delivered to
them by a new pro-Leave Prime Minister. Nigel Farage added a new leader
could parachute in as soon as possible and still manage to deliver Brexit by
March 29th. But the former Ukip leader admitted House of Commons Speaker
John Bercow would never allow a no deal scenario to materialise and the most
likely outcome will be an extension of Article 50 and a second referendum.
Nigel Farage is a competent politician - unlike
Theresa May. This may well be why he did not say
that Bercow is an enemy of England and a Jew.
Tory MPs Voted Against May And For England [
16 January 2019

Government Entitled to Ask Queen Not to Give Assent to Brexit Wreckers' Bills
[ 22 January 2019 ]
Devastating argument from
Policy Exchange this morning. Sir Stephen Laws QC – who was
until 2012 the Government’s most senior lawyer on legislative and
constitutional matters – says don’t assume that MPs could engineer a change
to the law to postpone or cancel Brexit without persuading Government to
acquiesce and participate in securing the change.
Attempting to change the law without the Government’s participation, he
argues, could jeopardise fundamental constitutional principles based on
centuries of history, especially if the Speaker dispenses with or ignores a
rule that gives Government complete control over increases to public
If the Speaker and Dominic Grieve are going to vandalise the constitution
and overturn established parliamentary conventions, don’t expect the
government to just roll over. The Attorney General Geoffrey Cox will be
studying this argument closely as no doubt will the Brexit sympathetic
Queen. Bercow is only the Prince of Parliament, though he might not want to
believe, the Queen still outranks him constitutionally.
Grieve isn’t as clever as he thinks he is…
Sir Stephen
Laws KCB QC ran the
Office of the Parliamentary Counsel. Here he explains
The Risks Of The Grieve Amendment. Sir Stephen
Grieve, a mere Attorney General, an
arrogant rogue who hates Democracy, the will of
the people. Ditto for Bercow, a crooked chancer,
Enemy Of The People and Jew.
Plotting To Stop Brexit
[ 23 January 2019 ]
Theresa May tried to do it by lying to us. She is
not the only Traitor in
Parliament, far from it. Recall their enthusiasm for
Expense Fraud. Some things do not
change. Bribing them does not cheap but it pays off big time.
Conservative Donors Refuse To Hand Over Cash In 'Disgust' Over Theresa May's Leadership
And Brexit Policy [ 26 January 2019 ]
Conservative donors are refusing to give money to the party because of
“disgust” at Theresa May’s leadership and her handling of Brexit, The
Daily Telegraph
can reveal. The businessmen – who together have given millions of pounds to the party
since Mrs May became Prime Minister – do not want to fund
a potential snap general election with Mrs May still in post.
Several said they were planning to stay away from next month's glittering
Black and White Ball, one of the party’s biggest annual fundraising
events, when access to ministers is auctioned to raise hundreds of thousands
of pounds.
The "Telegraph"
speaks, telling the truth more or less. Not for nothing is it called
The Quislinggraph. Some newspapers tell some of
the truth some of the time. The ugly reality is put more bluntly in an article,
Brexit Theresa May Goes Greek!, by Brett Redmayne-Titley ex The Unz Review.
Politicians conspire to screw Democracy. He is very
much on the right lines.
May is like Blair,
Cameron et al ad nauseam, an
Enemy Of The People.
PS Recall that
Her Majesty's Government Is In Contempt of Parliament but they just ignored
the matter and carried on abusing power.
Brexit Blocking Politicians Paid Millions By The EU [
5 February 2019 ]
Dozens of peers and MPs received millions in EU
subsidies for their estates, according to a new survey by Friends of the Earth,
which estimates that almost 50 politicians have cashed in. Why wouldn't they if the handouts are on offer?
But look closer at those names and surprise, surprise, some are leading the
campaign to block
They include the Duke of Wellington who last year
received £91,000 for his 7,000-acre Hampshire estate. The 73-year-old unelected peer spearheaded a House
of Lords move to delete the exit date, March 29, 2019, from the EU (Withdrawal)
Bill. Lord Haskins, 81, who has voted for a second
referendum, received £82,000 last year for his farmland in Yorkshire.
Trust the
Friends of the
Earth? Not me but their accusations are likely to be factual. Money brings
out the worst in lotsa people.

Snouts in the trough, as usual.
Brexit Party ex Wiki
[ 9 February 2019 ]
The Brexit Party is a
Eurosceptic, pro-Brexit
political party based in the
United Kingdom and supported by former
UKIP leader,
Farage MEP, who announced he would stand as a candidate for the party in any
future European Parliament elections, in the event the UK had not left the
European Union.[4][5]
The party was launched on 20 January 2019 by former
UKIP economic spokesperson Catherine Blaiklock.[6]
It was recognised by the United Kingdom
Electoral Commission on 5 February 2019 as duly registered to run candidates
in any English, Scottish, Welsh and European Union elections.[2][4]
On the day of the launch, Nigel Farage, who has been an independent MEP since
his departure from
UKIP, stated that the party was Blaiklock's idea, but that she had acted
with his support.[6]
In a 24 January 2019 interview, Blaiklock said: "I won't run it without Nigel
[Farage], I'm a nobody and I haven't got any ego to say that I am an anybody",
and that: "I'm happy to facilitate Nigel and do the donkey work and work for
him, but I don't have any allusions [sic] as to myself".[7]
On 8 February 2019, Farage stated he would stand as a candidate for the party in
any potential future European Parliament elections contested in the United
Steven Woolfe, also formerly of UKIP, stated that he would also stand for
the party.[10]
On 1 February 2019, Blaiklock told
Telegraph that the party raised
million in donations, and that more than 200 "highly professional people" have
come forward offering to stand for The Brexit Party at the
May 2019 European Parliament elections, if the United Kingdom has not left
the European Union by then.[11]
In an editorial on the 4 February 2019,
The Independent identified The Brexit Party as being one of a number of
new "ideologically pure" parties to which "radical neo-Thatcherite hard-Brexit"
members of the Conservative party were being attracted.[12]
Real Brexit Worries German Business
[ 7 February 2019 ]
So says
The Telegraph. It might even be true. Not for nothing is it called
The Quislinggraph. We buy a lot more from
Brer Hun that vice versa so it does make sense.
Brexit Party Is Up And
Running Now [ 10 February 2019 ]
A new Brexit party backed by
Nigel Farage was officially recognised yesterday by the electoral regulator.
The Electoral Commission said the ‘Brexit Party’ is an official organisation
which will allow it to field candidates at elections.
Former UKIP leader Mr
Farage said ‘the engine is running’ and he stood ‘ready for battle’ to fight the
Tories and Labour.
It sounds good to me. The Brexit
website is at
Join now? Way to go.
Brexit Terms [ 18 February 2019 ]
Whilst the Prime Minister may lose the meaningful vote it is worth
remembering that it has been enshrined in law that if no agreement is
reached then the UK will be leaving on World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules.
This could see considerable disruption in the short term for the British
economy and for pound to Euro exchange rates.
That is one thing that is certain. Over 80% of world trade is on WTO terms
and they survive.
Project Fear is being run by liars with an agenda.
Brexit Nausea Exposes Corruption Of The Establishment [ 14 March 2019 ]
matter what happens next with Brexit, I’ll always be grateful that I
was alive during the past three years – ever since David Cameron
announced on February 20, 2016 the date of
the EU referendum. This is probably the last truly momentous
event in the long and fascinating history of my country that I’ll
experience, and it’s been a pleasure and privilege to witness my
countrymen coming nearer to becoming actual revolutionaries than
anyone ever dreamed they could be.
The vote for Brexit being a revolutionary act, of course the
Establishment would fight it tooth and nail, not least in devising
the “deal” that Theresa May has spent the past few months flogging.................
But even if we Leavers are denied Brexit, we won’t be forgiven
for an achievement which can never be taken from our side; the way
the ordinary people of this country have shown The Great And The
Good (who found in the European Dream their ultimate feel-good
do-nothing playpen-politics) to be a small-minded, mediocre bunch of
bullies who would rather defy democracy itself than risk any
adjustment to their own sense of entitlement.
Yes, something nasty in the woodshed has been revealed about a
sizeable section of British society, but that thing is not the
alleged racism of my fellow Brexiteers. It is the long-concealed
contempt of the Remainers for most of their fellow citizens.
Burchill is a loud mouthed leftie with little worth saying but
she is right about the evil of Cameron,
May and other traitors who hate
Whitehall Civil Servants Actively Sabotaging Brexit [ 21 March 2019 ] QUOTE Should
MPs vote again on Theresa May’s Brexit deal, it would be
anything but delivering on the Brexit vote from two years
ago. How would I know? Because I work within the heart of
government. As a civil servant I can tell you large parts of the
Whitehall machine are systematically working against leaving
the EU.
I have met thousands of civil servants in the past few
years: I can only recall five who voted for Brexit. At first, I thought they were perhaps just staying quiet
given the political climate, but my worst fear was confirmed
during the high-profile remainer Gina Miller’s successful
court case to make sure Parliament has a say on the Brexit
outcome. When it was announced she had won her case, I witnessed
large teams within the Foreign Office break out into cheers
and applause. Seriously.............
department is particularly notorious for its anti-Brexit
bias. My experience tells me that there is a genuine hatred
of those who voted for Brexit. I recall my first day in the
Civil Service as a graduate, being invited to a meeting of
senior members of staff who spent the good part of two hours
in agreement that the public made a “stupid” decision in the
EU referendum. On June 24 2016 the mood within the civil service was
like someone had died.............
But it doesn’t stop there. There is a strong presence of
Anglophobia, combined with Cultural Marxism that runs
through the civil service. It has meant that many Civil
Servants, including myself, have been actively discouraged
from co-operating with Think Tanks which are seen as being
“too right wing” despite sharing our goal of promoting free
trade. This attitude also prevails in our work with our
closest allies, particularly in the Commonwealth, where we
are afraid to be seen as overly keen to work with countries
that are run by “rich white men”.
Contrary to popular belief, Civil Servants often shape
the views of Ministers. This makes the prevalent leftist
culture within the Civil Service all the more concerning............ The Civil Service is one of the biggest graduate
employers, whilst universities have allowed a leftist
culture of political correctness to flourish in recent
Brexit is the greatest opportunity this country has faced
in years, yet our Government machine is currently working
from within to frustrate it. This must not go on. In the
next phase of the Brexit negotiations it is vital our civil
service ceases to allow the massive remain voting bias that
has so far helped scupper our post-Brexit future.
UNQUOTE Are Foreign Office wallahs all pinko poofters? Not quite. The
Education Industry is Subverting everything. The
Long March Through
The Institutions using the top down approach is working well.
Destroying Western Civilization is
the objective. Immigration is a tool of the
Enemy Within. See e.g. the next one.
Operation Quisling [
29 March 2019 at 23:00 GMT ]
Is named after
Vidkun Quisling, an infamous Fascist traitor of Norway. He was given a fair trial and shot
for his pains. He refused the chance to escape; preferring to face a trial by
his own. He had some sense of honour unlike the treacherous swine that run England.
It is being run by Theresa May. NB She is
all to friendly with
Crazies. If you doubt see
Theresa May A Friend Of Israel. Her "achievement" is protecting Israeli
war criminals against prosecution - see
prosecution of “historic” war crimes on the point.
Top Civil Servant Alleges That Brexit Is Awful [ 6 April 2019 ]
Britain's highest-ranking civil servant has issued a doomsday analysis of
how the country would be affected by a No Deal
Brexit, as MPs yet again failed to break the deadlock last
night. The House of Commons rejected all four alternative Brexit
plans in another series of votes last night, leaving Britain with no
clear plan just 10 days before a possible cliff-edge exit.
MPs rejected a customs union and a Norway-style agreement, dealing a blow to
Remainer hopes of a soft Brexit, and also voted against a second
referendum. The customs union plan proposed by longstanding Tory Europhile
Kenneth Clarke was closest to victory - losing by just three votes, 276 to
But MPs have now rejected 12 'indicative vote'
motions and approved none, after trouncing Theresa May's withdrawal
agreement three times.
Believe him? Not me. Recall that
Whitehall Civil Servants Are Actively Sabotaging Brexit. Also that the
Foreign Office
betrayed the Falklands.
The Brexit Party Opposes May's Treason [ 13 April 2019 ]
Little Miss Mogg joins it.
Nigel Farage launched his new Brexit Party and announced Jacob Rees-Mogg's
sister Annunziata as his first star MEP candidate - after she quit the
Tories after 35 years today. The former UKIP leader has vowed to take votes
from the 'tarnished' party he left in December and started a new war of
words with successor Gerard Batten by claiming he lacks 'good people' and
has allowed a 'take over' by the far right.
Launching the party in Coventry today Mr
Farage said it is 'no more Mr Nice Guy' before unveiling his secret weapon
Ms Rees-Mogg, whose brother told MailOnline today: 'The Brexit Party is
fortunate to have such a high calibre candidate but I am sorry that
Annunziata has left the Conservative party'.
His younger sister previously stood as a Tory
candidate in the 2005 and 2010 general elections and joined the party aged
five - but has now jumped ship after Theresa May failed to deliver Brexit.
She defected from the Tories to join Mr Farage's revolt today.
The 40-year-old mother-of-one, once one of
David Cameron's 'cuties' who refused party requests to 'de-toff' her name to
Nancy, blasted MPs, including her older sibling, saying: 'The politicians
are not our masters - they are to do our bidding. We need to fight back to
take back our democracy. It's as drastic as that. It is our fight and we
must fight to win'. She said she had stuck with the Tories 'through thick
and thin' but Brexit had been the last straw.
She said: 'But the point at which our Prime
Minister will not listen, not only to her membership, but will not listen to
the people of her country. I can't sit by and let her do it. We've got to
rescue our democracy, we have got to show that the people of this country
have a say in how we are run'.
Miss Rees-Mogg speaks for Democracy; that means
against Theresa May &
Treason. I will vote for her and Nige.
Brexit Party Likely To Win European Election [ 18
April 2019 ]
The Brexit Party has surged into the lead in the race for the European
Elections after a top pollster predicted Nigel Farage's new party could win
its first election.
A second YouGov survey on the state of the
party's ahead of EU Parliament elections shows the Brexit Party rising
dramatically from 15 per cent to 27 per cent...............
Labour falls to second place on 22 per cent,
down two, and the Tories are now third on 15 per cent............... Mr
Curtis said a combination of a weak Tory party and Mr Farage's direct attack
on UKIP's drift toward the hard right [ sic ] would all help the Brexit
Adding to the trouble for Theresa May's party
are fears of a 'donor strike' amid fury at the Prime Minister's handling of
This is good news. Politicians take the voters for granted.
That is why Blair & Brown
screwed Working Classes. The result was good
for the British National Party. Now
May is betraying
England so Nigel Farage is back in the game
with his brand new Brexit Party. This is a test for
the next general election. It is Nigel versus May and
Corbyn. They thought they could screw the
people of England literally as well as metaphorically. Whence
'Lord' Ahmed of Rotherham getting his collar felt.
See the next one.
Brexit Party Leading Polls - Tories Slump To Fifth Place
[ 14 May 2019 ]
Nigel Farage today revealed he will stand to be an MP - calling it 'his
duty' - as his Brexit Party looks set to thrash the Tories into fifth place
in the upcoming
EU elections. The former UKIP
leader also admitted he would be willing to prop up the next Conservative
leader to make them Prime Minister in the event of a hung Parliament - but
only if they agree to leave the EU with No Deal on World Trade Organization
(WTO) terms.
He told LBC today: 'I'm going to have to [stand] of course. It's a duty.
We cannot ever allow again a great democratic exercise like this to be
railroaded aside by career politicians of the Labour and Tory
Brexit Party is racing ahead with a predicted 34 per cent of the vote on
May 23 - but
Theresa May's
Conservatives are heading for just 10 per cent, a new
YouGov survey has found.
This would put the Prime Minister's party in
fifth place behind the Greens and the
Liberal Democrats, who were on 15 per cent and 11 per cent respectively.
Theresa May chose to betray us. We choose
vote against her. Quid pro quo. There is a lesson for the Tories - get rid of her
or get out of Parliament.
Comrade Corbyn could have won by
backing Brexit. He hates
Democracy just as much May.

23 May 2019
Today WE tell THEM again whether we want slavery inside the European
Union or freedom outside. Vote for the
Brexit Party, against May
and her Treason, against
Corbyn or not. We already have once but that is not good enough for the
New Corruption.
Brexit Party Wins European Election - Tories Come Last
[ 28 April 2019 ]
Vote counting is underway across the UK as the nation is eagerly awaiting the
European Union election results.
Projections show that turnout has increased up to
38 per cent, an increase of 2 per cent from 2014, and suggest Nigel Farage will
secure a historic victory when votes are announced from 10pm this evening.
The EU elections were not meant to happen in the
UK at all, but the failure of the Prime Minister, Parliament and the EU to agree
a deal to take Brexit out of the EU means they were scheduled at the last
The last poll before Britons voted put Farage's
Brexit Party on 37%, the Lib Dems in second on 19, Labour on 13%, the Greens on
12% and the Conservatives in fifth on 7%.
The result is a bit of a disappointment, with the Tories
getting any votes at all. They appointed Theresa May.
They allowed her treason. They pay the price. Now
Comrade Corbyn will make his bid for power,
using Bribery in the forthcoming general election.
Nigel Farage will make his run for Number 10 but be
aware of his real policies. His party has too many
members of the
Revolutionary Communist Party
to be accidental. Farage And Treason
names names.
Base Gets Itself A New Elite
[ 30 May 2019 ]
Yes, lots of ink has been spilled over Brexit
Steyn has something important to say and says it well. We don't need them
but they need us. May will not be trusted to run
a whelk stall and Corbyn has blown it. There
will be an election. Pay back time is coming. As Mark tells us:-
Can my old boss Boris Johnson save the day for the Conservatives? Nigel
regards him as a slippery duplicitous opportunist. On past form, Boris will
pledge to deliver if necessary a no-deal Brexit and then screw everyone over, as
is a Tory's wont.
Spot on again.
Brexit And The
[ 1 June May 2019 ]
On 23 June 2016, the British people voted to leave the EU.
The danger is that the country will have ‘taken back control’ only to
hand it over to corporate lobbyists who see Brexit as 'a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity' to influence the way the UK is run.
Whether that is getting rid of laws and regulations inherited from
Europe, including labour standards and environmental regulations, reshaping
UK agriculture, or influencing trade policy. Any company or sector that can
swing the rules in their favour stands to profit enormously.
So, while the threats to business from Brexit are enormous, so too are
the opportunities to profit. We think the British people should be able to
see who is lobbying around Brexit and seeking to use it to further their own
private interests.
The Referendum was clear;
England wanted out. The Welsh were ambivalent. Scotland and Ireland
wanted in. Behind the politicians are Big
Business and their Useful Idiots. So
tells us about e.g.
Brexit - lobbyists-for-hire but not
Theresa May, THE
Clarke Offers To Run Caretaker Government - So Do I
[ 16 August 2019 ]
I have had just as much practice at it as Clarke. I have never been bribed
by Big Tobacco or anyone else.
Brexit Secretary Signs Commencement Order
[ 19 August 2019 ]
Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay has signed the
'commencement order' formally starting the process that will take Britain out of
the EU on October 31. Senior Tory Brexiteers previously said the signing of the
document was 'totemic' and a 'do-or-die' pledge confirming the UK will be
leaving the EU.
Theresa May had
angered Brexiteers by refusing to sign the order and instead agreeing to delay
Brexit until October 31........
In a tweet posted today, he said: 'I have signed
the legislation setting in stone the repeal of the European Communities Act
'This is a landmark moment in taking back control
of our law. It underlines that we are leaving the EU on October 31.'
This Commencement Order
should mean that the European Communities Act 1972 will be repealed, just as Boris told us.
‘Chaos unseen since WWII’ UK parliament subverts democracy, leaves pre-Brexit Britain ungoverned
[ 4 September 2019 ]
Is George Galloway wrong? Are the Remainers mad, bad or dangerous? All three
sounds right. Do these Moral Cretins care
about Democracy? NO, they never did! Are they
giving Comrade Corbyn and that thug,
their chance to destroy England? It is time for the Queen to get a grip.
Boris Sacks Parliament
[ 28 August 2019 ]
Boris Johnson's shock move to suspend Parliament received the formality of
Royal Ascent [ sic - try Assent ] this afternoon as the Prime
Minister seeks to limit Opposition MPs' chances of preventing Brexit on
October 31.
But in the aftermath of the carefully
choreographed move which saw Jacob Rees-Mogg fly to Balmoral to present the plan
to the Queen in person after Her Majesty had a telephone meeting with Boris
Johnson, the Prime Minister was accused of being a 'tin pot dictator' and
committing 'a constitutional outrage'.
A petition against prorogation looks set to hit a
million signatures by midnight and crowds are gathering in Parliament Square
waving EU flags and shouting 'stop the coup'.
Former Chancellor Philip Hammond said Parliament
would now seek to move anti-no-deal legislation against the Prime Minister next
week, although he added he was 'not interested in bringing down the government'.
[ He lies - Editor. ]...............
Despite the prorogation only lengthening the
planned September break by a few days opponents issued shrieks of outrage.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn accused the PM of a
'constitutional outrage', Commons Speaker John Bercow said it was an
'offence against the democratic process', union bosses said Mr Johnson was
acting in a 'dictatorial way' and the EU's Brexit negotiator Guy Verhofstadt
described the move as 'sinister'.
Boris acted. Boris got same day approval from that Gracious Sovereign Lady, Her
Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. I imagine that she is
even more annoyed than the rest of us by the senile delinquents and scum on the
make whose duty it is to run the country. Can they run a piss up in a brewery?
Evidently not. Does Bercow care tuppence about Democracy?
No! Do the rest? Think for yourself. An election is not far off so we will be
able to confirm our disgust with the misbegotten, greed driven, light fingered
PS The last(?) time Parliament was gripped like this, early communists,
self-righteous rogues like
Cromwell decided to
act against the Rump
Parliament to keep the King,
Charles I of
England out. This time it is the Queen, Elizabeth
II who wants them sorted out.
Mark Steyn
Explains Boris And Brexit
[ 29 August 2019 ]
On Wednesday I had the great honor of sitting in for a third day on
America's Number One radio show............ Another subject that came up: The prorogation of Parliament in the
United Kingdom. Shutting down Westminster until the Queen's Speech in
mid-October is designed to ensure that, one way or another, Brexit will
happen. So naturally it has sent the Remainers (politicians and media)
into paroxysms of fury..........
The problem for Boris' many parliamentary opponents is that the
Out-on-October 31st team is united and they're not: The Stop Boris crowd
is an alliance of convenience: hardcore Remainers like the Lib Dems,
opponents of No Deal like the squishier Tories, and cowardly
fence-sitters taking shelter under coy evasions such as a second
"People's Vote" like Jeremy Corbyn. They show no sign of being able to
get it together sufficiently to prevent Boris taking Britain out of the
EU by Halloween. Indeed, the only gift he was bequeathed by the wretched
Theresa May was such a belated handover of the keys to Downing Street
that the telescoped calendar made votes of confidence and snap elections
all but irrelevant.................
The Tory Party will lose any election if Brexit is not put to bed.
No-Deal Brexit is the surest way of achieving that. And any deal will be
better for Britain if it's negotiated after October 31st than before. On
November 1st No Deal becomes a far bigger problem for the EU than for
the UK. The above-mentioned backstop boy Leo Varadkar gets that, which
is why his general sneering and taunting of Number Ten has lapsed in
recent weeks: A hard Irish border is an existential crisis for him, not
for Boris. The prospects for German industry and French agriculture and
the consequent political fortunes of AfD and Mme
Le Pen should also
concentrate Euro-minds.
Mark Steyn is spot on again; he says it so
well too. BTW Mark really does know Boris. They both wrote for
The Spectator.
General Election Prospects [ 5 September 2019 ]
odds of a snap election have soared this week after Boris
Johnson tabled a motion for a general election on 15 October. Under the rules of the Fixed-term Parliaments Act, two-thirds
of MPs have to back an early election - something that was next
scheduled for 2022.
Such a motion was unlikely to pass on Tuesday evening, after
Labour, the SNP and the Lib Dems stated that they would not
support the motion for an election until the no-deal legislation
has been made law - something that might not happen fully until
next Monday.
The latest events in parliament follow a whirlwind period
since Mr Johnson's victory in the Tory leadership contest in
which he has
suspended Parliament, pledged billions to public services,
and threatened rebel Tory MPs with deselection if they oppose
Who would win? The
Telegraph doesn't know either. Are MPs all mad? Obviously Corbyn and
McDonnell see their chance of power, their chance to destroy England but the
rest? An election and sacking the remainers makes sense. Recall what the
Weather Underground said:-
#the issue is not
the issue, their shorthand for
The issue is not the real issue; it is just an excuse to achieve power.
PS The pound is trading higher against the euro and dollar so people are not
Boris Can Shut Parliament Says English High Court
[ 12
September 2019 ]
Boris Johnson received a major boost over his highly controversial decision
to shut down Parliament ahead of Brexit today as senior judges said it could
not be legally challenged.
After the Prime Minister's divisive move to
prorogue the Commons for five weeks, sparking Remainer uproar, was deemed
illegal by judges in Scotland, the High Court in London revealed that it
viewed the situation completely differently. In giving their reasons for throwing out a
case brought by Remainer businesswoman Gina Miller, justices in London said
the decision which closed down parliament on Monday was 'purely political'
and therefore 'not a matter for the courts'...............
In their judgment, they stated: 'We concluded
that the decision of the Prime Minister was not justiciable (capable of
challenge). It is not a matter for the courts.'
They added: 'The Prime Minister's decision
that Parliament should be prorogued at the time and for the duration chosen
and the advice given to Her Majesty to do so in the present case were
'They were inherently political in nature and
there are no legal standards against which to judge their legitimacy.'
The Jocks are doing what was done at the Nuremberg
War Trials, inventing law after deciding what their chosen verdict is.
They are co-conspirators in
Mutiny, a
criminal conspiracy............... to openly
oppose, change, or overthrow a lawful authority to which they are subject. NB
this ghastly
Miller woman is a Third World
alien, a Sikh from British Guyana being incited by the Jew she is currently
married to. If the Supreme Court goes wrong [ all too likely ] the
High Court of Parliament can invite them to fornicate elsewhere. Recall
that Cromwell,
an arrogant thug shut down Parliament. Perhaps it is time for that Gracious Sovereign Lady,
Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II to follow suit.
Liberal Democrats Vote To Ignore Referendum Result
[ 16
September 2019 ]
So Democrats hate Democracy but hypocrites like hypocrisy. Recall that when they were the
Liberal Party they were kicked out of office for
their corruption, for selling knighthoods etc.
Boris Can Beat Parliament With An Order Of Council
Sir John [ Major ] highlighted the method the Prime Minister will use
to force a no deal
through the House of Commons at the end of October this year – a statutory
instrument known as an Order of Council. If an Order of Council is
instigated the move would circumvent and suspend Remainer legislation known
as the Benn Act which has banned the Prime Minister from leaving the EU
without a deal – allowing Mr Johnson freer rein to negotiate a Brexit deal.
On the BBC’s Question Time last night Tory Chairman James Cleverly refused
to rule out an Order of Council and said: “I’m not going to discuss how we
progress with this.”
Someone does not know the difference between a
Instrument and an
Order of Council.
But Boris has the power; he just needs the sense to use it.
Former Supreme Court Judge Says 52 Percent Can Not Have Brexit
September 2019 ]
Former Supreme Court Judge Lord Sumption told the BBC this morning that
“52% of the electorate simply cannot have 100% of the spoils, they have to
engage with the rest”. Rather letting
the cat out of the bag.
The referendum was a binary choice, Leave or Remain. If the vote had been
to Remain, Britain would not have semi-Brexited, it would have 100% remained
in the EU. The British political system is adversarial, very adversarial
currently, it usually results in clear outcomes. When a candidate wins a
single vote more than their opponents they do get in fact 100% of the
spoils. When Tony Blair won just 35% of the vote and 55% of the seats in
parliament he still dominated British politics and remade centuries of
constitutional order. Creating the Supreme
Court for example…
Sumption a fool or a liar? He cannot possibly be stupid enough to
believe this allegation but hopes we are. He shows rather adequately that the Supreme Court is
a bunch of chancers with an agenda. Their verdict has bugger all to do with the
law. NB He was talking to the
BBC, a bunch of Marxist
Paedophiles and traitors.
Boris Brexit Plan Rejected Sight Unseen By EU [ 3
October 2019 ]
BORIS JOHNSON’S “take-it-or-leave-it” Brexit offer has sparked fury in
Brussels and is unlikely going to end in a deal, European sources have
Diplomats and officials have slammed the Prime Minister for attempting to
corner EU leaders into throwing Leo Varadkar under the bus. The proposals
would pull Northern Ireland out of the EU customs union when the UK leaves,
while keeping it aligned with the bloc’s rulebook for agri-food and
industrial goods for a four-year period. "If this is the final offer, then
there is not a deal to be had", said one EU official.
Brussels is concerned that plan to replace the controversial Northern
Ireland backstop creates a “hard border” and does not do enough to
protect the Good Friday Peace agreement.
It would effectively create two borders after the transition period
ends in 2021 – one between Great Britain and Northern Ireland good
declarations and a customs border on the island of Ireland.
Her Majesty's Government has
succeeded in running the country and the world's largest empire, one of
the best incidentally. Now remainers seem to think that we need to be a
colony of European Union. They despise us, the
little people who think we can run our own lives.
Democracy is just a nuisance, a word they
wave around from time to time when they are lying to us.
Parliament Betrays Us Again By Voting To Delay Brexit
[ 19 October 2019 ]
Brexit vote result: MPs vote to delay UK's exit AGAIN - Letwin plot
sabotages new EU deal
If Johnson actually wanted a clean break he
would have talked with Nigel Farage rather than
refusing his help. He can still use the
Civil Contingencies Act 2004
David Green, a
homosexual lawyer says not; he might be right. See
The Civil Contingencies Act 2004 is not an Enabling Act for
Brexiteers. Recall that
Cromwell didn't
put up with these hooligans. An action replay makes lotsa sense. Or the
Queen could sack the lot and call an
Boris Agreed, Juncker Agreed - It Is Treason - Just Like May's
[ 19 October 2019 ]
At this important time, I want to update you on The Brexit Party’s thoughts
on Boris’ proposed deal. The truth is that it would be BRINO, Brexit in name
only. We have always stood for a Clean-Break Brexit so we can maximise the
Brexit opportunities.
This deal is still a really bad deal. Apart from unnecessarily paying £39
billion, the Political Declaration — which sets the basis for the future
Free Trade Agreement with the EU — is full of traps and pitfalls. Despite
the warm words, it will heavily restrict our foreign policy and military
independence as well as policies on trade, tax, fishing, the environment,
social and employment law, competition and state aid. We will have to
operate on a “level playing field”. We would not be able to become a high
growth, low tax, smartly regulated economy, which the EU is terrified that
we could become.
If Boris’ treaty is passed, a transition period of over three years is
likely — when we have no voice, no vote and no veto — as the EU sets new
rules and laws that discriminate against us.
Any short-term temptation to back this deal will result in huge medium-term
regret. It would be a historic mistake. A Clean-Break Brexit is still the
right way forward.
Why did Juncker and Barnier agree? Because they are enemies of
England. It is
Trahison des Clercs, treason of the quasi-intellectuals. Is Boris
pandering to aliens? Is he like
at Munich? It
was Appeasement then
and now. The Brexit Party has a clear vision
of freedom. Nigel Farage is right.
Brexit Party Has Two Important Roles When Johnson Betrays Us
[ 19 October 2019 ]
Saturday’s sitting in the House of Commons, the first in 37 years, will see
the Prime Minister try to deliver his Brexit agreement, which he agreed with
the bloc earlier this week. Mr Johnson has repeatedly vowed to deliver
Brexit by the end of this month, and will try to get his deal over the line
on Saturday, as he tries to lure Labour MPs and former Tory MPs to back his
agreement. But, a Brexit Party MEP has outlined what role his party will
play if Mr Johnson’s deal gets enough votes from lawmakers.
Speaking to,
Longworth, explained the two important things his party must
continue to do, even if the Prime Minister secures his deal. The former
director-general of the British Chambers of Commerce said: “I think the
Brexit Party has an important role in doing two things, should the Prime
Minister’s Brexit deal pass in the House of Commons.
“One, is clearing out this usurper Parliament that we have got, full
of people who are opposing the will of the people..............
He added: “The other important role the Brexit Party will play is holding
the Government to account, whatever the Government is, to deliver a proper
Brexit in those negotiations.
Our wonderful Parliament is a mutinous
assemblage treating its
Oath Of Allegiance as a triviality. Johnson has a track record of
betraying womenfolk. May tried it on too but
note that she was chosen by Tories in Parliament.
The Liberal Democrat Party loathes
Democracy, it hates the will of the people, the
Referendum, in fine they are power crazed
rogues. Now Comrade Corbyn has had
his chance to take a principled position; he has none except a monstrous
lust for power.
Jew Attacks Brexit
[ 20 October 2019 ]
The Jew, 'Sir' Oliver
Letwin led another procedural attack on Brexit.
322 rogues versus 302 MPs in Parliament went
along with him. Recall that the
crooked little Jew,
Berkowitz is abusing his
position as the
Speaker of the House of Commons to obstruct it. Also that the Jew Alan Miller
attacked the Referendum result
using his wife,
a Third World alien Sikh
from Guyana
Gina Miller.
Brexit's Ninth Circle Of Treachery
[ 21 October 2019 ]
The continuance of any nation depends on whether its people are loyal and,
if necessary, sufficiently motivated to fight for it. In Australia, after
British settlement and before Federation, most settlers felt a primary
loyalty to Britain, on whose protection they relied for their security, with
a secondary loyalty to each settler’s particular
As for Britain itself, it is now largely divided between those whose primary
loyalty is to the United Kingdom and those who have, or who appear to be in
the process of transferring, their primary loyalty to the European
Union..................... Currently, a majority of
members of the British Parliament are using every manoeuvre available to
prevent Brexit, all the while proclaiming the sovereignty of parliament.
But considered in isolation, the concept of parliamentary sovereignty has no
more validity than the old concept of the Divine right of kings.
Western civilisation is built on the sovereignty of the individual, and in
the United Kingdom it is individual electors who, through their votes, lend
their sovereignty to MPs to exercise it on their behalf.............
A majority of MPs has now reneged on this promise and, by refusing an
election, revoked their own legitimacy as representatives of the people.
They clearly no longer believe the people are worthy of their loyalty.
The golden thread of British democracy has been broken.................
The epic fourteenth century poem,
Dante's Inferno,
records the poet’s journey through the nine circles of Hell, guided by the
poet Virgil who has been sent to ensure that no harm comes to
Finally reaching the very centre
of Hell, Dante meets Satan himself, who is described as a three-headed
beast, each head eating a specific traitor – the left mouth Brutus, the
right mouth Cassius, both betrayers of Julius Caesar, and the middle mouth
Judas Iscariot, the betrayer of Christ.
A modern Dante would no doubt find some different characters to fill the
roles described. [ Theresa May &
Boris Johnson come to mind. Add in
Comrade Corbyn for a trifecta.]
Antony Carr, a
literary man explains. Notice that our wonderful lawmakers are keeping very
quiet about the next election and about Democracy.
David Davis warns of Brexit delay as EU will accept extension due to huge no deal risks
[ 21 October 2019 ]
David Davis was in
21 SAS so he served Queen and Country unlike Johnson and a very large
majority in Parliament. Did he mention that the
Johnson deal is dreadful? Quite possibly but the Express left that bit out.
Jew Attacks Brexit Again
1 November 2019 ]
Third World alien, a Sikh
from Guyana
Gina Miller is fronting this attack on
Democracy and the will of the people. She is
colluding with her husband,
Alan Miller who is one of the Jews against us. Andrew Joyce has
something to say about the perpetrators - see
Jews Are Leading the Legal Fight Against Brexit. Recall the words of
Vladimir Bukovsky RIP, a leading Soviet dissident.
In EUSSR, a booklet written with Pavel Stroilov and published in
2004, Bukovsky exposed what he saw as the "Soviet roots of European
Two years later, in an interview with The Brussels Journal,
Bukovsky said he had read confidential documents from secret Soviet files in
1992 which confirmed the existence of a "conspiracy" to turn the European
Union into a socialist organisation. The European Union was a "monster", he
argued, and it must be destroyed, the sooner the better, "before it develops
into a full-fledged totalitarian state".
You might compare Palestine, the
Stolen Land that thieves call
Israel with the USSR. Jews
are worse than the Russians; they want Tyranny &
PS The app Miller is promoting works both ways. Go to
Tactical Vote, feed in your post code
then decide who you want.
Tories Use Bribery To Buy Off Brexit Party Candidates
[ 15 November 2019 ]
Nigel Farage
faces a major Brexit Party revolt
tonight after candidates dramatically stood down at the eleventh hour [
allegedly ] to avoid splitting the Eurosceptic vote. A furious Mr Farage has tonight threatened to
report the Tories to the police for allegedly bribing his candidates with
peerages and government jobs to stand aside.
The Conservative Party deny the allegations
which, if true, would contravene
Section 107 Corrupt withdrawal from candidature of the Representation of the People Act 1983
Dudley North hopeful Rupert Lowe and Andy
Wood, who was due to fight Hove, withdrew just before the 4pm deadline for
nominations. The late pull-out means Mr Farage cannot
replace them - and the Brexit Party leader voiced fury this evening claiming
they had been offered peerages..........
A clearly livid Mr Farage said: 'Even Boris
Johnson’s Chief Strategic Adviser Sir
Lister is calling our
candidates and offering them jobs if they withdraw. The system is corrupt
and broken.'
The timing was clearly malicious. No doubt
Johnson and Lister
will deny everything. They are just as intent on screwing us as
May, by using BRINO,
BRexit In Name Only. Lister looks like a wrong 'un but then he is Johnson's
Brexit Party Contract
With The People
[ 23 November 2019 ]
A lot of it is good. Getting rid of
HS2 makes real
sense. It has already cost billions, or is it only millions? But not a foot
of railway has been laid. Getting rid of the
House of Lords
might sound good but gets us that much nearer to a
Tyranny run by Socialists as distinct from
the current bunch of thieving rogues in Parliament.
Boris Johnson Wins Election - England Loses - Brexit Betrayed
[ 13 December 2019 ]
Boris Johnson hailed the political 'earthquake' that has given him a
'mandate to get Brexit done' today as he marched his new blue-collar Tory
army towards a staggering election landslide.
After laying waste to Labour's 'red wall' of
Leave-backing strongholds, the PM said he had been given a 'powerful' vote
of confidence by the British people and vowed to 'rise to the challenge'.
The promise came with experts forecasting the
Conservatives are on track to rack up 364 seats in the first December
election for nearly a century, with Labour collapsing to 203 - down 59 on
2017. The Tories formally crossed the winning line of 325 seats just after
Jeremy Corbyn announced this morning that he
will quit as leader in the wake of the humiliation, petulantly swiping at
'disgusting' media attacks on him, saying he still believed his hard-Left
platform was 'popular', and blaming Brexit for preventing 'normal political
debate'. However, he made clear he would stay on for a period of
'reflection' while a replacement was selected.
Boris Johnson wins,
England loses. We voted for Brexit - we will get
BRINO, Brexit in name only. Theresa May
betrayed us. Johnson is doing the same. He now has five years to treat us
like he treats his women folk; we are screwed by corrupt mutineers. What will
The Tories and the rest of the political class do
to us? Carry on importing vicious Third World
parasites. See below.
Sterling Up Due To Election
[ 13 December 2019 ]
At 21.50GMT it was EUR1.18334. An hour later, at 22.50 it was 1.20732, a
change of 2%. Perhaps that does not sound like a lot but currency traders
are out there moving millions or billions. This makes it important money for
the City; it is no great help to the rest of us. Really sincere
Capitalist Swine were there like flies on
the proverbial.
Johnson's Withdrawal Agreement Passing Through Parliament
[ 21 December 2019 ]
Withdrawal Agreement wasn't negotiated by
Boris Johnson and European Union apparatchiks.
What is this agreement? Why have the foreigners gone very quiet? Why have
the Liberal Democrats and the
Mainstream Media, the opponents of
Brexit stopped objecting? It is because this is
May's offering repackaged. What does it say?
Pass but it takes 541 pages to do it. Does anyone know what it says and,
more importantly what it means? Does Johnson? I seriously doubt it. He is
Jack the Lad when it comes to betraying his womenfolk. Now he is betraying
us. You can read what they are inflicting on us at the
Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy
Community. You can also emigrate. Various major Tory donors are doing
just that.
Britain's Economic Growth To Take Off In 2020 - Once Final Brexit Deal Is Complete
[ 27 December 2019 ]
growth is set to take off from almost nothing in the final few months of
this year to a solid rate at the end of 2020 and potentially a faster pace
in the years ahead once the final Brexit deal is complete.
However, a sharp boom is unlikely as businesses and traders
await full details of the post-Brexit deal with the EU, preparing the way
for a pickup in growth in 2021 and beyond.
The new year should get an immediate boost from extra government
spending, firstly on day-to-day consumption and then on investment once more
money is ploughed into infrastructure, analysts predict.
Believe it if you want. The Telegraph is a
propaganda machine lying to us about Brexit. It is
called The Quislinggraph with reason. Recall
that the Mainstream Media went quiet about
Withdrawal Agreement; in fact they all did including the remainers and the
Brussels mob. It does
not take 541 pages of turgid waffle to set us free; it does reduce us to a
slave state. Read the
Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
Brussels Attacking Brexit
[ 28 December 2019 ]
Brussels is planning to target the UK's
strength as a financial centre after
Brexit as it prepares for fiery trade deals with Britain, it emerged
today. The EU will threaten City firms with a lack of
access to continental markets unless it agrees to maintain 'equivalence' - a
level playing field for rules and regulations.
British commerce could also lose access to
important data flows under plans being prepared by the bloc. With Brexit expected to happen smoothly on
January 31, the following 11 month are expected to see frenetic activity to
establish at least an outline trade deal by December 2020.
But Boris Johnson has already signalled that
he intends for the UK to diverge in many areas from EU standards and systems
as it seeks a business advantage over the continent. 'These are both
big levers for the EU,' an EU source
told the Times.
'Data adequacy and equivalence are decisions
under our direct control, decisions that can be reversed at any time and
that will be linked to progress in the wider negotiations.'
The Brussels mob kept very quiet about Brexit
before Election 2019 because they detest
Nigel Farage. He has told them to their faces that
they are bunch of wasters many times. See him do it on
YouTube and see their loathing. But
attacking the City of
London was always on the agenda. It moves gigabucks everyday. They want
a slice of the action but Frankfurt and Paris are just amateurs on the make.
Nigel Farage says Boris Johnson is taking Britain 'to the right place'
[ 29 December 2019 ]
Nigel Farage has given his blessing to
Boris Johnson's
Brexit blueprint even though he conceded it would not meet all of his
The Brexit Party leader praised the Prime Minister for driving the
country to 'the right place' but braced his supporters for compromises on
key negotiation battlegrounds such as fisheries.
Longtime figurehead of the Eurosceptic movement, Mr Farage has over the
years banged the drum for a prosperous Britain outside of the UK, which
would see a massive return of powers from Brussels.
Yet as divorce from the bloc now appears certain, he has admitted the
future trade deal will likely be a watered down from his ideal Brexit
In an interview on LBC, he said: 'As a Brexiteer, I know I'm not going to
get everything I want. That's just not possible.
'There are going to be all sorts of
compromises on fishing, I'm sure. But have we turned the corner? Are we
heading to the right place? Yes.'
Nigel rolls with the punches. Without him there would have been no deal, only
May's treasonous stitch up.
No Deal Exit Is Back On The Table As Brussels Sabotages Negotiation
[ 23 January 2020 ]
Ministers have quietly restarted No Deal planning meetings amid fears trade
talks with Brussels will collapse, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
Whitehall's EU Exit Operations committee –
dubbed XO and chaired by Michael Gove – met on Thursday to begin
preparations for a 'disorderly December', should Brussels 'fail to grasp we
really are going at the end of the year', said a Cabinet Minister who was
Our revelation comes after Dominic Cummings
warned that Brussels has not yet 'woken up' to Britain's negotiating
position – and would not for several weeks yet.
WTO terms are plenty good enough for most of the world. They will do just
fine for us. Do we need European Union and tin pot
tyrants like Juncker? No but Mercedes and BMW want us. If you can't walk
away from a negotiation it is not really trading.
Brexit And Freedom Day [ 1
February 2020 ]
Three years, seven months,
and eight days after voting to Leave, Britain will
finally break free from the European Union at 11pm
tonight. We will be celebrating in Parliament Square and
all are welcome to join. If you can't make it, keep an
eye on our social media for the live stream starting from 9pm..........
Boris' 'Deal' is better than May's but it is far from
perfect. Tomorrow, the 11-month 'transition period'
begins along with an intensive period of negotiations.
There will be many key battles to come, including
resisting the EU's demands for us to obey their courts
and adopt "total alignment" – which would keep us
chained to all their rules – as well as securing full
control over our territorial fishing waters and borders
and protecting the integrity of the UK.
Brexit Party is not going away. We are the insurance
policy. If the Prime Minister backslides on his promises
we will be here to hold him to account and ensure we get
the proper Brexit we voted for..............
We have won the war but now
we must win the peace. We must secure a future
arrangement with the EU whereby we trade and cooperate
as friends and equals. The Remainer establishment is
still organizing – including many in the media, big
business, House of Lords, and the courts – after trying
to block Brexit and force a second referendum. Now, they
are pushing for "close alignment" to watered-down
Brexit, which could be worse than membership.
Richard Tice
speaks. He looks all right.
Boris Johnson 'Infuriated' As EU Reneges On Free Trade Deal
[ 2 February 2020 ]
Boris Johnson has become "privately infuriated" with what he sees as
the EU's attempts to frustrate a comprehensive free trade deal, the
Sunday Telegraph can reveal. The Prime Minister believes Brussels has unilaterally been "changing
the terms" of
the deal he agreed last year, when both sides set out to work
towards an ambitious and deep trade agreement. As a result the UK is no longer wedded to a Canada-style agreement,
in what would be a major hardening in the Government's Brexit strategy.
Downing Street negotiators are now willing to pursue a much "looser"
trade deal while simultaneously signing agreements with countries that
make up 13 per cent of the world's GDP......................
In a speech to business leaders, ambassadors and think tank
representatives in London, he will say the UK must be treated as an
"equal" and make clear there will be "no alignment, no jurisdiction of
the European courts, and no concessions" with Brussels.
The speech will come just as EU leaders set out their draft strategy
ahead of a tense 11 months of negotiations before the
post-Brexit implementation period agreed between London and Brussels
comes to an end on Dec 31.
Yes, of course the Brussels mob are going to be a pain in the rectum; they have
never been anything else. It is why they used Barnier. Life goes on. Taxing
imports such as Mercedes would bring the pains on - for them. NB The headline is
Brussels Will Back Spain Against Gibraltar
[ 3 February 2020 ]
The EU is set to back
Spain's claim to Gibraltar and give Madrid the power to exclude the Rock
from a future
Brexit trade deal, according to reports.
In the latest move by Spain to take advantage
of Brexit to stake its claim on the Rock, Madrid have said Gibraltar must be
mentioned in the EU's initial negotiating position to be published on
It said Gibraltar should be left out of
Britain's new relationship with the EU unless Spain gives explicit
permission for the contrary, Observer reports.
Brussels comes out fighting; it never did it any other way. It hates us, it
hates Democracy, it hates
Brexit. It is why they used Barnier. Of course the Spanish will
want to keep Ceuta
and Melilla, their pointless little toeholds in North Africa; they are
different somehow. It is the same with the
Canary Islands off
the coast of Morocco.
Gibraltar is not
irrelevant, not worthless, being a strategically important
Choke point for the
Royal Navy. Another
is the Strait of
Hormuz. A quarter of the world's oil goes through it - or not. It gives
Iran the power to stop American hooligans
Sean Gabb's Brexit Post Script
Yesterday evening – that is, the 31st January 2020 – at 11pm GMT,
my country left the European Union. We did so after four years of heated and
often hysterical argument. Nothing much seemed to have changed this morning.
I went out shopping, to see the same people buying the same things at the
same prices. Since we are now in a transition period, lasting till the end
of this year, in which we remain within the Single Market and subject to the
rules of the European Union, it would have been odd if anything visible had
changed. Yet, if nothing visible had changed, one very important thing has
The ruling class has suffered its first
serious defeat in living memory. The coalition of politicians, bureaucrats,
lawyers, educators, media people and associated business interests who draw
wealth and power from an extended state was committed to European Union
membership. This coalition was never uniformly committed to membership. Some
elements were strongly committed, others only mildly. But all were agreed
that membership was good for them, so far as it blurred the lines of
accountability and gave the exercise of power a supranational appearance.
This was the position before the 2016 Referendum, which was not expected to
go as it did. When the result was to leave, ruling class support for
membership strengthened. Long before it ended, the referendum campaign had
become a vote of confidence in the ruling class. Losing this vote was a
shock. The people could not be given what they had asked for. It would set a
precedent. Give them that, and they would start believing they lived in a
democracy where votes counted for something. If this happened, the people
might be inclined to start asking for other things – all things variously
unwelcome within the ruling class.
The ruling class response to losing fell
under two headings. One was to deny the validity of the vote and to demand
another, and to make sure that this one was rigged in favour of remaining.
The other was to deliver an exit so partial [
Theresa May's approach ]
that it amounted to continued membership, and that could be upgraded to full
membership after a few years of propaganda. These responses eventually
merged into a single project of dragging things out so long that the people
would get bored and stop demanding that their voice should be heard.
These responses failed. The people had
spoken, and they continued speaking – eventually giving the Conservatives
their biggest majority in a generation............
I have mentioned the bad faith of our own
rulers. But the European Union also overplayed its hand. It could have put
on a sad face, and entered into one of those “constructive dialogues” that
give negotiating parties nearly everything they think essential, and leave
no bitter aftertaste. Instead, the central institutions and the member
states put on very hard faces and insisted on treating us like a defeated or
beggared nation with nowhere else to turn.
It may be that they wanted to make us an
example to any other member state inclined to leave. It may be that they saw
the political deadlock in London as an excuse for paying us back for
everything we had done to them since Crecy and Agincourt.
And so we are leaving. Since yesterday, we
have been outside the political union. We have another eleven months inside
the economic union. During this transition, we can try to arrange a
satisfactory close relationship. If this cannot be arranged, we are at
perfect liberty to walk away and trade with the European Union on the same
basis as we trade with Ecuador and Vietnam.............
The people of my country have stood firm.
How firm will the American people stand this coming November?
Sean Gabb, England's leading
Libertarian gets it right. Yes, the
Establishment got screwed. Now the American
Deep State is betraying their country and losing,
in some respects. They hate Donald Trump but
their propaganda failed. So did their fraudulent
of Don. Now we can look forward to him winning the November election.
Barnier Warns Of Grave Differences Between EU And UK In Trade Talks
[ 20 May 2020 ]
Barnier knew there were going to be grave differences.; he
caused them. This is good news in fact. We walk away;
Brexit succeeds so we work on WTO terms.
Boris Johnson can't betray us without dooming The
Tories and giving Nigel Farage a chance to move
his mistress into Number 10.
Dominic Cummings Was Hounded Out Of Office Because He Blocked Sabotage Of
Brexit - Allegedly [ 25 May 2020 ]
Bank Of England Says Brexit Talks Likely To Fail
[ 5 June 2020 ]
Bank of England has warned the City to brace for
Brexit trade talks to fail, it was claimed today. Governor
Andrew Bailey is said to have delivered the message in a call with industry
chiefs this week.
The alert came amid rising concern among businesses about the deadlock in
negotiations. Nissan has suggested its Sunderland plant will 'not be
sustainable' unless there are zero tariffs in future. According to Sky News,
the Brexit situation was 'the number one agenda item' for Mr Bailey's
discussions with banks yesterday.
City minister John Glen told a webinar today that that the UK's financial
services industry is 'world class' and ready for any Brexit outcome. 'I
continue to believe that we are still well placed as a sector, whatever the
specific outcomes are of negotiations ahead of us in the second half of this
year,' he said.
Downing Street has accused the EU of wishful thinking for suggesting the
UK is bound to back down over access to fishing waters and following
Brussels standards.
Barnier does not want an agreement; that is just fine. We walk away and trade
on WTO terms just like the rest of the world. Of course the Brussels mob are
trying it on. The French are prone to be difficult from time to time. So
shut the Channel Tunnel and go via Rotterdam. The Dutch won't mind, not even
slightly. French treachery involves importing more
Illegal Immigrants. more
Third World parasites in collusion with
Priti Patel, Her Majesty's Home Secretary. In
her case it is Treason too. See the next one.
French Complain That We Have Not Given Them Total Surrender
[ 7 June 2020 ]
EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier accused the UK of backtracking on a key
agreement in post-Brexit
trade talks today, as British officials revealed they have
plans to walk away from the negotiations by the end of the month. [ A great
pity - Editor
Boris Johnson intimated in February that June would be the time for
reflection' on whether a deal with Brussels was possible before the
transition period end in December.
But as talks between the two sides remained
mired in deadlock today, the
UK Government indicated it wanted talks to continue into July to allow
an agreement to be reached...........
On the key area of fisheries, he said the UK has 'not shown any true
will' to explore compromises. And he said both sides were still 'very far'
from reaching agreement on the level playing field, nuclear safety and
anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism funding.'
Regarding Money Laundering etc. it is just
a matter of picking up the phone and talking. Barnier does not want
agreement, just surrender. Fortunately Boris
can't betray us on this one because he has Nigel Farage
and the Brexit Party waiting to wipe the
Tories out.
French Minister Says No Deal Brexit Is Better Than A Bad Deal
[ 31 July 2020 ] The man is right; it just means that we trade on WTO
terms. No doubt they will cause trouble after 31 December 2020. On answer is
shutting the Channel Tunnel and using Rotterdam instead. The Dutch won't
May's treachery has failed. She just slowed
things down.
Foreigners Turn Nasty After Boris Tells Them To Stop Stalling
[ 12 September 2020 ]
The European Union has urged ministers
to back down on plans to override the
Withdrawal Agreement
[ All 599 pages of it - Editor ] or face the collapse of trade
talks. In a statement, the European Commission urged the Government to amend
the Internal Market Bill by the end of the month or "risk the ongoing future
relationship negotiation".
It follows emergency talks between Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove
and the Commission's Vice President Maros Sefcovic. Mr Sefcovic told his
counterpart that if the Bill were to be adopted as it stands it would
"constitute an extremely serious violation of the Withdrawal Agreement and
of international law".
He told Mr Gove that by putting forward the legislation, the UK
has "seriously damaged trust between the EU and the UK".
The Vice President also threatened legal action, saying the Brexit
divorce deal contained "a number of mechanisms and legal remedies to address
violations of the legal obligations contained in the text".
The Mainstream Media eagerly ignore the fact that we
were dragged into Europe by a fat, treacherous
Paedophile with an unwholesome interest in choir boys and brown
envelopes. See Treason At Maastricht
for more and better details. Two co-conspirators were Hurd and Maude,
The UK has to defend itself against predatory diplomacy, deal or no deal
[ 17(?) September 2020 ]
The UK has to defend itself against predatory diplomacy, deal or
no deal
Europe’s refusal to offer its neighbour and security ally even a
bare-bones trade deal is a hostile posture that has consequences
[ says ]
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard 13 September 2020
Michel Barnier
allegedly threatened a trade blockade against Northern Ireland. If
true, there is no going back to the status quo ante
If the UK were about to violate international law and
resile from the Northern Ireland Protocol, it would be a
very grave matter.
But a potent allegation has been made that
suggests something closer the opposite. We need to know
whether or not the EU negotiating team cynically misused its
stranglehold control over the
Withdrawal Agreement
[ All 599 pages of it - Editor ] to twist
its intent, and in so doing breached the EU’s obligations of
good faith and subverted
the Good Friday peace accord.
If it is true that Michel Barnier “explicitly” threatened
to obstruct exports and food supplies from Great Britain to
Ulster by means of an extreme and malicious interpretation
of the Protocol – as the Prime Minister asserts – it is the
EU that is playing fast and loose with international law,
and arguably crossing a line into geopolitical vandalism.
If it is not true, this country needs a new government
immediately. The facts will out.
What is already apparent is the collective insouciance of
the EU elites over the fate of Ulster’s Unionist community,
as if its cause were not really legitimate. One notes, too,
a striking unwillingness by EU officials even to consider
whether their own Rottweilers might be going too far.
One would hardly know from the public discussion that the
underlying issue at stake is a conflict between two
incompatible treaties and legal-political arrangements.
But before entering the legal thickets of the Protocol,
it is relevant to point out that the EU is a practised abuser
of international law. It frequently finesses or ignores
treaty obligations that conflict with its core interest.
Pacta sunt servanda [ agreements must be kept ] tweeted Ursula von der Leyen last
week. Well, quite.
The EU has systematically refused to comply with the
judgments of the World Trade Organisation, flouting rulings
on GMO crops, hormone beef, and Airbus subsidies, as if the
matter were optional. It has repudiated the doctrine of
legal supremacy and “direct effect”, the very doctrine that
the EU now asserts in the Withdrawal Agreement.
It has eroded direct effect in a series of cases,
culminating in
Commission v Portugal where the
European Court ruled that the EU has no obligation to follow
WTO law if it narrows the European Commission’s scope for
manoeuvre. How delicious.
The ECJ ruled in the
Kadi-Barakaat case that the
EU should disregard the UN Charter, the highest text of
international law, if the Charter is at odds with the EU’s
internal constitutional order.
This is not to say that the EU is the
most egregious scoff-law of the Western world but rather
that it picks and chooses when it will be bound by
international law like everybody else. It will not sacrifice
core interests, and it is surely the UK’s core interests
that are at stake right now as the Internal Market Bill
heads for a its second reading.
The Northern Ireland Protocol was agreed on the
assumption that Brussels would agree to an off-the-shelf
‘Canada-Japan-Korea’ trade deal with no bells and whistles –
as Mr Barnier himself had offered – and therefore that there
would be no more than a light-touch trade border between
Britain and Ulster. On that basis the Unionists said they
could live with it.
The EU has since moved the goalposts. The prospect of a
no-deal rupture and intra-UK trade tariffs has
constitutional implications for Northern Ireland, creating a
much harder trade border in Irish Sea than the Unionists
supposed. It therefore intrudes ineluctably on the
Good Friday peace accord.
It is too glib by half to say that Boris Johnson signed
up to the Agreement and therefore that it is his own fault.
It is equally glib to dismiss the invocation of the Good
Friday accord as a canard. It takes some chutzpah to claim
that a hard (electronic) tariff border on the island of
Ireland is a grave threat to peace, but that a near
identical tariff border down the Irish Sea is of no
significance even though it severs constituent parts of the
UK and covers ten times as much trade.
The Good Friday accord is also an international treaty.
The Withdrawal Agreement cannot override it and impose a new
constitutional regime on the Unionists without their
consent. The UK internal market bill is therefore a
necessary safeguard. It is to be activated only in the case
of emergency, should the EU act on the Barnier threats and
further weaponise the Protocol.
It beggars belief that
Brandon Lewis [ a fat, self-satisfied twerp - Editor ] should tell the
world that
the new legislation “does break international law in a very
specific and limited way” when its deeper purpose is to
prevent a breach of international law. Had he framed the
matter with more skill – and more accuracy – he might have
spared some considerable damage to the reputation of this
Article 5 of the
states that Northern Ireland is part of the UK
customs territory and that there should be no tariffs on
goods shipped across the Irish Sea from Britain unless they
are re-exported to the Republic, a trivial amount that could
be ring-fenced easily.
But the sub-clauses take away this protection, giving the
EU extraordinary powers, should it wish to abuse them. The
default setting is that all shipments into Northern Ireland
are to be deemed “at risk” – obliging HMRC to collect
tariffs – unless the EU agrees to a narrow list.
Furthermore, Article 10 gives the EU a lever of control over
the UK’s entire state aid and industrial policy by tenuous
linkage to Ulster.
The allegation is that Mr Barnier played these incendiary
cards in an effort to browbeat Boris Johnson into submission
on the broader trade talks. Once such a card is played,
there is no going back to the status quo ante.
It is a near reflexive tendency in EU circles to argue
that the UK brought this state of affairs upon itself (which
I dispute, but that is to relitigate Brexit) and that as the
smaller party it should expect to be pushed around, that
‘strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they
must’ as the Melians were told.
This has consequences. “If you start playing the
relationship talks in the spirit of a geopolitical power
game, don’t be surprised when the other side plays in the
same spirit,” says
We now have a stand-off and an EU ultimatum of 20 days,
and no flicker of recognition yet from any EU leader that
their own side might be behaving badly.
German finance minister Olaf Scholz says a no-deal
outcome will have “very harsh consequences” for the UK
economy but that the EU will muddle through just fine. Up to
a point, Count Copper.
The question is whether the EU is willing to jeopardise
its £95bn trade surplus with the UK and inflict damage on
its own industries, for which it is less prepared than Mr
Scholz pretends, and to do so for an ideological purpose:
forcing the UK to accept the EU’s extra-territorial
supremacy over state aid policy and standards, a means of
eviscerating British independence.
The UK is being offered extremely little in these talks,
and is asking for extremely little. Mr Scholz is therefore
misframing the equation. If the EU wants to save a deal and
preserve its large export acquis on this island, it
will have to give up this colonial demand.
At the end of the day, Europe’s refusal to offer its
immediate neighbour and security ally even a bare-bones
Canada trade deal is a hostile posture.
The EU could have opted for subtler statecraft,
recognising that Brexit requires a fundamental rethink about
the EU’s near abroad, a chance to create an outer ring of
friendly trading nations that do not wish to be locked into
an emerging unitary state. Instead it has driven the UK
further away. Historians will judge this to have been a
strategic failure of the first order.
This final squalid slide towards an acrimonious rupture
is sad for those of us who love l’Europe des Patries.
But the UK has to defend itself against predatory diplomacy,
deal or no deal.
We dug the Frogs out from under Brer Hun twice at a price in blood and treasure. Are they
grateful? NO!
Good Faith ex Wiki
contract law, the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing
is a general presumption that the parties to a contract will deal with each
other honestly, fairly, and in good faith, so as to not destroy the right of
the other party or parties to receive the benefits of the contract. It is
implied in a number of contract types in order to reinforce the express
covenants or promises of the contract. A lawsuit (or a
cause of action) based upon the breach of the
covenant may arise when one party to the contract attempts to claim the
benefit of a technical excuse for breaching the contract, or when he or she
uses specific contractual terms in isolation in order to refuse to perform
his or her contractual obligations, despite the general circumstances and
understandings between the parties. When a court or trier of fact interprets
a contract, there is always an "implied covenant of good faith and fair
dealing" in every written agreement.
usage in Europe
The English private law has traditionally been averse to general clauses
and has repeatedly rejected the adoption of good faith as a core concept of
private law [ see Zimmermann,
Reinhard; Whittaker, Simon (2000-06-08).
Good Faith in European Contract Law. Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 9780521771900. ].........
On the European Continent, Good Faith often is strongly rooted in the
legal framework. In the German speaking area, "Treu
und Glauben"(Good faith) has a firm legal value, e.g. in Switzerland,
where the Constitution's Art. 5[14]
states that the state and private actors have to act in good faith. This
leads to the assumption, e.g. in contracts, that all parties have signed in
good faith and any missing or unclear aspect of a contract shall be
interpreted based on the assumption of good faith of all parties.
Treu und Glauben ex
Treu und Glauben bezeichnet das
Sozialverhalten eines
redlich und
Menschen, ohne den Begriff
näher zu definieren.
Seinen historischen Ursprung hat der Grundsatz von Treu und Glauben in
bona fides im
römischen Recht: Ein römischer Bürger hielt viel auf seine gute
gemeint war damit zum Beispiel seine
Zuverlässigkeit und
Lauterkeit im Rechtsverkehr.
Auf den Grundsatz von Treu und Glauben wird bis heute häufig Bezug
genommen. Ausgeprägt ist er in den Staaten unterschiedlich. Typisch ist ein
Verweis wie etwa im deutschen
Schuldrecht: Innerhalb eines
Schuldverhältnisses ist der
Schuldner nach
§ 242
BGB verpflichtet, die Leistung so zu bewirken, wie Treu und Glauben
mit Rücksicht auf die
Verkehrssitte es erfordern. In der Schweiz besitzt dieser Grundsatz
sogar Verfassungsrang und ist dadurch von umfassenderer Wirkung.
PS It has its origin in the bona fides of Roman Law. It sounds fair to
European Crooks Threaten Us [ 17 September 2020 ]
Brussels has warned farmers, businesses and animal welfare
campaigners that it may be forced to ban all British exports of live
animals and animal products such as cheese, beef, eggs, chicken and lamb
from January 1.
European Commission officials told a meeting of trade associations
and other stakeholders in Brussels on Friday that the ban was
inevitable unless the UK gives details of its future animal health and
food safety regime by the end of October.
UK farmers said it would devastate British agriculture while animal
rights groups warned that livestock could suffer needlessly in long
queues at borders.
The EU ban on an animal products trade worth more than £3 billion in
2019 would also apply to Northern Ireland. Under the terms of the
Withdrawal Agreement, Northern Ireland stays subject to EU animal health
rules to prevent a hard Irish border after the Brexit transition period.
It would also jeopardise British horse racing by making the travel of
racehorses to and from Ireland and France too difficult and force pet
owners to send a blood sample to an EU approved lab three months before
taking their cat, dog or ferret on holiday to the bloc.
On Sunday, David Frost, the UK’s chief negotiator accused the EU of
threatening UK food exports to Northern Ireland during the ongoing trade
which Michel Barnier has denied.
Unless the UK provides “full clarity” on the future rules and in
particular its rules for imports, one EU official told the Telegraph, it
would be impossible to add British animals and products to EU
and phytosanitary (SPS) lists for non-EU countries.............
"Unless they hear something by the end of October, it seems no
animals will be listed - including pets - to enter the 'EU SPS area'
which is the EU and Northern Ireland,” a source at the stakeholders
meeting said.
They are not turning nasty; they started out that way. The
Withdrawal Agreement, all 599 pages of it will
have been written by fools and rogues. Naturally it will be open to malicious
interpretation by the ill disposed.
Ursula von der
Leyen chose to claim that
Pacta sunt servanda
[ agreements must be kept ]. It is a
brocard and a fundamental
principle of law; she ignores it as a matter of course when she wants.
John Major's sudden enthusiasm for it is just as unprincipled. A decent write up
The Telegraph is at
The UK has to defend itself against predatory diplomacy, deal or no deal.
It tells us inter alia that "The EU has systematically refused to comply with the judgments of the
World Trade Organisation, flouting rulings on GMO crops, hormone beef, and
Airbus subsidies, as if the matter were optional. It has repudiated the
doctrine of legal supremacy and “direct effect”, the very doctrine that the
EU now asserts in the Withdrawal Agreement."
French Fishermen Attack English Fishing Boats [
16 October 2020 ]
Fish wars have broken out in the English Channel as French trawlers confronted
their British counterparts - firing flares and throwing frying pans. Two British
boats - the Girl Macey, skippered by Scott Glover, and the Golden Promise, by
Brian Whittington - fishing for scallops were involved in the skirmish.
The vessels, both based out of Brixham in
Devon, were surrounded by around 20 French boats and were pelted with
objects including frying pans and rocks.
The French crews even threw oil at the Gal
Macey before firing a flare at the ship, with the violence sparking fears
that there could be a death as hostilities worsen.
Ministers have put in place a 'five-fold
increase in our enforcement capacity' over the last year in preparation for
a possible 'Cod War' stand-off with European trawlermen.
Fishing remains one of the key sticking points
to a Brexit deal, with Boris Johnson unwilling to allow EU trawlers to
continue their existing access to UK waters forever.
It is time for the Royal Navy to start doing
its job. Putting a few prize crews on these pirate boats would soon make a
difference. It seems from the
Mail's map that
Johnson is letting them get away with the
waters round Jersey, Guernsey etc.
Macron Gets Gobby About French Criminal Attacks On English Fishermen
[ 16 October 2020 ] We sank the French Navy once. Is it time for
an action replay?
Johnson Betraying British Fishermen [ 11 November 2020 ]
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain said on Monday it was open to a “sensible”
compromise on fishing and that there was goodwill on both sides to progress
towards a Brexit trade deal, with the European Union saying it was
redoubling its efforts for an accord.
The United
Kingdom left the EU in January but the sides are trying to clinch a deal
that would govern nearly 1 trillion dollars in annual trade before
transitional arrangements end on Dec. 31...........
Back in Britain
on Monday for another round of talks, EU chief Brexit negotiator Michel
Barnier said: “Happy to be back in London today, redoubling our efforts to
reach agreement on the future partnership.”.........
contributed just 0.03% of British economic output in 2019, but many Brexit
supporters see it as a symbol of the regained sovereignty they say leaving
the EU brings. Combined with fish and shellfish processing, the sector makes
up 0.1% of Britain’s GDP.
Boris Johnson has betrayed any number of women;
they have his bastards to prove it. He achieved a first in our political
history by moving his mistress and their bastard into 10 Downing Street. He
has not been able to stitch us up because Nigel Farage
is out there, ready to take over from him. Of course Barnier is a malicious
foreigner who wants agreement as long as it is total surrender by
Her Majesty's Government. We dug
the French our from under in two world wars. Are they grateful? Believe that
if you want.
United Kingdom Local Elections 2021
[ 2020-11-28 ] Will be held on Thursday 6 May 2021 - 2021-05-06. The reform Party ex
Brexit Party is running. Do you want to be a
candidate? Go to
Candidate Applications now open for Local Elections, London, Police & Crime Commissioner, Scotland and Wales
Carole Cadwalladr Is A Lying Ratbag Who Libelled Brexit Wallah
[ 27 November 2020 ]
Late last night with the Banks v Cadwalladr hearing scheduled for
10:30 this morning, Carole Cadwalladr finally admitted what we all knew,
there was no evidence to back up her claims that the Russians financed
the Brexit campaign or that Arron Banks was involved in shady deals with
the Russians. Why she left it to the eve of the hearing to admit it was
all bollocks defies belief, cynics might note she still has two
crowd funders running. One to
fund this hopeless case and another to fund her “investigative
journalism” – which produced the Russia nonsense.
Cadwalladr now has to pay £62,000 of costs on account
this morning as a down payment, expect that figure to go higher.
Cadwalladr has avoided the humiliation of appearing in court this
morning by submitting in writing an amended defence which
“… removes the Truth Defence and the
Limitation Defence”
Which is
legalese for “it was all complete
cock ‘n bull”.
She has not stopped milking the crowd funding mugs
yet, Carole has learnt there are plenty of gullible idiots who still
want to believe her fairy tales. She intends to continue battling Banks
by trying to mitigate her costs with the argument that, despite there
being no truth to the allegations, she has
being making around the world to much acclaim, they were made in the
public interest. So she will run up her crowd funded legal bill to argue
that her disinformation was in the public interest.
Guido admires the novelty of that
Cadwalladr has tried to portray this legal case as
some kind of freedom of the press battle, it wasn’t. She has for years
made unchallenged allegations, which were motivated out of political
malice. Finally she has had to admit they were untrue.
A lucrative, prize winning,
journalistic hoax…
Cadwalladr is a lying ratbag who doesn't even know how to spell her own
name but she'll take your money without a blush.
No Deal Brexit Looking Likelier [ 29 November 2020 ]
A No Deal Brexit
is more likely than the public expects, a Government source told The Mail on
Sunday last night. 'A lot of people assume there is going to be a deal – but
they need to realise we may not get there,' said the source.
Face-to-face negotiations resumed yesterday
after EU chief negotiator
Michel Barnier arrived in London, a week after
one of his team tested positive for
It sounds good to me, to lotsa people. Barmier only wants surrender.
The French want to steal our fish. It is time for the
Royal Navy to earn its keep. They can do a bit
of keelhauling and plank walking. It's in the blood. May
tried to betray us but even Parliament wouldn't
swallow her treachery.
Boris Johnson wants to but he
Nigel Farage will screw him if he tries it on
French Attack Brexit Negotiations [ 5 December 2020 ]
Weary Brexit trade negotiators are still fighting to find a way through
tonight amid claims the two sides are getting close. In an apparent
positive sign, Michel Barnier is expected to stay on in London despite fears
earlier that the talks might be on the brink of collapse after hitting new
obstacles. The teams had sandwiches delivered earlier, and are expected to
resume discussions this evening after a short break. However, sources on both sides are cautioning that success is not
guaranteed, amid warnings that the deadlock over fishing rights and level
playing field rules must be ended this weekend..........
France engaged in some sabre-rattling this morning, publicly threatening
to veto a 'bad'
But Emmanuel Macron has to sell any pact to his domestic political
audience, with fishing a particular concern. Observers believe the outline
of a deal could already be in place and the sides are haggling over
And Downing Street said the talks were at a
'very difficult point'. 'Time is in very short supply and we are at a very
difficult point in the talks,' a spokesman said.
Macron doesn't want a deal; he wants unconditional surrender. Pretending that he
wants "compromise" on fishing rights is blatantly abusive. This last minute
nausea is another try on, a way to sneak through last minute details that
spell disaster for England. It makes sense to shut the Tunnel and let them
go to the Devil in their own way. The
Mail is blaming our lot but then its owner has a chateau in France.
Boris Johnson Is Trying To Achieve A Fishing Compromise
[ 23 December 2020 ]
Brexit negotiators are making a 'final push' for a deal today as they
close in on a compromise over fishing.
Government sources confirmed that
Boris Johnson has established a 'hotline' to European Commission chief
Ursula von der Leyen as the two sides try to thrash out a deal before
The pair are understood to have held regular secret phone calls in the
last 48 hours.
Johnson a fool as well as a traitor?
Offering not to keelhaul French fishermen or make them walk the plank might
be "acceptable" in this decadent age but after that nothing. The
Royal Navy has what it takes to lay on prize
crews etc. Recall that
Dartmoor Prison
was built to hold
French prisoners of war. It is still available. Be aware too that Johnson
and Patel collude with Macron to import
criminal Third World parasites and keep them
in luxury.
Brexit Deal Might Be Good
[ 29 December 2020 ]
Brexit is good but the deal is different or is it? Recall that we were gotten into Europe
Ted Heath, a fat greedy Paedophile. See
Treason At Maastricht for more and
better details. Sean Gabb, England's leading
libertarian teaches economics; has read the
Withdrawal Agreement
[ now expanded from 547 pages to 1,246 ]. He feels that it is tolerable or even
good. It will not be a success for Johnson,
more a failure of that woman
von der
I know that many of my friends have looked at the massive block of text that is
agreement of
our withdrawal from the European Union, and decided that we have been tricked
again. My own preference would have been for a complete break, followed by
unilateral free trade abroad and a libertarian revolution at home. However, I
have taken the trouble to read the text—not, I accept, with the fullest
attention: it is, after all, 1,246 pages long. There may be hidden traps that my
reading has overlooked. Certainly, the reality of any agreement is less its
wording than the approach the various sides take to implementing it. Even so,
what my reading suggests is that this is somewhere between passingly acceptable
and a diplomatic triumph.
Presumably the wretched thing is in English; who writes this rubbish? If they
were French it was with malign intent.
Gove And Brussels Continue Attacking Brexit After It Is All 'Agreed'
HAPPILY for democratic governance of the UK, Lord Frost continues to
fight off the multiple attacks of the EU aimed at bringing the UK into
regulatory alignment, using the Northern Ireland Protocol as their lethal
weapon. Caroline
Bell’s forensic analysis puts it succinctly:
‘Let’s not mince our words – the Northern Ireland Protocol is all about
politics. It was cooked up by the EU in cahoots with a fervent Remainer May
government and civil service to negate the result of the Brexit referendum.
It had absolutely nothing to do with protecting the Good Friday Agreement
nor with ensuring there was no hard border in Ireland.’
The New World Order is out there with its
agenda and it flesh pots. Why do honest work when you can go to Brussels and
get paid ten times as much? Keeping snouts in the trough
is a good system of governance as long as the plebian masses don't get too
envious. See more and better details at
Euro MPs and Their Expenses.
The Referendum was won on
24 June 2016 despite a blizzard of propaganda. It has been attacked by
Cameron & May.
It passed into law and still they are sabotaging it.
Pakistani Says Plugging Gaps In The
British Workforce With Migrants Is A Betrayal Of Brexit [ 26 November
2022 ]
For many voters, frustrated by years of suppressed wages and despairing at
the erosion of Britain's friendly, unified national character, the essential
aim of Brexit was to tackle high immigration.
But that has not happened. In the six years
since we voted to break free from the European Union,
net inward migration has spiralled upwards. The latest figures, for the year
to June, show an estimated 504,000 more people arriving for long-term
residence in the UK than leaving.............
Politicians claim we need high levels of immigration to fuel economic
growth. But we've had a steady increase throughout this century, pushing our
population from about 59million in 2000 to 68million today – and we still
have low growth. It's economically illiterate to argue that we need more
migrants. What we desperately need instead is a long-term industrial
strategy, with investment in the skills of the existing domestic workforce.
That means apprenticeships, training, bursaries, scholarships and other
schemes to fill jobs with young British workers.
Because of the mess we are in and the absence
of domestic skills, there are short-term labour shortages which have to be
addressed by employing migrants. This is not sustainable [ but it is
Ethnic Fouling - Editor
The fact that it takes
Dr Ehsan,
a Pakistani, writing in a sometimes
Right Wing newspaper to tell the truth about
Immigration from the
Third World is a scandal. The Ethnic
Fouling In England being inflicted on us was begun by
Zionist crazies full of hate. And yes, the
Tories are still sabotaging the
Brexit we voted for; they hate
Democracy. The Establishment
is yet another
ZOG [ Zionist Occupation Government ], just like
America; it is the Enemy Within.
Trans-Pacific Trade Deal Signed [ 2 April 2023 ]
The trans-Pacific trade club that the UK is joining is not a substitute for
membership of the European Union. But, for a number of reasons, it is much
more important than it seems.
Most obvious of those is that the world
outside Europe, and particularly the countries round the Pacific Rim, will
grow much faster than continental Europe. On a long view, it is a no-brainer
to try to build relationships with fast-growing markets rather than
slow-growing ones.
The name of the club, the Comprehensive and
Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, does not exactly roll
off the tongue, and the UK is rather a long way from the Pacific.
There are 11 members and we do lots of trade
already with many of them, including Japan, Australia and Canada, so don't
expect any sudden boost to UK exports.
Thrilling news? Perhaps not but important just the same. Trade is why
China is on the up. America is going down because it
is run by Zionist crazies. This is all about