News 2022 October
This is what I published in October. I confirm my fundamental view - newspapers are political weapons,
propaganda machines being
used to manipulate us, just like the rest of the
Main Stream Media,
i.e. Television, wireless, film, magazines and
Books. For earlier offerings go to
2022 or contact me at Mike Emery
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious.
But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less
formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves
amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the
alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.... he appeals to the
baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation,
he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the
city,... he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.... The
traitor is the plague."
Cicero quoted
"Power tends to
corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad
Lord Acton Quoted
Think e.g. about
Boris Johnson,
Blair, Brown, Bush, Cameron, Heath, Juncker,
Strauss-Kahn & May
Top Stories 2022
31 October 2022
is Hallowe'en,
the eve of
All Saints' Day, on 1 November,
Souls Day
is a day later.
This day in 2019
was Brexit Day Mark II or Treason Day
2021 @ 23:59 it was the end of
Black History Month. The
Army Rumour Service
was seriously underwhelmed.
Is there
a subtle message there? Are those feet sticking out from
under? But
It puts things into perspective when you consider that one single page of
the Lindisfarne
Gospels, knocked up in a monastery off the Northumberland coast in the
dark ages, amounts to more than the written output of the whole of sub
Saharan Africa for centuries.
Someone is unimpressed by our chocolate chums.
Mainstream Media Ignore Pakistani Rape Epidemic
THURSDAY night on Mark Steyn’s show saw him interviewing the
indefatigable Mark Sharman, former ITV and Sky News executive and, most
importantly, the producer of the brilliant Safe and Effective: A Second
Opinion documentary on the harmful effects of the Covid vaccines,
It is really worth watching – between them they sum up the situation we
are in and which, in my view, starts to set out the parameters for a
criminal case to be brought against the regulators and public health
officials (not least SAGE) who manipulated and managed ‘the science’ and hid
the truth from the incurious, opportunistic or pliable politicians. It’s an
important interview.
Yes, our wonderful government made a mess of Covid-19.
More importantly, I think they brought the
Pakistani Rape Epidemic to various
Pakistani Perversion Hot
Spots. Hear
Mark Steyn
GB News
reporting on the ugly reality of the systematic abuses by
Third World aliens imported with
Malice Aforethought at
tells us that Lowell Goddard, the judge
brought from New Zealand was sabotaged by the Inquiry's staff. In other
words the whole thing was a whitewash set up by
Traitors. NB
The Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse IICSA Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse,
produced after seven years of delay & obfuscation contrives not to use the words
Pakistan, Indian, Bangla Desh or Asian. But it does
accuse The Catholic Church; it is
run by White Men. The Mainstream
Media black out confirms the Establishment's
Americans Release Pakistani From Gitmo After 17 Years
IISLAMABAD — A 75-year-old from Pakistan who was the oldest prisoner at the
Guantanamo Bay detention center was released and returned to Pakistan on
Saturday, the foreign ministry in Islamabad and the US Defense Department
Saifullah Paracha was reunited with his family after more than 17
years in custody in the US base in Cuba, the ministry added.
Paracha had been held on suspicion of ties to al-Qaida since 2003, but
was never charged with a crime. Last year in May, he was notified that he
had been approved for release. He was cleared by the prisoner review board,
along with two other men in November 2020. As is customary, the notification did not provide detailed reasoning for
the decision and concluded only that Paracha is “not a continuing threat” to
the United States, according to Shelby Sullivan-Bennis, who represented him
at his hearing at the time.
The DOD said in its Saturday statement that the US appreciates “the
willingness of Pakistan and other partners to support ongoing US efforts
focused on responsibly reducing the detainee population and ultimately
closing the Guantanamo Bay facility.”
He was never charged but then they never had any real evidence. You can
quite see that America is not popular in
Afghanistan. Being used for target practice by
foreign invaders can have that effect. Did the men know why they were there?
No. It was good for generals and the
Merchants of Death but the tax payers took a beating. Recall that
Obama was going to close GITMO
long ago. He also got a Nobel Peace Prize in spite
of being a War Monger.
30 October 2022
30 October
Devil's Night in
Detroit. That is the night
when locals go out and start fires for the fun of it. They
have been at it since 1983. Since local translates into black, there
is a news black out on it. See
The Late Great City of Detroit - American Renaissance from
AmRen on
the point. The Wikipedia has an article but
censors the causation. See Devil's Night
Daily Mail Incites Sympathy For Illegal Immigrants
This troubling photo reveals the first taste of life in Britain for
thousands of migrants who have illegally crossed the Channel to slip into
the UK.
At an overcrowded
Home Office camp in Kent, disgruntled young men are penned in behind steel
barriers outside a marquee.
They live cheek-by-jowl in these tents, with
washing draped over fences, and empty food containers litter the ground.
So Third World scum choose to live in squalor
at our expense. Why is the
Mail telling us they are victims? Because it is another ghastly rag, not
fit to wrap one's fish and chips. A prison camp in Catterick would be better. It
just needs barbed wire and machine guns. Perhaps they are disgruntled but
they are men of fighting age filling Trojan
Horses, an invasion force in the making. Importing a few containers full of
Kalashnikovs is an ugly possibility. They are also being imported to cause
Ethnic Fouling In England. NB The perpetrators are
Jews who infiltrated the Establishment.
Elon Musk Grips Twitter & Purges Left Wing Apparatchiks
Thursday as Elon Musk’s deal for Twitter became official he started cleaning
house. According to executives close to the matter, Musk fired four top
executives. These executives are supposedly Twitter’s Chief Executive
Officer Parag Agrawal, the Chief Financial Officer Ned Segal, the Top Legal
and Policy Executive Vijaya Gadde, and the General Counsel Sean Edgett. It
was also reported by The
New York Times that at least one of these executives was escorted out of
the building.
It is still unclear if he had completed the deal with
Twitter at the time he entered the building and began firing people. Though,
as of now, he had a deadline of Friday to complete the $44 billion deal.
This is good news for once. Mr
Musk has done rather
well. The Wikipedia
does not approve of him, for reasons unspecified but then it is not
trustworthy. The Twitter bosses wanted their pound of flesh, i.e. $44
billion but as the Lord said: Vengeance is mine.
Mondrian Painting Has Been Hanging UPSIDE DOWN In Different Galleries For 75
This confirms ones worst suspicions about the modern art racket. If the
experts don't know what they are talking about you might think they are a bunch
of chancers cheating people with more money than sense. Recall that a
Major Modern Painting
Was Vandalised But No One Noticed. Still not convinced? Try Pretentious Drivel; the major source is
The Guardian with some from the
Financial Times.
29 October 2022
On this day in:-
1956 - the
KASSEM Massacre was carried out by Jews. They murdered 49 Arab peasants, half being women and children.
this way were the 49 inhabitants of Kafr Kassem slaughtered; Killed for
fun, for laughs, knowing them to be harmless. The
Wikipedia sounds
honest on this one. Most platoons disobeyed the murder command. One
didn't. Gurion did a cover up. The thugs in question were tried and
gave it the I was only obeying orders routine. It didn't work at
Nuremburg. With Jews it is different.
1956 - the Suez
Crisis got real when the Jews invaded Egypt. Part of it was Operation
3 PARA, including Gerry & Mick jumped in on 9 November 1956.
Hugh with 1 PARA &
2 PARA followed by sea. The French jumped too. It was a military success but
a political failure.
1983 - the Americans conquered
Grenada; the first war they won since 1945. See
Invasion Of Grenada. It was ordered by Ronnie Regan to counter the
Marxist takeover. The Yanks lost 19 dead. Cuba lost 24 killed, 59 wounded and 638 PoWs.
There were a few Soviets too. The BBC/a> kept quiet about the
enemy losses because it is a Marxist Propaganda machine.
Vicious Black Thug Maims Pakistani For Life
Eighteen seconds. That is all it took for James Porritt's world to be
irrevocably changed in a way that he still struggles to comprehend.
That is the timeframe in which the 42-year-old
business consultant was savagely attacked in the packed carriage of a London
Underground train by a man wielding a machete who had picked him
entirely at random.
'This is not a terror attack,' the assailant told terrified onlookers. 'I
want only him.' What followed next was an onslaught of extraordinary
savagery: as James tried to flee for his life, the attacker — 35-year-old
Ricky Morgan — hunted him down, slashing at his head, hands, elbow and legs.
That James survived at all is little short of a miracle: the few seconds of
security footage from the incident released to the public show scenes akin
to a horror film.
'When I saw the footage, all I could think was
how the hell I walked away from it,' says James today. 'I know I'm lucky to
be alive.'
They seem to have left out the interesting bits. It is clear that Mr Morgan
cleared himself the space to sit down. To be fair the attacker and the loser
are both Third World free loaders imported by
HMG, parasites useful mainly for
Vote Rigging.
The Labour Party
loves them for it. They want millions more votes. NB The
Mail is censoring comments because they are aliens.
28 October 2022
On this day in
Paul VI published
Aetate in
which he absolves the Jews of killing
[ a
cynical summary - Editor ] thus reversing
760 years of official Vatican policy. Innocent III had declared in
1205AD that "the Jews, by their own guilt, are consigned to
perpetual servitude because they crucified the Lord."
III and the Jews tells us that QUOTE The Lord made Cain a
wanderer and a fugitive over the earth, but set
a mark upon him,
making his head to shake, lest any finding him should slay him. Thus
the Jews, against whom the blood of Jesus Christ calls out, although
they ought not be killed… yet as wanderers ought they to
remain upon the earth, until their countenance be filled with shame
and they seek the name of Jesus Christ, the Lord. 18 UNQUOTE So 700
years worth of Popes got it wrong? Believe it if you like. The
a propaganda operation claims
that Jews meddled in the Papal decision.
Sunak Attacks England By Halting Fracking
Rishi Sunak has restored a ban on
fracking after
it was briefly lifted during Liz Truss's premiership, Downing Street
confirmed today.
The new Prime Minister
has returned to a
Tory manifesto commitment - made ahead of the 2019
general election - to a moratorium on hydraulic
fracturing for the extraction of shale gas. Ms Truss had performed a U-turn on that pledge
during her seven-week spell in No10. She had argued fracking would help boost
Britain's energy security in the face of Russia's
invasion of Ukraine. But the move was met
be fierce opposition - including among Tory MPs -
saw a chaotic House of Commons vote on the issue
last week.
The shambolic scenes in Parliament proved to be a
deciding factor in Ms Truss's downfall. Mr Sunak has now
reversed Ms Truss's U-turn and re-committed to the
2019 promise.
Various ignoramii of the
Hard Left will be pleased until the lights go
out this winter or next.
Fracking has been working well for years at
Wytch Farm down in Dorset. Loud mouthed
propagandists of the
Lunatic Fringe are dangerous.
Homeowners And Care Homes Are Asked To Take In Illegal Migrants As Cost
To Keep Asylum Seekers In Hotels Hits £2.4 Billion A Year
Homeowners are being asked to take in migrants as asylum centres reach capacity
and the collective hotel bill hits £2.4billion a year, it was reported last
Private contractor Serco is offering potential landlords rent and
maintenance costs for up to five years as well as covering tenants' council
tax and bills.
Serco has said it will consider all types of
property in the North West Midlands and East of England - including empty
properties, second homes, care homes and student accommodation, according to
But of course they are not going to settle them any where near
Eton or Kensington, places where people that matter
live. But Rochdale or
Rotherham will do just fine. The police will protect them if they rape
English girls. Aren't you pleased that we have a wonderful new "British" prime
minister, one with three passports. Of course his wife is getting away with being another non-domiciled alien. Tax evasion is not crime if
your face fits.

Black Tenant Murdered Her Landlady - Allegedly
The family of the Chicago landlord found dismembered in a freezer earlier
this month said their loved one had called police “many times” on the tenant
accused of her murder.
The remains of Frances Walker, 69, were
found in a freezer in her North Side home after a resident of the
building reported her missing on Oct. 10.
Another tenant, Sandra Kolalou, 36, has been charged with her murder.
Walker’s relatives
told local station ABC7 that the longtime landlord had called cops on
Kolalou “many times.” Records show that law enforcement responded to the
home five times in October alone.
“They have rights as a tenant, but if you fear for your safety or have
issues, the landlord should have rights not only as a landlord but as
cohabiter of the domain,” niece Cory Walker said.
“I feel like their hands were tied or maybe there was something that
could have been done differently. It’s changed the trajectory of our lives.
It’s leaving such a hole.”
This was in Chicago, one of America's more vibrant
cities. Its inmates have achieved 571 murders this year of whom 429 were
black. See for more and better details.
27 October 2022
New UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak A Triumph For Globalists, Immigration Enthusiasts. Of Course, UK May Not Survive—But, Like US, Ruling Class Hates It Anyway, by James Kirkpatrick
The Conservative (“Tory”) Party has been in power in the United
Kingdom for 12 years, with a long line of forgettable Prime
Ministers surfing over restive voters who demanded
Brexit, reduced
immigration, and more national sovereignty [How
long have the Conservatives been in power and who were the Prime
Ministers, by Caroline Westbrook, Metro,
October 20, 2022]. But in what can only be considered pure spite on
the part of the British Ruling Class, the UK will now be governed by
a caricature of Politically Correct “Conservatism”—an Indian hedge
fund manager, Rishi Sunak, who used to work at
Goldman Sachs and is
worth more than King Charles III [Rishi
Sunak, the new UK prime minister, is yet another Goldman Sachs
alumnus, Business Insider, October 24, 2022].
Almost as if on purpose, the Conservative Party has broken apart its
winning coalition to pursue policies that favor no one except
Sunak’s former colleagues. Gleeful Labour supporters and Celtic
separatists are poised to inherit frustrated working-class voters
and the existence of the Union itself is in jeopardy. Underpinning
all of this: the baffling, enraging, and totally self-defeating Tory
policy of increasing immigration in direct defiance of what voters
Let’s recall that the major reason the United Kingdom has
an immigration problem now is that Labour deliberately opened the
gates to “rub
the Right’s nose in diversity,,” to use Labour apparatchik Andrew
Neather’s phrase. That’s about as close to a smoking gun in the “Great
Replacement” debate as can exist: the Labour Party wanted to replace the British
electorate. It did this as a conscious choice. It was treason.
What’s remarkable is that the Tories now want to rub their own
voters’ noses in the filth, with outgoing PM Liz Truss
running against immigration during the leadership race and then
promptly calling for more immigration afterward........
It's not (just) that Sunak is Indian or that
the Tories have open contempt for their voters, it’s that England
itself seems to have utterly lost its identity, with British
identity consisting of no more than a passport [Sangita
Myska dismantles caller’s claim that Rishi Sunak ‘isn’t even British,’
by Adam Solomons, LBC, October 22, 2022]. Having lost
faith and their Empire and having opened their doors to the
Third World, British identity has become a costume. England itself
is just a neutral battleground between
brawling mobs of non-Europeans [Why
are mobs fighting on the streets in Leicester, UK, The
Indian Express, September 21, 2022]..............
Yet, amazingly, the Tories have undone their victory.
Matthew Goodwin, one of the
best scholars of National Populism, reports that the Conservatives have
failed to win over the new voters they attracted in 2019 with their pro-worker,
patriotic message..........
You can’t reason with people who won’t even support their own
political survival. There are many reasons why they are so determined
to destroy the United Kingdom. It could be bribery, racial resentment, or just
sheer stupidity or short-sightedness. It doesn’t matter. What’s needed is a new
patriotic force that can deliver on the promises of Brexit, offer relief to
British workers, and maintain the unity of the United Kingdom.
There’s not one now. There’s only the hope of Restoration, and that won’t
come from the Conservative Party. They’d rather lose than stand for their
Whatever explains this British failure also explains the spiritual rot that
exists within the rulers of the U.S. and the entire Western world—a class that
seems not just indifferent to their subjects, but actively hateful.
Mr Kirkpatrick [ Email
him ] is a forceful writer; he does not beat about the bush. Is he wrong
about the Treason of the
Tories? If so tell him or tell me. Abuse is an
admission that you have nothing relevant to say. None of this
implies for a moment that the other lot, the
Labour Party are less hostile, less treasonous. The
Establishment has been deeply
corrupted. The Long March Through The
Institutions is paying off for Marxists.
Guido Fawkes; right then, right now.
Rochdale Rapists Have No Human Right To Stay Out Of Pakistan
Two men who were part of the notorious Rochdale
grooming gang have lost an appeal against deportation back to Pakistan
following a seven-year legal battle, immigration judges have ruled.
Adil Khan, 51, and Qari Abdul Rauf, 52, had
been told they are to be deported from the UK for the public good after
being part of a gang convicted in 2012 of a catalogue of serious sex
offences against young girls. Judges Charlotte Welsh and Judge Siew Ling
Yoke, a diversity and community relations judge, released their 31-page
legal ruling today stating that Khan had shown a 'breathtaking lack of
remorse' and in his and Rauf's case there was a 'very strong public interest
in their removal.'
You might wonder why it took seven years to make a decision and why it took
31 pages of turgid drivel to explain the obvious. More to the point; why
weren't they hanged at the time and who paid for the lawyers manipulating
the system to keep themselves off the dole queue? Legal aid has been abused
big time.
26 October 2022
Biden Talks Up Nuclear War
Joe Biden should be locked up in lunatic asylum or
granny farm. Why? See the next one; it's by Fred
America Is Unable To ‘Absorb’ A Russian First Nuclear Strike
Pleasurable excitement ripples through the usual boredom of Washington, and
the resident curiosities enjoy exquisite frissons, over the
possibility of nuclear war over the Ukraine. Some official of the EU, or
maybe it was the mediocrity in the White House with the truculence problem,
but anyway one of the geniuses ruling the planet’s fate has said that if
Russia used nukes, the Russian army would be destroyed, grrr, bowwow,
woof. Exactly how it would be destroyed, the sayer didn’t
The general staffs of both Russia and China are, whatever else you may
think of them, sane................ What would such a war be like? Let’s
America is fragile. We don’t notice because it works smoothly and because
when a local catastrophe occurs—earthquake, hurricane, tornado—the rest of
the country steps in to remedy things. The country can handle normal and
regional catastrophes. But nuclear war is neither normal nor regional.
Very few warheads would serve to wreck the United States beyond recovery for
decades. This should be clear to anyone who actually thinks about it.
Yes, dangerous rogues in Washington are provoking war against
China and Russia at the
same time. Destroying Nord Stream was just
part of it. So was starting Covid-19 in China.
World War III would take decades
if not centuries to recover from. Fred has been to
war. He understands it. Albeit one pay off would be the total destruction of
Adolf Hitler Wins Election In Namibia
A politician named after Adolf Hitler has won a seat
at a Namibian election - but says he has no plans
for world domination.
Adolf Hitler Uunona
was elected with 85 per cent of the vote in the
former German colony, which is still home to a small
German-speaking community and where a number of
streets, places and people still bear German
After winning the seat
on the ticket of the ruling SWAPO party - which has
ruled Namibia since independence from apartheid
South Africa in 1990 - the politician told
Bild [ a German newspaper ] that he had 'nothing to do with' Nazi
Mail saw fit to censor this one but cheerful
comments got through. None of those made a
connection between black and IQ.
But some of the silly
ones passed muster.
25 October 2022
This day in:-
1415 AD was Saint Crispin's
Day and the Battle
of Agincourt, part of the
Hundred Year's War
[ which we ultimately lost ] when a small band of Englishmen and Welshmen defeated a
technologically and numerically superior French army. Agincourt became a symbol
of courage in the face of danger, and was so popular that William Shakespeare
put an inspiring speech into the mouth of King Henry V, which still gives
It also
was the date of the storming of the
Winter Palace during the
Bolshevik Revolution by the
Bolsheviks on the Julian calendar. See 6-7 November on the current
Gregorian calendar.
25 October 1983 Operation
Urgent Fury = the American invasion of
Grenada. The
BBC kept very quiet about the number of
Marxist POWs [ 638 Cuban and men from the
USSR 103 ] but then the Beeb is part of the enemy.
Joe Biden Is A Career Criminal Says Report
Joe Biden is listed as an 'accomplice' in six alleged white collar
crimes in an explosive 634-page report on the contents of Hunter's laptop by
a right wing transparency organization, obtained exclusively by
The incendiary report by nonprofit Marco Polo, a right-wing transparency
group, details accusations of 459 crimes allegedly committed by Hunter
including prostitution offenses, distribution and possession of drugs,
defrauding government agencies, illegal foreign lobbying and money
The report - published by founder Garrett
Ziegler, a 26-year-old former Trump
White House aide - claims that Joe is complicit in tax evasion,
violations of the Presidential Records Act and the Foreign Agents
Registration Act (FARA), and using nonpublic information from a government
job for financial gain.
Is this news? No, not really.
New York Post Exposes Biden's Corruption [ 18 October 2020 ]. Joe
Biden did lean on Zelenskyyy to protect his
son, Hunter Biden from a fraud investigation.
World War III and World War II Compared by Ron Unz
We have all seen the Propaganda; have we ever
seen anything else? Follow the Mainstream Media to
be misinformed or ignore it and be uninformed. But now we have the
Internet, a truth machine, albeit one with lots
of irrelevancy. We also have Ron Unz; his MSc is
in theoretical physics so he has a real brain. He tells us that
Adolf Hitler tried to keep the peace; that
Jews wanted World War II. They got it. It gave
them the Holocaust® Story, a nice little earner, one
Billion and rising.
Now we have the Biden administration, heavily infested
by Jews, by Zionist crazies running wild
trying to start World War III in spite of
Vladimir Putin. Ron makes sense. NB He is
also a Jew.
24 October 2022
On this day in:-
2002 the Washington Sniper
captured after achieving 17 murders. It was big, big news when he was thought to be a
White Man. When it turned out to be two
Blacks, two Racists full
of hate the Mainstream Media lost interest because they,
the MSM
are also Anti-White Racists.
Swedish right is capitalising on fears over immigration World The Times
24 October
2022 ]
NB The Times headline is verbatim and fraudulent
Linking multiculturalism to a sense of national decline helps
populists find favour with a growing number of voters, Oliver Moody
writes For many years, November 30 was known in Sweden as “Nordic riot night”,
when skinheads, white supremacists and assorted neo-Nazis from across northern
Europe would descend on its cities to chant racist slogans and rough up the
local immigrants in honour of the long-dead warrior king Carl XII.
In 1993 a fledgling
far-right party called the Sweden Democrats held a riot night of its own with
1,000 supporters in Stockholm. Blazing torches were brandished. Swastika flags
fluttered. Nazi salutes were made. Police arrested 150 people. Three decades later the
Sweden Democrats have
struck a deal to prop up a centre-right government, having secured the best
election result in their history. Last month they emerged as
the second-largest party, with 20.5 per cent of the vote. This week Ulf
Kristersson, 58, the leader of the Moderate party, was voted in as prime
minister by 176 votes to 173, carried over the line by the Sweden Democrats’
While most categories of
violent crime remain rare in Sweden, fatal shootings are rising, with 48 in the
first nine months of this year alone, more than in any previous year. “Almost
every week we have some kind of shooting here in Kristianstad,” said Soder, the
Sweden Democrat MP. “Two areas are more or less no-go zones. The feeling of
insecurity is very comprehensive.”
Mr Moody tells us that for many years, November 30 was known in
Sweden as “Nordic riot night”, when skinheads, white supremacists and assorted
neo-Nazis from across northern Europe would descend on its cities to chant
racist slogans and rough up the local immigrants in honour of the long-dead
warrior king Carl XII.“ The Internet has never met
the term; at all events not with my search engine. He does not
tell us that the Hard Left politicians running
Sweden have been deliberately importing vicious Third
World parasites for years. They are largely men of fighting age; men who
succeeded in making the country the
Rape Capital Of Scandinavia. One tends not to think of
The Times as a left wing
Propaganda machine. An agonising reappraisal is due.
23 October 2022
This day in:-
1942 was the first day of the
Second Battle Of Alamein. It forced the
Wehrmacht to withdraw; a
very important victory The
First Battle
of El Alamein halted them.
1956 was
the first of the Hungarian
Revolution of 1956, a spontaneous nationwide
against the
communist government of Hungary
and its Soviet-imposed
policies, lasting from October
23 until November
10 of 1956.
1983 brought us the
Beirut Barracks
Bombings; it was the
Lebanese Civil War. Two
truck bombs
struck buildings housing
Multinational Force in Lebanon (MNF)
peacekeepers, specifically against
United States and
French service members, killing 241 U.S. and 58 French peacekeepers, 6
and the 2
suicide attackers. A group called
Islamic Jihad
claimed responsibility for the bombings and said that the attacks were to get
the MNF out of Lebanon. A Jew, Shimon Shapira blamed
and Iran. They deny it. It happened after the Jews invaded the Lebanon, bringing us
their Sabra and Shatila Massacres.
Ronnie ordered the men out on 7 February 1984 -
Drug Dealer Getting Out Of Prison After 25 Years Is Still Rich
Amid Liverpool’s redeveloped docklands there
is a vacant £2 million penthouse apartment with stylish interiors and
fabulous views of the Mersey estuary. Three weeks from now it will become the home
of one of the city’s most successful businessmen.
A man who rose from the backstreets of nearby
Toxteth, once synonymous with riots,
crime and poverty, and transformed his chosen field with his inventive
brand of entrepreneurship. Along the way, he reputedly made a £200
million fortune and was ranked alongside illustrious figures such as theatre
director Sir Trevor Nunn and the Marquess of Lothian on the Sunday Times
Rich List.
So, who is about to move into the swish
apartment? None other than
Curtis Francis Warren, who once dealt in misery
and death, trafficking vast quantities of heroin, cocaine, and cannabis into
Britain from all corners of the globe.
Until 1996, when a Commando-style raid on his
Dutch lair brought down his empire, his notoriety was such that he was
compared with Pablo Escobar, the legendary Colombian cocaine king. When the
FBI identified the dozen or so overlords together creaming £500 billion a
year from organised crime, Warren’s name was there..............
For all but a few weeks of the past
quarter-century, however, the Liverpudlian baron — whose imperiousness and
meticulous attention to detail gave rise to his nickname Cocky Watchman —
has languished in jail.
He made
his money; he kept it. They kept him inside longer because he would not
let them screw him. Having the strength of character to tough it out made
the difference. He is a Free Trader, successful
because customers want his products.
Black Thug Raped A Woman While Out On Bail In California
California woman was left unrecognizable after she was horrifically
attacked and raped by a homeless man while walking her dogs.
Marissa Young, 44, of Torrance, was brutally assaulted on July 31 by
Darrel Waters, 46, police say.
Waters was freed on knife charges just days beforehand. Young was on a
walk near a field when she was 'tackled from behind' and raped by the
homeless man - who also knocked out eight of her teeth during the ordeal.
'I heard nothing,' she told
KTLA. 'I didn’t have headphones in, I wasn’t looking at my phone, I was
just walking straight forward to my destination.'
He brutally attacked her, pushing her to the ground and punching her 'at
least' 20 times, shattering her nose in four spots, breaking her cheekbone,
knocking out eight teeth, while carrying out the horrific sexual assault.
The local district attorney has a policy of allowing vicious criminals out
so that they can carry on killing etc. It is
Subversion, part of the Culture Wars
being waged against Western Civilization
by Jews like George Soros.
22 October 2022
Justice In Action The American
The black got away with murder by being a lunatic. The White Man
got screwed because he is a "White Supremacist"
You just might think it is Selective
Mr Thompson of the NY Times tells us, at
I write about disinformation, misinformation,
QAnon and other kinds of misleading information. I try to use all the tools
in my toolbox, including data analysis, visualization, programming and more.
He also tries to stay off the dole queue. He really cares about that.
Black Mother Starved And Tortured Her Children In Texas
Two 16-year-old twins escaped from their abusive mother and her boyfriend
who handcuffed, bound and forced them to drink their own urine at their
$600,000 Texas house of horrors.
The breakout
was caught via Ring camera footage that saw the twins, who have not been
named, run from their Houston home Tuesday in an attempt to get someone to
call the police.
The boy wasn't wearing a shirt and both of the
siblings were barefoot, the neighbor who eventually let the pair inside told
KHOU. The kids told police their mother and her boyfriend had left them
in a room and forced them to eat and drink their own waste, refusing to let
them use the toilet.
The woman who found them added: 'They would
only feed them a sandwich, only if they were quiet the whole day, if they
made any type of noise they wouldn't be fed. How a mother could do this to
her kids and... I feel like my tears are out of frustration anger and
'They were so skinny and so frail. They just
looked like they had been through a lot. They told me that their mom kept
them locked in the laundry room, naked, zip tied from the ankles and
handcuffed from the wrist.'
Louisiana State Police tracked down their
mother, 40-year-old Zaikiya Duncan, and her boyfriend, 27-year-old Jova
Terrell, at a traffic stop in Baton Rouge at 1:45 p.m. Both are charged with
two counts of felony injury to a child and will be brought back to Houston,
which a spokesman for local police told was expected to be
'later today.'
Both Duncan and Terrell have been jailed,
pending extradition. Duncan is scheduled for an extradition hearing
Thursday, according to ABC13.
The twins have been hospitalized and are in
the custody of Child Protective Services, Jeff McShan said.
At least five other siblings - 7-year-old
Nicholas Menina, 10-year-old Zayden Menina, 12-year-old Jovion Menina,
12-year-old Javier Menina, and 14-year-old Jarod Menina - were rescued by
police, one of whom was still with Duncan and Terrell, while the other four
had been left with relatives throughout Louisiana.
We are told that Blacks are our intellectual and
moral equals by the Lunatic Fringe; they make a
point of living somewhere else.
Black Thief Attempts £3 Million Fraud And Fails
An ex-soldier has had his record £3m trench foot compensation claim against
the MoD thrown out after a judge today found he was lying about the severity
of his injuries.
Brian Muyepa, 34, has been left facing
£180,000 in lawyers' bills after falsely claiming severe 'non-freezing cold
injuries' - more commonly known as trench foot - left him walking 'like a
penguin.' He had insisted that his injury left him so disabled that he was
reduced to shuffling about and relying on a walking stick or his wife to
help him get around.
But footage posted on
Facebook, which showing him dancing to loud music at a barbecue and
seemingly walking 'normally' at a friend's wedding party in Nottingham,
raised doubts about the credibility of his claim. Now Mr Justice Cotter, at
London's High Court, has thrown out his claim and handed him a £180,000
legal costs bill after finding him guilty of 'fundamental dishonesty' for
'hugely exaggerating' his injuries.
Was he any use as a soldier? NB The
Mail is censoring comments because he is a black thief but the readers
really have taken the point.
21 October 2022
On this day in 1805, Nelson,
at Trafalgar made the signal -
expects that every man will do his duty. They cheered then they closed with
the French line to save England. Now it needs saving from the traitors at the
Eyewitness Account Emerges One of
Gene Pitney's
ancestors was there, on the day, in the Victory as a Marine.
Liz Truss Resigns After 44 Days In Number 10
Liz Truss dramatically admitted defeat and announced she is quitting as
PM today with Westminster gearing up for Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak to do
'battle for the soul' of the party. After just 44 disastrous days in No10,
Ms Truss took to a lectern outside the famous black door to confirm her
departure, sealing her fate as the shortest-serving premier in modern
political history.
Revealing she had informed the King of her decision, she said: 'I cannot
deliver on the mandate.... I will remain as PM until a successor has been
Ms Truss - who insisted she was a 'fighter not a quitter' barely 24 hours
ago - said the Tory leadership contest will be completed over the next week.
Giving her valedictory statement, she was watched by husband
The number of nominations needed to get on the ballot has been set at 100
MPs. That means in all likelihood only two candidates will be on the first
ballot of MPs, and they will merely give an indication of the mood in the
Commons rather than whittling down the field.
Under the rules set out tonight, the Tories' grassroots membership is set
for an online vote to choose the winning candidate out of a final pairing.
The result of the members' ballot will be announced next
A slew of apocalyptic polls showing Labour up to 36 points ahead had also
fuelled outright panic in the Parliamentary party.
Mail's readers seem to fancy
Boris Johnson or
Black Drug Dealer Gets 16 Years
A gangster rapper has been jailed alongside two others for running a huge
heroin and cocaine dealing empire.
Rayal Eastwood, stage name 'Champaz', used the
encrypted EncroChat network to set up large drug deals across
Birmingham and
London before spending the money on flash motors.
The 38-year-old portrayed himself on social media as a singer, rapper,
and producer who creates 'some of the most controversial lyrics in dancehall
scenery'. He even boasted of working alongside Maxim from dance music legends The
Prodigy to produce his debut single in 2018.
But in reality, he was making money from
running a large-scale drug dealing enterprise alongside Dakarai Thomas, 37,
and 41-year-old Zadengel Raphael.
His henchmen, black too of course got 10 years and 6 years. They were
Free Traders & victims of
Conspiracies in Restraint of Trade.
20 October 2022
Russian Oil Pipeline To Germany Springs A Leak
WARSAW, Oct 12 (Reuters) - Germany said on Wednesday it was receiving less oil
but still had adequate supplies, after Poland found a leak in the Druzhba
pipeline that delivers crude from Russia to Europe that Warsaw said showed no
sign of being caused by sabotage.
The discovery of the leak in the main route carrying oil to Germany, which
operator PERN said it found on Tuesday evening, comes as Europe is on high alert
over its energy security in the aftermath of Moscow's invasion of Ukraine which
has cut supplies of gas.
"After removing most of the contaminants from the area near the crude oil
pipeline that was damaged yesterday, PERN's technical services have located the
site of the leak," Polish pipeline operator PERN said in a statement.
"The first findings and the method of pipeline deformation show that at the
moment there are no signs of interference by third parties."
PERN added that it was working to find out what caused the leak and to repair
the pipeline.
That is
Reuters' story. They also pretend that the Russians destroyed
Nord Stream, when they could have just turned
the taps off. In fact the American attack might have used Polish forces. It
could be déjà vu all over again, an action replay. NB the
Druzhba [ Friendship ]
Pipeline delivers oil 24/7/365 to various parts of the USSR. It is just the German refinery in
Schwedt that was cut off.
There are arguments and problems caused various chancers along the way. NB The
Russia-Germany Oil Pipeline Leak Repaired, for the moment. Minds have been
Major Modern Painting Vandalised - No One Notices
Sad: Climate Activists Vandalize A Jackson Pollock But No One Notices
PARIS -- According to experts in neoclassical art and
surrealism, a piece by the legendary artist
Jackson Pollock
was vandalized by climate activists in Paris and no one even
"The painting in question, Number 31, was one of
the most celebrated Pollock works," said an authority
investigating the crime. "But now it just looks like a bunch
of splattered paint any moron could create, which really
isn't much different than how it looked before."
The vandals were caught on camera but the destruction of
the priceless painting was not discovered until weeks after,
as the original painting was already terrible to begin with.
The damage was discovered only after museum visitors
complained that the poster prints they bought did not match
the one on display................
At publishing time, the restoration of Number 31
was scrapped after museum patrons found the vandalism an
improvement over the original.
Good news for once.
Pollock was a
drunken weirdo. His best publicity stunt was killing himself by drunk
driving. His reward was retrospective exhibitions laid on by
the art establishment. They proved that they are corrupt
chancers taking the world for fools.
19 October 2022
Tory MPs Sacking Liz Truss Could Cost 400 Their Seats
On Sunday the Trades Union Congress announced the striking results of
their MRP poll conducted with Opinium, predicting a 411-seat Labour
landslide. The results were pored over by SW1’s Twitter pundits and sent
shivers down the spines of Tory MPs.
Although The Guardian
published the names of Cabinet ministers to lose out, Guido has done the
public service duty of digging through the data to put the names to each
constituency that switched hands in the poll. Strap
yourself in, it’s a long list…
As Guido says: It is a long list. The
Tory plan is to get rid of Liz without the
nuisance of a General Election; Democracy be
damned. They hate it and Free Speech too.
Eight Pakistanis On Trial For Murdering Two Of Their Own
A jury has been sworn in for the trial of eight people accused of murdering
two cousins, who died in a crash on the A46. Saqib Hussain and Mohammed
Hashim Ijazuddin, both 21, died in the collision on February 11, 2022. The
victims, both from Banbury, Oxfordshire, were in a Skoda Fabia which veered
off the road just before the Six Hills junction near Leicester at around
TikTok star Mahek Bukhari, 23, and her mother Ansreen Bukhari, 45, both
of Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, are facing trial accused of murdering the
men. The young influencer has more than 120,000 followers on TikTok and
43,000 on Instagram, where she poses in a variety of outfits and films
make-up tutorials. The women appeared in the dock of Leicester Crown Court
alongside co-accused; Natasha Akhtar, 22, of Birmingham; Sanaf Gulammustafa,
22, and Ameer Jamal, 27, both of Leicester, who each deny two counts of
Some of them are only in for manslaughter. The losers are also Pakistanis so
it could be feuding, the sort of thing they do in their own country. NB They
are going to drag this one out for eight weeks; a de facto conspiracy to
keep lawyers off the dole queue.
18 October 2022
On this day in:-
King Philip II of Spain sent his
third and final armada against England, but it ended in failure due to storms.
The remaining ships were captured or sunk by the English.
1860 The
Second Opium War finally ended at the
Convention of Peking with the ratification of the
Treaty of Tientsin, an
unequal treaty.
[ 20,000 Brits and French versus a mere 200,000 Chinese ]
1867 United
takes possession of Alaska after buying it from
Russia for $7.2 million.
Black Racist With Swords Chops A White Man's Arms Off
ALBANY – The man accused of carrying out
a sword-wielding attack that maimed 34-year-old Jon Romano in a Sheridan
Avenue homeless shelter last week is expected to undergo a psychiatric
evaluation that could determine his defense strategy going forward, his attorney
said Thursday.
Randell Mason, 42, who police charged with the savage Aug. 29 slashing on
Romano and who allegedly admitted he left the victim “chopped up" because Romano
was "disrespecting me," pleaded not guilty to a three-count indictment unsealed
by acting Supreme Court Justice Roger McDonough.
Mason is charged with attempted first-degree murder, attempted
second-degree murder and first-degree assault. The attempted first-degree
murder charge carries a maximum sentence of 25 years to life in prison. The
other two charges carry a maximum of 25 years behind bars.................
The attack, which took place at 315 Sheridan Ave. about 1:42 p.m. last
Monday, Aug. 29, left Romano with critical injuries to his arms, which were
severed and needed to be reattached, as well as severe injuries to his legs
and head. He had to be intubated at Albany Medical Center Hospital.
The victim attracted notoriety in 2004 when at the age of 16 he fired a
shotgun at students at Columbia High School in East Greenbush. A teacher was
struck and injured as an assistant principal, John Sawchuk, tackled Romano and
disarmed him. Romano, who served prison time for attempted murder and other
charges, moved to Albany County following his release from prison in 2020.
Blacks in America have been incited to hate by Zionist
crazies. It worked all too well. They should blame the Jews who imported them to
America. Louis Farrakhan does just that.
His book, The Secret
Relationship Between Blacks and Jews tells all; it gives documentary
evidence. Why is it secret? Because Jews run the
Mainstream Media and hide the truth. You can see Louis in action at
17 October 2022
On this day in:-
the 1973
oil crisis or
world oil shock of 1973 began when Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC), in the midst of the
Kipper War, announced that they would no longer ship to nations
that had supported Israel which meant America and its allies in
Western Europe. The price quadrupled.
2006 America
became a Fascist state under George Bush - see America
as a Fascist State
Blacks Murdered 20 White People And Three Asians In September
September saw the usual toll of white women in
relationships with black men, whites who got involved in altercations with
blacks, and robberies. There was also yet another gas station clerk and two Good
But one
trend that showed up strongly this month: recidivism. Defined as the
tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend, it’s often cited by
psychologists as a hallmark of psychopathy [Psychopathy
and Recidivism: A Review, by James F. Hemphill et al.,
Legal and Criminological Psychology, June 2011]. It is also a recurring
theme in black-on-white homicides: suspects commit crimes after they have
been released from prison or are otherwise on judicial probation. There were
no less than three cases involving recidivists in September: the tragic
deaths of jogger Eliza Fletcher, Allison Parker, and radio reporter Jim
Matthews. See below.
Mr Gividen
proceeds to give details. See the faces, know the evil. Be aware that the
Southern Poverty Law Center
tells us about
The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'.
It is lying but then the SPLC is run by Jews, by
Zionist crazies full of hate. It is a
Propaganda machine being used as part of the
Long March Through The Institutions. This means inciting
Blacks to Hate Us and marketing
White Guilt. Naturally the SPLC is not saying
much about the Gaza Massacres because the
perpetrators are Jews, aka God's Chosen
PS The
Chicago Sun-Times
logs all reported homicides. The results are at Homicides in Chicago
- A list of every victim.
The score as I write is 539 dead of whom 415 were black. That is three out
every four victim were black. A large most of these killings are
intra-racial. That is blacks killing their own. Major causes are drug wars and women.
Pakistani Robber, Charged With Attempted Murder In Leicester
A suspected robber has appeared at the Old
Bailey accused of stabbing two police officers in central
London three days before
the Queen’s funeral. Mohammed Rahman, 24, allegedly knifed a male
constable in the neck and chest and a female officer in the arm in Leicester
Square early on Friday September 16. The officers, who were taken to hospital, were
attached to the Met’s Central West Command Unit responsible for policing
This makes a change from black criminals. Lots are Jews but they are too
cunning to be caught.
Prime Minister Update
Netanyahu is still trying to get away
thieving. He might succeed. The police have been investigating since 2016;
he was charged with bribery, fraud, & breach of trust. Now he is trying to
negotiate his way out prison. An odd feature of Israel
is that politicians are not above the law.
16 October 2022
On this day in:-
1934 the
Long March started, when
Mao Zedong led his army
in retreat on to ultimate victory in China. Now we have the
Long March Through The Institutions, which
Marxism is using to destroy
Western Civilization
Julius Streicher, the founder of
Der Stürmer
[ The Attacker ] was hanged for exercising his right to
Free Speech & annoying Jews. He was sentenced by
the Nuremberg War Trials, which the Lord Chief
Justice of America referred to as a high class lynching party. Justice came down
the line but then it was set up by a Jew, a Zionist crazy.
Tory MPs Sabotaging Liz Truss
COVID cost the country at least £440billion. The energy price guarantee
could cost £150billion. The money markets didn’t bat an eyelid.
The Chancellor announces tax cuts of £43billion. The money markets and
the IMF go into meltdown. The Chancellor is sacked and the Prime Minister
may not be far behind. Why do the bankers and the IMF want to get Truss out before she has even
got her feet under the table? Could it be that the bankers want one of their
own, Rishi Sunak, as PM and are seeking every opportunity to stick the knife
Those Tory MPs involved in this ‘coup in plain sight’ want Sunak to be
the only candidate if Truss is forced to step down, so that once again the
party members won’t have a say in who should be their leader. They
will do everything they can to get their own way and ignore the declared
wishes of party members.
The members need to flex their muscles and start de-selecting some of
these know-all MPs who have never accepted that members should have a say in
the running of the party. Some of these ‘big-head’ Tory MPs need putting
back in their box. It would only have to happen to a few to bring the other
rebels back into line.
The sad fact is that the Tories won an 80-seat majority in 2019, but it
has never been used to introduce measures the Tory members want.
Too many Tory MPs think they know better than the Party members.
Their comeuppance is long overdue.
Brian Silvester, writing for the
Conservative Woman gets it absolutely right.
Tory MPs have agendas. They snivel to anyone and
everyone as they reach for power; they are hostages to fortune. It is why they
become "Conservative Friends of Israel",
i.e. to the Enemies of England. Tories
eagerly import Third World parasites as cheap labour for
Capitalist Swine. It is high time we got
a grip of parliamentary candidates, especially those foisted onto us by
party apparatchiks. The same goes double for the
Labour Friends of Israel. The
Conservative Woman also tells us that:
Prime Minister Liz Truss has sacked her Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi
Kwarteng, in office for just over five weeks. In doing so she shows herself to
be the captured puppet of her Parliamentary Party, not its leader, and a captive
of the Left. It is a dark day for conservatism and our country.
It is right. The
Daily Mail agrees - see the next one.
Tories Plot To Replace Liz Truss And Kwasi Kwarteng With Rishi Sunak And Penny Mordaunt
The little-remembered George Canning holds the record for the shortest term in
office of any UK prime minister. He was in power for just 119 days in 1827
before dying from tuberculosis and setting an unwelcome record that has stood
for almost 200 years - until possibly now.
Liz Truss would have to hold on to No10 until
the New Year to beat his tenure. But Backbenchers are reported to be
discussing replacing her and Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng after a mere 37 days
in No10. It has been little more than a month but that period has been one
of the most tumultuous in recent history, a period not notably short of
political crises.
The economic turmoil caused by Kwarteng's
mini-Budget less than three weeks ago led to the pound diving, a major
intervention by the Bank of England to rescue the gilt market and soaring
interest rates for homeowners.
And reversing the broad swathe of unfunded tax
cuts blamed for the carnage - as they are expected to do as early as today -
may not be enough to prevent Tory MPs from acting.
Mail's commentators are all over the place.
15 October 2022
On this day in 1894 the Jew, Alfred Dreyfus got nicked. Whence
- l'affaire Dreyfus -
Ron Unz says it was exacerbated by thieving Jews robbing lotsa Frenchies -
Black Criminal Gets Three More Years Inside For Murder And Rape Threats
A prisoner who used an illegal mobile phone in his cell to threaten
woman with rape and death has been jailed for more than three years. Jerral Johnson-Lowe, 29, befriended the
victim, a single mother, on
Instagram just a few months into his jail term at Elmley Prison in
Sheppey, Kent.
The pair - who reportedly shared an
'emotionally invested' relationship until he became abusive and controlling
- connected while Johnson-Lowe was serving a two-year sentence for violent
disorder following the murder of university student
Andre Bent, the cousin of S Club 7's Bradley McIntosh. The victim
blocked him after he become obsessed with her, Maidstone Crown Court was
told. She alleged he threatened to kill her and her young child, as
well as warned he would get 'random crack heads' to rape her.
He also made death threats towards her family
members and forwarded sexually explicit photos the woman had sent to him in
prison - at his request - to her brother and a male Facebook friend.
Johnson-Lowe pleaded guilty to two offences of
making a threat to kill, sending a malicious communication and disclosing
private, sexual photographs. On Monday he was sentenced to three years, four
months behind bars with a 10-year restraining order also imposed.
The criminal, once a member of a grime rap
star Mostack's entourage, had 13 previous convictions including offences of
battery, harassment and causing grievous bodily harm with intent. All were
committed against partners.
What colour were the others? See for yourself.
PS Only one comment made it past the
Mail's censor; it is nervous about what honest folk think and say.
His Majesty's Government treats
Free Speech as crime.
Pakistani Bullied Her Slave And Perverted The Course Of Justice
A wealthy landlady faces jail after she was convicted of keeping a woman as
a slave who she punched, kicked and verbally abused while she cooked,
cleaned and looked after her family. For several years Jacqueline
Whittington, 60, was forced to act as a domestic servant for Farzana Kausar,
58, who controlled almost everything she did, Lewes Crown Court previously
Mrs Whittington was forced to carry out
household chores and look after three young children but did not receive any
money. The landlady had even kept 'vulnerable' Mrs Whittington's benefits
money, the court previously heard...........
Kausar broke Mrs Whittington's ankle by
slamming a car door on it. She also allegedly attacked the mother of four as
she smashed her glasses into her face, causing a laceration, and ripped off
her necklace.............
Kausar, charged with keeping another woman in
slavery or servitude, was found guilty yesterday afternoon. She was also
found guilty of perverting the course of justice after a trial lasting
almost three weeks.
She got away with stealing her victims dole money though. Will the Judge go
easy on her? The
Mail is censoring comments because she is a vicious alien imported by a
corrupt government.
falsely accused his business partner of being a paedophile and posted
negative TripAdvisor reviews about Michelin-starred chef when their
Belgravia Indian restaurant went bust
An English Christian gentleman? No! The
Mail's censor blocked all but one comment.
Pakistani businessman who checked guests into his hotel while it was still being BUILT
is hit with a £50,000 court bill
Another greed driven chancer loses for once. Are you all broke up?
English Patriot Might Get Out Of Prison After Getting Four And A Half Years
The legal system is being used as weapon against us.
His Majesty's Government is continuing
to import Third World parasites by the million. It
is deliberate, it is Government Policy. It is
Ethnic Fouling In England. It is
Genocide. The attitude?
Get Used To It
Suckers, you are being screwed.
PS What has Mr Jack done to get more than four years? He joined
National Action,
a very minor, outlawed political party and put up some posters. Justice? No!
Malice? Yes & Free Speech be damned.
14 October 2022
On this day in 1066
King Harold fought
William the
Bastard and lost; it was the Norman Conquest.
It was followed by the
Harrying of the
North. He was a murderous rogue who massacred a hundred thousand or more.
1953 the Qibya Massacre was carried out on this day by
Sharon the Jew,
murderer, thief and Prime Minister of Israel. It was certainly
not his last mass murder.
Ben Gurion told him not to worry about what
foreigners thought, just do it; much what Adolf might have said. Gurion lied to the public about it.
Morris, a Jewish historian sees no particular reason to believe
Charity Commission Warns National Trust, RSPB, Wildlife Trusts, WWF and Greenpeace
To Keep Out Of Politics After They Abused His Majesty's Government
Charities have been warned of the risks of political campaigning, just days
after conservation groups including the National Trust launched an attack on the
Orlando Fraser KC, chairman of the Charity
Commission, said that although they are allowed to campaign on contentious
issues, charities must not stray into party politics by backing a candidate
or party. He also said any lobbying must be relevant to the organisation’s
key aims - and trustees must think carefully about whether or not it is
‘prudent’ at a time when money is tight.
His comments came after some of the country’s
leading environmental groups joined forces with full-page adverts in
national newspapers headlined: ‘Prime Minister, no one can afford for nature
to be under attack.’ The open letter, signed by the National Trust, RSPB,
Wildlife Trusts, WWF and Greenpeace among others, told
Liz Truss that her Government is ‘proposing to
remove vital environmental protections’, risking ‘catastrophic consequences
for nature, people and the economy’.
The National Trust was infiltrated by the
Hard Left years ago. The management used their
power to market Homosexuality. The
WWF is another outfit gone bad. Movements start as
causes, become businesses then rackets. The RSPCA is
a bunch of wrong 'uns that does not care about cruelty to animals, not when
Jews are at it. Kosher
Slaughter is blatant cruelty and murdering
Palestinians is fun.
PS The managements of these outfits don't just
get expenses; they have first class remuneration packages.
13 October 2022
Beware of Nuclear False Flag Blaming Russia
Dr. E. Michael Jones issued a disturbing warning on
this week’s False Flag Weekly News:
(Douglas) MacGregor was on some platform yesterday
saying that there is no evidence whatsoever that the Russians are
planning to use nuclear weapons. They don’t need to. They have
overwhelming military superiority at the moment as they’re building up
for the fall offensive. So it seems to me what we’re really talking
about here is America setting off a nuclear bomb and attributing it to
Russia. In case you didn’t notice, they did this already with the
pipeline, so why wouldn’t they do it with a nuclear weapon?
warning comes amid signs that the US leadership is actively considering
nuclear war. Joe Biden recently
announced that the world is on the brink of nuclear apocalypse. His
government seems to be
preparing for that eventuality:
Wednesday, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
announced that it would spend >$290 million to secure an
undisclosed quantity of Amgen’s blood disorder
drug Nplate, which has been approved to treat blood cell injuries
caused by acute radiation syndrome (ARS) in both children and adults.
Union of Concerned Scientists agrees that a civilization-ending nukefest
is closer than ever. Their Doomsday Clock is currently set to “doom’s
doorstep”— 100 seconds from midnight. That is the worst “doom setting” since
the Doomsday Clock was inaugurated in 1947.
Biden and
the mainstream media are pre-emptively blaming Putin. They say that Russia
is losing, growing desperate, and likely to resort to a nuclear strike. But
militarily experienced analysts like
Col. Douglas MacGregor and
Larry Johnson beg to differ. They point out that the vaunted Ukrainian
advances are relatively insignificant............
Have the Ukrainians got any nukes that were left
behind when the USSR collapsed in 1991? Possibly.
Would they still work? I suspect not. This narrows things down to America
and Russia, to Joe Biden and
Vladimir Putin. Biden's handlers set up the
attack on Nord Stream II.
Rogue elements of the US government carried
out the Covid-19 attack on China back in 2019. They
also carried out Biological attacks on China's
poultry and pigs. So a nuclear False
Flag Operation world be normal, just SOP [
Standard Operating Procedure ]
for ruthless criminals, the sort that destroyed
Nord Stream.
12 October 2022
Pakistani Pervert Gets Two Years In Spite Of Crown Prosecution Service
A pervert occupational therapist who sexually
assaulted a disabled patient's wife in her own home and a nurse at a
rehabilitation centre has been jailed for more than two years.
Gagandeep Sharman, 37, was initially cleared
of attacking his first victim when the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
refused to press charges. The woman, in her 60s, said Sharman attacked
her in her home after he had treated her disabled husband.
She said he grabbed her from behind and repeatedly thrust himself against her
while telling her she was 'sexy', a court heard. After she lodged a complaint
against him, Sharman was banned from making home visits but months later he
preyed on a nurse at a rehabilitation centre. He shoved his hand up the woman's
skirt and made comments about her body before bragging about the size of his
manhood, a court heard. The nurse reported him to police and he was arrested. He
later admitted two counts of sexual assault.
On Wednesday he was jailed for 26 months and
ordered to sign the sex offenders' register for ten years at Warwick Crown
Another vicious alien imported by Her
Majesty's Government. Why did the
Crown Prosecution Service let
him get away with it? We are not told. They are
Anti-White Racists perhaps. Was it
Selective Prosecution or even
Twenty Four [ 24 ] Pakistanis Charged With Raping An English Girl In
Police have charged 24 men with rape, prostitution and sexual offences
against one teenage girl as they probe allegations of historic grooming.
West Yorkshire Police says its investigation into non-recent child sex
offences in the city has led to court appearances for dozens of men this
The force says all men have been charged with
offences relating to one girl and are alleged to have taken place in the
Bradford area between 2007 and 2011. Men in the
case have been charged with offences including rape of a child aged 13-15,
conspiracy to rape, false imprisonment and arranging and facilitating the
prostitution of a child aged 13-17...............
Last week Omar Taj, 35, became the 24th person
to appear in the same court on Friday, October 7, after being charged with
the rape of a child aged 13-15.
In fact one might be English. The rest were imported by
11 October 2022
34 Thousand Illegal Immigrants Were Imported This Year
More than 1,000 people crossed the
English Channel yesterday, adding to the record number who have made the
perilous [ sic ] journey this year - which now stands at over 34,000.
Some 1,065 people made the treacherous
crossing on Sunday in 25 boats and inflatable dinghies, according to the
Ministry of Defence (MoD), meaning each boat carried an
average of about 43 people.
With a break in the poor weather yesterday, the first groups were seen
being escorted to shore by Border Force officials in the early hours of the
Crossings continued throughout the day, with the last migrants arriving
on Border Force vessel Ranger around 8pm.
The latest
crossings take the provisional total for the year so far to 34,694,
according to analysis of Government figures - the highest number for a
single year ever recorded. This is
compared to 28,526 people who attempted to make the treacherous crossing of
the 21-mile Dover Straits throughout the whole of last year............
Meanwhile, 367
asylum seekers were rescued by French authorities after getting into
difficulty at sea.
Mail is censoring comments again so not many get through. People complain
but they have not taken the point that it is a matter of
Government Policy, of
Ethnic Fouling In England and the
rest of the UK. It is also Genocide and
Treason. Why are they doing it to us? The
Tories are for
Capitalist Swine wanting cheap labour. Politicians in the
Labour Party need
Pakistanis to run their Vote Rigging so they
can hang on to power..
do people object to Illegal Immigration?
See e.g. the next one.
PS What is His Majesty's Government
attitude to us, the people of Britain?
Get Used To It
Suckers, you are screwed.
Black Arrested After City Of London Stabbings
In fact the
Mail does not admit that the prisoner is black. It just blocks all
comments so that people can't let the cat out of the bag. You doubt? See the next
Fury After Woke Orchestra Which Has Received More Than £1M Of Public Money
Refused To Play The National Anthem After The Queen Died Because It 'Symbolizes
The 'Racist' British Empire' - Despite Its Director And Founder Previously Receiving
An orchestra which has received more than £1 million of public money refused
to play the National Anthem after
the Queen died because it said it symbolises the ‘racist’ British
The Chineke! Orchestra performed at the
Lucerne Festival in Switzerland during the mourning period, but founder and
artistic director Chi-chi Nwanoku banned the playing of God Save The King.
The move has been criticised by MPs and musical figures, who point out that
Ms Nwanoku has accepted honours including a CBE.
All take, no give. Gratitude? You're joking. If you want loyalty get a dog.
NB the headline is verbatim.
10 October 2022
British Government Allows Pakistani Rape Gangs To Pervert Law And Justice
Just look the other way –
MPs’ scandalous response to the rape gang crisis
Andrew Cadman
WITH the passing of Her Majesty the
Queen, the
sins of Britain and its Empire, real or imagined,
have inevitably been in the news again. Something
‘Irish Twitter’ (which one suspects is about as in tune with Irish public
opinion as Twitter is with public opinion generally), has been foaming at the
mouth about the Irish potato famine of 1845-49 being a deliberate act of
genocide, a view of history that even the most rabid Irish republican tends not
to believe..........
the Irish famine uncomfortably echoes down the
centuries with painful parallels for today, though
for our MPs and the political class rather than the
monarchy. When one reads about Ireland’s tragedies
under British rule and the famine in particular,
what shines through is that callous indifference
rather than genocidal malice was largely to blame............
Callous indifference. Is it so very different
today? A decade after the full horrors of what
Pakistani Muslim rape gangs had done to more than
1,600 girls in Rotherham, further incidences of this
abomination have been exposed in Telford, where more
than 1,000 girls were groomed and abused. Rochdale,
Oxford and Oldham report similar outrages. As
Mark Steyn said on GB News, extrapolate these
figures to the major conurbations and the numbers
must be in the tens of thousands.
You would have thought in a democracy that this
would be a major matter of concern; Parliament
thought otherwise – a debate on the matter this
month was attended by just nine MPs.
As with the Irish Famine, what Brendan O’Neill
calls today’s
‘evasive elites’ are prepared to sacrifice and
ruin the lives of the most vulnerable in society to
preserve liberal shibboleths. It isn’t just the
‘institutional blindness’ towards the rape gangs
themselves, as Telford survivor and campaigner
Samantha Smith calls it, but the multi-decade
refusal of the elites to accept that models of
family formation in society are not immaterial, no
matter how vulnerable and damaged it leaves young
A decent man writes for
The Conservative Woman a worthy outfit. What is
Government Policy? Mark Steyn explains:-
Get Used To It
Suckers, you are screwed. Will His
Majesty's Government be any different, any better than Hers? If only.
Zuckerberg Deletes Kanye Account
On Friday,
Kanye West posted about powerful Jews on
Instagram, and now that
Jew who runs Instagram has silenced him in order to prove that he is wrong
and Jews being powerful is an anti-Semitic
hoax. The
earth-shaking post was a screenshot of a SMS exchange between West and
rapper Puff Daddy. West told Puffy that he’s not going to be cowered [ sic ]
by the Jews...........
After being blocked, Ye went over to Twitter, which
he had not used in a long time, and demanded to know why the Jewish CEO of
Meta, Mark Zuckerberg, had banned him.
Look at this Mark
How you gone kick me off Instagram You used to be my
Saying Nigger is very naughty,
according to the BBC, even if you spell it as
nigga. But it is all right for Kanye because he is black.. His other current publicity stunt is
saying White Lives Matter.
PS Kanye is explained rather kindly by
John Derbyshire at
9 October 2022
Archbishop Of Canterbury Speaks Out Against Liz Truss Plan To Move British
Embassy In Israel From Tel Aviv To Jerusalem
Archbishop of
Canterbury has expressed concern at the potential for the British
embassy in Israel to be moved from Tel Aviv to the contested holy city of
Prime Minister
Liz Truss told her Israeli counterpart at the
United Nations summit in New York last month that she was considering
the relocation, after Donald Trump ordered
the same move for the US embassy during his presidency.
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby raised
concern about the possible implications before a negotiated settlement is
reached between Israel and the Palestinians.
A surprising idea from Welby given that he is a Jew
[ or a bastard - it depends who his father is. ] - see
Archbishop Of Canterbury Is A Jew.
This bright idea came from Liz Truss because she
is pandering to the Zionist crazies who run
Washington & Tel Aviv, the comedians who forced
Vladimir Putin to invade the Ukraine. NB
Don is just as much a tool of the Jews as
Truss. The
Mail is acting normally, censoring comments. The truth makes it nervous.
Hispanic Murderer Killed Two People In Las Vegas
A man accused of stabbing to death two people - including a Las Vegas
showgirl and a 47-year-old man - as well as injuring several others, is an
illegal immigrant with a criminal record, it has been claimed.
The harrowing mass stabbing on the Las Vegas
strip was laid bare in a police arrest report released on Friday.
Yoni Christian Barrios, 32, who is charged
with murdering two and attempting to kill six more on Thursday, told
detectives that he is a Guatemalan immigrant and that he stabbed eight
people so he could 'let the anger out.'
Barrios was imported with Malice
Aforethought by the mob that really do run America.
This does not mean the senile fool in the White House. Look more toward
Palestine, the Stolen
Land and the thieves that run it.
8 October 2022
Hunter Biden Is Guilty As Hell - FBI Pretends It Isn't Stalling
Emails, text messages, and photographs published by are among
a wealth of evidence that prosecutors could use at trial if
Hunter Biden is charged with tax crimes and lying on gun purchase
FBI believes it has enough evidence to charge Hunter Biden with failure
to declare income from his foreign business deals and a failure to declare
he was a drug addict on a gun application, sources told
The Washington Post Thursday.
Agents told the Post they assembled enough
evidence for a criminal case against the First Son 'months ago' – and the
decision to charge now lies with federal prosecutors.
This isn't really news, just a reminder of the truth.
Hunter Biden got away with taking
Bribes because Joe Biden
is in the White House. Midterm elections in November mean they are
now expendable.
7 October 2022
Policeman Held Prisoner After Allegations Of Anti-Third World Racism
Mail is horrified. Notice that they have not bothered with the nuisance of
trials & courts because he is a White Man.
Five Pakistanis Charged With People Smuggling
London taxi drivers charged with people smuggling offences have appeared
in court. They aren't in prison; they are out on bail, making it easier for them
to flee the country, to
Pervert The Course Of Justice. If they had been English they would, I
dare say have been in prison with that naughty policeman. Is this
Selective Prosecution or
Misconduct In Public Office?
PS Her Majesty's Government has
247 Thousand Alien Parasites this year. At all events that is the number
they admitting to. See the next one for a sample of the evil being done to us by
His Majesty's Government - not that
Elizabeth II's lot were any better.
Illegal immigrant, 32, murdered two men when he set block of flats on fire
in bid to kill as many neighbours as possible because he lost his job at BT
and faced eviction
Yes, he is black, probably Ugandan; it is why the
is censoring comments?
FBI Shooting Statistics Are Fraudulent
FBI Undercounts Frequency of Good Guys With Guns Stopping Mass Shootings
How often does a good guy with a gun save lives
by ending an attack? In the wake of today’s
mass shooting at a daycare center in Thailand
that killed 30 people, mostly children, it’s a
question worth asking.
And one that the
FBI has dismissed by undercounting instances of
bystanders stopping attackers before the police can
arrive. That’s according to a new report from the
Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC). Besides
data showing that armed citizens stopped over 34.4%
of active shootings between 2014-2021, CPRC argues
the Bureau’s “pattern of distortion” in its numbers
was deliberate.
The Daily Caller reports:
Data provided by the CPRC shows
that 34.4% of active shootings were thwarted by
a good guy with a gun between 2014-2021. The
FBI, however, only lists 4.4% of active
shootings as having been thwarted by an armed
citizen during the same time frame. The CPRC
identified 360 active shooter situations during
2014-2021, 124 of which were stopped by an armed
citizen. The FBI identified 252 active shooter
situations, with just 11 stopped by an armed
The report quotes Gary Mauser, a gun violence
researcher and an emeritus professor at Simon
Fraser University, who said that “the FBI
database of active shooters cannot be trusted”
and that the FBI’s underreporting could be the
result of “bias or just incompetence.”
The CPRC report found 25 incidents in the past
eight years it considered imminent mass shootings
only stopped by vigilant bystanders and reported 83
mass shooting incidents that the FBI allegedly
overlooked during the same period.
Would the FBI lie to us? Would it do anything else? But it
got away with 82 murders during the Waco Massacre.
6 October 2022
Bloomberg Tries To Drown Out Economist's Nord Stream Theory
Economist Jeffrey Sachs speculated on Monday that the sabotage of the
Nord Stream pipelines was the work of the US and maybe Poland, to the
chagrin of Bloomberg TV hosts who quickly tried to change the subject.
Now a professor at Columbia University, Sachs became notorious in Russia
for masterminding the “shock therapy” reforms in the 1990s –
but has been sharply critical of the West’s approach to the conflict in
Ukraine in recent months.
Invited to Bloomberg’s ‘Surveillance’
show on Monday, Sachs was asked to comment on Russia he “knew so
well” under President Boris Yeltsin. Instead, the hosts scrambled
to cut him off after he said the conflict is “on the path of
escalation to nuclear war” and did not start in February 2022.
“Most of the world doesn’t see it the way we describe it,”
Sachs told Bloomberg’s Tom Keene, at which point co-host Lisa Abramowicz
tried to change the subject to inflation in Europe.
The EU is in a “very sharp economic downturn,” Sachs agreed.
The continent was “getting hammered” by energy shortages, made
worse by “the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline which I would
bet was a US action – perhaps US and Poland,” he managed to add
before Keene cut him off, asking for evidence of that claim.
“Well first of all, there’s direct radar evidence that US
helicopters, military helicopters that are normally based in Gdansk,
were circling over this area. We also had the threats from the US,
earlier in this year, that ‘one way or the other, we are going to end
Nord Stream.’ We also have the remarkable statement by [US] Secretary
[of State Antony] Blinken
last Friday in a press conference; he says ‘this is also a
tremendous opportunity.’ Sorry, it’s a strange way to talk if you’re
worried about piracy on international infrastructure of vital
significance,” Sachs retorted..........
Abramowicz again tried to change the subject, saying Bloomberg
couldn’t provide “counterbalance” to what he was saying.
Undeterred, Sachs answered the next question by describing the current
situation as “the most dangerous moment since the
Cuban Missile
Crisis” in 1962, with the US picking fights with both Russia and China,
without any attempts to de-escalate things.
Bloomberg, like the rest of the Western Mainstream Media
is there to suppress the truth about the destruction of
Nord Stream II by America. NB This
report/propaganda/blatant nonsense/pack of lies [ delete to taste ] comes from
Today aka
If it is blocked by the censors where you live use a VPN
via Atlanta, Georgia or Switzerland. They are open to the truth.
Nord Stream Attackers Failed - One Pipe Is Still Functional
Gazprom PJSC told European gas customers that part of the damaged Nord
Stream network could still transport fuel -- but only on the new pipeline
that Germany ditched in February in protest at Russia’s aggression toward
The Nord Stream 2 pipeline was set to go
into operation earlier this year when Germany pulled the plug on the project
just before Russia’s invasion. The pipeline, which was set to double the
capacity of Nord Stream, had been sanctioned by the U.S. and faced strong
opposition in parts of Europe, forcing [ sic ] Germany to eventually give up
on the project.
After the suspected sabotage of the network last week in
a series of explosions, Gazprom said on Monday three of the lines were
affected and one wasn’t. The gas giant has lowered pressure on the
unaffected line B of Nord Stream 2 to inspect the link for damage and
potential leaks, it said in a statement on its Telegram account...........
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said last week the
pipelines had been attacked by
‘Anglo-Saxons’, while several leaders in the European Union said they
consider the attacks a sabotage. Europe has also bolstered security at key
energy assets, fearing further attacks.
Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 each have a shipment
capacity of 55 billion cubic meters per year, which means line B could
deliver as much as 27.5 billion cubic meters per year to Germany across the
Baltic Sea.
This is fairly good news. The attackers, American or Polish sub-contractors
blew one pipe twice, not once each. So the German government can buy Russian
gas via
Nord Stream II if it wants. It prefers to
obey American orders, to Sanction Russia.
Letting its own people die of cold is irrelevant/unimportant/ a non-issue.
Of course when real people start suffering, when the electricity goes off,
when they start complaining loud enough it might change. Is the real
government of Germany in Berlin or Washington?
PS The gas can still get through the
Ukraine if the Ukies don't steal it.
Did Uncle Sam AKA Wile-E-Coyote Blow Up The Wrong Pipeline?
5 October 2022
On this day in 1995
O. J. Simpson got away with murder; a criminal trial with a political
verdict. Blacks vote tribal. He came unstuck with a subsequent robbery.
Pakistanis Charged With People Smuggling
London taxi drivers charged with people smuggling offences have appeared
in court.
The charges follow a National
Crime Agency (NCA) probe, code-named Operation Symbolry, into a
London-based gang involved in smuggling migrants in and out of the UK using
lorries. The five men, aged between 40 and 52 and all living in east London,
appeared at Barkingside Magistrates Court.
Ahknu Hussain, 48, of Spitalfields, east London, is charged with four
counts of conspiring to facilitate illegal immigration. Amran Hussain, 40,
of Bromley-by-Bow, Fozol Miah, 41, of Ilford, and 52-year-old Kaysor Miah,
of Poplar, all east London, are each charged with one count of conspiring to
facilitate illegal immigration.
They were all bailed to appear before Snaresbrook Crown Court later this
month. The taxi drivers are accused of moving
migrants to and from rendezvous points with HGVs which would then be used to
smuggle them across the Channel. A number of the lorries were later
intercepted by the NCA.
Mail didn't pretend this lot were Brits; it just blocked all comments.
Hypnotherapist Got 29 Months For Sexual Assault
A hypnotherapist who place a woman 'under' his spell and sexually assaulted
her has been jailed for 29 months.
Ian Roper, 58, 'commanded' the victim to
remove her clothing while making her think she was sitting on a hot sun bed
and rubbing sun cream on her body, a court heard. He then caused the woman
to engage in sexual activity without her consent. When the mesmerised woman finally woke up,
Roper attempted to 'put her under again' so she wouldn't know what had
Roper initially claimed the allegations
against him were false, but he later pleaded guilty during a trial at
Bradford Crown Court.
He should have joined the police. Then they would have gone easy on him. See
e.g. the next one.
Policeman Gets Off With Nine Months After Being Involved With A Customer
A former South Yorkshire Police
officer cried in the dock as he was jailed for starting a relationship with
a domestic abuse victim and sending her explicit content.
Liam Mills, 34, had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a woman
after she went to Barnsley police station to report domestic abuse offences.
The vulnerable woman accused her former partner of coercive and
controlling behaviour, revealed she struggled with low self-esteem and that
she had been hospitalised for an overdose less than two weeks prior. Soon after Mills, a married man, starting
texting her and went on to have sex with her on at least two occasions when
he was on duty, the
Star reports. The father also used his work mobile phone to
send confidential material including a video of a murder scene and body-cam
They are experts on corruption in the
South Yorkshire Police. They let
Pakistani Perverts rape and abuse 1,400
English girls. That was just in Rotherham. No
doubt that is why he got off lightly.
Pakistani Fool Survives Mont Blanc Climb
A British man is recovering in hospital after being rescued 'five minutes'
from dying after attempting to tackle western Europe's highest mountain
without proper equipment – to celebrate his birthday.
Feda Hussein, 26, was found by
Italy's Aosta Valley Mountain Rescue on Sunday morning on the Bionnassay
glacier after calling for help the previous evening.
The graduate aerospace engineer became lost
amid stormy conditions and got into difficulty at an elevation of 3100
metres (10,170ft) on the Italian side of the mountain range, but rescuers
were unable to locate him on Saturday night due to the arduous conditions.
Mail chooses to allege that he is British. I choose to claim that he is
a Pakistani. NB you can't fix stupid, not even by giving him a degree.
4 October 2022
Yom Kipper is when Jews renounce all oaths they
make during the next twelve months. They grant themselves permission to commit
Perjury, to breach contracts, to lie in their teeth
by reciting Kol Nidre. They will then whine about people not liking them.
Yom Kipper = the Day of Atonement when is Jews say
Nidre, to get ready for another year of evil. What are they atoning for? The
lies they haven't told yet. The Wiki claims at length that they do not refuse obligation to be honest to
others. Believe it if you want.
Without Industry
The reaction to the sabotage of three of the four Nord Stream 1 and
2 pipelines in four places on Monday, September 26, has focused on
speculations about who did it and whether NATO will make a serious
attempt to discover the answer. Yet instead of panic, there has been
a great sigh of diplomatic relief, even calm. Disabling these
pipelines ends the uncertainty and worries on the part of US/NATO
diplomats that nearly reached a crisis proportion the previous week,
when large demonstrations took place in Germany calling for the
sanctions to end and to commission Nord Stream 2 to resolve the
energy shortage.
The German public was coming to understand what it will mean if
their steel companies, fertilizer companies, glass companies and
toilet-paper companies were shutting down. These companies were
forecasting that they would have to go out of business entirely – or
shift operations to the United States – if Germany did not withdraw
from the trade and currency sanctions against Russia and permit
Russian gas and oil imports to resume, and presumably to fall back
from their astronomical eight to tenfold price increase.
Yet State Department hawk
Victoria Nuland already had stated in
January that “one way or another Nord Stream 2 will not move
forward” if Russia responded to the accelerating Ukrainian military
attacks on the Russian-speaking eastern oblasts. President Biden
backed up U.S. insistence on February 7, promising that “there will
be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it. … I
promise you, we will be able to do it.”
Most observers simply assumed that these statements reflected the
obvious fact that German politicians were fully in the US/NATO
pocket. Germany’s politicians held fast turbines refusing to
authorize Nord Stream 2, and Canada soon seized the Siemens dynamos
needed to send gas through Nord Stream 1. That seemed to settle
matters until German industry – and a rising number of voters –
finally began to calculate just what blocking Russian gas would mean
for Germany’s industrial firms, and hence domestic employment.
Germany’s willingness to self-impose an economic depression was
wavering – although not its politicians or the EU bureaucracy. If
policymakers were to put German business interests and living
standards first, NATO’s common sanctions and New Cold War front
would be broken. Italy and France might follow suit. That prospect
made it urgent to take the anti-Russian sanctions out of the hands
of democratic politics.............
But unless other countries work together to create an alternative to
the IMF, World Bank, International Court, World Trade Organization
and the numerous UN agencies now biased toward the U.S/NATO by U.S.
diplomats and their proxies, the coming decades will see the U.S.
economic strategy of financial and military dominance unfold along
the lines that Washington has planned. The question is whether these
countries can develop an alternative new economic order to protect
themselves from a fate like that which Europe this year has imposed
upon itself for the next decade.
Hudson is an economist. He explains how and why the American
Deep State is screwing
Germany and the rest of us.
Pakistani Mayor Putting Black
Murderer On A London Statue
Honouring an African hero
Prior to its becoming the British Protectorate of Nyasaland Malawi
(as it’s known today) served but one purpose: To round up slaves and
sell them on the Muslim slave traders in Zanzibar. It may have kept the
local warlords wealthy and happy but of course the same can’t be said
for the rest of the population. Into this environment was born
John Chilembwe, the fruit of unholy congress between his mother and her
owner, a local slave trader. Not an auspicious entry to this world.
Historian Alexendar Chula describes the contemporary scene as
follows: “British missionaries were essential to the formation of modern
Malawi. Before their arrival it was the land that fed the vast Indian
Ocean slave trade. For centuries the Arabs and their Islamicised
indigenous accomplices had been capturing and trading slaves in
incalculable numbers. David Livingstone (of “Dr. Livingstone, I
presume?” fame) called it “the open sore of the world”. The issue
obsessed him and in response he stirred up one of the greatest moral
crusades of modern times.” In response the British Government forced the
abandonment of the practice and for good measure established hospitals,
“schools and colleges of towering ambition”...........
Unfortunately John’s entrepreneurial talents were, well, African, and
within a short time the ventures began to flounder. Being a man ahead of
his time he attributed this to the racist behaviour of local Whites
against whom he began to harbour deep resentment, to the point of
inciting his followers to rise up in rebellion. What the ensuing revolt
lacked in military impact was more than compensated by its barbarity.
The first victim was a local planter named Livingstone (any relation
to the man who freed the country?) who was hunted down in his house and
decapitated in front of his wife and children. Following this John
celebrated a religious service in which (having clearly imbibed the
finer points of Anglican liturgical practice) the decapitated head,
dripping in blood and gore, held centre place on the altar...........
Despite this stirring revolt against tyranny the local population
dashed John’s hopes of a widespread rebellion and in fact turned against
him, hunting him down and killing him not long afterwards. His body was
left to rot in the jungle.
I know what you’re thinking on reading this: John has Nobel Peace
Prize laureate written all over him. Unfortunately the awarding
Committee doesn’t award the Prize posthumously – although they did award
it prematurely, before the Hawaiian/Kenyan had even started his campaign
of mass killing. So how can his place in history be honoured? Well he’s
getting his own statue in the centre of the former Empire’s capital. How
about that?
And it’s not just any statue. It shows John, in a magisterial pose,
dwarfing the diminutive presence of his erstwhile White benefactor. One
thing you can say about the sculpture is that it’s not subtle, leaving
nothing to the imagination regarding the revised status of the
respective races. According to Sadiq Khan, the Pakistani Muslim now
reigning over London, the design “Was chosen to shine a spotlight on
important issues our [sic] society continues to face”. Like the epidemic
of stabbings carried out by Africans which makes London a no-go area
after dark? Maybe, but somehow I doubt that’s what he had in mind.
The Irish Savant explains so much better than I can.
The Wikipedia confirms what the Savant tells us but
hides the bit about Chilembwe decapitating Mr Livingstone on a separate page @
Livingstone Bruce Plantation Raid . The blacks doing their slave trading do
get a mention but the real emphasis is the White Man's
oppression of this ex slave.
3 October 2022
Pipelines And Plagues
Who Attacked Germany & Nord Stream?
Who Attacked China With Covid-19?
is facing its worst energy crisis in generations,
with numerous factories shutting down and severe hardship expected
during the approaching winter. Heavily-industrialized Germany has been
especially hard hit, with
more than half of all small- and mid-sized businesses fearful that they
might be forced to close, an economic catastrophe of Great Depression
proportions. The only near-term hope of salvation had been an end to the
self-destructive energy sanctions these countries had imposed upon Russia,
which would have allowed plentiful and cheap Russian natural gas to resume
flowing through the Russian-owned Nord Stream pipelines.
the European governments remained firmly opposed to that solution, many
ordinary Europeans felt differently, and in recent days large public
demonstrations in Germany and the Czech Republic had demanded that the
sanctions be lifted. There was widespread speculation that such popular
protests would eventually carry the day, if not immediately then once winter
hardship became too severe. The outcome would be a negotiated end to the
Ukraine war along the general lines suggested by Russia, resulting in a
strategic defeat for America and NATO.
Then on
September 26th, this geopolitical landscape was upended as a series of large
explosions severely damaged the huge Russian pipelines, putting them out of
commission indefinitely, probably even permanently. With the pipelines no
longer operational, Europe would have to make due with the limited supply of
American gas that can be shipped by tanker, at a cost many times greater.
The massive explosive attacks on the undersea pipelines—rather
euphemistically characterized as “sabotage” in the media headlines—had
occurred near the coastal waters of Denmark and Sweden, in an area of the
Baltic heavily monitored and patrolled by NATO warships...............
the obvious possibility of retaliation. Russia possesses a very powerful and
sophisticated military with excellent special forces, and the West’s own
energy infrastructure is woefully vulnerable and unprotected. Moreover, our
heavily financialized economy might collapse like a house of cards if it
were struck a tiny blow in the right location, with Tucker Carlson noting
that if Russia merely cut the transatlantic fiber-optic cables connecting
financial markets in the US and Europe, Wall Street would suffer gigantic
But I
think the greatest risk our country faces is an automatic consequence of our
attacks on Europe’s critical energy infrastructure even absent any
significant Russian reprisals.
Germany and the rest of Europe undergo an economic collapse, the American
economy can hardly avoid severe damage as well, but I think the more
important impact will be upon the longer-term geopolitical alignment of that
continent. Europeans will suffer greatly this winter and despite the solid
wall of media propaganda, more and more of them may begin to recognize the
architect of their distress.
nearly three generations, our NATO allies have constituted a crucial element
of America’s global military and economic power, and if they see their
repayment as being a treacherous, criminal attack with devastating
consequences, they may eventually decide to shift their allegiance in a
different direction. The hashtag
#Kriegserklaerung---“declaration of war”—was recently trending for several
days on Twitter, with numerous Germans saying that America had declared
war against their country. Overwhelming control over electronic and social
media represents a powerful brain-washing tool, but at some point its
effectiveness may be overwhelmed by miserable reality. The old Soviet Union
never inflicted such deliberate suffering upon its Warsaw Pact vassals and
that alliance collapsed in 1989, so if some of the more dismal economic
predictions for Europe are realized, I wonder if NATO will long survive.
From a
broader perspective, industrialized Germany and resource-rich Russia are
natural trading partners, and as
Mike Whitney so presciently argued back in February, much of America’s
recent European strategy has been aimed at blocking their growing economic
ties. Our destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines may have temporarily
prevented any immediate German defection, but the bitterness we will have
earned may be even more significant in the future. If Germany shifted its
political ties eastward, America’s power in Europe would be shattered, and
German voters do have a say in such matters, especially if they begin to
suffer Depression-like conditions in the next few months............
individuals have fully absorbed the broader implications of the Nord Stream
attacks, including the widespread but ridiculous media claims that the
Russians destroyed their own pipelines, they should reassess their
assumptions regarding American governmental behavior and also reexamine the
circumstances of the Covid outbreak with a fresh eye.
Do you believe everything you read in the newspapers? You shouldn't! Here
Ron Unz, an honest Jew [ They do exist ] explains the
American attacks on Wuhan and Nord Stream. Hate
driven fools and rogues in the American
State Department are running
wild. The job may have been subcontracted to Polish special forces. The facts
Woman Gets Five Years For Ten Fraudulent Rape Allegations
An Essex woman made 10 false rape claims against two men leading to 60
police investigations - which eventually found that the men were not in
the area at the time.
Cathy Richardson, 35, from Westcliff, made
a series of allegations against two men between January and May 2021,
and has now been sentenced to more than five years in prison...........
As officers progressed their enquiries
into Richardson's claims, they found that CCTV, phone data, and
information from automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras
showed the alleged attacker was not in the area at the time Richardson
alleged the assaults to have taken place.
The actual charge was
Perverting The Course Of Justice. The
Mail is censoring comments even though she isn't black. The readers
do not approve of her.
Feral Youths Leave Englishman For Dead In Burton On Trent
A father-of-two was left for dead after being beaten within an inch of
his life by a gang of feral youths - after simply asking them for
Family of Shaun Mollon, 49, say he has
been left a 'broken man' afraid of human touch after the appalling
violence exploded last Friday morning. He was kicked and hit so hard in
the horrific attack in a car park just off the High Street in
Burton-upon-Trent, his jaw eye socket and cheekbone were shattered.
Businessman Mr Mollon, who is the director
of his own company, has had to have emergency surgery to reconstruct his
face with metal plates and pins in his home city of York. His
heartbroken wife Julianne said last night: 'It's destroyed our lives. He
is frightened of any little noise and doesn't want anyone touching him.
He is lucky to be alive.' Mr Mollon's nightmare unfolded on September
23, but due to the severity of his injuries has only been made public
Are these "feral youths"
Islamic or
Hindu. The
Mail is not telling us. The truth comes down the line. Be aware that
there are
Thousands of Muslims In Burton. They have been indulging in
Rioting recently. See e.g.
Egyptian Subversive Goes To Leicester, Inciting Race Hate Between Hindu And Muslims.
These Third World aliens were imported by
Her Majesty's Government with
Malice Aforethought as part of an ongoing
policy of Treason.
Transgender Activists Are Anti-White Racists
A Christian nurse, who is suing an NHS
Trust for discrimination, has claimed that the healthcare service forces a
'racist ideology' onto its students.
Amy Gallagher, 33, is taking legal action
against the Portman Clinic in North
London, part of The Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust. The nurse, who is
in her final stages of a two-year course in forensic psychology at the
trust, claims she has been discriminated against on the basis of race,
religion and philosophical belief. The mental health nurse took issue with
the trust when she was allegedly forced to take part in a lecture titled
'whiteness - a problem of our time' in October 2020.
The online presentation then said, 'the problem of racism is a problem of
whiteness' and encouraged attendees to confront 'the reality of whiteness'.
At a meeting with her course leader Ms Gallagher explained she did not
consider herself racist and that she took a 'colour-blind' approach, meaning
she did not judge people by their skin colour. Ms Gallagher claims she was
told that such a colour-blind approach is now 'outdated'. Ms Gallagher then
filed a formal complaint to the Tavistock Trust in January last year.
In March the legal case was escalated after an
external speaker complained to the Nursing and Midwifery Council, claiming
that Ms Gallagher had 'inflicted race-based harm' and as a result could not
work with 'diverse populations',
The Telegraph reports.
Tavistock And
Portman NHS Foundation Trust is the lead operation for the
Transgender racket in
England. It was a growth industry until there were too many complaints from
parents whose pubescent daughters were being manipulated into
"transitioning" into "boys". Treatments were irreversible disasters.
2 October 2022
This day in 2005 brought us the Las Vegas Massacre
- see also Las Vegas Gunman Kills 58 & Wounds 515.
There is more and better comment from Mark Steyn at
The Empty Paddock.
Fun Fact: The perpetrator's father made the
FBI Ten Most Wanted List - see
Vegas Suspect's Father Was A Notorious Bank Robber
NATO Chief Threatens War Against Russia
Vladimir Putin's war in
Ukraine has taken a dangerous and unpredictable
turn after
vowed to help Volodymyr
Zelensky's Government recapture the regions illegally annexed by Russia
- even after Moscow's repeated threats to use
nuclear weapons to defend them.
During a
lavish ceremony inside the Kremlin yesterday,
Putin blamed the 'satanic' West for the conflict in Ukraine and warned that
his regime would use 'all means' to defend the Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and
Zaporizhzhia regions stolen by Russia in the biggest military land grab in
Europe since the Second World War..............
In response to Russia's unceasing aggression, Ukraine dramatically applied
for NATO membership - while the military alliance's Secretary-General
Jens Stoltenberg vowed that the West would not be deterred by Putin's nuclear
threats. Vowing that NATO's support for Kyiv was 'unwavering', he added: 'We
remain resolute in providing support to Ukraine as it continues to defend itself
against Russia's aggression… For as long as it takes.'...........
The US and its allies hit back at Russia's annexation of four Ukrainian regions,
slapping sanctions on more than 1,000 people and companies including arms supply
networks as Joe Biden warned Putin he can't 'get away with' seizing Ukrainian
Is Stoltenberg a
dangerous fool or does he just sound like one? The
Mail is blaming Vlad again; it is wrong. The Jews running the American
State Department want
hypersonic nukes in the Ukraine to threaten Russia. Expanding NATO is their de
facto war against Russia. They are prepared to destroy America as well. They can
always make off to Palestine, the
Stolen Land they call Israel
if they start World War III.
Pakistani Politician Proves Her Anti-Black Racism
In this climate, anti-racists are always one mistake away from disgrace,
while right-wingers who cause division get away scot-free [
The Guardian tells the lie direct -
Editor ].
Rupa Huq
is neither a comedian nor, it turns out, is she particularly good at
telling political jokes. The Labour MP should certainly not have debuted her
latest material at an event this week at Labour party conference, where she
said that the chancellor of the exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng, was “superficially
black”, adding that “if you hear him on the Today programme, you
wouldn’t know he’s black”. It was a clumsy and unwise attempt at humour and,
perhaps most importantly, the underlying idea that formed the sting of her
would-be joke is false [ sic ].
The (presumably unintended) implication must be that
erudite, successful, well-spoken (even if
financially cack-handed) people don’t come in black. This is, of course,
obviously false but it is a perception that remains widely held. I was once
informed by a senior manager at a media organisation that I was too
“successful, intelligent and middle-class to relate to or understand black
audiences”. I wish this was a wildly outrageous humblebrag but it was as
painful and racist as it sounds. It is also untrue.
You are entitled to believe thatThe Guardian tells the truth, that it is
not a Propaganda machine of the
Hard Left. You shouldn't. It keeps very quiet about its
John Edward
Taylor, a Capitalist Swine who got rich
his Cotton trade profits; he exploited
Slaves in the Deep South. See
The Guardian Supported
Slavery and
vice versa. Little Miss Huq
[ an unfortunate name ] helped another Pakistani,
Naz Shah who does not
approve of Jews.
1 October 2022
day in 2005 brought us 2005 Bali Massacre Number 2
Islamic suicide bombers
got 20 kills. There were over 100 casualties. See
2005 Bali bombings They did
much better the first time, in 2002 - see
2002 Bali bombings
with 202 people, largely Australian and Westerners. Their second attack scored
mainly locals. People learn.
Black Woman Denies Killing Her Three Year Old
A mother has denied neglecting and killing her three-year-old son who was
found dead at their home.Olabisi Abubakar, 41,
denied both neglect and manslaughter as she appeared via video link at
Cardiff Crown Court on Friday. Abubakar, from the Welsh capital, was charged
with the manslaughter of her son Taiwo Abubakar who was discovered at their
home on Cwmdare Street in Cathays, Cardiff on June 29, 2020.
During the hearing she pleaded not guilty to
killing her three-year-old boy between June 1 and June 30. The mother also
pleaded not guilty to two counts of child cruelty and neglect of a person
under the age of 16.
In Nigeria she might well have been looking at a death sentence. She is
making like a lunatic.
Tucson Cops Kill Career Criminal Who Threatened Police Dog
Arizona police shot a suspect to death after he pointed a handgun at a
police dog’s head, video shows. The Tucson Police department
released body cam footage Tuesday of Francisco Javier Galarza aiming a
semi-automatic at a K9 named Kiro, as the dog brought the runaway suspect to
the ground.
Police instantly opened fire on the man, killing him with
several shots. According to the department, Galarza was wanted on a felony
arrest warrant for home invasion and bank robbery. The 49-year-old was
spotted entering a convenience store just before noon on Aug. 25. Police
confronted him in the parking lot, but Galarza immediately tried to run
“Police! Get down!” Officers can be heard telling Galarza several times
in the video as he runs. Officer Barry Peterson, a 15-year veteran, released
Kiro, who tackled Galarza to the ground.
The loser is another Hispanic, a career criminal with a lengthy rap sheet to prove it. Arizona is now
a better place.
Pakistani Incited Terrorism - Allegedly
An Austrian [ sic ] teenager shared three videos containing terrorist
content, the Old Bailey has been told. Ibrahim Ahmad, 19, from Vienna, was
charged on August 26 with three counts of dissemination of a terrorist
publication. Prosecutor Birgitte Hagem said the charges relate to three
video clips sent between February 3 and July 6.
During a preliminary hearing today, Ahmad was assisted by a German
interpreter as a timetable for his case was discussed...........
Mr Justice Sweeney set a provisional trial of
up to 10 days from July 3 next year at Woolwich Crown Court.
Mail claims that the prisoner is Austrian; he isn't. The fact that he
never bothered to learn Urdu or whatever is irrelevant. The trial needs a
day at most. A couple of hours should be enough. Stretching it to ten days
is a ploy to keep lawyers expensively off the dole.
30 September 2022
More at
2022 or
This Month
Top Stories 2022
What lies ahead? Pass but there could be some good things.
I was brought up with lies
all the time . . . that's how you got along. . . . I have lied my entire life
Monica Lewinsky [ a Jew ] Explains All In
The Quote of the Century
Judge The
2010 Gold G-String Award In New Orleans
This is a rare opportunity to
exercise your skill and judgment. Have you got what it takes? NB It may not
qualify for the Job Seekers' Allowance. See
Stormy Daniels, a past winner and think for yourself.
Jewish Pimp Pleading Guilty In Spitzer Case
An Israeli man [ the Jew,
Mark Brener ] accused of running an escort service that brought
down New York governor Eliot Spitzer
in March was set to plead guilty on Thursday afternoon to money laundering,
prostitution and conspiracy, according to his lawyer......... "It does
appear that there's a continuing investigation," noted criminal defence
attorney Gerald
Shargel told WCBS-TV. "The manner in which the investigation is being
conducted strongly suggests that Gov. Spritzer is a target."
You have to admit that the pimp had a quality product, albeit there is no
kindness in her face. You might also wonder why Mr Spitzer got aggravation.
He was fingered while the rest of her clients walked away. Spitzer did annoy
Bush as well as other rich criminals. See
Eliot Spitzer Was Screwed for
more on this one.
This is not one of the 18 known pictures of her at
Kristen the definitive gallery so she'll just have to do until one comes
Today's Girl Is for
light relief.
Her Majesty's Prime
Minister Picks His Nose In Parliament
Brown is a plebeian oaf and a spendthrift swine to
boot. The poor Queen has to deal with the fellow. Does he wash his hands first?
See it in glorious Technicolor® if you have the stomach for it. Then watch
him clean his fingers on his tie.
Hosted in America since 9 August 2005
Hits since 28
April 2006
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Email me at Mike Emery. All financial
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Updated on
Wednesday, 16 August 2023 09:58:44 +0100