Multiculturalism is wonderful we are told. It
is rammed down our throats by communist subversives, politicians on the make and
Jews. Jews are very keen on it except in Palestine, the
Stolen Land that they
call Israel. It is a demographic time bomb. Here are some reports on the practical effects. It is designed to
cause problems in America, England, Europe and
Western Civilization generally. It does.
That is what they want. Cultural Genocide is
the name of the game and it is working very nicely for the enemies of
Saint. Mark 3:25 And if a house be divided
against itself, that house cannot stand.
Saint Mark explained what the Jews are doing to us 2,000
years ahead of time
Just Does NOT Happen - Fred Tells All
It doesn't work. It was
never going to work. It isn't intended to work.
It is being done to
It is being done by Jews.
The Macpherson Report “Anti-Racist” Hysteria and the Sovietization of the United Kingdom
Frank Ellis PhD lately of the SAS, an
expert on the Tyranny of the
USSR puts an informed view. Lenin's Useful
Idiots do not approve.
Septimius Severus
Fred explains again; Fred is right again.
Steyn Criticizes Multiculturalism
Mark Steyn
is a very fluent speaker who talks honestly about politics and population
dynamics; that means the flood of Islamics being used to destroy
Western Civilization. He is also an
amusing speaker & part(?) Jew.
Multiculturalism and
Aboriginals in Australia are so called on the
assumption that they are the original people. They are not. Two previous waves
of incomers got eaten by the third lot. Abos have been manipulated by communist subversives to
make problems for us. They make problems for themselves as well but the subversives do
not care about. It is incidental.
Multiculturalism in America
Abraham Lincoln is sold as the wonderful human
being who started the American Civil War to free slaves. We are being lied to
Multiculturalism in
Import Pakistanis, import disease, treachery,
Third World savagery.
Multiculturalism in Fiji
Fijians are good men, good soldiers and good
rugby players. They are signals sergeants in the SAS and that means totally
trusted too. But Indians in Fiji are treacherous and greedy. Do they cause
problems? Believe it or look at the sources then believe it.
Multiculturalism in the Media
Eating people is wrong we are told and when it happens in
England it is a Godsend to the media. But this time it was different. The victim
was an English girl but the [ alleged ] perpetrators were Iyad Albattikhi and Mohammed Raveshi.
So the media keep quiet about it. Truth comes down the line.
That is just one of the examples that
Luke O'Farrell gives us. The state is so grateful to him for telling us
that they have raided him, taken his computers and charged him with
inciting racial hatred or something of the sort. See
Free Speech is Dead in England's Green and Fascist State on the
in the Solomon Islands
Islanders lived in peace for centuries. The
fought each other, ate each other and were happy. Then the Chinese arrived and
took over trading. Now the Island people are hitting back. This is not a bad
Multiculturalism and Fred
Fred has seen the ghettos of America. They are
not pretty. They are down right dangerous if you are white. They can easily be
fatal. Fred was a crime reporter so he was there with the police. He saw what
happened for real. He knew what was reported. More to the point he knew what was
not reported and why. It's the agenda.
Multiculturalism's War on Education
to school nowadays means back to classrooms, lessons and textbooks permeated by
multiculturalism and its championing of "diversity." Many parents and teachers
regard multiculturalism as an indispensable educational supplement, a salutary
influence that "enriches" the curriculum. But is it?.......
Leaf through a school
textbook and you'll find that there is a definite pattern behind
multiculturalism's reshaping of the curriculum. What multiculturalists seek is
not the goal they advertise, but something else entirely.........
these textbooks reveal is a concerted effort to portray the most backward,
impoverished and murderous cultures as advanced, prosperous and life-enhancing.
Multiculturalism's goal is not to teach about other cultures, but to promote --
by means of distortions and half-truths -- the notion that non-Western cultures
are as good as, if not better than, Western culture.
We are being lied to big time. The
Education industry is just as bad as the media and
quite possibly more dangerous.
Blacks In Haiti
An earthquake hits big time. Things go off big time and the
locals revert to type. Haiti was rich when was run by France. Now it is
different. This is more monoculturalism but it is highly illustrative.
Nationalism As
A Political Force
Multiculturalism is a weapon being used by Jews and the Left to
destroy civilization with malice aforethought. Kevin MacDonald explains.
New Orleans Special
Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and the news hit the world. The media
down played the nature of the beast but it was black, black as the ace of
spades. It was having fun. Rape is fun, just like murder and looting. There are
pictures out there to prove it. Look for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide
for yourself.
Is the opposite of multiculturalism. Racism is evil unless it is
Jews doing it to Arabs in the Stolen Land of Palestine. Then it is entirely
reasonable. So the media tell us. The media is owned by Jews or controlled by
Jews. That is how they control the agenda.
Slavery And
Lincoln did not make war for slaves and he was what propagandists
today would call grossly racist.
THE STRANGER by Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling was the poet and story teller
of the Empire and English was his second language. His first was Hindi and
taught him by his ayah. Prejudiced he was not. He knew India far better than
various multicultural propagandists.
Affirmative Action
It means giving foreign undesirable preferential treatment. It is
driven by rogues, Marxists and Lenin's Useful Idiots
Colour of Crime
There are English criminals, Jocks ditto - just look in
Downing Street to see. Outside it is blacks, browns, yellows, Jews whatever.
Green Arrow
Is telling the truth that main stream media is hiding. The
names tell a story. So do the mug shots.
Most Wanted
You might be surprised to learn that the majority of the
perpetrators on the run are foreigners. It might even make you think that the
media have been lying to you.
Multiculturalism As A Tool To Divide And Conquer. The Layman's Primer
Multiculturalism is a weapon of mass destruction.
It is not as quick as an atom bomb but it is far more widespread in its effects.
Just as biological weapons, the second of the Unholy NBC [
] Trinity [ nuclear,
biological, chemical ] can spread worldwide the multicult can spread wherever
treason and politicians allow it.
How Racial P.C. Corrupted the LAPD
It is easy. Politicians force the police to recruit
minorities. This is American for blacks, Hispanics and others. This forces
standards down and forces the recruitment of criminals and known criminal
associates. They use their new found powers to give us Third World police, which
means murder, extortion, perverting the course of justice etc. The political
answer is to cover it up.
Racism is Alive and Well
[ 22 September 2005
Murder, robbery and racism.
Dreadful! Oh, in Zimbabwe? That is different. That is blacks doing it. No problem. In
Rhodesia? Awful. In Zimbabwe we ignore it. In New Orleans. Blacks again. Pretend it didn't happen.
Muslim Rape Epidemic in Sweden and Norway - Authorities Look the Other Way [ 23 September 2005
We can look the other way too. Multiculturalism? Encourage illegal immigrants?
Lefties are fools, rogues or both. We are in the grip of criminals and a traitorous ruling class. They will do
it your daughter given a chance.

Starved and beaten with nails: Kinshasa's young 'witches' cast out by slum preachers
[ 24 September 2005 ]
They do have problems. The causes are
stupidity, greed and malice. The left wanted us to let them run Africa. Now they
run Africa and it is going to Hell in a hand basket. Do the left care? Do they
apologize? Not on your life.
Multiculturalism in Action - Stoning Criminals to Death [
20 March 2006 ]
Mohammed ordered stoning as a punishment. See it in glorious
Technicolor© with a special song - Mohamed is a Sex Offender.
Acid in Bangladesh
21 March 2006 ]
Acid can spoil your day. A cup full in the face
and someone is never going to be the same again. Upset a father or a husband and
suffer for life. Blair wants to import these comedians as cheap labour, to buy
their votes or whatever. Der Spiegel explains. They must be feeling that the
Gastarbeiter [ guest worker ] thing is played out.
Woman Stripped After Being Branded Witch In Jharkhand [
26 July 2007 ]
A women was stripped and brutally beaten
with hot iron rods after she was branded a witch and held responsible for the
death of a woman in a Jharkhand village, police said Monday.
The incident came to light only after a week when the woman from Dadighagar in
Hazaribagh district, about 130 km from here, approached some local reporters
Basdeo Manjhi said 45-year-old Chandmuni Devi had used black magic against his
wife who died of snakebite on July 14. He complained to the panchayat that
ordered that Chandmuni be stripped and beaten with hot rods and sickles.
Chandmuni and her husband braved threats and filed a police complaint against
six people five days later. But the police did not take any action either and
the couple approached the media for help.
India is not like England or civilization for that matter.
Multiculturalism In Malaysia, Multiculturalism In Practice
[ 14 January 2012 ]
Anwar Ibrahim is an unusual man in two respects. One is that the former deputy
prime minister of Malaysia is probably the only senior politician in the world
to have been charged with sodomy (which is a crime in Malaysia). Not only that:
he was charged with sodomy twice, in trials 10 years apart—and the charges were
dismissed both times...... The other unusual thing about Anwar is that
he has managed to build a real opposition alliance in Malaysia, which may well
end the ruling party’s half-century grip on power in the forthcoming
elections. As you might expect, these two facts are not entirely unrelated.
The reason that the National Front coalition
has ruled Malaysia ever since independence in 1957, even though Malaysia is a
democracy where you would expect an occasional change of government, is fear.
Many Malaysians of all ethnic groups fear that the National Front is the only
thing that keeps the lid on the bubbling pot of ethnic resentments.
For many centuries the dominant ethnic group
in the country was the Malays, but under British rule a huge wave of
immigration from China and the Indian sub-continent reduced the Malays to only
60 percent of the population. Almost all of the Malays were Muslim; few of the
others were. But the bigger problem was that the Malays ended up much poorer
than the newcomers. In 1969 there were bloody riots in Kuala Lumpur that
killed at least hundreds of people, and perhaps as many as 2,000.
The important message is that
Multiculturalism is an evil. Brits did it to
Malaya because they wanted workers. The Malays were not interested. Now Brits
Her Majesty's Government are doing it
to us with malice aforethought. They are puppets being used by Jews to destroy
Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition
is worse.
Multiculturalism Update - Afghan Woman Beheaded For Not Becoming A Whore
18 October 2012 ]
Afghan police have arrested four people who allegedly tried to force a
woman into prostitution and beheaded her when she refused.
Mah Gul, 20, was beheaded after her mother-in-law attempted
to make her sleep with a man in her house in Herat province last
week, provincial police chief Abdul Ghafar Sayedzada told AFP. "We have arrested her mother-in-law, father-in-law, her
husband and the man who killed her," he said. Gul was married to her husband four months ago and her
mother-in-law had tried to force her into prostitution several
times in the past, Sayedzada said. The suspect, Najibullah, was paraded by police at a press
conference where he said the mother-in-law lured him into
killing Gul by telling him that she was a prostitute.
Multiculturalism is wonderful, according to
the Jews who manipulate English society. That is
when it happens in Israel. Jews hate blacks. Jews are
grossly Racist.
Racism is a Marxist construct they are using to destroy
Multiculturalism Is Bad Says Channel 4 [
20 March 2015 ]
Yet that is the
picture of the UK drawn by Trevor Phillips in his excoriating
Channel 4 documentary,
Things We Won’t Say About Race That Are True, to be screened
You have to hand it to the former head of the Equalities and Human Rights
Commission. It takes guts to tell a story in which your own side, who fancy
themselves supremely virtuous, emerge as the baddies.
Phillips explains how British people, who dared to express any concern
about the rapidly changing face of their country, were shouted down as racist or a bigot. Remember, that’s how
Gordon Brown described Labour voter
Gillian Duffy in 2010. Looking back, Mrs. Duffy was rather
measured in her complaints, considering the poor woman lived in the
once-respectable town of Rotherham, now the child sex-grooming capital of the Western
world, thanks to a group of Pakistani men who make up just 5 per cent of the
local population.
Philips has served his purpose, helping
England. Corrupt politicians like Blair &
Brown used him. Now he can afford to tell the truth.
Notice that the
gave him the publicity but then the Beeb is a
Marxist propaganda machine.
PS Telegraph comments
are disappointing. Their readers are still Brain Washed by
the Main Stream Media.
Errors & omissions,
broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever;
if you find any I am open to comment.

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Sunday, 28 October 2018 08:36:57