Police Corruption
Police corruption happens. This is a matter of fact. If police
chiefs and politicians care it can be reduced. When bent coppers are
frightened of honest ones it is as good as it is ever going to
get. A lot of these links point to American sources. Can this number of reports all
be wrong? I have not read all of them but I seriously doubt it. Then there
are #Our friends at the Yard; they have
had the practice, that makes perfect. See e.g. the Metropolitan Police. Corruption starts at the top with the
current boss, Bernard Hogan-Howe; he is a
Racist, an anti-English Racist
but none the less a Racist. He colludes in crime when
Pakistanis are the perpetrators.
http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2014/01/police-politicians-gangsters.html [
broken link sadly ]
Police Drove Ray Mills To Suicide
An antiques gun dealer shot himself over fears he could die in prison
after he was charged with owning banned firearms, an inquest heard.
Ray Mills, of Pinnocks Avenue, Gravesend, took his own life in woodland
off Cobhambury Road, Cobham, before he was about to go on one last shoot. He
was 68. He was described as “anxious” and “depressed” in the days leading up to
his death over fears he could spend the rest of his life behind bars........
Investigating officer DS Richard Alilngham said he was satisfied Mr Mills
intended to take his own life after ruling out third-party involvement.
The police harassed Ray for years. Using fraudulent claims to get search
warrants was just one technique. Threatening other dealers who dealt with
him was another. Now they have achieved what they wanted. Evil rules
Police Screwed Mick Shepherd
Police captured Mick Shepherd, a legal gun dealer and kept him in prison
for ten months. This was two weeks after he passed totally clean on a police
inspection. He beat all raps; all 900 guns were legal. They did it as a
publicity stunt to make it look as though they were stopping the illegal
arms trade. They are malicious liars.
Trident was set up to deal with black criminals. They are failures
trying to justify their existence.
Rampart Scandal
Happened in
Los Angeles. It was routine stuff; beating up
Malicious prosecution,
Misconduct In Public Office,
Perverting the course of justice, stealing narcotics, selling them, which
came to light
circa 1998 when a bent copper babbled. The
Rodney King nausea
came before, in 1991
Police Corruption In England
There are pages of them.
Police Corruption Gets Blatant [ 29 June 2012 ]
Revealed: the scale of sexual abuse by
police officers
Exclusive: Guardian investigation finds sexual
predators in police are abusing their power to target victims of crime
Sexual predators in the
police are abusing their power to target victims of
crime they are supposed to be helping, as well as fellow
officers and female staff, the Guardian can reveal......
The situation raises questions about the efficacy of the police
complaints system [ which is deeply corrupt - Editor ], the police's internal whistleblowing procedures,
the vetting of officers and a failure to monitor disciplinary
Police officers have been convicted or disciplined for a range of
offences from
rape and sexual assault to misconduct in public office relating
to inappropriate sexual behaviour with vulnerable women they have
met on duty. Others are awaiting trial for alleged offences, though
many are never charged with a criminal offence and are dealt with
via internal disciplinary procedures.
In the past four years, there were 56 [ known ] cases involving police
officers and a handful of community support officers who either were
found to have abused their position to rape, sexually assault or
harass women and young people or were investigated over such
The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) and the
Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) are so concerned they
are carrying out a rare joint inquiry into the scale of the problem,
which will be published in September, the Guardian can reveal.........
David Ainsworth, deputy chief constable of Wiltshire police,
killed himself last year, an inquest heard this month, during an
inquiry into his behaviour. He is one of two officers accused of
sexual misconduct to have taken their own lives over the past four
In one of the worst cases in the past four years, Trevor Gray, a
detective sergeant with Nottinghamshire police, broke into the home
of a woman he met on a date and raped her while her young child
slept in the house.
Gray was jailed for eight years in May for rape, attempted rape
and sexual assault.
The Graun is being surprised for some reason.
Police Conduct Regulations
Tell us what they are not allowed to
do. You might conclude that they are not allowed to take bribes from
News Of The World
or anyone else. The reality is not the same as the theory.
Bent Coppers Author Sued By Crooked Cop
A journalist was cleared of libelling a former police officer whom he
suggested might be guilty of corruption at the Court of Appeal this morning.
In a victory that strengthens the media’s right to report matters in the
public interest, the appeal judges ruled that
McLagan had acted
responsibly when he researched and wrote his book “Bent
Coppers” [ One Amazon review says he is a police puppet - Ed.
] A former
senior [ junior in fact - Ed. ] police officer, Michael Charman, claimed that the book libelled him
by suggesting that there were “cogent grounds” of suspecting him of having
been involved in corruption. But the judges ruled unanimously that Mr. McLagan had taken steps to verify the story and that as a result of his
honesty, his expertise on the subject, his careful research and painstaking
evaluation of the material, his book was protected by defence of “public
interest”.......... The author expressed surprise that the
Police Federation had supported Mr. Charman, a “man required to resign by the
Metropolitan Police for ‘discreditable conduct.” [ Like
£50,000 in bribes - Editor ]
Police Federation backed the pig knowing that the man was kicked out. They
are corrupt too.
Maxine de
Her face fits no matter what. 'Misleading' Princes Charles and William is
the word used. This stops short of saying that she lied in her teeth in
order to
pervert the course of justice but that is where the euphemism
was sacked
left to pursue other options after she
was caught again. This time was abusing power; sending police with guns to
her son's school to amuse them - see Private Eye
1426/13. It seems that an employment tribunal decided that she was a liar.
Ali Dizaei
He was loud mouthed, pushy, a thief, a bully who squawked about racism for
any reason or none and now he is in prison. He got off very lightly but then
he is an ethnic.
Bent Coppers - Survey of Police Corruption
The title is clear enough and soundly based. Has Mr. Morton been sued for
Libel? Possibly. Did the copper get away with it? I doubt it.
Crown Prosecution Service Perverted
The Course Of Justice
The CPS colluded
with the police in this one. They are just as political and just as bent.
Detective Chief Inspector Gets £10,000 Bribe And Five Years In Prison
Justice gets done sometimes Davies got five years.
Having a very public reputation for corruption is suggestive,
very suggestive. It is also very justified. The Al Yamamah
Job is an example. Actually there were Brits taking bungs too. When there
are that many billions involved a few million are neither here nor there. Then
of course there is Ali Dizaei, a bent copper and a
racist thug to boot.
Operation Russia
A few bent coppers go to prison making the world a better place. There are
another 27,000 in the Met alone.
Police Brutality
Beating up prisoners is fun, healthy exercise, good for morale.
What is the point of having power if you don't abuse it? It is a form of
Police Corruption And
Chris retired from the Met, the
retirement cheque cleared then he decided that he could afford to tell the truth
so tell the truth he did. It is ugly and wide ranging.
Police Corruption In London Is Normal
officers involved in a "serious, gratuitous and prolonged" attack on a
British Muslim man that led the Metropolitan police to pay £60,000 in
damages this week have been accused of dozens of previous assaults against
black or Asian men........... After six years of denials [ what is
sometimes called lying in their teeth - Editor ] from Scotland Yard,
lawyers.... were forced to admit in the high court that Ahmad had been the
victim of sustained and gratuitous violence during his arrest and agreed to
pay £60,000 in damages...... According to documents submitted to the court,
four of the officers who carried out the raid on Ahmad's home had 60
allegations of assault against them - of which at least 37 were made by
black or Asian men. One of the officers had 26 separate allegations of
assault against him - 17 against black or Asian men...... When lawyers for
Ahmad asked for details of these allegations it emerged that the police had
"lost" several large mail sacks detailing at least 30 of the complaints.
The Met is deeply corrupt and destroying evidence in order to pervert the
course of justice is routine. The investigation system is set up to use
secret courts and other techniques which make it easy for them to get away
with murder.
PS The Grauniad is keen to emphasize that blacks are the victims and cover
up when Englishmen are being attacked. They just as corrupt as the filth but
they have a different agenda. They are some of Lenin's Useful Idiots. Their aim is
Cultural Genocide because they hate
Police Corruption Is Political And Racist
“It is a deplorable situation when a British patriot can be
barred from the police while that organization has over 1000 serving
officers who have criminal convictions, and advisors who are identified
Islamic extremist terrorists with links to Al-Qaeda,”.......... Mr. Darby
pointed out that one of the Metropolitan Police’s chief advisers on
combating Islamic extremism, Mohamed Ali Harrath, has been the subject of an
Interpol red notice (its highest state of alert) since 1992 because of
terrorist activities in Tunisia, where he helped found the Tunisian Islamic
Front (FIT)......... Harrath has been convicted in absentia of a
string of criminal and terrorism-related offences in Tunisia and has been
sentenced to 56 years in jail. At a special immigration appeals commission,
an MI5 witness stated that Mr. Harrath’s FIT had carried out terrorist
activities in France. The Tunisian government have also accused Mr. Harrath
of meeting Osama bin Laden in 1991 in an attempt to secure the financial
backing of al Qaeda for his FIT party.
In July 2007 it was revealed that eight police officers
were suspected of having links to extremist Islamic groups, including Al
Qaeda. Some of these people were believed to have attended terrorist
training camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
BNP tells the
truth. It has to because it can't afford libel aggravation and there are
vicious liars out there who will use any excuse or none to do them down.
Taking Bribes In The Met
A great number of people started to wonder why art
gallery owners and satirical magazine editors were being arrested when
there seemed to be any amount of hardcore pornography available in West
End’s Soho. As a recent victim himself of the Dirty Squad, John Lennon
lent his support to Oz and released Do The Oz to help their cause. When the Oz obscenity case went to appeal - the
defendants famously appeared wearing long wigs - it was alleged by
Geoffrey Robertson, one of the defence counsels, that the lord chief
justice, Lord Widgery, sent his clerk to Soho to buy the hardest porn he
could find. Compared to the material with which he returned, Oz magazine
paled in comparison and the original convictions were quickly quashed.
The Conservative Home Secretary, Reginald Maudling,
asked Detective Chief Inspector George Fenwick, at the time in charge of
the Obscene Publications Squad, exactly why the porn barons in Soho
seemed to be operating with somewhere close to impunity. Fenwick
explained to Maudling;
“It is an unfortunate fact of life that
pornography has existed for centuries and it is unlikely that it can
ever be stamped out.”
Maudling was shocked with this explanation, or what
was rather a lame excuse, and he quickly initiated a major corruption
inquiry. The Government and the judiciary were slowly coming to the
conclusion that there was more than the odd bad apple in the
Metropolitan police.
In the same year as Mark’s appointment the Sunday People
exposed a connection between James Humphreys (who openly ran two strip
clubs and was one of the biggest operators of pornographic bookshops in
Soho) and Commander Kenneth Drury. They had both enjoyed a luxurious two
week holiday in Cyprus accompanied by their wives, all paid for, of
course, by the Soho pornographer. Drury was hopelessly compromised and
with concocted a story that he was in Cyprus looking for the train
robber Ronnie Biggs
Humphreys quickly realised the danger of appearing as
a police informant and announced that Drury had set up the whole thing.
After a police raid at his house a diary of Humphrey’s was found in a
wall safe and it unbelievably detailed payments to seventeen different
policemen. The policeman included senior policemen such as Bill Moody -
Head of the Obscene Publications Squad but also, incredibly, his
superior Commander ‘Wally’ Virgo - a man who had overall control of nine
squads including the Flying, Drugs and the Porn Squad.
It was estimated that James Humphreys and his fellow
porn barons were paying an extraordinary £100,000 a year to corrupt
policemen to enable them to continue selling porn unimpeded. Indeed it
came to light that Humphreys had been so worried that Drury’s expensive
lifestyle would give everything away, he had supplied him with expensive
slimming drugs and a rowing machine to keep his weight down.
Commander Kenneth Drury - the most senior policeman
ever to be convicted
The delicately balanced house of cards the corrupt
policemen had built, soon came tumbling down. Initially there were just
the usual discrete [ sic ] early retirements and resignations but eventually
there were two major corruption trials and George Fenwick, Bill Moody,
Wally Virgo and Kenneth Drury were all given between ten and fourteen
years in prison in 1977. Mr. Justice Mars Jones after Fenwick’s trial
“Thank goodness the Obscene Publications Squad had
gone. I fear the damage you have done may be with us for a long
After the second trial Mars-Jones said it revealed:
“corruption on a scale which beggars description.”
Is it any different now? I doubt it. #Our
friends at the Yard goes over the same ground and makes the same
PS Felix Dennis
tells us that Widgy, the LJC had a secret meeting with
Dennis. True? About porn?
24 October 1999: Police in disarray as demoralised officers quit force in
19 October 1999: Straw defends his conference pledge on police recruits
1 August 1999: Anti-corruption chief to take over at the Met
7 March 1999: Corrupt detectives put officers' lives at risk, warns Met chief
16 January 1999: Scotland Yard pays £20m to fight police corruption
25 February 1999: 'We must change as a nation'
Sir Robert Mark ex Wiki
Sir Robert Mark became
Commissioner of the
Metropolitan Police.
That year, the annual total of armed robberies in the Metropolitan
district was 380 - partly because the culture was rife with
bribe-taking, sharing in the proceeds of crime and "verballing", or
fabricating evidence against suspects. Sir Robert felt compelled to
remind his detectives which side of the law they were supposed to be
on, he told them in his inaugural address: "A good police force, is one
that catches more criminals than it employs."
At the
centre of Sir Robert's
focus was
Investigation Department, and its pinnacle the
Flying Squad - Ken Drury,
commander of the Flying Squad and one of his inspectors, Alistair
Ingram, later went to prison for corruption.
Robert pushed such
investigation - of names such as
Davis, Ronnie
Knight, Freddie
- out to the suburban regions, who needed to employ new tactics to
catch the bigger criminals they were now faced with.
Corruption in the Met is deep seated and very sincere. It will happen
while bent coppers frighten any straight ones; not vice versa. Robert
Mark was the last Commissioner who showed serious indications of
wanting to sort the bent ones. He got rid of 300 and that was just in
the CID.
Elmore Davies
Copper tries it on again. Copper comes
unstuck. Justice gets done for once.
Detective Chief
Inspector Gets £10,000 Bribe And Five Years In Prison [
24 September 1998 ]
A former star of TV's Gladiators
and a senior policeman have been found guilty of corruption and perverting the
course of justice. Mike Ahearne, 'Warrior' in the ITV show, and Merseyside detective Elmore
Davies - both from Oxton, Wirral - were convicted after a 24-day trial at
Nottingham Crown Court. Along with a third man, Tony Bray, 50,
of Moreton, Wirral, they were found guilty of plotting to scupper the
prosecution of Philip Glennon Junior, who was later convicted of firearms
Davies, a policeman for 34 years,
accepted a £10,000 bribe to try to sabotage the Glennon prosecution.
Davies was an experienced liar, a hardened liar, an experienced perjurer. He
also knew how to get away with it. But he got sloppy or someone babbled. The
judge was fairly honest - ten years would have been better.
Corrupt policeman caught on camera - saved
Davies again.
Curtis Warren
Seriously big time crook - got information from Davies
In the late 1980s, he came to a working agreement with
Brian Charrington. In September 1991, using Charrington's personal yacht,
the pair sailed to France on then-legal
British visitor passports. They then travelled to
Venezuela on
British 10-year passports, and arranged a deal with the
Cali cartel
to smuggle cocaine in steel boxes, concealed in lead ingots.[1
On arrival in the UK, HM Customs and Excise
cut open one ingot, but found nothing. Having let the shipment pass, they were
later informed by Dutch police that the drugs were held in the steel boxes; by
which time Charrington, Warren and the shipment were untraceable. However, a
second shipment of 907 kilograms (2,000 lb) using the same method was already on
its way from South America.[1]
When the shipment landed in the UK in early
1992, Charrington, Warren and twenty-six others were placed under arrest, in a
prosecution brought by HM Customs and Excise. However, in preliminary court
procedures, it was revealed by police that Charrington was a police informant
for the
North-East Regional Crime Squad. HM Customs officials went forward with
their prosecution, despite protests from his police "handlers" Harry Knaggs and
Ian Weedon. In Newcastle
Crown Court,
it was alleged that Warren was so well informed, that he knew the length of the
largest drill bit
owned by HM Customs, and therefore the size/depth of the required ingots.[8]
Eventually, through Tory MP
Tim Devlin, a
meeting was arranged in which Customs was ordered to drop charges against
Charrington on 28 January 1993. The case was dropped, with all accused including
Warren acquitted of all charges.[1]
It is alleged that on release, Warren
purposefully walked past the HM Customs agents, saying: "I'm off to spend my £87
million from the first shipment and you can't touch me."[1]
Several months later, Knaggs was spotted by HM Customs officials driving a
£70,000 BMW, previously registered to Charrington.
Perhaps he should have gone into banking. Then he would have gotten away with
it. Notice that Customs wanted to prosecute but the filth objected so they were
bullied into letting him walk.
Our friends at the Yard - Real-life police corruption
[ broken link sadly ]
Our friends at the Yard; Real-life police corruption behind hit TV
BEHIND the sex and sleaze of TV's newest crime blockbuster lies a real-life
story of police corruption.
The drama served up in Our Friends In The North paints a glamorous picture of
Soho in the Sixties.
But millions of viewers will be unaware that it is based on true accounts of
the blackest period in police history when hundreds of Britain's policemen were
on the payrolls of gangsters.
The parallels between the TV characters and real people are astoundingly
Pornographer Bennie Barratt, played by Malcolm McDowell, is drawn from Jimmy
Humphreys, the Mr Big in Soho at the time.
Most Popular Articles
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Most Recent Publications
The "crusading cop", Roy Johnson, is the double of Frank Williamson, a senior
police officer drafted in by then-Home Secretary Jim Callaghan to clean up
Scotland Yard.
Frank, a former chief constable from Carlisle, was a script consultant to the
BBC series.
"Scotland Yard then was like a den of thieves," he says now. "No- one could
have imagined just how bad things were."
FRANK found senior officers taking all-expenses-paid holidays with the
villains they were supposed to be arresting.
Grateful gangland bosses provided senior officers with sports cars and vice
girls while junior detectives were treated to champagne and oysters in exclusive
When Frank arrived the Met was so unconcerned by the corruption that many of
the deals with villains were done in the Scotland Yard car park.
Profits from the porn trade at the time were so massive that bribing a
policeman was treated as a "business overhead".
Danny Watson, a minor villain in the Sixties who has since gone straight,
recalls: "They were all at it. I can't recall one CID officer who couldn't be
got. The motto was - bish, bosh, buy the lot."
Eventually the porn and corruption empire crumbled when crime boss Jimmy
Humphreys was arrested for grievous bodily harm.
Humphreys, now a bloodstock agent living in Hampstead, North London, was
enraged that his years of paying off policemen couldn't save him.
He decided to go public - and the scale of corruption finally emerged.
Thirteen detectives were jailed and 478 were forced to take early retirement.
Out of a CID force of 2,000, almost a quarter had taken bribes.
Humphreys, an exotic figure whose wife, Rusty, was a former stripper, ran
most of Soho's sex clubs and collected bent cops the way other people collected
He had even been photographed on holiday in Cyprus with Commander Ken Drury,
head of the elite Flying Squad.
Humphreys says today: "The mood in the series is very accurate."
The corruption ran so deep that when Frank Williamson began his clean-up, the
Met did everything to sabotage it. They assigned as his deputy one of the most
corrupt men in the entire force, Detective Chief Superintendent Bill Moody.
On his first day Moody roared up in an Alfa Romeo - "a real bird puller".
Seeing Frank's modest family saloon he sneered: "Is that the best you can do?"
The Alfa had been provided by Humphreys.
Meanwhile, other senior officers were intent on blackening Frank's name.
HIS files were burgled and his phones bugged. In 1972 the frustration became
so great that Frank resigned.
It was a decision taken jointly with his wife, Margaret.
"We had had enough," says Frank, now 78 and living in retirement near
Macclesfield, Cheshire.
Frank had received help from Labour Home Secretary Jim Callaghan, who was
outraged by events - but when the Tories won the next election his replacement,
Reginald Maudling, soft pedalled.
Corruption flourished - and Maudling himself became linked to a scandal
involving dodgy building contracts.
Under Frank's protege, Robert Mark - later to become one of the best chiefs
Scotland Yard ever had - the reforms gathered pace.
Drury and Moody were convicted of corruption - but Frank is left with a sense
of anti-climax.
He says: "It was a success of sorts - but only very few were actually charged
and prosecuted.
"Most were simply allowed to leave the force. They escaped prison and kept
their pension rights. Many were helped to find jobs by the Yard hierarchy.
"But I'm not crying about it - I just feel very angry."
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Detective jailed for corruption loses most of pension - Crime, UK ...
5 Apr 2002 ... Elmore Davies, a former detective chief
inspector for Merseyside Police, was the most senior policeman to be convicted
of corruption for ...
www.independent.co.uk ›
News ›
UK ›
Crime -
Cached -
Anything I say may be taken down... | Culture | guardian.co.uk
11 Feb 1999 ... While the makers of Mersey Blues (BBC2) were filming
Detective Chief Inspector Elmore Davies of the Merseyside murder
squad, ...
Cached -
Drugs in Kirkby 2003
Elmore Davies handed over sensitive information including names and
addresses of ... Elmore Davies sold out his fellow officers
for the sum of £10000. ...
Cached -
Ex-top detective found guilty of attacking youth in street scuffle ...
Elmore Davies was jailed in 1998 for passing information t o an
associate of drugs baron Curtis Warren Curtis "Cocky" Warren (born May 31,
1963, Toxteth, ...
Wirral news, sport, Tranmere Rovers, jobs, cars, homes ...
14 May 2002 ... IT beggars belief that an ex-Merseyside Police officer
is actually supporting the reinstatement of disgraced police officer
Elmore Davies' ...
archive.wirralglobe.co.uk/2002/5/14/ -
Cached -
Liverpool Echo - News - Liverpool Local News - 'Target One' Curtis ...
20 Jan 2010 ... By that point, those listening in knew Elly was in fact
DCI Elmore Davies, former deputy head of the Merseyside police drugs
squad and ...
Sean Mercer Trial - He's well fucked
60 posts - 24 authors - Last post: 17 Oct 2008
Wasn't DCI Elmore Davies (head of drug squad) sacked because he
was one of the corrupt officers of Merseyside Police? ...
myreader.co.uk/msg/1092883.aspx -
Cached -
Rotherham Police Told Pakistanis Were Raping English Girls In 2006
[ 29 August 2015 ]
They carried on colluding with Pakistanis or was
it local Labour councillors?
Police Corruption as normal. They are
still getting away with it. One of the best police force that money can buy was
'Sir' Bernard Hogan-Howe.
Thames Valley Police Ignore Rape By Pakistani Perverts
[ 22 November 2015 ]
Thames Valley Police are the tireless crime-fighters responsible for
protecting the people of Oxfordshire in southern England. But their
resources are limited, so they have to make sure they respond only to
genuine crimes, not to trivial complaints. This, for example, is how they
treat a trivial complaint:
One girl, referred to as Girl A for legal reasons, felt brave enough
to face her abusers in court, while others gave evidence from behind a
curtain. She wept as she described how the gang threatened to burn her
younger brother alive unless she had sex with them. She was repeatedly
raped and sold for sex between 2004 and 2007 when she was aged 12 to 15.
When she went to police [in Oxford], no action was taken. She claimed
that they threatened to arrest her instead. “They threatened on a number
of occasions to arrest me for wasting police time for turning up at a
police station in a state after running away,” she said. “Any
self-respecting police officer would have seen something was wrong. If
you pick up a child who is covered in cigarette burns and bruises,
something is fundamentally wrong. Adults should be doing their jobs,
it’s not down to a child.” (Oxford
sex gang: girls as young as 11 “forced into prostitution”,
The Daily Telegraph, 14th May 2013)
Child rape? Child prostitution? Not a problem to Thames Valley Police
non-White males were responsible. Here, by contrast, is
a serious crime that prompted them to leap into action:
A 43-year-old woman has been arrested over a racially abusive message
posted on a beauty salon’s Facebook page. The woman has been named
locally as April Major, the owner of the at-home beauty business in
Bicester, Oxfordshire. The post, made following the terrorist attacks in
Paris, said the salon is ‘no longer taking bookings from anyone from the
Islamic faith, whether you are UK granted with passport or not.’
Thames Valley Police arrested the woman yesterday after receiving a
number of complaints about the message. A Thames Valley Police
spokeswoman said: ‘We have arrested a 43-year-old woman in Bicester
today after a number of complaints about a racially abusive post on
social media. The woman was arrested under section 19 of the Public
Order Act which relates to the display of written material which is
threatening, abusive or insulting with the intention of stirring up
racial hatred, and for producing malicious communications. We take all
such complaints seriously and will investigate. If you suspect that
racially aggravated crimes are being committed please report them to
Thames Valley Police on 101.’ (Police
arrest woman for ‘racially abusive’ Facebook post banning Muslims from
beauty salon because it is ‘time to put my country first’,
The Daily Mail, 16th November 2015)
Thames Valley Police allowed
Muslim men to rape and prostitute White girls for at
least six years without lifting a finger to interfere. But they acted
immediately when a White woman said she didn’t want Muslim customers for her
private business.
They also lied about the nature of her message. Islam isn’t a race, so
April Major wasn’t being “racially abusive.” And so what if she had been?
She should be free to serve whomever she wishes in her own business. As it
is, she’s arrested for trying to exercise a traditional British freedom.
That’s the authoritarian aspect of the perverted liberalism now ruling the
modern West.
You don't have to believe that English police are deeply
corrupt, that they are anti-English
Racists but you
should. It shouldn't be true but it is. They pander to corrupt politicians
i.e. Her Majesty's Government. The
same is true about 'Sir' Bernard Hogan-Howe
who runs the Metropolitan Police. He
refuses to prosecute 'Lord' Nazir Ahmed, Baron Ahmed of
Rotherham because he is a Pakistani.
also tells us about the Zionist crazies, the
Puppet Masters controlling our politicians and
their very different attitude to Ethnic Fouling
in Israel.
Military Police Try Fitting Up Innocent Officer
July 2006 ]
Prisoner drowns trying to escape, men do the right things but
evidence gets 'lost', liars get used. Corruption? They got it.
FBI Arrests Dozens Of Bent Police [
7 October 2010 ]
FBI agents have arrested dozens of Puerto Rican police officers accused of
aiding drug traffickers, in one of the worst corruption cases involving a force
already tarnished by allegations of brutality, discrimination and incompetence.
In pre-dawn raids yesterday, nearly 1,000 federal agents apprehended about 130
people, including more than 80 law enforcement officers accused of providing
security to drug dealers on a US territory where police are struggling to curb
spiralling crime and rampant drug smuggling.......
The suspects include a dozen prison guards, two soldiers in the US army, three
national guard soldiers and civilians. The indictments allege law enforcement
officers provided security for drug deals in exchange for payments ranging from
$500 (£315) to $4,500, Holder said. FBI agents conducted 125 undercover drug
transactions between July 2008 and September 2010, he said.
FBI has its very own track record of corruption and murder including the Ruby Ridge
Massacre [ two murders ], the Waco Massacre
[ dozens of murders ] followed by their own in-house investigations,
destruction of evidence and clean bills of health.
Metropolitan Police Chief Took A £12 Thousand Bung
17 July 2011 ]
Britain's top police officer accepted a free five-week stay at a top health
spa where News of the World hacking suspect Neil Wallis was a PR consultant.
Sir Paul Stephenson was today facing a battle to cling onto his job as it
was revealed he accepted the £12,000 freebie from Champneys where the
ex-executive editor worked. The Metropolitan Police Commissioner was already
under pressure after it emerged that he hired Mr. Wallis as a PR consultant
for the force.
Scotland Yard denied
that it was the 60-year-old ex-journalist who had arranged the stay for the top
officer as he recovered from surgery. Stephen Purdue the managing director laid
on the stay at the resort to provide him with the accommodation. But the
disclosure will raise further questions about Sir Paul's judgment, days after he
faced a dressing down from London Mayor Boris Johnson over the PR contract.
Why was it offered? Nobody ever offers me that kind of thing. In fact nobody
offers me anything because I can't do any favours in return. The last chief of
the Met who gave us any real reason to believe he wasn't bent as a nine bob note
was Robert Mark who
finished in 1977. That leaves plenty of time for corruption to blossom again in
London. In fact Sir Robert got rid of 478 men from the CID by giving the
uniformed lot immunity to prosecution. Sadly he only got 50 prosecutions. It can
be done. It needs to keep on being done. Sir Robert was an outsider so nobody in
the Met could blackmail him. Where does that leave Stephenson? As another
chancer who hasn't been caught before.
PS Why did the Daily
Mail publish this one just as the pressure is building up on the media?
Could it be warning to rogues in politics?
Robert Mark Said:-
"I had served in
provincial forces for 30 years, and though I had known wrongdoing, I had never
experienced institutionalised wrongdoing, blindness, arrogance and prejudice on
anything like the scale accepted as routine in the Met," he recalled of his
arrival. However, he had the backing of the Home Office, a large proportion of
the uniformed branch and enough senior officers to ensure there was no overt
rebellion against the activities of the anti-corruption branch. Those against
whom there was insufficient evidence for a charge were offered the chance to
leave early, and many did, to the applause of the honest majority. The boil was
lanced. Mark was knighted in 1973.
I have my doubts about the
proposition that there is an honest majority or even an honest minority.
700 Corrupt Senior Islamic Police To Be Sacked
17 July 2011 ]
In a rare show
of unity, Egypt's largest political Islamist movement, the
Muslim Brotherhood, will join a vast array of liberal, leftist and
secular political forces, including youth representatives from this year's
anti-Mubarak uprising. They will demand that police officers and former
regime officials are finally held accountable and that the army's grip
over the justice system comes to an end.............
In another apparent attempt to appease
the public ahead of the rally, interim interior minister Mansour al-Essawy
has promised to purge up to 700 corrupt senior officers from the police
force as part of the largest reshuffle in the interior ministry's history.
But five months on from the protests that led to Mubarak's fall and left
almost a thousand dead, only a single officer has been convicted of
wrongdoing – and he is yet to be put behind bars.
To be
fair they are police criminals in Egypt not England. It may even be that
some are Christian. This is a follow up to
Secret Report
Police Ten Times More Corrupt [ 10 June 2006 ] which the
Guardian hopes we have forgotten about.
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Wanted For Questioning Regarding Concealing
Evidence In Order To Pervert The Course Of Justice [
24 July 2011 ]
TWO of Britain’s leading former police
officers are wanted for questioning over allegations that they withheld
crucial evidence about the
car crash which killed
Princess Diana. A French judge wants to ask ex-Yard chief
Lord Condon and Sir David Veness why they failed to disclose the existence of
a note in which she predicted her assassination. They could face international arrest warrants as suspects
should they refuse to attend interviews in Paris, sources close to the
investigation indicated last night.
The note, taken by Diana’s lawyer Lord Mishcon, was
handed to the officers a few months after the 1997 Paris tunnel crash which
also claimed the lives of Diana’s boyfriend Dodi Fayed, son of tycoon Mohamed
Al Fayed, and the pair’s chauffeur Henri Paul.
The highly-respected lawyer’s document records the line:
“Efforts would be made if not to get rid of her (be it by some accident in her
car, such as a pre-prepared brake failure or whatever)...at least to see that
she was so injured or damaged as to be declared unbalanced.”
Condon is looking at a maximum of five years and a chance to learn French.
Police Chief Keeps Quiet About Bent Coppers Who Took Bribes [
25 July 2011 ]
Sir Hugh Orde, the president of the
Association of Chief Police
Officers, has lambasted
Rupert Murdoch, saying the chairman of
News Corporation had shown a complete denial of responsibility for what
had gone on in his company.
He contrasted Murdoch's behaviour with the
leadership shown by Sir Paul Stephenson, the Metropolitan
police commissioner
who quit last week over his indirect links with former News of the World
editors. Orde is tipped as a possible replacement for
Stephenson, and it is the second time in a few days that he has attacked the
irresponsibility of News Corps.
Orde fingers Murdoch but does not tell us whether Stephenson, the
previous Met commissioner scarpered before he could get done under the
Police Conduct Regulations. Perhaps Orde is making the moves to take over as
the head of the Met.
PS Condon, a previous Metropolitan police commissioner has just been fingered
for concealing evidence - see
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Wanted For Questioning Regarding Concealing
Evidence In Order To Pervert The Course Of Justice. Should you trust a
copper? Never.
PPS Orde said this to
Andrew Marr, liar, oaf, fornicator,
BBC propaganda front man
and general purpose scum bag.
Black Policeman Playing Race Card Repeatedly Is An Idle, Vicious Liar [
1 October 2011 ]
A police officer who repeatedly accused colleagues of racism
has been rebuked by a judge for his ‘unjustified’ claims.
PC Peter Vince-Lindsay brought 14 allegations of discrimination
against British Transport Police, including claiming that, because he was
black, officers failed to back him up quickly enough when he was hit with
snowballs.............. At the centre of the case was an incident outside
Caledonian Road railway station in north London last winter when the officer,
who was based in nearby Highbury, saw two youths throwing snowballs at
After radioing for support from colleagues,
he detained the pair and threatened to ‘break their legs’ [ Was he charged
with threatening behaviour? He got away it with because he was black - Editor
] if they did not stop, the tribunal was told. PC Vince-Lindsay claimed it
took two patrols ten minutes to arrive – and complained the delay was because
his sergeant was racist. But records showed his colleagues arrived within
three minutes and would have had little trouble finding him at the small
station. There was no record of any disciplinary action being taken over PC
Vince-Lindsay’s threat to the children...... PC Vince-Lindsay’s black
colleague agreed no racism was involved, and the men were able to eat their
meal ten minutes later. In addition, the officer’s litany of complaints
included being removed from a training course because of alleged racial
discrimination. But the judge ruled that far from facing prejudice, PC
Vince-Lindsay was ‘extended a considerable degree of latitude’ by officers
despite his actions.....
Passing judgement and ordering the officer
to pay £2,500 costs, tribunal chairman Gordon Etherington said: ‘We have
decided the claimant should have known this case was entirely misconceived and
not a case that should have been brought before us.’
Give them
an inch and they take a mile.
Her Majesty's Government imports them
with malice aforethought.
Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition
ditto. One lot want cheap labour. The others want fraudulent votes.
Mouthy Copper Nicked For Drug Dealing [
1 October 2011 ]
The French police force has been shaken by what could become its biggest
corruption scandal in decades after Lyon's deputy police chief, nicknamed
"Supercop" for his fight against drugs, was arrested on suspicion of
colluding with international drugs barons. Michel Neyret, 55, the
bouffant-haired and charismatic Lyon detective, was arrested at home along
with his wife and is being held in custody. He is suspected of having compensated informants with batches of
confiscated drugs; police claim that Nyret then worked with the criminals to
resell the products. He is being questioned about corruption, international
drugs trafficking and money-laundering.
They can so they do. Simple, isn't it? He is a scruffy rogue like
Blair, another one without a tie.

This follows on from the
Rape case against the rutting
chimpanzee Kahn a Jew who was running for president of France or whatever
versus Sarkozy, the Jew encumbering the post at the
minute who got
Fingered In The Election Campaign
Anti-Corruption Police Perverted The Course Of Justice [
2 October 2011 ]
Scotland Yard’s anti-corruption unit is being
investigated over claims that three of its officers withheld vital evidence in
the trial of six other policemen charged over a racist attack on a group of
youths. Details of the investigation emerged at a secret hearing in London
last week when a judge was told that the trio, who all work for the Met’s
department that investigates police corruption, had blocked the release of the
CCTV footage – and that this had helped lead to the six being acquitted.......
The case stems from a trial in 2009 when six
members of Scotland Yard’s Territorial Support Group were cleared by a jury at
Kingston Crown Court. PC Mark Jones faced two charges of racially aggravated
common assault while five of his colleagues were accused of covering it up. PC
Jones was one of six officers who spotted a group of youths allegedly mouthing
obscenities at them in Central London. Three teenagers were allegedly taken into
the officers’ van and subjected to taunts and violence.
PC Amechi Onwugbonu, the van
driver, who is black, gave evidence against PC Jones. But the CCTV footage shown
to the jury was inconsistent with PC Onwugbonu’s evidence and the six were
acquitted, later bringing race discrimination claims against the Met.
What a police man misses most when he goes out is not the companionship or even the
drinking and driving. It is the pleasure of committing perjury.
Policeman Gets A Twelvemonth For Perjury
[ 16 October 2011 ]
Police officer and barman jailed after lying under oath to escape driving
A 'distinguished' police officer was jailed for 12 months today after he lied
under oath to escape a driving ban. Greater Manchester Pc Myles Hughes, 35, from Macclesfield, Cheshire,
persuaded his childhood friend and barman at his local pub to lie for him after
he was caught driving over the limit. Hughes was spared a disqualification in November last year when he told
magistrates that he did not know he was over the drink drive limit because Paul
Doyle, also 35, from Macclesfield, had given him the wrong drinks. Doyle backed up the story claiming he gave Hughes four pints of 'lager top'
instead of lager shandy in a bid to 'cheer his friend up'. Today Judge Elgan Edwards, sitting at Liverpool Crown Court, jailed Hughes
and Doyle for 12 months and four months respectively......
The court also heard that Hughes, who has since resigned from the police,
even confided in two police colleagues about his plan to lie under oath.
The fact that Hughes babbled to other police proves that he thought they were
just as corrupt. He must have been unpopular, in the wrong Freemasons lodge or
Police Criminals Get Away With Criminal Damage, Perverting The Course Of
Justice, Thieving Etc. [ 4 November
2011 ]
Enfield crime squad officers to keep job despite inquiry findings
Six Met officers found guilty
of smashing up suspect's car at secret disciplinary hearing following
16-month corruption inquiry
The six officers using excessive force to stop a car
Six members of a Metropolitan
police crime squad under investigation in a major anti-corruption
inquiry are to keep their jobs after being found guilty at a secret
disciplinary hearing of smashing up a suspect's car with a baseball bat
and a pickaxe handle..........
Three superintendents, who were borough commanders of the area during
the period the squad was active, were interviewed as witnesses and legal
sources said the managers had been "generally aware" of what was going on.
But none have been reprimanded and all three have since been promoted to
chief officer rank.
It can be revealed that after a seven-day
Metropolitan police misconduct hearing, held behind closed doors, the first
disciplinary hearing in the case has found the six officers guilty of
discreditable conduct for using excessive force to stop a stolen car......... The sound of Tracey Chapman's track Fast Car can be heard as the
officers arrest the suspect. They denied doctoring the video to add the
music afterwards.
They are thugs. They are liars. They were
allowed to get away with it by other police who have their own past doings to
consider. It is business as normal - see Police Corruption
for more and better details.
Sir Robert Mark is the
boss of the Met who gave serious reason to believe he cared about police
crime. That was in 1972.
Policeman Sacked For Screwing Politician's Wife [
23 November 2011 ]
police officer who served as
Alan Johnson's bodyguard was sacked by Scotland Yard after an
investigation into an alleged affair with the former home secretary's
wife. Paul Rice was dismissed without notice at the end of a
misconduct hearing as senior police chiefs criticized him for damaging the
reputation of the
Metropolitan police. Johnson resigned as shadow chancellor in January as
details of the affair became public, sparking a reshuffle of the Labour
party's frontbench less than four months after he was appointed.
It makes a change from screwing the rest of us.
Police Corruption In Florida Is Gross [
7 December 2011 ]
SPECIAL REPORT: How Florida's problem officers remain on the job
Part 2: Despite ‘moral character violations' — allegations of violence, drugs,
theft and forcible sex — Florida officers keep their badges
Thousands of Florida officers remain on the job despite arrests or evidence
implicating them in crimes that could have landed them in prison, a
Herald-Tribune investigation has found.
Even those officers with multiple
offenses have been given chance after chance through a disciplinary system
that has been reshaped in their favor by the state's politically influential
police unions. As a result, officers around Florida carry personnel files
that are anything but heroic.
Corrections officer
Kurt Stout, already dogged by allegations he groped and had sex with
prisoners, was arrested on allegations he raped two teenage girls.
Nick Viaggio capped a string of violent outbursts at the Ocala Police
Department by attacking his girlfriend in a crowded nightclub until bouncers
dragged him away. Palm Beach County deputy Craig Knowles-Hiller, under
investigation for sleeping with a 14-year old, had to explain why the girl's
DNA was found on one of his sex toys.......
Serious incidents of officer
misconduct erode public trust in a profession granted an uncommon degree of
power and authority in a free society. Just this year, Florida officers have
garnered unwelcome notoriety for offenses including extortion, drug
trafficking and attempted murder.
A policeman should be
competent enough to commit murder and to lie his way out of it. More at
Herald Tribune Creative

Frederick Currie, a multiple perpetrator - ex
http://florida.arrests.org/Arrests/Frederick_Currie_3149390/ It is
written on his face.
Police Fit Lad Up, Police Keep Their Jobs [
17 January 2012 ]
Police plied boy, 17, with cider before he admitted crimes he
could not have committed (AND they keep their jobs!)
A teenage boy was given
strong cider by police before being questioned over a series of burglaries, a
disciplinary hearing was told. Sean Wall, 17, was taken to a police station and
given alcohol before being quizzed over 11 burglaries - which he admitted while
under the influence. But the plan backfired when it emerged Sean was already
behind bars at the time of five of the break-ins.....
The officers were
suspended and the Independent Police Complaints Commission was called in to
carry out a full investigation. But the two Cardiff-based detectives have kept
their jobs after a gross misconduct hearing held by South Wales Police behind
closed doors.
Getting lads to admit to crimes they did not commit
improves the statistics. It is SOP [ standard operating procedure ] It may also
Malfeasance in office
Misconduct In Public Office
Perverting the course of justice
It may also involve:-
Compounding a felony
Misprision of felony
Obstruction of justice
You do not have to believe that the
investigation was another
perversion of the course of justice. Perhaps it just looks like it.
Perverted The Course Of Justice [
16 July 2012 ]
On 25th April 2012 the London Evening Standard reported
that a 31 year old female police officer with Southwark’s
Sapphire sex crimes investigation unit had falsified a crime report and
fabricated the testimony of a victim. The IPCC found the Constable guilty of gross misconduct and
dismissed her from the police service. [ They let
her off lightly, they may also have
perverted the course of justice.
Ditto for
Misconduct In Public Office - Editor ] The investigation
revealed a string of claims that officers of the Southwark unit
breached rules on rape cases, and had written off allegations as
“no crime” incidents.
On 28th April 2012 the Daily Telegraph reported a similar
case, where Greater Manchester police detective Dominic
Griffiths faked a rape forensic report, failed to send samples
for testing, lied to superiors and falsely claimed an exhibit
had been lost.
Disgraceful? Yes! Surprising? No!
is a standard working tool in the police. They can so they do.
Assistant Chief Constable Charged With
Perverting The Course Of Justice [
16 July 2012 ]
A police chief and his wife were today charged
with perverting the course of justice after she allegedly accepted speeding
penalty points on his behalf.
Acting Deputy Chief Constable of
Leicestershire Police, Gordon Fraser, 48, was alleged to have been behind the
wheel of a car when it was registered as going over the speed limit in Scotland.
His wife Teresa, 42, is accused of accepting
the penalty points on his behalf and claiming she was behind the wheel....'A criminal complaint was made alleging that
Mrs. Fraser had accepted responsibility for a speeding offence allegedly
committed by Mr. Fraser on 29 September 2011 in Strathclyde,' she said.
'Having carefully considered all of the
available evidence, we concluded that there is sufficient evidence to bring
criminal charges against Mr. and Mrs. Fraser and therefore, authorized
Hertfordshire Constabulary to charge them with doing acts tending to pervert the
course of justice. 'The essence of the charge is that Mr. Fraser,
having allegedly committed a speeding offence, falsely informed the
investigating authorities that Mrs. Fraser had been the driver of the vehicle in
question, and she falsely accepted responsibility for the speeding offence.
'The decision to charge was taken in
accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors.'
Fraser joined the Leicestershire force in June
2009, and was made temporary deputy chief constable six months later.
During his time at West Midlands police,
Fraser worked in various roles including Head of Intelligence, Head of Crime and
Head of Business and Service Improvement.
He received a national award for the
dismantling of serious and organized crime networks and has experience of
managing covert operations.
It takes eighteen months to make a police man, which is to say a liar, a
hardened liar who will commit perjury at the drop of a hat. Fraser came unstuck
outside his own area where he had no influence.
Policewoman Gets Eighteen Months For Fraud
31 July 2012 ]
Jailed: Ex-policewoman claimed her daughter had cancer so she could have A
YEAR OFF to take her to show jumping events
When police officer Rachel Hewitt told bosses
her teenage daughter was desperately ill with cancer they did everything they
could to help. She was given compassionate leave, favourable
shifts and time off sick – because of depression – as her daughter was battling
for her life, a court was told. It went on for two years but, incredibly, it
was all a sham. Hewitt, 39, invented the cancer story so she
could go to show jumping events with her two daughters, who were both fit and
Yesterday she was jailed for 18 months for abusing the trust of her police
employers and the colleagues who donated cash to help her supposedly sick child.
It takes eighteen months to make a copper which is to say a trained liar, one
who commits perjury as a matter of course.
Policeman Killed After Murdering His Wife
31 July 2012 ]
A former police detective jailed for life for
murdering his partner in front of their two young children was found hanged in
his cell today.
Peter Foster, 36, who was found guilty of
murder last month was discovered by staff at Lewes Prison in the early hours of
this morning.
Foster stabbed Detective Constable Heather
Cooper, 33, before dumping her body in Blackdown Woods, near Lurgashall, West
Sussex, in October last year.
He looks guilty before you go any further into the matter. One
wonders why any jury ever believed his evidence. They are all trained liars but
some look reasonable. Was it suicide or was he sorted out by someone else? It
matters not. There is a bit less evil in the world.

Black Policeman Arrested For Stealing Thousands From Dead Men [
27 August 2012 ]
police officer cousin of footballer Darren
Bent has been arrested on suspicion of stealing from dead victims of crime.
PC Richard Bent, 28, who serves with the
Metropolitan Police, was held as detectives investigated a series of high value
thefts, including money and jewellery worth thousands of pounds. Police are also said to be investigating the
theft of goods from the officer's central London police station in Westminster. Fellow officers discovered the expensive
items during a raid on his £350,000 flat........The £35,000-a-year policeman, who lives in Wandsworth, South West London, is the son of Darren's aunt Sandra.
Dress them up as policemen but they are still black. Of course
being in the Met is a major opportunity to commit crime. He will have learnt how
to get away with crime from English filth. Being a liar is the basic skill.
Committing perjury with straight face comes with practice. They have plenty.
Bent Copper Walks Away With His Pension [
5 October 2012]
'Shameful' chief constable becomes first to be axed in 35 years for using
'undue influence' to get a job for former police chairman's daughter
Sean Price of
Cleveland Police found guilty of gross misconduct
He used
'undue influence' to get job for colleague's daughter and tried to persuade
another staff member to 'lie for him'
officer continues to deny any wrongdoing, seeks legal advice
Still faces
investigation into alleged silence over officer wife's arrest for drunk and
officer still entitled to pension for 30-year career.............
A top police officer branded 'shameful' by a
police watchdog has become the first chief constable to be sacked in 35 years.
Sean Price was dismissed after a disciplinary
hearing concluded that he misled the Independent Police Complaints Commission
(IPCC) by lying and by trying to get a member of staff to lie for him............
The last officer of his rank to be fired on
the charge was Stanley Parr, who lost his job as Lancashire Constabulary’s Chief
Constable in 1977, while former North Yorkshire chief constable Grahame Maxwell
left the force, but avoided the sack, after admitting to gross misconduct in
Top cop is bent - just like the rest. Resigning is the
standard technique for beating discipline raps. Is too easy. After they get
taken back on driving instructors or whatever.
Police Corruption Coming To Light More Often [
23 December 2012 ]
Record numbers of police officers are being
investigated for corruption, a report into police integrity has found.
Anti-corruption units across the country are
wrestling with a workload of 245 cases every month – a rise of 62 per cent from
the year before. Most of the investigations – eight out of ten
– involve officers accused of illegally disclosing information to criminals and
third parties.
The remainder relate to other serious
allegations of corruption, including bribery.......
One of the most high profile cases was
Ali Dizaei, a
[ Third World crook & a ] commander dismissed after he was jailed for
Misconduct In A Public Office
and perverting the course of justice.
According to the Inspectorate, 67 officers
under investigation have left the police service through dismissal, retirement
or resignation. Some 45 cases have been referred to external bodies for further
investigation and 643 officers have been given warnings or advice.
Just over 700 of the 2,207 investigations that took place between September 2011
and May this year were still live....
Sean Price, chief constable of Cleveland, was
sacked in October for gross misconduct [ see
Bent Copper Walks Away With His Pension ]
and is on bail in a separate criminal
investigation for corruption.
In the same month,
Sir Norman Bettison, chief
constable of West Yorkshire, had to resign over his alleged role, which he
denies, in concocting false information to smear the victims of the Hillsborough
football disaster. He remains under investigation by the Independent Police
Complaints Commission...........
They featured ‘offensive language, comments
on police procedure, negativity towards work and extreme opinions on
This year, a Nottinghamshire officer was
disciplined after posting obscene racist abuse on Facebook about the quality of
staff at a call centre in India.
Police Corruption is normal,
routine, SOP [ standard operating procedure ]. They know that they can hang
together or hang separately. When you have had dealings you know they are
insolent bullies who lie at the drop of a hat.
is their standard working tool. Dizaei is a mouthy
chancer who worked the
Race relations racket for everything it was worth, part
of the
Asian Mafia, also the president of the
National Black Police Association, an inherently
Racist mob. Since he was put in prison it has not been so gobby.
Bettison claims
that he did not lie in his teeth. Believe him if you want. I do not.
PS Police can evade disciplinary proceedings by resigning. They will then be
given jobs by their crooked little mates as driving instructors or whatever.
That was how it was done with a thug called Harwood. They gave him the
opportunity to carry out the G20 Massacre. The last Met
boss who was serious about corruption was
Sir Robert Mark back in
1972. It has gone back to normal since then. He told them that "A good police force, is one
that catches more criminals than it employs."
Corrupt Policewoman Convicted Eventually [
11 January 2013 ]
A senior counter-terrorism officer was
facing jail last night after being convicted of offering to sell inside
information about the phone-hacking investigation to the News of the World.
Detective Chief Inspector April Casburn rang the newspaper days after Scotland
Yard began a review of evidence that its journalists had illegally intercepted
mobile phone messages. Casburn, 53, who worked for the Met’s SO15
counter-terrorism command, is the first person convicted as part of Operation
Elveden, the multi-million pound investigation into whether journalists
illegally paid public officials for information. So far, 53 people have been
arrested. The £65,000-a-year officer was found guilty of
Misconduct In Public Office at the end of a three-day trial......... After the verdict, Detective Chief
Superintendent Gordon Briggs said: ‘It’s a great disappointment that a DCI in
the counter-terror command should have abused her position in this way.......
Casburn had rung the News of the World news
desk and revealed details about Operation Varec, the police investigation into
phone hacking at the now defunct Sunday paper.
She told journalist Tim Wood that six people
were under suspicion including former editor Andy Coulson, at that time David
Cameron’s communications chief. She said detectives were under pressure from
Lord [John] Prescott and the operation was a waste of resources. Mr. Wood emailed
two colleagues to say a ‘senior police woman’ wanted to ‘sell inside
This email was handed to the police by the
paper’s publisher, News International, and Casburn was arrested. The News of the
World did not publish any information and did not pay Casburn.
A bent copper gets sorted. Strange
but true. Presumably the journo she phoned talked because he thought he was
being fitted up. People have been arrested in this one but very few were police.
They look after their own. Notice also that there is not a hint about
Murdoch getting justice even though he owned
the firm that bribed the police. Little people are subject to the law. Real
people are too important. Just ask your favourite
Director of Public
Prosecutions next time you have a pint with him. Police do come unstuck occasionally
but only if their faces don't fit.
PS The last boss of the Met who showed real sign of sorting out
Police Corruption was
Sir Robert Mark
but that was back in 1972. Things have gone back to normal since.
PPS One plus point is that this trial lasted a mere three days. So many, too
many get dragged out by corrupt lawyers. It is a way of stealing taxpayers'
money via legal aid.
Chief Constable Says Police Are Bent [
24 January 2013 ]
Chief constable
admits police officers across UK 'are using criminals to buy steroids and abuse
their power for sexual gratification'
Police forces across the country will
investigate officers for dealing with criminals to buy steroids and abusing
their power for sex, a chief constable said today. Mike Cunningham said the top risk factors for
corruption of police officers are inappropriate relationships - including
to buy bodybuilding drugs, abuse of power for sexual gratification and misuse of
information systems.............
The Chief Constable of Staffordshire was
speaking as the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) published a report
on how to tackle corruption......... 'There is good evidence of officers getting
way out of their depth with serious criminals who they are beholden to.' Abuse of power for sex is also occurring
across forces in England and Wales....
Ethics committees could also be set up to
monitor each force, independently of the police and crime
corruption is normal, routine, deep seated. They are trained liars, experienced
liars, hardened liars. What they miss when they go out is not the companionship
or drinking and driving; it is the pleasure of committing
perjury and
getting away with it. Another committee is seriously irrelevant.
It is interesting but not directly relevant that the
Director of Public
Prosecutions managed to
pervert the course of justice
by letting Cyril Smith, a politician get away with
being a Paedophile. The DPP gets the job because
politicians want him.
Police Pervert Course Of Justice To Make Statistics Look Good [ 28 February
2013 ]
Rape victims were pressured into withdrawing
their allegations to help police meet crime targets, a damning report revealed
yesterday. Detectives from Scotland Yard’s specialist
rape unit persuaded the women to say the attacks they endured were ‘consensual
sex’. In one case, a detective sergeant pressured a
woman to drop a rape claim against retired security guard Jean Say, 63, who then
went on to murder his two children in their beds with a carving knife..........
Scotland Yard failed to hold gross
misconduct proceedings against three officers accused of failings in the
investigation into serial sex offender Kirk Reid, it emerged today....... The IPCC recommended that a
superintendent and two inspectors should face gross misconduct
Police Corruption is deep
seated, wide ranging and utterly sincere. It takes eighteen months to make a
policeman, which is to say an expert liar, a hardened liar who commits perjury
at the drop of a hat. The fact that various crooks were not investigated proves
that corruption goes to the top. Promotion is proof of guilt.

Murderer Rapist Police thug who got 16 months.
Police Perverted The Course Of Justice [
20 March 2013 ]
Hundreds of police intelligence files on suspected sex assaults
and criminal activity by celebrities, politicians and VIPs were kept so secret
that detectives investigating alleged offences could not see them.
Information on high-profile suspects was marked
“restricted” or “secret” and effectively hidden in police databases to which
only a handful of officers had access. The approach contributed to offenders
like Jimmy Savile and
Cyril Smith MP escaping justice for decades.
Senior police say that secrecy was tight because of concerns that information
would be leaked to newspapers by corrupt officer in return for cash.
Of course the Met is deeply corrupt; it always has been. It was very noticeable
that they were able to arrest journos from the
News Of The World for paying bribes to the police but the criminals taking the money were
conspicuous by their absence. If things are classified RESTRICTED it means
everyone has access apart from the tea boy.
Copper Gets 7 Years For Sexual Abuses
[ 20 March 2013 ]
Police officers who abuse their power for sexual advantage will be
investigated and punished, the complaints watchdog warned as a community support
officer was jailed for seven years. Peter Bunyan, 40, a PCSO with Devon and
Cornwall Police was sentenced after being convicted of eight offences of wilful
misconduct in a public office. He faced allegations of criminal conduct relating
to affairs with women, sending explicit text messages and accessing police
computer records
Bunyan was only a half policeman; that is why
they only patrol in pairs but he is just as bent as the rest.
Policeman Stole £50 Million [ 7 September 2013
Former police officer led gang of five who raked in £50million in England's
biggest ever mortgage fraud with 1,000 fake applications
A former police officer led a gang of five - including his wife - in the
biggest mortgage fraud ever seen in England and Wales, it emerged tonight.
The scheme involved some mortgages against
properties that did not exist, as well as the use of false property
valuations and fraudulent paperwork claiming to show rent incomes and
Antony Lowry-Huws, 65, from Kinmel Bay,
north Wales - the 'ringleader' - was jailed for seven years for leading the
£50million fraud that involved more than 1,000 bogus mortgage applications.
His wife Susan Lowry-Huws, 60, also from
Kinmel Bay, was given 12 months suspended for two years and 300 hours’
community service. And his business partner Sheila Whalley,
from Llanfair Talhaiarn, north Wales, was jailed for six years, the Crown
Prosecution Service said.
Solicitor Nicholas Jones, 54, of Leeswood,
Flintshire, and surveyor Frank Darlington, 62, of Barnoldswick, Lancashire,
were each given four years.
It takes eighteen months to make a policeman, which is to say
a hardened liar who commits perjury at the drop of a hat.
Police Paedophile Convicted Of Eight Rapes [
2 November 2013 ]
Former police officer guilty of a string of sex crimes including EIGHT rapes...
and now his colleagues are appealing for more victims to come forward
A former police officer has been convicted of
a string of sex crimes - including eight rapes and two serious sexual offences
against a child.
Wayne Scott, who was previously employed by
Cleveland Police, was found guilty of the rape and attempted rape of a woman
today after a five-day trial. The 37-year-old had already admitted raping a
different woman seven times over a number of years, a court heard............
'Wayne Scott is a sexual predator who has
been a disgrace to the office of constable and deserves to be behind bars......
Scott had already confessed to two common
assaults, one sexual assault and two counts of inciting a child to engage in
sexual touching, the court heard. He had also referred to himself as 'sexed up”
during a police interview and had made advances to some of his former
Another policeman, another proven criminal. There are
plenty more like him who have gotten away with it so far.
Police Paedophile Screwed 14 Year Old [
12 December 2013 ]
That is what he is on trial
for. He might even get away with it.
Businessman Beats Malicious Prosecution After Breaking Thieves Legs [
24 January 2014 ]
The thieves got away with £75 fines. Corruption?
Perverting The Course Of
Malfeasance in office?
Misconduct In Public Office?
Compounding a felony? The magistrate was certainly not discouraging felony.
PS The Director of
Public Prosecutions never bothers to prosecute politicians like
Heath for the
Treason they committed but then he knows who gave him the job.
Third World Ethnic Gets Away With GBH In Wigan
24 January 2014 ]
He didn't even go to
prison. Wasn't breast fed? Knows the magistrate? Funny handshake mob? Face
Vicious Police Criminal Gets £400 Thousand Bung After Brutal Attack On
Pensioner [
February 2014 ]
"A police officer who
became an internet hit when he smashed a pensioner’s car window with
his baton has been awarded £440,000 in compensation after claiming he was
ridiculed out of his job. PC Mike Baillon, 47, walked out saying
that he had become a laughing stock among colleagues. Footage of him hitting the disabled man’s
vehicle 15 times was leaked on YouTube, where it became a global sensation."
Poor chap couldn't take it from nasty rough policeman? Awful, innit? How many
time did this thug beat up prisoners then lie in court after? Notice that the
other thugs went Scot free.
PS His MP, David
Davis was in the
SAS so he knows
about suffering but swallowed the sob story. Is Davis a fool?
Met Chief Apologizing To MP After Policeman Tried To Pervert The Course Of
Justice With Malice Aforethought
February 2014 ]
It takes
eighteen months to make a
policeman, which to say make a liar, an expert liar, a trained liar who does
it in court. What they miss when they leave the force is not
the companionship or the drinking & driving, it the pleasure of
PS He got off
with a mere
twelvemonth. Freemasonry rears its ugly head again?
Policeman Committed Perjury Just Like Huhne's Old Woman
February 2014 ]
Does anyone
believe a policeman? Not that lying is new but covering it up is not quite so easy
Policewomen Get £35 Thousand Bungs Because They Are Incompetent
[ 19 February 2014 ]
Alleging that Glocks are too big for their hands is an excuse for bad
shooting. Someone has been telling lies. Someone is ignorant or stupid
enough to believe them. An eleven year old girl can handle a Government
Colt, which is a deal bigger. Believe a policeman? Not me. Or policewomen?
No. They are even more manipulative.
Plebgate Police Accused Of Lying [
23 February 2014 ]

Metropolitan police officers are to face secret “trials”, starting this
week, amid claims they colluded to bring down the cabinet minister Andrew
The Metropolitan police and its commissioner, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe,
have consistently maintained there was no conspiracy. But in an email to
Mitchell last week, the IPCC, the independent police watchdog, said there
was evidence of collusion."
Is there anyone left who believes a
Hogan alleges
that there was no conspiracy. The IPCC says there is. Who is lying?
Hogan is all
there when it come alleging Racism if Englishmen
are being accused. With Pakistanis like Ahmed he
ignores the evidence.
Bent Judge Resigned After Living With Vicious Illegal Immigrant [
11 March 2014 ]
was black, Nigerian & vicious. Now she is in prison pending export. He has
not admitted fornicating with her.
Policewoman Is A Thief [ 11 March 2014
She is a different kind of policewoman; one
who got caught. She now has 33 convictions for thieving and a fair chance of
going to prison.
Police Have Claimed £85 Million For Accidents While 10 Thousand Jobs
Were Axed
[ 11 March 2014 ]
Telling lies makes lots of money. Telling lies puts
innocent people in prison. It's all good fun for
psychopaths. See e.g.
Vicious Police Criminal Gets £400 Thousand Bung After Brutal Attack On
Metropolitan Police Corruption Is Gross Says Guardian
[ 11 March 2014 ]
it is not bad; it is worse. They got away with murder all too often.
They are arrogant bullies, who like it that way. When they fornicate with
policewomen on duty, they do not even bother to dispose of the French
letters; they are left for the cleaners. What they miss when they go out
is not the companionship or being able to drink and drive, it is the
pleasure of committing
Perjury and walking free.
PS The Guardian's answer is to go easy on
blacks. They are fools who don't live anywhere near them. Evidence? See
the next few.
Metropolitan Police Corruption Is Deep Seated, Wide Ranging, Sincere &
Profitable [
22 March 2014 ]
The Met don't usually murder people; too many questions
get asked but
Perjury is routine. So is
perverting the course of justice.
The Met police chief,
Hogan will not investigate Racism - if a greasy
little Pakistani chancer like
Ahmed is named. In fact he will not even admit that he has been told about
it. More at
Operation Othona. Profitable? See the next one.
Policeman Stole Drugs, Selling Them For £1 Million
22 March 2014 ]
Free Trading pays off big time. The mark up on
the product is very satisfying. The tax position has significant advantages.
Security systems need to be proof against government saboteurs.

See the faces, know the crime. Why did they get into the police force? Set a
thief to catch a thief.
Police Refuse To Investigate Piers Morgan
Robert Henderson feeds them open and shut evidence. They refuse to act.
They commit perjury. Business as usual.
Police Paedophile Gets Jailed 25 Years Late [
6 April 2014 ]
His little mates tried to
Pervert The Course Of
Justice, which is why it took so long.
Police Harass One Of Their Own For Telling The Truth About Fraud [ 9
April 2014 ]
Business as usual. Corruption as usual. But this time Parliament knows.
Parliament is in a position to do things about them.
Police Hired Firm To Do A Smear Job On An MP [ 9 April 2014 ]
It takes eighteen
months to make a policeman, which is to say a fluent liar who commits
perjury for the fun of it.
Police Stole Property From Crime Scene [ 19 April 2014 ]
This kind of thieving is SOP [
standard operating procedure ] in the Met as well as everywhere else.
Four Police In Paris Arrested For Alleged Rape [ 26 April 2014 ]
Believe a
policeman? Not a chance. Of course the woman might be a malicious
Police Chiefs Walk Rich [14 July 2014
Ex Cleveland chief constable Sean Price and his deputy Derek Bonnard
(pictured) received £336,000 and £131,000 respectively after being
dismissed for gross misconduct.
Corruption starts at the top then works its way down - just like
Her Majesty's Government.
Two Thousand Police Take Bribes, Commit Perjury Et Cetera [
19 October 2014 ]
That is
just how many the
Home Office admit
to. The reality is far worse. It takes eighteen months to make a policeman,
which is to say a hardened liar who uses
Perjury as a matter of
At least 2,000 officers have been suspected
of tipping off criminals, stealing and fabricating evidence, says a Home
Office report.
The Home Office
Select Committee will launch an investigation next month into police
corruption after claims officers also used their power to get money and sex...........
Among the
corrupt practices listed by the 2003 report are dealing and using drugs,
fraud and domestic violence as well using 'sexist, racist and homophobic
The fact that this report comes from 2003 shows that
they are not serious. They know, they don't care. Corrupt police and corrupt
officials in Rotherham allowed
Pakistani Perverts to rape more than
1400 English girls. Not one has been charged. The
Metropolitan police chief refuses to investigate Racism
when it is a gobby little Pakistani chancer
called Ahmed.
Corruption starts at the top and works down; the system advocated by
Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual
of the communist party in Italy.
Police Charged With Killing Lunatic
17 December 2014
The custody sergeant and two
others have been charged with
Manslaughter &
Misconduct In Public Office
after a prisoner died. They will claim that he was mad, turned nasty, died
out of malice or whatever. The whole point of having a custody
sergeant is to protect prisoners from police thugs, to stop them being
kicked to death.
PS Code C of the
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 is a code of practice for prisoner
handling. They are available on demand to anyone wants to see them,
including prisoners. Try asking for them and see just how evasive the police
get - then make a formal complaint.
Police Protect Pakistani Perverts
17 December 2014
Police Corruption again? Who would have thought? Me for starters. Of
course they do take their direction from politicians, which means corrupt
politicians, who are
Racists, anti-English Racists
but Racists none the less.
Civil orders have been made against the 10 –
wwho can now finally be named as Mohammed Anjam,
Omar Ahmed, Naseem Khan, Mohammed Javed, Shah Alam, Sajid Hussain, Rahman
Aziz, Imran Uddin, Mansur Ahmed and Sarfraz Riaz – in a bid to
curtail their sexual grooming activities. Riaz is currently serving a prison
sentence for an unrelated sexual assault and has a total of 14 criminal
convictions, including burglary, racially aggravated assault and drugs, the
court heard.
It is disappointing that the learned Judge did not put the police in prison
for their
Contempt of court.

Policeman Perverted The Course Of Justice To Avoid £60 Fine [
15 December 2014
Another policeman, another hardened liar. How many people did he put in
prison by
As many as
he felt like. It is just too easy for police to Pervert The Course Of
Justice. Recall the lengths police went to with the G20
Massacre; lying to their victim's family, using a bent medic for the post
mortem et cetera. It was only video on the Internet that gave us a degree of justice.
This crook got off with three months.
Police Corruption Is A Growth Industry With Hundreds Of Known Perpetrators
[ 31 January 2015 ]
It is often fornication but there is plenty of drug dealing too. When a
policeman is out on patrol with a policewoman what are they going to do? Have
fun perhaps. They don't even bother to hide the French letters after using them. Then
there was that Secret Report
Police Ten Times More Corrupt.
Racist Police Harass Englishmen While Pandering To Pakistani Criminals [ 25
February 2015 ]
Police corruption rears its ugly head again. These thugs conspired to
Pervert The Course Of
Justice for the benefit of
Islamics inciting
murder after they were exposed by Channel 4
Undercover Mosque. Learn about
Resistance to Interrogation and
your right to silence then use it.
Metropolitan Police Protected Paedophile Perverts In Fourteen
Cases Of MP & Police Crime
17 March 2015 ]
Over 35 years, officers are said to have protected ‘untouchable’
figures by shutting down inquiries that reached the heart of
14 alleged paedophilia cover-ups were referred to watchdogs by
the Metropolitan Police Service itself yesterday. It threatens
to be the biggest investigation into police corruption since the
Hailed as a ‘momentous milestone’ by one MP, the probe could
lead to five former Met chiefs being interviewed. But
campaigners are angry that the Met will remain in charge of the
complex web of allegations was uncovered by detectives probing
claims of historical sex abuse first raised by Labour MP Tom
Watson in October 2012..........
Officers are also accused of releasing paedophile MP
Cyril Smith
without charge after he was caught in an undercover operation at
a sex party involving teenage boys.
Police are also accused of failing to end sex parties at the now
notorious Dolphin Square complex, in Pimlico, central London,
following the intervention of ‘prominent people’. It
is claimed that members of a wealthy and powerful elite believed
they were ‘untouchable’ after police were warned off shutting
down the sordid activities.....
Unbelievably, two undercover officers are themselves suspected
of sexually abusing a boy during a raid at the Elm Guest House.
The IPCC is still considering two further cases, including the
shadowy murder of eight-year-old Vishal Mehrotra in July 1981......
According to BBC’s Newsnight, Smith was seized at a house in Streatham. But within hours of being taken to a police station
he was released, with officers being ordered to hand over all
their evidence – including notebooks and video footage [ in order to Pervert The Course Of
Justice - Editor ]
They were then warned to keep quiet about the investigation into
the MP or face [
Malicious] prosecution under the Official Secrets Act.........
Former Scotland Yard detective Clive Driscoll told Newsnight he
thought the claims were ‘credible’. Mr. Driscoll, who
investigated claims of child abuse in Lambeth [ see
Lambeth Police Raped And Tortured Children In Police Cells To Profit From The Child
Sex Trade
] in the 1980s and
1990s and was the officer who convicted the killers of Stephen
Lawrence, said: ‘I have looked at them as I probably would have
done as a police officer and I have to say on the balance of
probability they look very credible.
Now we know how
Edward Heath got away
with being a Paedophile. Being a
Marxist helped of course. Corruption in the Met starts
at the top and works down. 'Sir' Bernard Hogan-Howe is very anti-Racist when Englishmen are accused but refuses to
prosecute 'Lord' Ahmed, a greasy little Pakistani
chancer who is blatantly
Racist. Then there was 'Lord'
Janner who walked because he is a Jew. This
particular group of exposes may be the result of the
2014 Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry
We are all supposed to be forgetting the 1,400 victims of the
Rotherham rapists.
Police Pursue Paedophile Perverts - After A Fashion [
21 March 2015 ]
Prosecutions of online paedophiles may need to be streamlined as
police struggle to cope with tens of thousands of cases, a senior
officer has said.
Keith Bristow, director general of the National Crime Agency (NCA),
said the authorities needed to “think very carefully” about the current
demands placed on officers to secure a conviction. [ This contrasts with
government demands to ignore perversion - Editor ]........
It came as the NCA revealed that more than 260 suspects - including
teachers, civil servants and police staff - have been charged since the
beginning of an operation targeting people accessing child abuse images
The NCA said there have been 745 arrests, 264 charges, 16 cautions
and 518 children "safeguarded" under the operation so far. Operation
Notarise used secret software which allows investigators to track the
movement of illegal images across "peer-to-peer" internet networks,
which paedophiles had previously regarded as a "secure" way of sharing
material to feed their illegal proclivities.....
But Yvette Cooper MP, the shadow home secretary, said the “tiny”
number of charges suggested “online child abuse is just not being given
the focus, time and resource needed”......
“We have warned Theresa May that we risk sleep walking towards our
next child abuse scandal unless online abuse is made a priority for the
NCA. Her failure to properly address this puts more children at risk.”
It seems that the police are perfectly capable of investigating crime
when they want. They also ignore it when that is what
Her Majesty's Government
wants. That is how Cyril Smith & 'Lord'
Ahmed got away with various crimes. 'Sir' Bernard
Hogan-Howe could explain why e.g. Ahmed is allowed to be a
PS Yvette Cooper, the Labour shadow home secretary got into Parliament
as Greville Janner was promoted to the Lords by Labour after being was accused on oath of being a
Paedophile pervert.
Undercover Police
Shows The Truth
[ 4 April 2015 ]
Idle, corrupt, inefficient, overpaid, AWOL,
watching hardcore pornography, ignoring rape victims.
That is just what Channel 4 says about them.
Then there is Perjury &
Perverting The Course Of
Justice. You can see just how they ignored Rape when
they couldn't be bothered.
PS The spy
they used, an ex-policewoman has swallowed the Feminism
Police Might Investigate Corrupt Pakistani [
2 May 2015 ]
They couldn't or wouldn't
do it because Lutfur Rahman, the mayor of
Tower Hamlets is a
Pakistani. It took honest folk doing a private prosecution to beat his
fraud. The Met
has a lot of practice at corruption; Racism too but
always anti-English
Three Thousand Police Being Investigated For Brutality[
2 May 2015 ]
Over 3,000 police officers are being
investigated for alleged assault, while Black and Asian people are
alarmingly more likely than white people to complain about police
aggression, a Freedom of Information request has revealed.
With only two
per cent being suspended, most of the police officers under investigation
for violence against members of the public are still on the beat. Campaigners
said the figures exposed a culture of brutality and racism in the way some
officers deal with ethnic minorities.
Police Brutality happens. It can be gross. It
can be blatant. That is why police perjury happens. But a lot of these
complaints are from Third World chancers
working the Racism racket. Believe whichever bunch of
criminals you please.
Policeman Gets Three Years For Sexual Abuse
2 May 2015 ]
But then he is not a
Pakistani Pervert.
Police Sabotaged Paedophile Politician Crime Investigation
[ 25 July 2015 ]
Former police inspector Clive Driscoll was
investigating a minister in Tony Blair's government suspected of being
linked to a paedophile ring in 1998 when he was moved off of the case............. First, he
revealed that detectives working on Operation Trawler, an investigation into
a paedophile ring suspected of operating in the London borough’s children’s
homes, were focusing their inquiries on 12 potential abusers.
Why do these stories start then fade away - unless the perpetrators are
dead? Because
The Establishment is deeply & sincerely corrupt is the obvious answer.
This is a book advert. Policemen are, pretty much by definition expert
Policeman Sacked For Lying And Fornication
[ 6 August 2015 ]
A senior firearms officer was sacked from his force after being attacked
by a love rival and lying to his bosses about his injuries. Temporary Chief Inspector Lee Rukin suffered a fractured eye socket and
cheekbone as well as having several teeth damaged when he had his "face
smashed in" on Tuesday, May 19 this year.
Now he has appeared before a misconduct hearing to face charges of
breaching Cleveland Police’s guidelines of honesty and integrity, and
discreditable conduct. The force confirmed on Thursday that he had been
sacked with immediate effect following the hearing.
A policeman lies. News? No! Getting caught? That really is different. How
many men did he put in prison by Perjury?
Policeman On Trial For Stealing £55 Thousand [
26 August 2015
A former
protection officer for Tony Blair allegedly swindled £55,000 in benefits to
fund gym memberships, cruises and a private school education for his
children, a court has heard. Vaughan Dodds, a
former officer with Durham Police, allegedly blew the money on a 14-night
Canary Island cruise, a £4,000 trip to Orlando and a two-week holiday to
Prosecutors say
the 45-year-old funded his extravagant lifestyle by making false claims on
behalf of both he and his wife in an alleged four-year scam, the Newcastle
Chronicle reports. At the time, he
was said to have had £180,000 in his bank.
Another policeman, another liar, another thief.
Lecherous Policewoman Sacked For Fornication With Villain [
29 September 2015 ]
She is
alleged to have had an 'exemplary record', which means never been caught
before. The crook has 89 previous so trying to get him straight was a waste
of time.
Policewoman Cheated An Old Fool Out Of £100 Thousand
27 October 2015 ]
A police officer has been sacked after allegedly seducing an
elderly man whose son had been killed by an axe-murderer in order to
gain a slice of his fortune. Pc Clare Stretton, then 34, was appointed as a family liaison
officer to Charles Foulkes, 82, after his son's murder. But his family
accused her of flaunting herself in low-cut tops and mini-skirts
before extracting £100,000
from him over ten years.
Mr Foulkes - a previously frugal man - was said to have taken her
away on trips and given her gifts and money.
His three daughters complained about the constable's behaviour to West Mercia
Police in December 2001, five months after she was appointed as family liaison
officer............ The family made several further complaints over the next few
years but claimed they were warned by one police sergeant not to pursue it
They eventually sued
West Mercia Police, claiming their human rights were
breached by the force’s failure to stop the officer's
"inappropriate" behavior........
But police watchdogs said she should face a misconduct hearing
after the daughters appealed and won a payout from the force at the
High Court. Stretton, now 48, was sacked for misconduct.
The woman would probably claim that she did not prostitute herself
for the money. The police protected her until a court intervened.
Corruption again? The old man was a twerp. The relatives might be
more than just mercenary.
Englishman Arrested For Joining Foreign Army While Pakistani Crime Is
Ignored [
27 November 2015 ]
Our wonderful police enforce the law, in this case the
Enlistment Act 1870,, when they want but ignore it when they don't.
Yorkshire Police allowed Pakistani Perverts
to rape 1,400 girls in Rotherham alone. They are
still getting away with it in
Doncaster & the rest of
South Yorkshire.
The fact is that Corrupt police pander
to corrupt politicians. Of course the BBC colludes in
the situation - see e.g.
BBC Accused Of Sanitising Coverage Of Rotherham Child Abuse By Pakistanis.
Police Woman Is A Thief
5 December 2015 ]
A police
inspector who tried to take medical retirement on the grounds she could not
drive for longer than 15 minutes was caught driving a motorhome around
Europe, a misconduct panel has heard. Zoe Hallam, 48,
was injured in a car crash in November 2011 and told her bosses at
Nottinghamshire Police she was incapable of returning to work. However she was
then caught behind the wheel of a camper van around France and Jersey, the
gross misconduct hearing was told. .......
The hearing,
which is expected to last five days, continues.
Her own decided to stitch her up. She didn't pander to the right people. She is
also idle, preferring life as a lady of leisure, just like the average council
house dosser. Notice that it is going to take five days to try her. That is how
lawyers get rich. Will she get done for fraud? Don't hold your breath waiting.
The law is only a weapon against us, not them.
Policeman Harassing Drink Drivers Caught Three Times Over The Limit [
28 February 2016 ]
A police
officer who spearheaded a crackdown on drink drivers has been sacked
after he was caught three times over the limit by his own colleagues. PC Chris
Blount of West Midlands Police's collision investigation unit was
dismissed after a tribunal yesterday.
He was
pulled up in front of the Force's disciplinary board after he was caught
'struggling to control' his Vauxhall Mokka while drunk at 2.30am on
November 6............ PC Mount was
pulled over and his speech was said to be slurred. He was also unsteady
on his fleet and officers could smell alcohol. He gave a
reading of 101mg per 100ml in a breathalyser - more than three times the
legal limit of 30mg per 100ml of breath.
He looks like an arrogant thug. Perhaps that is why his little mates didn't
let him get away with it.
Rotherham Police Refuse To Testify Against Pakistani Pervert [ 19 January 2016
Rotherham trial: Officers ‘who witnessed girl’s abuse won’t testify against
Arshid Hussain’
A detective was recorded warning the victim of an alleged serial child abuser
that police officers who knew what had happened would not give evidence.
DC Lee Robinson told the woman that officers involved in her case when
she was a teenager would not wish to make statements that would get them ‘in
the s***’ for not acting at the time.
A jury at Sheffield Crown Court was read a transcript of a conversation
between two police officers and one of defendant Arshid Hussain’s alleged
victims, who had secretly recorded the conversation on a mobile phone.
Presumably Robinson swore the
Police Oath. He might even remember the bit about
serving the Queen.... with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality.
He definitely knows about
Perverting The Course Of Justice & Perjury.
Will they get away with crime this time? You bet.
Police Corruption is deep seated,
routine & very sincere. It's not just Rotherham
Bent Police Protect Pakistani Pervert In Rotherham [
19 January 2016 ]
Another victim of
Rotherham rapists didn't trust the filth, which
is why she recorded a conversation. Otherwise the policewoman would have
been able to lie her way out of it.
Police Protect Paedophile Perverts [
14 April 2016 ]
A ‘paedo hunting’ Facebook page has been rapped by police for trying to
trap a man online. Officers warned Hunters Online to stop pretending to be teenagers on
website apps to catch paedophiles red-handed. Ryan Donaghey, one of the team behind Hunters, said they would comply
with the police. But he defended the group’s activities saying “online grooming is a big
problem and not enough is being done about it”.......
The police warning came after Hunters posed as a 15-year-old girl on an
internet app and a 28-year-old man. They began to talk to them. The conversation
was broadcast live on the group Facebook page and watched by horrified
“Some have told us we’re not breaking any laws so what are we doing wrong?"
[ Making it look as though the police want them to get away with it -
Editor ]
The South Yorkshire Police allowed
2,000 girls to be abused and Raped by
Pakistani Perverts in
Rotherham alone. Then there are hundreds of
other known victims in Sheffield. It goes on.
The police succeeded in suppressing the truth about wholesale crime for ten
years or more. Now they are keeping themselves out of prison. NB
The Guardian objects to people
hunting for crime. Recall that The Guardian
is the Marxist Propaganda machine telling the
BBC the party line. The Beeb incites
Homosexuality and also protects
Paedophile perverts.
Jimmy Savile is only one of them.
Police Corruption In Northumberland [ 6 May 2016 ]
Northumbria Police’s former Assistant Chief Constable,
Greg Vant, is alleged to have conducted a clandestine
relationship with Juliet Bains, secretary to the then Chief
Constable, Mike Craik, who was himself accused of having an
affair with a senior colleague.
The allegations were
made by the force’s former head of legal services, Denise
Aubery, 54, who claims she was asked to help cover up both
affairs and was then sacked for gross misconduct after being
accused of gossiping.
Who wasn't fornicating with whom? Pass. Police will be
exercising their finely honed skill at
Perjury. Northumberland is near
to the South Yorkshire
Police where corruption is rife.
Policeman Raped A Woman Repeatedly [ 9 June 2016 ]
It all got recorded on her iPhone so lying his way out of that is going
to be difficult. He wanted to kill her as well.
Policeman Perverted The Course Of Justice
[ 5 June 2016 ]
Another policeman, another liar. He got off with four months for doing
the same as Chris Huhne but the pig won't get
preferential treatment because he isn't a politician.
Corrupt Police Chief Keeps Job [ 7 May 2016 ]
Implying that they are all at it. Proof? Try e.g.
Bent Coppers by
James Morton
Police Sergeant Stole £53 Thousand - Allegedly [ 20 May 2016 ]
If he had been an inspector he would have stolen more.
PS He hasn't been convicted yet but the records are very clear evidence.
Bent Policeman Gets Out Of Prison Because Honest Criminals Don't Like Him
28 June 2016
But it was only for Misconduct
In Public Office, serious crime for us, just one of things for police.
Police Are Rotten To The Core Says Woman Scorned
[ 10 August 2016 ]
Within three
months of Sue Sim assuming the top job at Northumbria Police, one of the
biggest manhunts in modern British history was launched..............
daunting for even the most seasoned chief constable, you might agree.
Yet ask Sue, who retired from the force last year, to name her biggest
challenge in her job and she doesn’t mention Moat at all. Her fiercest
fight, she says, was with her own officers.
‘My biggest
battle was with a culture that was sexist, money-grabbing and run by a
“boys’ club” of senior officers who thought they could do what they damn
well wanted,’ she says............
‘There was a
core of senior officers, who had been there for ever and who clearly
felt they had a right to be there for ever, who felt they had a
God-given right to act exactly how they liked,’ she says.
Idle, greedy, abusing expenses; they sound just like MPs in the Mother of
Parliaments. Senior police have been getting away with it for longer. They know
how to get away with it so they do. The crime prevention officer believes in
ESSO - Every Saturday & Sunday Off.
PS Notice that she waited until the retirement cheque cleared before she
Police Sleep On Duty [ 11 August 2016
The Metropolitan Police are
different; they use their cars as mobile brothels, not even bothering to
clear out the French letters.
Policeman Alleges He Is Not A Paedophile Pervert
[ 15 September 2016 ]
It was all eagerly ignored at the time. Why is it being resurrected now?
Is it because he isn't a Freemason any more?
PS Anglesea won his Libel action -
Predatory Police Perverts Exposed
[ 23 October 2016 ]
Police who abuse their power for sexual advantage face new criminal
sanctions as the scale of predatory behaviour by officers is revealed.
Forces across the country are examining more than 150 cases of alleged
sexual misconduct by police, a Times investigation found. It also
uncovered that 400 members of the public have made complaints over the past
five years.
Many officers stand accused of harassing, sexually assaulting or raping
women after they reported a crime. In some cases victims were targeted
within police stations..........
In May Theresa May declared that officers with “shameful attitudes”
were beginning sexual relationships with victims. Mrs May, who was then
home secretary, announced an inquiry into the exploitation of victims of
abuse. The Law Commission, an independent body that recommends legal reform
to government, will consider increasing culpability for officers who
abuse their position for sexual gain.
Police have power, police abuse power. They can so they do. It was SOP [
standard operating procedure ] in the
South Yorkshire Police, letting
Pakistani Perverts rape English
girls in Rotherham. It still is.
Police Protect
Third World Pervert [
23 October 2016 ]
Crossing the
line: hundreds of police are facing sexual misconduct claims

Anirudh Raichura, a
Metropolitan police officer, was dismissed for gross misconduct
after abusing his position for sexual gain
When an intoxicated young woman complained of being sexually
assaulted by a rickshaw driver in London in the early hours of the
morning, PC Rudi Raichura was dispatched to the scene.
As Raichura, 39, helped the distressed victim into a patrol car, his
colleague was surprised to see the Metropolitan police officer reach
over to put on the seatbelt and “whisper something in her ear”.
Realising that Raichura had slipped his private telephone number to the
woman, the colleague raised concerns with an inspector.
The PC was given a verbal warning about his behaviour but four months
later a female GP complained that Raichura had insisted on driving her
home in his patrol car and then asked her out on a date.
An internal investigation [
Officer dismissed following misconduct hearing
] revealed that Raichura had previously
pursued a vulnerable victim of crime with whom he shared 88 texts. It
also established that he had entered into a relationship with the
initial sexual assault complainant. He was duly dismissed.
This one was a Third World chancer trying
it on. The Times mentions Brits too. At least
they did sort him out in the end.
Police Paedophile Convicted After Getting Away With £375,000 Libel Action
[ 22 October 2016 ]
There was a major cover up on what happened in the
Wales child abuse scandal. It failed in part because Alison Taylor, a care
worker refused to be bribed into silence. It happened in the same way in
Rotherham where police and council officials managed
to suppress the truth for a decade or more. See e.g.
Rotherham whistleblower explains why sex abuse ring was covered up. It
doesn't in fact but it does tell us about evidence being stolen or ignored. It
is a major Perversion The Course
Of Justice, which is still active. Her book is
Broken and Betrayed.
Meanwhile we have the major
2014 Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry which is going badly with lawyers being
sacked & active cover ups going on. It may be that
Lowell Goddard, the third boss to go was forced out because she was in a position to accuse guilty
politicians & police. It is
Her Majesty's Government
to wait until the guilty are dead before
they pretend that they care. It worked for Jimmy
Savile , 'Lord' Janner,
Ted Heath et cetera.
Police Paedophile Pervert Get Twelve Years
[ 10 November 2016 ]
Police Federation financed his Libel action
which took Private Eye & others for £375,000
plus costs of circa £1 million. Perjury is a great way of
Perverting The Course Of
Bent Policewoman Walks Free After Malicious Lies
[ 20 November 2016 ]
Are they all bent or is it just most?
Paedophile Pervert Policeman Gets Eight Years [ 2 December 2016 ]
He should have joined the Freemasons.
Policeman Works As A Prostitute While Allegedly Too Sick To Work
[ 4 December 2016 ]
A COP on sick leave
has been selling threesomes with his girlfriend for £210 an hour. PC Daniel Moss, 41, launched his sleazy sideline with Tracey
Perryman, 38, while signed off with “stress”. The Sussex cop runs the business at a flat in Hastings. A source
said: “It’s incredible he’s doing this stuff while a serving officer.” Sussex Police have now launched a probe into the conduct of Moss, who
could be disciplined or sacked for gross misconduct.........
Moss and Perryman were thought to be raking in up to thousands of pounds
a month from their business at a two-bed flat near their semi in Hastings,
East Sussex........
But “jobless” Tracey also allegedly claims benefits as a single mum after
splitting from her factory worker husband Paul Brabon, 37.
It's not just gross misconduct; there's running a disorderly house,
fraudulent sick claims, undeclared income(?),
Misconduct In Public Office.
But heigh ho, another policeman, another crook.
Police Altered Hillsborough Witness Statement In Order To Pervert The Course
Of Justice [ 12 December 2016 ]
They succeeded too; business as usual.
Police Paedophile Beats Just By Dying A Few Weeks Into 12 Year Sentence
[ 16 December 2016 ]
Pretending to die is a standard approach to
Perverting The Course Of
Justice. Police know a lot about that & of course it worked for
Maxwell, the well known bully, liar, thief, oaf,
traitor & Jew. Anglesea defrauded
Private Eye by suing them after they told the
truth about him; he committed Perjury. NB Nonces
are never popular in prison; nor are police.
On Living In A Moral Sewer [ (9 January 2017 ]
Sean Gabb explains; it starts at the top and
works its way down.
Police Conspired To Protect Rotherham Child Sex Abusers
[ 10 February 2017 ]
Corrupt police and an influential politician fuelled a culture of
impunity that allowed three brothers to “own” the town of Rotherham and
abuse children until their crimes were exposed by The Times.
One officer had sex with under-age girls, passed drugs to the
sex-grooming gang and tipped them off when colleagues were searching for
missing children, a court was told.
Another helped to broker a deal in which one brother returned an abused
girl to police after receiving an assurance that he “wouldn’t get done”. The
jury was told that Jahangir Akhtar, the former deputy leader of Rotherham
council, also took part in the handover at a petrol station.
Mr Akhtar, the former deputy chairman of South Yorkshire police and crime
panel, was a relative of Arshid, Basharat and Bannaras Hussain, who behaved
for years “like a pack of animals” to pursue dozens of young girls before
demanding sex, often with threats of violence. See
Are the police named? More to the point, are they in prison?
Homosexual Policeman Captured Thieving In Italy
[ 27 February 2017 ]
See the mug shots and know that
"Jaiye" is some kind
Third World scum in need of a shave.
Police Harass White People While Letting Enemy Aliens Carry On Raping, Thieving
[ 10 March 2017 ]
The number of white [ alleged ] terror suspects being
arrested has hit a record high amid a crackdown on far-right extremism. A total of 91 white extremists were held
in swoops by counter-terror police in 2016 – a rise of 28 per cent on
the 71 seized the year before................. The rise has coincided with concerns about
the risk posed to the UK by white supremacist groups in the wake of the
murder of Labour MP Jo Cox in June last year..............
The authorities have expressed concern
that there are signs of a resurgence from neo-Nazi groups after loner
Thomas Mair was convicted of the brutal daylight killing.
Counter-terrorism police have said that,
while the threat is not of the same gravity as that posed by Islamic
State or Al Qaeda, there were extreme right-wing groups attempting to
provoke violence and sow discord. [ They lie - Editor ].......
It [ white ] was the only ethnic group to record a
rise last year, Home Office figures show. The sharpest fall was for
those of Asian ethnic appearance, down by 24 to 125........
Lord Paddick, the Lib Dem home affairs
spokesman and a former top Metropolitan Police officer, said: ‘The
figures seems to reflect the rise of far right extremism and that should
worry anyone who, like me, believes in tolerance [ of homosexual drug users
in particular - Ed. ]
Mail is an anti-English Propaganda machine
run by Racists.
PS This article is ignoring their story about
Islamic Terrorists infesting Birmingham in particular; it is at
Islamist Terrorism. Harassing Englishmen with malice aforethought is policy;
see e.g. the next one.
Rotherham Grooming Inquiry Hasn't Yet Seen Any Evidence Of Police Misconduct
[ 9 March 2017 ]
An investigation into the police's
handling of the Rotherham child sex scandal is yet to uncover any
evidence of misconduct....... The commission said nine out the 62
investigations it is carrying out have now been completed, but that the
officers involved have been found to have no case to answer.
However, the IPCC said it has identified
'significant failings' in the way survivors of abuse and alleged
perpetrators were treated..........
The town was at the centre of the scandal
after it emerged authorities had been turning a blind eye to the
grooming, trafficking and rape of hundreds of youngsters.
They haven't seen any evidence because they were determined not to. It is
a cover up of a cover up. The Rape of 1,400
English girls was the quid pro quo, a pay off by
The Labour Party for thousands of
Pakistani votes, for industrial scale
Vote Rigging. But "lessons have been learned" so
it won't happen again, not until the next time. The perpetrators will walk away
laughing, just the way they knew they were going to.
Police Thugs To Pay Lord Bramall £100 Thousand After Harassing Him
[ 18 March 2017 ]
Lord Bramall is set to receive £100,000 in compensation from Scotland Yard
over its bungled [ sic ] VIP paedophile inquiry.
The 93-year-old ex-military chief, whose home
was raided at dawn by 22 officers after he was falsely accused of child sex
abuse, has been offered a ‘substantial’ sum.
The Mail has learned the Metropolitan Police,
which spent £2.5million on the inquiry, has negotiated ‘hard’ over
compensation, saying it would have to come out of its policing budget.
But a former senior detective said last night:
‘This is a ludicrous argument, given how much money was wasted on Operation
Midland in the first place. If the Met cared so much about budgets, why did
it drag out the inquiry for so long?’.........
Although he was reluctant to sue, Lord Bramall
was keen to ensure that the Met learns lessons. He is expected to donate the
money to a charity.
The fellow running the Met, one
'Sir' Bernard Hogan-Howe is perfectly
capable of ignoring crime when Pakistani
Perverts are involved especially if they happen to be his little mate
'Lord' Nazir Ahmed, Baron Ahmed of Rotherham.
PS Take the point that Lord Bramall had to hire lawyers to sue the swine
before getting any kind of satisfaction.
Bent Copper Had 14 Pounds Of Stolen Cocaine In The Washing Machine
A police inspector who was found with £700,000 of drugs at his home -
including a huge amount of cocaine in his washing machine - was a 'criminal
masquerading as a police officer', his force has said. Keith Boots, 55, was
responsible for disposing of seized drugs for West Yorkshire Police in
Bradford but instead stole large quantities to supply back on to the
streets, Leeds Crown Court heard. He was found guilty of a range of offences
yesterday and will be sentenced on Friday............
His son Ashley Boots, 30, of Weatherhouse
Terrace, Halifax, was found guilty of conspiracy to supply controlled drugs,
conspiracy to steal and conspiracy to
Pervert The Course Of Justice. He
admitted six charges of possessing drugs with intent to supply and one count
of possessing ammunition. A third man, Ian Mitchell, 28, of no fixed
address, was found guilty of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
Another copper, another thief, another liar.
Bent Copper Stole Narcotics & Got 26 Years
[ 25 March 2017 ]
That will cramp his style. Pigs are about as popular inside as nonces.
Senior Police Protected Pakistani Perverts In Rotherham
[ 22 April 2017 ]
After 10 months of battling with the Independent Police
Complaints Commission to reveal the ranks of all police officers issued
with misconduct notices, for their part in the Rotherham child abuse
scandal, the IPCC have finally relented. On the 13th April, they sent a
final follow up response to
a Freedom of Information Request made by this website.
Since June of 2016, this site has been making repeated requests for
information to establish how far up the ranks of South Yorkshire Police
the willful disregard of child abuse had gone. The IPCC revealed the data
piecemeal, then refused to disclose the ranks of two remaining officers.
They argued [ said/claimed/alleged/pretended ] that disclosing the data would lead to the officers being
readily identified, thereby placing them ‘at risk’..........
true to form, went into full cop protection mode, dug their heels in and
refused to cooperate. It took a
decision notice of the Information Commissioner’s Office, backed
up with the threat of a High Court order, before the IPCC finally revealed a
full list of all, but one, of the ranks involved.
In their final response, the IPCC confirmed that the
highest ranking officer issued with a misconduct notice for their part in
the Rotherham Scandal was a Chief Superintendent. They also
voluntarily revealed that this officer is now retired. I can only assume
they disclosed this fact to protect any officers of similar rank, currently
serving with South Yorkshire Police, from being wrongly associated.......
What is
clear, is that whoever this Chief Superintendent is (or was), they took
early retirement in a bid to escape any misconduct proceedings. Something a
large number of officers involved with the scandal have already done.......
But it’s
clear that the edict of ‘Go hard on the victims, go easy on the muslim
community’ must have flowed from the top down. The blame does lay
partly with the lower ranking officers, who mindlessly followed their
orders, but most of the blame should be redirected to the top ranks, who
mindlessly conceived those orders. Who were these people? And why have none
of them been disciplined, let alone prosecuted?
[ Try
corruption - Editor ].
Police talk among themselves. They all knew. They have all been given every
opportunity to destroy any evidence. The
Establishment protects its own. Politicians [
Labour ] wanted large scale Vote Rigging.
The quid pro quo was free licence to rape English
girls. A few Pakistanis are being thrown to the
wolves; the rest will go clear. The
Casey Report and the Jay Report
cover periods from 1997. This works for
'Sir' Bernard Hogan-Howe because he left the
South Yorkshire Police in 1997 and
contrived to know nothing about anything.
The lack of a trial has caused outrage and has led to massive
demonstrations in Sunderland.
Rape is major crime unless the perpetrators are
Pakistani Perverts. 1400
English girls in Rotherham
are still waiting for justice, over a decade later.
Her Majesty's Government Is
Rotten To The Core.
Police Allow Islamic
Rapists To Walk Free [
3 July 2017 ]
In September 2016, Chelsey Wright was, according to police
statements, abducted and raped by a gang of six migrants from Iraq, Syria,
and Bahrain after her drink was spiked.The victim woke up in a
strange house in Sunderland with cuts and bruises. The sexual assault
reportedly only stopped because she managed to escape. The young mother of
three told police that during the escape, she was chased by several men who
tried to drag her back into the house by her hair.
Eventually, after a fierce struggle, she broke free from her abductors
and ran to a nearby relative’s house. It was then that Chelsey Wright called the police.
The next day Chelsey underwent a full rape examination, which showed that
Chelsey had been violated by at least six men.
The investigation also showed Chelsey suffered extensive injuries and had
traces of Rohypnol in her blood. The Sunderland police arrested all of the
six refugees. Many witnesses told the police that they heard Chelsey’s
screams as the men tried to keep her trapped in the house........
However, despite the physical evidence and witness statements the
refugees were released without charge. Furthermore, the authorities say they
are no longer pursuing an investigation.
The lack of a trial has caused outrage and has led to massive
demonstrations in Sunderland.
Rape is major crime unless the perpetrators are
Pakistani Perverts. 1400
English girls in Rotherham
are still waiting for justice, over a decade later.
Her Majesty's Government Is
Rotten To The Core.
Bent Copper Filmed Planting Drugs To Set Someone Up
[ 20 July 2017 ]
He did it in Baltimore.
Police Superintendent Charged With Attempting To Pervert The Course Of
[ 29 September 2017 ]
A police chief has been arrested on suspicion of trying to interfere with a
probe into his alleged misconduct with female officers.
Superintendent Gez Chiariello, who is already
suspended from his role pending the investigation, was detained on Monday. Thames Valley Police said the 46-year-old
had been arrested on suspicion of
Perverting The Course Of Justice................
He made headlines earlier this year after he
left his wife and moved in with a policewoman almost 15 years his junior.
He has a track record of bullying, including getting a
Pakistani taxi driver sacked. See e.g.
Final written warning for Milton Keynes police boss
Policeman Caught Driving Drunk Again
[ 6 October 2017 ]
Even the apparatchiks like this one, who are paid to market drinking and driving as evil don't
believe the Party Line. Of course if he had
killed someone that would be different, de facto
Police Conspired To Protect Pakistani Paedophile Perverts In Rotherham
[ 28 November 2017 ]
Corrupt police and an influential politician fuelled a culture of impunity
that allowed three brothers to “own” the town of Rotherham and abuse
children until their crimes were exposed by The Times.
One officer had sex with under-age girls, passed drugs to the
sex-grooming gang and tipped them off when colleagues were searching for
missing children, a court was told.
Another helped to broker a deal in which one brother returned an abused
girl to police after receiving an assurance that he “wouldn’t get done”. The
jury was told that Jahangir Akhtar, the former deputy leader of
Rotherham council, also took part in the
handover at a petrol station.
Mr Akhtar, the former deputy chairman of South Yorkshire police and crime
panel, was a relative of Arshid, Basharat and Bannaras Hussain, who behaved
for years “like a pack of animals” to pursue dozens of young girls before
demanding sex, often with threats of violence.
How many of these criminals have been charged, let alone convicted,
sentenced, imprisoned & deported? Not very many.
The Establishment spent years hiding the truth, protecting perverts,
Perverting The Course Of
Justice & importing more of them. Now it is using the
2014 Child Sexual Abuse
Inquiry to hide the truth and make lawyers very rich. NB
Akhtar seems to have gotten away with it but then he is a
Pakistani. Of course the
South Yorkshire Police are bent.
North Wales Police Perverted The Course Of Justice
[ 14 December 2017 ]
More dodgy police covering up child abuse, ably
pointed out by Rebecca TV. Who were the police and what
is happening to them? Police and Politicians have been above the law, that
must change.
It was all a long time ago. Anglesea beat the rap by dying in prison; something
of a pity.
Cathy does not offer much in the way of evidence except for
regarding police prisoners dying out. The fact that some/most/all are
blacks/lunatics/berserkers is duly minimised. The Maucr Report, for what it
might be worth is at
Macur Review - Censored Version
Police Took Bungs From Major Manchester Criminals
[ 20 December 2017 ]
A £3.5million five-year probe into gangland money laundering collapsed this
year amid claims of officers being offered 'brown envelopes' of cash and a
mole's 15 minute warning before a raid, it was claimed today. Greater
Manchester Police officers have been accused of taking bungs from friends
and business associates of Paul 'Mr Big' Massey who was shot dead in Salford
in 2015.
Mr Massey, who was machine-gunned
down on his drive by a man in military fatigues, was under investigation
over alleged money laundering, fraud and tax evasion..................
But in June this year the five remaining
suspects were told they wouldn't be prosecuted after the CPS reviewed the
The Crown Prosecution Service
and police are separate to reduce corruption. Actually the
CPS is bent as
well. Perverting The Course
Of Justice for the benefit of Racists inciting
hate - if they are enemy aliens is part of it. See
Undercover Mosque for more and better
details, or see the next one.
New York Police Planned To Fit Up Inspector To Protect Vice Boss
[ 28 January 2018 ]
A police sergeant says the NYPD covered up the most damning allegations
in its embarrassing 2015 karaoke bar bribery scandal including a plan to
frame a commanding officer for rape.
In a notice he plans to sue the city for $35 million, whistleblower Sgt.
Steven Lee alleges police brass hid the massive scale of the Queens
nightclub corruption.
Just two cops were
arrested in the crackdown — Lt. Robert Sung and Det. Yatyu Yam. They
were accused of taking payments in exchange for advance warning to Flushing,
Queens karaoke club owners about police raids. They were suspended but
eventually reinstated to the force.
Are they all bent? Some are; see Police
Corruption. Mostly crooked? At all events, they can so they do.
Englishman Cleared By Jury After Terror Police Harass Him
[ 30 January 2018 ]
Make a satirical remark then wait for them to smash the front door down
at three o'clock in the morning and Free Speech
be damned. The Crown Prosecution
Service decided to prosecute an Englishman but they do not hesitate to
The Course Of Justice as a way keeping Islamic terrorists
out prison. See Undercover Mosque on the
point. They are also keen on Malicious
Prosecutions for alleged Rape. But there again
Islamics get a pass. NB Rape is fun in
Rochdale, Rotherham
& lots of other places - see the
Muslim Grooming Paedophile
Police Punished Victims Of Pakistani Paedophile Perverts In Newcastle [
24 February 2018 ]
Grooming gangs who preyed on 700 women and girls in north-east England acted
with “arrogant persistence” after police were seen to be punishing victims
for their situation, a serious case review has found.
The report from the retired barrister David Spicer into the response by
authorities in Newcastle to child sexual exploitation concluded that victims
received effective protection after the launch of a Northumbria police
investigation in January 2014. Before that, however, the force’s actions
lacked consistency and had little impact, it said.
Seventeen men and one woman were jailed last year for being part of a
network that plied 22 women and girls aged 13-25 with drink and drugs before
sexually assaulting them between 2011 and 2014.
Do the police care? Do they let Pakistani
Perverts rape our girls because politicians want
Vote Rigging to keep them in power?

Does Her Majesty's Government
import them by the million to make England a better place or to destroy it?
Is The National Crime Agency Serious About Official Crime? [
13 March 2018 ]
With the Daily Mirrors expose of the Telford scandal we now have
yet another ‘Rotherham’ to add to the dozens of towns and cities
that allowed industrial scale gang rape on the “Rotherham model” to
go unchecked for decades.
The authors of the most comprehensive study of the
phenomenon “Easy
Meat” have suggested the nationwide victim may
exceed 100,000. It is certainly now well beyond doubt that it runs
at least to tens of thousands.
And everywhere the same pattern. Social workers and
police who did nothing, whistle blowers forced out or silenced. And,
one invariable feature, no prosecutions of alleged offences by
public officials running the gamut from
Misconduct In Public Office
to aiding and abetting gang rape and torture.
One may say there is still time for Telford but given
our experience here in Rotherham the survivors shouldn’t hold their
breath. Years have now passed since we learned of the two SYP [
South Yorkshire Police ]
officers who threatened, in so many words, to hand whistle blower
Adele Gladman to the rape gangs, the RMBC manager who ordered a
weeping little girl to be handed over to a baying mob of rapists and
the theft of the
Risky Business files that could only have been
orchestrated by council managers.
And still no action against guilty public officials....................
Giles Humphry
Mr Humphry is not amused. Nor am I. We are looking at major criminal
conspiracies committed with malice aforethought by
Her Majesty's Government, starting with Her prime minister and working down to local
officials. See e.g. the previous one & the next.
Plastic Policewoman Crashed While Drunk Then Blamed Her Boyfriend
[ 18 May 2018 ]
She got off with a 30 month ban. They ignored the attempted
Perversion Of The Course Of
Justice. Her face fits.
Rape Prosecution Fails Because Police Didn't Bother To Investigate Alleged
[ 23 May 2018 ]
But they did hide evidence from the Defence. An attempt to
Pervert The Course Of Justice?
Englishman Spent Eight Months In Prison Because Police Hid Evidence Proving
Rape Allegations Were Fraudulent
[ 30 May 2018 ]
A father-of-two was locked up for eight months awaiting trial for
rape amid delays in the disclosure of evidence which eventually saw the case
dropped. Robert Adlington is the latest man to have his name destroyed by
false rape claims as key mobile phone evidence went unexamined.
The 53-year-old said he lost his landscaping business, house and reputation
while languishing behind bars awaiting trial for charges which were
eventually dropped. He described the ordeal as 'torturous' as he was locked
up with convicted murderers and other violent criminals and almost committed
Police incompetence or Police Corruption?
It reads as though the rape story was just an excuse while arson etc.
were the real reasons. But he is out so he beat the other raps too.
Policeman Gets Away With A £1 Million Fraud
[ 3 July 2018 ]
A former police union boss is to face a misconduct hearing after being told
he won't face criminal charges over a £1million payment made to a
After a two-year probe, the Independent Office
of Police Conduct (IOPC) has confirmed that prosecutors will not be taking
the case forward. Instead he will now face gross misconduct proceedings.
Another policeman with friends.
Senior Police Being Investigated For Allowing Wholesale Rape By Pakistanis In
Rotherham [
12 July 2018 ]
A police watchdog has launched a probe into
senior officers in charge during the Rotherham child exploitation scandal. The
Independent Office for Police Conduct
(IOPC) has [ allegedly ] confirmed it will review the role of commanders who
allegedly failed in their statutory duty to protect children between 1997
and 2013 as part of 'Operation Linden'.
Earlier this year the IOPC said its Operation
Linden had grown to 98 investigations by the beginning of April 2018,
compared with 62 at the same point in 2017.
Around 45 investigation reports have been
completed and 33 current and former police officers remain under notice that
they are being investigated.
This is happening decades after the crimes were committed; crimes which are
still going on. Pakistani Perverts are
still at it. Politicians are buying power through mass
Vote Rigging.

Rape is the quid pro quo, the
bribe. Police pander to evil. The
Mail's readers are not fool enough to believe that this will produce
justice or even a worthwhile result.
Policeman Doing 'Life' Gets Out After Seven Years [
6 August 2018 ]
A rapist policeman has been freed from prison less than seven years after he
was jailed for life for attacking up to 30 vulnerable women he had met on
duty. Stephen Mitchell raped and sexually abused heroin addicts and a
disabled teenager by offering them help while in custody, then demanding
sexual favours afterwards.
The former soldier was handed two life sentences at Newcastle Crown Court
in 2011 and was told he would not be eligible for parole for at least seven
and a half years.
But the 50-year-old has since been released
and was seen enjoying life on the outside, riding a £500 bike, according to
a report by the
Sunday People.
Mitchell's victims and campaigners are
outraged over his release, saying it was wrong Mitchell, who was deemed a
'high risk to women' by psychiatrists, was freed.
Are judges fools or rogues?
Paedophile Policeman Gets Off With 16 Years After Raping Baby Girl [
7 August 2018 ]
PC Dean Roberts, 48, filmed himself abusing the 'helpless' infant - and
sent the footage to other paedophiles on a messaging app. The former officer
with South Wales Police was caught after another paedophile was arrested -
and detectives traced child abuse footage back to their own colleague
Roberts. Cardiff Crown Court heard the pair planned to jointly abuse
children and would share footage of their crimes. Roberts admitted
rape, sexual assault of a child, possessing and distributing indecent images
of children...........
His accomplice, lawyer John Guess, of Cardiff,
was earlier jailed for 26 years for sex offences against children.
The top Welsh Government lawyer, 43, was
sentenced on Monday after he ‘preyed on’ young girls then shared pictures
and videos of his abuse on the internet with other paedophiles. Guess
- who was a senior lawyer advising the Welsh Government on legal matters -
abused two girls as they slept and filmed the attacks to share with twisted
online fiends.
These comedians make the case for hanging and flogging. The
Mail's readers are not amused even though their remarks have been
censored. I am not quite sure why the 'Mail'
says the child was 'helpless'. After all it really was.
Black Third World Rapist Said Why Not? [
7 August 2018 ]
A Sudanese asylum seeker who raped a student and then tried to rape a
mother in the same cemetery has been jailed for 16 years after admitting the
crimes saying: 'Guilty. Yes - why not?'. Sexual predator Ishaq Al-Noor, 21,
who came to the UK as a refugee three years ago, carried out 'almost
identical' attacks on the women in June and November last year.
Al-Noor lay in wait late at night for both
victims to cross his path before dragging them into the same graveyard on
Spring Bank in Hull, East Yorkshire.
When the rape charge was put to him, Al-Noor,
through his interpreter, told Hull Crown Court: 'Guilty. Yes, I did that.
Why not?'
Only 16 years? Deportation makes sense - IF it happens. Flogging and hanging
would make more and save lotsa money.
Lancashire Police Blame DPP For Letting Cyril Smith Get Away With Buggering
Boys [ 2 October 2018 ]
Assistant Chief Constable Tim Jacques:
We welcome the publication of today’s report and thank Professor Jay
and the inquiry panel for the opportunity to appear before them.
First and foremost our thoughts remain with any victim of child
sexual abuse past or present and we will continue to seek justice for
them, without fear or favour and regardless of the status of any alleged
offender. Lancashire Constabulary was responsible for policing Rochdale between
1969 and 1974. In October 1969 an investigation commenced into
allegations that Cyril Smith had sexually abused a number of child
residents of Cambridge House Hostel of which he was a trustee..............
The inquiry similarly concludes in today’s report that the
investigation was “a thorough and searching examination of the
allegations against him (Smith)” and that at no point were the police
improperly influenced by Smith or others. In fact the report stresses
that the officers involved were “plain in their view that Smith ought to
be prosecuted”.
It was the director of public prosecutions who took a contrary view.
This hopefully should put an end to years of rumour and speculation
that our investigation was anything other than professional and
Skelhorn was the Director
of Public Prosecutions that went easy on Smith.
Bradford Police Demonstrate Their Cowardice In The Face Of The Enemy [
9 October 2018 ]
Appalling footage shows residents from a housing estate throwing
firecrackers at police officers as they carried out an arrest in Bradford.
At least two firecrackers were thrown just feet away from the unsuspecting
officers, who can be seen cowering in panic and attempting to cover their
Astonishingly, Members of the crowd can he
heard laughing and jeering as one shouts: 'He f****** jumped out of his
boots!' The incident was filmed in the Holme Wood housing estate in
West Yorkshire, as officers arrested a man for being drunk and
'During his arrest, a police car was damaged
and officers came under attack from missiles and fireworks being thrown at
them by other people in the vicinity. No-one was hurt as a result of this
disorder. Enquiries are ongoing.'
They are trained to arrest criminals. They are paid enough too. The
Mail is keeping very quiet about the colour of the criminals. Normally Bradford
decodes as Pakistani. These might be white scum.
Fat, Ugly Policeman Claims Cowardice In Action [
9 October 2018 ]
But he is prepared to let other police get murdered by vicious
Islamics imported by
Her Majesty's Government and
Idle Police Destroyed Evidence Of Child Abuse & Perverted The Course Of Justice
- Allegedly [ 19 January 2019 ]
Two police officers
sabotaged a string of child sex abuse investigations out
of a combination of 'cynical disdain' for accusers and laziness, a court has
Detective constables Sharon Patterson, 49, and Lee Pollard, 47, forged
documents and concealed evidence over a three-year period, the Old Bailey
heard today.
The Essex Police officers, who were in a relationship, discussed a plot over
email, with Pollard thanking Patterson as his 'partner in deceptive crime',
jurors heard.
One count against Patterson involves a teenager
who said that - from the age of six - she was regularly raped by her father over
some five years, which was seemingly supported by a sister's previous
allegations. Patterson interviewed their mother who gave 'highly relevant'
details, but the officer instead record that she was 'unwilling' to make a
statement, it was alleged...........
Alexandra Healy QC, prosecuting, said: 'The
allegations against them involve the forging of documents, concealment of
evidence and the misrepresentation of the state of investigations, and the
evidence involved in investigations, to supervising officers.
The trial continues.
Are they all bent? Misconduct In
Public Office applies to lots of politicians as well.
Idle Police Destroyed Evidence Of Child Abuse & Perverted The Course Of Justice
- Allegedly [ 19 January 2019 ]
Two police officers
sabotaged a string of child sex abuse investigations out
of a combination of 'cynical disdain' for accusers and laziness, a court has
Detective constables Sharon Patterson, 49, and Lee Pollard, 47, forged
documents and concealed evidence over a three-year period, the Old Bailey
heard today.
The Essex Police officers, who were in a relationship, discussed a plot over
email, with Pollard thanking Patterson as his 'partner in deceptive crime',
jurors heard.
One count against Patterson involves a teenager
who said that - from the age of six - she was regularly raped by her father over
some five years, which was seemingly supported by a sister's previous
allegations. Patterson interviewed their mother who gave 'highly relevant'
details, but the officer instead record that she was 'unwilling' to make a
statement, it was alleged...........
Alexandra Healy QC, prosecuting, said: 'The
allegations against them involve the forging of documents, concealment of
evidence and the misrepresentation of the state of investigations, and the
evidence involved in investigations, to supervising officers.
The trial continues.
Are they all bent? Misconduct In
Public Office applies to lots of politicians as well.
Policeman Tracked Down A 14 Year Old Girl And Raped Her - [ Allegedly ] [
17 February 2019 ]
An anti-terrorism police officer raped a teenager in her home after tracking
her down using a social media app ,
a court heard. Peter Drummond, 38, allegedly drove to the 14-year-old girl's
home twice, and on one occasion climbed through her bedroom window before
raping her.
Drummond, from Berkshire, appeared at Truro
Crown Court in Cornwall for a trial.
That's a long drive to have a bit of fun.
Rotherham Police Commissioner Will Not Be Investigated After Perjury
[ 22 February 2019 ]
The investigation into whether to have a [ real ] investigation resulted in
a claim that he did not commit a criminal offence. Did they look? We are not
told. Are Pakistani Perverts still
raping English girls in Rotherham? Yes, of
course they are. Is the 2014
Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry still making lawyers rich? Of course. Is it
protecting our girls or Pakistanis? The latter,
of course. NB Keith Vaz, another Pakistani says he is
not stupid enough to believe the commissioner. NB See the next one.
Third World Policewoman Allowed To Defraud Pensioner [ 12 March 2019 ]
A policewoman who milked a lonely widower out of more than £34,000 while
accepting gifts including a BMW car, jewellery and holidays has been barred from
the force. Fatou Mendy-Sambou, 28, was today struck off from Gwent Police after
a force disciplinary hearing was told she received lavish gifts from the
87-year-old man in the three years after the death of his wife. He even helped
her with cash to train as a police officer - but she is now banned from police
work over the 'inappropriate relationship.'
Mendy-Sambou, from Newport, was accused of
gross misconduct after she took cash of £34,670.18 from the widower. The
hearing at Gwent Police HQ in Cwmbran, South Wales, heard Mendy-Sambou first
met the married pensioner while working as a carer for his wife in 2014,
before she was a police officer.
But when his wife died in 2015, Mendy-Sambou
visited the pensioner's home, regularly spoke to him on the phone and went
out for meals.
Another foreigner, another thief. But she walked free. The
Establishment doesn't want
justice; they didn't give it either. And the
Mail is censoring comments again.
Bent Police Destroyed Evidence Because They Were Idle
[ 11 May 2019 ]
Two lazy detectives who dropped child abuse investigations so they could
enjoy romantic Chinese meals together have been jailed for a total of
three-and-a-half years.
Det Con Sharon Patterson, 49, and her
boyfriend DC Lee Pollard, 47, sabotaged cases involving children they were
supposed to protect. Showing 'contempt' for sex abuse victims, they
forged documents to convince bosses to take no further action against
Pollard destroyed evidence about a man with
'disturbing sexual traits' accused of assaulting an eight-year-old boy.
Patterson cancelled an appointment to gather
evidence from social services records so she could get a manicure and have a
Chinese meal with Pollard.
This is Perverting The Course
Of Justice as well as
Misconduct In Public Office. Then there is
Police Oath
In England and the Police
Discipline Code. To be fair the judge went easy on them but they will apart,
in separate prisons.
Pakistani Policewoman Plays Race Card
[ 6 July 2019 ]
One of Britain's top Asian policewomen is suing Scotland Yard for 'racial
and gender' discrimination after being cleared of misconduct allegations.
Superintendent Parm Sandhu
could receive a six-figure payout if she is successful in her claim against
Britain's biggest force, led by its first
female commissioner, Cressida Dick.
The £82,000-a-year officer believes a
year-long investigation into her allegedly breaking nomination rules for a
prestigious police gong was disproportionate and carried out because she is
Asian and female, sources said.
They worm their way in then carry on acting as they were still in the ghastly
Hellholes they created. Scotland Yard sorted out Ali Dizaei,
not just a bent copper but cunning to boot. He got four years. Recall that
Secret Report
Police More Corrupt. Of course the
Mail is censoring comments in case people say what they really think.
Trigger Happy Copper Killed Career Crook
[ 18 July 2019 ]
And got away with it. His excuse for attacking was swallowed without
comment. The woman who was supposed to be overseeing the operation was busy
texting her boyfriend. She alleged that she could not tell the court what
her texts were about. She also got away with it.
Pakistani Policeman Is A Thief Who Likes
[ 19 July 2019 ]
He did it while guarding a dead child's home.
Bent Copper Gets Four Years For Bribery
[ 28 July 2019 ]
A corrupt detective has been jailed for four years after his ex-wife revealed
she saw him hiding £1,000 of bribery cash in her kitchen cupboard. Detective
Constable Mark Hopkins, 49, took the money to convince the victim of a baseball
bat attack in Tonypandy, South Wales, to withdraw his witness statement,
collapsing the investigation into the incident.
Cardiff Crown Court heard that Hopkins did
'everything in his power' to ensure the culprits were never jailed after he was
offered money by a fellow detective who knew the attacker. He then bragged about
it to his wife Tina Burton, who saw him stuff wads of cash into the kitchen
The court heard his deal stayed a secret for more
than six years - until his wife went to police in 2015, during their bitter
divorce. Adam Payter, prosecuting, said: 'She told police that one night in
2008, Hopkins came home from work and boasted to her about something that had
happened in work.
Are they all at it?
Crooked Police Abused Power To Pervert The Course Of Justice Says Judge
[ 31 July 2019 ]
Police broke the law in the bungled probe into VIP child abuse fantasist Nick, a
former High Court judge says today. Sir
Richard Henriques
said officers used false evidence to obtain search warrants to raid the homes of
retired Armed Forces chief Lord Bramall, the widow of ex-Home Secretary Lord
Brittan and ex-Tory MP Harvey Proctor and should now face a criminal
In an astonishing intervention, he tells the
Daily Mail that Scotland Yard detectives did not have the right to search
the properties because their description of Nick – real name Carl Beech – as
a ‘consistent’ witness was false, effectively fooling a judge into granting
the warrants.
He also alleges the ‘course of justice was
perverted with shocking consequences’ and says he finds it astonishing that
no officer has been brought to book over the fiasco. He says a ‘criminal
investigation should surely follow’.
The judge on the case talks but the
Establishment ignores him; it colludes in
Perverting The Course Of
Justice. This is Misconduct In
Public Office and SOP [ standard operating procedure ]. NB The
Mail is censoring comments in case people tell the truth.
Police Walk Away Laughing Up Their Sleeves
[ 31 July 2019 ]
Not a single police officer will face misconduct proceedings over the
bungled Scotland Yard inquiry into Carl Beech’s allegations – despite it
being widely regarded as the most appalling Met probe in living memory.
Everyone connected to the £2.5million investigation into the fantasist
previously known as ‘Nick’ has been cleared of blame.
Here we examine the key players in the probe,
who have come under renewed scrutiny.
The Met has passed this way before and
got away with as well. It was all kicked off by
'Sir' Bernard Hogan-Howe, an
anti-Racist - if the accused is an Englishman. He
refuses to prosecute racists if they are greasy little Pakistani chancers like
'Lord' Nazir Ahmed, Baron Ahmed of Rotherham.
He also refuses to admit that he has been
told that there is a prima facie case against Ahmed. NB Ahmed is currently out
on bail, charged with
two offences of attempted rape and one of indecent assault; much like
half the Pakistanis in the God forsaken little town of
Drunken Policewoman Betrayed By Her Own
[ 2 August 2019 ]
A drink-driving policewoman has been struck off after colleagues smelt
alcohol on her two hours into her shift. PC Cheryl Rudge started work at her
local station before driving to a missing person call-out. But a colleague
noticed that the 43-year-old smelled of alcohol over two hours after her shift
had started.
A misconduct hearing was told Rudge was breathalysed and was twice over
the legal limit.
Rudge - who had an unblemished record
stretching back 21 years - was arrested and said: 'This is ridiculous.' She
resigned from Dyfed-Powys Police just days before the disciplinary hearing.
She resigned before the hearing to avoid punishment. It is SOP [ standard
operating procedure. The fact she has never been caught before indicates a
degree of low cunning.
Police Lied In Their Teeth To Get Fraudulent Search
[ 7 August 2019 ]
Detectives claimed in a secret search warrant application that they had no
reason to doubt VIP child abuse and murder claims made by the fantasist 'Nick'.
Signed by a detective sergeant, the document
was presented to a judge who approved the raid in March 2015 on the home of
Lord Bramall, a D-Day veteran and former head of the Armed Forces.
But an investigation by this newspaper has
established that police were aware of at least eight factors that raised
serious questions about the outlandish claims made by Nick, whose real name
is Carl Beech.
A key factor was that despite extensive
efforts police found no evidence to back up Beech's claim to have suffered
physical abuse and injury and to have been absent from school.
The allegation that Beech was abused in
Imber is a real give away
to anyone who has been there. Add in an alleged murder that never happened
to see gross incompetence or Malicious
Prosecution. The Metropolitan Police
will do whatever it takes to get away with crime. The last boss who showed
any real reason to believe he was not corrupt is
Sir Robert Mark, the
last Commissioner to show any real sign of being honest; that was back in 1972.
He got rid of 300 of them. That was just in CID.
'Sir' Bernard Hogan-Howe is anti-racist unless the perpetrator is his little
mate, 'Lord' Nazir Ahmed, Baron Ahmed of Rotherham [ the
place where Pakistanis are allowed to rape English girls ]
Policeman Gets Away With Robbing Dead Man
[ 28 August 2019 ]
A police officer who stole a bank card and provisional driver's licence from
a dead man has avoided jail over the 'despicable' theft. 'Opportunistic' PC
Oliver Darby, 42, stole the items when he discovered Gary Steel dead at his
home in Maida Vale, west
London during a welfare check in January 2017.
The Army veteran's theft was uncovered when his home was searched in
January last year after a female PC accused him of spying on her two days
earlier while she was showering. During the raid by his colleagues, officers
found four bank cards stashed in a bag by his bed - including Mr Steel's
driving licence and bank card.
The others belonged to Darby's former housemates, stolen from a flat he
used to share with police colleagues in Wimbledon, south west London.
Darby did not use any of the cards and when
asked to explain why the cards were there he said he had 'no idea'.
Even minor looting qualifies as crime.
Police Sergeant Gets 20 Months For Stealing £9 Thousand
[ 2 September 2019 ]
A police sergeant who was commended for his work in the investigation into
the murder of a children's author has today been jailed for 20 months.
Detective Sergeant David Sharpe stole more
than £9,000 which had been seized by police during two separate murder
investigations and placed in a safe. His actions were used by the defence in
one trial 'to undermine the police and the investigation', and the accused
were subsequently acquitted of murder.
The 40-year-old was awarded a commendation for
his detective work which helped solve the murder of author Helen Bailey, who
was drugged and smothered to death by her partner who then dumped her body
in a cesspit outside their home.
Sharpe was convicted at Cambridge Crown Court
today of two counts of theft by employee.
Are they all bent?
500 Pakistanis Raped English Girl So Police Prosecute Her [ 7 October 2019 ]
An abuse victim who was raped by more than 500 men from the age of 11 in a
horrific ordeal lasting seven years speaks out for the first time. The
woman, who goes by the alias of Jennifer, claims that police did not take
action and instead arrested her for prostitution on multiple occasions.
Jennifer, now in her 40s, had 52 convictions in total before the age of 19.
This is the latest in a list of harrowing stories from victims of the
Telford sex abuse scandal.
In the Shropshire town, a brutal sex gang
targeted the innocent girls over a 40-year period in what may be Britain's
'worst ever' child abuse scandal. Girls were drugged, beaten and raped at
the hands of the violent groom gang which was active since the 1980s. Three
people were murdered and two others died following incidents linked to the
sickening scandal...........
Jennifer will give evidence at the public
inquiry which is ongoing............
A 16-year-old girl, Lucy Lowe, was killed in
2000 along with her mother and sister after a 26-year-old man, who had got
her pregnant at 14, set fire to their house.
He was jailed for murder but not sex crimes.
So the police can find murderers and prosecute them but allow
Pakistani Perverts to get away with
systematic wholesale Rape. Of course the victims are
daughters of the English Working Class. They
did not go to Roedean; they are expendable. The police are corrupt,
pandering to local politicians who want, who need mass
Vote Rigging by Pakistanis to keep power; the
quid pro quo for Pakistani crime.
Meanwhile Her Majesty's Government,
with the enthusiastic connivance of
Her Allegedly
Most Loyal Opposition is importing thousands more of them to cause
Ethnic Fouling In England
followed by Genocide. Nobody is being prosecuted
for Misconduct In Public Office,
Perverting The Course Of
Justice, Perjury,
Treason, Vote Rigging

or anything else.
They make the rules, they break them. That is de facto Public Policy so get used to it sucker.
Telford Pakistani Rape Inquiry Report is very anodyne, evasive and just
one part of the cover up.
Telford & Wrekin Council has commissioned law
firm Eversheds Sutherland as the Commissioning Body for the inquiry. For
more information visit the
inquiry’s website..
Recall that the BBC did the same after the
Jimmy Savile scandal erupted. They hired
lawyers to allege that the bosses knew nothing. They didn't mind
throwing a few underlings to the wolves. It is working that way in
Rotherham. There was the ten year cover up to
protect the perpetrators then the
2014 Child Sexual Abuse
Inquiry, which is still going on making lawyers richer. Are they all
Bent Policeman Spent £23 Thousand On Drugs And Whores
[ 24 November 2019 ]
A corrupt police officer who boasted 'I can do what I want' while blowing
£23,000 on a 'fantasy lifestyle' of drugs and prostitutes is jailed for two
years. PC Jon Snaith went on a 14-month-long spree which bankrupted him and
led to the end of his 20-year career with Northumbria Police............
Newcastle Crown Court heard the 42-year-old
constable, who was stationed at Berwick, in the Scottish Borders, had been
under surveillance by the counter corruption unit and was exposed as a
cocaine user who paid for sexual services from Eastern European prostitutes.
On the day of his arrest in April last year
Snaith had held an all-night drugs and sex party at his home and had put a
shout out on Grindr asking random guests to join in.
Only two years? At least it was his own money that he was wasting. There are some soft judges out there.
Black Policewoman Gets Away With Having Paedophile Abuse Video
[ 27 November 2019 ]
A highly decorated police officer who had a child abuse video on her phone
has avoided a jail term - but has been told her career is all but over.
Novlett Robyn Williams, who was commended for
her work after the Grenfell Tower disaster, was sentenced to 200 hours of
community service for possession of an indecent image at the Old Bailey
today. The court heard 54-year-old Williams received the video from her
older sister, co-defendant Jennifer Hodge, via WhatsApp.
Williams was one of 17 people to be sent the
video - which lasted less than a minute - by Hodge who had received it from
her partner, bus driver Dido Massivi, 61, in February last year.
The court accepted Williams did not view the
material, although jurors were not convinced by Williams' claim she was
unaware of its presence on her phone.
Did we play the race card again? Was that why she was "highly decorated"?
These medals come up with the rations.
Policeman And Policewoman Were At It On Duty [ 8 January 2020 ]
A female police officer performed oral sex on a fellow PC in a patrol car
while on duty, a misconduct hearing was told today. PC Abby Powell had sex
with fellow officer Alex Price while they were both dressed in full uniform.
Powell, 28, quit the force after admitting to having sex in the car while on
duty, while Price, 49, is still serving for South Wales Police.
Jonathan Walters, the presenting officer, told
the police misconduct hearing that the pair were 'in a relationship'. He
said: 'She was alleged and admits performing oral sex on Price in a police
vehicle while on duty. 'Powell faces and admits two allegations of sexual
motivation while on duty.
This kind of thing is routine in the
Metropolitan Police, the rest too of course. The trick is not to get
caught. Do it out of sight. Who betrayed them? We are not told. Living in
the boondocks makes them vulnerable to retribution.
Police Protected 97 Pakistani Paedophile Perverts In Manchester
[ 16 January 2020 ]
A whistleblowing detective has said Greater Manchester Police chiefs should
face charges after a damning new report revealed they left 97 men free to
groom 57 young girls by dropping their investigation into Asian grooming
GGMP detectives launched Operation Augusta in
2004 after the death of a 15-year-old girl called Victoria Agoglia who
previously told carers she had been raped and injected with heroin by an
Asian man.
But the probe was shelved a year later despite the force uncovering almost
100 paedophiles in south Manchester who later went on to rape and abuse dozens
of young girls in the areas.
After the devastating findings were published
in a new report today, former GMP detective Maggie Oliver has slammed
officials responsible for dropping their enquiries.
Speaking at the launch of the report, which
was commissioned by Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham, Mrs Oliver
said: 'Fifteen years - the perpetrators that we knew on Operation Augusta
were abusing generations of children were allowed to walk free.
'The kids themselves that I spoke to - I was
on Operation Augusta, I wrote the report - those children were just cast to
the wind, left to their own devices. Nobody cared about them.
'And I am talking about the people at the top
of the police and at social services. The chief constable, assistant chief
constables, head of social services, the people who knew the facts, who knew
the truth and they chose to bury the truth. That, in my opinion, is
Yes, it is unforgivable as well a major
Perversion Of The Course Of
Justice and Misconduct In
Public Office. Both are criminal offences that can put the guilty
in prison where they belong. They will all be allowed to get away with it.
There are civil servants in the Home Office who think they might not get
their knighthoods for a while, not until the fuss dies down. It is all SOP
[ standard operating procedure ]
Operation Augusta Public Report is the unclassified bit of paper, carefully sanitised
for public consumption. The
Coroner Colluded In Post Mortem Cover Up. Surprised? Not me; will anybody
else be?
Police errors may have let abusers of up to 52 children escape justice UK news
[ Says ] The Guardian
[ 16 January 2020 ]
The Guardian, the QUOTE foul prostitute and dirty parasite of the worst
portion of the mill-owners.
UNQUOTE is evasive. It does not want people asking too many questions about the
politicians, police and perverts who set up this conspiracy. Who are they?
See the next one where Gilad Atzmon explains
the politicians.
Glasgow Police Suppress Truth About 55 Paedophile Aliens [ 2 March
2020 ]
A large grooming gang of asylum seekers was kept secret by police in
Scotland despite victimising at least 44 young girls.
Glasgow police shut down a child rape gang whose 55 members were all
either “asylum seekers or naturalised asylum seekers”, but did not reveal
the existence of the group or the operation to shut it down to the public.
While the operation took place in 2016, it is only becoming public
knowledge now, reports The
Scottish Sun, which note a briefing document from Police Scotland that
reveals the members of the gang were from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
Egypt, Kurdistan, Morocco, and Turkey
report conducted by Detective Inspector Sarah Taylor from the National
Child Abuse Investigation Unit found that of the suspects, only 14 had been
deported, with 22 remaining in Glasgow. A further eight were believed to be
still living in the United Kingdom, with just one in prison and one further
individual pending deportation..........
As to why the investigation into the grooming gang was hidden from the
public, a police source told the newspaper: “We need to be very clear that
we always carefully consider when and what information to release in
relation to ongoing investigations to protect vulnerable victims and the
integrity of the inquiry.”
The Establishment, especially on the left
has decided to screw the Working Classes,
which translates into White Men. Instead they
import Third World parasites with malice
aforethought. Of course Capitalist Swine
approve. They want cheap labour.

Bent Copper Uses Coronavirus To Stay Out Of Prison [ 7 April
2020 ]
A former detective constable who exploited four women to feed his sexual
desires has walked free from court after a judge heard no-one else could
care for his one-year-old child during the
Covid-19 lockdown. Stuart Lunt, 36, from Appley Bridge, Wigan, admitted
inappropriate contact with the vulnerable women who he met in the course of
his duties with Lancashire Police as either complainants or witnesses.
The married father-of-two gained their trust and used it to his advantage
as he attempted to engage in sexual relations with them, and was able to do
so with one of his victims, Liverpool Crown Court was told. Laura Nash,
defending, asked Judge David Aubrey QC to consider 'exceptional
circumstances' in suspending a custodial sentence in what she said were
'exceptional times'.............
Miss Nash also pointed out as a first-time offender and police officer
that the Prison Service faced an 'incredibly difficulty' in managing him in
a custodial setting through the coronavirus pandemic. [ Is she lying in
her teeth? Was the judge fool enough to believe her? ].............
Lunt must also perform 250 hours of unpaid work. He pleaded guilty at an
earlier hearing to Misconduct In
Public Office.
If he has to do the child minding he can't do the unpaid work but if the
judge is another Freemason it all becomes
Police Bully Threatened To Commit Perjury [ 21April 2020 ]
A policeman has been suspended after he was
filmed 'threatening to make something up' so he could arrest a man for
Coronavirus lockdown laws. Lancashire Police was forced to apologise for
the unnamed officer's behaviour after footage of the incident in Accrington
was shared online. Tonight they have confirmed he has been
suspended from duty with immediate effect and the force has referred itself
to the police watchdog over the clip.
The video captured a young man being shouted
at by a policeman in Accrington on Friday afternoon after he was pulled over
for being out of his house. He claimed he was collecting a quadbike before
the officer launched into a furious rant.
In the video the young man is
heard saying: 'You're harassing me, what for? I've done nothing wrong...' While failing to adhere to social distancing
and maintain a two-metre distance, the officer shouts at him: 'Sit in your
car and shut up.'
The police officer then adds: 'I'll lock you
up... I'll make something up... who are they going to believe, me or you?'
The following day, Lancashire Police
apologised for the officer's behaviour and announced they would be
conducting an investigation.
The investigation will be about keeping the police thug out of prison and
off the dole queue. He is also guilty of
Corrupt or other improper
exercise of police powers and privileges [ see Section 26 of the
Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 ] as well as
Misconduct In Public Office.
British Policeman Helps Vicious Black Alien Attacking An Englishman
[ 16 June 2020 ]
Consider the context of this picture. A gang of
thugs, many masked, most of non-British lineage, sets out to deface
monuments to British history. Given that the police had done nothing to
deter earlier defacings a group of actual British men set out to defend
the monuments. The picture below shows the results. A goon of African
descent kicks one of the defending Brits in the stomach while a
policeman restrains the Brit.
When the police start helping the Enemy Within,
aliens imported by Her Majesty's
Government with the wholehearted collusion of
Her Allegedly
Most Loyal Opposition you know that
Her Majesty's Government Is
Rotten To Its Very Core.
On a slightly different note:-

Essex Police Protect Predatory Paedophile Grass [ 12
August 2020 ]
The force’s Professional Standards Department (PSD) was asked to investigate
after a victim of the ring made a lengthy complaint to the Independent
Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) over the way his case had been handled.
The year-long review of Essex Police’s behaviour
concluded just in time for the final episode of Archant’s
true crime podcast – Unfinished: Shoebury’s Lost Boys – which has been
examining failures in successive police investigations into the so-called “Shoebury
Sex Ring”..................
Essex PSD upheld nine of the man’s 15 complaints and
three officers now face management action.
PSD’s findings included:
-There were “inexcusable” delays in the man’s case –
with more than a year elapsing between him coming forward and police
completing his interview.
-The man’s allegations against a retired police
officer, who he was able to identify, were never logged as a crime and lines
of enquiry about him were never investigated.
-This was despite the fact that a year earlier,
unbeknownst to the complainant, another male had made similar allegations to
another organisation about the same retired officer.
-The man’s allegations against other abusers were
also not properly investigated.
In 1989, Southend children’s charities discovered
dozens of local children had been groomed and abused. Charity workers have
come forward in recent years to say there were suspicious failures in the
police investigation.........
Last year, Essex newspaper the Yellow Advertiser
revealed King had been a registered police informant.
Are they all bent?
Charles Thomson,
the reporter was short listed for the
Paul Foot Award.
More and better details at
'The Teflon Paedo' How Essex Police informant Dennis King spent 60 years sexually abusing children, but evaded true justice
or any other sort - Yellow Advertiser
Two Police Face Disciplinary Hearing After Letting A Black Murder A Woman
[ 3 September 2020 ]
Two police officers are facing a disciplinary hearing over claims they
failed to act on claims of domestic violence made by a teenage hairdresser who
was killed in a heated confrontation with her ex-boyfriend. PCs Kerry Lynham and
Sophie Dennis from the Metropolitan Police face a disciplinary hearing over
claims of harassment made by Katrina Makunova in the weeks before her death.
The 17-year-old died in July 2018 when she
fell on to a knife that she had concealed in her handbag ahead of a meeting
with Oluwaseyi Dada, 23, in Camberwell, south-east
The two Metropolitan Police constables
will face claims that their performance was grossly incompetent in a
two-day hearing beginning on September 8.
It is claimed that, on June 23 2018, at an
address in Forest Hill and at Lewisham police station, both in
south-east London, they:
- Failed to acknowledge a member of the public was
reporting criminal allegations of harassment and offences under the
Public Order Act;
- Failed to take positive action as a result of that
- Failed to complete risk assessments relating to a
vulnerable victim of domestic abuse;
- Failed to safeguard a child (Miss Makunova) in
failing to complete a report for a database containing details of
minors who have had contact with police.
PC Dennis is also accused of providing
false and misleading information on a crime report.
It is claimed the officer wrongly recorded
that Miss Makunova did not want to make a statement when she had not
been asked to do so; wrongly stated that a risk assessment form had been
completed; and incorrectly said that she had refused to answer some
Previously, the trainee hairdresser and
her family had called police five times between February and June to
accuse Dada, who she met on
Instagram, of assault and harassment.
Miss Makunova died after an altercation in
the foyer of Dada's block of flats in Camberwell. Police believe this
ended with her falling on her handbag which contained a knife that
fatally pierced her chest.
Dada, from Streatham, admitted
manslaughter, but Miss Makunova's family believe he should have been
charged with murder due to his controlling and brutal behaviour.
So the police can act after someone is Raped by
vicious black aliens or whatever. That is in London,
in the Met but when
Pakistani Perverts do it in
Rotherham or dozens of other sad little
northern towns they are protected. Rape is the quid pro quo, the
Bribes, the pay off for
Vote Rigging that keeps the
Labour Party in power.
The black is an ugly brute so her taste was not really very good.
Police Fornicate On Duty [ 26 September 2020 ]
A policewoman and a married officer have been sacked over their secret
on-duty sex fling - after top brass used GPS to track their squad cars to
her home address.
Zoe Phillips, 32, performed oral sex on Andrew
Perry, 35, in a force vehicle but they were rumbled by their own police
cars. Mother-of-one PC Phillips also sent him sexy selfies and the two
officers met up at her home when they were supposed to be on duty.
The former PCs got together for a string of
secret trysts but were snared after an anonymous tip-off to the force. A
misconduct hearing was told an investigation was launched and senior
officers tracked the GPS history of officers' squad cars to prove they had
been meeting up on duty.
Traffic specialist Perry and schools liaison
officer Phillips worked for Gwent Police but resigned when the affair came
to light.
One can see his point. The commentators sound envious. Resigning before the
hearing means they get away with punishment.
Police Still Protect Pakistani Paedophiles In Northern England
[ 16 December 2020 ]
Grooming gangs continue [ in December 2020 ] to abuse
children in northern towns and police are still failing to investigate,
according to alleged victims and campaigners.
Whistle-blower and former detective at Greater Manchester Police, Maggie
Oliver, has told Sky News that she's helped 2,000 victims in the last year
alone who have been "fobbed off by the authorities"............
One alleged survivor of child sexual abuse has told Sky News she
continues to be attacked by a gang now that she is an adult, and she was
punished by them with a violent sexual assault after she gave a statement to
the police about her historical abuse.
"Sarah" took us to the place where she alleges she was raped. It's a
bleak journey. As the road snakes across barren moorland, the only break in
the landscape is wind farms churning the foggy air.
She said she was abducted after speaking to the police and taken to a
secluded place where she'd been abused as a child; a layby on the West
Yorkshire moors. [ Did the police betray her? - Editor ]
This is about crimes committed by Pakistanis and by the
West Yorkshire Police
albeit they do get an occasional result.
Sky News seems willing and able to tell the truth; a welcome change from
most of the legacy media.
Sussex Policewoman Getting Away With Perverting The Course Of Justice
[ 19 December 2020 ]
Scandal-hit Sussex Police is facing further controversy today for refusing to
name a policewoman accused of causing the collapse of two major drugs trials -
after sacking 29 officers in four years for disciplinary matters.
The officer is accused of failing to include
vital CCTV footage and mobile phone data and then writing to one of the
investigators to ask her not to mention footage even existed.
As a result of her actions a trial into a
chemsex drug dealing gang collapsed and another linked case did not go
The officer, who was named in court, is due to
face a disciplinary hearing on Monday.
But Sussex Police have ruled she now cannot be
identified in order to protect her mental health. The disciplinary panel has
legal powers to prevent people appearing before it being named.
I am a lunatic is an interesting defence, one likely to keep her out of
prison. That is rather the point. She hasn't even been charged. Are
Sussex Police any
less corrupt than South
Yorkshire Police, one of the finest forces that money can buy?
PS The
Brighton Chief Constable, Charlie Ridge got away with major corruption
due to lack of evidence but his henchmen came unstuck.
Policeman Threatened To Commit Perjury [ 17 February
2021 ]
A police officer will face a misconduct hearing after threatening to
'make something up' in order to arrest a man. Video that was widely
circulated online showed the officer confronting Adam Kidger in
Accrington, Lancashire.
In the clip, Mr Kidger is heard saying:
'You're harassing me. What for? I've done nothing wrong.' The officer
squares up to him and says: 'If you want to f***ing step to me and push
your chest out and something like that then fine. I'll lock you up.
We'll do that shall we?'
After Mr Kidger responds by again
protesting his innocence, the officer replies: 'I'll make something up.
Public order, squaring up to a police officer. Shall I do that?
The officer then adds: 'Who are they going
to believe, me or you?'
Lancashire's Chief Constable Andy Rhodes
was forced to apologise following the incident - on April 17, last year
- calling the officer's behaviour 'completely unacceptable'.
The force also suspended the officer from
duty and referred the incident to the Independent Office for Police
Conduct (IOPC) for investigation.
Another bent copper is too stupid to know that cameras tell the truth.
But to be fair his little mates have closed ranks. He is at home on full
pay instead of being charged with
Misconduct In Public Office.
The police chief is colluding in
Misconduct as well but he
is keeping the swine out of prison where they both belong. The
Mail is censoring comments to help them get away crime.
Metropolitan Police Destroyed Evidence In The Lawrence Corruption Case
[ 1 March 2021 ]
Scotland Yard detectives have a saying about
their less talented bosses: ‘He couldn’t investigate his way out of a paper
bag.’ The phrase perfectly sums up former Met commissioner
'Sir' Bernard Hogan-Howe's internal review into the ‘mass shredding’ of police corruption
After an embarrassing grilling from MPs in
2014, the country’s most senior police officer promised to get to the bottom
of findings by a barrister-led inquiry that four bin bags relating to police
corruption in the bungled investigation into the 1993 murder of black
teenager Stephen Lawrence had been shredded. Years passed and the Met never
mentioned what had happened to the review. Until now.
The Stephen Lawrence Job was used as
major Propaganda weapon by anti-White
enemies of Western Civilization, by
Hard Left traitors like the
BBC. Were allegations of police corruption justified? Perhaps but they
were made as part of the Culture War being
waged against us.
Hogan claims loud and long
that he is
anti-Racist. This is true when the
alleged racist is English. But he eagerly ignores it
when the perpetrators are greasy little Pakistani chancers like
''Lord' Nazir Ahmed, Baron Ahmed of Rotherham. He
succeeded in knowing nothing about
Pakistani Perverts
when they were abusing 1,400 English girls in Rotherham.
So finding nothing when he doesn't want is business as usual.
PS Fun fact:
Ahmed is currently due to be tried as a Paedophile & as a Pakistani Pervert - see e.g.
Lord Ahmed Of Rotherham Is Head Pakistani Rapist In Rotherham - Allegedly.
Policeman Took £150 Bribe [ 19 March 2021 ]
The Metropolitan Police has launched an investigation after one of its
officers was recorded receiving £150 in cash from a motorist. In the footage
posted on
Snapchat, the unnamed officer, is seen showing the driver his warrant
card before being handed the money. In a statement, the Met today confirmed
that they are investigating the 19-second clip that has been widely
circulated on social media.
A spokesman said:
'We are aware of social media footage of an interaction between a member of
the public and an apparently off duty police officer. 'The circumstances of
this interaction are currently being investigated. 'Early assessment
indicates the money was handed over to pay for damage caused to the off-duty
officer's car in a damage-only collision.'
The Metropolitan Police have had
a lot of practice at getting away with Bribe taking
but then they have a lot of practice at general purpose corruption.
Policeman Forged Signatures In A Murder Investigation - Allegedly
[ 10 August 2021 ]
An experienced detective forged a series
of signatures on a statement given by a key witness in a murder
investigation, a court heard today.
Detective Constable Robert Ferrow, of
Hampshire police, was investigating the brutal death of mother-of-five
Lucy-Anne Rushton, who was murdered by her estranged husband Shaun Dyson
in 2019. Ferrow, 50, who has 18 years' experience
as an officer, appeared for trial at Winchester Crown Court on Monday
after denying a charge of forgery.
Prosecutor Robert Bryan told jurors that
the case concerns a witness statement given by an Ashley Grace-O'Neill,
a friend of Dyson, to Ferrow on June 23 2019,
day Ms Rushton was found at her home in Andover, Hants. Mr Bryan
said Mr Grace-O'Neill was at Andover police station giving his witness
statement on June 23 2019.
After speaking to the detective for up to
two hours, Mr Grace-O'Neill asked if he could return the next day. Ferrow said he needed to copy various text
messages that Mr Grace-O'Neill had provided screenshots of into the
statement before it could be submitted, the jury was told................
Ferrow was charged with making a false
instrument with intent for it to be accepted as genuine, under the
Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, following an investigation between
August 2019 and July 2020 by the IOPC.
Ferrow denies forging Mr Grace-O'Neill's
Was the policeman cutting corners or
Perverting The Course Of Justice?
Police Detective Gets Off With Eight Months After Forging Witness Statements
[ 11 September 2021 ]
A veteran detective was jailed today after forging the signature of a key
witness in a murder investigation prompting a judge to lambast his 'laziness
to a criminal degree'.
DC Robert Ferrow, 50, faked the name of Ashley Grace-O'Neill on
statements as he investigated Shaun Dyson over the death of his wife
Lucy-Anne Rushton. The police officer took testimony from Mr Grace-O'Neill,
who was Dyson's best friend, on the day mother-of-five Ms Rushton was found
at her home in Andover, Hants.
But when the witness asked to leave, DC Ferrow suggested he signed blank
witness statement pages so the detective could finish transcribing text
messages between him and Dyson. Mr Grace-O'Neil agreed, but when he returned
to the police station the next day to check his statement he noticed other
pages with his signature had been forged.
The evidence had to be taken again before Ms Rushton's estranged husband
Dyson was jailed for life to serve minimum of 17 years for the murder in
December 2019.
In August DC Ferrow was found guilty following a five day trial at
Winchester Crown Court, Hants, by unanimous decision after a jury spent just
two hours deliberating.
The offence - making a false instrument with
intent for it to be accepted as genuine, under the Forgery and
Counterfeiting Act 1981 - has a maximum ten-year sentence.
Another of the funny handshake mob?
Asylum Seeking Rapists Kept Secret By Scots Police
[ 28 September 2021 ]
A large grooming gang of asylum seekers was kept secret by police in
Scotland despite victimising at least 44 young girls. Glasgow police shut
down a child rape gang whose 55 members were all either “asylum seekers or
naturalised asylum seekers”, but did not reveal the existence of the group
or the operation to shut it down to the public.
While the operation took place in 2016, it is only becoming public
knowledge now, reports The
Scottish Sun, which note a briefing document from Police Scotland that
reveals the members of the gang were from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
Egypt, Kurdistan, Morocco, and Turkey
report conducted by Detective Inspector Sarah Taylor from the National
Child Abuse Investigation Unit found that of the suspects, only 14 had been
deported, with 22 remaining in Glasgow. A further eight were believed to be
still living in the United Kingdom, with just one in prison and one further
individual pending deportation.
The report details the scale at which the grooming gang operated, with
one victim believed to have been abused by 28 different members of the
group, and another being linked to 23 men within the gang................
Breitbart London has previously reported on
the scourge of child rape gangs reaching Glasgow, where paedophile gangs
target poorer, white children. A relative of a grooming victim said at the
time that the situation is “really is just our worst nightmare, it’s this
Rochdale and Rotherham-type stuff but it’s happening here in Glasgow in a
big way.”
“Nobody seems to be doing anything to stop it, all the girls have been
made to believe these men are their boyfriends,” they lamented.
“It’s white females they are hitting on, aged 14 to 19,” he concluded.
Earlier this month, Breitbart London reported that police forces in
Manchester and
Rotherham ignored “Asian” grooming gangs for fear of appearing racist.
This is Government Policy and
official corruption. Our rulers want vicious Third
World aliens infesting Blighty. Johnson
using the Retreat from Afghanistan as an
excuse to import Islamic savages. He is also bribing
local governments to take them on; to give them priority over decent Brits.
Johnson is also using
Patel & Border
Force to import them, causing
Fouling and Genocide. He is a
Commits Perjury And Stays Out Of Prison [ 31 October 2021 ]
A police officer who was shopped by his ex-girlfriend for trying to dodge a
speeding ticket has been given an 18-month suspended sentence.
PC Richard Hammond, 36, had pressured drama
teacher Vicky Courtis into lying about the driving offence over fears a
conviction could affect his career. Hammond, a firearms officer in the Met Police,
was clocked speeding in her Fiat 500 over Tower Bridge in August 2018 and
told Ms Courtis to say she did not know who was driving.
It takes eighteen months to make a policeman, which is to say a hardened
liar, giving Perjured evidence at the drop of a
hat. He got away with
Perverting The Course Of Justice and betraying his wife. His mistake was
annoying the girl friend.
Policeman Sexually Abused Two Teenage Girls At A Nightclub
[ 31 October 2021 ]
A Met Police officer has been found guilty of gross misconduct for
sexually touching two teenage girls at a nightclub in
The actions of PC David Henigan, of the Road Transport Policing Command,
were described as 'completely unacceptable.'
A panel decided Henigan's actions had breached
the 'standards of professional behaviour' amounting to 'discreditable
At least they don't all get away with it.
PS The
Mail is censoring comments again.
Police Sergeant Charged With Corruption [ 11 November
2021 ]
An ex-Metropolitan Police officer has been charged with bribery offences
after an investigation into corruption and 'inappropriate relationships'
between officers and local businesses around Westminster. Former sergeant
Frank Partridge, 48, from Wing in Buckinghamshire, is accused of conspiracy
to commit bribery.
He is charged along with seven others
following a long-running investigation led by the Met's Anti-Corruption
The probe has been looking into allegations of
corruption by police licensing officers in Westminster, as well as
inappropriate relationships between police officers and people running local
They others charges as part of the
investigation are Ryan Bishti, 41, of Exhibition Road in South Kensington,
London; Pamela Bishti, 66, of Outram Road, Croydon; Hassan Serdoud, 54, of
Fellows Road, Camden; Anna Ginandes, 44, of Fellows Road, Camden; Terry
Neil, 55, of Kimbers Drive, Slough; Soraya Henderson, 55, of Glenmore Close,
Flackwell Heath, High Wycombe; and Eamonn Mulholland, 54, of Florence
Street, Islington.
The Metropolitan Police have been
around a long time so they know all about bungs, brown envelopes etc. Not
all of the others are Third World aliens. But
Ryan Bishti, of CIRQUE LE SOIR WORLDWIDE LTD is disqualified from
being a director.
Soraya Henderson has previous [ 8 months for forgery ].
Hassan Serdoud is a company director. This story is about the protection racket
in Soho.
Cathy Fox puts a view
Police Inspector Forged A BNP Membership List [ 7
January 2022 ]
A POLICE inspector accused a retired officer of
being a racist in Facebook posts and then forged a
spreadsheet claiming the man was a member of the
British National Party to clear his name, a panel
Inspector Mark Doherty became embroiled in a dispute with Alan Hardy, 68,
after arresting him in 2015.
In September 2018, in the middle of a civil case between Mr Hardy and his
force, Insp Doherty accessed [ illegally? ] police computer systems to find information on
He discovered a record stating Mr Hardy had resigned from Bedfordshire
Police to avoid being dismissed and that he held "extremely racist views" -
a claim Mr Hardy denies.......
The retired policeman lodged a formal complaint and, in a bid to clear
his name, the inspector produced a spreadsheet he claimed to have found by
searching the "deep web". On it were the names of BNP members, their
addresses and occupations, including Mr Hardy.
But investigating officers with Cleveland's professional standards unit
discovered Insp Doherty had clumsily added the name himself.
Stephen Morley, representing Cleveland Police, told a disciplinary
hearing in Stockton on Tees: "He came a cropper because he has not done a
very good job of preparing that false document." The rows of the spreadsheet
did not line up, inverted commas were missing and Insp Doherty added a wrong
address for Mr Hardy, the hearing was told.
This is just a disciplinary case, not a criminal one. Doherty is being given a
pass by his nasty friends.
Policeman On Trial For Fornicating With Customers
[ 12 January 2022 ]
A police officer will go on trial over allegations he had relationships with
a number of women whose cases he was investigating.
Oliver Perry-Smith, 38, faces five charges relating to three women,
including one he is said to have seen in a shop and then visited at home
after 'obtaining her details'. On a different occasion he is accused of
starting a sexual relationship with a woman he was investigating for
harassment. He is also alleged to have used the police computer system to
look up information on another lady.
The misconduct charges span between September
2014 and November 2019.
He is charged with
Misconduct In
Public Office unlike
Boris Johnson; but then Smith isn't above the
Senior Third World Police Kicked Out Of The London Police Force
[ 18 January 2022 ]
Senior police officers who oversaw a 'boys club' have been sacked amid claims of
cronyism, bullying and racking up thousands in bogus expenses claims.
Chief Superintendent Paul Martin [ black ] was found to have
failed to declare a conflict of interest when he interviewed his friend
Chief Inspector Davinder Kandohla [ brown ] for promotion to
Superintendent. The officer then committed further misconduct in a bid for
revenge on the man he accused of 'grassing' on him to bosses, a hearing was
He also claimed more than £5,500 in expenses
while using a card owned by Police Sergeant James Di-Luzio on
alcohol, travel insurance and flight upgrades on a week-long trip to a
policing conference in
Florida. [
The legal term is fraud - Editor ] At the time, his
line manager was only aware he had claimed £105.98 on expenses.
He also claimed one colleague's pregnancy had led her to talk too much,
before calling her a 'f***ing nutter'.
Kandohla was accused of failing to declare the conflict of interest and
telling colleagues to make false statements on two occasions. [ Collusion in fraud - Editor ] His wife, PC Parina Kandohla, was also accused of
failing to report and challenge him, but the allegations against her were
not proven.
The police misconduct hearing in west London
also heard all three male officers bullied more junior colleagues.
Metropolitan Police have had a lot
of practice at corruption. Here they prove it. The boss is a woman & a
Lesbian to boot. She has
a stupid name and an impressive track record of incompetence or worse. Using
Third World infiltrators, giving them
opportunities for corruption is an example.
Pakistani Policewoman Gets Lucky - She Walks Free [ 1
February 2022 ]
A female Metropolitan Police officer who hid a shoebox filled with thousands of
pounds in drug cash for her corrupt cop husband during a raid on their house has
been spared jail - despite the money having never been retrieved.
Kashif Mahmood, 32, was jailed for eight years
in May for his role in helping an organised
crime group steal from their rivals in a Line of Duty-style corruption
His wife Shareen Kashif, 30, was sentenced
today after she admitted concealing criminal property after the cash-filled
box was found under the bed of their home in Harlow, Essex, in April 2020. She was given a 20-month sentence, suspended
for 21 months, and ordered to carry out 150 hours of unpaid work following a
hearing at Southwark Crown Court.............
He carried out fake police stops on cars he
knew to be carrying hundreds of thousands of pounds in drug money. Kashif, who was supported by family members in
a packed public gallery in court, told police she only became aware of her
husband's illegal activities a few days before the raid on their house.
She accepted in interview that she moved the
box under her his instructions during the raid, but the money has never been
The "I didn't know nothing, not no how" story is one they tell without
stopping to think why. Then it is up to her little mates to prove she is
lying. Was the judge simple minded or what? Of course we are ignoring the
Secret Report
Police More Corrupt, but only ten times more so.
West Yorkshire Police Sergeant Gets 10 Years For Rape [
6 March 2022 ]
A West Yorkshire police sergeant was today jailed for 10 years for raping a
'paralytic' woman who went on to give birth to his child. Ben Lister was found
guilty of sexually assaulting and raping the woman while they were both staying
in the same house after a night out in 2016.
Prosecutors said that Lister, 36, had dragged
the 'very drunk' woman off a sofa while she slept before he touched her
sexually as she drifted in and out of consciousness.
Sentencing the 36-year-old at Bradford Crown
Court, Judge Jonathan Rose said he had then contacted the woman the next
day, 'testing the waters to see if you had got away with having sexual
intercourse with a comatose woman'. The woman had asked Lister if she had
sex with him but the 36-year-old lied and told her they had engaged in
sexual activity.
Months later, the woman found out that she was
pregnant and 'knew then that she had been raped' and jurors were told a DNA
test later revealed Lister was the child's father.
The DNA test is pretty convincing evidence.
Police Spend Four Years Protecting Killer
[ 28 August 2022 ]
From the moment the police officers standing on her doorstep said: ‘Can we come
in?’ Claire Montgomery’s life went into free fall.
The suitcases for her big retirement holiday
with her husband were already packed. They were supposed to be leaving for
Costa Rica and Ecuador the next day.
David, 66, a retired engineer, had only popped
out for a quick lunch, to say goodbye to his friends from his motorcycle
club. Suddenly, she was trying to process the news
that he was dead — hit by a car while on his motorbike.
Their two children had to be told. David’s
sisters. Claire did not know what to do, to say, to think. What she does
remember was that the police officers were kind. One of them assured her that, whatever else
she was facing, she need not worry about the legal process.
‘He said a man had tried to do a U-turn and
gone straight into David. It was a clear-cut case of dangerous driving and
there were witnesses. Justice would be done.................
At Cambridge Crown Court, pensioner William
Curtis, 88, was found guilty of causing death by careless driving. It was no thanks to Bedfordshire Police.
Despite the assurances of that first officer, the force initially refused to
bring charges against Curtis, suggesting to Claire that her husband had been
partly to blame for the accident..........
Claire, now 68, has spent the past four years
challenging officers, all the way up to and including Chief Constable Garry
Forsyth, and enlisting the help of her local MP.
The chief constable looks well bent. Are they are too bloody lazy to do
their job or it is the funny handshake mob trying it on again? NB The
Mail is censoring comments again.
Policeman Gets Off With Nine Months After Being Involved With A Customer
[ 5 October 2022 ]
A former South Yorkshire Police
officer cried in the dock as he was jailed for starting a relationship with
a domestic abuse victim and sending her explicit content.
Liam Mills, 34, had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a woman
after she went to Barnsley police station to report domestic abuse offences.
The vulnerable woman accused her former partner of coercive and
controlling behaviour, revealed she struggled with low self-esteem and that
she had been hospitalised for an overdose less than two weeks prior. Soon after Mills, a married man, starting
texting her and went on to have sex with her on at least two occasions when
he was on duty, the
Star reports. The father also used his work mobile phone to
send confidential material including a video of a murder scene and body-cam
They are experts on corruption in the
South Yorkshire Police. They let
Pakistani Perverts rape and abuse 1,400
English girls. That was just in Rotherham. No
doubt that is why he got off lightly.
Policeman Held Prisoner After Allegations Of Anti-Third World Racism
[ 7 October 2022 ]
Mail is horrified. Notice that they have not bothered with the nuisance of
trials & courts because he is a White Man.
Thousands Of Police Are Bent Says Report
[2 November 2022 ]
Thousands of police have criminal records, are linked to gangsters or pose a
risk to the public, watchdogs warned yesterday.
Analysis of personnel files found it was far
too easy for misogynistic, corrupt or predatory officers to join up and stay
in uniform.
Matt Parr, [ an ]
Inspector of Constabulary, called for better screening to weed out
dangerous individuals. Among the bombshell findings in his report were:
- Officers could switch forces without vetting information being
passed on;
- Some bosses hired recruits without conducting face-to-face
- Others failed to check employment records of
applicants and even hired recruits who had lied on applications;
- Bosses took extra risks on candidates if it helped
boost diversity.
His Majesty’s Inspectorate for Constabulary
and Fire and Rescue Services made a remarkable 43 recommendations to address
‘shoddy’ standards. Commissioned last October in the wake of the murder of
Sarah Everard by Met officer Wayne Couzens, the probe examined three forces
linked with the killer – Kent Police, the Met and the Civil Nuclear
Constabulary. Also scrutinised were Cumbria, South Wales, Nottinghamshire,
Dorset and Devon and Cornwall.
Mr Parr cited ‘astonishing’ examples of
vetting failures, including one special constable who had a 12-month
supervision order for indecent exposure as a juvenile.
Rear Admiral
Parr was with the
Royal Navy, meaning that the police wouldn't
have known anything about possible embarrassments in his career. He was able
to act honestly. Letting in "diverse" candidates, e.g.
Ali Dizaei, means lowering standards and increasing
corruption. Notice that one force not scrutinised was
South Yorkshire Police. They are
the mob that protected the Pakistani
Perverts who raped 1,400 English girls in
Rotherham etc. One of theirs, 'Sir'
Bernard Hogan-Howe became the Commissioner of the
Metropolitan Police, employer of
Wayne Couzens. Cause and effect? Probably not directly but proof a
corrupt culture. The
Met offers advice - just phone 999.
Policewoman Stole £14 Thousand In Dorset
[ 8 December 2022 ]
A police evidence officer who plundered more than £14,000 from evidence
stores over four years faces jail after pleading guilty.
Lisa Arnold, 52, worked as an evidence officer
for Dorset police and had access to bank notes seized in previous police
operations. She used her position to plunder wads of notes on 17 separate
occasions - totalling £14,494.
A court heard she targeted uncounted cash in envelopes and carefully sliced
the bottom open and took out wads of notes.
It was a nice little earner while it lasted.
Pakistani Policeman
Is A Proven Liar Playing The Race Card [ 24 December
2022 ]
A police officer who was caught playing football 19 times despite going off
sick from work with 'gout' claimed he did it because his career was being
held back due to his race.
Jay Gorania was 'trying to get his own back'
against Leicestershire Police by faking GP letters to ensure he stayed off
on full pay for three months. The officer, who has since resigned from his
role, had been working as a neighbourhood PC with the force when he first
took leave on October 12 last year.
The misconduct hearing heard how Mr Gorania
claimed the gout was so severe he could not even work from home. On one
occasion he even limped to his front door to prove his limitations to his
line manager..............
Despite repeated claims he could not work
lighter duties from home, Mr Gorania continued with his existing second job
as the manager of a portfolio of leasing and lettings properties.
He was defrauding Leicestershire deliberately and with
Malice Aforethought. They are going
easy on him because he is a Third World alien.
Mail is censoring comments; none got through.
Police Chief Inspector Gets 14 Months For Using Police Computer To Reveal
Confidential Information [ 26 December 2022 ]
A shamed police chief was jailed for 14 months for misusing his force's
computer to search confidential details for a woman he was having an affair
with. Chief Inspector Joseph Jones, 48, from Swansea, used the South Wales
Police computer system to get confidential details of a couple who were
tenants of the woman.
A court heard cleaner Kelly Roberts had told
Chief Inspector Jones that she was in dispute with the couple and wanted
information on them. Jones had been involved in a 'brief sexual
relationship' with Miss Roberts before committing the database
crime. Newport Crown Court heard Jones looked up records about the
couple and their children and illegally passed the information on to her.
But his crime was uncovered when she later
became involved in the supply of Class A drugs...................
Jones was sentenced to two months custody for
the offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. He was sentenced to 14
months for perverting the course of justice.
He got off lightly with
Perverting The Course Of Justice.
Trainee Policeman Gets Four Years For Paedophile Perversion
[ 4 February 2023]
A former trainee police officer has been jailed for grooming as many as one
hundred girls, as young as nine, by sending sexual messages and explicit images
of himself online.
The disgraced student officer also requested
pictures from the girls through
TikTok, and was found with more than 1,200 indecent images and
videos of children.
Jason Hicks, 31, was sentenced to four years in prison with a three year
extended licence, put on the sex offenders' register and made subject of a
sexual harm prevention order which will enable the police to monitor his
online activity for ten years. He was caught after the mother of a
nine-year-old girl in Wiltshire found his messages on her daughter's phone
and reported them to the police, who eventually realised they had come from
The offences were uncovered while Hicks was in
training to be a Devon and Cornwall Police officer.
The Judge is a real softie; is he one too?
Police Pander To Third World Rapists
There's a surprise. Set a thief to catch a thief?
Senior Policeman With £2.5 Million Properties Owes Thousands To Crook -
Allegedly [ 23
February 2023 ]
A police chief inspector with a £2.5million property portfolio owed
thousands of pounds to a developer who was at the centre of a major criminal
investigation, a misconduct panel has heard.
Chief Inspector Stephen Rice, of Merseyside Police, is accused of lying
about regularly contacting the prime suspect in a probe into potential
large-scale property fraud.
The 24-year veteran of the force is accused of
failing to disclose the money owed to the suspect, who can only be referred
to as 'Mr A' for legal reasons and was described as a 'long-standing
associate' of
actor-turned-drug dealer Desmond 'Dessie' Bayliss.
Chief Inspector Rice is also alleged to have
used the police database to snoop on Bayliss and one of his associates
without 'proper policing purpose', as well as paying a company to write his
dissertation for him so he could pass his Master's degree. The police
officer is not accused of any involvement in criminal offences and denies
Mail does not say where all of that money came from; perhaps it should.
Timeline - Police Misconduct » Bhatt Murphy Solicitors
04.03.2015 Supreme Court considers domestic
extremism database
In R(Catt) v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and others
[2015] UKSC 9, the Supreme Court decided (by a majority of 4 to 1)
that it was lawful for police forces to keep records on 90 year old
war veteran John Catt’s lawful public political activities on the
domestic extremism database. The Court ruled that the state’s
collection of records on citizens’ political activities amounts to
an interference with their privacy rights requiring justification
but that it was justified in Mr Catt’s case.
11.02.2015 Zenati v Commissioner of Police of
the Metropolis and the Crown Prosecution Service
Court of Appeal confirms that Article 5 requires the police and the
CPS to act expeditiously both in investigating alleged offences when
a person is in custody, and in ensuring that a suspect is brought
speedily before a court where the evidence reveals that there is no
longer reasonable suspicion to suspect the person of the offence(s).
06.02.2015 IPT rules against security services
for the first time
For the first time in its fifteen year history, the Investigatory
Powers Tribunal ruled against the intelligence and security
services, holding that the British intelligence services acted
unlawfully in accessing millions of people’s personal communications
collected by the USA’s National Security Agency.
28.01.2015 Supreme Court considers duty of care
and duty to protect under Article 2
Supreme Court considers duty of care and duty to protect under
Article 2 where there has been police failure to protect: Michael
and others v The Chief Constable of South Wales Police and another
[2015] UKSC 2
Supreme Court allows claim under Article 2 to
proceed but does not take the opportunity to uphold or depart from
the Hill reasoning regarding core immunity from suit in negligence.
21.10.2014 R (Chief Constable of the West
Yorkshire Police) v IPCC
Court of Appeal provides important clarification of the role of the
IPCC (and by analogy police professional standards departments) when
investigating complaints under the Police Reform Act. It is their
role to evaluate the evidence and determine whether or not there is
a case to answer in respect of misconduct or gross misconduct, but
not to determine whether misconduct or gross misconduct has been
committed or to appear to determine any question of civil or
criminal liability.
28.02.2014 First High Court judgment to
consider Article 3 investigative duty
First High Court judgment to consider operation of Article 3
investigative duty in the investigation by police of sexual
violence: DSD and NBV v The Commissioner of Police for the
Metropolis [2014] EWHC 436 (QB)
The claimants were both
victims of the serial rapist John Worboys who committed more than a
hundred drug and alcohol assisted rapes and sexual assaults on
female passengers of his black taxi.
15.11.2013 Court of Appeal considers
jurisdiction of Investigatory Powers Tribunal
Court of Appeal considers jurisdiction of Investigatory Powers
Tribunal to hear claims relating to undercover police officers
entering into sexual relationships with political activists: AKJ and
others v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and others [2013]
EWCA Civ 1342
17.07.2013 IPCC conclude the Metropolitan
Police Service is failing to deal effectively with race complaints
A report by the IPCC, based on an analysis of race complaints dealt
with by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), concluded that such
complaints were not handled in a sufficiently robust or fair way. It
calls for a cultural change in the way the MPS deals with such
complaints, supported by training, monitoring and community
13.06.2013 Bogus civil proceedings can give
rise to claim in malicious prosecution
In Crawford Adjusters & Ors v Sagicor General Insurance (Cayman)
Limited [2013] UKPC 17
Privy Council decide (by a 3 – 2 majority)
that a person who brought bogus civil proceedings could be sued in
malicious prosecution.
10.05.2013 Daniel Morgan Independent Panel
The Home Secretary announced in a written statement her decision to
appoint an Independent Panel led by Sir Stanley Burnton to examine
the circumstances surrounding Daniel’s murder in 1987.
28.02.2013 Court of Appeal upholds High Court
The Court of Appeal upholds a High Court decision in the first
judgment in this jurisdiction where police are found to have
subjected a member of the public to inhuman or degrading treatment
and unlawful disability discrimination: HZ v Commissioner of Police
for the Metropolis.
The Court of Appeal rejected the
Commissioner’s appeal against a High Court Judgment which found that
Metropolitan Police officers subjected a sixteen year old boy with
severe autism, learning disabilities and epilepsy to assault and
battery, unlawful disability discrimination, false imprisonment and
multiple breaches of the Human Rights Act by forcing him into
handcuffs and leg restraints during a school trip to Acton Swimming
Baths in West London on 23 September 2008.
12.09.2012 Hillsborough Independent Panel
presents Report to Hillsborough families
On Wednesday 12 September 2012, the Hillsborough Independent Panel
presented its Report to the Hillsborough families, explaining the
outcome of its work to secure maximum possible disclosure of
documents relating to the disaster at the Hillsborough Stadium on 15
April 1989 and its aftermath.
15.03.2012 ECHR finds that kettling of Mayday
protestors did not amount to deprivation of liberty
Austin and others v UK App Nos 39692/09, 40713/09, and 41008/09.
20.05.2011 First domestic claim to consider the
investigative duties owed by the police under Articles 3 and 4
O.O.O and others v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis [2001]
EWHC 1246.
The High Court finds those obligations to have
been breached in this case, in which the police failed to
investigate allegations made by the Claimants, four young Nigerian
Women who had been brought into the UK illegally and forced to work
as unpaid servants.
18.05.2011 Indefinite retention of fingerprints
and DNA held to be unjustified interference with article 8
Supreme Court holds that indefinite retention of fingerprints and
DNA was held to be an unjustified interference with article 8:
(GC) v Commissioner of the Police for the Metropolis [2011] UKSC 21.
The Supreme Court reversed the House of Lords decision in S and
Marper in light of the ECtHT decision in that case. However, the
Supreme Court allowed further time for Parliament to produce revised
01.10.2010 Key provisions of the Equality Act
2010 come into force
The Act repealed to a large extent the existing anti-discrimination
statutes and regulations and replaced them with consolidated
protection against discrimination connected to the ‘protected
characteristics’. It also introduced some limited further equality
30.04.2010 Release of Cass Report regarding the
death of Blair Peach
More than 30 years after the death of Blair Peach, the Metropolitan
Police Service released the report of Commander Cass into the events
surrounding his death in Southall, west London, on 23 April 1979.
The report, which had been conducted shortly after the death of Mr
Peach but kept secret, concluded that the fatal blow to Mr Peach was
struck by a police officer whose actions were then concealed by his
brother officers.
12.01.2010 Regime for stop and searches
breaches article 8
The Supreme Court holds that chief officers must have greater regard
to Article 8 when considering whether to disclose information to
Criminal Records Bureau and that in many cases the subject of the
information should have the right to make representations. R(L) v
Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis [2009] UKSC 3.
12.01.10 European Court of Human Rights hold that the regime for
stop and searches without reasonable suspicion under section 44 of
the Terrorism Act 2000 breaches article 8: Gillan and Quinton v UK
App 4158/05 .
The court held that the searches amounted with
any interference with Article 8 rights and that such interference
could not be justified because they were not in accordance with the
law as they were not subject to sufficient legal safeguards to guard
against their arbitrary and discriminatory use.
29.10.2009 chief officers must have greater
regard to Article 8
Supreme Court holds that chief officers must have greater regard to
Article 8 when considering whether to disclose information to
Criminal Records Bureau and that in many cases the subject of the
information should have the right to make representations.
v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis [2009] UKSC 3.
18.05.2009 Northamptonshire Police pay £70,000
in disability discrimination claim.
Northamptonshire Police agree to pay £70,000 in disability
discrimination claim. Read more
here on Williamson.
30.04.2009 Metropolitan Police admit assaulting
Metropolitan Police admits assaulting and falsely imprisoning
protestors and pays them £85,000 plus costs. Read more
here on Lucio.
18.03.2009 Metropolitan Police admits
brutalising detainee
Metropolitan Police admits brutalising a detainee and pays him
£60,000 plus costs. As a result. the Metropolitan Police Authority
convenes a judicial inquiry into the Metropolitan Police’s conduct.
Read more
here on Babar Ahmed.
09.03.2009 Public Accounts Committee raises
concerns on IPCC
House of Commons Public Accounts Committee publishes report raising
concerns regarding the performance of the IPCC. Read the full report
01.02.2009 ACPO issues guidance
Association of Chief Police Officers issues guidance advising
officers not to confer with others before making their accounts
following a police related shooting except in exceptional
circumstances [ORANGE]
The revised guidance comes just two
weeks after the cases of R (on the application of Saunders and
Tucker) v IPCC [2008] EWHC 2372 (Admin), in which the Claimants
challenged the practice of conferring.
28.01.2009 Detention of May Day protesters not
an arbitrary deprivation of liberty
House of Lords finds that the mass detention of protestors and
non-protestors during May Day 2001 did not constitute an arbitrary
deprivation of liberty and so Article 5 was not applicable.
Austin and another v CPM [2009] UKHL 5.
27.01.2009 CPS in breach of Article 3
High Court finds CPS in breach of Article 3 in respect of its
treatment of a victim of crime:
R(B) v DPP [2009] EWHC 106 (Admin).
23.01.2009 Permission requirement under s329 of
the Criminal Justice Act 2003 is directory
Court of Appeal rules that a failure by a claimant to seek
permission before issuing proceedings for trespass to person where
s/he has been convicted of an imprisonable offence on the same
occasion will not necessarily nullify the claim. The requirement to
seek permission under s329 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 is
directory not mandatory:
Adorian v CPM [2009] EWCA Civ 18.
Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights finds that the
policy in England and Wales of retaining the DNA and fingerprints of
virtually all persons charged with an offence (whether subsequently
convicted or not) breaches Article 8:
S and Marper v UK App Nos. 30562/04;30566/04.
01.12.2008 New Regulations concerning police
A new set of regulations came into force on 1 December 2008. Known
as the Taylor Reforms (having been introduced in light of the Taylor
Review of Police Disciplinary Arrangements), they included new
procedures for police misconduct meetings and hearings. The Code of
Conduct was been replaced by “Standards of Professional Behaviour”,
including a new standard, Challenging and Reporting Improper
Conduct, whereby police officers must report, challenge or take
action against the conduct of colleagues which has fallen below the
26.11.2008 Suicide attempts require Article 2
compliant investigations
House of Lords holds that whenever a prisoner attempts suicide and
long-term injury results, an Article 2 compliant investigation will
be necessary, irrespective of whether there was an arguable basis
that the state was in breach of its substantive duties of protection
under Article 2:
R (L) v SSJ [2008] UKHL 68.
14.11.2008 National Audit Office raises concern
on IPCC performance
National Audit Office publishes report raising concerns regarding
the performance of the IPCC. Read full report
22.10.2008 IPCC duty to investigate all
incident circumstances
Court of Appeal confirms that in an independent investigation the
IPCC has a duty to ensure it investigates all the circumstances
pertaining to the incident/complaint, including potentially relevant
circumstances arising before the complainant had contact with the
R (Reynolds) v IPCC [2008] EWCA Civ 1160.
10.10.2008 High Court finds potential breach of
Article 2
High Court finds that police officers conferring before making their
notes of a police shooting potentially breaches Article 2. The
Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) revises its guidance
here) to police officers in the aftermath of this judgment,
advising against conferring in most cases:
R (Saunders and Tucker) v IPCC and others [2008] EWHC 2372
30.07.2008 House of Lords holds operational
duty not breached by Hertfordshire police
House of Lords over rules Court of Appeal and High Court in finding
on the facts that Hertfordshire police did not breach its
operational duty under Article 2 in its treatment of a prosecution
witness. It held that the Osman test should apply with the same
rigour where the relevant risk to life had arisen from the actions
of the state:
Chief Constable of the Hertfordshire Police v Van Colle [2008]
UKHL 50.
30.07.2008 House of Lords strikes out claim for
House of Lords strikes out claim for negligence brought by victim of
crime on basis that the public policy considerations identified in
Hill and Brooks negated the existence of a duty of care. It held
that the availability of the Human Rights Act made it less rather
than more compelling for the common law to acknowledge a comparable
duty of care, with Lord Bingham dissenting:
Smith v Chief Constable of Sussex Police [2008] UKHL 50
23.04.2008 Test for self-defence requires
"honest belief"
House of Lords refuses to strike out assault claim in Sussex police
shooting. It held that the test for self-defence in civil
proceedings requires an honest belief that the officer was under
threat of imminent attack. That belief must be based on reasonable
grounds. Honest but mistaken belief is not sufficient.
Ashley v Chief Constable of Sussex Police [2008] UKHL 25.
29.02.2008 Crisis of confidence in IPCC
Lawyers representing complainants withdraw from IPCC’s Advisory
Board (read
30.01.2008 Limitation period reduced
House of Lords reduces the limitation period for claim including
trespass to person and malicious prosecution from 6 to 3 years if
the claim includes a claim for personal injury:
A v Hoare and others [2008] UKHL 6.
20.12.2007 No fixed rule on awards for
psychiatric injury, injury to feelings and aggravated damages
The Court of Appeal provides guidance on the inter-relationship
between awards for psychiatric injury, injury to feelings and
aggravated damages. There should be no fixed rule about whether
separate awards should be made. That decision is fact sensitive:
Martins v Choudhary [2007] EWCA Civ 1379.
04.07.2007 Permission required before issuance
of claim against police
House of Lords rules that permission must be sought before issuing a
private law claim against the police in respect of an act purporting
to be done under the Mental Heath Act 1983 (e.g. removing the
Claimant to a place of safety). This requirement is mandatory:
Seal v Chief Constable of South Wales Police [2007] UKHL 31.
15.05.2007 Court of European Human Rights finds
Police in breach of Article 2
The European Court of Human Rights finds that police officers being
allowed to confer with one another before making their notes of a
police shooting breaches Article 2:
Ramsahai and others v Netherlands App No 52391/99
30.04.2007 Equality Act (Sexual Orientation)
Regulations come into force
Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007 SI No 1263 come
into force outlawing discrimination by public authorities on the
basis of sexual orientation in the provision of goods, facilities
and services and in the exercise of public functions.
06.04.2007 Amendments to Sex Discrimination Act
come into force
Amendments to Sex Discrimination Act 1975 come into force making it
unlawful for a public authority to discriminate on gender grounds
when exercising any function of a public nature (not just in the
provision of goods, facilities and services).
28.03.2007 Human Rights Act does not operate
retrospectively in relation to Article 2 compliant inquests
House Lords rules there is no duty to hold an Article 2 compliant
inquest where the inquest took place before the Human Rights Act
came into force:
R (Hurst) v CPM [2007] UKHL 13.
20.12.2006 Inter-relationship between
psychiatric harm and aggravated damages
The Court of Appeal provides useful guidance on the
inter-relationship between psychiatric harm and aggravated damages.
It also confirmed that exemplary damages could be awarded in cases
where the defendant is sued vicariously:
Rowlands v Chief Constable of Merseyside Police [2006] EWCA Civ
18.12.2006 Dismissive treatment of family
member can form basis of race discrimination claim
Court of Appeal finds that a family member being treated
dismissively by the police or CPS in a death in custody
investigation can form the basis of a race discrimination claim:
Alder v Chief Constable of Humberside Police [2006] EWCA Civ
04.12.2006 Amendments to Disability
Discrimination Act come into force
Amendments to Disability Discrimination Act 1995 come into force
making it unlawful for a public authority (including the police) to
discriminate on grounds of disability when exercising any function
of a public nature (not just in the provision of goods, facilities
and services).
13.11.2006 Gloucestershire Police breach
Articles 10 and 11
House of Lords finds Gloucestershire Police in breach of Articles
10, 11 and the common law for preventing protestors attending a
demonstration at Fairford air base:
R (Laporte) v Chief Constable of Gloucestershire [2006] UKHL 55
29.09.2006 Unsuccessful judicial review of
police caution in the House of Lords
Unsuccessful judicial review of police caution in the House of Lords
raising fundamental questions at to whether, and if so to what
extent, the published policy of a Chief Officer can or should
influence or limit the original jurisdiction of any police officer
to arrest, charge or caution a person for an offence:
R (Mondelly) v CPM [2006] EWHC 2370 (Admin).
26.09.2006 European Court of Human Rights finds
UK Government acted in breach of Article 8
The European Court of Human Rights finds that the UK Government
acted in breach of Article 8 as a result of the Prison Service
strip-searching two prison visitors for drugs despite an absence of
evidence linking them to drug supply:
Wainwright v UK 12350/04 (2006) ECHR 807.
18.07.2006 European Court of Human Rights finds
UK in breach of Article 8
The European Court of Human Rights finds that the UK acted in breach
of Article 8 as a result of Merseyside police failing to make
adequate enquiries before applying for a search warrant. The
immunity from suit traditionally conferred upon the police in
trespass claims by the Constables Protection Act 1750 does not apply
in Article 8 claims:
Keegan v UK 28867/03 [2006] ECHR 764.
28.06.2006 Court of Appeal guidance on
quantifying damages in malicious prosecution claim
The Court of Appeal provides useful guidance on quantifying basic
and aggravated damages in a malicious prosecution claim but errs in
suggesting that exemplary damages could not be awarded when the
defendant was sued vicariously:
Manley v CPM [2006] EWCA Civ 879.
19.04.2006 Home Office changes scheme for
victims of miscarriages of Justice
The Home Office announced the immediate abolition of the
discretionary limb of its scheme for compensating victims of
miscarriages of justice. Bhatt Murphy and others launch a judicial
review of that decision, which is ultimately unsuccessful before the
Court of Appeal, in
R (Bhatt Murphy (a firm) and others) v Independent Assessor; R (Niazi
and others) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2008]
EWCA Civ 755.
29.03.2006 Claimant must prove s/he has
suffered damage to succeed in a misfeasance claim
Watkins v Home Office and others [2006] UKHL 17, House of Lords
rules that a claimant must prove s/he has suffered damage to succeed
in a misfeasance claim.
15.03.2006 Court of Appeal finds that Prison
Service owed duty of care to vulnerable prisoner
Home Office v Butchart [2006] EWCA Civ 239,
Court of Appeal
finds that the Prison Service owed a duty of care in negligence to a
vulnerable prisoner who was required to share a prison cell with
another inmate who was a known suicide risk and who subsequently
committed suicide when they were together in the cell.
08.03.2006 House of Lords upholds police power
to stop and search without reasonable suspicion
R (Gillan and another) v CPM and another [2006] UKHL 12, the
House of Lords upholds police power to stop and search without
reasonable suspicion for items that could be used in connection with
14.02.2006 Home Office Commences Consultation
in Respect of a New Code of Conduct for Police Officers
The proposed new code (read
here) incorporates ethics and conduct. The revised procedures
for police disciplinary arrangements should, in essence, be based on
Acas principles.
21.04.2005 Claimant loses negligence claim
against police in House of Lords
In the case of
Duwayne Brooks v the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis
[2005] UKHL 24, the Claimant alleged, among other things, that the
police had been negligent in failing to recognise him as a victim –
he was Stephen Lawrence’s best friend and with him the night he died
– and in the way they carried out their subsequent investigation.
Although his claim in negligence failed in light of the principles
established in the Hill case above, the House of Lords indicated
that there would be 'exceptional' or 'outrageous' cases where these
principles may not defeat a claim in negligence.
01.04.2004 The Independent Police Complaints
Commission commences operation
This body assumes conduct of the complaints system from the now
defunct PCA. It has powers to independently investigate all deaths
in custody and other very serious complaints, and to supervise or
manage investigations into other complaints where appropriate. Most
complaints continue to be investigated by police, with rights of
appeal to the IPCC for complainants dissatisfied with the outcome of
police investigations of their complaints. Greater openness and
transparency is said to be the corner stone of the new system,
including disclosure of the investigating officer’s report in most
cases. Bhatt Murphy and others are continuing to work with the
Commission in the hope that the aspirations of those who campaigned
for its creation will be realised.
17.03.2004 Court of Appeal clarifies claims in
malicious prosecution
Court of Appeal rules that jury should be allowed to consider
motives of police in bringing a prosecution, by means of inference.
In Paul v Chief Constable of Humberside [2004]
EWCA Civ 308 the Court of Appeal ruled that the trial judge was
wrong to prevent the jury from considering whether there was
evidence of bad faith on the part of the police officers who had
charged Jason Paul, where there was evidence to support his claim
that his arrest was intended to deflect publicity from the shocking
death of Christopher Alder in police custody on 1 April 1998. A
re-trial was ordered and Mr Paul achieved damages from the jury in
2004 Greater Manchester Police successfully
challenged for permitting officer to retire
Public interest in officers facing discipline should be considered
before permitting officers to resign.
R (Coghlan and others) v Greater Manchester Police [2004] EWHC
2801 (Admin)
Judicial Review of the failure to prevent the
retirement of a senior police officer notwithstanding judicial
conclusion that he had lied on oath. The Court recognised the public
interest in permitting the complaints process to proceed. An
important test case with regard to the ambit of Chief Officer’s
discretion in this area.
23.10.2002 Murder by informant leads to
successful civil claim against police for misfeasance
Akenzua and another v SSHD and Commissioner of Police for the
Metropolis [2002] EWCA Civ 1470.
2002 Police Reform Act
Act establishes the Independent Police Complaints Commission. It
is supported by a raft of statutory instruments revising the
complaints and discipline system for police.
02.10.2000 The Human Rights Act 1998 comes into
The Act extends the nature and extent of remedies for police
17.05.2000 Reasons for CPS decisions not to
prosecute required for the first time
In a ground breaking judgement anticipating the impact of the Human
Rights Act 1998, it was held in
R v DPP ex parte Manning and Melbourne [CO/2054/99] (a
successful challenge to refusal of the DPP to prosecute prison
officers involved in unlawful killing of Alton Manning in custody)
that the CPS was required to give reasons for decisions not to
prosecute, especially in cases where officers of the state are
accused of violations of Articles 2 or 3 of the ECHR.
11.08.1999 Butler report into CPS decision
making published
This report investigated decision-making processes within the CPS
and in particular concentrated on the deaths in custody of Richard
O’Brien and Shiji Lapite, and the torture inflicted in custody on
Derek Treadaway. The report criticised the CPS decision making
process and lead to substantial change including the requirement to
consult independent counsel in serious police cases.
24.02.1999 The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report
is published
This ground-breaking
report considered the wider implications of the botched police
investigation into the murder of Stephen Lawrence on 22 April 1993.
The report called for systemic changes in police practice, policy
and procedure, such as the extension of the Race Relations Act to
cover the investigative function of the police and the overhaul of
the police complaints system to allow independent investigation of
serious complaints.
1998 ECtHR case concerning negligence by police
erodes police immunity
Osman v United Kingdom [1998] 29 EHRR 245 the ECtHR found that
the domestic court rulings to the effect that the Osman family could
not recover damages in negligence amounted to a breach of their
right to a fair hearing (Article 6).
1998 New Civil Procedure Rules give entitlement
to disclosure before proceedings are commenced
A radical overhaul of the civil procedure regime extends to victims
of police misconduct an entitlement to consider documents relevant
to their potential claim before proceedings are commenced. However,
efforts to agree a protocol for good practice between police lawyers
and victims’ representatives flounder.
17.09.1997 The ECPT investigates lack of
accountability for police misconduct
'Serious questions' about procedures for addressing police
misconduct raised by European Committee for the Prevention of
Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT).
The CPT decided to visit the UK in late 1997 to examine, among
other things, procedures in place to deal with police misconduct.
The visit was prompted by the unlawful killing verdicts achieved in
the cases of Richard O’Brien, Shiji Lapite and Ibrahima Sey and the
officers’ apparent immunity from criminal and/or disciplinary
sanction. Bhatt Murphy lawyers drew the CPT’s attention to the
outcomes achieved in civil claims for damages and the lack of
corresponding criminal and/or disciplinary sanction in these
non-lethal cases. The CPT was very concerned by what they learned,
stating that the CPS seemed to be setting an 'unduly high threshold'
in deciding whether to prosecute, and that the PCA seemed to be
'ill-equipped' to carry out its ‘watchdog’ function'. They endorsed
many of the Home Office Select Committee recommendations and
suggested these be implemented. The government objected to
publication of the
report over a period of many months.
1997 Guidelines established for damages awards
in civil actions against the police
The Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis v Thompson and Hsu
[1997] EWCA Civ 1042
The Court of Appeal responded to the
Commissioner’s appeals against the high levels of compensation
awarded in certain police cases by issuing guidelines for
assessment. The guidelines brought to an end the extremely high
level of awards in some cases but increased the threshold in others.
The Court of Appeal rejected the Commissioner’s arguments that
non-cooperation with the discredited police complaint system should
reduce awards and that the upper limit of awards should be fixed by
compensation in personal injury cases.
1997 The DPP is challenged for her failure to
prosecute police officers
First instance of a successful challenge to the exercise of the
DPP’s prosecutorial discretion.
R v DPP ex parte Treadaway [1997] EWHC Admin 741, (heard with
similar successful challenges brought in respect of the unlawful
killing of Richard O’Brien and Shiji Lapite in police custody), the
Divisional Court upheld a challenge to the refusal of the DPP to
prosecute the police officers involved in the torture of Derek
Treadaway (see above) in terms which led to the Attorney General’s
decision to set up an inquiry into the handling of such cases within
the CPS (the ‘Butler Inquiry’).
1997 The end of statements in open court in
litigation against police
Williamson v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis [1997]
EWCA Civ 2177, the Court of Appeal ruled that the public vindication
sought by a claimant upon the settlement of a claim for malicious
prosecution against police did not require a detailed statement of
the relevant facts to be read out in open court – all that was
required was a recitation of the fact of the acquittal in the
prosecution. In effect, this meant that there was no longer any
purpose to be served in seeking a statement in open court at all.
1997 - 1998 The Select Committee on Home
Affairs recommends an independent police complaints system
This recommendation, in response to the growing lack of public
confidence in the police complaints system, led to a Home Office
consultation, and ultimately, to the Police Reform Act 2002 and the
establishment of the Independent Police Complaints Commission.
See the Select Committee on Home Affairs Second Special Report:
Police Disciplinary and Complaints Procedures
1996 -7 Juries award record damages
Very high jury awards in civil actions against police reflect depth
of public concern about the misuse of police powers.
Central London County Court in the space of a number of months, some
9 victims of police misconduct received ground breaking levels of
compensation. The first and second of those victims, Claudette
Thompson and Kenneth Hsu, faced a test case before the Court of
Appeal to defend their awards. Other claimants, such as Trevor
Gerald (who received £125,000 damages of which £100,000 was
exemplary damages), Janet Scafe (who received £110,000 of which
£90,000 was exemplary damages) and Terry Brownbill (who received
£150,000 damages of which £100,000 was made up of exemplary damages)
had followed advice from Bhatt Murphy lawyers not to co-operate with
the discredited police complaint system but to pursue their
grievance through the civil courts. While their awards were reduced
by compromise or on appeal, they achieved significant public
acknowledgement of the serious wrongdoing they had suffered and
vindication before the juries.
1995 -7 Families join forces to seek justice
for unlawful police killings
Series of unlawful killing verdicts and challenges to the DPP’s
decision making lead to increased public disquiet.
A number
of high profile cases emerged concerning controversial restraint
related deaths in police custody – mostly of black men. Public
concern at the apparent lack of sanction for police officers
involved in these deaths reached new levels after unlawful killing
verdicts were returned by inquest juries in the cases of Richard
O’Brien, Shiji Lapite and Ibrahima Sey. Further details are
available on the
investigating deaths in custody timeline.
See also the
Statistics on the
1994 Finding of torture in police case
In Treadaway v West Midlands Police (The Times, 25
October 1994), £50,000 was awarded by McKinnon J in respect of a
claim for damages for assault arising out of the torture of a
prisoner to extract a confession – the reasoned judgment in this
case was instrumental in the subsequent successful challenge to a
decision by the DPP not to prosecute any of the officers involved in
the torture (see below).
1994 Damages award contributes to uncovering
the Stoke Newington police corruption scandal
First ever settlement to breach a perceived ‘glass ceiling’ of
£50,000 in litigation against police - instrumental in uncovering
the ‘Operation Jackpot’ scandal of corruption amongst police
officers at Stoke Newington.
King v Metropolitan Police Commissioner (1993-K-409), £70,000
was recovered in settlement in a claim for damages for assault,
false imprisonment and malicious prosecution - first ever settlement
of its kind to breach a perceived ‘glass ceiling’ of £50,000 in such
1991 onwards - statements in open court
contribute to police accountability
Statements in open court, a device borrowed from libel claims, are
utilised to achieve public vindication of those whose claims against
police for false imprisonment and/or malicious prosecution came to
be satisfied without trial.
Janardanan v Metropolitan Police Commissioner (90/23924), where
£40,000 was recovered in settlement of a claim for damages for false
imprisonment and malicious prosecution, the jurisdiction of the
County Court to allow such statements in open court was recognised
for the first time.
Burnett v Metropolitan Police Commissioner (1990-B-1259), where
£40,000 was recovered in settlement of a claim for damages for
assault, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution, the
jurisdiction of High Court was recognised to extend to statements in
open court upon settlement of assault claims.
1991 1st multi-party action in litigation
against police
In Critchlow and others v Sth Yorks Police
(QBI-1418/90(E)), a total of £425,000 was recovered in settlement of
a claim for damages for assault, false imprisonment and malicious
prosecution on behalf of 39 miners arising out of police operation
at Orgreave during miners’ strike.
1989 1st award in excess of GBP 100,000 in
litigation against police
In Rupert Taylor v Met Police Com’r, over £100,000
was awarded by a High Court jury following a trial on a claim for
assault, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution arising out of
the notorious ‘Black Watch’ scandal of corruption amongst officers
at Notting Hill.
Errors & omissions, broken links,
cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if
you find any I am open to comment.
me at Mike Emery. All
financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to keep
it private, use my
PGP Key.
Updated on
06/04/2023 09:49