Chapter 1. The Meaning and Measurement
of Intelligence
- 1. Definition of Intelligence
- 2. The Hierarchical Model of Intelligence
- 3. The IQ
- 4. Flynn Effects
Race differences in intelligence began to be analyzed
scientifically in the middle years of the nineteenth century. In the 1830s,
Samuel Morton (1849) in the United States assembled a collection of skulls,
measured their volume, and calculated that Europeans had the largest brains
followed by Chinese, Malays, and Native American Indians, while Africans and
finally Australian Aborigines had the smallest brains. He concluded that these
differences in brain size accounted for the race differences in intelligence. A
similar view was advanced a few years later in France by Paul Broca (1861, p.
304): "in general, the brain is larger in eminent men than in men of mediocre
talent, in superior than in inferior races." About the same time Francis Galton
(1969) in England arrived at the same conclusion by a different route. He
assessed the intelligence of the races by the numbers of geniuses they produced
in relation to the size of their populations. He concluded that the Greeks of
classical Athens were the most intelligent people, followed in descending order
by the lowland Scots, the English, the Africans, and the Australian Aborigines.
In the twentieth century this question continued to be
debated. The intelligence test was constructed by Alfred Binet in France in
1905. It was translated into English by Lewis Terman (1916) at Stanford
University and later in the century a number of other intelligence tests were
constructed. This made it possible to measure and compare the intelligence of
the various races and by the end of the twentieth century many hundreds of
studies had been published on this issue. Most of these have been concerned with
the difference between blacks and whites in the United States, but studies have
also been made of the intelligence of peoples in virtually every part of the
world. For the difference between blacks and whites in the United States, the
most authoritative studies are by Shuey (1966), who summarized all the studies
from World War I up to 1965, Osborne and McGurk (1982), who updated this summary
to 1980, Loehlin, Lindzey, and Spuhler's Race Differences in Intelligence
(1975), Herrnstein and Murray's The Bell Curve (1994), and a series of
publications by Jensen culminating in The g Factor (1998). There
has been some interest in the intelligence of the Chinese and Japanese, which
was reviewed by Vernon in The Abilities and Achievements of Orientals in
North America (1982). A number of studies of the intelligence of Africans,
Caucasians, and East Asians have been summarized by Rushton in Race,
Evolution and Behavior (2000). All of these studies have been concerned with
two problems. These are the evidence on race differences in intelligence, and
the degree to which these differences are determined by genetic and
environmental factors. It is widely accepted that race differences in
intelligence exist, but no consensus has emerged on whether these have any
genetic basis. All those named above have argued that there is some genetic
basis for race differences. However, a number of authorities have concluded that
there is no compelling evidence for genetic factors. This position has been
adopted by Flynn in his Race, IQ and Jensen (1980), Brody in
Intelligence (1992), and Mackintosh in IQ and Human Intelligence
The present book differs from previous studies in four
respects. It is the first fully comprehensive review that has ever been made of
the evidence on race differences in intelligence worldwide. Second, it reviews
these for ten races rather than the three major races (Africans, Caucasians, and
East Asians) analyzed by Rushton (2000). The races analyzed here are the
Europeans, sub-Saharan Africans, Bushmen, South Asians and North Africans,
Southeast Asians, Australian Aborigines, Pacific Islanders, East Asians, Arctic
Peoples, and Native American Indians. Studies of these are presented in Chapters
3 through 12; Chapter 13 summarizes these studies and gives evidence on the
reliability and validity of the IQs of the races. Third, Chapter 14 discusses
the extent to which race differences in intelligence are determined by
environmental and genetic factors. Fourth, Chapters 15, 16, and 17 discuss how
race differences in intelligence have evolved over the course of approximately
the last 100,000 years. These discussions are preceded by accounts of the nature
of intelligence and the measurement of race differences given in this chapter,
and of the concept of race in Chapter 2.
1. Definition of Intelligence
There is a widespread consensus that intelligence is a
unitary construct that determines the efficiency of problem solving, learning,
and remembering. A useful definition of intelligence was provided by a committee
set up by the American Psychological Association in 1995 under the chairmanship
of Ulrich Neisser and consisting of eleven American psychologists whose mandate
was to produce a report on what is generally known and accepted about
intelligence. The definition of intelligence proposed by the Task Force was that
intelligence is the ability "to understand complex ideas, to adapt effectively
to the environment, to learn from experience, to engage in various forms of
reasoning, to overcome obstacles by taking thought" (Neisser, 1996, p. 1). This
definition is generally acceptable, except for the component of effective
adaptation to the environment. All living species are adapted effectively to
their environment or they would not have survived, but many living species such
as snakes and other reptiles cannot be regarded as intelligent. In economically
developed nations, the underclass with its culture of long-term unemployment,
crime, drug dependency, and welfare-dependent single mothers, is well adapted to
its environment in so far as it is able to live on welfare and reproduce, but it
has a low average IQ, as shown in detail by Herrnstein and Murray (1994), and is
not intelligent in any reasonable sense of the word or as measured by
intelligence tests.
A definition which avoids this misconception was proposed by
Gottfredson and endorsed by 52 leading experts and published in the Wall
Street Journal in 1994:
Intelligence is a very general mental capacity which, among
other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think
abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience.
It is not merely book learning, a narrow academic skill, or test taking smarts.
Rather, it reflects a broader and deeper capability for comprehending our
surroundings - "catching on," "making sense" of things, or "figuring out" what
to do (Gottfredson, 1997, p. 13).
Intelligence conceptualized as a single entity can be
measured by intelligence tests and quantified by the IQ (intelligence quotient).
The theory of intelligence as largely a single entity was first formulated in
the first decade of the twentieth century by Charles Spearman (1904), who showed
that all cognitive abilities are positively intercorrelated, such that people
who do well on some tasks tend to do well on all the others. Spearman devised
the statistical method of factor analysis to show that the performance of all
cognitive tasks is partly determined by a common factor. He designated this
common factor g for "general intelligence."To explain the existence of the
common factor, Spearman proposed that there must be some general mental power
determining performance on all cognitive tasks and responsible for their
positive intercorrelation.
2. The Hierarchical Model of Intelligence
Spearman also proposed that in addition to g, there are a
number of specific abilities that determine performance on particular tasks,
over and above the effect of g. In the 1930s an alternative theory was advanced
by Thurstone (1938) that there are seven "primary abilities," which he
designated reasoning, verbal comprehension, numerical ability, spatial ability,
word fluency (the ability to produce a number of words as exemplars of a concept
in a short period of time), memory, and perceptual speed. In the second half of
the twentieth century, a general consensus emerged that both the Spearman and
the Thurstone models were partially correct and that intelligence is best
conceptualized as a hierarchical structure that can be envisioned as a pyramid
in which there are some seventy narrow abilities at the base (Spearman's
specific abilities), eight to ten second-order or group factors at the next
level (Thurstone's primary abilities), and a single general factor (Spearman's
g) at the apex. The leading contemporary formulations of this model have been
set out by Horn (1991), Carroll (1993), and McGrew and Flanagan (1998). Their
models are closely similar and propose that the eight to ten second-order
factors consist of "fluid ability" (reasoning), "crystallized ability" (verbal
comprehension), long-term memory, short-term memory, visualization (visual and
spatial ability), numerical ability (arithmetic), mathematical ability, cultural
knowledge, processing speed, and reaction time. This hierarchical model of
intelligence is widely accepted among contemporary authorities such as the
American Task Force on Intelligence (Neisser, 1996), Jensen (1998), Mackintosh
(1998), Deary (2000), and many others. An extensive exposition of g and its
structure, heritability, biology, and correlates has been presented by Jensen
(1998) in his book The g Factor. He conceptualizes g as a
construct or factor that he defines as "a hypothetical variable that 'underlies'
an observed or measured variable" (p. 88). It is not possible to measure g
directly, but the non-verbal reasoning IQs and scores obtained from intelligence
tests and expressed as IQs (intelligence quotients) are approximate measures of
3. The IQ
The metric employed for the measurement of the intelligence
of the races has been to adopt an IQ of 100 (with a standard deviation of 15)
for Europeans in Britain, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand as the
standard in terms of which the IQs of other races can be calculated. The mean
IQs of Europeans in these four countries are virtually identical, as shown in
Chapter 3 (Table 3.1), so tests constructed and standardized on Europeans in
these countries provide equivalent instruments for racial comparisons. In
Britain, Australia, and New Zealand, the intelligence tests have been
standardized on Europeans, and this was also the case in the United States in
the first half of the twentieth century. In the second half of the twentieth
century American tests were normally standardized on the total population that
included significant numbers of blacks and Hispanics. In these standardization
samples the mean IQ of the total population is set at 100; the mean IQ of
Europeans is approximately 102, while that of blacks is 87 and of Hispanics
about 92 (see, e.g., Jensen and Reynolds, 1982). This means that when the IQs of
other races are assessed with an American test standardized with an IQ of 100
for the total American population, 2 IQ points have to be deducted to obtain an
IQ in relation to 100 for American Europeans. This problem does not arise with
the only British test used in cross-cultural studies of intelligence. This is
the Progressive Matrices, which has been standardized on British Europeans. The
tests used in the studies of racial intelligence are identified by acronyms in
the tables in which the results are presented. The full names of the tests and
description of the abilities they measure are given in the Appendix.
In the summaries of studies of race differences in
intelligence, IQs are given for general intelligence and, where possible, for
the major primary abilities of reasoning, verbal comprehension, and
visualization. IQs for general intelligence are obtained either from general
intelligence tests that contain a mix of reasoning, verbal, visualization,
perceptual, memory, and sometimes other items, or from tests of non-verbal
reasoning ability such as the Progressive Matrices, which provide closely
similar results to those of tests of general intelligence (Carroll, 1993;
Jensen, 1998). A few studies are also available and summarized for race
differences in immediate memory and musical abilities.
4. Flynn Effects
A problem with the quantification of race differences in intelligence is
that IQs have been increasing since the 1920s in many parts of the world. These
secular increases were first shown by Smith (1942) in Hawaii and have been
confirmed in several subsequent studies such as that of Cattell (1951) in
Britain. They have become known as the Flynn effect following their
documentation by James Flynn (1984, 1987). When results are reported for the IQs
of populations an adjustment needs to be made for Flynn effects, as otherwise
populations obtain spuriously high means when they are scored on norms obtained
from Europeans a number of years previously. The magnitude of the Flynn effect
varies with different tests. Mean IQs on the Wechsler tests increased in several
countries by approximately 3 IQ points per decade from the mid-1930s to the
1990s, but the Verbal IQ increased by approximately 2 IQ points per decade and
the Performance IQ by approximately 4 IQ points per decade (Flynn, 1984, 1998;
Lynn and Pagliari, 1994). For the Standard Progressive Matrices, the British
mean IQ increased at a rate of approximately 2 IQ points per decade from 1938,
when the test was constructed, up to 1979, when the last British standardization
on children was carried out (Lynn and Hampson, 1986; Flynn, 1987). IQs on the
Goodenough Draw-a-Man Test in the United States increased by 3 IQ points a
decade between 1955 and 1968, calculated from the Harris (1963) and the United
States Department of Health, Education and Welfare (1970) standardizations. The
same rate of increase on this test has been found for blacks in South Africa
from 1950 to 1988 (Richter, Griesel, and Wortley, 1989). Adjustments for Flynn
effects have been made in all the figures for IQs presented for the populations
in subsequent chapters. Where tests have been used for which the magnitude of
the secular increase is not known, an increase of 3 IQ points per decade has
been assumed.
There is no general consensus regarding the causes of the
Flynn effect. A number of different theories by leading experts are presented in
Neisser (1998). Some, including Flynn (1987) himself, believe that there has not
been any significant increase in what may be called "real intelligence" and that
the increases must be due to improvements in test taking skills. Others such as
Greenfield (1998), Mackintosh (1998), and Williams (1998) have argued that the
increases are genuine and that a number of factors are likely to be responsible,
including a generally more cognitively stimulating environment, especially from
television, computer games, improvements in education, and the increased
education of parents. The presence of the Flynn effect in the development of
infants measured by tests such as the age at which an infant is able to stand up
makes these factors unlikely. It is probable that there has been some genuine
increase in intelligence as a result of improvements in nutrition that have
produced increases in height, in brain size, and probably in the neurological
development of the brain during the twentieth century (Lynn, 1990a, 1998b).
Chapter 2. The Meaning and Formation of
1. The Formation of Races, Varieties, and Breeds
2. Varieties in Non-human Species
3. Taxonomies of Races
4. Race Differences in Diseases
5. Do Races Exist?
A b [ sic ] concerned with race differences in intelligence needs to
define both intelligence and race. In the last chapter intelligence was defined
and in this chapter a definition is offered of race. A simple and
straightforward definition of race is that it consists of a group that is
recognizably different from other groups. A fuller definition is that a race is
a breeding population that is to some degree genetically different from neighboring populations as a result of geographical isolation, cultural factors,
and endogamy, and which shows observable patterns of genotypic frequency
differences for a number of intercorrelated, genetically determined
characteristics, compared with other breeding populations. Geographical contact
zones between races generally contain racial hybrids, who show intermediate
values of gene frequencies from the more central distributions of the breeding
groups. These hybrid and mixed race populations are known as clines.
1. The Formation of Races, Varieties, and Breeds
It is a general principle of evolutionary biology that when
populations of species become isolated from one another they evolve into two or
more sub-species. These are generally termed varieties, strains, or breeds. In
the case of humans these different varieties are called races. These different
varieties evolve as a result of the four processes of founder effects, genetic
drift, mutation, and adaptation. The founder effect is that when a population
splits and one group migrates to a new location to form a new population, the
group that migrates will not be genetically identical to the one left behind.
Hence the two populations differ genetically. The genetic drift effect is that
gene frequencies change over time to some extent as a matter of chance and this
leads to differences between populations. Drift continues with time and leads to
increasing differences between races. The mutation effect is that new alleles
(alleles are alternative forms of genes) appear through chance in some
populations and if they are advantageous for survival and reproduction will
gradually spread through the population. An advantageous new allele may appear
as a mutation in one race, but not in others. The adaptation effect is that when
a population migrates to a new location some alleles will be advantageous that
were not advantageous in the old location. Individuals possessing advantageous
alleles in the new location have more surviving offspring, so their alleles will
be selected for and will gradually spread though the population. New varieties
of several species have evolved as adaptations when populations have migrated
into arctic environments. Some of these, such as foxes, bears, and hares, have
evolved white fur to give them camouflage so they are not so easily seen by
predators or prey. In all these cases mutations for white fur have appeared and
spread through the population because they have given the animals possessing
them a selective advantage. Eventually the new advantageous alleles entirely
replace the less advantageous alleles and are then said to have become "fixed."
In many cases it is uncertain why different strains have
evolved different characteristics. For instance, the fur of the European
squirrel is red while that of the North American squirrel is grey. Possibly one
of these colors confers a selective advantage and appeared by chance in one of
these populations through a genetic mutation.
2. Varieties in Non-human Species
It has long been recognized that most species have several
varieties or what in humans are called races. Early in his career Charles
Darwin noted the different varieties of turtles on the Galapagos Islands and it
was this that set him thinking how these had evolved. Later in his book The
Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication (1868) he described the
different varieties of a number of species such as pigeons, each of which have
their own distinctive manner of flight, movement, and cooing.
There are a number of different varieties or races among the
apes. There are four races of chimpanzee. These are the true chimpanzee (Pan
satyrus verus) indigenous to West Africa between Guinea and Nigeria, the
bald chimpanzee (Pan satyrus satyrus) of Cameroon and Gabon, the pygmy
chimpanzee (Pan satyrus paniscus) of north central Zaire, and the
Schweinfurth chimpanzee (Pan satyrus schweinfurthi) of northeast Zaire.
These races differ in physical appearance, distribution of blood groups, and the
cries they utter. Different races have evolved among animal species in
accordance with the same principles as among humans. For instance, there are two
races of gorilla. These are the mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei)
native to the mountains around lakes Edward and Kivu in eastern Zaire, Rwanda,
and western Uganda, and the coast gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) of the
forests of Cameroon and Gabon. The two races are geographically isolated from
one another by about a thousand miles and have evolved differences in physical
appearance and blood group. The mountain gorilla has a narrower skull, shorter
arms, longer legs, thicker hair, and blood group A, while the coast gorilla has
a broader skull, longer arms, shorter legs, thinner hair, and blood group B
(Baker, 1974). Some of the differences between the two races have evolved as
adaptations to their different environments. The mountain gorilla inhabits a
colder and open environment while the coast gorilla inhabits a warmer and
densely forested environment. The mountain gorilla has developed thicker hair
than the coast gorilla as a protection against the cold. The coast gorilla has
developed longer arms to swing from tree to tree. There is no obvious
explanation for why the mountain gorilla has a narrower skull, longer legs, and
blood group A. These differences may have arisen through founder effects,
genetic drift, or chance mutations, or they may confer some unknown advantage.
There are also a number of varieties among domestic animals.
These are normally called breeds and have been bred by humans to serve a
variety of useful purposes. Frequently they have been bred for greater size or,
in the case of cattle, milk yields. In some cases they have been bred to adapt
better to certain environments. For instance, varieties of hardy sheep have been
bred that flourish on mountains and differ from lowland sheep. Humans have bred
as many as seventy-nine different breeds of dogs for a variety of abilities,
such as retrievers for retrieving game, sheep dogs for rounding up sheep,
rottweilers for guarding premises, cocker spaniels for house pets, and so on.
These breeds differ in their general intelligence, their specific abilities, and
the ease with which they can be socialized and made obedient (Coren, 1994).
3. Taxonomies of Races
Biologists and anthropologists began to analyze and classify
races in the middle years of the eighteenth century. The first taxonomy of races
was advanced by the Swedish biologist Carl Linnaeus in 1758. In his System
Naturae he proposed that there are four races which he designated
Europaeus (Europeans), Afer (black Africans), Asiaticus
(Asians), and Americanus (Native Americans). In 1776 the German physician
Johann Friedrich Blumenbach added a fifth race and proposed a classification
based principally on skin color. He designated these five races the Caucasian
(white), Mongolian (yellow), Ethiopian (black), American (red), and Malayan
(brown). These taxonomies were based on the clustering of morphological features
and coloration in different races such as the Europeans' white skin, straight
hair, and narrow nose, the sub-Saharan Africans' black skin, frizzy hair, and
wide nose, the Mongolians' (East Asians) black hair, yellowish skin, and
flattened nose, the Native Americans' reddish skin and beaky nose, and the
Malaysians' brown skin. Morton (1849) used Blumenbach's five-race classification
when he made the first analysis of brain size in relation to race.
In the early twentieth century data were collected on
differences in the frequencies of blood groups in various populations throughout
the world. Hirszfeld and Hirszfeld (1919) showed that the frequencies of a
number of blood groups are consistent with race differences in coloration and
morphology. For instance, blood group A is present in 41 to 48 percent in
Europeans but in only about 28 percent of sub-Saharan Africans, while blood
group B is present in between 10 and 20 percent of Europeans and about 34
percent of sub-Saharan Africans. Native Americans have virtually no A or B blood
groups and almost all of them have the O blood group.
The accumulation of data on the distribution of the Rhesus (Rh)
blood groups was used by Boyd (1950) to advance a five-race taxonomy consisting
of (1) Europeans with high frequencies of blood groups Rh cde and cde; (2)
Africans with very high frequencies of Rh cde; (3) East Asians with high
frequency of B and virtually no cde; (4) American Indians with very high
frequency of O, absence of B, and few cde; and (5) Australids with high A,
negligible B, and cde. This analysis showed that blood-group distributions were
consistent with the morphological and coloration racial taxonomies of classical
A more detailed taxonomy of races was advanced by Coon, Garn,
and Birdsell (1950), who proposed seven major races, each of which was
subdivided into two or more subraces. These were (1) Caucasoids, subdivided into
Nordics of Northwest Europe, Slavs of Northeast Europe, Alpines of Central
Europe, Mediterraneans of South Europe, North Africa, and the Near East, and
Hindi of India and Pakistan; (2) East Asians, subdivided into Tibetans, North
Chinese, Classic East Asians (Koreans, Japanese, Mongolians), and Eskimos; (3)
Southeast Asians, subdivided into South Chinese, Thais, Burmese, Malays, and
Indonesians; (4) American Indians, subdivided into north, central, south, and
Fuegians; (5) Africans, subdivided into East Africans, Sudanese, West Africans,
Bantu, Bushmen, and Pygmies; (6) Pacific Islanders, subdivided into Melanesians,
Micronesians, Polynesians, and Negritos; and (7) Australian Aborigines,
subdivided into the Murrayian peoples of southeastern Australia and the
Carpentarian people of northern and central Australia. A closely similar
seven-race taxonomy was proposed by Baker (1974) comprising the five major races
of Blumenbach and the Khoi Bushmen, consisting of the Hottentots and
Bushmen of southwest Africa and the Kalahari desert, and the Australids,
consisting of the Australian Aborigines and Melanesians.
In the 1980s and 1990s Nei and Roychoudhury (1993) and
Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and Piazza (1994) developed a new method of classifying
humans into races on the basis of a number of genetic polymorphisms
(polymorphism means that a gene has more than one allele or alternative form).
The technique is to take a number of polymorphic genes for blood groups, blood
proteins, lymphocyte antigens, and immunoglobins, and tabulate the different
allele frequencies in populations throughout the world. These tabulations are
then factor analyzed to find the degree to which the allele frequencies are
associated to form clusters of populations that are genetically similar to one
another. The Nei and Roychoudhury data for 26 populations have been factor
analyzed by Jensen (1998) to show the existence of six major groups of humans
that correspond closely to the races proposed by classical anthropologists.
Using the traditional terminology, these are (1) Africans of Sub-Saharan Africa
(Pygmies, Nigerians, Bantu, Bushmen); (2) Caucasoids (Lapps, Finns, Germans,
English, Italians, Iranians, North Indians); (3) East Asians (Japanese, Chinese,
Koreans, Tibetans, Mongolians); (4) Southeast Asians (Southern Chinese, Thais,
Filipinos, Indonesians, Polynesians, Micronesians); (5) Amerindians (North and
South Native American Indians and Inuit); and (6) Australian Aborigines
(Australian Aborigines and New Guineans).
The same technique has been used by Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi,
and Piazza (1994) to analyze a larger data set of 120 alleles for 42
populations. These data were used to calculate the genetic differences between
each population and every other population. From these they calculated a genetic
linkage tree that groups the populations into what they called "clusters." They
have found ten major clusters. These are (1) Bushmen and Pygmies; (2)
sub-Saharan Africans; (3) South Asians and North Africans; (4) Europeans; (5)
East Asians; (6) Arctic Peoples; (7) Native American Indians; (8) Southeast
Asians; (9) Pacific Islanders; and (10) the Australian Aborigines and the
Aboriginal New Guineans. It is apparent that this classification corresponds
closely to the racial taxonomies of classical anthropology based on visible
characteristics of color of skin, hair, eyes, body shape, limb length, and the
like but for some reason Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and Piazza (1994) prefer the
term "clusters."
4. Race Differences in Diseases
There are race differences in a number of diseases that have
a genetic basis including cystic fibrosis, PKU (phenylketonuria), hypertension,
stroke, diabetes, prostate cancer, breast cancer, obesity, myopia, and
schizophrenia. These differences have arisen through the processes of founder
effects, genetic drift, mutation, and adaptation. There is such an extensive
body of research on these that it would take a book to summarize it. The
differences are illustrated here by the gene frequencies of cystic fibrosis and
PKU in Europeans, sub-Saharan Africans, and East Asians (Orientals) given by
Bodmer and Cavalli-Sforza (1976). These are shown in Table 2.1. The figures
represent the gene frequencies (percentage prevalence rates) in the population.
It will be seen that the gene frequencies of cystic fibrosis in Europeans are
four or five times higher than in sub-Saharan Africans and East Asians, while
gene frequencies of PKU are slightly more than twice as high in Europeans than
in the other two races. The lower half of the table shows that the gene
frequencies of the two diseases are quite similar in different European
populations as widely dispersed as Austria, Australia, Canada, England, and the
United States.
Table 2.1. Gene frequencies (percentages) of cystic
fibrosis and PKU in Europeans, sub-Saharan Africans, and East Asians
Race |
Cystic Fibrosis |
Africans |
0.4 |
0.3 |
East Asians |
0.3 |
0.5 |
Europeans |
2.0 |
1.1 |
Austria |
- |
1.2 |
Australia |
2.2 |
1.1 |
Canada |
- |
0.9 |
England |
1.9 |
1.5 |
United States |
1.9 |
0.9 |
5. Do Races Exist?
From the eighteenth century until the middle years of the
twentieth century all anthropologists, biologists, and social scientists
accepted that the human species contains a number of biologically distinct
races. Thus, in the 1920s the British anthropologist Sir Arthur Keith wrote:
So clearly differentiated are the types of mankind that, were
an anthropologist presented with a crowd of men drawn from the Australoid, the
Negroid, East Asian or Caucasoid types, he could separate the one human element
from the other without hesitation or mistake (Keith, 1922, p. xviii).
Curiously, this seemingly indisputable observation began to
be disputed from the middle decades of the twentieth century, when a number of
anthropologists began to assert that races do not exist. One of the first to
adopt this position was the anthropologist Ashley Montagu (1945a.) in his
book Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race. The title suggests
that the concept of race is a myth and therefore that there is no such thing as
race. However, in the book Montagu made it clear that he believed that races do
exist. He wrote:
In biological usage a race is conceived to be a subdivision
of a species which inherits the physical characteristics serving to distinguish
it from other populations of the species. In the genetic sense a race may be
defined as a population which differs in the incidence of certain genes from
other populations, with one or more of which it is capable of exchanging genes
across whatever boundaries (usually geographic) may separate them. If we are
asked whether in this sense there exist a fair number of races in the human
species, the answer is that there do (p. 6).
It is clear from this that race is neither a "myth" nor a
"fallacy." Considering that Montagu evidently accepted that races exist it seems
strange that he should have given his book such a misleading title.
Later in the second half of the twentieth century a number of
anthropologists and geneticists came to assert that there is no such thing as
race. In 1962 the anthropologist F. B. Livingstone (1962) published a paper "On
the non-existence of the human races" in which he declared "There are no races,
there are only clines" (p. 279). Clines are hybrids between two pure races.
Clines invariably appear at the junction between races who interbreed and
produce mixed-racial hybrids. Thus, in Latin America there is a large population
of Mestizos, who have European and Amerindian ancestry and can be considered a
cline. Similarly, the Pacific Islanders are a mixed race cline derived from the
interbreeding of Southeast Asians and East Asians. It has often been asserted
that the existence of intermediate forms, clines, or hybrids invalidates the
concept of races. This is obviously not the case. Among dogs, clines and hybrids
are called mongrels, but the existence of mongrels does not mean that there are
not pure breeds.
However, in the next decade the geneticists Walter Bodmer and
Luigi Cavalli-Sforza (1976, p. 698) were to write of "the existence of many
different racial groups in man" and that the "races could be called sub-species
if we adopted for man a criterion from systematic zoology. The criterion is that
two or more groups become sub-species when 75 percent or more of all individuals
constituting the groups can be unequivocally classified as belonging to a
particular group." They go on to say that when human races are defined broadly,
it is possible to identify the race of many more than 75 percent of the
population. Hence races certainly exist among humans. Some twenty years later
this same Luigi Cavalli-Sforza opted to go with the flow and we find him writing
of the "scientific failure of the concept of human races" and that "the concept
of race has failed to gain any acceptance" (Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and Piazza,
1994, p. 19). However, they write "we can identify 'clusters' of populations."
These clusters turn out to be the same as the races of classical anthropology
and later in their book we find the authors using the classical racial
terminology. For instance, they write that Africa "is inhabited by two
aboriginal groups, Caucasoids in the north almost down to the southern borders
of the Sahara, and Negroids in sub-Saharan Africa" (p. 167). Evidently they had
forgotten their previous assertion that the "scientific failure of the concept
of human races human species can only be divided into 'clusters'" (a transparent
euphemism for races). Only six years later this same Luigi Cavalli-Sforza
apparently changed his mind again because he pronounced that races do exist and
that a race can be defined as "a group of individuals that we can recognize as
biologically different from others" (Cavalli-Sforza, 2000, p. 25). It appears
that he has made a resolution to deny the existence of race but every now and
then he forgets and the r— word slips out.
By the beginning of the twenty-first century the denial of
the existence of races became increasingly frequent. In 2004 the American
Anthropological Association announced on its website that "race is not a
scientifically valid biological category." "There are no biological races,"
asserts Jefferson Fish (2002, p. xii), a professor of psychology at St. John's
University in New York, but he does not explain the grounds on which he makes
this assertion. Graves (2002, p. 2-5), a biologist at the University of Arizona,
also asserts that "biological races do not exist" and writes that "the term race
implies the existence of some nontrivial underlying hereditary features shared
by a group of people and not present in other groups," and that this is not true
for human races. Contrary to this assertion, there are a number of "hereditary
features" that are present in some races and absent in others. For instance, the
genes for black skin are present in Africans and absent in Europeans, East
Asians, and American Indians, while the genes for the epicanthic eyefold are
present only in East Asians, Arctic peoples, and in some American Indians.
Furthermore, the concept of race need not imply that there are some alleles
(alleles are alternative forms of genes) that are only present in some races but
are absent in others. It is sufficient that there are differences in allele
frequencies between different races. There are a number of alleles for which
this is the case. For example, the allele for sickle cell anemia is much more
frequent in Africans than in other races, while the allele for cystic fibrosis
is much more common in Europeans (Table 2.1, p. 12).
Graves (2002, p. 5) writes "The majority of geneticists,
evolutionary biologists and anthropologists agree that there are no biological
races in the human species." Cohen (2002, p. 211) likewise asserts "Almost all
anthropologists agree that races in the popular sense do not exist and never
have existed." These assertions are incorrect. A survey of the views of American
anthropologists carried out in 1985 found that the existence of races was
accepted by 59 percent of biological and physical anthropologists and about one
third of cultural anthropologists (Lieberman and Reynolds, 1996).
Despite the denials of the existence of race by a number of
American anthropologists, the reality of race is widely accepted throughout the
rest of society. Medical journals contain numerous papers on race differences in
a variety of diseases and disabilities, including the prevalence of HIV
infection. There is a journal Ethnicity and Health devoted to racial
differences in the prevalence of diseases. In the social sciences there are two
journals devoted to race differences (Race and Class and Ethnic and
Racial Studies) and other journals contain numerous papers on race
differences in intelligence, educational attainment, earnings, socio-economic
status, unemployment, prejudice, discrimination, alcohol consumption, tobacco
use, drug addiction, sexual experience, longevity, crime, and mental
retardation. Corporations promote equal opportunities for the races in their
employment. Employees sue corporations for racial discrimination and frequently
obtain substantial compensation awarded by juries who have no problem in
understanding the meaning of race. Many universities exercise positive
discrimination in favor of black and Hispanic applicants. Judges pronounce that
racially segregated schools are unconstitutional. Citizens in many countries
state their race in census returns and these are analyzed by sociologists and
demographers. In Britain there is a Race Relations Commission whose task is to
promote racial equality and prosecute employers for racial discrimination.
Neither the people responsible for this work nor the general public has any
difficulty in understanding what race means and no doubt would be amazed to
learn that many American anthropologists assert that race does not exist.
It may be wondered why a number of American anthropologists
reject the concept of race. The answer has been given by two Polish
anthropologists, Kaszycka and Strkalj (2002, p. 334). They write:
Americans have become very sensitive to race, and the term
has acquired strongly sensitive connotations. Many American scientists have
opted for the non-existence of human races. Furthermore, the growing demands of
"political correctness" militate against the use of the term in and outside
science.... Few scientists dare to study racial origins, lest they be branded
racists simply for being interested in the problem.
The reason for the rejection of the concept of race by a
number of American anthropologists is apparent from the title of Montagu's book
Man's Most Dangerous Myth. Montagu evidently believed that people's
consciousness of race is dangerous because it tends to foster racial antagonisms
that can escalate into conflict. To prevent this it would be better for the
concept of race to be suppressed. In Europe most anthropologists accept the
validity of the concept of race. Thus, a survey of Polish anthropologists
carried out in 2001 found that 75 percent agreed with the proposition "There are
biological races within the species Homo sapiens" (Kaszycka and Strzalko,
2003). It is mainly in the United States that the existence of race has come to
be denied by a number of anthropologists and a few biologists and social
scientists who have sacrificed their scientific integrity to political
Chapter 3. Europeans
- 1. Intelligence of Indigenous Europeans
- 2. Europeans outside Europe
- 3. European University Students
- 4. Brain Size
- 5. The Heritability of Intelligence in Europeans
The Europeans have been recognized by all the classical
anthropologists as one of the major races. Linnaeus (1758) described them as
Europaeus. They have frequently been designated Caucasians or Caucasoids because
of the belief that they originated in the Caucasus. A number of anthropologists
have categorized them together with the South Asians and North Africans in a
single Caucasoid group. However, the Europeans are distinguishable from the
South Asians and North Africans by their lighter skin color and, in the northern
Europeans, blonde hair and blue eyes. The distinction between the Europeans and
the South Asians and North Africans has been confirmed by Cavalli-Sforza,
Menozzi, and Piazza (1994) in their classification of the human races on the
basis of a number of genetic markers. This has shown that Europeans represented
by Italians, Danes, English, and Basques comprise a homogeneous "cluster"
differentiating them from other races. Coon, Garn, and Birdsell (1950), Cole
(1965), and a number of other anthropologists have sub-divided the Europeans
into seven sub-races consisting of the Mediterranean peoples of Spain, Italy,
and southeast Europe; the Alpine peoples of France and central and southern
Germany; the Nordic peoples of England, the east of Ireland, and Scotland, the
Netherlands, Belgium and Northern Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Western
Finland; the Celtic peoples of Wales, the west of Ireland, and the western
highlands of Scotland; the Dinaric peoples of east-central Europe; the Slavic
peoples of northern Poland, the Baltic states, and Russia west of the Urals; and
the Basques of northern Spain and southwest France. The Nordic peoples have
lighter skin color, blonde hair, and blue eyes, while the central and south
Europeans more typically have darker skins, darker or black hair, and dark eyes.
1. Intelligence of Indigenous Europeans
Studies of the IQs of Europeans in Europe are summarized in
Table 3.1. These IQs are calculated in relation to a British mean of 100 and
standard deviation of 15. Twenty-one of the studies were carried out by Buj
(1981) on samples of adults from major cities. Most if the remainder are derived
from one of the three versions of the Progressive Matrices (CPM, SPM, and APM).
Row 61 giving an IQ of 89 for Serbia is probably a shade too low because the
sample is described as being from "predominantly lower or lower middle class
families" in and around Belgrade (Moyles and Wolins, 1973, p. 372). The range of
IQs of the Europeans is from 87 for one of the studies in Ireland and 88 for one
of the studies in Greece to 107 for one of the studies in Germany and the
Netherlands. There are also some inconsistencies in the same countries, where
the IQs typically differ by two or three IQ points and in the cases of Portugal
and Poland by as much as 13 and 14 IQ points. These differences are partly
caused by sampling errors and are partly genuine, arising from differences in
living standards and possibly from sub-racial differences in Europe. Sampling
errors in studies of the intelligence of national populations arise in the same
way as in opinion polls on voting intentions, where normally several polls
carried out at the same time give results that differ by a few percentage
points. We should not search for the meaning of differences of a few IQ points
between studies when in many cases these are simply sampling errors. The
important thing is to look for general patterns.
The only significant general pattern of the IQs in Europe
appears to be that IQs are a little lower in southeast Europe than in the
remainder. In the Balkans IQs are 94 for Romania, 92.5 (the average of the two
stud ies) for Bulgaria, 90 for Croatia, 89 for Serbia, and 92.5 (the average of
the four studies) for Greece. The probable explanation for this is that the
Balkan peoples are a hybrid population or cline, comprising a genetic mix
between the Europeans and South Asians in Turkey. Hybrid populations or clines
arise in the borderlands between two races as a result of interbreeding. In the
Balkans such a cline evolved because of the close geographical proximity between
southeast Europe and Turkey, and the occupation of large territories in
southeast Europe by Turkey for a number of centuries during the time of the
Ottoman empire. This has brought about a mixing of Turkish and European genes
with the result that contemporary Turks and Greeks are genetically quite
similar. This has been shown by Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and Piazza (1994) in
their genetic linkage tree, in which Greeks are shown to be more closely related
to Iranians and other southwest Asian peoples than to Italians, Danes, and
English. This genetic similarity is also apparent for intelligence, for which
the IQ of 90 in Turkey is closely similar to those in the range of 90 to 94 in
Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, and Croatia in southeast Europe. Because the peoples
of southeast Europe are a cline it is considered appropriate to exclude these in
estimating the European IQ. The median IQ of the remaining countries is 99 and
is considered the best estimate of the IQ of Europeans.
Apart from the lower IQs in the Balkans, there are three
other countries with IQs somewhat lower than the European average. The first is
Lithuania, with an IQ of 90-92. These low figures may be sampling errors because
they are rather lower than in neighboring Russia (97), Poland (99), and Estonia
(99). The second is Ireland, for which the mean IQ of the four studies is 92.
The most probable explanation for this is the long history of emigration in
which there has been some tendency for the more intelligent to migrate, leaving
the less intelligent behind. This has also occurred in Scotland, where the
average IQ is 97, and in Corsica, where the average IQ is lower than in mainland
France (Lynn, 1979, 1980). The third country with a slightly depressed IQ is
Portugal, for which the two results are IQs of 101 and 88, which can be averaged
to 94.5. The depressed IQ in Portugal is consistent with its having the lowest
per capita income in western Europe and its modest intellectual achievement. The
Portugese have only won one Nobel Prize for science out of the 346 awarded
during the period 1901-2003. This was awarded in 1949 to the neurosurgeon
Antonio Moniz for the innovation of the operation of prefrontal leucotomy as a
treatment for mental illness, and is not now considered a desirable therapy. It
may be that intelligence in Portugal has been depressed by the admixture of
sub-Saharan Africans in the population. Portugal was the only European country
to import black slaves from the late fifteenth century onwards for agricultural
and domestic work. According to Du Bois (1939, pp. 132-133), in the sixteenth
century blacks outnumbered whites in Lisbon and in the plantations of the
Algarve in the south of the country. This may be an exaggeration, and it may be
that the proportion of blacks has declined in succeeding centuries.
Nevertheless, if the present population of Portugal contains 20 percent of
African descent and the IQ of the Africans is 70, this would be expected to
produce a population with an IQ of 94.
It may be surprising that there does not appear to be much
difference between IQs in the twelve former communist countries of Eastern
Europe, among which the median IQ is 96, and the 14 countries of western Europe,
among which the median is 98.5. The difference is small and not statistically
significant, so it seems that although the former communist countries have had
much lower living standards for some sixty years following the end of World War
II, this has not impaired the intelligence of the populations.
Table 3.1. IQs of indigenous Europeans
Location |
Age |
N |
Test |
IQ |
Reference |
1 |
Austria |
14 |
67 |
98 |
Moyles &C Wolins, 1973 |
2 |
Austria |
Adults |
187 |
CF |
101 |
Buj, 1981 |
3 |
Belgium |
7-13 |
944 |
99 |
Goosens, 1952a |
4 |
Belgium |
10-16 |
920 |
CF |
103 |
Goosens, 1952b |
5 |
Belgium |
Adults |
247 |
CF |
99 |
Buj, 1981 |
6 |
Britain |
Adults |
1,405 |
CF |
100 |
Buj, 1981 |
7 |
Britain |
6-15 |
3,250 |
100 |
Raven et al., 1998 |
8 |
Bulgaria |
Adults |
215 |
CF |
94 |
Buj, 1981 |
9 |
Bulgaria |
11-17 |
1,456 |
CF |
91 |
Lynn et al., 1998 |
10 |
Croatia |
13-16 |
299 |
90 |
Sorokin, 1954 |
11 |
Czech Rep. |
Adults |
363 |
CF |
98 |
Buj, 1981 |
12 |
Czech Rep. |
5-11 |
832 |
96 |
Raven et al., 1995 |
13 |
Czech Rep. |
11 |
64 |
100 |
Persaud, 1972 |
14 |
Denmark |
5-11 |
628 |
97 |
Vejleskov, 1968 |
15 |
Denmark |
Adults |
122 |
CF |
99 |
Buj, 1981 |
16 |
Estonia |
12-18 |
2,689 |
100 |
Lynn et al., 2002 |
17 |
Estonia |
7-11 |
1,835 |
98 |
Lynn et al., 2003 |
18 |
Finland |
7 |
755 |
98 |
Kyostio, 1972 |
19 |
Finland |
Adults |
122 |
CF |
99 |
Buj, 1981 |
20 |
France |
6-9 |
618 |
97 |
Bourdier |
21 |
France |
6-11 |
328 |
102 |
Dagueetal., 1964 |
22 |
France |
Adults |
1,320 |
CF |
94 |
Buj, 1981 |
23 |
France |
6-16 |
1,120 |
WISC-3 |
98 |
Georgas et al., 2003 |
24 |
Germany |
7-11 |
454 |
90 |
Kurth, 1969 |
25 |
Germany |
5-7 |
563 |
99 |
Winkelman, 1972 |
26 |
Germany |
11-15 |
2,068 |
105 |
Raven, 1981 |
27 |
Germany |
11-15 |
1,000 |
99 |
Raven, 1981 |
28 |
Germany |
Adults |
1,320 |
CF |
107 |
Buj, 1981 |
29 |
Germany |
7 |
200 |
97 |
Guthke & Al-Zoubi, 1987 |
30 |
Germany |
6-10 |
3,607 |
101 |
Raven et al., 1995 |
31 |
Germany |
5-10 |
980 |
97 |
Raven et al., 1995 |
32 |
Germany |
6-16 |
990 |
WISC-3 |
99 |
Georgas et al., 2003 |
33 |
Greece |
9-14 |
400 |
wise |
88 |
Fatouros, 1972 |
34 |
Greece |
6-12 |
227 |
97 |
Georgas Sc Georgas, 1972 |
35 |
Greece |
Adults |
220 |
CF |
95 |
Buj, 1981 |
36 |
Greece |
6-17 |
731 |
89 |
Petrogiannis et al., 1999 |
37 |
Greece |
6-16 |
990 |
WISC-3 |
92 |
Georgas et al., 2003 |
38 |
Hungary |
Adults |
260 |
CF |
98 |
Buj, 1981 |
39 |
Iceland |
6-16 |
665 |
101 |
Find et al., 2003 |
40 |
Ireland |
6-13 |
3,088 |
87 |
Gill & Byrt, 1973 |
41 |
Ireland |
Adults |
75 |
CF |
97 |
Buj, 1981 |
42 |
Ireland |
6-12 |
1,361 |
93 |
Carr, 1993 |
43 |
Ireland |
9-12 |
2,029 |
91 |
Carr, 1993 |
44 |
Italy |
11-16 |
2,432 |
103 |
Tesi & Young, 1962 |
45 |
Italy |
Adults |
1,380 |
CF |
102 |
Buj, 1981 |
46 |
Lithuania |
8-12 |
259 |
90 |
Lynn & Kazlauskaite, 2002 |
47 |
Lithuania |
6-16 |
381 |
WISC-3 |
92 |
Georgas et al., 2003 |
48 |
Malta |
5 |
134 |
97 |
Martinelli & Lynn, 2005 |
49 |
Netherlands |
Adults |
333 |
CF |
107 |
Buj, 1981 |
50 |
Netherlands |
5-10 |
1,920 |
99 |
Raven et aL, 1995 |
51 |
Netherlands |
6-12 |
4,032 |
101 |
Raven et al., 1996 |
52 |
Netherlands |
6-16 |
1,100 |
WISC-3 |
99 |
Georgas et al., 2003 |
53 |
Norway |
Adults |
333 |
CF |
100 |
Buj, 1981 |
54 |
Poland |
Adults |
835 |
CF |
106 |
Buj, 1981 |
55 |
Poland |
6-15 |
4,006 |
92 |
Jaworowska & Szustrowa, 1991 |
56 |
Portugal |
Adults |
242 |
CF |
101 |
Buj, 1981 |
57 |
Portugal |
6-12 |
807 |
88 |
Simoes, 1989 |
58 |
Romania |
6-10 |
300 |
94 |
Zahirnic et al., 1974 |
59 |
Russia |
14-15 |
432 |
97 |
Lynn, 2001 |
60 |
Russia |
27-55 |
745 |
CF |
96 |
Grigorenko 8c Sternberg, 2001 |
61 |
Serbia |
15 |
76 |
89 |
Moyles & Wolins, 1973 |
62 |
Slovakia |
5-11 |
823 |
96 |
Raven et al., 1995 |
63 |
Slovenia |
8-18 |
1,556 |
96 |
Raven et al., 2000 |
64 |
Slovenia |
6-16 |
1,080 |
WISC-3 |
95 |
Georgas et al., 2003 |
65 |
Spain |
Adults |
848 |
CF |
98 |
Buj, 1981 |
66 |
Spain |
6-9 |
854 |
97 |
Raven et al., 1995 |
67 |
Spain |
11-18 |
3,271 |
102 |
Albalde Paz &C Mufioz, 1993 |
68 |
Sweden |
6-14 |
1,106 |
wise |
97 |
Skandinaviska, 1970 |
69 |
Sweden |
Adults |
205 |
CF |
104 |
Buj, 1981 |
70 |
Sweden |
6-16 |
2,231 |
WISC-3 |
99 |
Georgas et al., 2003 |
71 |
Switzerland |
Adults |
163 |
CF |
101 |
Buj, 1981 |
72 |
Switzerland |
6-10 |
200 |
101 |
Raven et al., 1995 |
73 |
Switzerland |
9-15 |
246 |
104 |
Spicher, 1993 |
2. Europeans outside Europe
Europeans have migrated to many parts of the world. Studies
of the intelligence of these populations are summarized in Table 3.2. Rows 1 and
2 give IQs of 93 and 98 for Argentina. Row 3 gives an IQ of 97 for Australia
based on a standardization of the American Otis test. Row 4 gives an IQ of 100
for Australia derived from the administration of the SPM to National Servicemen
(the IQ of this sample was 102, but because men obtain higher
Table 3.2. IQs of Europeans outside Europe
Location |
Age |
N |
Test |
IQ |
Reference |
1 |
Argentina |
9-15 |
1,680 |
93 |
Rimoldi, 1948 |
2 |
Argentina |
5-11 |
420 |
98 |
Raven et al., 1998 |
3 |
Australia |
9-13 |
35,000 |
Otis |
97 |
Mclntyre, 1938 |
4 |
Australia |
18 |
6,700 |
100 |
Craig, 1974 |
5 |
Australia |
5-10 |
700 |
98 |
Raven et al., 1995 |
6 |
Brazil |
9-10 |
735 |
95 |
Fernandez, 2001 |
7 |
Canada |
7-12 |
313 |
97 |
Raven et al., 1996 |
8 |
Canada |
6-16 |
2,200 |
WISC-3 |
100 |
Prifitera et al., 1998 |
9 |
Chile |
21 |
178 |
3DW |
99 |
Broer, 1996 |
10 |
Colombia |
13-16 |
50 |
95 |
Ardila et al., 2000 |
11 |
Mexico |
7-10 |
155 |
98 |
Lynn et al., 2005 |
12 |
N. Zealand |
9-15 |
26,000 |
99 |
Redmond & Da vies, 1940 |
13 |
N. Zealand |
9-17 |
3,108 |
101 |
Reid & Gilmore, 1989 |
14 |
N. Zealand |
8-9 |
1,692 |
102 |
Fergusson &c Horwood, 1997 |
15 |
S. Africa |
15 |
1,056 |
94 |
Owen, 1992 |
16 |
11 |
1,000 |
SB |
100 |
Scottish Council, 1933 |
17 |
11 |
1,215 |
TM |
99 |
Scottish Council, 1949 |
18 |
14-18 |
10,000 |
101 |
Lynn et al., 1987b |
19 |
18-70 |
625 |
100 |
Raven et al., 1996 |
20 |
16-80 |
332 |
WAIS-3 |
101 |
Wycherley & Benjamin, 1998 |
21 |
4-14 |
2,097 |
103 |
Michael, 2003 |
22 |
Uruguay |
12-25 |
1,634 |
96 |
Risso, 1961 |
23 |
Zimbabwe |
7 |
256 |
SB |
100 |
Weyl, 1967a&b |
mean IQs than women by approximately 5 IQ points on this test
(Lynn and Irwing, 2004), the figure has been reduced to 100). Row 5 gives an IQ
of 98 for a sample of young Australian children. Row 6 gives an IQ of 95 for
European children in Brazil from Sao Paulo. Row 7 gives an IQ of 97 for Canada
obtained from a sample of 7 to 12 year olds. Row 8 gives an IQ of 100 for Canada
obtained from the standardization of the WISC-111 on a representative sample of
2,200 6-16 year olds.
Row 9 gives an IQ of 99 for Chile based on a study finding
that European students at the Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso had the same IQ
as Austrian students (n=320). Row 10 gives an IQ of 95 for European children in
Colombia. Row 11 gives an IQ of 98 for European children in Baja California in
Mexico. Row 12 gives an IQ of 99 for New Zealand obtained from a standardization
of the Otis test in the 1930s. Row 13 gives an IQ of 101 derived from the
standardization of the Progressive Matrices. Row 14 gives an IQ of 102 obtained
from the Christchurch Child Development Study. Row 15 gives an IQ of 94 for
European 16-year-olds in Natal in South Africa. Rows 16 through 21 give six IQs
in the range between 99 and 103 for Europeans in theUnited States compared with
those in Britain. The IQ of 100 given in row 20 is derived from the
standardization of the WAIS-3 in Britain. Row 22 gives an IQ of 96 from a
standardization of the Progressive Matrices in Uruguay. Row 23 gives an IQ of
100 for European 7-year-olds in Zimbabwe.
The median of these IQs is 99, the same as that of Europeans
in Europe. The results show that even in the quite poor countries of Latin
America (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Uruguay), which have per
capita incomes about one third of those in North America and Western Europe, the
IQs of Europeans are only fractionally below those in affluent nations. This
confirms the results in Europe, where the much poorer former communist countries
have about the same IQs as the affluent Western countries.
3. European University Students
Studies of the intelligence of European university students
are summarized in Table 3.3.
All the samples have IQs of 100 or above, as would be
expected, and the median IQ is 105. The principal interest of the results is for
comparison with university students in Africa and South Asia, where IQs are
typically about 10 to 20 points lower.
Table 3.3. Intelligence of European university students
Location |
University |
N |
Test |
IQ |
Reference |
1 |
Australia |
- |
745 |
106 |
Yates & Forbes, 1967 |
2 |
Britain |
- |
- |
109 |
Raven et al., 1994 |
3 |
New Zealand |
- |
381 |
106 |
Yates & Forbes, 1967 |
4 |
Poland |
- |
2,072 |
103 |
Raven et al., 1994 |
5 |
Romania |
- |
1,316 |
101 |
Raven et al., 1994 |
6 |
Netherlands |
Tilberg |
30 |
105 |
Sonke, 2001 |
7 |
South Africa |
- |
40 |
103 |
Poortinga,1971 |
8 |
South Africa |
- |
50 |
Blox |
100 |
Poortinga & Foden,1975 |
9 |
South Africa |
- |
197 |
Blox |
100 |
Taylor 8c Rad-ford,1986 |
10 |
South Africa |
Witwatersrand |
136 |
103 |
Rushton & Skuy, 2000 |
11 |
South Africa |
Witwatersrand |
86 |
106 |
Rushton et al., 2002 |
12 |
South Africa |
Witwatersrand |
67 |
113 |
Rushton et al., 2003 |
13 |
Wyoming |
- |
Stanford |
106 |
Maity, 1926 |
14 |
Stanford |
- |
Stanford |
113 |
Maity, 1926 |
15 |
Berkeley |
300 |
108 |
Paul, 1985 |
16 |
Wisconsin |
40 |
- |
103 |
Osmon and Jackson, 2002 |
4. Brain Size
We noted in Section 1 that IQs are lower in Southeast Europe
and in the Iberian Peninsula than in the remainder of Europe. We would expect
that these differences would also be present in brain size because of the
correlation between brain size and intelligence of 0.40 (Vernon, Wickett, Bazana,
and Stelmack, 2000). We look now at differences within subpopulations of
Europeans to see whether this is the case. The data on brain sizes of a large
number of populations collected by Jurgens, Aune, and Pieper (1990) are shown in
Table 3.4 together with IQs. Row 1 shows that Europeans in North America have
the largest brain size and IQ. Row 2 shows that these are followed by Europeans
in North, Central, and Eastern Europe. Row 3 shows slightly smaller brain size
and IQ in Spain and Portugal. Row 4 shows a continuation of the downward trend
with smaller brain size and IQ in Southeast Europe. Row 5 shows a further
continuation of the downward trend with smaller brain size and IQ in the Near
East obtained from samples of South Asians from Turkey and Iraq. Row 6 shows the
lowest brain size and IQ in South Asians in India. Details of the IQs of the
South Asians in Turkey, Iraq, and India are given in Chapter 6.
Table 3.4. Brain size (cc) and intelligence in Europeans
and South Asians
Location |
N. Studies |
Brain Size |
IQ |
1 |
North America |
34 |
1,322 |
100 |
2 |
N. C. & E. Europe |
104 |
1,320 |
99 |
3 |
Spain & Portugal |
6 |
1,315 |
97 |
4 |
Southeast Europe |
40 |
1,312 |
92 |
5 |
Near East |
5 |
1,249 |
89 |
6 |
India |
26 |
1,185 |
82 |
5. The Heritability of Intelligence in Europeans
The heritability of intelligence is the extent to which
differences in intelligence are determined by genetic factors. We are interested
here in the question of the heritability of race differences in intelligence,
but before discussing this we need to consider the heritability of individual
differences in intelligence within countries. There are three sources of
evidence on this problem. These consist of studies of identical twins reared
apart, a comparison of identical and non-identical twins reared in the same
families, and a comparison of unrelated adopted children reared in the same
families. All three kinds of evidence show that the heritability of intelligence
for adults is approximately 0.80, or 80 percent. This means that if all
individuals were reared in identical environments, the differences between
individuals would be reduced to 80 percent of the actual differences.
Studies on the heritability of intelligence for adults and
children have been summarized by Bouchard (1993, p. 58). For adults, the
evidence from identical twins reared apart is based on five studies for which
the average correlation weighted by sample size is 0.75. This figure needs to be
corrected for test reliability (correction for attenuation), for which a
reasonable figure is about 0.9 (Bouchard, 1993, p. 49; Mackintosh, 1998). This
correction increases the correlation to 0.83. This is a measure of the
heritability. The evidence from a comparison of the degree of similarity between
identical twins and same-sex, non-identical twins brought up in the same
families is that there is a correlation of 0.88 for identical twins and 0.51 for
same-sex non-identicals. Correcting the correlations for the reliability of the
tests and adopting a reliability coefficient of 0.9, the corrected correlations
become 0.98 for identicals and 0.56 for same-sex non-identicals. The
heritability can be calculated by Falconer's (1960) formula consisting of
doubling the difference between the correlations of identical and same-sex non-identicals.
The difference between the two correlations is 0.42, and doubling this
difference gives a heritability of 0.84.
A third method for estimating the heritability of
intelligence is to examine the correlation between the IQs of unrelated children
adopted and reared in the same families. The magnitude of the adopted family
environmental effect (the "between family effect") is expressed by the
correlation between the twin pairs. The summary of the research literature by
Bouchard (1998) concludes that among adults the correlation is 0.04, indicating
a heritability of 0.96. However, this method underestimates the environmental
effect because it does not take into account effects operating on one child but
not on the other, such as prenatal and perinatal effects. The two twin methods
yielding heritabilities of intelligence of 0.83 and 0.84 are more accurate.
These figures are very close to the estimate of approximately 0.85 given by
Jensen (1998, p. 179).
The heritability of intelligence among children is
considerably lower, at approximately 0.42 among 4-6 year olds and 0.55 for the
age group 6 to 20 (Bouchard, 1993, p. 58; Jensen, 1998, p. 179). The reason for
this is probably that parents exert environmental effects on children that
progressively wear off during adolescence. It is by including the lower
heritability figures derived from children with the higher figures for adults
that some scholars put the heritability of intelligence at between around 0.40
to 0.80. For instance, in a statement drawn up by Gottfredson (1997, p. 14) and
endorsed by 52 experts, it is stated that "Heritability estimates range from 0.4
to 0.8, most indicating that genetics plays a bigger role than environment in
creating IQ differences among individuals." Most of the studies from which these
high heritability figures are obtained come from Europeans in affluent western
nations. However, a study of 144 identical and non-identical twin pairs in
Russia yielded a heritability of 0.78, which corrected for test unreliability is
increased to 0.87 (Lipovechaja, Kantonistowa, and Chamaganova, 1978).
The conclusion that intelligence has a high heritability
implies that there are genes that determine intelligence. The first of these in
normal populations was discovered in the late 1990s by Chorley et al. (1998). It
lies on chromosome 6, and possession of one of the alleles of this gene
contributes about 4 IQ points to an individual's intelligence.
Chapter 4. Africans
- 1. Intelligence of Africans in Sub-Saharan Africa
- 2. University Students in Africa
- 3. Africans in the Caribbean and Latin America
- 4. African Americans in the United States
- 5. Africans in Britain
- 6. Africans in the Netherlands
- 7. Africans in Israel
- 8. Short-Term Memory and Perceptual Speed Abilities of Africans
- 9. Musical Abilities
- 10. Reaction Times
- 11. Brain Size
- 12. African-European Hybrids
- 13. Heritability of Intelligence in African Americans
- 14. Environmental and Genetic Explanations of African-European IQ
- 15. Estimation of the Genotypic African IQ
The term africans is used here for the principal
indigenous peoples of sub-Saharan Africa. They should be distinguished from the
North Africans, indigenous to Africa north of the Sahara; from the pygmies; and
from the Bushmen or Khoisans, the other race in sub-Saharan Africa, of whom only
a few tens of thousands now survive, principally in the Kalahari Desert and as
Hottentots in South Africa. A variety of terms have been used for the African
peoples, including Afer (Linnaeus, 1758), Ethiopians (Blumenbach,
1776), and Negroids (Cole, 1965). Whatever the name used, the Africans have
always been regarded as one of the major races in the taxonomies of classical
anthropology, including that of Linnaeus (1758), Blumenbach (1776), and Coon,
Garn, and Birdsell (1950). Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and Piazza (1994) have
confirmed the distinctive genetic characteristics of the Africans in their
classification of humans into genetic "clusters," in which these peoples were
represented by west Africans of the region west of Nigeria, Nilotics of the
upper Nile in southern Sudan, Ethiopians, and Bantus, a large group present in
most of sub-Saharan Africa from Nigeria in the west to Kenya. The most
distinctive features of Africans are their very dark skin, dark eyes, broad
nose, thick everted lips, and woolly hair. Their blood groups differ from
Europeans in having a lower frequency of group A, which is present in about 27
percent as compared with around 46 percent in Europeans, and a higher frequency
of group B, which is present in about 34 percent as compared with around 14
percent in Europeans.
1. Intelligence of Africans in Sub-Saharan Africa
The first attempt to estimate the intelligence of Africans
was made by Galton (1869) on the basis of his own experience of them during his
travels in southwest Africa and the accounts of other travelers. He constructed
a scale of grades of intelligence in which one grade was equivalent to 10.425 IQ
points on the IQ scale. He estimated that Africans were about two grades below
the English, giving them an IQ of 79. Subsequent studies of the IQs of general
population samples of Africans in sub-Saharan Africa have shown that this
estimate overestimated the African IQ by slightly over one grade.
Studies of the IQs of Africans in sub-Saharan Africa are
summarized in Table 4.1. Explanations of the results set out in the table are
given when appropriate. Row 1 gives an IQ of 64 for Cameroon for adult workers.
Row 2 gives an IQ of 64 for the Central African Republic for young men applying
for a technical training course at a college in the city of Bangui during the
years 1951-1955. Rows 3 through 5 give IQs of 64 for samples from
Congo-Brazzaville collected at the same time in the cities of Brazzaville and
Pointe-Noire. Rows 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 give IQs of 64, 68, 62, 68, and 65 for
Congo-Zaire. Row 11 gives an IQ of 59 for Equatorial Guinea. Row 12 gives an IQ
of 80 for adults in Ghana. The IQ is exceptionally high for sub-Saharan Africa,
possibly because the sample came from the capital city of Accra; the people in
capital cities typically have higher IQs than those in the rest of the country,
probably because there is a tendency for more intelligent individuals to migrate
to the capital; IQs in London and Paris are higher than in the rest of Britain
and France (Lynn, 1979, 1980). Row 13 gives an IQ of 62 for a representative
sample drawn from the whole
Table 4.1. IQs of Africans in sub-Saharan Africa
Location |
Age |
N |
Test |
K |
Reas |
Verb |
Vis |
Reference |
1 |
Cameroon |
Adults |
80 |
64 |
64 |
- |
- |
Berlioz, 1955 |
2 |
Cent. African Rep. |
Adults |
1,149 |
64 |
64 |
- |
- |
Latouche & Dormeau, 1956 |
3 |
Congo - Brazz. |
Adults |
1,596 |
64 |
64 |
- |
- |
Latouche & Dormeau, 1956 |
4 |
Congo - Brazz. |
17-29 |
320 |
64 |
64 |
- |
- |
Ombredane et al., 1952 |
5 |
Congo - Brazz. |
88 |
73 |
73 |
- |
- |
- |
Nkaya et al., 1994 |
6 |
Congo - Zaire |
Adults |
67 |
64 |
- |
- |
- |
Verhagen, 1956 |
7 |
Congo - Zaire |
10-15 |
222 |
68 |
68 |
- |
- |
Laroche, 1959 |
8 |
Congo - Zaire |
8 |
47 |
62 |
- |
- |
- |
Boivin Si Giordani, 1993 |
9 |
Congo - Zaire |
7-12 |
95 |
68 |
- |
- |
- |
Boivinetal., 1995 |
10 |
Congo - Zaire |
7-9 |
130 |
65 |
- |
- |
- |
Giordani et al., 1996 |
11 |
Equatorial Guinea |
10-14 |
48 |
59 |
- |
- |
- |
Fernandez-Ballesteros et al., 1997 |
12 |
Ghana |
Adults |
225 |
CF |
80 |
- |
- |
- |
Buj, 1981 |
13 |
Ghana |
15 |
1 ,693 |
62 |
62 |
- |
- |
Glewwe &Jacoby, 1992 |
14 |
Guinea |
5-14 |
50 |
63 |
- |
- |
- |
Nissen et al., 1935 |
15 |
Guinea |
Adults |
1,144 |
70 |
70 |
- |
- |
Faverge & Falmagne, 1962 |
16 |
Kenya |
Adults |
205 |
69 |
69 |
- |
- |
Boissiere et al., 1985 |
17 |
Kenya |
6-10 |
1,222 |
75 |
75 |
- |
- |
Cosrenbader £c Ng.m. 2000 |
18 |
Kenya |
12-15 |
85 |
69 |
69 |
64 |
- |
Sternberget al., 2001 |
19 |
Kenya |
7 |
118 |
76 |
76 |
- |
- |
Daley et al., 2003 |
20 |
Kenya |
7 |
537 |
89 |
89 |
- |
- |
Daley et al., 2003 |
21 |
Kenya |
6 |
184 |
63 |
- |
- |
- |
Holding et al., 2004 |
22 |
Madagascar |
Adults |
147 |
82 |
82 |
- |
- |
Raveau et al., 1976 |
23 |
Mozambique |
20 |
149 |
64 |
64 |
- |
- |
Kendall, 1976 |
24 |
Nigeria |
Children |
480 |
Leone |
70 |
- |
- |
- |
Farron, 1966 |
25 |
Nigeria |
Adults |
86 |
64 |
64 |
- |
- |
Wober, 1 969 |
26 |
Nigeria |
6-13 |
375 |
69 |
69 |
- |
- |
Fahrmeier, 1975 |
27 |
Sierra Leone |
Adults |
122 |
64 |
64 |
- |
- |
Berry, 1 966 |
28 |
Sierra Leone |
Adults |
33 |
64 |
64 |
- |
- |
Binnie-Dawson, 1984 |
29 |
South Africa |
10-14 |
293 |
65 |
- |
- |
- |
Pick, 1929 |
30 |
South Africa |
12-14 |
80 |
KB |
68 |
- |
- |
68 |
Dent, 1937 |
31 |
South Africa |
6-13 |
1,726 |
70 |
- |
- |
70 |
Hunkin, 1950 |
32 |
South Africa |
8-16 |
1,008 |
75 |
75 |
- |
- |
Notcutt, 1 950 |
33 |
South Africa |
Adults |
703 |
64 |
64 |
- |
- |
Notcutt, 1950 |
34 |
South Africa |
10-12 |
278 |
74 |
74 |
- |
- |
Lloyd & Pidgeon, 1 96 1 |
35 |
South Africa |
Adults |
140 |
71 |
- |
74 |
68 |
Avenant, 1988 |
36 |
South Africa |
5-13 |
415 |
77 |
- |
- |
77 |
Richteretal., 1989 |
37 |
South Africa |
9 |
350 |
63 |
63 |
- |
- |
Lynn & Holmshaw, 1 990 |
38 |
South Africa |
16 |
1,096 |
63 |
63 |
- |
- |
Owen, 1992 |
39 |
South Africa |
15-16 |
1,093 |
68 |
58 |
58 |
69 |
Lynn & Owen, 1994 |
40 |
South Africa |
Adults |
153 |
69 |
- |
- |
- |
Nell, 2000 |
41 |
South Africa |
16 |
26 |
68 |
- |
- |
- |
Sonke, 2000 |
42 |
South Africa |
14-17 |
152 |
67 |
- |
60 |
66 |
Skuy et al., 2001 |
43 |
South Africa |
17 |
100 |
64 |
- |
- |
- |
Skuy et al., 2001 |
44 |
South Africa |
8-10 |
806 |
67 |
- |
- |
- |
Jinabhai et al., 2004 |
45 |
Sudan |
7-16 |
291 |
Various |
69 |
- |
- |
- |
Fahmy, 1964 |
46 |
Sudan |
6 |
80 |
64 |
- |
- |
64 |
Badri, 1965a |
47 |
Sudan |
9 |
293 |
74 |
- |
- |
74 |
Baclri, 1965b |
48 |
Sudan |
8-12 |
148 |
72 |
72 |
- |
- |
Ahmed, 1989 |
49 |
Tanzania |
13-17 |
2,959 |
78 |
78 |
- |
- |
Klingclhofer, 1967 |
50 |
Tanzania |
Adults |
179 |
65 |
65 |
- |
- |
Boissiere et al., 1985 |
51 |
Tanzania |
11-13 |
458 |
72 |
- |
- |
- |
Sternberg et al., 2002 |
52 |
Uganda |
12 |
50 |
Various |
80 |
81 |
80 |
78 |
Vernon, 1969 |
53 |
Uganda |
11 |
2,019 |
73 |
73 |
- |
- |
Heyneman & Jamison, 1980 |
54 |
Zambia |
13 |
759 |
77 |
77 |
- |
- |
MacArthur et al., 1964 |
55 |
Zambia |
Adults |
152 |
64 |
- |
- |
- |
Pons, 1974 |
56 |
Zimbabwe |
12-14 |
204 |
61 |
- |
66 |
62 |
Zindi, 1994 |
57 |
Zimbabwe |
12-14 |
204 |
70 |
70 |
- |
- |
Zindi, 1994 |
of Ghana. Rows 14 and 15 give IQs of 63 and 70 obtained in
two studies for Guinea. Rows 16 through 21 give IQs of 69, 75, 69, 76, 89, and
63 for Kenya. The IQ of 89 in row 20 for a sample of 7-year-olds tested in 1998
is much higher than the other figures and the IQ of 76 found by the same
investigators in their 1984 study (row 19) and than any other IQ in sub-Saharan
African populations. Its disparity from the other studies makes its validity
questionable because the IQ of 75 given in row 17 is obtained from a
standardization of the same test for the whole of Kenya carried out in the same
year, and the IQ of 69 given in row 19 was also obtained in the same year. These
two IQs are typical of those obtained throughout sub-Saharan Africa and are
credible, but they cast doubt on the IQ of 89. Furthermore, the gain of 15 IQ
points from an IQ of 76 to 89 over the 14-year period is uniquely high in
studies of the secular rise of IQs and cannot be accepted as credible. Further,
it is difficult to believe that children in Kenya can have a higher IQ than
African Americans in the United States, where the IQ has remained constant at
approximately 85 since the 1920s but where the living standards and nutrition of
Africans are much higher than in Kenya. For these reasons the reported IQ of 89
for Kenya is considered unreliable. The IQ of 63 given in row 21 is an average
of 65 for 6-year- olds at school and 61 for those not at school, suggesting that
the effect of schooling is to raise the IQ by 4 points.
Row 22 gives an IQ of 82 for Madagascar. Although usually
counted as part of sub-Saharan Africa, the population of the island includes a
significant number of Southeast Asians originally from Indonesia who migrated to
the island about the first century AD (Cole, 1965). The population also contains
Africans and hybrids of the two races. The proportions of the three groups in
the population are not precisely known although it is believed that African
ancestry predominates. The mean IQ of 82 is higher than that of any of the
samples of the Africans in sub-Saharan Africa given in Table 4.1 except for the
questionable 89 for Kenya given in row 20. The population's IQ is intermediate
between that of around 65-70 of Africans and around 87 of Southeast Asians (see
Chapter 7), although somewhat closer to that of Africans, as would be expected
for a Southeast Asian and African mixed race population in which African genes
predominate. There is no apparent environmental explanation for why the IQ of
the population of Madagascar should be higher than that throughout mainland
sub-Saharan Africa.
Row 23 gives an IQ of 64 for Mozambique. This sample had a
mean of 3.5 years schooling and included some individuals from Transkei and
Malawi. Row 24 gives an IQ of 70 for Nigeria obtained for children (age not
given) attending schools in the town of Zaria. An elite sample of boys at
grammar school (number=179) in the same town obtained an IQ of 81. The test was
the Leone Test and is described by the author as "devised by an African for
African children" (Farron, 1966, p. 53). The result belies the assertion often
made that Africans are handicapped on tests constructed by Europeans. Rows 25
and 26 give IQs of 64 and 69 for two further studies in Nigeria.
Rows 27 and 28 give IQs of 64 for two samples of adults in
Sierra Leone. Row 29 gives an IQ of 65 obtained in the first study of the
intelligence of Africans in South Africa, carried out in the 1920s. Rows 30
through 41 give IQs in the range between 58 and 77 obtained in twelve later
studies. Row 35 gives an IQ of 71 for prison warders who had had between 9-12
years of education. Row 36 gives an IQ of 77, which is the highest for general
population samples in sub-Saharan Africa but was obtained from the Draw-a-Man
test, which is a rather poor test of general intelligence. Row 39 gives an IQ of
58 for a large sample of 16-year-old Africans in school who had completed
approximately ten years schooling. The comparison is with South African
Europeans. Row 40 gives an IQ of 69 for a sample of adults described as
"competent men, all in long standing employment in a sophisticated
environment...." (Nell, 2000, p. 27). Row 41 gives an IQ of 68 for adolescents
with a few years of schooling in the Northern Transvaal. Rows 42 and 43 give
IQs of 67 and 64 for samples of adolescents at school in Soweto. Row 44 gives an
IQ of 67 for third-grade Zulu school children in Natal.
Row 45 gives an IQ of 69 for Sudan obtained for Shilluk
children and adolescents described as "one of the primitive Nilotic Negro
tribes" (p. 164) in the Southern Sudan. The IQ given is the mean of four tests:
the Goddard and Porteus Mazes, Alexander Passalong, and Draw-a-Man. Rows 46, 47,
and 48 give IQs of 64, 74, and 73 for three further studies in the Sudan.
Row 49 gives an IQ of 78 for a sample of secondary school
students in Tanzania and is exceptionally high for African samples. The author
of the study explains that the reason for this is that the sample was highly
selected because "the number of places in secondary school is extremely limited
and eligibility is determined by competitive examination" (Klingelhofer, 1967,
p. 207). The high IQ of this sample cannot be regarded as representative. The
result is informative in so far as it shows that an elite sample at secondary
school has an IQ of 78 and this suggests that the IQs in the range of 65-72
typically found in sub-Saharan Africa are valid. Rows 50 and 51 give IQs of 65
and 72 for two more representative samples in Tanzania and are consistent with
those typical in sub-Saharan Africa. Row 52 gives an IQ of 80 for Uganda for a
selective sample of schoolchildren described by Vernon (1969, p. 182) as "much
superior to the East African population in general." This explains why the IQ is
higher than that of representative samples in sub-Saharan Africa. Row 53 gives
an IQ of 73 for a large and representative sample of Ugandan children. Rows 54
and 55 give IQs of 77 and 64 for Zambia. Rows 56 and 57 give IQs of 61 and 70
for Zimbabwe obtained by Zindi, an African psychologist at the University of
The most striking feature of the IQs of Africans in
sub-Saharan Africa is that they are consistently so much lower than those of
Europeans set out in Table 3.1 of Chapter 3. The median IQ is 67 and is adopted
as the best estimate of the IQ of Africans. With the exceptions of the IQ of 82
for Madagascar, which is the highest in the table because of the Southeast Asian
element in the population, and the IQs of 78 for the elite secondary sample in
Tanzania (row 48) and 80 for the elite secondary sample in Uganda (row 51), and
the questionable 89 for Kenya (row 21), all the IQs fall in the range of 59 to
77, while all the European Caucasoid IQs fall in the range of 87 to 105. There
is no overlap between the IQs of the two populations. The variations of the
African IQs do not appear to vary by geographical location and are probably
attributable to sampling and measurement errors. The IQ of Africans has not
shown any change since the first study published by Pick (1929) obtained an IQ
of 65 for Africans in South Africa. The four most recent studies of Africans in
South Africa carried out in the 1990s found virtually identical IQs of 69 (Nell,
2000), 68 (Sonke, 2000), 67 and 64 (Skuy et al., 2001).
2. University Students in Africa
Twelve studies have been reported of the intelligence of
African university students in South Africa. Some of these also give IQs of
European students tested at the same time. The studies are summarized in Table
4.2. Row 1 gives an IQ of 75 for African students at Legon University in Ghana
tested with the Block Design (Kohs Blocks) test from the Wechsler Test. All the
remaining rows give results for South Africa. Row 2 gives an IQ of 84 for
African and 103 for European university students calculated in relation to
American adult norms given in Raven, Court, and Raven (1994). Rows 3 and 4 give
results for students on the Blox test and gives the IQs of Africans in relation
to South African European student norms of 100. Row 5 gives results for the
WAIS-R for students with an average age of 25 years at the African universities
of Fort Hare, Zululand, the North, and the Medical University of South Africa.
The Verbal IQ was 78 and the Performance IQ 73, showing once again that the
Africans have low IQs in all major cognitive abilities and disconfirming the
claim sometimes made that Africans are handicapped in language tasks. Row 6
gives an IQ of 100 for science students at the University of the North. Row 7
gives an IQ of 77 for students at a less prestigious African university. Row 8
gives an IQ of 83 for students at the University of the Witwatersrand and the
Rand Afrikaans University in Johannesburg. Row 9 gives an IQ of 82 for African
students at the Venda University in the Northern Transvaal. The comparison
European group was at the University of Tilberg in the Netherlands. Row 10 gives
an IQ of 81 for psychology students at the University of the Witwatersrand. Row
11 gives an IQ of 93 for first year engineering students at the University of
the Witwatersrand. Row 12 gives an IQ of 99 for a slightly reduced number of the
same students who took the Advanced Progressive Matrices 16 months later. Both
Africans and Europeans obtained IQs approximately 6 points higher on the second
testing, probably as a practice effect. Row 13 gives an IQ of 101 for a further
sample of African engineering students at the University of the Witwatersrand
and shows that the African students scored 15 IQ points lower than the European
The mean IQs of general student samples shown in rows 1 to 5
and 7 to 9 all fall in the narrow range of 72 to 84 with a median of 81. The IQs
of 100 in row 6, 93 in row 11, and 99 in row 12 are higher than the others
because they are for science and engineering students who were admitted to the
universities on the basis of their performance in entrance tests of mathematics
and physics, and these normally have higher reasoning ability than students in
most other academic disciplines. For instance, in Iran 18-year-olds studying
math scored 10 IQ points higher than those studying literature (Mehryar,
Shapurian, and Bassiri, 1972). In Britain, education students with degrees in
science scored 9 IQ points higher than those with degrees in arts (Heim, 1968).
The IQs of European students in South Africa are in the range between 100 and
105 and are about the same as those of European students in other countries (see
Chapter 3, Table 3.3). The interest of these results is that they show that
typical African students who have had some 12 years of school and have gained
entry to university obtain IQs in the range of 72-84. Since these are an African
cognitive elite, these results suggest that the IQ of about 70 for the general
population is valid and about right. The results also show that IQs of African
students in South Africa are on average about 20 IQ points lower than those of
European students, and that a considerable gap between the IQs of Africans and
Europeans remains when they are matched for years of education, African
university students have had ten to twelve years of formal education but apart
from those studying math and physics, obtain IQs in the range of 72-84. Their
IQs are some 10 to 12 IQ points higher than the African average because they are
a select group.
Table 4.2. IQs of African and European university students
in Africa
Test |
Africans |
Europeans |
IQ Diff |
References |
N |
IQ |
N |
IQ |
1 |
BD |
66 |
75 |
- |
- |
Jahoda, 1970 |
2 |
40 |
84 |
40 |
103 |
19 |
Poortinga, 1971 |
3 |
Blox |
47 |
72 |
50 |
100 |
28 |
Poortinga & Foden, 1975 |
4 |
Blox |
403 |
79 |
197 |
100 |
21 |
Taylor & Radford, 1986 |
5 |
63 |
75 |
- |
- |
- |
Avenant, 1988 |
6 |
147 |
100 |
- |
- |
- |
Zaaiman, 1998 |
7 |
30 |
77 |
- |
- |
- |
Grieve & Viljoen, 2000 |
8 |
173 |
83 |
136 |
103 |
20 |
Rushton & Skuy, 2000 |
9 |
30 |
82 |
30 |
105 |
23 |
Sonke, 2000 |
10 |
70 |
81 |
- |
- |
- |
Skuy et al., 2002 |
11 |
198 |
93 |
86 |
106 |
13 |
Rushton et al., 2002 |
12 |
187 |
99 |
67 |
113 |
14 |
Rushton et al, 2003 |
13 |
177 |
101 |
72 |
116 |
15 |
Rushton et al, 2004 |
3. Africans in the Caribbean and Latin America
Studies of the IQs of Africans in the Caribbean and Latin
America are summarized in Table 4.3. Row 1 gives an IQ of 80 for children in
Barbados; this figure has been calculated from the IQ of 83 of well-nour ished
children arid 68 of malnourished children reported in the study, weighted by the
results of a 1968 survey finding a prevalence of moderate and severe
malnutrition in preschool children in Barbados of 16.5 per cent (Galler, Ramsay,
Solimano et al., 1983). Row 2 gives an IQ of 70 for Africans in Brazil attending
school in a favela (shanty town) in Brasilia. Row 3 gives an IQ of 64 for
the mothers of these children. Row 4 gives an IQ of 71 for Africans in Sao Paulo
in Brazil. Row 5 gives an IQ of 67
Table 4.3. IQs of Africans in the Caribbean and Latin
Location |
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reas |
Verb |
Vis |
Reference |
1 |
Barbados |
9-15 |
207 |
80 |
- |
- |
- |
Caller et al., 1986 |
2 |
Brazil |
9 |
100 |
70 |
- |
- |
- |
Paine et al., 1992 |
3 |
Brazil |
Adult |
88 |
64 |
- |
- |
- |
Paine et al., 1992 |
4 |
Brazil |
9-10 |
223 |
71 |
71 |
- |
- |
Fernandez, 2001 |
5 |
Dominica |
3 |
64 |
67 |
- |
67 |
- |
Wein & Stevenson, 1972 |
6 |
Jamaica |
11 |
1,730 |
MH |
72 |
- |
- |
- |
Manley, 1963 |
7 |
Jamaica |
11 |
50 |
V, M, KB |
75 |
75 |
78 |
75 |
Vernon, 1969 |
8 |
Jamaica |
5-12 |
71 |
wise |
60 |
- |
70 |
56 |
Hertzig et al., 1972 |
9 |
Jamaica |
10 |
128 |
75 |
- |
- |
75 |
Bagley et al., 1983 |
10 |
Jamaica |
15 |
31 |
67 |
- |
67 |
- |
Grantham-McGregor et al., 1994 |
11 |
Jamaica |
25 |
54 |
60 |
- |
60 |
- |
Grantham-McGregor et al., 1994 |
12 |
Jamaica |
9-10 |
30 |
71 |
- |
71 |
- |
Simeon & Grantham-McGregor, 1989 |
13 |
St. Lucia |
4 |
60 |
62 |
- |
62 |
- |
Murray, 1983 |
14 |
St. Vincent |
8-11 |
174 |
71 |
71 |
- |
- |
Durbrow et al., 2002 |
for 3-year-old African children in Dominica. The low IQ of
these infants suggests that poor education is not a factor responsible for the
low IQs of Africans in the Caribbean. Rows 6 through 12 give IQs from seven
studies of the IQ in Jamaica in the range of 60-75 with a median of 67. Row 13
gives an IQ of 60 for 4-year-olds in St. Lucia and row 14 an IQ of 70 for
children in St. Vincent. The median of the fourteen studies of intelligence of
Africans in the Caribbean and Latin America is an IQ of 71. This is slightly
higher than the median IQ of 67 of Africans in sub-Saharan Africa. The
explanation for this may be that Africans in the Caribbean and Latin America
have some admixture of genes from Europeans. It has been estimated that the
proportion of European genes in the African population of Jamaica is 6.8 percent
(Parra, Marcini, and Akey, 1998).
4. African Americans in the United States
There have been many hundreds of studies of the intelligence
of African Americans in the United States. The most important of these are
summarized in Table 4.4. Row 1 gives results of the first major study based on
military conscripts in World War I tested with the combined Army Alpha and Beta
tests that measured non-verbal and verbal IQs and from which the later Wechsler
tests were constructed. The number of Europeans was 93,973. Row 2 gives results
for military conscripts in World War II and row 3 the results of military
conscripts for the Vietnam War. It is noteworthy that the mean IQ of 77 of
Africans is lower in World War II and the Vietnam War than in World War I, and
is also lower than the average IQ of 85 that is generally given for the mean IQ
of African Americans in the United States. Rows 4 through 7 give results of
Shuey's compilation of all American studies. Row 4 gives an IQ of 87 derived
from 17 studies of pre-school children. Row 5 gives an IQ of 85 derived from 26
studies of primary school children using individual tests such as the Stanford-Binet.
Row 6 gives an IQ of 85 for primary school children derived from 103 studies for
group tests of verbal ability and 41 studies of group tests of non-verbal
ability. Row 7 gives an IQ of 85 for high school students. Rows 8, 9, and 10
give the results of Osborne and McGurk's (1982) updated summary of American
studies published during 1976 through 1980. Row 8 gives an IQ of 80 derived from
66 studies of preschool 3-5 year olds. Row 9 gives an IQ of 87 derived from 126
studies of primary school children and row 10 an IQ of 87 derived from 17
studies of high school students.
Rows 11, 12, and 13 (Broman et al., 1975) give results for
large samples not included in the Osborne and McGurk review. Row 11 gives an IQ
of 85 for African mothers tested in the National Collaborative Perinatal Project
Table 4.4. IQs of African Americans in the United States
Year |
Age |
N. African |
N. European |
Test |
g |
Verb |
Vis |
Reference |
1 |
1918 |
Adults |
23,596 |
93,973 |
AA&B |
83 |
. |
- |
Johnson, 1948 |
2 |
1944-5 |
Adults |
_ |
. |
77 |
. |
_ |
Loehlin et al., 1975 |
3 |
1964-5 |
Adults |
- |
- |
77 |
- |
- |
Loehlin et al., 1975 |
4 |
1916-65 |
3-6 |
1,700 |
- |
Various |
87 |
- |
- |
Shuey, 1966 |
5 |
1916-65 |
6-11 |
7,000 |
- |
Various |
85 |
- |
- |
Shuey, 1966 |
6 |
1916-65 |
6-11 |
75,050 |
- |
Various |
85 |
- |
- |
Shuey, 1966 |
7 |
1916-65 |
12-18 |
23,000 |
- |
Various |
85 |
- |
- |
Shuey, 1966 |
8 |
1966-80 |
3-6 |
- |
- |
Various |
80 |
- |
- |
Osborne & McGurk, 1982 |
9 |
1966-80 |
6-11 |
100,000 |
- |
Various |
87 |
- |
- |
Osborne & McGurk, 1982 |
10 |
1966-80 |
12-18 |
16,000 |
- |
Various |
82 |
- |
- |
Osborne & McGurk, 1982 |
11 |
1966 |
24 |
7,300 |
5,733 |
85 |
- |
- |
Broman et al., 1975 |
12 |
1970 |
4 |
12,029 |
9,730 |
SB |
87 |
- |
- |
Broman et al., 1975 |
13 |
1974 |
7 |
19,968 |
18,474 |
wise |
87 |
- |
- |
Broman et al., 1975 |
14 |
1972 |
6-16 |
305 |
1,870 |
84 |
86 |
85 |
Kaufman & Doppelt, 1976 |
15 |
1977 |
16-74 |
7,270 |
16,134 |
81 |
86 |
84 |
Avolio & Waldman, 1994 |
16 |
1977 |
5-11 |
456 |
604 |
85 |
87 |
86 |
Mercer & Lewis, 1984 |
17 |
1978 |
16-74 |
192 |
1,664 |
85 |
87 |
86 |
Reynolds et al., 1987 |
18 |
1980 |
14-22 |
3,022 |
6,502 |
82 |
- |
- |
Herrnstein & Murray, 1994 |
19 |
1981 |
2-12 |
311 |
1,450 |
93 |
- |
- |
Kaufman &c Kaufman, 1983 |
20 |
1982 |
3-18 |
932 |
4,519 |
84 |
84 |
- |
Dunn, 1988 |
21 |
1984 |
12-23 |
210 |
1,303 |
SB-4 |
83 |
- |
88 |
Thorndike et al., 1986 |
22 |
1984 |
3 |
86 |
86 |
86 |
- |
- |
Montie & Pagan, 1988 |
23 |
1985 |
37 |
502 |
3,535 |
Various |
83 |
- |
- |
Nyborg & Jensen, 2000 |
24 |
1989 |
6-16 |
338 |
1,620 |
WISC-3 |
85 |
87 |
86 |
Prifitera et al., 1998 |
25 |
1991 |
11-93 |
241 |
1,547 |
KA1T |
88 |
- |
- |
Kaufman et al., 1994 |
26 |
1991 |
16-74 |
7,214 |
14,503 |
81 |
- |
- |
Avolio & Waldman, 1994 |
27 |
1991 |
6-16 |
711 |
776 |
85 |
- |
85 |
Kramer et al., 1995 |
28 |
1993 |
3 |
33 |
33 |
SB-4 |
85 |
- |
- |
Peoples et al., 1995 |
29 |
1993 |
70+ |
833 |
5,122 |
85 |
- |
- |
Zsembik& Peek, 2001 |
30 |
1993 |
Adults |
806 |
5,300 |
Vocabulary |
90 |
90 |
- |
Lynn, 2004 |
31 |
1998 |
Adults |
2,113 |
8,751 |
Literacy |
86 |
86 |
- |
Raudenbush & Kasim, 1998 |
and rows 12 and 13 give IQs of 87 for their children at the
age of 4 years and 7 years. Row 14 gives a g IQ of 86 for Africans from
the standardization sample of the WISC-R. Row 15 gives IQs of 81 for g, 86 for
verbal, and 84 for visualization for employed individuals collected by the
United States Employment Service. Row 16 gives African-American IQs of 85 for g,
87 for verbal, and 86 for visualization for a sample in California. Row 17 gives
IQs of 85 for g, 87 for verbal ability, and 86 for visualization ability
obtained from the standardization sample of the WAIS-R. Row 18 gives an IQ of 82
from the AFQT. Row 19 gives an IQ of 93 from the standardization sample of the
K-ABC. Row 20 gives a vocabulary IQ of 85 from the standardization sample of the
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. Row 21 gives an IQ of 83 from the
standardization sample of the Stanford-Binet-4; in this sample African Americans
obtained a short-term memory IQ of 89 consistent with a number of other studies
finding they do relatively well on short term memory. Row 22 gives an IQ of 85
for 3-year-olds from the standardization sample of the Stanford-Binet-LM. Row 23
gives an IQ of 83 calculated from the first principal component as a measure of
g obtained from military personnel. Row 24 gives an IQ of 85 from the
standardization sample of the WISC-3. Row 25 gives an IQ of 88 from the
standardization sample of the Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test.
Row 26 gives an IQ of 81 for a sample of employed individuals collected by the
United States Employment Service. Row 27 gives a visualization IQ of 85 derived
from the block design subtest of the WISC-R obtained from the national NHANES
III sample.
Row 28 gives an IQ of 85 for infants aged 3.0 to 3.4 years
from the standardization sample of the Stanford-Binet-4. Row 29 gives an IQ of
85 for a representative sample aged 70 and older from the continental United
States (i.e., excluding Alaska and Hawaii). Row 30 gives an IQ of 90 for
vocabulary for African adults obtained in the NORC surveys for 1990-96 from a
representative sample from the continental United States. This unusually high
figure is attributable to the shortness of the test, consisting of defining the
meaning of ten words. Row 31 gives an IQ of 87 from the 1992 National Adult
Literacy Survey, a test consisting of verbal comprehension and arithmetic
administered to a representative sample from the continental United States.
There are five conclusions to be drawn from the studies of
the intelligence of African Americans. First, the median IQ is 85 and is widely
accepted as the best estimate of the African-American IQ. This estimate is close
to the 83.5 obtained by Roth, Bevier, Bobko, Switzer, and Tyler (2001) from a
meta-analysis of 105 studies based on 6,246,729 individuals. The variations in
the means obtained in different studies are probably due to sampling,
measurement errors, and differences in the abilities measured in different
rests. It has been shown in many studies that Africans do relatively well in
rests of memory, so the size of the African-European difference reflects to some
degree the extent to which memory tests are represented in the IQs. For
instance, one of the higher IQs in the table is the 88 obtained in Kaufman's
KAIT. This test contains seven subtests, of which one is a memory for faces test
that requires the identification of the faces of famous people. On this subtest
Africans obtained a mean IQ of 92.5.
Second, the African-American IQ of approximately 85 appears
in children aged 3, as can be seen in rows 22 and 28. These results tell against
the theory often advanced by environmentalists that poor education and racism
are responsible for or contribute to the low IQ of Africans. Even among
2-year-olds Africans have an IQ of 92 (row 19). This is not so low as in the
other studies because African infants mature earlier than Europeans up to the
age of two years (Lynn, 1998d; Rushton, 2000). It is not until their third year
that their IQs fall below that of Europeans and only in their fourth year that
their IQ declines to reach their IQ of approximately 85, as shown in rows 22 and
Third, the IQ of approximately 85 of African Americans is
substantially higher than the average IQ of 67 of Africans in sub-Saharan
Africa. Two factors can explain this difference. The first is that American
Africans enjoy a better environment than Africans in Africa in a number of
respects, including much higher living standards and better nutrition and
health. The second is that African Americans have on average about 25 percent of
European ancestry and this increases their IQs above that of Africans in Africa
(Reed, 1969; Chakraborty, Kamboh, Nwanko, and Ferrell, 1992).
Fourth, in the five studies giving verbal and visualization
IQs, American Africans score one or two points higher on the verbal IQs. The
verbal IQs appear to be more culturally biased, so this tells against the theory
often proposed by environmentalists that Africans perform poorly because the
tests are biased against them. This confirms the conclusions reached by McGurk
(1953a, 1953b) that African Americans are not more impaired on what were
considered culturally biased general information problems and by Jensen (1980)
that tests are not biased against African Americans.
Fifth, there appears to have been no improvement in the IQs
of African Americans over the course of the twentieth century. Thus, the median
IQ of the fourteen studies carried out from 1980 to 1998 is 85, the same as that
of the earlier studies. This conclusion is confirmed by the absence of any
tendency for the African-American-European difference to be smaller in younger
age groups. African-European IQ differences at different ages have been reported
by Reynolds, Chastain, Kaufman, and McLean (1987) for the WAIS-R standardization
sample collected in 1978. The African IQs are 86 in 16-19-year-olds, 85 for
20-34 and 35-54-year-olds, and 86 for 55-74-year-olds. It has also been shown in
bi-yearly data that there has been no difference in African-American-European
intelligence over the period 1974-1996 (Lynn, 1998e). Finally, in the
standardization sample of the KAIT (Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence
Test, Kaufman et al., 1994) there was no significant difference between the
youngest and oldest age groups. In fact the youngest age group, born between
1980 and 1991, had a slightly lower IQ of 83 compared with an IQ of 88 of the
oldest age group, born on average in 1921.
5. Africans in Britain
Africans began to migrate to Britain in substantial numbers
shortly after the end of World War II. The first immigrants came mainly from the
Caribbean and in the last quarter of the twentieth century a number came from
Africa. From the 1960s studies were published of the IQs of African immigrants.
The results of these are given in Table 4.5. Row 1 gives an IQ of 88 for what is
believed to be the first published result of the children of West Indian
Africans and is for a sample of Caribbean children in London, where the majority
of these immigrants settled. Row 2 gives an IQ of 82 calculated by Vernon (1969,
p. 169) for another sample in London in the 1960s. Row 3 gives a reasoning IQ of
88 and a vocabulary IQ of 82 for West Indian children compared with European
English children attending the same secondary school in the district of Haringey
in London; the district is poor and the European children will have scored below
the national average, thereby inflating the IQs of the West Indians. To adjust
for this the IQ of the Europeans is assumed to be 95. Row 4 gives an IQ of 89
for a sample of children in London. Row 5 gives an IQ of 86 for samples of
children in Birmingham and in Deptford, London.
Row 6 gives an IQ of 104 for 9 African children taken into
institutions as infants because their mothers were unable to look after them. In
the same study the IQs of mixed race children and white children also taken into
institutions were measured, with the results that the mixed race had an IQ of
110 (n=15) and the whites an IQ of 104 (n=36). The results are out of line with
the other results in the table, all of which show African children in Britain
have IQs well below whites. Moreover, it would normally be expected that the IQs
of the children would be below average intelligence because the mothers were
predominantly unskilled and put them into institutions, and would probably have
been of below average intelligence. The results that these children had IQs
above average are remarkable and need replication. If they can be confirmed as
valid, they suggest that black mothers do not provide such a good environment as
the white foster parents who reared these children, but there is little evidence
to support this inference. The number of children (9) was very small and
possibly this is just a fluke result.
Row 7 gives an IQ of 86 for a national sample of
Afro-Caribbean children in Britain. Rows 8 and 9 give IQs of 73 for children in
Britain born in the Caribbean and of 82 for those bom in Britain. The IQ of 73
for those born in the Caribbean is closely similar to that of 71 of indigenous
Caribbean children given in Table 4.2. Row 10 gives a verbal IQ of 86 for West
Indian children tested with the English Picture Vocabulary Test. Row 11 gives an
IQ of 85 for West Indian children at a comprehensive school in the town of
Ilford in Essex; the IQ of 85 is lower than that of Indian subcontinent children
in the same school who obtained an IQ of 91; this is the first of a number of
studies in Britain finding that Caribbean immigrants have lower IQs than Indian
immigrants from the sub-continent. Row 12 gives a vocabulary IQ of 78 for all
West Indian children at maintained (public) schools in an education authority in
the Midlands.
Row 13 gives an IQ of 86 derived from a reading test on a
very large national sample of 12,530 15-year-olds. Row 14 gives an IQ of 85
obtained on a vocabulary test by West Indian children in the north of England
compared with 851 Europeans attending the same schools. Row 15 gives an IQ of 86
obtained by West Indian children at school in a town in the Midlands; Indians
from the Indian sub-continent attending the same schools obtained an IQ of 96,
showing once again that South Asians in the same environment as Africans obtain
higher IQs. Row 16 gives an IQ of 90 for a sample of West Indian children in
London. Row 17 gives an IQ of 87 for a sample of West Indian 4-year-olds.
Row 18 gives an IQ of 89 for a national sample of Caribbean
children drawn from the whole of Britain born in 1958 and who had been in
Britain for more than 4 years; a further group of 39 who had been in Britain for
fewer than 4 years obtained an IQ of 83, suggesting that residence in Britain
raises the IQs of Caribbean children by around 6 IQ points. It has sometimes
been suggested that many of the recent immigrant children from the Caribbean
spoke a form of Creole West Indian English that made it hard for them to
understand the teachers, but the fact that immigrant West Indians performed
about the same on non-verbal reasoning tests as on verbal comprehension makes
this unlikely. Row 19 gives an IQ of
Table 4.5. IQs of Africans in Britain
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reas |
Verb |
Vis |
Reference |
1 |
10 |
71 |
SB |
88 |
88 |
- |
- |
Houghton, 1966 |
2 |
11 |
476 |
VR |
82 |
82 |
- |
- |
ILEA, 1967 |
3 |
12-15 |
174 |
88 |
88 |
82 |
- |
Bhatnagar, 1970 |
4 |
5-15 |
61 |
89 |
- |
92 |
88 |
McFie & Thompson, 1970 |
5 |
11 |
394 |
86 |
- |
86 |
- |
Halsey, 1972 |
6 |
4-5 |
9 |
104 |
- |
- |
- |
Tizard, 1972 |
7 |
5-10 |
548 |
86 |
. |
86 |
- |
Payne, 1974 |
8 |
10 |
143 |
NV5 |
73 |
73 |
- |
- |
Yule et al. ,1975 |
9 |
10 |
201 |
NV5 |
82 |
82 |
- |
- |
Yule et al., 1975 |
10 |
5-10 |
548 |
86 |
- |
86 |
- |
Little, 1975 |
11 |
10 |
66 |
VR |
85 |
85 |
- |
- |
Black Peoples, 1978 |
12 |
7 |
139 |
78 |
- |
78 |
- |
Phillips, 1979 |
13 |
15 |
12,530 |
Reading |
86 |
- |
86 |
- |
Mabey, 1981 |
14 |
12 |
149 |
Vocabulary |
85 |
- |
85 |
- |
Pumfrey, 1983 |
15 |
8-12 |
205 |
87 |
87 |
- |
- |
Scarretal., 1983 |
16 |
10 |
88 |
90 |
- |
- |
90 |
Bagleyetal., 1983 |
17 |
4 |
106 |
87 |
- |
87 |
- |
BJarchford et al., 19S5 |
18 |
11 |
74 |
89 |
89 |
90 |
- |
Mackintosh & Mascie-Taylor, 1985 |
19 |
10 |
125 |
94 |
94 |
92 |
- |
Mackintosh & Mascie-Taylor, 1985 |
20 |
14 |
250 |
88 |
88 |
- |
- |
Maugham & Rutter, 1986 |
21 |
7-15 |
88 |
AH |
92 |
92 |
94 |
- |
West et al. ,1992 |
22 |
65-75 |
248 |
89 |
- |
- |
- |
Stewart et al., 2002 |
92 for a national British sample born in 1970; the high IQ of
this sample may indicate that the IQ of Caribbean children has increased
slightly, but the subsequent studies in the table show no improvement in the IQs
of African children from the 1960s through the 1980s, so this may be a chance
Row 20 gives an IQ of 88 for a sample of African
schoolchildren in schools in London, the majority of whom had been born in
Britain. Row 21 gives an IQ of 92 for a sample of African schoolchildren in
Cambridgeshire. The IQs are in relation to indigenous British children attending
the same schools and these are likely to be below national norms because the
British of higher socio-economic status tend not to send their children to
schools where there are appreciable numbers of immigrants. The effect of this
will be to inflate the IQs of the Africans. There are no national norms for the
test so the IQ of the Africans in relation to British cannot be accurately
calculated. Probably the IQ of the British in this study was about 95, and hence
the IQ of the African sample in relation to British national norms will have
been about 87 and therefore about the same as other samples of Africans in
Britain. Row 22 gives an IQ of 89 for a sample of 65-75-year-old Africans in
London obtained in 1996-98 compared with a national sample of 5,379 indigenous
The results of the studies of the intelligence of Africans in
Britain raise three points of interest. First, the median IQ of the studies is
86 and is almost exactly the same as the average of 85 of Africans in the United
States. These figures are substantially higher than the median IQ of 67 of
Africans in sub-Saharan Africa and of 71 in the Caribbean, from where most
Africans in Britain have come in the post-World War II decades. Second, the
higher IQ of Africans in Britain is attributable to the better environment. This
effect is shown in the study by Yule, Berger, Rutter, and Yule (1975) given in
rows 7 and 8 showing IQs of 73 for those born in the West Indies and 82 for
those born in Britain, suggesting that residence in Britain raises the IQs of
Caribbean children by around 9 IQ points. This result is confirmed by the
Mackintosh and Mascie-Taylor (1985) study shown in row 18, where the West Indian
children from the Caribbean who had been in Britain for more than 4 years had an
IQ of 89, while the IQ of a further group of 39 who had been in Britain for
fewer than 4 years obtained an IQ of 83, suggesting that residence in Britain
raises the IQs of Caribbean children by around 6 IQ points. The two results are
quite similar, suggesting that being raised in Britain increases the IQs of
Africans by 7-8 IQ points. This increase is probably largely a result of better
nutrition and health care and perhaps education, although there seems to be no
evidence that education in the West Indies is poorer than in Britain and is
sometimes asserted to be better. The effect of improved nutrition for West
Indian immigrants was shown by the Yule et al. (1975) study that found that West
Indian Africans born in Britain are taller than those born in the Caribbean who
had come to Britain some time during childhood, a difference of 0.67d
(standard deviation units). Third, the IQ of 87 for a sample of West Indian
4-year-olds given in row 17 is virtually exactly the same as that obtained by
older West Indian children at school and shows that the low IQs of West Indian
children cannot be blamed on schools, prejudice of teachers, difficulties
understanding teachers' spoken English, and so on. This result confirms those
found in the United States, that the low IQ of Africans is present in pre-school
6. Africans in the Netherlands
During the second half of the twentieth century a number of
Africans migrated to the Netherlands from the former Dutch colony of Surinam in
the northeast of South America and from the Netherlands Antilles, the former
Dutch colony in the Caribbean. Studies of their intelligence are summarized in
Table 4.6. Row 1 gives an IQ of 86 for the children of immigrants from Surinam.
The test used and the age of the sample are not given. The population of Surinam
consists of 35 percent Creoles of mixed African-European ancestry, 10 percent
Africans, 33 percent Asian Indian, 16 percent Indonesian, and 3 percent American
Indian. The IQ of 86 is about what would be predicted from this racially mixed
population because the largest group, the Creoles, would be expected to have an
IQ about midway between Africans in Africa (67) and Northwest Europeans (100),
and the second largest group, the Asian Indians, should have an IQ of
approximately 82 (see Chapter 6). Row 2 gives an IQ of 84 for a sample of the
children of first generation immigrants from Surinam and the Netherlands
Antilles. Row 3 gives an IQ of 88 for a sample of the children of
second-generation immigrants from Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles. These
children have a four-IQ-point gain compared with the children of first
generation immigrants shown in row 2. This confirms the studies in Britain
showing that second generation immigrants obtain higher IQs than first
generation. Row 4 gives an IQ of 85 for a further sample of the children of
immigrants from Surinam. The test used and the age of the sample are not given.
Row 5 gives an IQ of 83 for another sample of immigrants from Surinam and the
Netherlands Antilles. Row 6 gives an IQ of 85 for adult immigrants from Surinam.
Row 7 gives an IQ of 85 for immigrants from the Dutch Antilles, whose population
is 85 percent African and mixed African-European. The IQs obtained in the
studies are closely similar, with a median of 85, the same as that of Africans
in the United States.
Table 4.6. IQs of Africans in the Netherlands
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reas |
Verb |
Vis |
Reference |
1 |
Children |
110 |
86 |
- |
- |
- |
De Jong & van Batenburg, 1984 |
2 |
Children |
123 |
84 |
- |
- |
- |
Resing et al., 1986 |
3 |
Children |
77 |
88 |
- |
- |
- |
Resing et al., 1986 |
4 |
Children |
138 |
- |
85 |
- |
- |
- |
De Jong, 1988 |
5 |
11 |
404 |
83 |
83 |
88 |
- |
Pieke, 1988 |
6 |
Adults |
535 |
85 |
85 |
85 |
85 |
Te Nijenhuis, 1997 |
7 |
Adults |
129 |
85 |
85 |
80 |
86 |
Te Nijenhuis, 1997 |
7. Africans in Israel
A number of African Ethiopian Jews migrated to Israel during
the closing decades of the twentieth century. The intelligence of a sample of
250 15-year-olds was assessed by Kaniel and Fisherman (1991) using the Standard
Progressive Matrices. The authors write:
The Ethiopian Jews were tested one year after they arrived in
Israel. All the subjects were tested in groups in their schools, using standard
procedure. Each group was shown the first practice item of the test and solved
it together. Special care was taken to make sure the Ethiopian Jews understood
how the test was organized, to ensure their ability to fill out the answer
sheet. There was no time limit (p. 28).
The authors made errors in the calculation of the IQ of the
Ethiopians. I have given the correct figures in Lynn (1994b). The mean score on
the test was 27, equivalent to the first percentile on the British 1979
standardization norms and to an IQ of 65. It is assumed that the Israeli data
were collected in 1989 and that the British IQ increased by 2 IQ points between
1979 and 1989. To adjust for this increase, the IQ of the Ethiopian Jews needs
to be reduced to 63.
A second study of the IQ of Ethiopian Jews has been published
by Kozulin (1998). These were 14-16-year-olds who had been in Israel four or
more years, were attending Israeli boarding schools, and were tested with the
Progressive Matrices. Their mean IQ was 65. These results suggest that education
in western schools does not benefit the African IQ.
8. Short-Term Memory and Perceptual Speed Abilities of
Hitherto African intelligence has been considered in terms of
g (general intelligence), reasoning, verbal, and visualization abilities. We
now consider studies on the short-term memory and perceptual speed ability of
Africans. Short-term memory is typically measured by the Digit Span test,
consisting of the ability to recall a series of numbers either in the order in
which they are presented (forward Digit Span) or in reverse order (backward
Digit Span). Perceptual Speed is typically measured by the Coding and Digit
Symbol subtests in the Wechsler tests that require accurate and rapid scanning
of visual information. These studies have shown that Africans have relatively
strong short-term memory and perceptual speed abilities. The results are
summarized in Table 4.7. Row 1 gives IQs of 75 and 76 for African
10-12-year-olds (n=l,123) compared with Europeans (n=l,489) obtained for
non-verbal reasoning and for verbal ability measured by the Lorge-Thorndike
test, a much higher IQ of 90 for short-term memory measured by Digit Span and a
remarkable IQ of 102 for Perceptual Speed. The authors comment: "given a test
that involves only speed but no appreciable cognitive factor, the Negro children
perform as well as or better than the European children" (Jensen & Rohwer, 1970,
p. 60). Row 2 gives a typical IQ of 85 for the verbal and performance scales of
the WISC-R obtained for 622 African 5-11-year-olds compared with 669 Europeans
and a short-term memory IQ of 94 as the average of forward (IQ 96) and backward
(IQ 92) digit span. Row 3 gives IQs for African 12-18- year-olds ob tained from
the Project Talent data set and shows a relatively high IQ of 94 for immediate
memory as compared with 89 for abstract reasoning. Row 4 gives an IQ of 94 for
short-term memory for 5-9-year-old African Surinamese immigrants in the
Netherlands (n=183) compared with European children; the test consisted of the
presentation of ten drawings, each of which was given an arbitrary name, and the
task was to remember as many of the names as possible. Row 5 gives IQs for
African 6-16-year-olds (n=711) compared with Europeans (n=776) of 82 for verbal
ability, 78 for visualization ability, and a higher IQ of 90 for short term
memory measured by Digit Span. Row 6 gives an IQ of 94 for short-term memory for
Africans obtained from a meta-analysis of 31 studies of children and adults. Row
7 gives IQs for a number of primary abilities from South Africa from the study
of 1,093 African and 1,056 European 16-year-olds tested with the Junior Aptitude
Test, a test constructed in South Africa that provides measures of Abstract
Reasoning (AR), Verbal Reasoning (VR), Verbal Comprehension (Verb),
Visualization (Vis), Short-Term Memory (STM), and Perceptual Speed (PS); the
sample also obtained a Mechanical Ability IQ of 68. It will be seen that the
African short-term memory IQ (79) and the perceptual speed IQ (69) are both
higher than their Abstract Reasoning Ability (58) and their Verbal Reasoning
Ability (63), confirming the American studies. In this sample the visualization
and mechanical abilities are also all stronger than abstract and verbal
reasoning ability. Row 8 gives a short-term memory IQ of 74 for a sample of 196
10-year-olds in Jamaica, compared with 67 entered as the median of the seven
studies given in Table 4.3.
Jensen (1998) has interpreted these and other results as
showing that the African-European differences in intelligence are largely
differences in Spearman's g. According to this theory, short-term memory
and perceptual speed are weak measures of g, so Africans do relatively
well on them. The theory has received considerable support, summarized by
Rushton (2003), but has also attracted some criticism from Dolan and Hamaker
Table 4.7. Primary abilities of Africans
Location |
AR |
VR |
Verb |
Vis |
PS |
Reference |
1 |
75 |
- |
76 |
- |
90 |
102 |
Jensen & Rohwer, 1970 |
2 |
- |
- |
85 |
85 |
94 |
- |
Jensen & Figueroa, 1975 |
3 |
89 |
- |
86 |
90 |
94 |
- |
Humphreys, 1988 |
4 |
Netherlands |
- |
- |
- |
- |
94 |
- |
Sijtsma & Resing, 1991 |
5 |
- |
- |
82 |
78 |
90 |
- |
Kramer et al., 1995 |
6 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
94 |
- |
Verive & McDaniel, 1996 |
7 |
South Africa |
58 |
63 |
58 |
69 |
79 |
69 |
Lynn& Owen, 1994 |
8 |
Jamaica |
67 |
- |
- |
- |
79 |
- |
Sternberg et al., 1997 |
9. Musical Abilities
It has often been considered that Africans have good musical
abilities and a particularly strong sense of rhythm. The conclusion appears to
have been first suggested in the fourteenth century by the Arab writer Ibn
Butlan who wrote that if an African "were to fall from heaven to earth he would
beat time as he goes down" (Lewis, 1990, p. 94). Musical abilities are
associated with intelligence, so it is interesting to consider whether Africans
have the good musical abilities often attributed to them, or poor musical
abilities consistent with the low IQs they obtain on intelligence tests.
Musical abilities are measured by simple tests such as the
identification of pitch change (identifying whether the pitch of one tone is
higher or lower than that of another; in the initial items the difference
between the tones is great but as the test progresses the tones become closer
until it is extremely difficult to distinguish which is higher); memory (a tune
is played twice and on the second playing one note is altered; the task is to
identify the altered note); chord analysis (the identification of the number of
notes in a chord); and rhythm (two pieces of music are played and the problem is
to identify whether the rhythms are the same or different). The association
between intelligence and musical ability has been shown in two studies carried
out by Lynn, Wilson, and Gault (1986). In the first, a sample of 217
10-year-olds were given a number of tests of reasoning, vocabulary,
visualization, and perceptual speed abilities together with four musical ability
tests (pitch, memory, chords, and rhythm). All the tests were positively
intercorrelated and loaded on the first principal component as a measure of
general intelligence (g). The loadings of the four musical tests lay
between 0.45 (cords) and 0.59 (rhythm). This shows that the musical tests are
measures of g. In the second study 93 9-11-year-olds were given three tests of
musical ability (pitch change, chord analysis, and memory) together with the
Standard Progressive Matrices, a measure of g. The three musical tests
were significantly correlated with the Progressive Matrices at 0.27, 0.40, and
0.37. This confirms that musical ability is associated with intelligence.
Further evidence for this association has been provided by Carroll (1993).
There has been some work on the musical ability of African
Americans but this is little known because it has not been summarized in general
textbooks on intelligence such as those of Brody (1992) and Mackintosh (1998) or
in specialist textbooks on race differences in intelligence such as those by
Loehlin, Lindzey, and Spuhler (1975) and Jensen (1980, 1998). The general
outcome of these studies is that African Americans perform less well than
Europeans on tests of musical abilities of pitch discrimination, tone
discrimination, and memory, but they perform about the same as Europeans on
tests of rhythm. To show this pattern of musical abilities, the results of these
studies have been aggregated to give a Musical Quotient (MQ) derived from tests
of musical ability other than rhythm, and a Rhythm Quotient (RQ). The results of
these studies are summarized in Table 4.8. Row 1 gives results for a large
sample of African Americans in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia
calculated from the Seashore Test and shows that they obtained an MQ (Musical
Quotient) of 90 but a higher RQ (Rhythm Quotient) of 106. Row 2 gives results
from a comparison of 272 European and 288 African American college students
attending colleges in Tennessee, again showing that Europeans achieved higher
scores on general musical ability (pitch, intensity, time, consonance, and total
memory) but African Americans achieved a higher RQ (Rhythm Quotient) of 102. Row
3 gives results for a sample from a poor neighborhood in Washington, D.C.
showing an MQ of 83 and an RQ of 96. Row 4 gives results for a sample of
African-American 5-to-8-year-olds in Rochester in New York State with an MQ of
89 and an RQ of 104. Row 5 gives results for a sample of African-American
18-year-olds drawn from senior high school largely in Texas, with some from
Illinois and Rochester in New York State, with an MQ of 86 based on tonal memory
and pitch discrimination and an RQ of 100. The comparison group was 541
Europeans attending the same schools. All the studies show that African
Americans have Rhythm IQs substantially greater than general Musical IQs by
about 15 IQ points. There appears to be no change in the musical abilities of
Africans over the period of approximately half a century from the 1920s to the
late 1970s over which the studies have been conducted. The relatively high
rhythm ability of Africans is expressed in their music in which a strong
rhythmic element is frequently present. This is notably the case in the hymns
sung by congregations in African and African-American churches. It also appears
in jazz, which was first developed by African Americans in New Orleans in the
early years of the twentieth century, and in its subsequent development in
"swing," with its strong syncopated rhythms.
Several twin studies have shown that there is a genetic basis
for musical abilities. For instance, a study by Vandenberg (1962) of the
heritability of rhythm ability obtained from the correlations of 33 pairs of
identical twins and 43 pairs of same-sex fraternal twins calculated a
heritability of 0.52,
Table 4.8. Musical (MQ) and Rhythm (RQ) Quotients of
African Americans
Sample |
Age |
N |
Test |
MQ |
RQ |
Reference |
1 |
Carolinas |
11-20 |
3,500 |
Seashore |
90 |
106 |
Johnson, 1928 |
2 |
Tennessee |
18-20 |
288 |
Seashore |
88 |
102 |
Peterson & Lanier, 1929 |
3 |
Washington |
13-14 |
85 |
Seashore |
83 |
96 |
Dawkins & Snyder, 1977 |
4 |
NY State |
5-8 |
167 |
89 |
104 |
Gordon, 1980 |
5 |
Texas |
18 |
272 |
Seashore |
86 |
100 |
Sung & Dawis, 1981 |
not corrected for measurement error. Heritabilities of this
magnitude make it likely that the low general musical abilities and the high
rhythm ability of Africans have some genetic basis.
The low musical abilities of Africans, except for their
strong sense of rhythm, are consistent with their generally poor achievements in
classical music. There are no African composers, conductors, or instrumentalists
of the first rank and it is rare to see African players in the leading symphony
10. Reaction Times
Reaction times consist of the speed of reaction to a simple
stimulus such as the onset of a light. The task is to press a button when this
occurs and the reaction time is the time taken to respond, which typically takes
about a third of a second. Numerous studies reviewed by Jensen (1998) and Deary
(2000) have shown that reaction times are positively related to intelligence at
a magnitude of around 0.2 to 0.3. It has been persuasively argued by Jensen
(1998) that reaction times are a measure, of the neurological efficiency of the
brain in processing information. This makes it an interesting question whether
the differences between Europeans and Africans in intelligence are also present
in reaction times. If they are, it means that there are race differences in the
efficiency of the brain. If there are not, it means that there are no race
differences in the efficiency of the brain and the differences in intelligence
must be due to some other factors, such as opportunities for learning the
problems in the tests, educational experiences, or test bias.
The most complete studies of African-European differences in
reaction times have been carried out by Jensen (1993) in the United States and
Lynn and Holmshaw (1990) and Sonke (2000) in South Africa. Jensen's study
compared 585 European and 235 African 10-year-olds whose IQs assessed by the
Progressive Matrices differed by 11 IQ points. The Lynn and Holmshaw study
compared 350 African and 239 British 9-year-olds whose IQs differed by 37 IQ
points. Both studies used the same computer-controlled apparatus, so that no
human error can affect the times registered. Both studies measured the twelve
components of reaction times. Three different kinds of reaction time were
measured. These were simple reaction time (SRT) consisting of reactions to a
single light, choice reaction time (CRT) consisting of responses to one of eight
lights, and odd-man reaction time (OMRT) consisting of reaction to the one of
three lights that was farthest from the other two. Each of these three reaction
times was measured for four components consisting of the reaction time proper
(the decision time), the movement time (time taken to move the finger to the
button), and the standard deviations of the reaction times and movement times.
The results are shown in Table 4.9. Column 1 gives the different measures of
reaction time. Columns 2 and 3 give the Jensen data for the correlation with the
Progressive Matrices IQ and the d difference between Africans and
Europeans with negative signs denoting faster times by Europeans. Columns 4 and
5 give the same data for the Lynn and Holmshaw data. Correlations between
reaction times and IQs are consistently positive in all the data and 16 of the
24 correlations are statistically significant (designated by the asterisks), but
the correlations are very low. Reaction times shown in rows 1, 5, and 9 are
faster in Europeans than Africans except for CRT in the Jensen data. Simple
movement times show no difference, but Africans are significantly faster than
Europeans in both CMT and OMMT in the Lynn and Holmshaw data. The faster
movement times of Africans may be a factor in the fast sprinting speed of
Africans shown in Olympic records. The standard deviations are consistently
greater in Africans in the Lynn and Holmshaw data and in four of the six
differences in the Jensen data. In general the African-European differences are
much greater and more consistent in the Lynn and Holmshaw data than in the
Jensen data. This would be expected because the intelligence difference is some
four times greater in the Lynn and Holmshaw data. However, in the Lynn and
Holmshaw data the mean of differences of the six reaction times and standard
deviations between the Africans and Europeans amounts to only 0.67J as compared
with a 2.5d difference in IQ. The best interpretation of the results is
that approximately a quarter of the African-European difference in intelligence
may be explicable by the speed of neurological processing, while the remainder
must be attributed to other processes.
Although reaction times have a significant heritability of
around 50 percent (Deary, 2000), they are also affected by nutrition. An Italian
study found that children aged 6-10 in iodine deficient villages had slower
reaction times as well as lower IQs (Vitti et al., 1992). Slow reaction times in
children from iodine deficient villages have also been reported by Bleichrodt et
al. (1987).
Table 4.9. Correlations between reaction times and IQ and
differences between Africans and Europeans in reaction times.
Variable |
Jensen |
Lynn & Holmshaw |
r |
d |
r |
d |
0.053 |
-0.003 |
0.11* |
- 0.40* |
0.042 |
0.114 |
0.15* |
0.01 |
0.174* |
-0.167* |
0.09 |
-1.17* |
0.114* |
-0.097 |
0.10* |
-0.60* |
0.116* |
0.053 |
0.14* |
-0.12 |
0.072 |
0.063 |
0.20* |
0.47* |
0.132* |
-0.086 |
0.02 |
-1.50* |
0.072 |
0.063 |
0.16* |
-0.62* |
0.203* |
-0.189* |
0.09 |
-0.38* |
0.090 |
-0.057 |
0.21* |
0.49* |
0.203* |
-0.258* |
0.07 |
-0.49 |
0.187* |
0.009 |
0.15* |
-0.18* |
* = statistically significant |
Sonke (2000) has reported a study of three groups consisting
of 26 illiterate Africans in South Africa aged 16, with "only a few years of
schooling," 29 African university students at Venda University in the Northern
Transvaal, and 30 European Dutch university students at Tilberg university. The
three groups were given an intelligence test (Raven's Progressive Matrices) and
simple and complex reaction time tasks, and an EEG measure was taken of the
latency of the evoked potential (P3) to the presentation of the reaction time
stimuli, a measure of the speed with which the stimulus is registered in the
brain. There were equal numbers of males and females in all three groups.
The results are shown in Table 4.10. Row 1 gives the IQs of
the three groups. Row 2 gives the mean simple reaction times showing slowest
reaction times in the African illiterates and fastest in the European students.
Row 3 gives complex reaction times showing the same group differences. Row 4
gives the evoked potential latencies for task Bl, showing longest latencies in
the African illiterates, and the shortest latencies in the European university
students. All the group differences are statistically significant.
Table 4.10. Reaction times and EEGs of Africans and
Test |
African Illiterates |
African Students |
Europeans |
1 |
IQ |
68 |
82 |
105 |
2 |
RT-S |
420 |
400 |
350 |
3 |
RT-C |
1,950 |
1,650 |
1,220 |
4 |
534 |
526 |
506 |
There are six points of interest in this study. First, the
South African illiterate sample's Progressive Matrices IQ of 68 is closely
similar to that of a large number of samples of Africans in South Africa and in
other countries of sub-Saharan Africa. Second, the African university students
have a somewhat higher IQ of 82, again similar to that of other African South
African university student samples. Third, there are significant differences
between the three groups in reaction times, confirming other studies summarized
in this chapter. Fourth, there are significant African-European differences in
the EEG evoked potential showing that in European students the brain reacts more
rapidly to a stimulus than in African students. Fifth, there is a statistically
significant correlation of 0.213 between the complex reaction times and the
Progressive Matrices, confirming many other studies of this association. Six,
the correlation between the Progressive Matrices and the EEG evoked potential is
not statistically significant. The differences between the African illiterates
and the African students on reaction times and evoked potentials are probably
attributable to the students having higher IQs.
11. Brain Size of Africans and Europeans
Studies showing that Africans have smaller average brain size
than Europeans are summarized in Table 4.11. The figures given in the table are
in cubic centimeters (these figures have been converted from cubic inches given
by Morton and Gould, and from grams given by Ho et al., 1980). It should be
noted that estimates of cranial capacities are to some degree affected by the
method of measurement. The cranial volume of skulls is measured by filling them
with lead shot or mustard seed and measuring the volume of the shot or seed.
Lead shot gives slightly larger volumes than mustard seed because it cannot be
compressed so tightly. For living humans brain size is calculated from the
length, breadth, and height of the head, or from the circumference. These
different methods of measurement explain some of the differences obtained in the
studies. Despite different methods of measurement, there is considerable
consistency in the various studies.
In Table 4.11 the results are given of eight studies of the
brain size of samples of Europeans and Africans and the difference between the
two means. All the studies show that Europeans have a larger average brain size
than Africans. Row 1 gives the results of the first study showing that there are
African-European differences in brain size published in the nineteenth century
by the American physician Samuel Morton (1849), who assembled a collection of
skulls, categorized them by race, and calculated their average cranial
capacities. His results were criticized by Gould (1996), who accused him of
massaging the figures to demonstrate that Europeans have larger brains than
Africans. Gould recalculated Morton's skull sizes and his results were closely
similar. It is Gould's figures that are given in the Table. He dismissed the
41cc difference as of no consequence. Gould characteristically failed to mention
any of the other studies that all confirmed Morton's conclusions and found
larger differences. Notice that the numbers of skulls in Morton's collection are
quite low, consisting of 52 Europeans and 29 Africans, as compared with the
other studies.
Row 2 gives the results of an analysis of a much larger
collection of skulls held at Western Reserve University in Ohio, showing 50cc
African-European differences in brain size. Row 3 gives results presented by
Tobias, a committed equalitarian, who asserted that there is no race difference
in brain size but whose results actually show a rather larger African-European
brain size difference than those of Morton. Row 4 gives the results from
autopsies in the United States showing a larger African-European difference, of
103cc, than in the other studies. Row 5 gives results from the largest
collection of approximately 20,000 skulls from all over the world analyzed by
the American anthropologist Kenneth Beals. Row 6 gives results calculated by
Groves (1991) by combining estimates of cranial capacities of 36 samples of
males from figures given by Coon, Molnar, and Martin and Sailer and again
showing that Europeans have larger average brain size than Africans. Row 7 gives
results for the United States for military personnel. These figures are adjusted
for height and weight. The brain sizes of the Europeans are virtually identical
to those found by Ho et al. given in row 4, but the brain size of the Africans
is much greater, at 1,359 as compared with 1,267. The explanation for this is
that the U.S. military screens applicants for intelligence and rejects those
with IQs below 81 (Nyborg and Jensen, 2000). Flynn (1980) has estimated that
military rejection rates for low IQ are 3.4 percent for Europeans and 30 percent
for Africans, and that the result of this is that Africans in the military have
an average IQ of 91.5. The effect of not accepting Africans with low IQs is to
screen out many of those with low intelligence and small brains, making the
African-European brain size difference much smaller than in other samples. Row 8
gives average brain size of six samples of male Europeans from North America and
Europe and two samples from sub-Saharan Africa from data compiled by Jurgens,
Aune, and Pieper (1990) and analyzed by Rushton (2000, p.124) showing a European
advantage of 109cc. The results in the eight data sets all show greater brain
size of Europeans than of Africans and are reasonably consistent considering
that they were compiled using different methods and different kinds of samples,
including autopsies (Ho et al., 1980), skull volumes (Reals et al., 1984), and
external head measurements of living individuals.
These results are corroborated by a further large-scale study
of children carried out by Broman, Nichols, Shaughnessy, and Kennedy (1987).
They examined and followed up approximately 17,000 European and 19,000 African
children in the United States from conception to the age of 7 years. At the age
of 7 there was the typical gap of approximately 15 IQ points between the two
groups. The head circumference of the two groups calculated from the published
data are 50.9cm (sd 1.6) for Africans and 51.7cm (sd 1.6) for Europeans. This
difference is statistically highly significant and provides an approximate
measure of differences in brain size, since head circumference and brain size
are correlated at about 0.8 (Brandt, 1978). The brain volumes have been
estimated by Rushton (1997) at 1,134 for Africans and 1,150 for Europeans. The
difference is much smaller than in the other samples, possibly because Europeans
mature later than Africans. In this study the African children were slightly
taller than the Europeans, suggesting that possible differences in nutrition are
not likely to be responsible for the differences in head size.
Table 4.11. Brain size (cc) of Europeans and Africans
Location |
Sex |
Europeans |
Africans |
Diff |
Reference |
N |
Mean |
N |
Mean |
1 |
World |
mf |
52 |
1,401 |
29 |
1,360 |
41 |
Morton, 1849 |
2 |
World |
mf |
1,840 |
1,364 |
880 |
1,314 |
50 |
Simmons, 1942 |
3 |
World |
mf |
- |
1,427 |
- |
1,363 |
64 |
Tobias, 1970 |
4 |
mf |
811 |
1,370 |
450 |
1,267 |
103 |
Ho et al, 1980 |
5 |
World |
mf |
- |
1,369 |
- |
1,283 |
86 |
Smith & Beals, 1990 |
6 |
World |
m |
- |
1,476 |
- |
1,416 |
60 |
Groves, 1991 |
"7 |
mf |
2,871 |
1,380 |
2,676 |
1,359 |
21 |
Rushton, 1992 |
8 |
World |
mf |
- |
1,320 |
- |
1,211 |
109 |
Rushton, 2000 |
12. IQs of African-European Hybrids
We now consider studies of the IQs of African-European
hybrids. The prediction from the genetic theory of race differences is that the
IQs of racial hybrids should fall approximately midway between those of
Europeans and Africans. To examine this prediction, studies of African-European
racial hybrids are summarized in Table 4.12. Row 1 gives results for Brazil
showing that hybrids known as "browns" score intermediate between Europeans and
Africans. Row-2 gives results from Germany from the Eyferth (1961) study showing
the IQ of African-European hybrid children was 94 in relation to 100 for
European children. The mean IQ of the African-European hybrids was 96.5 but is
reduced in the table to 94 to allow for the secular increase of the IQ from the
date of the standardization. Row 3 gives results from South Africa for
Europeans, Africans, and Coloreds, who are largely African-European, and shows
that the IQ of 83 of the Coloreds falls exactly half way between that of
Europeans (100) and that of Africans (65). Row 4 gives results from a more
recent study in South Africa collected approximately sixty years later and
showing a sample of Coloreds with an IQ of 86 compared with an IQ of 100 for
Europeans. Africans were not included in this study but the IQ of 86 is much
higher than that of pure Africans in South Africa. Row 5 gives results from a
further South African study showing an IQ of 80 for Coloreds.
Rows 6 through 9 give four results for hybrids in the United
Table 4.12. IQs of Europeans, African-European hybrids,
and Africans
Location |
Age |
Test |
European |
Hybrids |
Africans |
Reference |
N |
IQ |
N |
IQ |
N |
IQ |
1 |
Brazil |
10 |
735 |
95 |
718 |
81 |
223 |
71 |
Fernandez, 2001 |
2 |
Germany |
5-13 |
1,099 |
100 |
170 |
94 |
- |
- |
Eyferth, 1961 |
3 |
South Africa |
10-12 |
10,000 |
100 |
6,196 |
83 |
293 |
65 |
Pick, 1929 |
4 |
South Africa |
13 |
746 |
100 |
815 |
86 |
- |
- |
Claassen, 1990 |
5 |
South Africa |
15 |
1,056 |
100 |
778 |
80 |
1,093 |
74 |
Owen, 1992 |
6 |
17 |
16 |
102 |
55 |
94 |
17 |
85 |
Weinberg et al., 1992 |
7 |
Adult |
Otis |
- |
100 |
284 |
91 |
176 |
87 |
Codwell, 1947 |
8 |
Adult |
Vocab |
1,245 |
100 |
304 |
92 |
146 |
85 |
Lynn, 2002 |
9 |
Adult |
Vocab |
10,315 |
100 |
116 |
97 |
4,271 |
89 |
Rowe, 2002 |
Row 6 gives results from the Minnesota Transracial Adoption
Study showing that hybrids score halfway between African Americans and
Europeans. The numbers are very low, but the results are informative because all
three groups were reared by European adoptive parents and this rules out any
reasonable environmental interpretation of the differences. Row 7 gives a
further result from the United States showing once again that hybrids score
intermediate between Europeans and African Americans (results of this study are
given by Loehlin, Lindzey, and Spuhler, 1975). Row 8 gives another result from
the United States that divided African Americans into dark skinned and lighter
skinned and showed that the lighter skinned African Americans, taken as an index
of hybridization with Europeans, have an IQ of 92, halfway between the Europeans
and Africans. Row 9 gives the last result, showing that
African-American-European hybrids have an IQ of 97 and again score intermediate
between African Americans and Europeans.
13. Heritability of Intelligence in Africans Americans
There have been three studies of the heritability of African
Americans in the United States. They are all obtained from a comparison of
identical (Mz) and non-identical twins (Dz). The results are given in Table
This gives the age of the sample, the numbers of identical (Mz)
and non-identical (Dz) twins, the correlations between the twin pairs, the
heritability obtained by doubling the difference between the Mz and Dz
correlations, and the corrected heritability, corrected for attenuation assuming
a test reliability of 0.9. Row 1 gives data from Loehlin, Lindzey, and Spuhler
(1975) obtained from a doctoral dissertation by P. L. Nichols for 4-year-olds
tested with the Stanford-Binet. This shows a corrected heritability of 0.56, a
little higher than that of Europeans of this age. Row 2 gives results of a
further data set from Osborne (1980, p. 72) for general intelligence calculated
as the average of twelve tests and showing a corrected heritability of 1.00. Row
3 shows data for the Progressive Matrices (Scarr, 1981, p. 282) giving a
corrected heritability of 0.60. Taken together the three results show a
heritability of 0.72 in African Americans and higher heritability in the two
studies of adolescents than in the 4-year-olds. The heritabilities of the
African Americans are virtually the same as those in Europeans given in Chapter
14. Genetic and Environmental Explanations of the Low
African IQ
The problem of the genetic and environmental contributions to
the low IQ of Africans has been debated since the early decades of the twentieth
century, particularly in regard to the problem of the low IQs obtained by
African Americans in the United States. Many hundreds of papers and a number of
books have been devoted to this problem and it is not possible to deal with it
adequately. Three positions have been taken on this question:
1. The IQ difference between blacks and whites is wholly
environmentally determined or at least there is no compelling evidence for any
genetic contribution to the low black IQ. This position has been taken by Flynn
(1980), Mackintosh (1998), Nisbett (1998), Fish (2002), Brody (2003), and many
2. The IQ difference is determined by some mix of genetic and
environmental factors. This position has been taken by Loehlin, Lindzey, and
Spuhler (1975), Vernon (1979), and Waldman, Weinberg, and Scarr (1994, p. 31),
who conducted one of the most important studies of this question involving the
IQs of black children adopted by white couples.
3. The IQ difference is largely genetically determined. This
position has been taken by Garrett (1945, 1961); McGurk (1953a, 1953b), who
showed that when blacks and whites were matched for socio-economic status,
blacks scored 7.5 IQ points below whites; Kuttner (1962), who argued that
black-white differences in intelligence were reflected in the differences in the
building of early civilizations; Shuey (1966), who made the first compilation of
black-white IQ differences, from 1916 up to 1965; Osborne and McGurk (1982), who
made an updated compilation of Shuey's work covering the years 1966-1980; and
Jensen (1969, 1974, 1980, 1998), who has made numerous contributions to this
issue and concluded that about two thirds of the American black-white IQ
difference is attributable to genetic factors. Others who have taken the largely
genetic position are Shockley (1969), Eysenck (1971), Baker (1974), Levin
(1997), Rushton (2003), and the writer (Lynn, 1994c, 2001).
There are six major arguments for the presence of some
genetic determination of the intelligence difference between Africans and
First, the two races have evolved independently in different
environments over a period of approximately 100,000 years (Mellars and Stringer,
1989; Cavalli-Sforza, 2000). When two populations evolve largely in isolation
from each other for this period of time genetic differences between them
Table 4.13. Heritability of intelligence of African
Age |
Mz-N |
r |
Dz-N |
R |
h2 |
c-h2 |
Reference |
1 |
4 |
60 |
0.77 |
84 |
0.52 |
0.50 |
0.56 |
Loehlin et al., 1975 |
2 |
15 |
76 |
0.80 |
47 |
0.34 |
0.92 |
1.00 |
Osborne, 1980 |
3 |
10-15 |
65 |
0.63 |
95 |
0.36 |
0.54 |
0.60 |
Scarr, 1981 |
inevitably evolve for all characteristics for which there is
genetic variability. These differences evolve as a result of genetic drift,
mutations, founder effects, and most important, adaptation to different
environments. The extreme environmentalist position that there is no genetic
difference between the two races for intelligence defies this general principle
of evolutionary biology and should be ruled out as impossible.
Second, the consistency with which Africans obtain low IQs in
so many different locations can only be explained by the operation of a strong
genetic factor. If only environmental factors were responsible for the different
IQs of different populations, we should expect to find some countries where
Africans had higher IQs than Europeans. The failure to find a single country
where this is the case points to the presence of a strong genetic factor.
Third, the high heritability of intelligence found in twin
studies of blacks and whites in the United States, in Europe, Japan, and India
shows that intelligence is powerfully affected by genetic factors and makes it
improbable that the differences between Africans and Europeans, or between any
other pairs of races, can be solely environmentally determined.
Fourth, the brain size difference between blacks and whites
points to a genetic difference, considering the high heritability of about 0.9
of brain size and the correlation of approximately 0.4 between brain size and
Fifth, several egalitarians have proposed that white racism
may be responsible for impairing the IQs of the blacks. Thus, Weinberg, Scarr,
and Waldman write that their result that black children adopted by whites have
low IQs "could indicate the results of environmental influences such as the
pervasive effect of racism in American life" (1992, p. 41) and "the IQ results
are consistent with racially based environmental effects in the order of group
means" (p. 40). Mackintosh (1998, p. 152) also falls back on white racism in a
final attempt to argue that the low IQ of the black adoptees can be explained
environmentally and suggests that perhaps "it is precisely the experience of
being black in a society permeated by white racism that is responsible for
lowering black children's IQ scores." These egalitarians do not explain how
hypothetical white racism could impair the IQs of black children reared by
middle class white parents. There is no known or plausible mechanism by which
supposed white racism could impair the IQs of blacks. Nor do they attempt to
explain how it is that Africans throughout sub-Saharan Africa, who are not
exposed to white racism, except in South Africa, have IQs of approximately 67.
Furthermore, if racism lowers intelligence, it is remarkable
that Jews in the United States and Britain should have IQs of around 108, as
shown in Lynn (2004), since Jews have been exposed to some degree of racism for
many centuries. The high IQ of American Jews has been well known since the 1930s
and has been extensively documented by Storfer (1990), MacDonald (1994), and
Herrnstein and Murray (1994), yet it goes curiously unmentioned by
environmentalists like Flynn (1980), Brody (1992, 2003), Neisser (1996),
Mackintosh (1998), Jencks and Phillips (1998), Nisbett (1998), Montagu (1999),
and Fish (2002).
Sixth, the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study carried out
by Waldman, Scarr, and Weinberg (1994) was designed to show that when black
infants are adopted by white parents they would have the same IQs as whites. The
authors of this study examined groups of black, white, and interracial babies
all adopted by white middle class couples. In the event it turned out that at
the age of 17 the IQs were 89 for the blacks, 98 for the interracial, and 106
for the white. Thus, a 17 IQ point difference between blacks and whites remains
when they are reared in the same conditions. Being raised by white adoptive
parents had no beneficial ef fects on the intelligence of the black children
because their IQ of 89 is thesame as that of blacks in the north central states
from which the infants came. The interracial group with its IQ of 98 falls
midway between the black and the white, as would be predicted from the genetic
cause of the difference. A full analysis and discussion of this study has been
given by Levin (1994) and Lynn (1994c), together with an unconvincing reply by
Waldman, Weinberg, and Scarr (1994, p. 43) in which they assert "we feel that
the balance of the evidence, although not conclusive, favors a predominantly
environmental etiology underlying racial differences in intelligence and that
the burden of proof is on researchers who argue for the predominance of genetic
racial differences". Notice that their use of the term ''predominantly
environmental etiology" concedes that accept that genetic factors are also
present. While the results of this study show that differences in family
environment cannot explain the low black IQ, it remains possible that blacks
provide an inferior prenatal environment as a result of poorer nutrition of
pregnant black women or possibly of the greater use of cigarettes that might
impair the growth of the fetal brain. These possibilities are rendered
improbable by studies showing that the nutrition of American blacks throughout
the twentieth century was not inferior to that of whites (see Chapter 13,
Section 7). Another possibility is that black babies might suffer greater
impairment of the brain because pregnant black women might smoke cigarettes
more, since there is some evidence that smoking retards fetal growth, but this
is rendered improbable by numerous studies showing that blacks smoke cigarettes
less than whites.
Despite their commitment to the egalitarian position, it is
interesting to note that Waldman, Scarr, and Weinberg conclude that their
evidence shows that both genetic and environmental differences contribute to the
black-white IQ difference: "We think it is exceedingly implausible that these
differences are either entirely genetically based or entirely environmentally
based" (p. 31). Thus, while there is nothing in their data that can justify this
conclusion, because they provide no evidence for any environmental contribution
to the low black IQ, their final position is not greatly different from that
advanced by Jensen (1969), that both genetic and environmental factors are
responsible for the low black IQ, but where Jensen proposed that the relative
contributions are about two thirds genetic and one third environmental, Waldman,
Scarr, and Weinberg have concluded that both factors are involved, although they
do suggest a quantification of the magnitude of the respective contributions.
In fact, the results of the Minnesota Interracial Adoption
Study show that both conclusions are incorrect. The conclusion to be drawn from
this study is that rearing black children in a white middle class environment
has no effect at all on their IQs at age 17.
15. Estimation of the Genotypic African IQ
The IQs of approximately 67 of the African populations of
sub-Saharan Africa shown in Table 4.1 are a function of both genetic and
environmental factors. We now undertake the task of estimating the genotypic
African IQ. This is the IQ that Africans would have if they were raised in the
same environment as Europeans. The starting point of this analysis is the
Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study, the results of which are summarized in
section 14 and which showed that a 17 IQ point difference between African
Americans and Europeans is still present when they are reared in the same family
environments. The conclusion to be drawn from this is that the
African-American-European IQ difference in the United States is wholly
genetically determined. Although this study showed a 17 IQ point
African-European IQ difference, it is reasonable to assume that the true
African-American-European difference is 15 IQ points, as shown by the numerous
studies summarized in Table 4.4, and that the 17 IQ point difference obtained in
this study is a sampling error. We conclude therefore that the genotypic IQ of
African Americans is 15 IQ points below that of American Europeans. A further
argument for believing that the IQ of African Americans is wholly genetically
determined is that it has remained constant over a period of approximately 80
years despite the great improvements in the environment of African Americans
relative to that of Europeans.
The conclusion that African Americans have a genotypic IQ of
85 does not mean that Africans in sub-Saharan Africa also have a genotypic IQ of
85. African Americans are not pure Africans but are a hybrid population with a
significant amount of European ancestry. This has been estimated at 25 percent
by Reed (1971) and by Chakraborty, Kamboh, Nwamko, and Ferrell (1992). We can
estimate that pure Africans in Africa and in the United States have a genotypic
IQ of 80 and that this IQ increases by 0.2 IQ points for every 1 percent of
Caucasoid genes. Thus, the average African American will have an IQ of 85 (80 +
25 X 0.2 = 85), a figure confirmed by numerous studies summarized in Table 4.4.
In the Southeastern states the percentage of European genes among African
Americans is quite low. For instance in South Carolina it has been estimated at
6 percent (Workman, 1968) and in Georgia at 11 percent (Reed, 1969). These
admixtures of European genes should raise their IQ by 1.2 and 2.2 IQ points,
respectively, giving them an IQ of 81.2 and 82.2. This prediction has been
confirmed by the study of 1,800 African Americans in five Southeastern states by
Kennedy, Van der Reit, and White (1963), which found their IQ on the 1960
Stanford-Binet was 80.7.
African Americans with 50 percent European genes will have an
IQ of 90 (80 + {50 by 0.2 = 10} = 90). This is about the mean IQ of African
Americans in the Northern states, where the proportion of European ancestry
approaches 50 percent. African Americans with 75 percent European genes will
have an IQ 15 points higher at 95 (80 + {75 x 0.2 = 15} = 95), which is
very close to the IQ of 94 of the interracial children in the Minnesota
Transracial Adoption Study. Europeans with 100 percent European genes will have
an IQ at 100.
This estimate of the genotypic African IQ as 80 means that
the average IQ that Africans would obtain if the environments in which they were
raised were the same as those of Europeans would be 80. Throughout sub-Saharan
Africa the mean IQ of Africans is approximately 67, so it can be inferred that
adverse environmental conditions in sub-Saharan Africa impair the African IQ by
around 13 IQ points.
Chapter 5. Bushmen and Pygmies
- 1. Intelligence of Bushmen
- 2. Brain Size of Bushmen
- 3. Pygmies
The bushmen, also sometimes called Khoisans, Sanids, or
Capoids, and the Pygmies are two of the minor races of sub-Saharan Africa in the
taxonomies of classical anthropology such as that of Coon, Garn, and Birdsell
(1950). Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and Piazza (1994) in their genetic analysis of
human populations have confirmed that these two peoples have distinctive but
closely related genetic characteristics and form two related "clusters." The
Bushmen together with the Pygmies and Africans evolved from the original Homo
sapiens peoples of equatorial East Africa. The ancestors of the Bushmen
migrated south and by about 100,000 years ago occupied most of southern Africa.
Extensive human bones and artifacts have been found in the Border Cave in
present day Swaziland and have been dated at about 100,000 years old. The
morphology of the bones indicates that these peoples were a mix of Africans and
Bushmen (Beaumont, deVilliers, and Vogel, 1978).
Until around 1,500 years ago the Bushmen occupied most of
southern Africa and the Pygmies occupied the rain forests of west and central
Africa. From about 500 AD Africans (Negroids) from the north began to encroach
on their lands, killed large numbers of them, and drove most of the surviving
Bushmen into the Kalahari desert and the Pygmies into the dense rain forests of
central Africa. Related to the Bushmen are the Hottentots, small groups of whom
survive in a few locations in southern Africa. Although the two groups are
genetically closely similar there are some genetic differences, such as the low
incidence of the B blood group in the Bushmen and the high incidence in the
Many of the Hottentots are racial hybrids with Bushmen and
European ancestry, which has given them lighter skin color and taller stature
than the Bushmen (Cole, 1965). The Bushmen survive principally in the Kalahari
Desert, where they number about 50,000. There are about the same number of
Hottentots. The largest surviving group is the Nama in Southwest Africa, where
they are around 24,000 (Cole, 1965), and there are a few other smaller groups
north of the Orange River.
The Bushmen have a number of physical characteristics that
distinguish them from Negroid Africans. They have peppercorn hair that grows in
spirals with open spaces between tufts, whereas most Africans have helical
woolly hair that forms a tight mat. It is believed that the peppercorn hair of
the Bushmen evolved as an adaptation in hot and damp forests in which they lived
for many millennia because it affords protection from strong sunlight but at the
same time the open spaces between the tufts allow sweat to evaporate. Pygmies
who have remained in tropical rain forests have the same peppercorn hair. The
mat woolly hair of Negroid Africans is a more advantageous adaptation in dry hot
environments because it gives greater protection from strong sunlight and
reduces sweating. The skin color of the Bushmen is yellowish brown, while that
of Negroid Africans is black or dark. Some of the Bushmen have an epicanthic
fold on the upper eyelid, similar to but less pronounced than that of East
Asians and Arctic Peoples. The advantage of the epicanthic fold for Bushmen is
probably that it reduces the dazzling effect of glare from strong sunlight
reflected from the desert, as it does the glare from snow for the East Asians
and Arctic Peoples. This characteristic must have arisen independently through
convergent evolution.
A distinctive characteristic of Bushmen is the very large
buttocks of the women, known as steatopygia. The adaptive advantage of these may
have been to store food and water in times of famine and shortage. The genitalia
of the Bushmen are unique among the human races. Bushmen have penises that stick
out horizontally, while Bushwomen have prominent minor labia that descend about
3 inches below the vagina. The adaptive advantages of these characteristics are
1. Intelligence of Bushmen
There have been only three studies of the intelligence of the
Bushmen. In the 1930s a sample of 25 of them were intelligence tested by Porteus
(1937) with his maze test, which involves tracing the correct route with pencil
through a series of mazes of increasing difficulty. The test has norms for
European children for each age, in relation to which the Bushmen obtained a
mental age of seven and a half years, representing an IQ of approximately 48. In
the second study, Porteus gave the Leiter International Performance Scale to 197
adult Bushmen and concluded that their mental age was approximately 10 years,
giving them an IQ of 62. In the third study, Reuning (1972), a South African
psychologist, tested 108 Bushmen and 159 Africans with a pattern completion test
involving the selection of an item to complete a pattern. In the light of his
experience of the test, Reuning concluded that it "can be used as a reliable
instrument for the assessment of intelligence at the lower levels of cognitive
development and among preliterate peoples" (1968, p. 469). On this test the
Bushmen scored approximately 15 IQ points below the Africans, and since it is
known that Africans have a mean IQ of approximately 67 (see Chapter 4), this
would give the Bushmen an IQ of approximately 52.
Reuning also gave a figure drawing test involving the drawing
of a man to the Bushmen and the Africans. This test is the same as the
Goodenough Draw-a-Man test (DAM), which is a reasonably good measure of
intelligence. The drawings produced in the Goodenough Test are scored for detail
and sophistication, which improve as children grow older. Young children
typically draw stick men with little detail, while older children draw
full-bodied men with many details such as eyebrows, thumbs, and so on. Reuning
(1968, p. 476) recorded that the Bushmen's drawings were significantly less
advanced than those of Negroid mineworkers, whom he also tested and 76 percent
of whom were illiterate. He described the Bushmen's drawings as characterized by
"extreme simplicity...the majority were stick figures...no details of fingers,
toes, hair, eyes, etc...." The simplicity of the Bushmen's drawings "contrasts
with the tendency of the blacks to include much small detail in their drawings
(buttons, hair, fingers, toes, a pipe, etc.)." The difference between Bushmen
and Africans in the sophistication of drawings provides further corroboration of
the lower intelligence of Bushmen.
Reuning noted that there was considerable variability in
intelligence between individuals among the Bushmen, just as there is among other
peoples, and that they themselves recognize that some individuals are
intelligent while others are dull. Their languages have the word "clever" to j
describe this attribute. He records that "When the tester at the end of a test )
had praised a good performance, they let us know, through the interpreter: : 'We
could have told you so, he (or she) is clever' (1968, p. 479). There is,
furthermore, a general factor (g) among the Kalahari Bushmen shown by the
positive intercorrelation of a number of tests and the correlation between test
performance and the general consensus of who is intelligent.
In addition to administering a test of intelligence, Reuning
tested Bushmen and comparison groups of Africans and whites for size constancy.
This is the ability to estimate the size of an object at a distance. He found
that Bushmen had more accurate size constancy than Africans and Europeans and
attributed this to the need for this ability for using the bow and arrow for
hitting an animal at a distance. He found that Bushwomen also have good size
constancy although they do not hunt. He suggests that the development of this
ability is probably attributable to its advantage for efficient hunting. If this
is correct, it implies that the ability may have deteriorated in European and
East Asian peoples who gave up hunting about 8,000 years ago and adopted
The three studies of Bushmen by Porteus and Reuning give IQs
of 48, 62, and 52 and can be averaged to give an IQ of 54. It may be questioned
whether a people with an average IQ of 54 could survive as hunter-gatherers in
the Kalahari desert, and therefore whether this can be a valid estimate of their
intelligence. An IQ of 54 is at the low end of the range of mild mental
retardation in economically developed nations. This is less of a problem than
might be thought. The great majority of the mildly mentally retarded in
economically developed societies do not reside in hospitals or institutions but
live normal lives in the community. Many of them have children and work either
in the home or doing cognitively undemanding -jobs. An IQ of 54 represents the
mental age of the average European 8-year-old child, and the average European
8-year-old can read, write, and do arithmetic and would have no difficulty in
learning and performing the activities of gathering foods and hunting carried
out by the San Bushmen. An average European 8-year-old can easily be taught to
pick berries, put them in a container and carry them home, collect ostrich eggs
and use the shells for storing water, and learn to use a bow and arrow and hit a
target at some distance. Before the introduction of universal education for
children throughout North America and Europe in the second half of the
nineteenth century, the great majority of 8-year-old children worked
productively on farms and sometimes as chimney sweeps and in factories and
mines. Today, many children of this age in Africa, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
through out much of Latin America, and in other economically developing count
tries work on farms and some of them do semi-skilled work such as carpet weaving
and operating sewing machines. There is a range of intelligence among the
Bushmen and most of them will have IQs in the range of 35 to 75. An IQ of 35
represents approximately the mental age of the average European
five-and-a-half-year-old and an IQ of 75 represents approximately the mental age
of the average European eleven-and-a-half-year-old. The average
five-and-a-half-year-old European child is verbally fluent and is capable of
doing unskilled jobs and the same should be true for even the least intelligent
Furthermore, apes with mental abilities about the same as
those of human 4-year-olds survive quite well as gatherers and occasional
hunters and so also did early hominids with IQs of around 40 and brain sizes
much smaller than those of modern Bushmen. For these reasons there is nothing
puzzling about contemporary Bushmen with average IQs of about 54 and a range of
IQs mainly between 35 and 75 being able to survive as hunter-gatherers and doing
the unskilled and semi-skilled farm work that a number of them took up in the
closing decades of the twentieth century.
2. Brain Size
The brain size of the Bushmen was estimated at l,250cc by
Drennan (1937) and a little higher at l,270cc by Smith and Beals (1990). The
Smith and Beals data set also includes Negroid Africans whose brain size is
l,282cc and therefore a little larger than that of Bushmen. This is consistent
with the higher average IQ of Africans at 67, as compared with the 54 of
Bushmen, although the brain size difference of this magnitude can only explain a
small fraction of the intelligence difference. The smaller brain size and lower
intelligence of the Bushmen compared with the Africans implies that the brain
size of the Africans increased over the last 100,000 years or so, since
contemporary Africans and Bushmen came from the same ancestral stock. Their
brain sizes must have originally been the same and that of the Africans must
have increased either as a result of stronger selection pressure or advantageous
3. Pygmies
The Pygmies inhabit the equatorial rain forests of Zaire, now
called the Congo, and the Central African Republic. At the close of the
twentieth century they were thought to number around 100,000 to 200,000. The
purest Pygmies are the Mbuti who live in the Ituri forest of northeastern Congo
and are thought to number somewhere between 30,000 and 60,000. The other Pygmies
are more interbred with Africans. Mbuti Pygmies average around 4' 7" in height.
Pygmy children up to the age of puberty have normal height, but when they become
adolescents they do not have the growth spurt of other peoples because of their
low output of the insulin-like growth factor 1. Most of the Pygmies have
remained hunter-gatherers. Typically they live in small groups of around 30 and
move from place to place. They have made no progress in the domestication of
either animals or plants. In the early twenty-first century the Pygmies in the
Congo were described by Cheung (2003) as living "deep in the forests, eking out
an existence by hunting and gathering food."
Only one study has been made of the intelligence of Pygmies.
This was carried out by Woodworth (1910) using the Sequin Form Board test, which
consists of a set of blocks of various shapes that have to be fitted into the
appropriate holes. He found that Pygmies performed much worse than other peoples
including Eskimos, Native Americans, and Filipinos but he did not quantify their
abilities. Judging from their life-style, their intelligence appears to be lower
than that of Negroid Africans. Most of them still retain a primitive
hunter-gatherer existence while many of the Negroid Africans became farmers
during the last few hundred years. In the twentieth century a number of Pygmies
worked for Negroid African farmers and these "are always the lower caste, being
the farmers' hereditary servants," according to Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and
Piazza (1994, p. 178). The term "hereditary servants" appears to be a euphemism
for slaves. The enslavement of Pygmies by Negroid Africans is consistent with
the general principle that the more intelligent races typically defeat and
enslave the less intelligent, just as Europeans and South Asians have frequently
enslaved Africans but not vice versa.
Chapter 6. South Asians and North
- 1. Intelligence of Indigenous South Asians and North Africans
- 2. South Asians and North Africans in Britain and Australia
- 3. South Asians and North Africans in Continental Europe
- 4. Indians in Africa, Fiji, Malaysia, and Mauritius
- 5. High School and University Students
- 6. Brain Size
- 7. Heritability of Intelligence in South Asians and North Africans
- 8. Genetic and Environmental Determinants of the Intelligence of South
Asians and North Africans
- 9. Intelligence in Israel
The south asians and North Africans are the indigenous
peoples of southern Asia from Bangladesh in the east through India, Pakistan,
Iraq, Iran, the Gulf states, the Near East, and Turkey, and of North Africa,
north of the Sahara desert. They are closely related to the Europeans and in
some of the taxonomies of classical anthropology, such as that of Coon, Garn,
and Birdsell (1950), the two peoples have been regarded as a single race
designated the Caucasoids. But Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and Piazza (1994) in
their genetic analysis of human differences have shown that the South Asians and
North Africans form a distinctive genetic "cluster" that differentiates them
from the Europeans. They are therefore treated here as a separate race.
1. Intelligence of Indigenous South Asians and North
Studies of the intelligence of indigenous South Asians and
North Africans are summarized in Table 6.1. The figures are only for general
intelligence (g) because there are virtually no data for verbal or
visualization abilities. Rows 1 through 13 give twelve results for various
locations in India lying in the range between 78 and 88 and with a median of 82.
Rows 14 through 17 give IQs of 84, 83, 89, and 80 for four samples of school
children in Iran, all taken from the city of Shiraz. Rows 18 and 19 give IQs of
87 for children and adults in Iraq. Row 20 gives an IQ of 86 for Arabs in Israel
obtained in the standardization sample of the WISC-R as compared with Jews (IQs
of Jews in Israel are in the range of 90-97 and are discussed in section 9). Row
21 gives an IQ of 84 for Jordan calculated from the standardization sample of
the KABC. Row 22 gives an IQ of 86 for Kuwait obtained from a standardization of
the Progressive Matrices on school children. Row 23 gives an IQ of 82 for school
children in various locations in Lebanon. Row 24 gives an IQ of 78 for Nepal
obtained from children in 34 schools in towns, villages, and the jungle area.
Row 25 gives an IQ of 84 for adolescents at schools in Pakistan in the region of
Islamabad. The comparison group is 707 European children in Canada reported in
the same study. Row 26 gives an IQ of 84 for children in Pakistan obtained from
nine schools around Karachi representing poor and affluent areas. Row 27 gives
an IQ of 78 for school children in Qatar. Row 28 gives an IQ of 79 for young
children attending a village school in Sri Lanka. Row 29 gives an IQ of 83 for
young children in first grade in schools in Syria compared with a sample of 200
of the same age in Germany. Rows 30 through 32 give IQs of 84, 90, and 96 for
three samples of school students in Turkey. Row 33 gives an IQ of 85 for Yemen
derived from a standardization of the CPM on a sample of 6-11-year-olds.
Rows 34 through 38 give IQs for North African samples. Row 34
gives an IQ of 84 obtained from a mixed sample of North Africans from Algeria,
Morocco, and Tunisia. Rows 35, 36, and 37 give IQs of 77, 81, and 83 for school
children in Egypt. The thirty-eight IQs of the South Asians and North Africans
show reasonable consistency. With the exception of Turkey, all the IQs lie in
the range between 77 and 89. The median IQ of the entire set of results is 84
and is considered the best estimate for the IQ of South Asians and North
Africans. The median IQ of 90 derived from the three studies for Turkey is
higher than that in the remainder of South Asia and North Africa. The most
likely explanation for this is that Turkey has straddled Europe and Asia for
many centuries and the geographical proximity of Turkey and southeast Europe
will have brought about a mixing of Turkish and European genes to produce a
European-South Asian cline or genetically hybrid mixed population, with the
result that contemporary Turks and Greeks are genetically quite similar, as
shown by Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and Piazza (1994) and noted in Chapter 3.
Table 6.1. IQs of South Asians and North Africans
Location |
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reference |
1 |
India |
5-11 |
1,339 |
88 |
Gupta & Gupta, 1966 |
2 |
India |
14-17 |
1,359 |
87 |
Chopra, 1966 |
3 |
India |
12-14 |
5,607 |
81 |
Sinha, 1968 |
4 |
India |
5-10 |
1,050 |
82 |
Rao & Reddy, 1968 |
5 |
India |
15 |
3,536 |
84 |
Majumdar & Nundi, 1971 |
6 |
India |
10-16 |
180 |
79 |
Mohanty & Babu, 1983 |
7 |
India |
13 |
100 |
78 |
Agrawal et al., 1984 |
8 |
India |
9-12 |
748 |
79 |
Afzal, 1988 |
9 |
India |
5-12 |
500 |
86 |
Bhogle & Prakash, 1992 |
10 |
India |
11-15 |
569 |
82 |
Raven et al, 1996 |
11 |
India |
7-11 |
828 |
80 |
Barnabus et al., 1995 |
12 |
India |
7-15 |
8,040 |
88 |
Raven et al., 2000 |
13 |
India |
11-15 |
569 |
81 |
Raven et al., 2000 |
14 |
Iran |
15 |
627 |
84 |
Valentine, 1959 |
15 |
Iran |
14 |
250 |
AH4 |
83 |
Mehryar et al., 1972 |
16 |
Iran |
6-11 |
1,600 |
BG |
89 |
Yousefietal., 1992 |
17 |
Iran |
6-10 |
1,195 |
80 |
Mehryer et al., 1987 |
18 |
Iraq |
14-17 |
204 |
87 |
Abul-Hubb, 1972 |
19 |
Iraq |
18-35 |
1,185 |
87 |
Abul-Hubb, 1972 |
20 |
Israel-Arabs |
6-16 |
639 |
86 |
Lieblich & Kugelmas, 1981 |
21 |
Jordan |
6-12 |
210 |
84 |
El-Mneizel, 1987 |
22 |
Kuwait |
6-15 |
6,529 |
86 |
Abdel-Khalek & Lynn, 2005 |
23 |
Lebanon |
5-10 |
502 |
82 |
Dennis, 1957 |
24 |
Nepal |
4-16 |
807 |
78 |
Sundberg & Ballinger, 1968 |
25 |
Pakistan |
15 |
349 |
84 |
Alvi et al., 1986 |
26 |
Pakistan |
6-8 |
140 |
84 |
Rahman et al., 2002 |
27 |
Qatar |
10-13 |
273 |
78 |
Bart et al., 1987 |
28 |
Sri Lanka |
8 |
46 |
79 |
Strauss, 1954 |
29 |
Syria |
7 |
241 |
83 |
Guthke & Al-Zoubi, 1987 |
30 |
Turkey |
11-12 |
92 |
D48 |
84 |
Kagitcibasi, 1972 |
31 |
Turkey |
6-15 |
2,272 |
90 |
Sahin & Duzen, 1994 |
32 |
Turkey |
7-9 |
180 |
96 |
Ucman, 1972 |
33 |
Yemen |
6-11 |
1,000 |
85 |
Al-Heeti et al., 1997 |
34 |
North Africa |
Adults |
90 |
84 |
Raveau et al., 1976 |
35 |
Egypt |
6-10 |
206 |
77 |
Dennis, 1957 |
36 |
Egypt |
12-15 |
111 |
81 |
Sadek, 1972 |
37 |
Egypt |
6-12 |
129 |
83 |
Ahmed, 1989 |
2. South Asians and North Africans in Britain and
IQs of South Asians in Europe and Australia are given in
Table 6.2. Row 1 gives an IQ of 87 for Indian children in London collected in
the mid-1960s by the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) and calculated by
Vernon (1969, p. 169). Row 2 gives an IQ of 93 for a sample of Pakistani
children in London. Row 3 gives an IQ of 91 for Indian children at a
comprehensive school in Essex in a study in which Afro-Caribbean children at the
same school obtained an IQ of 85. Rows 4 and 5 give IQs of 94 and 89 for Indian
and Pakistani children in a town in the British Midlands. Afro-Caribbean
children at the same schools obtained an IQ of 86, confirming the result in row
3 finding higher IQs of South Asians than of Africans. Rows 6 and 7 give IQs of
83 and 97 for Indians nation wide and rows 8 and 9 give IQs of 93 and 96 of
Pakistani children nationwide..
Rows 10 through 12 give results from a study in which
Pakistani, Indian, and Bangladeshi children obtained IQs of 93, 92, and 92, and
therefore there were no IQ differences between these three groups from the
Indian sub-continent. These IQs are relative to 100 for white children attending
the same schools and are likely to be somewhat inflated because 7 percent of
white children, mainly middle class with higher IQs, attend private schools and
white middle-class par-ents who send their children to state schools typically
tend to avoid sending them to schools with large numbers of immigrants. The
effect of this will have been that the IQs of the South Asians will be inflated
relative to national norms. There are no national norms for the tests used, so
the amount by which the IQs are
Table 6.2. IQs of South Asians in Britain and Australia
Location |
Ethnicity |
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reas |
Verb |
Viz |
Reference |
1 |
Britain |
Indian |
11 |
43 |
VR |
87 |
87 |
- |
- |
ILEA, 1967 |
2 |
Britain |
Pakistani |
9-10 |
173 |
93 |
93 |
93 |
- |
Dickenson et al, 1975 |
3 |
Britain |
Indian |
10 |
149 |
VR |
91 |
91 |
- |
- |
Black Peoples, 1978 |
4 |
Britain |
Indian |
11 |
173 |
94 |
94 |
- |
- |
Scarr et al., 1983 |
5 |
Britain |
Pakistani |
11 |
32 |
89 |
89 |
- |
- |
Scarr et al., 1983 |
6 |
Britain |
Indian |
11 |
37 |
83 |
83 |
82 |
- |
Mackintosh et al., 1985 |
7 |
Britain |
Indian |
11 |
25 |
97 |
97 |
99 |
- |
Mackintosh et al., 1985 |
8 |
Britain |
Pakistani |
10 |
91 |
93 |
93 |
88 |
- |
Mackintosh et al, 1985 |
9 |
Britain |
Pakistani |
10 |
170 |
96 |
96 |
90 |
- |
Mackintosh et al., 1985 |
10 |
Britain |
Pakistani |
7-15 |
560 |
AH |
88 |
88 |
82 |
- |
West et al. ,1992 |
11 |
Britain |
Indian |
7-15 |
330 |
AH |
87 |
87 |
86 |
- |
West et al., 1992 |
12 |
Britain |
Bangladeshi |
7-11 |
177 |
AH |
87 |
87 |
82 |
- |
West et al., 1 992 |
13 |
Australia |
Mixed |
Adults |
111 |
89 |
89 |
- |
- |
De Lemos, 1989 |
inflated cannot be determined but is probably around 5 IQ
points. Row 13 gives an IQ of 89 for South Asian immigrants in Australia.
The range of IQs of South Asian Europeans in Britain is quite
large, from 83 to 97. One reason for this considerable range is that the IQs
increase with length of residence in Britain. This is shown in two of the
studies. First, rows 6 and 7 give non-verbal reasoning IQs of 83 for Indian
children resident for fewer than four years in Britain and 97 for those resident
in Britain for four or more years, indicating a gain of 14 IQ points arising
from residence in Britain. It is interesting to note that the IQ of 83 of Indian
children resident for fewer than four years in Britain is almost the same as the
IQ of 82 for Indians in India given in Table 6.1. Second, rows 8 and 9 give
non-verbal reasoning IQs of 93 for Pakistani children resident for fewer than
four years in Britain and 96 for Pakistani children resident for four or more
years in Britain, indicating a gain of 3 IQ points with longer residence in
The median IQ of the studies of South Asians in Britain is 89
and the IQ of South Asian immigrants in Australia given in the last row is the
same. This is a little higher than the IQ of 84 of indigenous South Asians,
consistent with the results showing that IQs improve with length of residence
in Britain and Australia. These IQ gains may be due to a variety of factors.
Recent immigrants will have had difficulty in speaking and understanding English
and this will have impaired their performance even on non-verbal tests because
of difficulty in understanding the instructions given in English. In addition,
those who had been born in Britain may have benefited from better nutrition and
education than comparable children received in their own countries.
3. South Asians and North Africans in Continental
IQs of South Asians and North Africans in Continental Europe
are given in Table 6.3. Row 1 gives an IQ of 86 for Turkish immigrants in
Germany. Rows 2 though through 17 give results of 16 studies of the IQs obtained
by South Asians and North Africans immigrants in the Netherterrds. A useful
review, of a number of these studies has been given by Te Nijenhuis and van der
Flier (2001). Row 2 gives an IQ of 78 for a sample of the children of
first-generation immigrants from Turkey and Row 3 an IQ of 79 for a sample of
the children of second-generation immigrants from Turkey. Both IQs are low and
indicate no significant improvement in the intelligence of second-generation
immigrants. Row 4 gives an IQ of 75 for a sample of children of first-generation
immigrants from Morocco and row 5 an IQ of 79 for a sample of children of
second-generation immigrants from Morocco.
Table 6.3. IQs of Solith Asians and North Africans in
Continental Europe
Location |
Ethnicity |
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reas |
Verb |
Vis |
Reference |
1 |
Germany |
Turkish |
10-17 |
330 |
86 |
86 |
- |
- |
Taschinski, 1985 |
2 |
Netherlands |
Turkish |
Children |
177 |
78 |
- |
- |
- |
Resing et al., 1986 |
3 |
Netherlands |
Turkish |
Children |
1'04 |
79 |
- |
- |
- |
Resing et al., 1986 |
4 |
Netherlands |
Moroccan |
Children |
177 |
75 |
- |
- |
- |
Resing et al., 1986 |
5 |
Netherlands |
Moroccan |
Children |
76 |
79 |
- |
- |
- |
Resing et al., 1986 |
6 |
Netherlands |
Mixed |
Children |
106 |
83 |
- |
- |
- |
De Jong &, van Batenburg, 1984 |
7 |
Netherlands |
Turkish |
11 |
815 |
85 |
85 |
85 |
- |
Pieke, 1988 |
8 |
Netherlands |
Moroccan |
11 |
720 |
84 |
84 |
85 |
- |
Pieke, 1988 |
9 |
Netherlands |
Indian |
11 |
338 |
88 |
88 |
88 |
- |
Pieke, 1988 |
10 |
Netherlands |
Mixed |
10 |
47 |
Otis/Cito |
93 |
- |
- |
- |
Van de Vijver & Willemse, 1991 |
11 |
Netherlands |
Turkish |
5-17 |
33 |
Son-R |
84 |
- |
- |
- |
Laros & Tellegren, 1991 |
12 |
Netherlands |
Moroccan |
5-8 |
194 |
85 |
- |
- |
- |
Hamers et al., 1996 |
13 |
Netherlands |
Turkish |
5-8 |
194 |
84 |
- |
- |
- |
Hamers et al., 1996 |
14 |
Netherlands |
Moroccan |
Adults |
167 |
84 |
74 |
- |
87 |
te Nijenhuis, 1997 |
15 |
Netherlands |
Turkish |
Adults |
275 |
88 |
81 |
- |
85 |
te Nijenhuis, 1997 |
16 |
Netherlands |
Mixed |
6-12 |
1,315 |
Arith |
92 |
- |
92 |
- |
Driessen, 1997 |
17 |
Netherlands |
Mixed |
6-12 |
474 |
94 |
94 |
80 |
95 |
Helms-Lorenz et al., 2003 |
18 |
Slovakia |
Gypsies |
5-8 |
728 |
83 |
83 |
- |
- |
Raven et al., 1995 |
Again, both IQs are low but there appears to be some
improvement in the intelligence of second-generation immigrants, as has been
found in the studies of immigrants in Britain.
Row 6 gives an IQ of 83 for children of immigrants from
Morocco and Turkey. Rows 7 and 8 give IQs of 85 and 84 for further samples of
Moroccan and Turkish immigrant children. Row 9 gives an IQ of 88 for a sample of
Indians, 6 IQ points higher than the median IQ of 82 in India. Row 10 gives an
IQ of 93 for Moroccan and Turkish children, the average of 92 obtained on the
Otis and 94 on the Cito, both of which are largely verbal tests. Row 11 gives an
IQ of 84 for Turkish (n=24) and Moroccan (n=9) children obtained on the
standardization sample of the Snijders-Oomen Non-Verbal Test; IQs of those born
in the Netherlands were the same as those who had only been in the country from
1 to 6 years. Rows 12 and 13 give IQs of 85 and 84 for samples of Moroccan and
Turkish children. Rows 14 and 15 give IQs of 84 and 88 for Moroccan and Turkish
adults on the General Ability Test Battery (GATE); this is a Dutch test with
eight subtests measuring vocabulary, arithmetical ability, perceptual speed,
etc. The Turkish and Moroccan immigrants performed poorly on vocabulary because
they had not learned Dutch well and this test has therefore been omitted in the
calculation of the IQs. The figures for g are the average of the remaining seven
subtests. Row 16 gives an IQ of 92 for Muslims in the Netherlands from Turkey
and Morocco compared with approximately 69,000 Dutch Europeans; this figure is
obtained from a test of arithmetic entered as verbal IQ. The mean vocabulary IQ
of this sample was 85 but this is not entered because most of these children did
not speak Dutch as their first language. Row 17 gives an IQ of 94 for
second-generation immigrant children of whom 72 percent were from Turkey and
Morocco and 10 percent from Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles. Their verbal
IQ was 80 but this has been omitted on the grounds that most of them did not
speak Dutch as their first language. The results of the studies from the
Netherlands are closely similar to those from Britain. The median IQ of the
first eight studies of first generation immigrants is 84, the same as that of
indigenous South Asians and North Africans. Row 18 gives an IQ of 83 for gypsies
in Slovakia. The result is given here because gypsies, or Roma as they are
coming to be called, are of South Asian stock who migrated from northwest India
between the ninth and fourteenth centuries. This has been shown by linguistic
analysis of their Romani language, which has been found to have an Indian
origin, and by genetic analysis (Pearson, 1985; Fraser, 1995). They have
remained largely isolated from Europeans and their IQ is typical of South
4. Indians in Africa, Fiji, Malaysia, and Mauritius
There are Indian populations in several countries in Africa.
In South Africa they number about one million, of whom approximately 84 percent
are in Natal and 14 percent are in the Transvaal. There are also Indians in
Kenya and Tanzania, whose ancestors were brought in by the British and Germans
under colonial rule to do work of various kinds including building railways.
Studies of the IQs of Indians in Africa are summarized in Table 6.4. Row 1 gives
an IQ of 77 for the first study of the IQ of Indians in South Africa, compared
with 65 for Africans. Row 2 gives an IQ of 88 for Indian computer programming
students compared with an IQ of 100 for a comparable sample of 243 whites. Row 3
gives an IQ of 86 calculated from the standardization samples of the Junior
South African Individual Scales. This test resembles the Wechsler. The norms for
Indians have been calculated in relation to the South African white
standardization sample. The test contains a scale for numerical ability, on
which the Indians obtained an IQ of 86, which contributes to the overall IQ. Row
4 gives an IQ of 91 in relation to British 1979 norms. White South Africans
obtained an IQ of 98; hence Indians scored 7 IQ points below South African
whites. Row 5 gives an IQ of 83 in relation to South African whites on the South
African Junior Aptitude Test. This test also has two memory subtests on which
the Indians obtained an IQ of 89; in the same study Africans in South Africa
obtained an IQ of 63, showing again that Indians in South Africa obtain much
higher IQs than Africans.
The median IQ of Indians in South Africa derived from the
five studies is 86. This is a little higher than the median IQ of 82 of Indians
in India and a little lower than the IQ of approximately 89 of Indians born in
Britain. Possibly a reason for these differences is that standards of living are
lowest in India, higher in South Africa, and highest in Britain, and these have
had some effect on intelligence levels. There may also have been differences in
the intelligence of the migrants from whom the Indians in South Africa and
Britain are descended. The ancestors of the Indians in South Africa were largely
recruited to work in the sugar and tobacco plantations and may not have had such
high IQs as those who migrated to Britain in the second half of the twentieth
Row 6 gives an IQ of 91 for Indians in Tanzania. The sample
consisted of secondary school students who had to pass an entrance examination
for entry to their schools and the IQ is therefore somewhat inflated. The IQ of
this sample is probably about 8 IQ points higher than that of the general
population of Indians in Tanzania, which can therefore be estimated at
approximately 83,
Table 6.4. IQs of Indians in Africa, Fiji, Malaysia, and
Location |
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reas |
Verb |
vis |
Reference |
1 |
S. Africa |
10-12 |
762 |
77 |
- |
- |
- |
Pick, 1929 |
2 |
S. Africa |
18 |
284 |
88 |
- |
- |
- |
Taylor & Radford, 1986 |
3 |
S. Africa |
6-8 |
600 |
86 |
- |
85 |
83 |
Landman, 1988 |
4 |
S. Africa |
15 |
1,063 |
91 |
- |
- |
- |
Owen, 1992 |
5 |
S. Africa |
15 |
1,063 |
83 |
85 |
85 |
79 |
Lynn & Owen, 1994 |
6 |
Tanzania |
13-18 |
727 |
91 |
91 |
- |
- |
Klingelhofer, 1967 |
7 |
Fiji |
8-13 |
140 |
QT |
82 |
- |
- |
- |
Chandra, 1975 |
8 |
Malaysia |
7-12 |
555 |
88 |
88 |
- |
- |
Chaim, 1994 |
9 |
Mauritius |
11 |
1,093 |
89 |
- |
89 |
89 |
Liu et al., 2003 |
closely similar to the IQ of 82 of Indians in India given in
Table 6.1. In the same study Africans at the same selective schools obtained an
IQ of 78. This difference confirms a number of studies in South Africa and
Britain showing that when Indians and Africans are in the same environment,
Indians obtain substantially higher IQs than Africans.
Row 7 gives an IQ of 82 for Indians in Fiji, in which there
are approximately the same number of Indians and indigenous Fijians. The Fijians
obtained a mean IQ of 84 in the same study. Row 8 gives an IQ of 88 for Indians
in Malaysia obtained from a standardization of Raven's Standard Progressive
Matrices. Row 9 gives an IQ of 89 for 11-year-olds in Mauritius described as "a
community sample," of which 69 percent were Indians and the remainder Creoles of
mixed European and sub-Saharan African descent, whose IQ is 2.5 points lower
than that of the Indians (Raine, Reynolds, Venables, and Mednick 2002). The
studies summarized in Table 6.4 lie in the range between 77 and 91 and have a
median IQ of 88, a little higher than that in India and about the same as that
of Indians in Europe. This is probably because Indians outside India generally
enjoy higher living standards and possibly because those who have emigrated from
India have had above average intelligence.
5. High School and University Students
Studies of the intelligence of South Asian and North African
students in high school, colleges, and universities are summarized in Table 6.5.
It would be expected that these would be somewhat higher than the intelligence
of general population samples and it will be seen that this is the case. Row 1
gives an IQ of 85 for students at the University of Alexandria and is only
fractionally higher than the IQ of 83 on the same test of a general population
sample given in Table 6.1. Row 2 gives an early study of1926 in which
second year students at the University of Calcutta obtained an IQ of 95. The
test used was the Stanford, on which American students at the University of
Stanford obtained a mean IQ of 113. Row 3 gives an IQ of 93 for 14-year-old
students at St. Xavier's School in Delhi described as coming from upper-class
families. Rows 4 and 5 give IQs of 90 and 88 for students at the Punjab
University. Row 6 gives an IQ of 88 for women students at various colleges in
the Indian city of Amritsar. Row 7 gives an IQ of 90 for university students in
engineering, economics, and the liberal arts in Tehran. Row 8 gives an IQ of 92
for high school students in Baghdad described by the author of the study as "a
highly selected group, since education is not compulsory at the high school
level and students who do reach this level have to pass rigid examinations" (Alzohaie,
1966, p. 476).
Rows 9 and 10 give IQs of 98 and 102 for engineering students
at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. In this study European
students in the same faculty obtained IQs of 106 and 113, and black African
students IQs of 93 and 99. Row 11 gives an IQ of 106 for a further sample of
engineering students at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. In
this study European students in the same faculty obtained an IQ of 116, and
black African students an IQ of 101. Thus in these three studies of students the
IQs of the Indians fall midway between those of whites and blacks, as they do in
general population samples. Also, in these studies the IQs of the Indians are
somewhat higher than those in South Asia and North Africa. This is probably
attributable to the IQs of Indians in South Africa being higher and because the
engineering department of the University of the Witwatersrand takes relatively
talented students.
Rows 12 and 13 give IQs of 92 and 101 for university students
in Turkey.
Table 6.5. IQs of South Asian and North African high
school and university students
Location |
Age |
N |
Test |
IQ |
Reference |
1 |
Egypt |
23 |
452 |
85 |
Abdel-Khalek, 1988 |
2 |
India |
21 |
32 |
Stanford |
95 |
Maity, 1926 |
3 |
India |
14 |
45 |
93 |
Mehrotra, 1968 |
4 |
India |
18-25 |
165 |
90 |
Mohan, 1972 |
5 |
India |
19-25 |
400 |
88 |
Mohan & Kumar, 1979 |
6 |
India |
16-20 |
800 |
88 |
Gupta, 1991 |
7 |
Iran |
19-26 |
143 |
90 |
Amir, 1975 |
8 |
Iraq |
16-18 |
103 |
92 |
Alzobaie, 1964 |
9 |
S. Africa |
19 |
58 |
98 |
Rushton et al., 2002 |
10 |
S. Africa |
20 |
40 |
102 |
Rushton et al., 2003 |
11 |
S. Africa |
17-23 |
57 |
106 |
Rushton et al., 2004 |
12 |
Turkey |
18-26 |
103 |
101 |
Tan et al, 1999 |
13 |
Turkey |
19 |
39 |
92 |
Dayi et al., 2002 |
Row 12 gives an IQ of 92 for 15 women and 24 men students of
dentistry at Attaturk University in the city of Ezurum. Row 13 gives an IQ of
101 for medical students at the same university.
The median of the studies is an IQ of 92, eight points higher
than that of general population samples of South Asians and North Africans. The
interest of these studies is that they show that South Asian and North African
university students with extensive education and from upper and middle class
families have lower IQs than average Europeans. This indicates that lack of
education is unlikely to be a major factor responsible for the low IQs of
general population samples. The IQs of South Asian and North African students
are also lower than the median of 105 for European college students (Table
3.3). Thus the 15 IQ point difference between Europeans and South Asians and
North Africans in general population samples is closely similar to the 14 IQ
point difference between college students.
6. Brain Size of South Asians
Four sets of data on the brain size of South Asians compared
with that of Europeans are shown in Table 6.6. Row 1 gives data assembled by
Smith and Beals (1990) from approximately 20,000 crania collected worldwide
Table 6.6. Brain size (cc) of Europeans and South Asians
Europeans |
South Asians |
Difference |
Reference |
1 |
1,368 |
1,284 |
84 |
Smith & Beals, 1990 |
2 |
1,467 |
1,404 |
63 |
Groves, 1991 |
3 |
1,319 |
1,185 |
134 |
Jurgens et al., 1990 |
4 |
1,470 |
1,356 |
114 |
Rushton, 2000 |
and shows a European advantage of 84cc. Row 2 gives data
assembled from various sources by Groves, who contends that there are no racial
differences in brain size, but which nevertheless show a European advantage of
63cc. Row 3 gives average brain size of six samples of Europeans from North
America and Europe and two samples from India from data compiled by Jurgens et
al. (1990) and analyzed by Rushton (2000, p. 124) showing a European advantage
of 126cc. Row 4 gives data compiled by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) for the average of 19 European male military samples and
for a male Iranian military sample showing a European advantage of 114cc. The
figures in the four data sets all show greater brain size of Europeans and are
reasonably consistent, considering that they were compiled using different
methods. The Smith and Beals data are derived from measurements of the volume of
skulls, the Groves data come from various sources, while the data sets in rows 3
and 4 have been calculated from external measurements of the heads of living
individuals. The average of the four data sets is a European Caucasoid advantage
of 97cc.
7. Heritability of Intelligence in South Asians
There have been two studies of the heritability of
intelligence in India, both of which have used the method of comparing the IQs
of identical (MZ) and non-identical (DZ) twins. Pal, Shyam, and Singh (1997)
have reported a study of 30 MZ and 30 same-sex DZ adult twins and calculated the
heritability at 0.81. If this is corrected for attenuation, assuming a test
reliability of 0.9, the heritability becomes 0.90. In a second study, Nathawat
and Puri (1995) obtained a heritability of 0.90, which corrected for attenuation
assuming a test reliability of 0.9 becomes 1.0. Thus, the heritability of
intelligence in India is marginally higher than that of 0.83 in Europeans.
8. Genetic and Environmental Determinants of the
Intelligence of South Asians and North Africans
We saw in Table 6.1 that the median IQ of the studies of
indigenous South Asians and North Africans is 84. This IQ is depressed
environmentally because of the low standard of living of these peoples. A report
on malnutrition in South Asia and North Africa in the early 1990s published by
UNICEF (1996) estimated prevalence rates of stunting of 24 percent of children
in the Middle East and North Africa and 60 percent of children in South Asia,
indicating the effect of sub-optimal nutrition. There is little doubt that this
has an adverse effect on intelligence. Nevertheless, it seems likely that
genetic factors are also involved. First, the very high heritabilities of
intelligence in both South Asians and Europeans show that genetic factors are
largely responsible for differences in intelligence within the two populations,
and this makes it likely that these contribute to the differences between the
two populations. Second, it has been shown that South Asians and North Africans
living in the affluent European environments of Britain, Australia, and the
Netherlands have median IQs of 89, 89, and 94. All of these are higher than the
average IQ of 84 of those in their indigenous homelands and poorer environments.
These figures show that when South Asians and North Africans are reared in
European environments their IQs increase but they do not increase to the same
level as those of Europeans. This suggests the presence of genetic factors.
Third, the IQ of Indians in South Africa is 86. This is higher than the IQ of 82
in India and is attributable to the better living standards, but it is
substantially below the IQ of Europeans. The Indians were brought to Natal in
the 1850s to work on the sugar plantations (Johnston, 1930). They have had some
four to six generations to adapt to life in South Africa, live in the same
country and in approximately the same environment as Europeans, yet a large IQ
difference remains and suggests a genetic difference between the two
populations. Fourth, the average brain size of South Asians is about 8 percent
smaller than that of Europeans and may be partly due to sub-optimal nutrition
but is likely also to have some genetic basis and contribute to the intelligence
9. Intelligence in Israel
Intelligence in Israel is higher than in the other countries
of South Asia and North Africa. Eight studies of intelligence in Israel are
summarized in Table 6.7. The IQs lie in the range of 89-97 with a median of 95.
This is substantially higher than the median of 84 for the remainder of South
Asia, showing that Jews have higher IQs than other South Asians. In Israel
approximately 20 percent of the population are Arabs, whose IQ of 86 (see Table
6.1, row 20) is virtually the same as that of other South Asians in the Near
East. Forty percent of the population are European Jews (mainly Ashkenazim from
Russia and Eastern Europe) and 40 percent are Oriental Jews (Mizrahim) from Asia
and North Africa. Three studies carried out in Israel have found that the
Ashkenazim have a mean IQ approximately 12 IQ
Table 6.7. Intelligence in Israel
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reference |
1 |
13-14 |
200 |
95 |
JDrtar, 1952 |
2 |
11-15 |
267 |
95 |
Moyles & Wolins, 1973 |
3 |
10-12 |
180 |
LT |
97 |
Miron, 1977 |
4 |
10-12 |
268 |
95 |
Globerson, 1983 |
5 |
11 |
2,781 |
89 |
Lancer & Rim, 1984 |
6 |
5 |
52 |
96 |
Tzuriel & Caspi, 1992 |
7 |
9-15 |
1,740 |
90 |
Lynn, 1994a |
8 |
13 |
- |
96 |
Kozulin, 1998 |
points higher than the Oriental Jews (Zeidner, 1987a; Burg
and Belmont, 1990; Lieblich, Ninio, and Kugelmass, 1972). The IQ of 95 for
Israel is the weighted mean of the IQs of 103 of the Ashkenazim Jews, 91 of the
Oriental Jews (12 IQ points lower), and 86 of the Arabs. The lower IQ of Arabs
in Israel compared with Jews is confirmed by Zeidner (1987a), who has reported
that Arab applicants for admission to university obtain an IQ 15 IQ points lower
than that of Jewish applicants.
There are two questions concerning the Jewish IQ that require
explanation. The first is why the Ashkenazim Jews in Israel have an IQ of 103.
This is not particularly surprising because there is considerable evidence that
Ashkenazim Jews in the United States and Britain have substantially higher IQs
than Gentiles. In the United States, a study published in the 1920s reported
that Jewish 10-year-olds had an IQ 13 points higher on the Stanford-Binet test
than European Gentiles (Ns=110 and 689, respectively) (Bere, 1924). In the 1940s
Nardi (1948) reported an IQ of 110 on the Stanford-Binet test for Jewish
12-year-olds (N=l,210), and in the 1950s Levinson (1957) found an IQ of 109 for
Jewish 12-year-olds (N=2,083), also on the Stanford-Binet test. Herrnstein and
Murray (1994) reported an IQ of 112.6 for Jewish adolescents in their study of
the National Longitudinal Study of Youth, and the latest study has found an IQ
of 107.5 in a nationally representative sample (N=150) of adults (Lynn, 2004).
Similarly high IQs for Jewish children have been reported in Britain. In the
1920s Davies and Hughes (1927) found that Jewish 8-14-year-olds in London had an
IQ of 110 (N=l,081), compared with 100 for British children. In the 1960s Jewish
10-year-olds in Glasgow had an IQ of 117.8 (N=907) compared with Scottish
children in the same city (Vincent, 1966). However, this figure for the Jewish
IQ is too high for a comparison with British children as a whole because the IQ
of children in Glasgow is 93.7 in relation to 100 for the national average
(Lynn, 1979). To compare the mean IQ of Jewish children in Glasgow with that of
British non-Jewish whites we have therefore to subtract 6.3 IQ points from their
score, giving them a mean IQ of 111.5. Thus, the IQs of Jews in the United
States and Britain average between around 107 to 115 and are therefore higher
than the 103 estimated for Ashkenazim Jews in Israel. Some possible explanations
for this are that few American and British Jews have emigrated to Israel. Most
of the Ashkenazim Jews in the United States and Britain fled persecution in
Russia and Eastern Europe between 1880 and 1914 and in Germany between 1933 and
1939. It seems likely that these would have been the more intelligent who
foresaw the dangers of staying and were able to organize emigration. Those who
remained in Russia and Eastern Europe would likely have been a little less
intelligent. These are the ones who emigrated to Israel after World War II ro
escape persecution and poverty and whose IQs are a little lower than those of
Ashkenazim Jews in the United States and Britain. A further factor is that many
of these supposedly European Jews are not Jews at all but pretended to be Jews
in order to get permission to leave the Soviet Union (Abbink, 2002).
A second problem concerning the intelligence of Jews is that
all Jews were originally from the same stock, so why is the intelligence of
Ashkenazim Jews approximately 12 IQ points higher than that of Oriental Jews?
There are probably two answers to this question. The first is that despite
strict Jewish prohibitions on exogamy, there has always been some inter-marriage
and inter-mating between Jews and non-Jews living in the same localities. Even a
small amount of exogamy over many generations is sufficient to introduce
significant proportions of non-Jewish genes into the Jewish gene pool. The
effects of this are visible in European Jews, a number of whom have fair hair
and blue eyes. The result of this will have been that Ashkenazim Jews in Europe
will have absorbed a significant proportion of the genes for higher intelligence
possessed by the Europeans, while the Oriental Jews in the Near East and North
Africa will have absorbed a significant proportion of the genes for lower
intelligence from the South Asians and North Africans. The second factor that
has probably operated to increase the intelligence of Ashkenazim Jews in Europe
and the United States as compared with Oriental Jews is that the Ashkenazim Jews
have been more subject to persecution. Jews were less persecuted over the course
of many centuries in Southwest Asia and North Africa. Oriental Jews experienced
some persecution sufficient to raise their IQ of 91, as compared with 84 among
other South Asians and North Africans, but not so much as that experienced by
Ashkenazim Jews in Europe.
The 12 IQ point difference between Ashkenazim Jews and
Oriental Jews in Israel is almost certainly to some degree a genetic difference.
Genetic analysis by Hammer, Redd, and Wood (2000) has shown that all Jews have
some genetic affinity (except for the Ethiopian Jews) arising from their common
original stock in the Near East but that European and Oriental Jews form two
genetic families, the European Jews with some genetic affinity with gentile
Europeans and the Oriental Jews with some genetic affinity with Southwest Asians
and North Africans.
Chapter 7. Southeast Asians
- 1. Intelligence of Indigenous Southeast Asians
- 2. Southeast Asians in the United States and the Netherlands
- 3. Brain Size of Southeast Asians
- 4. Genetic and Environmental Determinants of the IQ of Southeast Asians
The southeast asians are the indigenous peoples of Burma,
Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Borneo.
In classical anthropology they were designated the Malays (Morton, 1849; Coon,
Garn, and Birdsell, 1950) or the Indonesian-Malays (Cole, 1965). Their
distinctive racial identity has been confirmed by the genetic analysis made by
Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and Piazza (1994) in which these peoples constitute a
genetic "cluster." They have some genetic affinity with the East Asians with
whom they are to some degree interbred, but the flattened nose and epicanthic
eye-fold are less prominent.
1. Intelligence of Indigenous Southeast Asians
IQs for samples of Southeast Asians from five countries are
given in Table 7.1. Rows 1 through 4 give IQs for Indonesia. Row 1 gives an IQ
of 86 for children in the city of Bandung in Java. Row 2 gives an IQ of 87 for
children and adolescents in two villages in central Java. Row 3 gives an
IQ of 87 for children of families working on a tea plantation. Row 4 gives an IQ
of 87 for children in northern Jakarta. Row 5 gives an IQ of 90 for Lao children
living in a village and "not from families living in abject poverty." Row 6
gives an IQ of 88 for mothers of the children given in row 5. Row 7 gives an IQ
of 89 for Malays in Malaysia obtained in the standardization of the Standard
Progressive Matrices. Row 8 gives an IQ of 85 for Malay college students at the
International Islamic University in Kuala Lumpur in relation to college students
at universities in Germany, Russia, and the United States. Row 9 gives an IQ of
86 for the Philippines obtained from school children in Manila. Row 10 gives an
IQ of 93 for 13-year-old Malays at school in Singapore. Row 11 gives an IQ of 91
for school children in Thailand obtained from Chon Buri province, an
agricultural area on the east coast. The IQs lie in the range between 86 and 93
and the median is 87.
Table 7.1. IQs of Southeast Asians
Location |
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reference |
1 |
Indonesia |
5-12 |
1,149 |
86 |
Thomas & Shah, 1961 |
2 |
Indonesia |
5-20 |
163 |
87 |
Bleichrodt et al., 1980 |
3 |
Indonesia |
4 |
139 |
87 |
Soewondo et al., 1989 |
4 |
Indonesia |
6-8 |
483 |
87 |
Hadidjaja et al., 1998 |
5 |
Laos |
8 |
22 |
90 |
Boivin et al., 1996 |
6 |
Laos |
30 |
22 |
88 |
Boivin et al., 1996 |
7 |
Malaysia |
7-12 |
3,151 |
89 |
Chaim, 1994 |
8 |
Malaysia |
20 |
175 |
85 |
Kuhnen et al, 2001 |
9 |
Philippines |
12-13 |
203 |
86 |
Flores & Evans, 1972 |
10 |
Singapore |
13 |
190 |
93 |
Lynn, 1977b |
11 |
Thailand |
8-10 |
2,268 |
91 |
Pollitt et al, 1989 |
2. Southeast Asians in the United States and the
IQs of Southeast Asians in the United States and the
Netherlands are summarized in Table 7.2. Row 1 gives an IQ of 96 for an early
study of a sample of Filipino children in Hawaii tested with the Porteus Mazes.
Row 2 gives an IQ of 89 for a sample of Filipinos in Honolulu collected by Smith
(1942) in 1924 and 1938. Row 3 gives an IQ of 91 for Filipino children on the
Hawaiian island of Kauai. Row 4 gives an IQ of 93 for a sample of Filipinos in
Hawaii obtained from the mathematics subtest of the STAS. Row 5 gives an IQ of
87 for a sample of Filipinos in the United States calculated by Flynn (1991).
Row 6 gives an IQ of 92 for a sample of second-generation Indonesian immigrants
in the Netherlands. Row 7 gives an IQ of 94 for a sample of mainly Vietnamese
high school students in an American city calculated by Flynn (1991). This sample
obtained a verbal IQ of 87 measured by the Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale. This is
probably slightly depressed in relation to their non-verbal reasoning IQ because
many of them had not acquired fluency in English. The median of the seven
studies is an IQ of 93 and is a little higher than the IQ of 87 of indigenous
Southeast Asians. It is possible that a selective element in migration to the
United States and the Netherlands may be part of the explanation for this, and a
further possible factor is that Southeast Asians in the United States and the
Netherlands enjoy a higher standard of living and of nutrition than indigenous
Southeast Asians.
Table 7.2. IQs of Southeast Asians in the United States
and the Netherlands
Ethnicity |
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reference |
1 |
Filipino |
6-14 |
140 |
PM |
96 |
Porteus, 1937 |
2 |
Filipino |
10-14 |
305 |
NV |
89 |
Smith, 1942 |
3 |
Filipino |
10 |
138 |
91 |
Werner et al., 1968 |
4 |
Filipino |
16 |
4,147 |
93 |
Brandon et al., 1987 |
5 |
Filipino |
9-25 |
263 |
Various |
87 |
Flynn, 1991 |
6 |
Indonesian |
6-10 |
84 |
NV |
94 |
Tesser et al., 1999 |
7 |
Vietnamese |
12-16 |
39i |
94 |
Flynn, 1991 |
3. Brain Size of Southeast Asians
Studies of differences in brain size between Europeans and
Southeast Asians are summarized in Table 7.3. Row 1 gives the results calculated
by Gould (1981) from the collection of skulls assembled in the nineteenth
century by the American physician Samuel Morton (1849). The number of skulls was
quite low, consisting of 18 Southeast Asians and 52 Europeans, and not a great
deal of weight can be attached to the results. They are given here largely for
historical interest. Row 2 gives results from six populations of Southeast
Asians compared with nine populations of Europeans showing a difference of 37cc.
The standard deviations are given by Beals et al. (1984). The numbers of
individuals are not given but are part of a total collection of approximately
20,000 and can be assumed to be several thousand. Despite the small size of
Morton's sample and Gould's accusation that Morton massaged his results to give
a larger brain size for Europeans, the results agree closely with the later
study of Smith and Beals. Row 3 gives a much larger difference based on average
brain sizes for 190 samples of Europeans and 20 samples of Southeast Asians.
Thus, all three data sets show smaller brain size in Southeast Asians than in
Europeans, consistent with their lower IQs.
Table 7.3. Brain size (cc) differences of Europeans and
Southeast Asians
Europeans |
Southeast Asians |
Difference |
Reference |
Mean (Sd) |
Mean (Sd) |
1 |
1,426 |
1,393 |
33 |
Gould, 1981 |
2 |
1,369 (35) |
1,332 (49) |
37 |
Smith & Beals, 1990 |
3 |
1,319 |
1,217 |
102 |
Jurgens et al., 1990 |
4. Genetic and Environmental Determinants of the IQ of
Southeast Asians
The IQ of Southeast Asians in the United States is higher at
93 than that of indigenous Southeast Asians, 87. This difference is attributable
to the better environment with higher living standards in the United States,
with better nutrition, education, and welfare. The effect of these is that the
IQ gap between Southeast Asians and Europeans is approximately halved.
Nevertheless, a 7 IQ point difference remains when Southeast Asians and
Europeans are raised and live in approximately the same environments. This
suggests that genetic factors contribute to the difference in intelligence
between the two races. The smaller average brain size of Southeast Asians
compared with Europeans also suggests a genetic difference.
Chapter 8. Australian Aborigines
- 1. Intelligence of Australian Aborigines
- 2. Aboriginal-European Hybrids
- 3. Piagetian Intelligence
- 4. Spatial Memory
- 5. Brain Size
- 6. Genotypic Intelligence
- 7. Intelligence of New Guineans
- 8. Conclusions
The australian "aborigines are the indigenous people of
Australia. They are also known as the Australids, have long been recognized as a
race in classical anthropology, and are one of the seven major races in the
taxonomy proposed by Coon, Garn, and Birdsell (1950). They have a distinctive
profile of blood groups, about 73 percent of them having O group as compared
with a little fewer than 50 percent among Europeans; the remaining 27 percent
are A, and there are virtually none with the B group. Their distinctive racial
identity has been confirmed by the genetic analysis made by Cavalli-Sforza,
Menozzi, and Piazza (1994) in which the Australian Aborigines together with the
original New Guineans constitute a genetic "cluster." The reason that the
Australian Aborigines and the original New Guineans are closely related
genetically is that the ancestors of the Australian Aborigines migrated from New
Guinea to Australia about 60,000 years ago (Bradshaw, 1997). Those who migrated
split from those who remained in New Guinea and today inhabit the interior
highlands. Also closely related to the Australian Aborigines are the now extinct
Tasmanians. The last pure Tasmanian died in 1876, but there are still a few
mixed-race Tasmanians.
It has been estimated that before the Europeans arrived there
were around 300,000 Aborigines in Australia. Their numbers were considerably
reduced following the colonization of Australia by Europeans, partly as a result
of diseases contracted from Europeans from which they lacked immunities, and
partly as a result of Europeans killing them. In the second half of the
twentieth century, the numbers of Aborigines in the censuses of 1961, 1971, and
1981 were recorded as approximately 106,000, 139,000, and 171,000. The rapid
increase in numbers has been a result of high birth rates and a reduction of
infant and child mortality.
In the second half of the twentieth century there were three
groups of Australian Aborigines. The first lived on government reserves
principally in the north and center of Australia. The second group lived on the
outskirts of country towns and stations. The third lived in larger towns and
cities. Both the second and third groups typically attended schools with
Europeans. Many of the second and third groups have some European ancestry while
those on the reservations are largely pure Aborigines.
1. Intelligence of Australian Aborigines
The first attempt to estimate the intelligence of the
Australian Aborigines was made by Galton (1869). On the basis of travelers'
accounts of their accomplishments he estimated their intelligence was
approximately three "grades" below that of the English. In Galton's metric, a
grade was equivalent to 10.4 IQ points. Hence in terms of the IQ scale, he
estimated the Australian Aborigine IQ at 68.8. Subsequent studies of the
intelligence of Australian Aborigines assessed by intelligence tests have shown
that this was a fairly accurate assessment. These studies are summarized in
Table 8.1. Row 1 shows the results of the first study, giving an IQ of 66
obtained by Porteus with his Maze Test, a series of paper and pencil mazes of
increasing complexity from which mental age is measured as the success rate of
the average child of the corresponding chronological age. The Maze Test was
later incorporated into the Wechsler tests and provides a measure of g
and of visualization. The mean mental age of his sample adults was 10.5, the
approximate equivalent of an IQ of 66. Row 2 gives results for the next study
that used the Porteus Mazes on a sample of Aborigines at La Grange Bay in
northwest Australia. The men obtained a mental age of 10.5 and the women of 8.6.
The average mental age of the two sexes was 9.55, equivalent to an IQ of 59. Row
3 gives a closely similar result obtained by Porteus for adults at the Beagle
Bay Mission in the Kimberley region; the Aborigines obtained a mental age of
9.35, equivalent to an IQ of 58. Row 4 gives an IQ of 69 obtained from two
visualization tests (Alexander passalong and Fergusson Form Boards). Row 5 gives
an IQ of 70 from a study of the Wailbiri Aborigines of Central Australia carried
out by Porteus and Gregor in the 1960s. Row 6 gives an IQ of 58 for a sample at
a primary
Table 8.1. IQs of Australian Aborigines
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reas |
Verb |
Vis |
Reference |
1 |
Adults |
56 |
PM |
66 |
66 |
- |
66 |
Porteus, 1931 |
2 |
Adults |
24 |
PM |
59 |
66 |
- |
59 |
Piddington & Piddington, 1932 |
3 |
Adults |
268 |
Various |
58 |
- |
- |
Porteus, 1933a, 1933b |
4 |
Adults |
31 |
69 |
- |
69 |
Fowler, 1940 |
5 |
Adults |
87 |
PM |
70 |
- |
70 |
Porteus & Gregor, 1963 |
6 |
11 |
101 |
QT |
58 |
- |
Hart, 1965 |
7 |
Adults |
103 |
PM |
74 |
- |
74 |
Porteus et al., 1967 |
8 |
5 |
24 |
62 |
62 |
- |
De Lacey, 1971 a, 1971b |
9 |
6-12 |
40 |
64 |
64 |
- |
De Lacey, 1971a, 1971b |
10 |
Adults |
60 |
53 |
53 |
- |
- |
Berry, 1971 |
11 |
3-4 |
22 |
64 |
- |
64 |
- |
Nurcombe & Moffit, 1973 |
12 |
6-14 |
55 |
52 |
- |
52 |
- |
Dasen et al., 1973 |
13 |
9 |
458 |
QT |
58 |
- |
- |
McElwain & Kearney, 1973 |
14 |
13 |
42 |
62 |
- |
- |
Waldron & Gallimore, 1973 |
15 |
6-10 |
30 |
59 |
59 |
- |
De Lacey, 1976 |
16 |
25 |
22 |
60 |
60 |
- |
67 |
Binnie-Dawson, 1984 |
17 |
4 |
55 |
61 |
- |
61 |
- |
Nurcombe et al., 1999 |
school in Maningrida in the Northern Territories. Row 7 gives
an IQ of 74 for a sample of adults who obtained a mental age of 11.8. Rows 8 and
9 give IQs of 62 and 64 for two samples of Aboriginal children attending schools
with white children in a town in New South Wales.
Row 10 gives an IQ of 70 for a sample of Aboriginal adults
tested with the Colored Progressive Matrices. Row 11 gives a verbal IQ of 67 for
3-and 4-year-old Aboriginal children attending pre-school with whites in Bourke.
Row 12 gives a verbal IQ of 52 for children attending schools at the
Hermannsberg Mission in central Australia. Row 13 gives an IQ of 58 for
Aboriginals calculated in relation to the norms for European children in New
Zealand. Row 14 gives an IQ of 62 on the Spiral Omnibus Reasoning Test for a
sample of 13-year-old Aboriginal children attending school on an Aboriginal
reserve in Queensland. Row 15 gives a verbal IQ of 59 for a sample of
6-10-year-old Aboriginal children in Alice Springs in central Australia. Row 16
gives a reasoning IQ of 60 for a sample of adults with an average age of 25. Row
17 gives a vocabulary IQ of 61 for a sample of 4-year-olds.
The IQs range between 52 and 74. The median IQ of the
seventeen studies is 62 and represents the best estimate of the average
intelligence of Australian Aborigines. Verbal ability is a little weaker than
visualization ability with median IQs of 62 and 68, respectively. The low
intelligence of Australian Aborigines has been confirmed by a study showing that
they have slow reaction times (Davidson, 1974).
2. Aboriginal-European Racial Hybrids
A number of studies have been made of the intelligence of
Aboriginal-European hybrids. These are summarized in Table 8.2. Row 1 gives an
IQ of 95 for the first of these, which was carried out by Porteus at the Mission
Station in Port MacLeay, South Australia. Rows 2 and 3 give results of a study
that compared 19 Aboriginal-European hybrids with European 5-years-olds
attending the same schools in New South Wales. In relation to IQs of 100 of the
European children, the Aboriginal-European hybrids obtained IQs of 79 on the
PPVT (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test) and 77 on the ITPA (Illinois Test of
Psycholinguistic Abilities). Row 4 gives a verbal IQ of 69 for 13
part-Aborigines aged 6-12 years, a little higher than the IQ of 64 of 40
full-Aborigines obtained in the same study. The visualization IQ of 95 shown in
row 1 is much higher than the verbal IQs of 79, 77, and 69 shown in rows 2, 3,
and 4. All the IQs of Aboriginal-European hybrids shown in Table 8.2 are higher
than the median of the full-blooded Aborigines given in Table 8.1. This could be
due to an admixture of genes from European raising the intelligence of
Aborigines. Alternatively, Aborigine-European hybrids tend to be reared in
better environments as regards standards of living and nutrition. None of these
studies gives estimates of the proportion of European ancestry in these
Table 8.2. IQs of hybrid Australian Aborigines and
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reas |
Verb |
Vis |
Reference |
1 |
10 |
28 |
PM |
95 |
- |
- |
95 |
Porteus, 1917 |
2 |
5 |
19 |
79 |
- |
79 |
- |
Teasdale & Katz, 1968 |
3 |
5 |
19 |
77 |
- |
77 |
- |
Teasdale & Katz, 1968 |
4 |
6-12 |
13 |
69 |
- |
- |
- |
De Lacey, 1976, 197 la, 1971b |
3. Piagetian Intelligence
The intelligence of Australian Aborigines has been assessed
by "Piagetian" tests in addition to conventional intelligence tests. This work
has been carried out in the framework of the theory of the development of
intelligence in children formulated by the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget. This
theory states that children progress through four stages of cognitive
development. The first of these is the sensorimotor stage of infancy in
which the child learns about the properties of objects, space, time, and
causality. At about the age of two, children make the transition to the
pre-operational stage in which they acquire language and abstract concepts
but are not yet able to understand logical principles. This stage lasts until
the age of about six years. In Western societies children at around the age of
seven make the transition to the stage of concrete operations when they
can grasp logical principles but only in concrete terms. At around the age of 12
years European children progress to the fourth and final stage of formal
operations when they become able to think logically in terms of general
principles divorced from concrete examples. A number of stud ies have found that
the ability to understand the concepts measured in Piagetian tasks is highly
correlated with IQs measured by standard intelligence tests (Jensen, 1980).
The method adopted by those who have examined the Piagetian
intelligence of Australian Aborigine children is to ascertain whether they reach
the stages of cognitive development at the same ages as European children. These
studies have generally examined the ages at which Aboriginal children attain the
concrete operational and formal operational stages of thinking.
The concrete operational stage, has most frequently been measured by
tests of whether a child has acquired the concept of "conservation." This is the
understanding of the principle that the volume and weight of a substance remain
the same (i.e., is "conserved") when its shape changes. The standard test of the
ability to understand the principle of the conservation of quantity is that the
tester pours water or some other substance (such as beads) from a glass tumbler
into a long thin glass. The child is asked whether the amount of water or other
substance remains the same. Young children typically believe that there is more
water or other substance in the long thin glass, apparently focusing on its
greater height and ignoring its lesser width. When children grasp that the
volume remains the same whatever the shape of the container they have achieved
understanding of the concept of conservation.
The first studies of the ability of Australian Aboriginal
adults to understand the principle of conservation were carried out by de Lemos
(1969, 1979). She showed 12 Aboriginal women two glasses of sugar. One was long
and thin and was filled with a cup of sugar, while the other was wide and short
and was filled with half a cup of sugar. The women were offered a choice between
the two glasses and eight of them chose the wide and short glass with less
sugar. She concluded "According to Piaget's theory this concept is basic to all
logical thinking, and this retardation would therefore indicate a lower level of
intellectual functioning than is normally achieved in European culture" (1969,
p.15). The lack of understanding of the principle of conservation among two
thirds of these adult women suggests they are at about the same mental level as
white 8-year-olds. This indicates that they would have had an IQ of about 50. De
Lemos (1969) also found that mixed-race Aboriginal-white hybrids performed
better on the test of conservation than pure Aborigines although not so well as
In the second study, De Lemos (1969) gave Piagetian
conservation tasks to 38 pure Aboriginal children and to 34 who had
approximately one eighth European ancestry. She described the environment in
which they lived as follows: "there were no apparent differences in the present
environment of part-Aboriginal and full-Aboriginal children...who formed a
single integrated community and the children were brought up under the same
mission conditions and attended the same school" (p. 257). The part-Aboriginal
children scored significantly higher on the tasks than the pure Aboriginals but
it is not possible to quantify the results as IQs. De Lemos concluded that as
the two groups were living in the same environment only a genetic hypothesis
could explain the difference.
A study by Dasen (1973) produced similar results. He gave
Piagetian conservation tasks to two samples of 55 and 90 Aboriginal children and
adults in central Australia and to 80 white children in Canberra. All the
Aboriginal children were attending schools. The white children had reached this
stage at an average age of 8, while the Aboriginal children reached it at about
the age of 15. Twenty-three percent of the Aboriginal adults attained the stage
that is attained by European children at an average age of about 7-8 years.
Dasen (1973, p. 92) concluded that "a large proportion of Aborigines do not
develop these concrete operational concepts at all, even as adults." The results
indicate that the Aborigines had an IQ of around 55. In a further component of
the study, Dasen compared about 30 full-blooded and 30 part-Aboriginal children.
He found the part-Aboriginal performed slightly but not significantly better
than the pure Aborigines.
A further study of the attainment of the Piagetian concept of
conservation by Australian Aboriginal children has been carried out by Seagrim
and Lendon (1980). They found that 10 percent of 7-8-year-olds, 35 percent of
9-10-year-olds, and 70 percent of 12-year-olds grasped the concept. Thus,
12-year-old Aborigines are at about the same mental level as 7-8-year-old white
children. This would give them an IQ of approximately 60.
Piaget concluded on the basis of his work on Swiss children
that everyone except the mentally retarded attains all the stages of cognitive
development by the time they are adults. The studies of Australian Aborigines
have shown that this is incorrect and that many of them never reach the last
stage of logical thought. These studies showing retarded development of
Piagetian intelligence provide further confirmation of the low intelligence of
the Australian Aborigines.
4. Spatial Memory
A remarkable study by Kearins (1981) found that Aboriginal
children had much stronger spatial memory than Europeans. In this study 132
Aboriginal children aged 7-16 and the same number of white Australian children
were given various tests of spatial memory. The general format of the tests was
that 20 objects were laid out and the child was asked to look at them for 30
seconds and try to remember their position. The objects were then removed and
the child was asked to re-assemble them in the same positions. In all the tasks
Aboriginal children performed better than whites. Their overall advantage is
represented by a Spatial Memory IQ of 119. Kearins argued that the most probable
explanation for this high spatial memory ability is that it evolved in the
Aborigines because the deserts of central Australia have few landmarks and the
nomadic Aboriginal peoples needed to note and remember the location of such
landmarks as exist to construct mental spatial maps of their environments to
find their way home after going out on hunting expeditions. In support of this
argument, she tested a sample of Aborigines living in a town whose families had
been living in the town for several generations. This group performed just as
well on spatial memory as those from the desert She argued that this indicated
that the environment is not responsible for the high spatial memory ability of
the Aborigines and supported her view that it has an evolved genetic basis.
Kearins's results have, however, been challenged. Drinkwater
(1976) compared 22 Aboriginal and 22 white 12-year-olds on similar tasks and
found the two groups performed at the same level, but his Aborigines came from a
coastal area where the strong spatial memory required according to Kearins's
theory would not have been necessary and would not have evolved. Nevertheless,
considering the low general intelligence of Aboriginals, it is remarkable that
they should have performed as well as whites on spatial memory. Harris (1977) in
an unpublished Ph.D. thesis found that desert Aborigines performed worse than
whites on this task. Knapp and Seagrim (1981) also found that desert Aborigines
performed worse than whites, but unfortunately they did not present the data in
such a way that the magnitude of the white advantage can be calculated. Despite
these negative results Kearins's findings on the Aboriginal spatial memory
remain impressive and deserve further research by Australian psychologists. The
strong spatial memory of the Aborigines, if it can be confirmed, has a parallel
in the strong visual memory of the Eskimos reported by Kleinfeld (1971) and
explained as an adaptation to living in the frozen tundra, which contains few
landmarks and is similar in this regard to the deserts of Australia (see Chapter
5. Brain Size
Seven studies of the brain size of Australian Aborigines
compared with Europeans are summarized in Table 8.3. Row 1 gives Morton's
figures refined by Gould (1996). All the studies show smaller brain size in
Australian Aborigines than in Europeans. These results are corroborated by a
study of 281 Aboriginal primary school children aged 6-11 by Edwards and
Craddock (1973) that found their average head circumference was at the 10th
percentile of whites in the United States and Australia. Head circumference is
an approximation for brain size. As brain size is a significant determinant of
intelligence (Vernon et al., 2000), the smaller average brain size of the
Aborigines can be regarded as partly responsible for their lower IQ. Klekamp,
Reidel, Harper, and Kretschmann (1987) have reported that Australian Aborigines
have a larger right visual cortex than Europeans. The right hemisphere deals
with spatial abilities and the left hemisphere with verbal abilities, so the
relatively larger right hemisphere of Aborigines is consistent with their good
spatial memory found by Kearins (1981), summarized in Section 4, and for which
she has proposed the theory that Aborigines have evolved a relatively larger
right brain and visual cortex in order to solve the visual and spatial problems
encountered by nomadic peoples in a featureless desert environment.
Table 8.3. Brain size (cc) of Australian Aborigines and
Europeans (sample sizes in parentheses)
Europeans |
Aborigines |
Difference |
Reference |
1 |
1,426 |
1,229 (8) |
197 |
Morton, 1849 |
2 |
- |
1,217 (325) |
- |
Morant, 1927 |
3 |
- |
1,198 (109) |
- |
Wagner, 1937 |
4 |
- |
1,206 (29) |
- |
Klekampetal.,1987 |
5 |
1,369 |
1,225 |
144 |
Smith & Beals,1990 |
6 |
1,319 |
1,240 |
79 |
Jurgens et al.,1990 |
7 |
- |
1,178 (73) |
- |
Freedman et al., 991 |
6. Genotypic Intelligence of Australian Aborigines
That there is some genetic component to the low intelligence
of the Australian Aborigines is indicated by eight lines of evidence.
First, the most satisfactory method for assessing the extent
to which genetic factors are involved in the low intelligence of the Aborigines
would be a cross-racial adoption study in which Aboriginal infants are adopted
by white families. Environmental theory predicts they will have the same aver
age IQ as whites, while genetic theory predicts their IQ will remain the same as
that of Aborigines. If their average IQ is intermediate between that of
Aborigines and whites it can be inferred that both genetic and environmental
factors are involved. The only study of this kind that has been carried out is
by Dasen, de Lacey, and Seagrim (1973) and concerned 35 Aboriginal children
adopted by white couples in and around Adelaide. Seventeen of these children
were half Aborigine and the remainder were 7 full-blooded, 2 three-quarter, 4
one-quarter, one one-eighth and 4 unknown. On average they were about half
Aborigine. The average age of adoption was 18 months. Between the ages of 5 and
13 years they were given six tests, of which four were Piagetian, one was the
Nixon test of "reclassification," and the other was the Peabody Picture
Vocabulary Test. The results are given for the adopted Aborigines, and for
comparison groups of Europeans and full-blooded Aborigines in central Australia.
None of the test results can be accurately quantified because they are given in
graph format. It can be discerned from these that on two of the Piagetian tests
(conservation of quantity and weight) the Aborigines performed about mid-way
between Europeans and full-blooded Aborigines. As the adopted Aborigines were
half-blooded, this is where they would be expected to fall and the results
suggest that the adoptive experience had no advantageous effect. On the third
test (conservation of horizontality) the adopted Aborigines performed somewhat
below the European comparison group but substantially better than the
full-blooded Aborigines. On the fourth, fifth, and sixth tests, described as
measures of "sedation of lengths," "reclassification" (neither of these terms is
explained), and the PPVT, the Aborigines performed about the same as the
European comparison group. Thus, while the performance of these adopted
part-Aboriginal children varied on the different tests, on the tests considered
as a whole they scored below European children. This is consistent with the
authors' observation that "the majority of the children were reported, by their
parents, to be below average in school work; most were reported to experience
particular difficulty in mathematics" (p. 98). While these adopted
part-Aborigines performed at a lower level than Europeans they seem to have
performed somewhat better than part-Aborigines reared by their biological
parents. The results therefore suggest that both genetic and environmental
factors are responsible for the low intelligence of Aborigines. It should be
noted that the average age of the children when they were tested was about 8
years and that the American study by Weinberg, Scarr, and Waldman (1992) of
black children adopted by white parents found that at the age of 7 years they
had an average IQ of 95 but by the age of 17 this had deteriorated to 89,
showing young black children secure IQ gains from adoption but these fade by
late adolescence (see Chapter 4).
Second, the median IQ of Aborigines obtained from the 16
studies summarized in Table 8.1 is 62, while the median IQ of the four studies
of Aboriginal-European hybrids summarized in Table 8.2 is 78. The higher IQ of
the hybrids is consistent with the genetic hypothesis of the low Aboriginal IQ,
which predicts that the IQ of the hybrids should be intermediate between the IQs
of the two parent races. However, it may be that the hybrids enjoyed better
living standards and their higher IQ can be explained environmentally.
Third, all the Aboriginal children in the studies listed in
Tables 8.1 and 8.2 attended schools and in three of the studies (rows 6, 7, and
9 in Table 8.l) the Aboriginal children attended schools with white children, so
their low IQs cannot be attributed to lack of opportunity to acquire the mental
skills tested in intelligence tests or to radically different environments.
Fourth, the low IQs of Aborigines are present in children
aged 4 (Table 8.1, rows 11 and 17), confirming that they cannot be attributed to
inadequate schooling.
Fifth, the low IQs of Aborigines appear in a wide range of
abilities including reasoning, verbal comprehension, vocabulary, spatial ability
measured by the Porteus Mazes, and Piagetian conservation tasks, showing that
their low IQs cannot be explained by bias of any particular test.
Sixth, there is no tendency for the IQs of Aborigines to
increase over the period of approximately half a century from the first two
studies carried out around 1930 that produced IQs of 66 and 59, and the last two
studies carried in the 1980s and 1990s that produced IQs of 60 and 61 (see Table
8.1), despite improvements in the environmental conditions of Aborigines arising
from increased welfare and medical attention.
Seventh, if the intelligence of some Aborigines is impaired
by adverse environmental conditions the most probable factor is likely to be
poor nutrition. The prevalence of malnutrition among Aborigines has been
investigated in two studies. In the first, Edwards (1970) in a study of 82
preschool Aboriginal children in New South Wales found that 31 percent were
malnourished and in a subsequent study of 281 Aboriginal children that 21
percent were malnourished (Edwards and Craddock, 1973). Malnourishment in
infancy has an adverse effect on intelligence, but these two studies taken
together found that only approximately 25 percent of Aborigines are affected.
Edwards and Craddock (1973) administered an intelligence test to 29 malnourished
and 29 well-nourished Aboriginal children aged 6 to 10 years and found that the
malnourished children had a mean IQ 8 IQ points lower than the well nourished.
As approximately 25 percent of Aborigines are malnourished, the effect of
malnutrition on the total Aboriginal population would be to reduce the IQ by
about 2 IQ points. This suggests that inadequate nutrition has only a negligible
effect on the low IQ of Aborigines.
Eighth, the low brain size of Aborigines is a major
neurological and genetic determinant of their low intelligence. Brain size
affects intelligence and has a substantial heritability. Brain size can be
reduced by malnutrition, but as only about 25 percent of Aborigines are
malnourished, the low brain size of Aborigines must be largely genetic and a
substantial determinant of their low intelligence.
7. Intelligence of New Guineans
The Aborigines of New Guinea inhabit the interior highlands,
into which they were pushed by Melanesian Pacific Islanders and Southeast Asians
from Indonesia during the last 3,000 years or so. Today the population consists
of the Aboriginals, Pacific Islanders, Southeast Asians, and hybrids. Generally
researchers do not describe to which of these groups their samples belong and
this has to be inferred from their location. There have been two studies of the
intelligence of the Aborigines of New Guinea assessed by intelligence tests. The
first reported by McElwain and Kearney (1970) of 26 men aged 20-29 tested with
the non-verbal Queensland Test found an IQ of 65, compared with white
Australians. The second has been reported by Berry (1971) for a sample of 70
adults tested with the Colored Progressive Matrices. Their score was well below
the first percentile of British adults and their IQ can be estimated at
approximately 62, the same as that of Australian Aborigines.
There have been three studies of the Piagetian intelligence
of the New Guinean Aborigines. The first of these was carried out by Prince
(1968) on a large sample of 2,700 school students and teacher-training college
students. He concluded that the New Guineans "show the expected pattern of
Piagetian stages, though conservation is not achieved until much later than in
Western European culture" (p. 65). Even the college students showed
"significantly poorer development in all test items requiring the concept of
conservation" (p. 64). While the principle of conservation is understood by
approximately 85 percent of European 8-year-olds and by virtually all
12-year-olds, conservation of substance was understood by 22 percent of New
Guinean 8-year-olds and 85 percent of 18-year-olds, while conservation of area
was understood by no 8-year-olds and 50 percent of 18-year-olds. These results
suggest that the 18-year-old New Guinean Aborigines have a European mental age
of about 8 years, equivalent to an IQ of approximately 50.
A second study of 432 children and adolescents aged 6-19 and
with a mean age of 11 years was carried out by Kelly (1977). The results were
that 31 percent of them had attained the concept of the conservation of quantity
and none of them had attained the stage of formal operations. Because
approximately 70 percent of European children attain the concept of conservation
by the age of 7 years and all except the mentally retarded attain the stage of
formal operations by the age of twelve years, the finding that 31 percent of the
New Guinean sample achieved the stage of concrete operations at the age of seven
and that none of them attained the stage stone-age culture of the Aborigines,
but went on to assert that "this material poverty was not the result of low
intelligence but of the conditions of existence. The brain size of the
Aborigines falls within the European range and there is no evidence to suggest
that this is not true of their intelligence." The use of the phrase "falls
within the European range" for the brain size of Aborigines suggests that the
author was well aware that their average brain size falls at the low end of the
European range but was apparently anxious to gloss this over, while the
assertion that the Aborigines are as intelligent as Europeans is probably
attributable to sheer ignorance.
Jared Diamond goes even further in his book Guns, Germs,
and Steel, He begins by describing how when he was working in New Guinea a
tribesman named Yali asked him: "Why is it that you white people developed so
much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people have little cargo
of our own?" (p. 14). "Cargo" in the lingo of New Guinea means goods. Diamond
says that he wrote his book to answer this question. He contends that the answer
does not lie in differences in the intelligence of different peoples and that
the "New Guineans impressed me as being on average more intelligent than the
average European or American" (Diamond, 1998, p. 20). He makes no mention of the
studies showing the low IQs of these peoples on intelligence and Piagetian
8. Conclusions
The results of intelligence tests showing a low level of
intelligence in the Australian Aborigines confirm the observations of
anthropologists who described these peoples in the late nineteenth century and
the first half of the twentieth century and who considered that the Australian
Aborigines had poor mental abilities and were a primitive survival of stone-age
people. Thus, Wake (1872, p. 80) wrote that "the Australian Aborigines are still
but children in their general mental development." In the first decade of the
twentieth century Klaatsch (1908, p. 164) published the first of a number of
studies showing that the Aboriginal brain is smaller than that of Europeans and
concluded that "the Australian Aborigines are a relic of the oldest type of
mankind." Some years later the anthropologist Sir Arthur Keith (1922, p. xi)
wrote that the Australian Aborigines "represent the original stock from which
the three great modern races—the Negroids, Europeans and the Mongoloids—have
developed." But in the second half of the twentieth century anthropologists came
to assert that the Aborigines are just as intelligent as Europeans. Thus, A.RE.
(i960, p. 714), writing in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, described the
Chapter 9. Pacific Islanders
- 1. Intelligence of New Zealand Maoris
- 2. Other Pacific Islanders
- 3. Hawaiian Islander Hybrids
- 4. Brain Size
- 5. Environmental and Genetic Determinants of the Intelligence of Pacific
The pacific islanders are the indigenous peoples of the
numerous Pacific islands, the principal of which are New Zealand, the groups of
islands of Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia, and Hawaii, and the isolated Easter
Island. These islands were uninhabited by humans until about BC 6,000-1,000,
when Micronesia, Melanesia, and western Polynesia began to be settled by
Southeast Asian peoples. It was not until about 650 AD that all the major
islands of Polynesia were settled. The last of the Pacific islands to be
colonized was New Zealand, which was settled about 800 AD by Polynesians who
were the ancestors of the contemporary Maori. In classical anthropology the
Pacific Islanders were recognized as one of the seven major races by Coon, Garn,
and Birdsell (1950). This was confirmed by Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and Piazza
(1994) in their genetic classification, in which Micronesians, Melanesians, and
Polynesians appear as a "cluster." The Pacific Islanders are one of the minor
races, numbering about 1.5 million. At the end of the twentieth century there
were about 350,000 Maoris in New Zealand. The population of the Solomon Islands
is about 380,000, and there are about the same number in Fiji. The population of
Western Samoa is about 170,000, and of Tonga about 100,000.
1. Intelligence of New Zealand Maoris
The Pacific Islanders whose intelligence has been studied
most are the Maoris of New Zealand. Studies of their IQs are summarized in Table
9.1. Row 1 gives a general IQ of 91 and verbal and visualization IQs of 92 and
94. Row 2 gives IQs for 13-year-olds of 90 for g and reasoning, 94 for
verbal ability, and 87 for visualization. Row 3 gives an IQ of 82 for a sample
of 15-year-olds derived from the Otis, a largely verbal test of general
intelligence. Rows 4 through 13 give IQs in the range between 81 and 95. Row 14
gives an IQ of 92 from a national cohort study. Row 15 gives a verbal reasoning
IQ of 92 for applicants for positions in a government organization compared
with 55 European applicants. Neither of the groups can be regarded as
representative of the respective populations, but the intelligence difference
remains approximately in the middle of the range of the other studies.
Table 9.1. IQs of New Zealand Maoris
Age |
N |
Test |
K |
Reas |
Verb |
Vis |
Reference |
1 |
12-41 |
53 |
WB |
91 |
- |
92 |
94 |
Adcocketal., 1954 |
2 |
13 |
214 |
90 |
90 |
94 |
87 |
Walters, 1958 |
3 |
15 |
98 |
82 |
- |
- |
- |
Ausubel, 1961 |
4 |
11 |
18 |
WB |
81 |
- |
79 |
84 |
Ritchie, 1966 |
5 |
8-12 |
238 |
85 |
- |
- |
- |
Lovegrove, 1966 |
6 |
13-14 |
236 |
SI |
- |
- |
- |
Du Chateau, 1967 |
7 |
14 |
77 |
84 |
- |
- |
- |
Martin, 1969 |
8 |
5-7 |
80 |
Verbal |
90 |
- |
90 |
- |
Clay, 1971 |
9 |
14 |
55 |
88 |
- |
- |
- |
Codd, 1972 |
10 |
4-6 |
151 |
96 |
- |
- |
- |
St. George & St. George, 1975 |
11 |
9 |
211 |
91 |
91 |
91 |
- |
Harker, 1978 |
12 |
8-14 |
303 |
QT |
95 |
- |
- |
- |
St. George, 1983 |
13 |
10-12 |
130 |
90 |
- |
- |
- |
St. George & Chapman, 1983 |
14 |
8-9 |
22 |
92 |
1 |
- |
- |
Fergusson et al., 1991 |
15 |
Adults |
103 |
VR |
92 |
- |
- |
- |
Guenole et al., 2003 |
All the studies give broadly similar results, with IQs in the
range between 81 and 96 with a median IQ of 90. The Maori IQs are consistently
around 90 for reasoning, verbal, and non-verbal tests.
2. Other Pacific Islanders
Studies of the intelligence of Pacific Islanders other than
the New Zealand Maoris are summarized in Table 9.2. Row 1 gives an IQ of 85 for
native Hawaiian primary school children, obtained in the mid-1920s. Rows 2 and 3
give IQs of 90 and 82 for native Hawaiian school children, obtained in 1924 and
1938; these IQs are in relation to 100 for European children tested at the same
time. Row 4 gives an IQ of 81 for children attending school in the Mariana
Islands. Row 5 gives an IQ of 84 for adolescents in the Marshall Islands. Row 6
gives an IQ of 90 derived from tests of vocabulary and verbal understanding for
a sample of school children in Samoa. Row 7 gives an IQ of 82 for a sample of
Pacific Islanders in Papua New Guinea. This sample had an average of 9 years of
education and were applicants for entry to the Australian Navy. Their IQ is
calculated in relation to 100 for white Australian applicants also with 9 years
of education. Row 8 gives an IQ of 89 for preschool children ages 4 to 6 years
in the Cook Islands. Row 9 gives an IQ of 84 for 12-year-old school children in
Fiji. Row 10 gives an IQ of 86 for primary school children in Tonga. Row 11
gives an IQ of 83 for primary school children in Papua New Guinea; the children
were largely Pacific Islanders rather than aboriginals and were attending
schools with white Australian children. Row 12 gives an IQ of 89 for a large
sample of Filipinos in Hawaii obtained from the mathematics subtest of the STAS.
Row 13 gives an IQ of 85 for a sample of children tested with Kohs Blocks from
the French dependency of New Caledonia. Row 14 gives an IQ of 88 for a sample of
Pacific Islander adolescents attending schools in New Zealand. The median IQ of
the Pacific Islanders other than New Zealand Maoris is 85 and is therefore
slightly lower than the median of 90 of the Maoris. The explanation for the
higher intelligence of the Maoris is that many of them interbred with Europeans
and that they enjoy higher living standards and health care than other Pacific
Islanders. It is therefore considered that the IQ of 85 of the other Pacific
Islanders is the best estimate of the intelligence of the Pacific Islanders.
Table 9.2. IQs of Pacific Islanders
Location |
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reference |
1 |
Hawaii |
6-12 |
105 |
Binet |
85 |
Porteus & Babcock 1926 |
2 |
Hawaii |
10-14 |
302 |
NV |
90 |
Smith, 1942 |
3 |
Hawaii |
10-14 |
319 |
NV |
82 |
Smith, 1942 |
4 |
Mariana Islands |
6-16 |
200 |
Arthur |
81 |
Joseph & Murray, 1951 |
5 |
Marshall Islands |
12-18 |
407 |
CF |
84 |
Jordheim & Olsen, 1963 |
6 |
Samoa |
5-7 |
80 |
Verbal |
90 |
Clay, 1971 |
7 |
Papua N. Guinea |
17-18 |
152 |
82 |
Waldron & Gallimore, 1973 |
8 |
Cook Islands |
4-6 |
110 |
89 |
St. George, 1974 |
9 |
Fiji |
12 |
76 |
QT |
84 |
Chandra, 1975 |
10 |
Tonga |
8-9 |
80 |
86 |
Beck & St. George, 1983 |
11 |
Papua N. Guinea |
7-10 |
241 |
BG |
83 |
Robin & Shea, 1983 |
12 |
Hawaii-Filipinos |
16 |
3,507 |
89 |
Brandon et al, 1987 |
13 |
New Caledonia |
5-10 |
96 |
KB |
85 |
Cottereau-Reiss & Lehalle, 1988 |
14 |
Pacific Islands |
9-17 |
65 |
88 |
Reid & Gilmore, 1989 |
3. Hawaiian Islander Hybrids
IQs of children with one Hawaiian Islander and one European
parent, and with one Hawaiian Islander and one Chinese parent, were obtained by
Smith (1942) in his studies carried out in Honolulu in 1924 and 1938. The IQs
are summarized in Table 9.3. The IQs of the two hybrid groups are slightly
higher than the average of the two parent races. The average IQ of the Europeans
and Hawaiians is 90.5, while the IQ of the children is 93. Similarly, the
average IQ of the Chinese and Hawaiians is 90, while the IQ of the children is
91. The slightly higher than expected IQs of the children of the mixed-race
parents may be a hybrid vigor or hetero sis effect that is frequently present in
crosses between two strains. The same phenomenon has been found in Hawaii in a
study of the children of Asian-European parents, whose IQs were 4 IQ points
higher than those of the children of Asians and Europeans (Nagoshi and Johnson,
1986) In this study all three sets of parents had the same education and
socioeconomic status, suggesting that this is a genetic effect.
Table 9.3. IQs of Europeans, Chinese, and Pacific Islander
Group |
N |
IQ |
European |
1,110 |
100 |
Chinese |
2,704 |
99 |
European-Hawaiian |
842 |
93 |
Chinese-Hawaiian |
751 |
91 |
Hawaiian |
621 |
81 |
4. Brain Size of Pacific Islanders
It has only proved possible to find one study of the brain
size of Pacific Islanders. Smith and Beals (1990) give brain sizes for six
populations of which the mean is l,317cc. They give a brain size for Europeans
of l,369cc. The difference of 52cc is reasonably substantial and goes some way
toward accounting for the intelligence difference between the two peoples.
5. Environmental and Genetic Determinants of the
Intelligence of Pacific Islanders
There are no heritability studies of the intelligence of
Pacific Islanders, but it is probable that both environmental and genetic
factors contribute to their lower IQ, as compared with Europeans. The Maoris in
New Zealand and the Hawaiians in Hawaii have approximately the same environment
as Europeans in so far as they enjoy the environmental advantages of living in
affluent European societies with high standards of nutrition, education, and
welfare. The IQ of 90 of the Maoris is higher than the 85 of the other Pacific
Islanders, suggesting a beneficial effect of living in an affluent European
environment, but it remains well below the IQ of Europeans. The average IQ of
the four studies of the native Hawaiians is 84, virtually the same as the 85 of
other Pacific Islanders, suggesting that the affluent environment of Hawaii does
not improve their intelligence. The brain size of the Pacific Islanders is about
4 percent smaller than that of Europeans and probably has some genetic basis,
contributing to the intelligence difference.
Chapter 10. East Asians
- 1. Intelligence of Indigenous East Asians
- 2. East Asians in the United States
- 3. Further Studies of East Asians Outside East Asia
- 4. East Asians Adopted by Europeans
- 5. East Asian-European Hybrids
- 6. Reaction Times
- 7. Visual Memory
- 8. Brain Size
- 9. Heritability of Intelligence in East Asians
- 10. Environmental and Genetic Explanations of the East Asian IQ
The east asians are the indigenous peoples of present day
China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, and Tibet. They have frequently been described as
Mongoloids and have been recognized as one of the major races in classical
anthropology from the first taxonomies of Linnaeus (1758) and Blumenbach (1776),
and are one of the seven major races in the classification proposed by Coon,
Garn, and Birdsell (1950). Their identity as a genetic "cluster" has been
confirmed by Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and Piazza (1994) in their classification,
based on a number of genetic markers taken from samples of Samoyeds, Mongols,
Tibetans, Koreans, and Japanese. The most distinctive features of East Asians
are their straight black hair, flat nose, and yellowish skin color and the
epicanthic eye-fold that gives their eyes a narrow appearance.
1. Intelligence of Indigenous East Asians
Studies of the intelligence of indigenous East Asians have
been made in China, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, and also Singapore,
where ethnic Chinese make up 76 percent of the population. The results of these
studies are summarized in Table 10.1. Rows 1 to 10 give results for the People's
Republic of China. Row 1 gives an IQ of 107 from a standardization of the WISC-R
in Shanghai. This figure is probably a little high for China because the IQ in
Shanghai is likely to be higher than in China as a whole. Row 2 gives an IQ of
103 for several reasoning tests for 14- and 15-year-olds obtained in the
mid-1990s. Row 3 gives an IQ of 101 calculated from a standardization of the
Standard Progressive Matrices in China for the age range from 6 to 15. Row 4
gives an IQ of 104 for 12- and 18-year-olds in Shanghai compared with Americans
in Missouri and Georgia. On 10 arithmetic tests of computation and arithmetical
reasoning the Chinese scored higher by an average of 1.37d, the
equivalent of 20 IQ points. This study also reports a comparison of the
performance of elderly Chinese (N=56, age=66) and Americans (N=47, age =70) in
which the Chinese obtained a lower mean IQ than the Americans by 8 IQ points. No
information is given of how representative the sampling was and the result is
not considered sufficiently reliable for entry in the table. Row 5 gives an IQ
of 109 for a test of arithmetical reasoning for sample of 4-year-old pre-school
children in Beijing, compared with a sample of 156 American children. Row 6
gives an IQ of 103 for a drawing test of a person and a horse resembling the
Draw-a-Man test; the Chinese children were at school in Beijing and were
compared with a sample of 489 British children. Row 7 gives an IQ of 107 for a
combined sample of urban and rural children. Row 8 gives an IQ of 103 for a
sample of 17-year-olds at high school in Shanghai compared with a sample of 55
American high school students in Columbia, Missouri. Row 9 gives an IQ of 113
for a sample of college students at the East China Normal University in Shanghai
compared with a sample of 239 American college students at the University of
Missouri. Row 10 gives an IQ of 107 for a sample of 7-8-year-olds at school in
Rows 11 through 19 give nine results from Hong Kong. Row 11
gives an IQ of 105 obtained from the Culture Fair Test for a representative
sample of Chinese 9-11-year-olds attending five primary schools. Row 12 gives an
IQ of 106 obtained for a large sample of 16-year-olds on the AH4 test. There are
no satisfactory British norms for this age for this test, so the comparison
group is a sample of Canadian 16-year-olds (MacLean and McGhie, 1980). Rows 13
through 16 give IQs of 109, 103, 110, and 108 obtained from the Standard
Progressive Matrices. Row 16 gives results for 10-year-olds in which reasoning
ability was measured with the SPM, spatial ability with the space relations test
from the Primary Mental Abilities Test, and verbal ability by word fluency. This
study shows an exaggerated version of the typical East Asian pattern of high
reasoning IQ (108), higher spatial IQ (114), and weaker verbal IQ (92). Row 17
gives an IQ of 104 obtained from the Culture Fair Test. Row 18 gives the
unusually high IQ of 122 for a sample of 9-year-olds. Row 19 gives a closely
similar IQ of 120 for the Advanced Progressive Matrices Hong Kong
standardization sample, which appears to have been exceptionally well drawn.
Rows 20 through 42 give IQs for studies in Japan. Row 20
gives a Japanese IQ of 102 calculated from the Japanese standardization sample
of the WISC and based on five performance tests and digit span (the remaining
verbal tests were altered in the Japanese version of the test and therefore not
used); the visualization IQ of 102 is calculated from the block design and mazes
subtests. Row 21 also gives a Japanese IQ of 102, calculated from the
standardization sample of the WAIS and based on digit symbol, block design, and
digit span, the only tests that were unaltered in the Japanese version of the
test. Row 22 gives a Japanese IQ of 107 for 5-10 year olds on the MFFT
calculated from error scores compared with an American sample numbering 2,676.
Row 23 gives a Japanese IQ of 106 for 10 year olds obtained on the Japanese
Kyoto Test compared with British children. Row 24 gives an IQ of 108 for a
sample of children in Hiroshima for the arithmetic subtest of the WRAT. Row 25
gives an IQ of 112 for Japanese children in Nagoya and Hamamatsu. Row 26 gives
an IQ of 107 obtained from the Japanese standardization sample of the Columbia
Mental Maturity Scale.
Row 27 gives results of the study by Stevenson and his
colleagues that compared 6- and 11-year-olds of samples drawn from the cities of
Minneapolis in the United States, Sendai in Japan, and Taipei in Taiwan. While
Sendai and Taipei may be acceptable as broadly representative of urban children
in Japan and Taiwan, the same cannot be said of Minneapolis as representative of
American cities. Minneapolis is the principal city in Minnesota and there is
considerable evidence that the intelligence level is higher in Minnesota than in
the United States as a whole. In the military draft in World War I, the whites
from Minnesota obtained the highest score on the Army Beta Test of all American
states (Montagu, 1945b). In the military draft for the Korean War the percentage
found unacceptable in Minnesota for military service on account of low
intelligence was the second lowest among the American states
Table 10.1. IQs of indigenous East Asians
Location |
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reas |
Verb |
Vis |
Reference |
1 |
China |
6-16 |
660 |
107 |
- |
- |
- |
Li et al., 1990 |
2 |
China |
6-15 |
5,108 |
101 |
101 |
- |
- |
1991c |
3 |
China |
14-15 |
297 |
Various |
103 |
103 |
- |
- |
Li et al., 1996 |
4 |
China |
6-12 |
269 |
104 |
- |
- |
- |
Geary et al., 1997 |
5 |
China |
4 |
60 |
Arithmetic |
109 |
109 |
- |
- |
Ginsburgetal., 1997 |
6 |
China |
6-13 |
463 |
103 |
- |
- |
- |
Cox et al., 1998 |
7 |
China |
6-8 |
160 |
107 |
107 |
- |
- |
Goaetal., 1998 |
8 |
China |
17 |
218 |
103 |
103 |
- |
- |
Geary et al., 1999 |
9 |
China |
19 |
218 |
113 |
113 |
- |
- |
Geary et al., 1999 |
10 |
China |
6-8 |
300 |
107 |
- |
- |
- |
Zhou & Boehm, 2001 |
11 |
Hong Kong |
9-11 |
1,007 |
105 |
- |
- |
- |
Godman, 1964 |
12 |
Hong Kong |
16 |
5,209 |
AH4 |
106 |
- |
- |
- |
1982 |
13 |
Hong Kong |
10 |
1,000 |
109 |
109 |
- |
- |
Chan & Vernon, 1988 |
14 |
Hong Kong |
6-13 |
13,822 |
103 |
103 |
- |
- |
Lynn, Pagliari & Chan, 1988 |
15 |
Hong Kong |
6-15 |
4,500 |
110 |
110 |
- |
- |
Lynn, Pagliari & Chan, 1988 |
16 |
Hong Kong |
10 |
197 |
108 |
108 |
92 |
114 |
Lynn, Pagliari & Chan, 1988 |
17 |
Hong Kong |
9 |
376 |
104 |
- |
- |
- |
Lynn, Hampson & Lee, 1988 |
18 |
Hong Kong |
9 |
479 |
122 |
122 |
- |
- |
Chan et al. ,1991 |
19 |
Hong Kong |
15 |
341 |
120 |
120 |
- |
- |
Lynn & Chan, 2003 |
20 |
Japan |
5-15 |
1,070 |
102 |
- |
- |
102 |
Lynn, 1977a |
21 |
Japan |
35 |
316 |
102 |
- |
- |
- |
Lynn, 1977a |
22 |
Japan |
5-10 |
760 |
107 |
- |
- |
- |
Salkind et al., 1978 |
23 |
Japan |
10 |
212 |
Kyoto |
106 |
- |
- |
- |
Lynn & Dziobon, 1980 |
24 |
Japan |
8-11 |
97 |
108 |
- |
108 |
- |
Tarnopol & Tarnopol, 1980 |
25 |
Japan |
9 |
223 |
112 |
- |
- |
112 |
Bagley et al., 1983 |
26 |
Japan |
4-9 |
347 |
107 |
107 |
- |
- |
Misawa et al., 1984 |
27 |
Japan |
6-11 |
480 |
Various |
105 |
- |
99 |
1 11 |
Stevenson et al., 1985 |
28 |
Japan |
6-16 |
1,100 |
103 |
- |
100 |
104 |
Lynn & Hampson, 1986a |
29 |
Japan |
4-6 |
600 |
105 |
- |
97 |
109 |
Lynn & Llampson, 1987 |
30 |
Japan |
14 |
2,100 |
Kyoto |
104 |
103 |
103 |
107 |
et al., 1987a |
31 |
Japan |
13-15 |
178 |
104 |
- |
- |
114 |
Lynn et al., 1987b |
32 |
Japan |
2-8 |
548 |
McCarthy |
103 |
- |
102 |
105 |
Ishikuma et al., 1988 |
33 |
Japan |
6-12 |
142 |
101 |
- |
99 |
103 |
Kaufman et al., 1989 |
34 |
Japan |
16 |
175 |
A, MR, M |
113 |
110 |
- |
- |
Mann et al., 1990 |
35 |
Japan |
9 |
444 |
110 |
109 |
121 |
- |
Shigehisa & Lynn, 1991 |
36 |
Japan |
5-7 |
454 |
109 |
- |
121 |
109 |
Takeuchi & Scott, 1992 |
37 |
Japan |
6-12 |
451 |
105 |
105 |
- |
- |
Tamoaka et al., 1993 |
38 |
Japan |
14-15 |
239 |
Various |
103 |
- |
100 |
- |
Li et al. ,1996 |
39 |
Japan |
6-17 |
93 |
Gen Info |
100 |
- |
- |
102 |
Chen et al., 1996 |
40 |
Japan |
19 |
72 |
102 |
- |
- |
- |
Flaherty, 1997 |
41 |
Japan |
7-11 |
60 |
102 |
- |
105 |
- |
Cox et al., 2001 |
42 |
Japan |
17 |
1,119 |
Gen Info |
105 |
- |
- |
- |
Evans et al., 2002 |
43 |
Singapore |
13 |
147 |
107 |
107 |
- |
- |
Lynn, 1977b |
44 |
Singapore |
15 |
459 |
114 |
114 |
- |
- |
Lim, 1994 |
45 |
South Korea |
2-12 |
440 |
113 |
110 |
106 |
120 |
Moon, 1988 |
46 |
South Korea |
9 |
107 |
109 |
109 |
98 |
111 |
Lynn & Song, 1994 |
47 |
South Korea |
4 |
56 |
Numerical |
103 |
103 |
- |
- |
Ginsburg et al., 1997 |
48 |
South Korea |
6-16 |
2,231 |
WISC-3 |
100 |
- |
98 |
102 |
Georgas et al., 2003 |
49 |
Taiwan |
6-8 |
1,865 |
102 |
102 |
- |
- |
Hsu, 1971 |
50 |
Taiwan |
9-10 |
1,384 |
110 |
- |
- |
- |
Hsu et al., 1973 |
51 |
Taiwan |
6-7 |
43,825 |
105 |
- |
- |
- |
Hsu, 1976 |
52 |
Taiwan |
8-11 |
193 |
107 |
- |
107 |
- |
Tarnopol & Tarnopol, 1980 |
53 |
Taiwan |
6-11 |
480 |
Various |
104 |
104 |
100 |
- |
Stevenson et al., 1985 |
54 |
Taiwan |
6-8 |
764 |
105 |
105 |
- |
- |
Rabinowitz et al., 1991 |
55 |
Taiwan |
6-11 |
169 |
Gen Info. |
100 |
- |
100 |
- |
Chen et al., 1996 |
56 |
Taiwan |
9-12 |
2,476 |
105 |
105 |
- |
- |
Lynn, 1997 |
57 |
Taiwan |
6-15 |
118 |
105 |
105 |
- |
- |
Lai et al., 2001 |
58 |
Taiwan |
17 |
1,469 |
Gen Info |
107 |
- |
107 |
- |
Evans et al., 2002 |
(Jensen, 1973, p.107), indicative of a high average
intelligence level. In the NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress)
math test of 8th grade students in 2003, Minnesota achieved the highest score of
all the American states (National Center for Education Statistics, 2003). Flynn
(1980, p. 107) has calculated that the mean IQ of whites in Minnesota is 105.
This is accepted as the best estimate. Hence for a comparison with an American
white IQ of 100, 5 IQ points need to be added to the samples from Japan and
Taiwan, giving them an IQ of 105 consistent with the results of numerous other
Row 28 gives a general (full scale) IQ of 103 derived from
the Japanese standardization samples of the WISC-R, a verbal IQ of 100 based on
the five verbal subtests, and a visualization IQ of 104 based on the block
design subtest. Row 29 gives a general (full scale) IQ of 103 derived from the
Japanese standardization sample of the WPPSI, a verbal IQ of 97 based on five
verbal subtests, and a visualization IQ of 109 based on four performance
Row 30 gives IQs of 103 for reasoning, 103 for verbal, and
107 for visualization ability obtained from the administration of the Kyoto Test
to a representative sample of British children; the three IQs have been averaged
to give an IQ of 104 for general IQ. Row 31 gives IQs of 104 for reasoning and
114 for visualization ability obtained from the administration of the DAT to a
sample of Japanese 13-15-year-olds. Row 32 gives a general IQ of 103, IQs of 102
for "sequential processing" (approximately equivalent to verbal ability), and
105 for "simultaneous processing" (approximately equivalent to visualization
ability), calculated from the Japanese standardization sample of the McCarthy
test. Row 33 gives an IQ of 103 derived from Kaufman et al.'s (1989) analyses of
the Japanese WISC-R standardization sample for Kaufman's sequential and
simultaneous factors. "Sequential processing" (an approximate measure of verbal
ability) correlated 0.44 with the Wechsler verbal IQ, and "simultaneous
processing" (an approximate measure of visualization ability) correlated 0.73
with the Wechsler performance IQ. The two IQs are averaged to give a measure of
g. In addition, the test contains a matrix analogies test similar to the
Progressive Matrices, the results of which are entered in the table under
reasoning. Row 34 gives an IQ of 113 for a sample of adolescents in school in
Keio compared with 121 American students in school in Florida; the verbal IQ of
116 is calculated from a test of arithmetic and the visualization IQ of 110 from
tests of mental rotation and mazes. Row 35 gives an IQ of 110 for a sample of
9-year-old children in Tokyo. Row 36 compares Japanese children in the city of
Nagoya with Canadian norms on the Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test (CCAT). The
mean Japanese reasoning IQ of 106 is typical of a number of other studies, but
the Japanese verbal IQ of 121 is an unusually high figure for Japanese children.
This study also found a quantitative IQ of 112 for Japanese children. The
children's age range was 5 to 7 years and the advantage of the Japanese
5-year-olds was as great as that of the 6-7-year-olds. The 5-year-olds were at
kindergarten. The high IQs obtained by Japanese 5-year- olds makes it improbable
that the Japanese advantage can be an effect of more efficient schooling, as
proposed by Stevenson et. al (1985). Row 37 compares Japanese children in the
medium-sized city of Matsuyama with American norms on the Matrix Analogies Test
and gives the Japanese children a mean IQ of 105.
Row 38 gives an IQ of 103 for reasoning and 109 for
visualization obtained for 14-15-year-olds as averages of several tests in the
mid-1990s. This result is part of the same study that found an IQ of 103 for
children of the same age in China, suggesting that by the mid-1990s the IQs of
Chinese and Japanese children were the same. Row 39 gives a verbal IQ of 100
derived from a general knowledge test given to 6- and 17-year-olds in the
Japanese city of Sendai compared with the American city of Minneapolis. Because
the mean IQ of whites in Minneapolis is estimated at 105, as explained in the
comment on row 27, the Japanese mean has been raised by 5 IQ points. Row 40
gives a visualization IQ of 102 obtained by comparing a sample of Japanese high
school and university students with a sample of 52 European students at
University College, Dublin. Row 41 gives an IQ of 102 obtained for Japanese 7-
and 11-year-olds compared with a matched sample of 60 British children. Row 42
gives a verbal IQ of 105 derived from a general knowledge test comparing
Japanese 17-year-olds with Americans in Minneapolis; the Japanese mean has been
raised by 5 IQ points for the reason given in the comment on row 38.
Rows 43 and 44 give results for Singapore. Row 43 gives an IQ
of 107 for a sample of 13-year-olds. Row 44 gives an IQ of 114 for 15-year-olds
obtained from the Advanced Progressive Matrices and is substantially higher,
although it is not so high as the two last studies from Hong Kong.
Rows 45 through 48 give four results for South Korea. Row 45
gives an IQ of 113 derived from the standardization sample of the Kaufman K-ABC
test, an exceptionally well-constructed and standardized American test. This
study shows the typical East Asian pattern of high reasoning IQ (110) obtained
from a matrix analogies test, high spatial IQ (120), and weaker verbal IQ (106).
Row 46 gives an IQ of 109 and a similar pattern of lower verbal than
visualization abilities. Row 47 gives an IQ of 103 for a socially representative
sample of 4-year-olds at pre-school in the region of Busan compared with 156
American children. Row 48 gives an IQ of 100 based on the standardization sample
Rows 49 through 59 give eleven results for Taiwan. Row 49
gives an IQ of 102 obtained from an early result in the 1950s. Rows 50, 51, and
52 give IQs of 102, 110, and 105 obtained by primary school children. Row 53
gives an IQ of 107 for a sample of children in Taipei for the arithmetic subtest
of the WRAT. Row 54 gives an IQ of 104 obtained from a comparison of Taiwanese
children with an American sample in Minneapolis, where the mean IQ of whites is
estimated at 105 (as explained in the comment on row 27) so the Taiwanese mean
has been raised by 5 IQ points. Row 55 gives an IQ of 105 for 6-8-year-old
primary school children in Taipei and country towns and villages. Row 56 gives
an IQ of 100 for a general information or knowledge test given to samples from
the United States (N=l,052) and Taipei in Taiwan. General knowledge is a
component of verbal intelligence, as shown in numerous factor analyses of the
Wechsler tests (see also Carroll, 1993), and the results are entered under
verbal IQ. Rows 57 and 58 give IQs of 105 for non-verbal reasoning. Row 59 gives
an IQ of 107 for a general knowledge test given to samples in the United States
(N=l,052) and Taipei. The Taiwanese sample scored 2 IQ points higher than the
American, but the American sample was taken from the city of Minneapolis where
the mean IQ of whites is estimated at 105 (as explained in the comment on row
27) so the Taiwanese mean has been raised by 5 IQ points to 107. The median IQ
of the eleven studies from Taiwan is 105.
Two conclusions can be drawn from the studies summarized in
Table 10.1. The first is that all the East Asian IQs are a little higher than
those of Europeans, except for the Chen et al. (1996) studies of general
information in Japan and Taiwan, and the Georgas et al. (2003) result for South
Korea, all of which give East Asians an IQ of 100. The range of IQs is between
100'and 122. The median IQ of the studies is 105 and should be taken as the best
estimate of the IQs of indigenous East Asians. Second, eleven of the studies
contain measures of verbal and visualization abilities and in ten of these the
visualization IQ is greater than the verbal IQ (the study in row 36 is the
exception). The mean and median differences between the two abilities are both
12 IQ points. This difference appears in a variety of tests. The finding of the
stronger visualization abilities and weaker verbal abilities of East Asians as
compared with Europeans is so consistently present and is so large that it
appears to be a real phenomenon.
2. East Asians in the United States
East Asians have settled in a number of countries, including
the United States, Canada, Europe, Brazil, and Malaysia. By far the greatest
number of studies of the intelligence of East Asians outside East Asia have been
made in the United States. These have been summarized and discussed by Vernon
(1982) and Flynn (1991). Vernon concluded that American ethnic East Asians have
a verbal IQ of 97 and an IQ of 110 on non-verbal and spatial tests (p. 28). His
analysis is flawed on two accounts. First, there is no generally accepted
meaning of "non-verbal" intelligence. This imprecise concept is unsatisfactory
because it can include any ability that is not verbal, including abstract
reasoning, visualization, spatial, and perceptual abilities. Second, Vernon took
no account of the secular increase of test norms that have the effect that
groups tested with a test normed at some earlier date have inflated IQs. Flynn's
analysis is better in so far as he adjusts IQs for secular increases in norms,
but he also analyzes intelligence in terms of verbal and "non-verbal" IQs and
averages these to produce an ''overall IQ." Flynn's (p. 65) conclusions are that
American ethnic Chinese and Japanese have a verbal IQ of 95.3 and a "non-verbal
IQ" of 99.6, and he averages these to give an "overall IQ" of 97.6. This is not
a satisfactory analysis because "non-verbal IQ" is not accepted today as a
meaningful concept. Furthermore, his use of the two concepts of verbal and
non-verbal intelligence gives verbal ability the same weight as all other
abilities in calculating general intelligence, and as East Asians are relatively
weak this spuriously reduces their IQ. General intelligence or g is best
measured either from a test of non-verbal reasoning or from the average of
verbal, reasoning, and visualization abilities. Despite this conceptual weakness
Flynn has performed a useful literature review and analysis and in general I
have adopted his estimates in the summary that follows.
There is a problem with the studies of ethnic East Asians in
the United States and elsewhere, in that many of the samples have continued to
speak Japanese, Chinese, or Korean as their first language and have consequently
performed poorly on verbal tests in English. In many cases it is impossible to
tell the extent of this handicap.
Studies of ethnic East Asians in the United States are
summarized in Table 10.2. Row 1 gives an IQ of 97 for Chinese children in San
Francisco. They were tested with the Binet, which is a largely verbal test, and
this probably handicapped the children, a number of whom will have spoken
English as a second language. Row 2 gives a non-verbal reasoning IQ of 99 and a
word knowledge IQ of 95 for Chinese children in Hawaii. Row 3 gives an IQ of 101
for Chinese and Japanese obtained in the standardization sample of the
Draw-a-Man test. Rows 4 and 5 give IQs of 100 and 103 for Chinese and Japanese
in Hawaii tested with the Porteus Mazes. Rows 6, 7, and 8 give IQs of 99,101,
and 102 for non-verbal reasoning for ethnic Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans in
Honolulu compared with whites in the same location. The Chinese, Japanese, and
Koreans scored substantially lower than whites on verbal tests (89, 86, and 88).
It is impossible to determine how far the low verbal IQs of the Chinese,
Japanese, and Koreans were due to their speaking their own languages at home and
consequently being handicapped on verbal tests in English, and how far they
were due to the typical East Asian pattern of weaker verbal than reasoning
abilities. Probably both factors were involved. Row 9 gives a verbal IQ of 96
for Japanese 18-year-olds interned during World War II calculated by Flynn
(1991); 91 percent of the sample were second-generation immigrants and 8 percent
third generation immigrants. As with the Honolulu study, it is uncertain what
percentage of these would have spoken Japanese in the home as their first
language and hence have been handicapped on verbal tests in English. Row 10
gives a verbal IQ of 97 and a visualization IQ of 106 for a sample of ethnic
Chinese 6-year-olds in New York. It is not certain whether some of these
children spoke Chinese at home and were therefore handicapped on the verbal
test. It is assumed that half of them were, and hence the verbal IQ is given
only half the weight of the visualization IQ to estimate the general
intelligence of 103.
Row 11 gives IQs of 100 for reasoning and 97 for verbal
ability for ethnic Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans from the nationwide Coleman
study calculated by Flynn. The reasoning IQ is adopted as the figure for g.
Row 12 gives a verbal IQ of 96 for ethnic Chinese and Japanese in Hawaii
calculated by Flynn. Row 13 gives results for Japanese children in the island
Kauai in the Hawaiian archipelago. The mean IQs were verbal, 107; spatial, 105;
reasoning, 112; perception, 105; and number, 106. Flynn (1991) estimates that
the norms of the test were obsolescent by 33 years and therefore that 10 points
need to be deducted from the IQs. He arrives at a verbal IQ of 97 and a
non-verbal IQ of 99 calculated as the average of the remaining four tests, and
therefore a general overall IQ of 98. The results are unusual in showing a
relatively low IQ of 95 for spatial (visualization) IQ. Row 14 gives an IQ of 99
and a verbal IQ of 95 for 17-year-olds in Los Angeles in 1969-1970 calculated by
Flynn. Row 15 gives an IQ of 103 for ethnic Chinese in San Francisco matched for
socio-economic status to whites, tested with a map understanding test described
as a measure of spatial reasoning. In the same study blacks also matched with
whites for socio-economic status obtained an IQ of 90.
Row 16 gives IQs of 101 for vocabulary and 102 for block
design tests measured by the WISC in a nationwide survey and averaged to 101 for
g (this study was missed by Flynn in his survey). Row 17 gives a
non-verbal reasoning IQ of 98 and a verbal IQ of 99 derived from tests of
information and English language obtained from a nationwide survey and
calculated by Flynn. The higher verbal than reasoning IQ is unusual and so
contrary to the usual East Asian higher reasoning than verbal pattern that the
result may be unreliable. Row 18 gives a WISC performance nonverbal IQ of 101
and a WISC verbal IQ of 91 for a small sample of 9-year-olds in San Francisco's
Chinatown calculated by Flynn (1991). The children attended Chinese private
schools and their low verbal IQ is probably attributable to many of the children
speaking Chinese both at school and at home. The performance IQ is therefore
adopted as the best measure of their general intelligence. Row 19 gives an IQ of
101 for a Chinese sample in California.
Row 20 gives an IQ of 99 from various studies collected by
Sowell and synthesized by Flynn. The tests given are not identified and are
entered as measures of g. Row 21 gives an IQ of 107 obtained from the
test of mathematical skills for a large sample of Japanese adolescents in Hawaii
compared with a sample of 3,722 Europeans also in Hawaii.
Row 22 gives an IQ of 101 for Chinese children in California,
collected by Jensen in 1975 and analyzed by Flynn. Half the children were
foreign born, coming mainly from Hong Kong, which probably accounts for their
low verbal IQ of 89.
Row 23 gives results collected by Jensen from an affluent
district in Berkeley, California, calculated by Flynn. Both the Chinese and
Japanese and the white children scored high. The figures entered in the table
are Flynn's estimates for the East Asian children scored against national norms.
In relation to white children (n=l-506) in the same district, the East Asian
children obtained IQs of 98 for reasoning and 95 for verbal IQ. The sample is
not representative or satisfactory. Row 24 gives results for a Californian
Chinese sample. Row 25 gives an IQ of 103 for a small but nationally
representative sample of adolescents. Row 26 gives an IQ of 104 for American
Asians from the standardization sample of the Differential Ability Scale. The
1980 American census showed that approximately half of American Asians are East
Asians, consisting of ethnic Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, and some Vietnamese.
The remainder are mainly Filipinos, Vietnamese, Thais, Cambodians, and other
Southeast Asians. Southeast Asians have IQs below Europeans, so the results
shown in the table understate the intelligence of American East Asians. Row 27
gives an IQ of 109 for a small sample
Table 10.2. IQs of East Asians in the United States
Location |
Ethnicity |
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reas |
Verb |
Vis |
Reference |
1 |
California |
Chinese |
6-12 |
97 |
Binet |
97 |
- |
- |
- |
Yeung, 1922 |
2 |
Hawaii |
Chinese |
9-13 |
513 |
Pintner |
99 |
- |
95 |
- |
Symonds, 1924 |
3 |
National |
NE Asian |
6-8 |
67 |
101 |
- |
- |
- |
Goodenough, 1926B |
4 |
Hawaii |
Mixed |
12 |
408 |
PM |
100 |
- |
- |
- |
Porteus & Babcock, 1926 |
5 |
Hawaii |
Mixed |
7-12 |
770 |
PM |
103 |
- |
- |
- |
Porteus, 1 930 |
6 |
Honolulu |
Chinese |
10-14 |
2,704 |
NV |
99 |
99 |
- |
- |
Smith, 1942 |
7 |
Honolulu |
Japanese |
10-14 |
3,312 |
NV |
101 |
101 |
- |
- |
Smith, 1942 |
8 |
Honolulu |
Korean |
10-14 |
509 |
NV |
102 |
102 |
- |
- |
Smith, 1942 |
9 |
National |
Japanese |
18 |
669 |
96 |
- |
96 |
- |
Portenier, 1947 |
10 |
New York |
Chinese |
6 |
80 |
Hunter |
103 |
- |
97 |
106 |
Lesser et al., 1965 |
11 |
National |
NE Asian |
6-17 |
4,994 |
Various |
100 |
100 |
97 |
- |
Coleman, 1966 |
12 |
Hawaii |
NE Asian |
16 |
554 |
96 |
- |
96 |
- |
Stewart et al., 1967 |
13 |
Kauai |
Japanese |
9-10 |
253 |
98 |
102 |
97 |
95 |
Werner et al., 1968 |
14 |
Los Angeles |
Asian |
17 |
390 |
Various |
99 |
99 |
95 |
- |
Flaughter, 1971 |
15 |
California |
Chinese |
11-15 |
90 |
Maps |
103 |
- |
- |
103 |
Feldman, 1971 |
16 |
National |
NE Asian |
6-11 |
32 |
101 |
- |
101 |
102 |
United States, 1971 |
17 |
National |
NE Asian |
18 |
150 |
Various |
98 |
98 |
99 |
- |
Backman, 1972 |
18 |
California |
Chinese |
9 |
53 |
101 |
- |
91 |
101 |
Yee & La Forge, 1974 |
19 |
California |
Chinese |
6-11 |
478 |
Various |
101 |
- |
- |
- |
Jensen &C Inouye, 1980 |
20 |
National |
NE Asian |
- |
929 |
Various |
99 |
- |
- |
- |
Sowell, 1986 |
21 |
Hawaii |
Japanese |
16 |
4,024 |
107 |
- |
- |
- |
Brandon et al., 1987 |
22 |
California |
Chinese |
6-11 |
254 |
Lorge-T |
101 |
101 |
89 |
- |
Flynn, 1991 |
23 |
California |
NE Asian |
10-12 |
234 |
Lorge-T |
110 |
110 |
- |
106 |
Flynn, 1991 |
24 |
California |
Chinese |
10 |
155 |
104 |
104 |
- |
- |
Jensen & Whang, 1994 |
25 |
National |
E Asian |
14-22 |
42 |
103 |
- |
- |
- |
Herrnstein &: Murray, 1994 |
26 |
National |
Asian |
6-17 |
48 |
104 |
106 |
100 |
105 |
Lynn, 1996 |
27 |
National |
E Asian |
7 |
63 |
109 |
- |
- |
- |
Rushton, 1997 |
of East Asians obtained from the National Collaborative
Perinatal Project collected in approximately 1966.
The median IQ of the nine studies in the first half of the
twentieth century is 101 and is a little lower than the median of 104 of the
nine studies obtained from 1980 onwards, when it is almost exactly the same as
the 105 of indigenous East Asians. There are three possible explanations for the
increase in the intelligence of East Asians in the United States during the
twentieth century. The first is that many of those in the early studies spoke
Chinese or Japanese as their first language and would have been handicapped on
tests in English. Second, there may have been a tendency for the East Asians who
migrated to the United States to have been a little below the average
intelligence of those who remained in East Asia. The Chinese and Japanese who
emigrated to the United States in the second half of the nineteenth century were
largely peasants who came to do unskilled work on the construction of the
railways and other building work. This would probably not seem an attractive
option for the more intelligent who would generally have been doing sufficiently
well in their own countries. Once these early migrants had settled in the United
States their children would have shown some regression upwards towards the East
Asian mean of 105.
Third, five of the studies contain measures of verbal and
visualization abilities and in four of these the visualization IQ is greater
than the verbal IQ (the study in row 13 is the exception). The mean difference
between the two abilities is 4.4 IQ points and is present in studies using a
variety of tests. This confirms the pattern found in the samples of indigenous
East Asians given in Table 10.1.
3. Further Studies of East Asians outside Northeast
Studies of the intelligence of East Asians in locations
outside Northeast Asia and the United States are summarized in Table 10.3. Row 1
gives an IQ of 99 for ethnic Japanese in Brazil. Row 2 gives an IQ of 107 for
Japanese children in London; the actual IQ of this sample was 115 but the
children's parents were largely businessmen, diplomats, and professional people
of various kinds, so the IQ will be inflated. There are typically about 15 IQ
points between the top and bottom socio-economic classes (e.g. Nettle, 2003), so
the IQ of average Japanese children should be about 107. Rows 3 and 4 give IQs
of 104 and 95 for early studies of Japanese and Chinese in Vancouver. According
to Vernon (1982), the Chinese immigrants were of poor peasant stock while the
Japanese were from the skilled working class and middle class, and this explains
why the Japanese performed better. Row
Table 10.3. Further Studies of East Asians outside
Northeast Asia
Location |
Ethnicity |
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reas |
Verb |
Vis |
Reference |
1 |
Brazil |
Japanese |
10 |
186 |
99 |
99 |
- |
- |
Fernandez, 2001 |
2 |
Britain |
Japanese |
9 |
42 |
107 |
- |
- |
107 |
Bagley et al. ,1983 |
3 |
Canada |
Japanese |
6-12 |
274 |
Pintner |
104 |
- |
- |
- |
Sandiford & Kerr, 1926 |
4 |
Canada |
Chinese |
6-12 |
224 |
Pintner |
95 |
- |
- |
- |
Sandiford & Kerr, 1926 |
5 |
Canada |
Chinese |
6-8 |
40 |
101 |
- |
97 |
105 |
Peters & Ellis, 1970 |
6 |
Canada |
Chinese |
6-8 |
85 |
101 |
- |
99 |
103 |
Kline & Lee, 1972 |
7 |
Canada |
Chinese |
15 |
182 |
Various |
103 |
105 |
97 |
106 |
Vernon, 1984 |
8 |
Malaysia |
Chinese |
7-12 |
1,459 |
99 |
99 |
- |
- |
Chaim,1994 |
9 |
Netherlands |
Chinese |
11 |
150 |
102 |
102 |
85 |
- |
Pieke,1988 |
5 gives an IQ of 101 for a later study of Chinese in
Vancouver. Rows 6 and 7 give results of two further studies of Chinese in Canada
with IQs of 101 and 103. Row 8 gives an IQ of 99 for ethnic Chinese in Malaysia
and is 10 IQ points higher than that of Malays (see Table 7.1). The reason the
IQ of the ethnic Chinese in Malaysia is a little lower than that of other East
Asians in East Asia may be that they are relatively recent immigrants recruited
to do unskilled work and these immigrants may have been a little below the
Chinese average. Row 9 gives a numerical reasoning IQ of 102 for the children of
Chinese immigrants in the Netherlands. On verbal comprehension their IQ was 85,
but since they spoke Chinese as their first language this cannot be regarded as
valid. The median IQ of the nine studies is 101, exactly the same as that of
East Asians in the United States.
Three conclusions can be drawn from the studies of East
Asians summarized in Table 10.3. First, their average IQs are a little higher
than those of Europeans in similar environments. In Brazil the IQ of 99 of
ethnic Japanese is 4 IQ points higher than that of Europeans (see Table 3.2).
The ancestors of these were recruited to work as agricultural laborers in the
late nineteenth century and these immigrants may have been a little below the
Japanese average. In addition, their IQ and the IQ of 95 of Europeans in Brazil
(see Table 3.2) are both slightly depressed, probably partly because of the low
living standards in Brazil ($6,625 in 1998 as compared with $20,336 in Britain).
The median IQ of the four Canadian studies is 101. The median IQ of all the
studies in the United States is 101. This is slightly higher than Flynn's
estimate of 97.6, because Flynn omits the studies by Symonds (1924), Goodenough
(1926b), Feldman (1971), United States (1971), and the four last studies
published after his analysis. Thus, the IQ of East Asians in the United States
is a little lower than the 105 of East Asians in their own native habitats in
East Asia. There are four possible reasons for this.
The first is that those who migrated to the United States
could have had slightly lower than average IQs than those who remained in Asia.
This is possible because the East Asians in the United States and elsewhere
outside East Asia are the descendants of immigrants who migrated to take
unskilled laboring jobs and may well have been a little below the average
intelligence of the populations from which they came.
The second is that many of the Chinese and Japanese spoke
Chinese and Japanese as their first language and this would have handicapped
their performance in some of the tests.
Third, it may take two generations for immigrants from
impoverished countries to overcome the effects of poor nutrition and reach their
full potential. The mean IQ of the last six studies in Table 10.2, published
from 1990 onwards, is 105, the same as that of East Asians in East Asia.
Fourth, three of the studies contain measures of verbal and
visualization abilities and in all of these the visualization IQ is greater than
the verbal IQ. The mean difference between the two abilities is 7 IQ points.
This confirms the low verbal-high visualization pattern of abilities found in
East Asia and the United States. A further study finding this ability pattern
has been reported by Rushton (1992a) in a sample of university students in
Canada in which East Asian students had a mean verbal IQ of 112.8 and a mean
performance (mainly visualization) IQ of 120.6, while European students had a
mean verbal IQ of 117.7 and a mean performance (mainly visualization) IQ of
4. East Asians Adopted by Europeans
There have been six studies of the intelligence of East Asian
infants adopted by European families in Europe and the United States. These are
summarized in Table 10.4. Rows 1 through 3 give IQs of Korean children reared by
white American adoptive parents. The sample was divided into three groups
consisting of those who had been severely undernourished as infants (Row 1),
those who were poorly nourished (Row 2), and those who were well nourished (Row
3). The IQs of the three groups were related to their nutritional history. The
severely undernourished group did not score significantly differently from
American whites, but the other two groups scored higher. No details are given of
the intelligence tests used to measure the IQs, which were obtained from school
records and probably inflated by obsolete norms. Row 4 gives a verbal IQ of 115
for 25 largely East Asians, consisting of 12 from Vietnam (largely ethnic
Chinese), 10 from Korea, 3 from Cambodia, and 2 from Thailand.
Rows 5 and 6 give the results of similar studies in Europe.
Row 5 gives an IQ of 110 for Korean children adopted as infants in Belgium and
shows the usual higher visualization than verbal ability profile typically
characteristic of East Asians. Row 6 gives an IQ of 108 for 36 Korean children
who were adopted by Dutch families in the Netherlands.
The mean of the six studies is an IQ of 109 and if the two
first studies of malnourished infants is excluded the mean is 111. One reason
for this high figure is probably that these were young children adopted by
largely middle class families. It is known from the Weinberg, Scarr, and Waldman
(1992) study that middle class adoptive parents boost the IQs of their adopted
children in early and middle childhood but the effect fades away in late
adolescence and adulthood. In this study black infants adopted by white middle
class parents obtained a mean IQ of 95 at age seven but this fell to 89 at age
17, indicating that being reared in white middle class families boosts the
childhood IQ by 6 IQ points (Levin, 1994; Lynn, 1994c).
Table 10.4. IQs of East Asian children adopted by
Location |
Ethnicity |
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reas |
Verb |
Vis |
Reference |
1 |
Korean |
6-14 |
37 |
Various |
102 |
- |
- |
- |
Winick et al., 1975 |
2 |
Korean |
6-14 |
38 |
Various |
106 |
- |
- |
- |
Winick et al., 1975 |
3 |
Korean |
6-14 |
37 |
Various |
112 |
- |
- |
- |
Winick et al., 1975 |
4 |
Various |
3-4 |
25 |
115 |
- |
115 |
- |
Clark & Hamsee, 1982 |
5 |
Belgium |
Korean |
10 |
19 |
110 |
- |
104 |
111 |
Frydman &c Lynn, 1989 |
6 |
Netherlands |
Korean |
7 |
36 |
108 |
- |
- |
- |
Stams et al., 2000 |
Applying this result to the IQ of 112 of adequately nourished
adopted East Asian children suggests that by adulthood their IQ would have
declined by 6 IQ points bringing it down to 106, virtually the same as that of
East Asians in East Asia and of the most recent studies of East Asians in the
United States.
The results for the adopted children in Belgium given in row
5 show once again the low verbal-high visualization ability pattern of East
Asians present in East Asia, the United States, and elsewhere. This racial
pattern has been found so consistently in such a variety of locations that it
appears to be a genetic difference.
5. East Asian-European Hybrids
In Chapter 4 we saw considerable evidence that the
intelligence of African-European hybrids is intermediate between that of
Africans and Europeans. It might be expected that the intelligence of East
Asian-European hybrids would likewise be intermediate between that of the two
parent races. The only study on this issue is that of Rushton (1997) in an
analysis of the data of the American National Collaborative Perinatal Project.
This consists of a study of 53,043 infants for whom information of various kinds
was collected at birth, in infancy, and at the age of seven years when data were
collected for IQ measured by the WISC and head circumference. The IQs and brain
size of East Asians, East Asian-European hybrids (of the 37 cases, 5 were black
but these were not disaggregated), Europeans, and African Americans at age 7 are
shown in Table 10.5. Row 1 gives the numbers of children. Row 2 gives the mean
IQs as reported. Row 3 gives the IQs adjusted for the secular increase of test
norms from 1949, the year of the standardization of the WISC, to 1966, the
median year of the collection of the data and requiring the deduction of 5 IQ
points from the reported IQs. Row 4 gives the brain size in cubic centimeters
estimated from head circumference. Notice that for all three measures, the East
Asian-European hybrids fall intermediate between the East Asians and the
Europeans. The fact that they fall closer to the Europeans is explicable because
5 of the cases were East Asian-African hybrids.
Table 10.5. IQs and brain size (cc) of East Asian-European
East Asian |
Hybrid |
European |
African |
1 |
Number |
63 |
37 |
17,432 |
19,419 |
2 |
IQ-Raw |
114 |
103 |
102 |
90 |
3 |
IQ-Adjusted |
109 |
98 |
97 |
85 |
4 |
Brain size |
1,170 |
1,155 |
1,150 |
1,134 |
6. Reaction Times
Reaction times consist of the speed of reaction to a simple
stimulus such as the onset of a light. Many studies have shown that reaction
times are positively related to intelligence at a magnitude of around 0.2 to 0.3
(see Jensen, 1998, and Deary, 2000) and it has been argued by Jensen (1998) that
reaction times are a measure of the neurological efficiency of the brain in
processing information. We saw in Chapter 4 that Africans have slower reaction
times than Europeans consistent with their lower IQ. We consider now whether
East Asians have faster reaction times than Europeans consistent with their
higher IQs.
Three studies of this issue are summarized in Table 10.6. In
all three studies the reaction times (RT) shown are the average of three
reaction time tasks consisting of simple reaction times (the speed of reaction
to the onset of a single light), choice reaction times (the response to one of
eight lights), and odd man reaction times (three lights appear in an array and
the correct response is to switch off the one furthest from the other two). Row
1 compares Japanese and British 9-year-olds. The IQ of the Japanese children was
110 or 0.66d higher than that of the British children, while their reaction
times were Q.50d higher than those of British children. Row 2 gives
results for a similarly designed study comparing Chinese children in Hong Kong
with white British children. The IQ of the Chinese children was 122 or 1.33d
higher than that of the British children, while their reaction times were
Q.96d higher than those of British children. Row 3 gives results for a
further study of ethnic Chinese children in California compared with 77 European
children. The Chinese scored 6 IQ points or QAQd higher than the white
children on intelligence and 0.25d higher on the average of the three
reaction time tests. The results of all three studies show that the magnitude of
the advantage of East Asian children in reaction times representing the
neurological efficiency of the brain in simple information processing is about
two thirds of their advantage in intelligence. These studies also reported
differences in reaction time variability and in movement times and these were of
approximately the same magnitude as those of the reaction times. Jensen (1998)
provides a more detailed description and discussion of these studies. Geary et
al. (1997) have also reported faster reaction times and higher IQs in Chinese as
compared with American children, but they do not give standard deviations so the
difference cannot be expressed as a d.
Table 10.6. Differences between East Asians and Europeans
in reaction times
Sample |
N |
Age |
IQ |
IQd |
Reference |
1 |
Japanese |
444 |
9 |
110 |
0.66 |
0.50 |
Lynn & Shigehisa, 1991 |
2 |
Chinese |
479 |
9 |
122 |
1.33 |
0.96 |
Chan et al., 1991 |
3 |
Chinese |
155 |
11 |
106 |
0.40 |
0.25 |
Jensen & Whang, 1993 |
7. Visual Memory
Visual memory is not normally tested in intelligence tests.
There have been four studies of the visual memory of the Japanese, the results
of which are summarized in Table 10.7. Row 1 gives a Japanese IQ of 107 for
5-10-year-olds on the MFFT calculated from error scores compared with an
American sample numbering 2,676. The MFFT consists of the presentation of
drawings of a series of objects, e.g., a boat, hen, etc. that have to be matched
to an identical drawing among several that are closely similar. The task entails
the memorization of the details of the drawings in order to find the perfect
match. Performance on the task correlates 0.38 with the performance scale of the
WISC (Plomin and Buss, 1973), so that it is a weak test of visualization ability
and general intelligence as well as a test of visual memory. Row 2 gives a
visual memory IQ of 105 for ethnic Japanese Americans compared with American
Europeans on two tests of visual memory consisting of the presentation of 20
objects for 25 seconds and then removed, and the task was to remember and
rearrange their positions. Row 3 shows a visual memory IQ of 110 obtained by
comparing a sample of Japanese high school and university students with a sample
of 52 European students at University College, Dublin. Row 4 shows a visual
memory IQ of 113 for the visual reproduction subtests of the Wechsler Memory
Scale-Revised obtained from the Japanese standardization of the test compared
with the American standardization sample. The test involves the drawing from
memory of geometric designs presented for 10 seconds. The authors suggest that
the explanation for the Japanese superiority may be that Japanese children learn
kanji, the Japanese idiographic script, and this develops visual memory
capacity. However, this hypothesis was apparently disproved by the Flaherty and
Connolly study (1996) whose results are shown in row 2. Some of the ethnic
Japanese American participants had a knowledge of kanji, while others did not,
and there was no difference in visual memory between those who knew and those
who did not know kanji, disproving the theory that the advantage of East Asians
on visualization tasks arises from their practice on visualizing idiographic
Table 10.7. Differences between East Asians and Europeans
in visual memory
N |
Age |
Test |
IQ |
Reference |
1 |
760 |
5-10 |
107 |
Saikind et al., 1978 |
2 |
48 |
23 |
Vis. Mem |
105 |
Flaherty & Connolly, 1996 |
3 |
72 |
19 |
Vis. Mem |
110 |
Flaherty, 1997 |
4 |
316 |
16-74 |
Vis. Repr. |
113 |
Sugishita & Omura, 2001 |
8. Brain Size
Studies of differences in brain size between East Asians and
Europeans are summarized in Table 10.8. The means and standard deviations are
for brain volume in cubic centimeters. Row 1 gives the results calculated by
Gould (1981) from the collection of skulls assembled in the early nineteenth
century by the American physician Samuel Morton (1849), who categorized them by
race and calculated their average cranial capacities. Gould accused Morton of
mistakes and re-measured the skulls, proving to his own satisfaction that the
East Asians and Europeans had the same brain size. However, the number of skulls
was very low, consisting of 10 East Asians and 52 Europeans, and is so few that
little weight can be attached to it. They are given here largely for historical
interest. Row 2 gives results from the largest collection of skulls ever
collected, numbering approximately 20,000, and shows that the East Asians had a
larger brain size than the Europeans by l.2d (standard deviation units).
Row 3 gives a difference of 20cc from a study of American 7-year-old children
carried out by Broman, Nichols, Shaughnessy, and Kennedy (1987). The brain sizes
have been calculated from their data by Rushton (1997). Row 4 gives the results
of data assembled by Jurgens, Aune, and Pieper (1990) for many thousands of
25-45-year-olds. The figures in the table have been adjusted for body size by
Rushton (2000). Row 5 gives the results of a data set assembled by Groves (1991)
by combining estimates of cranial capacities of 36 samples of males from figures
given by Coon, Molnar, and Martin, and Sailer. The brain sizes are larger than
in row 2 because they are for men but the European-Northeast Asian difference is
similar, although slightly larger. Row 6 gives Rushton's results for brain size
adjusted for body size for 6,325 United States military personnel. Row 7 gives
Rushton's summary of a large number of data sets for brain size adjusted lor
body size. Thus, all the studies except Morton's, revised by Gould shown in row
1, have found that the East Asians have larger average brain size than
Table 10.8. Brain size (cc) differences of Europeans and
East Asians
Europeans |
East Asians |
Difference |
Reference |
1 |
1,426 |
1,426 |
0 |
Gould, 1981 |
2 |
1,369 |
1,416 |
53 |
Smith & Seals, 1990 |
3 |
1,150 |
1,170 |
20 |
Broman et al. 1987 |
4 |
1,297 |
1,308 |
11 |
Jurgens et al., 1990 |
5 |
1,467 |
1,531 |
64 |
Groves, 1991 |
6 |
1,361 |
1,403 |
44 |
Rushton, 1992 |
7 |
1,347 |
1,364 |
17 |
Rushton, 2000 |
9. Heritability of Intelligence in East Asians
Only one study has been published on the heritability of
intelligence in East Asians (Lynn and Hattori, 1990). This reports correlations
of 543 identical and 134 non-identical twin pairs aged 12 years for a composite
of 23 tests. The correlation was 0.782 for the identical twins and 0.491 for the
non-identical twins. The heritability is obtained by doubling the difference
between the two correlations and is 0.582. Corrected for test reliability and
assuming a reliability coefficient of 0.9 (Bouchard, 1993), the heritability
becomes 0.65. This is about the same as the heritability for Europeans at this
age, as shown in Chapter 3, Section 4, and it can be reasonably assumed that the
heritability of intelligence in Europeans and East Asians is approximately the
10. Environmental and Genetic Explanations of the East
Asian IQ
The consistently high IQs obtained by East Asians in their
indigenous habitats in East Asia and in Europe and the Americas have presented a
problem for environmentalists. These have found it relatively easy to explain
the low IQs of Africans that they could ascribe to poverty, poor education, test
bias, and racism. None of these can explain the lower IQ of Europeans compared
with East Asians. Environmentalists have adopted three strategies to deal with
this problem. The first is to ignore it. This is the solution adopted in most
general textbooks and in specialist books on race and intelligence by Fish
(2002), Gould (1996), and Montagu (1999). The second strategy is to dispute or
belittle it. Thus, shortly after the first study of the high IQ of the Japanese
on the WISC-R was published, Stevenson and Azuma (1983) contended that the
Japanese standardization sample under-represented lower IQ groups. Later, as
more studies were published confirming the high IQ of the Japanese, it was no
longer possible to dispute it, so environmentalists contended that the
difference was only small. Thus, Brody (2000, p. 219) writes of the studies
finding that intelligence in Japan is higher than in the United States, "there
is little or no evidence that there are large differences in IQ between these
groups." He does not specify what he means by large. In similar vein, Mackintosh
(1998, p. 168) writes "there is no good reason to believe that Chinese or
Japanese seriously outscore whites on intelligence tests." He does not specify
what he means by seriously. The third strategy adopted by environmentalists is
to contend that even if it is conceded that East Asians have higher IQs than
Europeans "there is no evidence to decide whether such differences are
environmental or genetic in origin" (Mackintosh, 1998, p. 168).
Contrary to this contention, the studies summarized in this
chapter point to a strong genetic determination of the higher IQ of East Asians
as compared with Europeans.
First, there is the consistency of the higher IQs of the East
Asians than those of the Europeans in so many different locations, including
China, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Hong Kong (summarized in
Table 10.1).
Second, the high IQs obtained by East Asians in their native
lands are in general confirmed by studies of East Asians outside East Asia
summarized in Table 10.2. In the United States, the median IQ of East Asians
derived from all the studies is 101, a little lower than the 105 of indigenous
East Asians in East Asia. There are two possible reasons for this. The first is
that those who migrated to the United States could have had slightly lower than
average IQs than those who remained in Asia. The second is that the first and
second generations of immigrants generally continue to speak their own languages
and English as a second language. This may handicap them in language tests. The
mean IQ of the last six studies in Table 10.2 published from 1990 onwards is
105, the same as that of East Asians in East Asia.
In Table 10.3 we see that East Asians consistently obtain
slightly higher average IQs than Europeans in similar environments. In Brazil,
the IQ of 99 of ethnic Japanese is 4 IQ points higher than that of Europeans
(see Table 3.2), although the Japanese were brought in to work as agricultural
laborers after the abolition of slavery in 1888 and are unlikely to have had
higher IQs than the general population in Japan. In Britain, East Asians
obtained an IQ of 107, and in the Netherlands an IQ of 102. In Malaysia, they
obtain an IQ of 99, 10 IQ points higher than that of the indigenous Malays.
Third, environmentalists do not offer any explanation for the
consistently high IQ of East Asians, and it is doubtful whether any credible
environmental explanation can be found. Intelligence is affected by living
standards, but the living standards of a number of East Asians have been lower
than those of Europeans. The East Asians of Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore
enjoy comparable living standards to those of Europeans in northern and western
Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, but the living
standards of those in China, South Korea, and Taiwan have been much lower, yet
their IQs are about 5 IQ points higher than those of Europeans. The difference
is consistently present and there is no plausible environmental explanation for
the East Asian superiority.
Fourth, the six studies of the intelligence of Korean infants
adopted by European families in Europe and the United States summarized in Table
10.4 all show that these children have higher IQs than those of the Europeans in
whose environment they have been reared. It seems improbable that these infants
given up for adoption were a selective sample with higher than average IQs. It
should however be noted that these children were quite young and would probably
have been adopted largely by middle class families that would have given them
some environmental advantage. Just how large this effect is likely to have been
is difficult to assess, but it is unlikely that it can have been as much as the
11 IQ point advantage of the four adequately nourished samples of adopted East
Asians. In the Weinberg, Scarr, and Waldman (1992) study summarized in Section
13 of Chapter 4, it was shown that black infants adopted by white middle class
families obtained an IQ of 95 at age 7 and of 89 at age 17, suggesting that the
environmental advantage for the 7-year-olds was 6 IQ points. Applying the same
rule of thumb to the adopted East Asian children, the mean IQ of the adequately
nourished samples of 111 should be reduced by 6 IQ points to give a true IQ of
105, precisely the same as that of indigenous East Asians.
Fifth, the faster reaction times of East Asian children shown
in Table 10.6 indicate that they have a more efficient neurological processing
system that makes a significant contribution to their higher IQs, and again this
superiority in reaction times cannot be plausibly explained environmentally.
Chapter 11. Arctic Peoples
- 1. Intelligence of Arctic Peoples
- 2. Visual Memory
- 3. Brain Size
- 4. Genotypic Intelligence of Arctic Peoples
The arctic peoples are the indigenous Inuit (formerly known
as Eskimos) of Alaska, the north coast of Canada, and Greenland, the Aleuts of
the Aleutian Islands, and the North Turkic and Chukchi peoples of the far
northeast of Asia. They are identified as a distinctive genetic "cluster" by
Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and Piazza (1994) in their classification of peoples
based on a number of genetic markers. The Arctic Peoples differ genetically from
the Amerindians in having an appreciable percentage of the B blood group, which
is absent in the Amerindians. They differ from the Amerindians and from the East
Asians in that they are more highly cold adapted, with shorter legs and arms and
a thick trunk to conserve heat, a more pronounced epicanthic eye-fold, and a
nose well flattened into the face to reduce the risk of frostbite. The reason
the Arctic Peoples have evolved into a distinctive race is that their ancestors
were isolated from the East Asians by the Chersky mountain range in northeast
Asia. The Inuit split off from the Chukchi people of northwest Russia when they
migrated across the Bering Straits into North America about BC 11-10,000.
Several of their prehistoric sites have been found in the Nenana river valley in
Central Alaska, where their artefacts have been dated at between 11,300 to
10,000 years ago (Dixon, 1999). In the mid-twentieth century there were
approximately 50,000 Inuit and approximately 5,600 Aleutians, 1
Intelligence of Arctic Peoples
Studies of the intelligence of Arctic Peoples are summarized
in Table 11.1. Row 1 gives an IQ of 89 for the first study of a large sample of
Inuit children tested with the Goodenough Draw-A-Man (DAM) Test. Row 2 gives an
IQ of 92 for a sample of Aleutian children also tested with the DAM by the same
author. This is the only study of the intelligence of Aleutian children. All the
other studies are of Inuit. Rows 3 and 4 give results of a study of the IQs of
representative samples of primary and secondary Inuit school children in the
Yukon and Northwest Territories of Canada tested in 1962. The primary school
children obtained an IQ of 94 and the secondary school children an IQ of 84. Row
5 gives the lowest IQ of the series of 78 for a sample of young adults and is so
much out of line with the other results that it should be regarded as spurious.
Row 6 gives Inuit adults a visualization IQ of 93. Row 7 gives an IQ of 91 for
10-year-olds. Row 8 gives an IQ of 90 obtained by Vernon from tests of matrices,
vocabulary, and Koh's Blocks. The low IQ of 80 for vocabulary may be spuriously
low because the children may have spoken their native language at home. The IQ
of 90 for reasoning has been entered as the most reasonable figure for general
intelligence. In this study Vernon also gave the DAM test, on which the Inuit
children obtained an IQ of 95. This is broadly consistent with the results in
Rows 1 and 2, in which Arctic children obtained DAM IQs of 89 and 92.
Row 9 gives an IQ of 91 for a substantial sample of
6-12-year-olds obtained from the performance scale of the WISC; these children
obtained much lower verbal IQs but they did not speak English as their first
language and their low verbal IQs cannot be regarded as valid. Row 10 gives a
reasoning IQ of 96 for a sample of 9-12-year-olds. Row 11 gives verbal and
performance IQs of 78 and 93 respectively for a small sample of 7-year-olds
tested with the WPPSI. The children spoke English as a second language, so the
verbal IQ is spuriously low and the performance IQ of 93 is entered as the best
measure of general intelligence. Row 12 gives a reasoning IQ of 95 for a sample
of 7-10-year-olds. Row 13 gives an IQ of 91 for a substantial sample of
7-14-year-olds obtained from the performance scale of the WISC-R. The verbal
scale was not given because the children did not speak English as their first
language. Row 14 gives an IQ of 92 for Inuit 5-year-olds living in Arctic
Quebec. The authors claim that the Inuit children scored higher than Americans,
but this is because American norms are depressed by the inclusion of ethnic
minorities and because they made no allowance for the secular increase of scores
(the children were also given repeated testing at the ages of 6 and 7 in which
they made gains attributable to practice effects). Row 15 gives a non-verbal
reasoning IQ of 86 and a vocabulary IQ of 77 for Inuit 15-year-olds in Alaska.
Table 11.1. IQs of Arctic Peoples
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reas |
Verb |
Vis |
Reference |
1 |
6-11 |
469 |
89 |
- |
- |
- |
Eells, 1933 |
2 |
6-11 |
105 |
92 |
- |
- |
- |
Eells, 1933 |
3 |
6-9 |
174 |
94 |
94 |
- |
- |
MacArthur, 1965 |
4 |
10-15 |
326 |
84 |
84 |
- |
- |
MacArthur, 1965 |
5 |
25 |
122 |
78 |
78 |
- |
- |
Berry, 1966 |
6 |
Adults |
186 |
93 |
- |
- |
93 |
Kunce et al., 1967 |
7 |
10 |
87 |
91 |
91 |
- |
- |
MacArthur, 1967 |
8 |
11 |
50 |
90 |
90 |
80 |
88 |
Vernon, 1969 |
9 |
6-12 |
380 |
91 |
- |
- |
91 |
Kaplan et al., 1973 |
10 |
9-12 |
69 |
96 |
96 |
- |
- |
Taylor & Skanes, 1976a |
11 |
7 |
22 |
93 |
- |
78 |
93 |
Taylor & Skanes, 1976b |
12 |
7-10 |
63 |
95 |
95 |
- |
- |
Taylor & Skanes, 1977 |
13 |
7-14 |
366 |
91 |
- |
- |
91 |
Wilgosh et al, 1986 |
14 |
5 |
110 |
92 |
92 |
- |
- |
Wright et al., 1996 |
15 |
15 |
261 |
86 |
86 |
77 |
- |
Grigorenko et al., 2004 |
The median IQ of the studies is 91 and is proposed as the
best estimate of the intelligence of the Arctic Peoples. The visualization IQs
are somewhat higher than the verbal IQs as shown in Vernon's sample given in row
8, where the visualization IQ is 88 and the verbal IQ 80, and again in the
Taylor & Skanes study given in row 11, where the visualization IQ is 93 and the
verbal IQ 78. Averaging the two results gives a visualization IQ 11 points
higher than the verbal IQ. This high visualization-low verbal pattern is also
present in the related East Asian and Amerindian Peoples. It appears that there
has been no tendency for the intelligence of Inuit to improve over the period of
approximately 60 years from the early 1930s, when the first study by Eells
(1933) found an IQ of 89, to the last study in the early 1990s, when Wilgosh et
al. (1986) found an IQ of 91.
2. Visual Memory
The Inuit have an unusually strong visual memory ability that
is not measured in standard intelligence tests. This was shown by Kleinfeld
(1971) in a study of the visual memory of 125 Inuit village children in Alaska
aged 9-16 compared with 501 white children in Anchorage and Fairbanks, the two
principal towns in Alaska. The test consisted of the presentation of drawings
for a brief period of time, after which the children were given the task of
drawing them from memory. The Inuit children obtained a mean IQ of 106 in
relation to a white mean of 100. Kleinfeld (p. 133) observes that this test
result is consistent with the observations of travelers who have accompanied
Inuit on long hunting expeditions. She writes that "Caucasians who have traveled
with Inuit frequently remark on their extraordinary ability to travel through
what seems to be a featureless terrain by closely observing the smallest
landmarks and memorizing their spatial locations."
The strong visual memory of Inuit may explain why they are
relatively good at spelling. In Vernon's (1969) study he found that Inuit
10-year-olds had a spelling IQ of 95, considerably higher than their verbal IQ
of 80, of which spelling is generally considered a component (Carroll, 1993).
Good visual memory helps spelling because it makes it possible to recall the
shapes of words. This is probably why females are much better at spelling than
males (Lynn, 1992): they have better visual memories (Halpern, 2000; Kimura,
It is likely that the strong visual memory of Inuit has a
genetic basis. It has been found by Osborne and Gregor (1966) that visual memory
has a high heritability. Even 9-year-old Inuit children had significantly better
visual memory than Europeans, and it seems unlikely that children of this young
age would have acquired this strong ability through training, even if this is
possible. The most probable explanation for the strong visual memory of Inuit
children is that this ability developed genetically through natural selection
because of the need for Arctic Peoples to remember fine details of the landscape
in order to find their way home after going out on long hunting expeditions. The
landscape of the frozen tundra provides few distinctive cues, so hunters would
need to note and remember such few features as do exist. The strong visual
memory of the Inuit is also present in the East Asians (IQ 107) (Chapter 10,
Section 7) and Native Americans, for whom Lombardi (1970) found an IQ of 104,
very close to the IQ of 106 found by Kleinfeld for Inuit. Possibly the ancestral
population of northeast Asia evolved strong visual memory before they diverged
into the East Asians, Native Americans, and Arctic Peoples. The strong visual
memory of the Inuit has a parallel with that in the Australian Aborigines
reported by Kearins (1981) and explained as an adaptation to living in deserts
with few landmarks and similar in this regard to the frozen tundra of the Arctic
(see Chapter 8).
3. Brain Size
It has only proved possible to find one study of the brain
size of Arctic Peoples. Smith and Beals (1990) give brain sizes for ten
populations of which the mean is l,444cc. They give a brain size for Europeans
of l,368cc. The difference of 76cc is substantial. Brain size is associated with
intelligence among individuals and the same association would be expected to
hold between groups. The larger brain size of the Arctic Peoples leads to the
expectation that they would have higher IQs than Europeans, yet this is not the
There are two probable explanations for this anomaly. First,
some of the large brain size of the Arctic Peoples is likely devoted to their
strong visual memory found by Kleinfeld (1971) and summarized in Section 2.
Second, brain size is not the sole determinant of intelligence. Some
neurophysiological processes for higher intelligence may have evolved in the
Europeans as a result of genetic mutations but failed to appear in the Arctic
Peoples. The reason for this is probably that the Europeans were much more
numerous so that the chances of favorable mutations for greater intelligence
were greater.
4. Genotypic Intelligence
It seems probable that both genetic and environmental factors
contribute to the low IQ of the Arctic Peoples. There are two lines of evidence
suggesting some genetic determination. First, as noted in Section 1, the IQ of
the Arctic Peoples has not shown any increase relative to that of Europeans
since the early 1930s, although their environment has improved in so far as in
the second half of the twentieth century they received improved welfare payments
and education. If the intelligence of the Arctic Peoples had been impaired by
adverse environmental conditions in the 1930s it should have increased by the
early 1980s. Second, in all the studies summarized in Table 11.1 the Arctic
children were at school and thus familiar with test taking procedures, so there
is no reason to suppose that they were handicapped in this regard.
Chapter 12. Native Americans
- 1. Intelligence of Native Americans in North America
- 2. IQs Assessed by the Draw-a-Man Test
- 3. Latin America
- 4. Visual Memory
- 5. Native American Hybrids
- 6. Musical Ability
- 7. Brain Size
- 8. Hispanics
- 9. Genotypic Intelligence of Native Americans
The native americans, also known as American Indians, are the
original indigenous peoples of the Americas whose ancestors migrated from the
far northeast of Asia across the Bering Straits into present-day Alaska. They
are one of the major races in the taxonomies of the classical anthropologists
Linnaeus (1758), Blumenbach (1776), and Coon, Garn, and Birdsell (1950).
Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and Piazza (1994) have confirmed that the Native
Americans form a distinctive genetic "cluster" that differentiates them from
other peoples. The most distinctive features of Native Americans that
distinguish them from East Asians are their darker and sometimes reddish skin,
hooked or straight nose, and lack of the complete East Asian epicanthic
eye-fold, although the inner eye-fold is sometimes present. In the United States
there were about two million Native Americans enumerated in the 1990 census.
About half of these lived on or near reservations. In Central and South America
at the end of the twentieth century there were around 70 million Native
Americans and around 140 million Mestizos, with mixed Native American and
European ancestry.
1. Intelligence of Native Americans in North America
The intelligence of the Native Americans in the United States
began to be studied in the 1920s and from the 1960s similar studies began to be
published for Native Americans in Canada. The studies are summarized in Table
12.1. Row 1 gives an IQ of 86 from the first study of the intelligence of Native
Americans in the United States published as early as 1922. Row 9 gives a
non-verbal reasoning IQ of 91 obtained by 8-17-year-olds in the Coleman study,
the largest study ever published of the ability of Native American school
students. Their verbal IQ was a little lower at 87.
The median of the 21 studies is an IQ of 86. The Native
Americans obtained higher visualization than verbal abilities in all of the six
studies in which tests of the two abilities were given. The median visualization
IQ in these studies is 89.5 and the median verbal IQ for the studies is 81. The
same strong visualization-weak verbal profile of abilities is present among East
Asians (see Chapter 10, Section 1) to whom the Native Americans are genetically
closely related.
2. IQs Assessed by the Draw-a-Man Test
There have been several studies of the intelligence of Native
Americans tested with the Goodenough Draw-a-Man Test (DAM). Because this is a
non-verbal test and hence avoids the problem that some of the Native American
samples did not speak English as their first language, it is useful to consider
these separately. The DAM was devised by Florence Goodenough (1926a and 1926b)
and involves the drawing of a man and a woman. The drawings are scored for the
presence of detail such as ears, eyebrows, etc. The DAM correlates with other
established intelligence tests at a magnitude of around 0.40 to 0.60. For
instance, Abell, Wood, and Liebman (2001) report correlations on studies of 100
children of the DAM with the WISC-R and WISC-III of 0.46 and 0.35 for verbal IQ,
0.57 and 0.48 for performance IQ, and 0.54 and 0.45 for full-scale IQ. In a
study in which the DAM was given to a sample of 217 10-year-olds together with a
number of other tests of vocabulary, reasoning, spatial, and perceptual
abilities, the DAM loaded 0.48 on the first principal component compared with
loadings in the range of 0.58 to 0.70 for the other cognitive tests (Lynn,
Wilson, and Gault, 1989). Thus, the DAM is an adequate although not a strong
measure of g and appears to be more a measure of visualization than of
verbal ability. The reason for this is probably that the child has to visualize
the human body before drawing it. The results of the studies of the IQs of
Table 12.1. IQs of Native Americans in North America
Location |
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reas |
Verb |
Vis |
Reference |
1 |
6-11 |
715 |
Otis |
86 |
- |
- |
- |
Hunter & Sommermier, 1922 |
2 |
9-13 |
1,102 |
National |
69 |
- |
- |
- |
Garth, 1925 |
3 |
5-9 |
961 |
Pinter/Nat |
85 |
- |
- |
- |
Haught, 1934 |
4 |
9-14 |
1,000 |
Otis |
70 |
- |
- |
- |
Garth and Smith, 1937 |
5 |
6-11 |
323 |
McArthur |
88 |
- |
- |
- |
Havighurst et al., 1944 |
6 |
6-13 |
205 |
93 |
93 |
- |
- |
Turner & Penfold, 1952 |
7 |
16-17 |
100 |
86 |
- |
82 |
91 |
Howell et al., 1958 |
8 |
6-15 |
281 |
85 |
85 |
- |
- |
West & MacArthur, 1964 |
9 |
8-17 |
4,994 |
- |
91 |
91 |
87 |
- |
Coleman, 1966 |
10 |
Canada |
6-14 |
124 |
CF |
76 |
- |
- |
- |
Gaddesetal., 1968 |
11 |
Canada |
12-14 |
137 |
94 |
94 |
- |
- |
Bowd, 1973 |
12 |
Canada |
5-11 |
111 |
92 |
92 |
- |
- |
Cropley & Cardey, 1975 |
13 |
6-20 |
160 |
90 |
- |
70 |
90 |
St. John et al., 1976 |
14 |
Canada |
6-13 |
177 |
82 |
- |
80 |
85 |
Seyfort et al., 1980 |
15 |
6-13 |
177 |
87 |
- |
- |
87 |
Teeter et al. ,1982 |
16 |
6-12 |
236 |
94 |
- |
88 |
100 |
McShane & Plas, 1984 |
17 |
6-16 |
200 |
93 |
- |
- |
93 |
Browne, 1984 |
18 |
13-15 |
124 |
87 |
87 |
- |
- |
Sidles ScMacAvoy, 1987 |
19 |
6-16 |
1,129 |
93 |
93 |
- |
- |
Raven & Court, 1989 |
20 |
6-16 |
240 |
86 |
- |
73 |
86 |
Reynolds et al., 1999 |
21 |
6-15 |
691 |
80 |
- |
83 |
89 |
Beiser & Gotowiec, 2000 |
Native Americans in North America on the DAM are summarized
in Table 12.2. The median IQ is 90. This is almost the same as the median
visualization IQ of 89.5 for the studies summarized in Table 12.1 and is
consistent with the interpretation of the DAM as predominantly a measure of
visualization ability.
Table 12.2. IQs of Native Americans on the Draw-a-Man test
Location |
Age |
N |
IQ |
Reference |
1 |
California |
6-8 |
79 |
86 |
Goodenough, 1926B |
2 |
N. Dakota |
5-11 |
225 |
88 |
Telford, 1932 |
3 |
Alaska |
6-11 |
58 |
91 |
Eells, 1933 |
4 |
Oklahoma |
6-8 |
125 |
99 |
Rohrer, 1942 |
5 |
N. Mexico |
6-8 |
96 |
90 |
Norman & Midkiff, 1955 |
6 |
Vancouver |
6-14 |
124 |
88 |
Gaddes et al., 1968 |
7 |
Canada |
11 |
50 |
88 |
Vernon, 1969 |
8 |
Canada |
5-11 |
111 |
99 |
Cropley & Cardey, 1975 |
3. Latin America
Studies of the intelligence of Native Americans in Latin
America are summarized in Table 12.3. Row 1 gives an IQ of 84 obtained on a test
of quantitative reasoning for 4-year-old children in Colombia described as
"approximately equally divided among SES groups" (p. 172). These were compared
with 156 American children described as representative of the United States. The
population of Colombia is 75 percent Native American and Mestizo, 20 percent
European, and 5 percent African. It is reasonable to assume that the higher IQ
of the Europeans and the lower IQ of the Africans will approximately balance out
and that the IQ of 84 represents the intelligence of the Native Americans. Rows
2 through 5 give four IQs for Ecuador (89, 88, 80, and 91). The IQ of 91 given
in row 5 is for 8-year-old Quechua children in two villages, some of whom were
pure Native American and others were of mixed racial identity. Row 6 gives an IQ
of 79 for Guatemala. Rows 7 through 9 give three IQs for Mexico (87, 92, 83),
the last of which is for Native Americans in Baja California. Rows 10 and 11
give IQs of 87 and 85 for Native Americans in Peru.
Table 12.3. IQs of Native Americans in Latin America
Location |
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reference |
1 |
Colombia |
4 |
120 |
QR |
84 |
Ginsburg et al., 1997 |
2 |
Ecuador |
6-7 |
48 |
89 |
Dodge, 1969 |
3 |
Ecuador |
17 |
120 |
88 |
Fierro-Benitez et al., 1989 |
4 |
Ecuador |
5-17 |
104 |
80 |
Proctor et al., 2000 |
5 |
Ecuador |
8 |
41 |
91 |
Counter et al., 1998 |
6 |
Guatemala |
6-12 |
256 |
79 |
Johnson et al., 1967 |
7 |
Mexico |
6-13 |
520 |
87 |
Modiano, 1962 |
8 |
Mexico |
6-12 |
197 |
92 |
Laosa et al., 1974 |
9 |
Mexico |
7-11 |
194 |
83 |
Lynn et al., 2005 |
10 |
Peru |
8-11 |
4,382 |
87 |
Raven et al., 1995 |
11 |
Peru |
6-7 |
300 |
85 |
Llanos, 1974 |
The IQs lie in the range of 79 to 92 and are reasonably
consistent, considering the range of countries from which the samples have been
drawn. The median IQ of the studies is 86 and is the same as that of Native
Americans in North America derived from the studies set out in Table 12.1. The
best estimate of the IQ of Native Americans in both North and South America is
therefore 86.
4. Visual Memory
Visual memory is an ability not generally assessed in
intelligence tests. There is some evidence that Native Americans are strong on
this ability. A study by Lombardi (1970) compared 80 Native American with 80
white 6-8-year-olds tested with the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities
and found that the Native Americans obtained a verbal IQ of 73 and a
visualization IQ of 93. The visualization IQ is constructed as the sum of six
subtests of visualization abilities of which one is visual memory, and on this
the Native Americans obtained an IQ of 104. This was the only subtest on which
the Native Americans scored higher than the whites.
The strong visual memory of Native Americans may explain why
they are relatively good at spelling. In a study of the academic achievement of
approximately 13,000 Native American children in 11 states of the United States
they were found to do poorest on reading vocabulary, probably because many of
them spoke English as a second language, and best on spelling (Coombs, 1958).
Good visual memory assists spelling because it makes it possible to recall the
visual shapes of words. This is consistent with the fact that females have
better visual memories than males (Halpern, 2000) and are better at spelling
(Lynn, 1992).
5. Native American-European Hybrids
There have been a few studies that have compared the
intelligence of pure blood Native Americans with mixed race Native
American-European hybrids. These investigations show that the hybrids obtain
higher average IQs than the pure Native Americans. The studies are summarized in
Table 12.4. Row 1 shows a much lower IQ of 67 in pureblooded Native Americans
than the 93 among hybrids, but the IQ of the pure bloods must be regarded as
spuriously depressed because the Otis is a verbal test and the Native Americans
spoke English as a second language. The study does not provide information on
the first language of the hybrids. The study divided the hybrids into quarter,
half, three-quarter, and full-blooded Native Americans and found a correlation
of 0.41 between the amount of white ancestry and IQ. Row 2 gives IQs of 89 for
hybrids and 86 for a small sample with 80-100 percent Native American ancestry.
Row 3 gives IQs of 94 for Mestizo hybrids and 83 for a pure blood Native
Americans in Mexico.
6. Musical Ability
Simple musical abilities such as identification of pitch
changes and memory of tunes is correlated with intelligence and can be regarded
as a component of intelligence (Carroll, 1993). It is therefore interesting to
inquire whether Native Americans have low musical ability consistent with their
low IQ. The only study of this issue is by Garth (1931), who reported results
for pitch identification and memory for tunes for a sample of 757 school
students. Their MQ (Musical Quotient) based on these two tests was approximately
92, somewhat higher than their IQ of 86 estimated in section 1. However, on a
test of rhythm they performed better than white students, with an MQ of
approximately 104. In this regard, Native Americans are like Africans, who also
score higher than whites on rhythm, as shown in Chapter 4. It is not known
whether the ability to identify rhythm is related to intelligence, and there is
no apparent explanation for this aptitude in Native Americans and Africans.
7. Brain Size
Studies of the brain size of Native Americans in relation to
those of
Table 12.4. IQs of Native American-European Hybrids
Location |
Age |
Test |
Europeans |
Hybrids |
Amerinds |
Reference |
N |
IQ |
N |
IQ |
N |
IQ |
1 |
Kansas |
Adult |
- |
100 |
536 |
93 |
179 |
67 |
Hunter & Sommermeir, 1922 |
2 |
South Dakota |
10-15 |
- |
100 |
68 |
89 |
15 |
86 |
Fitzgerald & Ludeman, 1925 |
3 |
Mexico |
7-10 |
155 |
98 |
571 |
94 |
194 |
83 |
Lynn et al., 2005 |
Europeans are given in Table 12.5. Row 1 gives the results
calculated by Gould (1981) from the collection of skulls assembled in the early
nineteenth century by the American physician Samuel Morton (1849). Gould accused
Morton of massaging the data to give Europeans the largest brains, but it will
be seen that the difference given by Morton is smaller than that in the two
other studies. Row 2 gives the results obtained by the American anthropologists
Smith and Beals from a collection of approximately 20,000 human crania. Row 3
gives the average of twenty populations of Native Americans from data assembled
by Jurgens, Aune, and Pieper (1990) for many thousands of 25-45-year-olds. It is
evident that although the three studies all show larger brain size in Europeans
than in Native Americans, the magnitude of the difference varies quite
considerably. The first two studies show very small differences, but the 79cc
difference in the third study is considerable.
Table 12.5. Brain sizes (cc) of Native Americans and
Europeans |
Native Americans |
Difference |
Reference |
1 |
1,426 |
1,420 |
6 |
Gould, 1981 |
2 |
1,369 |
1,366 |
3 |
Beals et al., 1984 |
3 |
1,319 |
1,240 |
79 |
Jurgens et al, 1990 |
8. Hispanics in the United States
In the United States the term Hispanics denotes
individuals of Latin American and Caribbean Spanish-speaking origin. Hispanics
can be pure white, black, white-black hybrids, Native American, or Mestizo with
mixed white and Native American ancestry. There are five principal groups of
Hispanics in the United States. These are from Mexico, the rest of Latin
America, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and other Caribbean islands. The Bureau of the
Census (1989) of the United States reported that 63 percent of Hispanics were
from Mexico, 13 percent from Puerto Rico, 10 percent from Central and South
America other than Mexico, 6 percent from Cuba, and 8 percent from elsewhere,
mainly from Caribbean islands, particularly Dominica. Thus by far the largest
group comes from Mexico, where 9 percent of the population are white, 60 percent
are Mestizo, and 30 percent Native American (Philip's, 1996). Many of those from
the rest of Latin America are also Mestizos. Hence most Hispanics in the United
States are Mestizos.
Studies of the IQs of Hispanics are summarized in Table 12.6.
Rows 1 and 2 give IQs of 89 and 87 for the two first studies carried out in the
1920s. Row 3 gives a non-verbal reasoning IQ of 92 derived from the Progressive
Matrices, Lorge-Thorndike, and Gesell Figure Copying test and a verbal IQ of 91
for a sample of Mexican children aged 6-13 compared with 638 whites. Row 4 gives
a non-verbal reasoning IQ of 90 for a sample of Mexican children aged 6-12
compared with 638 whites, tested with the Colored Progressive Matrices; they
obtained a somewhat lower IQ of 84 on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT),
possibly partly or wholly attributable to some of the Mexican children's use of
English as a second language. Row 5 gives an IQ of 95 Mexican children in
California compared with 744 white children. Row 6 gives an IQ of 83 obtained
from the Colored Progressive Matrices in 1972 for Hispanic children in
California and described as a representative sample. Row 7 gives an IQ of 94 for
Hispanic 6-11-year-old children in Texas and row 8 an IQ of 84 for Hispanic
9-12-year-olds in Texas.
Row 9 gives results from the standardization of the Stanford
Binet 4 showing Hispanics with an IQ of 99 on non-verbal reasoning; this sample
obtained an IQ of 93 on verbal reasoning. Row 10 gives an IQ of 87 derived from
the standardization sample of the PPVT-Revised. Rows 11 and 12 give IQs of 84
and 83 for Puerto Rico whose population is 80 percent white, 8 percent black,
and 11 percent mixed race (Philip's 1996).
Row 13 gives an IQ of 93 and a verbal IQ of 85 obtained from
the standardization sample of the K-BIT. Row 14 gives an IQ of 86 for Latinos on
a largely verbal test of g derived from the National Longitudinal Study
of Youth. Row 15 gives an IQ of 92 obtained from the standardization sample of
the KAIT. Row 16 gives IQs of 88 for general ability (g), 91 (verbal), and 94
(spatial) for employed individuals collected by the United States Employment
Service. Row 17 gives an IQ of 91 obtained from the standardization sample of
the WISC-III. Row 18 gives an IQ of 81 for a sample of Mexican Americans in
Arizona. Row 19 gives an IQ of 92 obtained from the standardization sample of
the WAIS-111. Row 20 gives an IQ of 89 obtained from a meta-analysis of 39
studies of employed adult Hispanics. The median IQ of the studies 1-19 is 89,
the same as the result of the meta-analysis given in row 20.
9. Genotypic Intelligence of Native Americans
The low intelligence of significant numbers of Native
Americans in South and Central America is partly attributable to poor nutrition.
It has been estimated that 21 percent of children are "stunted," i.e., have low
stature as a result of nutritional deficiencies, and 30 percent of pregnant
women are anemic, a result of iron deficiency (De Maeyer and Adiels-Tegman,
Table 12.6. IQs of Hispanics in the United States
Location |
Age |
N |
Test |
g |
Reas |
Verb |
Vis |
Reference |
1 |
New Mexico |
6-12 |
100 |
Binet |
89 |
- |
- |
- |
Sheldon, 1924 |
2 |
6-12 |
367 |
87 |
- |
- |
- |
Goodenough, 1926b |
3 |
California |
6-13 |
2,025 |
91 |
91 |
90 |
- |
Jensen, 1973 |
4 |
California |
6-12 |
644 |
90 |
90 |
84 |
- |
Jensen, 1974 |
5 |
California |
7-13 |
608 |
95 |
95 |
- |
- |
Jensen, 1974 |
6 |
California |
6-11 |
597 |
83 |
83 |
- |
- |
Raven, 1986 |
7 |
Texas |
6-11 |
434 |
94 |
94 |
- |
- |
Raven, 1986 |
8 |
Texas |
9-12 |
404 |
84 |
84 |
- |
- |
Raven, 1986 |
9 |
12-23 |
111 |
SB4 |
99 |
99 |
- |
- |
Thorndike et al., 1986 |
10 |
3-18 |
550 |
87 |
- |
87 |
- |
Dunn, 1988 |
11 |
Puerto Rico |
8-15 |
2,911 |
84 |
84 |
- |
- |
Raven & Court, 1989 |
12 |
Puerto Rico |
5-11 |
2,400 |
83 |
83 |
- |
- |
Raven et al., 1995 |
13 |
20-90 |
37 |
93 |
93 |
85 |
- |
Kaufman & Wang, 1992 |
14 |
14-22 |
3,120 |
86 |
- |
- |
- |
Herrnstein & Murray, 1994 |
15 |
11-93 |
140 |
92 |
92 |
87 |
- |
Kaufman et al., 1994 |
16 |
16-74 |
1,736 |
88 |
- |
91 |
94 |
Avolio& Waldman, 1994 |
17 |
6-16 |
242 |
91 |
- |
89 |
95 |
Prifitera et al., 1998 |
18 |
Arizona |
6-16 |
223 |
81 |
81 |
- |
Reynolds et al. ,1999 |
19 |
20-89 |
163 |
WAIS-111 |
92 |
- |
89 |
96 |
Kaufman & Lichtenberger, 2002 |
20 |
Adults |
- |
Meta-analysis |
89 |
- |
- |
- |
Roth et al., 2001 |
UNICEF, 1996). Iodine deficiency is widespread and causes
high prevalence rates of goiter and cretinism, which cause stunting and reduce
intelligence. In the rural highland regions of Ecuador it is estimated that
there is a prevalence rate of cretinism of around 7 percent (Fierro-Benitez,
Cazar, and Sandoval, 1989). It is estimated that for every 1 percent of the
population who are cretins, 3 percent have some brain damage resulting in lower
intelligence and 30 percent have a loss of energy resulting from hypothyroidism
(Hetzel, 1994). Thus, in the highlands of Ecuador around 21 percent of the
popula tion may have impaired intelligence as a result of sub-clinical cretinism
and also some loss of energy. In view of these nutritional deficiencies it may
be surprising that Native Americans in South and Central America should have IQs
as high as 86. Native Americans in North America have a better environment
because the United States and Canada provide higher standards of living,
nutrition, and health, so it may be surprising that their IQ of 86 is the same
as that in South and Central America.
The low intelligence of Native Americans is most reasonably
attributable to both genetic and environmental factors. There are four lines of
evidence pointing to some genetic determination. First, only between 20 and 30
percent of Native Americans in South and Central America have nutritional
deficiencies that could explain their low IQs. Second, the intelligence of
Native Americans in the United States and Canada has shown no improvement
relative to that of Europeans since the 1920s, despite great improvements in
their living standards and environments. Third, the intelligence of Native
American-European hybrids is related to the amount of European ancestry, shown
in Section 5. Fourth, Hispanics are largely Native American-European hybrids,
and their intelligence is intermediate between the two parent races. Fifth, a
study by Cundick, Gottfredson, and Willson (1974) showed that 84 Native American
children placed in white middle-class foster homes for a period of six years
made no gains in intelligence. This shows that the various environmental
advantages associated with being reared in a white middle class family have no
beneficial effect on the intelligence of Native Americans and suggests that
their IQ is to some degree genetically determined.
Chapter 13. Reliability and Validity of
Race Differences in Intelligence
- 1. Summary of Race Differences in Intelligence
- 2. Reliability of Racial IQ Data
- 3. Validity of Racial IQs: Number Concepts
- 4. Validity of Racial IQs: Educational Attainment
- 5. Validity of Racial IQs: Per Capita Income and Economic Growth
The evidence on the intelligence of the races has been
presented in detail in the preceding chapters. In this chapter we give an
integrated summary of these differences. We then consider the reliability and
validity of these IQs.
1. Summary of Race Differences in Intelligence
Table 13.1 gives a summary of the evidence on race
differences in intelligence that has been set out in detail for the races
individually in Chapters 3 through 12. The table lists the races ranked in
ascending order of their intelligence levels, and gives their geographical
location, the number of studies, the number of countries in which the studies
have been carried out, the median IQ, and the range of IQs. Row 1 gives a median
IQ of 54 for the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert derived from three studies in
which the IQs range from 48 to 62. Rows 2 and 3 give IQs of 62 and 63 for
Aborigines in Australia and New Guinea. Combining these two results gives a
weighted IQ of 62. Row 4 gives an IQ of 67 for Africans in sub-Saharan Africa
derived from 57 studies. Row 5 gives an IQ of 71 for Africans in the Caribbean
and Brazil derived from 14 studies. Row 6 gives an IQ of 85 for Africans in the
United States derived from 29 studies. Row 7 gives the same IQ of 85 for
Africans in the Netherlands derived from 7 studies. Row 8 gives an almost
identical IQ of 86 for Africans in Britain derived from 18 studies. Thus,
Africans outside Africa consistently obtain higher IQs than indigenous Africans.
There are two explanations for this. First, many Africans in the Caribbean, the
United States, the Netherlands, and Britain are racial hybrids with appreciable
amounts of white ancestry. Second, Africans outside Africa live to varying
degrees in societies run largely by Europeans, who are responsible for providing
higher living standards that have a beneficial environmental effect on their IQs
largely by providing better nutrition and health care.
Rows 9 through 13 give IQs for South Asians and North
Africans in various locations. Row 9 gives an IQ of 84 for indigenous South
Asians and North Africans derived from 37 studies in 17 countries. Row 10 gives
an IQ of 92 for South Asians in Britain obtained from 16 studies. Row 11 gives
an IQ of 85 for South Asians in Continental Europe derived from 18 studies in
three countries. Row 12 gives an IQ of 86 for South Asians in Africa derived
from 6 studies in two countries. Row 13 gives an IQ of 85 for South Asians
derived from 3 studies in Fiji, Malaysia, and Mauritius. The IQs of the South
Asians and North Africans are fairly consistent, ranging from 84 to 91.
Row 14 gives an IQ of 85 for indigenous Pacific Islanders
derived from 14 samples and row 15 gives an IQ of 90 derived from 12 studies for
Maori Pacific Islanders in New Zealand. The reason for the higher IQ of the
Maori Pacific Islanders in New Zealand is likely to be that they enjoy higher
living standards by virtue of living in a country run by Europeans. For this
reason the IQ of 85 is adopted as the best reading of the IQ of Pacific
Row 16 gives an IQ of 87 for indigenous Southeast Asians
derived from 11 samples in 6 counties. Row 17 gives an IQ of 93 for Southeast
Asians in the United States and the Netherlands. The reason that this is higher
than in Southeast Asia is probably that there has been some selective migration
and that living standards are higher.
Row 18 gives an IQ of 86 for Native Americans in North
America derived from 19 studies. Row 19 gives the same IQ of 86 for Native
Americans in Latin America derived from 9 studies from 5 countries. The IQ of 86
is adopted as the best reading of the IQ of Native Americans. Row 20 gives an IQ
of 91 for Arctic Peoples in North America derived from 15 studies in Alaska and
Row 21 gives an IQ of 99 for Europeans derived from 66
studies in 25 countries (this median excludes the Balkans, who are a
European-South Asian cline). Row 22 gives an IQ of 99 for Europeans outside
Europe derived from 23 studies in 12 counties. The median of the entire set of
studies is 99 and is adopted as the best reading of the IQ of Europeans.
Row 23 gives an IQ of 105 for indigenous East Asians derived
from 60 studies in 7 counties. Row 24 gives an IQ of 101 for East Asians in the
United States derived from 26 studies. Row 25 gives an IQ of 102 for East Asians
elsewhere derived from 9 studies in 5 countries (Belgium, Brazil, Canada,
Malaysia, and the Netherlands). The reason for the higher IQ of East Asians in
East Asia than in the United States and elsewhere is probably that there has
been some selective migration of those below average intelligence. In the case
of Belgium, Canada, and the Netherlands it cannot be due to living standards,
because these are as high as those in East Asia. It may be that the lower IQ of
99 of East Asians in Brazil and Malaysia is partly attributable to lower living
standards in those countries. Because of the likelihood of some element of
selective migration of East Asians to countries outside Northeast Asia, the IQ
of 105 for indigenous East Asians is adopted as the best reading of the IQ of
East Asians.
Table 13.1. Summary of race differences in intelligence
Race |
Location |
N. Samples |
N. Countries |
IQ |
Range |
1 |
Bushmen |
S. W. Africa |
3 |
1 |
54 |
48-62 |
2 |
Aborigines |
Australia |
17 |
1 |
62 |
53-74 |
3 |
Aborigines |
New Guinea |
5 |
1 |
63 |
50-60 |
4 |
Sub-Saharan Africans |
Africa |
57 |
17 |
67 |
59-89 |
5 |
Sub-Saharan Africans |
Caribbean |
14 |
6 |
71 |
60-80 |
6 |
Sub-Saharan Africans |
United States |
29 |
1 |
85 |
77-93 |
7 |
Sub-Saharan Africans |
Netherlands |
7 |
1 |
85 |
83-88 |
8 |
Sub-Saharan Africans |
Britain |
18 |
1 |
86 |
73-94 |
9 |
S. Asians & N. Africans |
South Asia |
37 |
17 |
84 |
77-96 |
10 |
S. Asians & N. Africans |
Britain |
16 |
1 |
92 |
83-96 |
11 |
S. Asians & N. Africans |
Europe |
18 |
3 |
85 |
75-94 |
12 |
S.Asians & N. Africans |
Africa |
6 |
2 |
86 |
77-91 |
13 |
S.Asians & N. Africans |
etc. |
3 |
3 |
85 |
82-89 |
14 |
Pacific Islanders |
Islands |
14 |
9 |
85 |
80-89 |
15 |
Pacific Islanders |
New Zealand |
12 |
1 |
90 |
81-96 |
16 |
Southeast Asians |
South E. Asia |
11 |
6 |
87 |
85-93 |
17 |
Southeast Asians |
United States |
7 |
3 |
93 |
87-96 |
18 |
Native Americans |
North America |
19 |
2 |
86 |
69-94 |
19 |
Native Americans |
Latin America |
10 |
5 |
86 |
79-92 |
20 |
Arctic Peoples |
North America |
15 |
2 |
91 |
78-96 |
21 |
Europeans |
Europe |
71 |
25 |
99 |
87-105 |
22 |
Europeans |
Outside Europe |
23 |
12 |
99 |
93-103 |
23 |
East Asians |
East Asia |
60 |
7 |
105 |
100-120 |
24 |
East Asians |
United States |
26 |
1 |
101 |
96-109 |
25 |
East Asians |
Elsewhere |
9 |
5 |
102 |
95-110 |
2. Reliability of Racial IQ Data
The IQs of many of the samples are likely to be to some
degree inaccurate because of sampling and measurement errors. The accuracy of
the results is known as their reliability and is assessed by examining how far
two samples obtained for the same country give consistent results. The
correlation between two IQs obtained for the same countries, taking the two
extreme values where three or more IQs are available, is 0.94. This shows that
the IQs are highly reliable.
The validity of the IQs is the question of the extent to
which they provide genuine or valid measures of the cognitive abilities
of samples. It has often been argued that the peoples who obtain low IQs are
really just as intelligent as Europeans, but the tests are biased against them.
The issue of test bias has been discussed at length by Jensen (1980) in his book
Bias in Mental Tests and is shown to be not a tenable view.
Individuals and races that do well on intelligence tests also tend to do well in
education, earnings, job performance, and socio-economic status (Jensen,
1980,1998; Herrnstein and Murray, 1994). An Australian psychologist Murray Dyck
(1996, p. 67) has given this verdict on the test bias thesis:
[T]he evidence indicates that cognitive tests are equally
reliable across races, are of equivalent item difficulty across races, yield
similar subtest correlations...and factor analyses yield similar results. The
question of whether standard ability tests are culturally biased has been
answered: they are not.
A further recent verdict on test bias comes from Brown,
Reynolds, and Whitaker (1999, p. 215): "research to date consistently finds that
standardized cognitive tests are not biased in terms of predictive or construct
3. Validity of Racial IQ Data: Number Concepts
The validity of racial IQ data means the extent to which they
measure real differences in cognitive ability beyond the ability to solve the
problems presented in intelligence tests. There are several ways of establishing
the validity of the race differences in intelligence. We consider first race
differences in the development of the concepts of numbers. It has been shown by
Butterworth (1999) that sophisticated numerical systems containing numbers for
one to ten, tens, thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands were
devised by the South Asian and North African and the East Asians four or five
thousand years ago and a little later by the Europeans and the Native Americans.
The Bushmen, Africans, Australian Aborigines, and New Guinean Aborigines only
devised numbers for one, two, few, and many. In some of the
languages spoken by the Bushmen and the Australian Aborigines it is possible to
express numbers up to six or seven by use of multiples of one
and two. Thus seven is expressed as two, two, two, one. Larger
numbers cannot be expressed because it becomes too difficult to remember the
number of twos and ones. Construction of complex number systems
must have required moderately high intelligence and the racial differences in
these suggest that race differences in intelligence were present several
thousand years ago.
4. Validity of Racial IQ Data: Educational Attainment
From the early years of the twentieth century the validity of
intelligence tests has been examined by investigating the extent to which they
are correlated with educational attainment. Numerous studies have found that IQs
and educational achievement are correlated at around 0.6 to 0.7 (Jencks, 1972;
Lynn, Hampson, and Magee, 1984). This shows that intelligence tests are valid
measures of general cognitive ability and not merely the ability to solve the
problems presented in the tests.
The same procedure is adopted here to examine the validity of
race differences in IQs. The problem is to determine whether race differences in
IQs are associated with differences in educational attainment. The procedure is
to use nations as the units of analysis, calculate IQs for nations, categorize
nations by race, and assess how far the IQs of nations are related to national
scores on mathematics and science. IQs for nations have been obtained from the
data presented in the preceding chapters. Where two or more IQs are given for a
nation, the median has been taken. The IQ for Latvia has been taken from Lynn
and Vanhanen (2002). For multiracial societies, IQs have been calculated by
weighting the IQs of the races by their proportions in the population. The IQ
for Chile has been calculated from the normative study of 4,213 5-16-year-olds
tested with the Progressive Matrices by Marinkovich, Sparosvich, Santana, Game,
Gomez, and Marinkovich (2000).
National scores on mathematics and science have been obtained
from the International Studies of Achievement in Mathematics and Science. These
are a series of studies carried out between the mid-1960s and 1994 in which
representative samples of primary and secondary school students from a number of
countries have been given tests of mathematics and science. Some results are
available for a total of 52 countries but not all countries participated in all
the studies, so there are quite a lot of missing data. Five data sets of
national scores on mathematics and science have been used here and are given in
Table 13.2. Column 1 gives the nations categorized by race. Column 2 gives the
nations' IQs. Column 3 gives the data from the first two International Studies
of Achievement in Mathematics and Science Scores carried out between the
mid-1960s and 1986 and combined by Hanushek and Kimko (2000) to give a single
score for each nation set on a mean of 50 and standard deviation of 10. Columns
4, 5, 6, and 7 give, respectively, results for 10- and 14-year-olds in
mathematics and science in the Third International Mathematics and Science
Study, carried out in 1994. The data for these are given by Beaton, Mullis,
Martin, Gonzales, Kelly, and Smith (1996) and Beaton, Martin, Mullis, Gonzales,
Smith, and Kelly (1996).
The nations are categorized by the racial compositions of
their populations. The first row for each race gives its median IQ and its
Table 13.2. National IQs and Attainments in Math and
Nations |
IQ |
Math & Science 1964-86 |
Math 1994 Age 10 |
Math 1994 Age 14 |
Science 1994 Age 10 |
Science 1994 Age 14 |
East Asia |
105 |
56.60 |
604 |
606 |
561 |
568 |
China |
103 |
59.28 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Hong Kong |
107 |
56.93 |
587 |
588 |
533 |
522 |
Japan |
105 |
60.65 |
597 |
605 |
574 |
571 |
Singapore |
103 |
56.51 |
625 |
643 |
547 |
607 |
South Korea |
109 |
56.21 |
611 |
607 |
597 |
565 |
Taiwan |
105 |
56.28 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Europe |
98 |
52.84 |
545 |
530 |
549 |
532 |
Australia |
98 |
48.13 |
546 |
530 |
562 |
545 |
Austria |
100 |
. |
559 |
539 |
565 |
558 |
Belgium |
99 |
53.25 |
- |
_ |
546 |
511 |
Britain |
100 |
53.98 |
513 |
506 |
551 |
552 |
Bulgaria |
93 |
59.28 |
- |
- |
- |
565 |
Canada |
99 |
47.57 |
532 |
527 |
549 |
531 |
Czech Rep |
98 |
- |
567 |
564 |
557 |
574 |
Denmark |
98 |
53.48 |
- |
- |
- |
478 |
Finland |
99 |
48.76 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
France |
98 |
54.15 |
- |
- |
538 |
498 |
Germany |
98 |
59.03 |
- |
- |
- |
531 |
Greece |
92 |
- |
492 |
484 |
- |
497 |
Hungary |
98 |
53.85 |
548 |
537 |
532 |
554 |
Iceland |
101 |
- |
474 |
487 |
505 |
494 |
Ireland |
93 |
47.59 |
550 |
527 |
539 |
538 |
Italy |
102 |
44.59 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Latvia |
97 |
- |
525 |
493 |
512 |
485 |
Lithuania |
90 |
- |
- |
477 |
- |
476 |
Netherlands |
101 |
56.84 |
577 |
541 |
557 |
560 |
New Zealand |
99 |
52.44 |
499 |
508 |
531 |
525 |
Norway |
100 |
49.60 |
502 |
503 |
530 |
527 |
Portugal |
95 |
50.28 |
475 |
454 |
480 |
480 |
Romania |
94 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
486 |
Russia |
97 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
538 |
Spain |
98 |
49.40 |
- |
- |
487 |
517 |
Slovakia |
96 |
- |
547 |
544 |
- |
- |
Slovenia |
96 |
- |
552 |
541 |
546 |
560 |
Sweden |
100 |
47.41 |
- |
- |
- |
535 |
Switzerland |
101 |
57.17 |
- |
545 |
- |
- |
United States |
98 |
43.43 |
545 |
500 |
- |
534 |
South America |
86 |
30.10 |
- |
385 |
- |
411 |
Brazil |
86 |
33.91 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Chile |
89 |
26.30 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Colombia |
84 |
- |
- |
385 |
- |
411 |
South & SE Asia |
86 |
39.83 |
490 |
474 |
473 |
470 |
Cyprus |
85 |
- |
502 |
474 |
475 |
463 |
India |
82 |
21.63 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Iran |
84 |
20.75 |
429 |
428 |
416 |
470 |
Israel |
95 |
51.29 |
531 |
522 |
505 |
524 |
Jordan |
84 |
39.38 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Kuwait |
86 |
400 |
392 |
401 |
430 |
Philippines |
86 |
34.35 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Thailand |
91 |
39.83 |
490 |
522 |
473 |
525 |
Turkey |
90 |
41.52 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Africa |
69 |
32.00 |
354 |
326 |
- |
326 |
Mozambique |
64 |
24.26 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Nigeria |
69 |
34.15 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
South Africa |
72 |
- |
354 |
326 |
- |
326 |
Swaziland |
68 |
32.00 |
Correlations with IQ |
- |
0.81 |
0.85 |
0.89 |
0.81 |
0.82 |
educational attainment. Shown first are the six East Asian
counties (China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan). These
obtain the highest IQ (105) and have the highest scores in all five measures of
achievement in mathematics and science. Shown next are the 30 European
countries. These include the nations outside Europe but populated largely by
European peoples including Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. These
have the second highest IQ (98) and the second highest scores in mathematics and
science. Shown third are the three multiracial countries of South America
(Brazil, Chile, and Columbia). They have a median IQ of 86. Data for their
scores in mathematics and science are well below those of the European nations.
Shown fourth are the nine countries of South and Southeast Asia. Their IQ of 86
is the same as that of the South American countries. Their scores in mathematics
and science are slightly higher than in the South American countries but the
results for these are very limited. The scores of the South and Southeast Asian
countries in mathematics and science are much below those of the European
nations. Shown fifth are the four countries of sub-Saharan Africa (the figure
for Swaziland is taken from Baker and Jones, 1993). They have the lowest IQ (69)
and the lowest scores in mathematics and science.
The bottom row gives the correlations between national IQs
and the scores on educational attainment. The correlations range between 0.81
and 0.89 and are all statistically significant at the 1 percent level. These
correlations are reduced from their true values by measurement error. In fact
the average of the inter-correlations between the five measures of educational
attainment is 0.78 and is lower than the average of the correlations (0.83)
between the IQs and the five measures of educational attainment. Correction for
the unreliability of these measures (correction for attenuation) gives a true
correlation of 1.0 between national IQs and national educational attainment.
This validates the national IQs and shows that they measure important cognitive
abilities and not simply the ability to do intelligence tests.
To provide an estimate of the magnitude of the race
differences in mathematics and science as compared with the differences in
intelligence, the race differences in IQs and in mathematics and science given
in column 3 can be expressed in standard deviation units (ds). These
comparisons are given in Table 13.3. The IQs and scores in mathematics and
science of Europeans are used as the standard against which the d scores
of the other races are compared. It will be seen that for all comparisons the
race differences in educational attainment are greater than the differences in
intelligence. Thus, the East Asians have a 0.33d (5 IQ points) advantage over
the Europeans in intelligence but a greater advantage of 0.44 in educational
attainment. This could be because their schools are more efficient, as I have
argued in the case of Japan (Lynn, 1988). For instance, the school year in Japan
is 240 days as compared with 180 days in Britain and the United States and 155
days in France. Schools in East Asia are typically more orderly and have fewer
discipline problems than those in European countries, so East Asian school
students are able to learn more. It may be that East Asian school students have
a stronger work ethic than Europeans and that this contributes to their better
educational attainment.
The other three racial and ethnic groups do worse in
educational attainment than in intelligence. Thus, the South Americans are lower
than the Europeans by 0.66d (10 IQ points) on intelligence but by
2.27d on educational attainment. The South Asians are lower than the
Europeans by 0.93 (14 IQ points) on intelligence but by 1.30J on educational
attainment. And the Africans are lower than the Europeans by 2.00 (30 IQ points)
on intelligence but by 2,44d on educational attainment. Evidently there
are other factors over and above lower intelligence that are depressing
educational attainment in these economically developing countries. Possibly
schools are less efficient or there is a weaker work ethic. The reasons for
these race differences in educational attainment have been very poorly
researched by educationists, who do not even acknowledge that differences in
intelligence are a major factor, although clearly there are other factors
Table 13.3. Comparison of National IQs and Educational
Attainments in Math and Science (ds)
East Asia |
Europe |
S. America |
S. Asia |
Africa |
IQ |
+ 0.33 |
0.00 |
-0.66 |
-0.93 |
-2.00 |
Attainment |
+ 0.44 |
0.00 |
-2.27 |
- 1.30 |
-2.44 |
5. Validity of Racial IQ Data: Per Capita Income
and Economic Growth
A further method for establishing the validity of
intelligence tests is to examine their relation to per capita income and
economic growth. Several studies of individuals have shown that IQs measured in
childhood are correlated with earnings in adulthood at about 0.35 (Jencks, 1972)
to 0.37 (Murray, 1998). Because intelligence is measured in childhood it is
generally considered that IQ is a determinant of earnings in adulthood. This is
supported by numerous studies showing that intelligence is positively related to
job proficiency at a magnitude of around 0.4 to 0.6 (Hunter and Hunter, 1984).
The validity of race differences in IQs has been examined by
extending this law to races. In Lynn and Vanhanen (2002) we have estimated IQs
for all the 185 nations in the world with populations over 50,000. These
national IQs are determined by the racial composition of the populations, as
shown in the last section. We found that the national IQs are correlated at 0.62
with real GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita in 1998 and at 0.63
with GNP (Gross National Product) per capita in 1998. This shows that
national IQs explain 38 percent and 32 percent, respectively, of the variance in
per capita GDP and GNP. National IQs therefore make a significant
contribution to national income as defined by these two measures. The
correlations are not huge because national per capita incomes are
significantly determined by other factors, of which the most important are the
possession of natural resources and the presence of a market economy. Thus, for
instance, the real GDP per capita in 1998 in Qatar (IQ=78) was $20,987,
about the same as that in Britain ($20,336), and much higher than that in
countries in south Asia with about the same IQ but no natural resources, such as
India (IQ=82, GDP=$2,077) and Jordan (IQ=84, GDP=$3,347). The reason for the
high GDP in Qatar lies in the possession of oil, which is not possessed by India
or Jordan. The second major factor determining national incomes is the presence
of a market economy. Thus, the countries of Eastern Europe have about the same
IQs as those of Western Europe but they have much lower per capita
incomes (e.g., Russia $6,460 and Poland $7,619), as compared with Britain
($20,336) and France ($20,846). Similarly, the per capita income in China
($3,105 in 1998) is much lower than in Hong Kong ($20,763) and Singapore
($24,210), although the people are all or mainly Chinese and have closely
similar IQs (China, 103; Hong Kong, 107; Singapore, 103). The reason for this is
that economic development in China has been retarded by the communist economy
while that in Hong Kong and Singapore has been facilitated by market economies.
In the countries taken together, the extent to which they have market economies
measured by the index of economic freedom is correlated at 0.71 with real GDP
per capita (1998), slightly higher than the correlation of IQ with real GDP
per capita in 1998 (0.62), showing both economic freedom and IQs
contribute substantially to national wealth. Economic freedom was correlated at
0.64 with real GNP per capita in 1998, as compared to the correlation of
0.63 between national IQs and GNP per capita.
There are also significant associations between national IQs
and the rate of economic growth during the twentieth century. Thus, the
correlation of national IQ and growth of GDP from 1950 to 1990 is 0.51. This
shows that the countries with higher IQs are becoming more affluent and the gap
between rich high IQ countries and poor low IQ countries is increasing. This is
as would be expected because economic growth is driven by new high technology
products such as computers, mobile phones, pharmaceuticals, aircraft, weapons,
automobiles, and so forth, which can only be designed by peoples with high IQs.
Nations with low IQs earn their living principally by the export of agricultural
products, raw materials, and minerals for which there is less demand and prices
are lower, so their economic growth rates and per capita incomes remain
These substantial correlations between national IQs and
per capita incomes and rates of economic growth provide further validation
for the measures of national intelligence, because they can be predicted and the
prediction is verified. However, a caveat is required. The positive association
between individual IQs and earnings within countries is a one-way causal
relationship. IQs that are measured in childhood and adolescence are a
determinant of the earnings of adults, while the earnings of adults are not a
determinant of their intelligence. The positive association between national IQs
and national per capita incomes is not so straightforward. It is a
two-way causal interaction involving positive feedback. National populations
with high IQs are able to produce sophisticated goods and services (computers,
mobile phones, automobiles, aircraft, pharmaceuticals, etc.) that command high
prices in international markets. This generates high per capita national
income, which enables these populations to provide favorable environments, with
high quality nutrition, health care, and education, for the development of the
intelligence of their children. When these children become adults they are able
to use their high intelligence to produce more sophisticated goods and services
that command high prices in international markets. And so on in a benign circle.
Chapter 14. Environmental and Genetic
Determinants of Race Differences in Intelligence
- 1. Nutrition
- 2. The Dutch World War II Famine Study
- 3. Neurophysiological Effect of Malnutrition
- 4. Education
- 5. Genetic Determinants of Race Differences in Intelligence
- 6. Genotype-Environment Co-variation
We now consider the question of the environmental and genetic
determinants of race differences in intelligence. There are three possible
positions on this issue. These are, first, the differences between all the ten
races could be entirely environmentally determined. Second, the differences
could be entirely genetically determined. Third, the differences could be
determined by both genetic and environment factors. The third of these
positions—that both genetic and environment factors contribute to race
differences in intelligence—is by far the most probable.
The problem of whether there is :a genetic
contribution to race differences in intelligence has been debated for well over
a century. Much but by no means all of this debate has been concerned with the
difference between African Americans and Europeans in the United States. Those
who have argued that a significant genetic effect is present include Gobineau
(1853), Galton (1869), Garrett (1945, 1961), McGurk (1953a, 1953b), Shuey
(1966), Shockley (1968), Jensen (1969,1980,1998), Vernon (1969,1979), Eysenck
(1971), Baker (1974), Loehlin, Lindzey, and Spuhler (1976), Rushton (1988,
2000), Rushton and Jensen, (2005), Lynn (1991, 1991b, 1997), Waldman, Weinberg,
and Scarr (1994, p. 38), Scarr (1995), Levin (1997), and Gottfredson (2005).
Those who have argued that there is no significant genetic determination of race
differences include Flynn (1980), Brody (1992, 2003), Neisser (1996), Nisbett
(1998), Mackintosh (1998), Jencks and Phillips (1998), and Fish (2002). Whole
books have been devoted to this question, and Jensen (1998) in his book The
g Factor devotes a chapter to it that runs to 113 pages, which is
almost a book in itself; even this deals almost exclusively with the difference
between blacks and whites in the United States. It is not the objective of this
book to address all the relevant evidence and arguments but rather to broaden
the debate from the local problem of the environmental and genetic contributions
to the difference between blacks and whites in the United States to the much
larger problem of the determinants of the global differences between the ten
races whose IQs are summarized in Table 13.1.
1. Nutrition
There is no doubt that the low IQs of the peoples in
impoverished third world countries are to some degree determined by
environmental factors. The most important of these is poor nutrition. Even in
affluent economically developed countries poor nutrition is present in
significant proportions of the population and has an adverse effect on
intelligence. There are many different sources of evidence showing this adverse
effect, which I have reviewed in detail in Lynn (1990a, 1993, and 1998b). For
instance, it sometimes happens that twins are born with different birth weights
and brain size because the heavier twin has received more nutrients in the womb
than the lighter twin. The insufficient nutrition obtained by the lighter twins
has a permanent adverse effect on their intelligence, shown by lower IQs,
averaging a deficit of about 5 IQ points, in adolescence and adulthood. Seven
studies that have shown this are summarized in Lynn (1990a). Several studies in
the economically developed countries have found that infants who are breast-fed
have higher IQs later in life than those that are fed on formula milk obtained
from cows (Lucas, Morley, Cole, Lister, and Leeson-Payne, 1992; Lucas, Morley,
and Cole, 1998). The explanation for this is that breast milk contains nutrients
not present in formula milk and the iron in breast milk is sufficient, whereas
the iron in cows' milk is less absorbable by infants. It has also been shown
that some adolescents are nutritionally deficient and that giving these
nutritional supplements improves their intelligence. For instance, a study of
adolescents in a socially deprived city in Britain found that 17 percent were
iron deficient and daily iron supplements given to these for three months
increased their IQs by 5.8 IQ points (Lynn and Harland, 1998). Other studies
showing positive effects of nutritional supplements on the intelligence of
children in economically developed nations have been described by Benton and
Roberts (1988), Benton and Cook (1991), and Eysenck and Schoenthaler (1997). The
secular increases in intelligence that have occurred in economically developed
nations during most of the twentieth century are largely due to improvements in
nutrition, which have produced increases in height of the same magnitude of
about half a standard deviation over fifty years. The evidence for this is
reviewed in Lynn (1990a).
In many impoverished economically developing countries
inadequate nutrition is widespread and there is abundant evidence that this has
had an adverse effect on the intelligence of the populations. The principal
kinds of inadequate nutrition that have been studied are protein-energy
malnutrition, iron deficiency, and iodine deficiency. Protein-energy
malnutrition retards growth and in extreme cases causes kwashiorkor and marasmus.
Iron deficiency produces anemia, and lack of energy and impairs intelligence.
Iodine deficiency produces goiter and in pregnant women impairs the neurological
development of the brain of the fetus resulting in cretinism and impaired
intelligence. The adverse effect of iodine deficiency on intelligence has been
synthesized by Bleichrodt and Born (1994) in a meta-analysis of 18 studies that
compared intelligence in iodine deficient regions with that in non-deficient
regions and the effects of the administration of iodine in iodine deficient
populations. They conclude that the effect of severe iodine deficiency is to
reduce intelligence by 13.5 IQ points.
Malnutrition impairs physical growth, including the growth of
the brain, which is the reason it impairs intelligence. The presence of
malnutrition is measured by "stunting,""wasting," and "underweight."
1. Stunting is low height. Moderate to severe stunting is
defined asless than two standard deviations below the median height in relation
to age of the well-nourished population. Stunting is caused by chronic
insufficiency of protein for bone growth.
2. Moderate to severe wasting consists of weighing less than
two standard deviations below the median weight for height of the well-nourished
3. Moderate to severe underweight consists of weighing less
than two standard deviations below the median weight for age of the
well-nourished population.
The prevalence rates of moderate to severe malnutrition in
different regions of the economically developing world in the early 1990s
estimated by UNICEF (1996) and of anemia among pregnant women in the years
1960-1982 estimated by the World Health Organization (De Maeyer and
Adiels-Tegman, 1985) are shown in Table 14.1. Surveys in individual countries
confirm these results. For instance, a survey in India carried out in the 1980s
found about 60 percent of children under 3 years and 44 percent of those between
3 and 5 years were anemic (Seshadri and Gopaldas, 1989). Inadequate nutrition in
many economically developing countries is exacerbated by diseases, particularly
diarrhea and measles, which impair the absorption of nutrients.
Table 14.1. Prevalence of malnutrition in economically
developing countries (percentages)
Region |
Underweight |
Wasting |
Stunting |
Anemia |
Sub-Saharan Africa |
31 |
7 |
41 |
40 |
Middle East & North Africa |
12 |
5 |
24 |
- |
South Asia |
64 |
13 |
62 |
40 |
East Asia & Pacific |
23 |
4 |
33 |
25 |
Latin America & Caribbean |
11 |
3 |
21 |
30 |
The adverse effect of malnutrition on the intelligence of
many of the peoples in developing countries is shown by a number of studies that
have compared the IQs of well-nourished and malnourished children. Simeon and
Grantham-McGregor (1990) have reviewed fifteen such studies and conclude that in
ten of them malnourished children obtained lower IQs than adequately nourished.
The adverse effect of inadequate nutrition on intelligence has also been shown
by a number of studies in which nutritional supplements have been given to
malnourished children and the effect has been to increase their intelligence.
Seven such studies in economically developing countries have been summarized by
Simeon and Grantham-McGregor (1990).
While inadequate nutrition undoubtedly impairs the
intelligence of significant numbers in economically developing countries, it
does not provide a full explanation for race differences. The figures set out in
Table 14.1 show that fewer than half the children in economically developing
countries of sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, East Asia,
the Pacific Islands, Latin America, and the Caribbean suffer from malnutrition.
It is only in South Asia that more than half the children are malnourished with
64 percent underweight and 62 percent stunted. While several studies have shown
that malnourished children in economically developing countries have lower IQs
than well-nourished children, the well nourished still have IQs well below those
of Europeans and East Asians in economically developed countries. For instance,
Galler and her colleagues have reported that children in Barbados who were
malnourished in their first year of life had an IQ of 68 at the ages of 9 to 15,
while a group of well-nourished children obtained an IQ of 83 (Galler, Ramsey,
and Ford, 1986). The 15 IQ point difference indicates that the effect of
malnourishment is to reduce IQs by 15 IQ points. However, only 16.5 percent of
children in Barbados are malnourished and the IQ of 83 of well-nourished African
children is well below the IQ of 99 of Europeans and of 105 of East Asians. In
broad terms the effect of malnourishment on Africans in sub-Saharan Africa and
the Caribbean probably explains about half the low IQs, leaving the remaining
half to genetic factors.
It has sometimes been asserted by environmentalists that poor
nutrition contributes to the low IQ of African Americans in the United States.
Thus, Richardson and Spears (1972, p. 82) have written "we have overwhelming
evidence that minority groups like the blacks always tend to be less well fed
than the majority." They offer no evidence for this assertion and it is doubtful
whether it is correct. Poor nutrition reduces height and thus short stature is
an index of poor nutrition. But as early as 1918 the heights of American
conscripts were 170.96 cm for whites and fractionally greater at 171.99 cm for
blacks (Nelson, 1933). A further study published later in the twentieth century
has confirmed that there is no difference in height between American blacks and
whites at the ages of 4 and 7 years or among adults (Broman, Nichols,
Shaughnessy, and Kennedy, 1985). Surveys of nutrition have also failed to find
any differences between American blacks and whites. For instance, a survey of
1987-88 found that in a representative sample of 2,379 9-10-year-old girls, 20
percent of blacks and 25 percent of whites had below the RDA (recommended daily
allowance) of 45 mg a day of vitamin C (Simon, Schreiber, Crawford, Frederick
and Sabry, 1993). The First Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of girls up
to the age of 15 found no difference between blacks and whites in low vitamin C
intake (National Center for Health Statistics, 1979). Other dietary deficiencies
are likely to be associated with vitamin C deficiency, so these results suggest
that American blacks do not experience any greater nutritional deficiency than
With regard to East Asians, the study of Korean infants
adopted by American parents before the age of 2 years and intelligence-tested at
the ages of 6 to 14 years reported by Winick, Meyer, and Harris (1975) found
that those who had been severely malnourished as infants had an IQ of 102, those
who had been moderately malnourished as infants had an IQ of 106, while those
who had been well nourished had an IQ of 112. The results suggest that severe
malnourishment in infancy impairs intelligence by 10 IQ points. Nevertheless,
even East Asians who had been severely malnourished as infants had an IQ of 102,
slightly higher than that of well-nourished Europeans, suggesting that genetic
factors are responsible for the higher East Asian IQ.
2. The Dutch World War II Famine Study
The principal study suggesting that prenatal and early
postnatal malnutrition does not have an adverse effect on the intelligence of
children is the Dutch World War II Famine Study of Stein, Susser, Saenger, and
Marolla (1972). This study examined the effect of a famine in one region of the
Netherlands in the winter and spring of 1944-45, in which the population,
including pregnant women, experienced severe malnutrition for a period of six
months. Food was reduced to around 700 calories a day, about a quarter to a
fifth of that normally consumed in economically developed nations. During this
period babies had lower birth weights by around 300 grams, but at the age of 19
years they had the same IQs as those who had lived in other regions of the
Netherlands who had not experienced the famine and been exposed to prenatal
starvation. However, the authors warn that "the results should not be
generalized to the effects of chronic malnutrition with a different set of
dietary deficiencies such as often occurs in developing countries, nor to
nutritional insult in postnatal life" (p. 712). This point has been elaborated
by Martorell (1997) who contends that 6 months of poor nutrition does not have
any adverse effect if the mothers are well nourished previously and the fetuses
are well nourished in the remainder of the pregnancy and as infants after birth.
He suggests that the mothers probably had reserves of micronutrients that were
used during the period of the famine. In the economically developing countries
many people are chronically undernourished and no compensation of this kind is
possible. It is doubtful whether this is the correct explanation in view of the
fact that the infants born in the famine region had substantially lower birth
weights of approximately 300 grams compared with 330 grams in the non-famine
regions, and the substantial evidence that low birth weight is associated with
reduced intelligence. If mothers had been able to draw on reserves of nutrients
the birth weight of their infants would have been normal. The fact that it was
considerably reduced shows the malnutrition caused by the famine did have an
adverse effect. The most probable explanation for the result is that the
proportion of babies born to non-manual families increased in the famine areas
relative to those in manual labor families. Possibly the reason for this is that
non-manual families were better able to get food from the non-famine areas and
this improved their nutrition and increased their fertility relative to that of
non-manual labor families. There is a strong association between intelligence
and socio-economic status, so the effect of this would have been that the
increase in the proportion of babies born in non-manual labor families
compensated for the adverse effect of malnutrition in this cohort.
3. Neurophysiological Effect of Malnutrition
The neurophysiological effect of malnutrition is to impair
the growth of the brain so that it functions less effectively. Prenatal and
early posnatal malnutrition has the most serious adverse effect on intelligence
because about 70 percent of brain growth takes place in utero, and the remaining
30 percent including dendritic growth and synaptic branching is completed by the
ages of 18-24 months (Dobbing and Smart, 1974). Malnutrition has various adverse
effects on the brain of the fetus and young infant that impair later
intelligence, of which the best established are the following:
1. Malnutrition impairs the growth of the brain and reduces
the number of brain cells, and brain size is associated with intelligence with a
correlation of 0.40 (Vernon, Wickett, Bazana, and Stelmack, 2000);
2. The effect of iron deficiency is to reduce the number of
dopamine receptors and this impairs dopamine neurotransmission, which in turn
impairs learning and brain function in adulthood;
3. Fatty acids are essential for brain growth and efficient
functioning; about half of these acids are acquired in utero and the other half
in the first 12 months of life from breast milk; these fatty acids are not
present in cow's milk or in most infant formulas, which is one reason why
infants who are breast fed have higher subsequent IQs (Grantham-McGregor,
Walker, and Powell, 1994).
4. Education
A second environmental factor that has sometimes been
proposed as responsible for the low IQs of peoples in economically developing
countries is lack of education. For instance, Fish (2002, p. 14) writes "a lack
of formal education of Africans in relation to European comparison groups
provides an obvious explanation of their lower test performance." Biesheuvel
(1949) has advanced the same view and cites a study in South Africa showing that
Africans who had never been to school had IQs about 10 points lower than those
who had been to school, and he contends that this shows that lack of schooling
impairs intelligence. It is difficult to establish this contention because it is
probable that children who are sent to school have parents with higher IQs and
higher socio-economic status than those who do not attend school, and their
higher IQs may have been acquired from their parents rather than from their
schooling. Studies of the effects of schooling on intelligence in the
economically developed world have had mixed results. Ceci (1991) and Mackintosh
(1998) review several studies showing that schooling increases intelligence, but
these are short-term gains and disappear after a few years. It has not been
demonstrated that they are permanent. There is also some contrary evidence. In
Britain children begin school at the age of 5 years and in nearly all other
countries they begin school at six or seven, but British children do not appear
to gain any advantage from the extra year of schooling. In the United States the
Coleman Report that was commissioned to investigate the effects of schooling
concluded that "schools bring little influence to bear on a child's achievement
that is independent of his background and general social context" (Coleman et
al., 1966, p. 325). Schools in the United States have been integrated since the
1960s, with blacks, whites, Asians, and other races attending the same schools,
achieved in many areas by busing, but there has been little or no increase in
the IQs of African Americans and Native Americans. In Britain and Continental
Europe, all races attend the same schools but the race differences in
intelligence are still present.
In the studies of the intelligence of the races reviewed in
Chapters 3 through 12, most of the studies have been carried out on children
attending school, and in a number of these studies the children have attended
the same schools as Europeans. In South Africa, the 16-year-olds in Owen's
(1992) sample had had eight to ten years of formal education, yet they obtained
a typical mean IQ of 63. Twelve studies of African university students in South
Africa who had had ten to twelve years of schooling found that they have IQs
around 20 points lower than those of whites (see Chapter 4, Table 4.2).
Similarly, in India three studies of the intelligence of university students
found they obtained IQs of 88, 90, and 95, well below the average of Europeans.
Furthermore, several studies have shown that the race
differences in intelligence are fully present in preschool children. Thus
African 3-year-olds in Dominica have an IQ of 67 (Wein & Stevenson, 1972), and
4-year-olds in St. Lucia have an IQ of 62 (Murray, 1983). In the United States,
3-year-old Africans have an IQ of 86 (Montie & Pagan, 1988) and 85 (Peoples et
al., 1995), and 4-year-olds have an IQ of 87 (Broman et al., 1975), just about
the same as African-American adolescents and adults. These preschool studies
suggest that lack of education is not a significant factor determining racial
differences in intelligence.
5. Genetic Determinants of Race Differences in
While environmental factors undoubtedly contribute to the
differences in intelligence between the races, there are a number of
considerations that suggest that genetic factors are also involved. Ten of these
are discussed in this section.
First, it is a principle of evolutionary biology that when
sub-populations of a species become geographically isolated and occupy different
environments, they become genetically differentiated and eventually diverge so
much that they become different species. Thus, squirrels in North America have
evolved gray fur while those in Europe have evolved red fur. From an original
ancestral species, cats have evolved into lions, leopards, and cheetahs in
Africa, tigers in Asia, and jaguars and pumas in the Americas. The general
principle has been stated by Dawkins (1988, pp. 238-9), who writes that when two
populations become isolated from one another
they become so unlike each other that, after a while,
naturalists would see them as belonging to different races; after a longer time,
they will have diverged so far that we should classify them as different
species... the theory of speciation resulting from initial geographical
separation has long been a cornerstone of mainstream, orthodox neo-Darwinism.
The processes by which these genetic divergences take place
have been described in Chapter 2. It is in accordance with this principle that
the races have become genetically differentiated for all characteristics for
which there is genetic variation, including body shape; color of skin, hair, and
eyes; prevalence of genetic diseases; and blood groups. It is inconceivable that
intelligence would be the single exception to these differences. Some racial
differences in intelligence must also have evolved as a matter of general
biological principle.
Second, the studies summarized in Table 13.1 show a
consistency of the IQs of the races in a wide range of geographical locations
that can only be explained by some genetic determination. For instance, in the
57 studies of general population samples of Africans in 17 African countries,
all the IQs lie in the range between 59 and 88 (Table 4.1), and in the 14
Caribbean and Latin American countries all the IQs lie in the range between 60
and 80 (Table 4.3). Similarly, in the 58 studies of indigenous East Asians in 6
countries all the IQs in lie in the range between 100 and 120 (Table 10.1). Only
a genetic factor can explain the consistency of these race differences in so
many different environments. It is curious that those who support the
environmentalist theory of race differences in intelligence, such as Neisser
(1996), Mackintosh (1998), Jencks and Phillips (1998), Nisbett (1998), Flynn
(1980), Fish (2002), and Brody (2003), fail to make any mention of the
consistency of the racial differences in so many different environments and
Third, the races differ consistently in IQ when they live in
the same environments. Thus, Africans in the United States, Britain, the
Netherlands, and Brazil consistently have lower IQs than whites. The same is
true of South Asians and North Africans in Britain, Continental Europe, Africa,
Fiji, Malaysia, and Mauritius; of Native Americans living with Europeans in the
United States, Canada, and Mexico; of Arctic Peoples living with Europeans in
Canada; of Australian Aborigines living with Europeans in Australia; and of
Pacific Islanders living with Europeans in New Zealand and Hawaii. All these
differences are consistent and add to the credibility of the genetic theory.
Fourth, when babies from other races are adopted by Europeans
in Europe and the United States, they retain the IQs characteristic of their
race. This has been shown for Africans in the United States, where black infants
adopted by white middle class parents have the same IQ as blacks reared in their
own communities (Lynn, 1994c); for Australian Aborigines in Australia; and for
East Asians in the United States and Europe, where Korean infants adopted by
Europeans have IQs in the range between 102 and 110 (Table 10.4) shown in
Chapters 4, 8, and 10, respectively.
Fifth, mixed-race individuals have IQs intermediate between
those of the two parent races. Thus, in the Weinberg, Scarr, and Waldman (1992)
study of children adopted by white middle class families, at the age of 17 years
blacks had an IQ of 89, those of mixed black-white parentage an IQ of 98, and
whites an IQ of 106 (Lynn, 1994c). When the amount of European ancestry in
American blacks is assessed by skin color, dark-skinned blacks have an IQ of 85
and light-skinned blacks have an IQ of 92 (Lynn, 2002a), and there is a
statistically significant association between light skin and intelligence.
Similarly, mixed-race Australian Aborigines have IQs intermediate between
full-blooded Aborigines and Europeans (Chapter 8, Section 2); and mixed-race
Native Americans have IQs intermediate between full-blooded Native Americans and
Europeans (Chapter 12, Table 12.4).
Sixth, the IQs of races explain the extent to which they made
the Neolithic transition from hunter gathering to settled agriculture. This
transition was made completely by the more intelligent races: the Europeans, the
South Asians and North Africans, the East Asians, the Southeast Asians, and the
Native Americans; to some extent by the Pacific Islanders, who were handicapped
by living in small and dispersed populations on small islands; minimally by the
Africans; but not at all by the Bushmen and Australian Aborigines, with IQs of
54 and 62, who have made virtually no progress in the transition from
hunter-gatherers to settled agricultural societies. The only anomaly is the
Arctic Peoples, with their IQ of 91, who remain largely hunter-gatherers, but
this is due to their very small and dispersed populations and the harsh climate
of the Arctic Circle.
Seventh, the IQs of races are consistent with their
achievements in the development of early urban civilizations with written
languages, systems of arithmetic, and codified laws as shown by Baker (1974),
who has documented that only the East Asians, the Europeans, the South Asians
and North Africans, and the Southeast Asians developed early civilizations. The
less intelligent Native Americans developed a half civilization; and the
remaining races failed to develop anything that could be called civilizations.
The anomalies of the Pacific Islanders and Arctic Peoples, with their IQs of 90
and 91, neither of which has ever developed anything resembling a civilization,
can be explained in the case of the Pacific Islanders as due to their very small
and dispersed populations on isolated islands and, in the case of the Arctic
Peoples, the severity of their climate, which has made it impossible to sustain
urban civilizations. These race differences that Baker (1974) analyzed in the
development of early civilizations in the period between approximately BC 4000
and 500 have persisted from 1 AD to the present. Virtually all the advances that
have been made in the last two thousand years in science, mathematics,
technology, and the arts have been made by the East Asians and the Europeans,
with some small input from the South Asians and North Africans. This has been
documented in detail by Murray (2003), although he analyzes these advances by
geographic region and refrains from pointing out that it has been almost
exclusively the East Asian and European peoples who have made these advances.
The achievements of the races in making the Neolithic transition, in the
development of early civilizations, and in the advances of mature civilizations
during the last two thousand years show that the differences in intelligence go
back many thousands of years and are a further expression of genetically based
race differences in intelligence.
Eighth, all the twin studies that have been carried out in
Europe, India, and Japan, and on blacks and whites in the United States, have
found a high heritability of intelligence in national populations. It is
improbable that these high heritabilities within races could co-exist with the
absence of any heritability for the differences between the races.
Ninth, there are race differences in brain size that are
associated with differences in intelligence, and brain size has a heritability
of 90 percent (Baare, Pol et al., 2001) (see also Rushton and Osborne, 1995).
The only reasonable interpretation of this association is that the races with
the higher intelligence have evolved larger brains to accommodate their higher
IQs. A further elabration of this point is given in Chapter 16, sections 3
through 6.
Tenth, the consistency of all the racial differences in so
many different nations, in the development of early and later civilizations, and
the high heritability of intelligence wherever it has been investigated, all
need to be considered in terms of Popper's (1959) theory of the logic of
scientific explanation. This states that a scientific theory generates
predictions that are subjected to empirical testing. A strong theory has few
assumptions and generates a large number of predictions that are empirically
verified. If the predictions are discontinued the theory is weakened and may
even be destroyed, although a single disconfirmation can generally be explained
or the theory can be modified to account for it. For the problem of race
differences in intelligence, the theory that these have some genetic basis
explains all the numerous phenomena set out in the points listed above, and
there are no serious anomalies. The theory that the race differences in
intelligence are to a significant extent genetically based fulfills Popper's
criteria for a strong theory. Those who assert that there is no evidence for a
genetic basis of racial differences in intelligence betray a lack of
understanding of the logic of scientific explanation.
6. Genotype-Environment Co-variation
The problem of the relative contributions of environmental
and genetic factors to race differences in intelligence is made more difficult
by the principle of genotype-environment co-variation. This states that the
genes for high intelligence tend to be associated with favorable environments
for the optimum development of intelligence (Plomin, 1994). Thus, intelligent
women who are pregnant typically refrain from smoking, drinking excessive
alcohol, and taking drugs because they are aware that these are likely to impair
the growth of the brain and subsequent intelligence of the children they are
carrying. Intelligent parents tend to provide their children with good quality
nutrition because they understand the general principles of what constitutes a
healthy diet, and a healthy diet is a determinant of intelligence. Intelligent
parents are also more likely to give their children cognitive stimulation, which
is widely believed (not necessarily correctly) to promote the development of the
intelligence of their children. The same principle operates for races. The races
with high intelligence tend to provide their children with the double advantage
of transmitting favorable genes to their children and of providing them with a
favorable environment with good nutrition, health care, and, possibly, education
that enhances the development of their children's intelligence. Conversely, the
children of the less intelligent races tend to transmit the double disadvantage
of poor quality genes and a poor quality environment. Thus it is problematical
whether the poor nutrition and health that impair the intelligence of many third
world peoples should be regarded as a purely environmental effect or as to some
degree a genetic effect arising from the low intelligence of the populations
that makes them unable to provide good nutrition and health for their children.
The principle of genotype-environment co-variation implies that differences in
intelligence between the races for which the immediate cause is environmental
are also attributable to genetic factors that contribute to the environmental
It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that race differences
in intelligence have both environmental and genetic factors. The extent of the
heritability of race differences in intelligence must be expected to vary
according to which pairs of races are compared. The magnitude of the
heritability depends on the variability in the environmental determinants of
intelligence in the population and, in the case of two populations, the
differences in the environmental determinants between the two. In the comparison
between Africans in Africa and Europeans, the environmental differences between
the two populations, consisting of the quality of nutrition, health, and
education, are quite large. Consequently they will have a significant impact and
possibly explain about 50 percent of the differences in intelligence between the
two populations (see Chapter 4). In the comparison between Africans in the
United States and Europeans, the environmental differences between the two
populations are much smaller, since they have about the same nutrition and
education, so the environmental effect is much smaller and the heritability
correspondingly greater. Similarly, in the comparison between East Asians and
Europeans the environmental conditions in which they live are closely similar in
so far as they enjoy approximately the same standards of living, nutrition,
health care, and education, so the slightly higher IQ of the East Asians is
probably largely determined genetically.
Chapter 15. The Evolution of
- 1. General Principles of the Evolution of Intelligence
- 2. Mammals
- 3. Birds
- 4. Primates
- 5. Hominids
- 6. IQs of Monkeys, Apes, and Pre-human Hominids
We turn now to the question of how intelligence has evolved.
Throughout the course of evolution there has been a general trend for species to
develop greater intelligence. This chapter gives an account of the principles
responsible for this. The evolution of race differences in intelligence has been
a continuation of this trend and is discussed in the next two chapters.
1. General Principles of the Evolution of Intelligence
The general principles of the evolution of greater
intelligence over the course of some 225 million years have been formulated by
Jerison (1973, 2000). He has shown that two principles have operated. The first
is that from time to time species have occupied new environments or niches that
have required increased cognitive demands. When this has occurred these species
have responded by evolving larger brains with which to accommodate greater
intelligence. These have enabled the species to deal with the cognitive demands
of the new niche. The second principle is that carnivores and herbivores have
been engaged in a form of arms race in which carnivores have needed to become
more intelligent in order to catch herbivores while herbivores have needed to
become more intelligent in order to escape predators. A useful account of this
process has been given by Dawkins and Krebs (1979).
There is a problem in making comparisons between species in
brain size and intelligence because there is a strong association across species
between brain size and body size. The reason for this is that much of the brain
services the functions of the body, so species with large bodies have large
brains. To control for body size in comparing the brain size of different
species, Jerison has devised the concept of the encephalization quotient (EQ) as
a measure of brain size in relation to body size. He sets the EQ of average
living mammals at 1.0 and expresses the EQs of other extinct and living species
in relation to this standard. Jerison defines intelligence of species as their
EQ, which determines the information-processing capacity of the brain.
The important developments in the evolution of higher EQs as
new species have evolved are summarized in Table 15.1. These data have been
compiled from Jerison (1973, 2000), Cutler (1976), and Harvey and Glutton-Brock
(1985). Rows 1, 2, and 3 of the table show that 225 million years ago fish and
reptiles had small EQs of 0.05 and that their EQs have shown no increase by 60
million years ago or at the present day.
Table 15.1. Evolution of encephalization quotients (MYA =
million years ago)
Species |
EQ |
1 |
225 |
Fish & reptiles |
0.05 |
2 |
60 |
Fish & reptiles |
0.05 |
3 |
Living |
Fish & reptiles |
0.05 |
4 |
225 |
First mammals |
0.25 |
5 |
60 |
Average mammals |
0.75 |
6 |
Living |
Average mammals |
1.00 |
7 |
150 |
First birds |
0.10 |
8 |
60 |
Average birds |
0.75 |
9 |
Living |
Average birds |
1.00 |
10 |
60 |
First primates |
0.75 |
11 |
Living |
Tree shrew |
0.85 |
12 |
Living |
Potto |
1.10 |
13 |
Living |
gelago |
1.20 |
14 |
Living |
Gentle lemur |
0.70 |
15 |
Living |
Macaco lemur |
1.60 |
16 |
30 |
First monkeys |
1.00 |
17 |
Living |
Marmoset |
1.50 |
18 |
Living |
Squirrel |
2.80 |
19 |
Living |
Capuchin apella |
3.50 |
20 |
Living |
Langur presbytis |
1.30 |
21 |
Living |
Rhesus |
2.10 |
22 |
Living |
Baboon hamadryas |
2.40 |
23 |
16 |
First apes |
2.00 |
24 |
Living |
Gorilla |
2.00 |
25 |
Living |
Siamang gibbon |
2.10 |
26 |
Living |
Orangutan |
2.40 |
27 |
Living |
Chimpanzee |
2.60 |
28 |
Living |
Lar gibbon |
2.80 |
29 |
4 |
Australopithecus |
3.70 |
30 |
1.7 |
Homo habilis |
4.30 |
31 |
0.7 |
Homo erectus |
5.00 |
32 |
Living |
Homo sapiens |
7.50 |
2. Mammals
Row 4 shows that the EQ of the first mammals that evolved
approximately 225 million years ago was 0.25. This was a five-fold increase from
the reptiles from which they evolved and was the first quantum leap in the
increase of EQ and intelligence.
The explanation of this development is that the reptiles were
largely diurnal and relied primarily on vision for information about the world.
Like living reptiles, their behavior consisted largely of hardwired responses to
visual sign-stimuli. The first mammals were small animals about the size of the
rat and occupied a nocturnal niche in which they slept during the day and
foraged at night. This niche was advantageous because it afforded protection
from predator reptiles, but it had the disadvantage that for nocturnal animals
vision is seriously inadequate for gathering information about the external
world, although it has some value at dusk and dawn and on moonlit nights. To
overcome this problem the early nocturnal mammals developed their senses of
hearing, smell, and touch and an integration processor to obtain and analyze
information from the three senses as well as from vision. They were then able to
integrate information obtained from the four senses to identify predators, food,
and mates. The development of the information-processing capacities of hearing,
smell, and touch required the enlargement of the auditory, olfactory, and
tactile centers of the brain and the development of an integration capacity to
combine the information obtained from the four senses. These new cognitive
functions required a five-fold increase of the encephalization quotient over
that of average fish and reptiles, from 0.05 to 0.25.
Row 5 shows that by 60 million years ago the EQ of average
mammals had increased to 0.75, representing a three-fold increase from 0.25 in
the first mammals. Row 6 shows that over the next 60 million years the EQ of
average mammals increased further to 1.0. Thus, during the 225 million years
following their first appearance, the EQ of average mammals increased
approximately four-fold. This increase appears to have taken place largely
through the operation of the principle of the arms race between carnivores and
herbivores, each of which exerted selection pressure on the other for greater
intelligence and higher EQs to accommodate it.
3. Birds
Row 7 shows the appearance of the first birds approximately
150 million years ago. The first bird, Archaeopteryx, had an EQ of 0.10,
twice as large as that of the reptiles from which it evolved. This was the
second quantum leap in EQ and intelligence. Rows 8 and 9 show that the EQs of
birds had increased to approximately 0.75 by 60 million years ago, and increased
further to 1.0 over the next 60 million years up to the present. Thus, the
average living birds have approximately the same EQ of 1.0 as that of average
living mammals. The explanation for the increase in the EQs of birds appears to
be that they occupied the niche of living largely in the air. This had the
advantage of being well away from predators but the disadvantage that newly
hatched chicks in nests in the tops of trees had to be fed for several weeks
until they had grown sufficiently to be able to fly and fend for themselves. To
raise their chicks the parents had to build nests, learn the location of their
nests in spatial maps of their terrain, form pair bonds between mother and
father birds, and co-operate in feeding their young and in defending their nests
from predators. These tasks evidently required greater intelligence and learning
capacities and a higher EQ than was needed by fish and reptiles, which do not
care for their young. The greater intelligence of birds and mammals such as dogs
and rabbits has been shown in various experimental tasks reviews by Razrin
(1971). The increase in the EQs of birds over time probably occurred largely
through the arms race between predators and non-predacious birds, each of which
exerted selection pressure on the other for greater intelligence and higher EQs
to accommodate it.
4. Primates
Row 10 shows the EQ of 0.75 of the first primates who
appeared approximately 60 million years ago following the extinction of the
dinosaurs. The EQ of the first primates was about the same as that of average
mammals and birds at that time. Rows 11 through 15 give the EQs of the living
representatives of the first primates: tree shrews (EQ 0.85), pottos (EQ 1.1),
gelagos (EQ 1.2), the gentle lemur (0.7), and the Macaco lemur (EQ 1.6). These
five living species have an average EQ of 1.1, an increase of about 50 percent
over that of the first primates of 60 million years ago. Row 16 shows the EQ of
1.0 of the first monkeys, which appeared about 30 million years ago. Rows 17
through 22 show the EQs of six typical living species of monkey. Their EQs range
between 1.3 for the Langur prebytis and the 3.5 for the Capuchin apella, so all
of them have higher EQs than the first monkeys of 30 million years ago with
their EQ of 1.0. Row 23 shows an EQ of 2.0 for the first species of apes that
appeared around 16 million years ago. The principal distinctions between monkeys
and apes is that apes have no tails and more flexible shoulders that allow them
to raise their arms above their heads and swing from branches of trees, whereas
monkeys walk on branches. Rows 24 through 28 give the EQs of the five species of
living great apes. The EQs range from 2.0 for the gorillas of central Africa,
through 2.1 for the Siamang gibbon of southeast Asia and Indonesia, 2.4 for the
orangutan of Borneo and Sumatra, 2.6 for the chimpanzee of central Africa, to
2.8 for the Lar gibbon of Southeast Asia and Indonesia. Considered as a genus,
the great apes do not appear to have evolved higher EQs than the monkeys. The
average EQ of the five species of great apes is 2.4 while the average of the six
species of monkeys is 2.3. Some of these EQs are derived from quite small
numbers and may not be strictly accurate because of sampling errors.
The rapid evolution in EQs of monkeys and apes, from 1.0 to
2.4 over the 30 million years of their existence, was much greater than that of
other mammals and of birds during the same period. This was the third great
quantum leap in the evolution of brain size and intelligence. There appear to
have been two reasons for this rapid increase in EQ. First, while the early
primates were nocturnal like the mammals from which they evolved (Byrne, 2002),
the monkeys and apes became diurnal, living by day and sleeping at night.
Diurnal species rely heavily on vision to obtain information about the external
world, and in accordance with this principle the visual centers in the brain
increased in size in monkeys and apes to give greater visual processing
capacity. Second, they lived in social groups, whereas the early primates were
solitary. Living in groups has the advantages for securing the exclusive use of
a territory and its resources, and co-operation in finding food, rearing the
young, and defense against predators. The cost is that the individuals have to
learn complex social skills for living harmoniously with other group members,
with whom they have to co-operate for defense of the territory but who are also
competitors for food and mates. The social system of these animals typically
consists of groups of around thirty to eighty animals, in which there are
dominance hierarchies in which two or three dominant males have more food, sole
access to the females when they are in estrus, and the best sleeping berths in
trees. To keep their position, dominant males typically form alliances to fight
off challenges from non-dominant males. The non-dominant males belong to the
group but have to be careful to respect the position of the dominant males, who
will drive them out of the group if they are challenged. Nevertheless, the
non-dominant males seem to understand that if they exercise adroit social skills
the time will come when the dominant males will grow old and weak and eventually
die, and they will be able to succeed them. To maintain their position in the
group while awaiting this eventuality, non-dominant males have to exercise
restraint and judgement in biding their time until they have a good chance of
successfully challenging and displacing a dominant male. Meanwhile they form
alliances with other non-dominant males to maintain their position in the group
and strengthen their chances of becoming dominants. The acquisition of these
social skills requires rapid learning and the capacity to inhibit challenges to
the dominant males. These social skills have come to be designated "social
intelligence" and they appear to need a relatively large EQ for understanding
and manipulating the social relationships, observing, 5 learning, and memorizing
the characteristics of other group members, and inhibition of impulsive actions.
Males with high social intelligence eventually become dominants and are able to
reproduce, and this drives up the social intelligence of the species. The theory
that becoming highly social animals was the niche that drove up the EQs of
monkeys and apes has been developed by Dunbar (1992), who has shown that among
primates the size of the social group in primate species is correlated with the
EQ, suggesting that primates that live in larger groups need a higher EQ to deal
with the more complex social relationships present among their members. Thus,
the monkeys and apes occupied a new niche as co-operative social species that
required greater intelligence provided by higher EQs.
Monkeys and apes display in various ways a high level of
intelligence consistent with their high EQs. The most studied species is the
chimpanzee. In the 1920s it was shown by Kohler (1925) that when confronted with
a difficult problem, such as how to retrieve a banana hanging from the ceiling
and out of reach, chimpanzees can figure out how to use boxes to build a
platform onto which they can climb and grab the banana. Later it was shown by
Goodall (1986) that chimpanzees in the wild learn to make and use tools for a
variety of purposes. They take sticks from which they pare off the side stems,
lick to make tacky, insert into the holes in termite mounds and ant nests, pull
out the tacky sticks and eat the termites or ants adhering to them. They make
pestles to pound the pulp from wood into an edible paste, and chisels to open
bees' nests, use stones to break open nuts, use leaves for drinking cups and to
clean themselves, and take up pieces of wood to threaten and hit predators and
intruders into their territories. They also have a vocabulary of around a dozen
cries to convey information, including the presence of predators, intrusion into
their territories of neighboring groups, the location of a supply of food,
willingness or unwillingness to share food, and so on. It has recently been
shown that orangutans also make and use tools (Fox, Sitompul, and Van Schaik
1999). In laboratory studies only monkeys and apes can master oddity problems,
in which three objects are presented, two of which are the same, and the correct
choice is the odd one; and one-trial learning sets, where two different objects
are presented and the correct choice varies from day to day.
5. Hominids
The fourth quantum leap in EQ and intelligence took place
with the evolution of the hominids. This is the series of species that
led eventually to the appearance of Homo sapiens. It began about 4
million years ago in central East Africa, in what is now Kenya and Tanzania,
with the appearance of the australopithecines and was followed by the three
successive species of Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and finally Homo
sapiens. The times of these species and their EQs are given in rows 29 to 32
of Table 15.1. The first of these, the australopithecines, comprised several
species. The first to appear was Australopithicus afarensis, which
evolved from an ape closely resembling the chimpanzee. Over the next two million
years further species of australopithecines evolved including africanus,
robustus, and boisei. The later species were larger and their brain
sizes increased, but not in proportion to their body size, so their
encephalization quotients remained the same. The reason for the evolution of the
australopithecines was that apes are adapted to live in forests, but in central
East Africa the climate became dryer and as a result much of the forest
disappeared and was replaced by grasslands with some brushwood and the
occasional clump of trees. Hence the apes in central East Asia had to adapt to
survive in the new niche of open savanna. Their three most distinctive
adaptations were that they stood upright, whereas apes move by knuckle walking
on all fours; their thumbs evolved in opposition to the fingers; and their EQs
increased. The principal adaptive advantages of the upright posture were that it
afforded them better vision that enabled them to see predators at a greater
distance, and to walk over long distances to forage for food, and that it freed
the hands. The freeing of the hands and the development of the thumb in
opposition to the fingers made it possible to use the hands to carry food from a
distance back to the camp, to make stone tools, and to grip stones and pieces of
wood more effectively and use them to drive off predators.
The EQs of the hominids showed approximately a threefold
increase over the course of about 4 million years from about 2.6 of the apes
from whom they evolved to 7.5 of Homo sapiens. This was a very rapid rate
of increase as compared with the 56 or so million years for the same rate of
increase to evolve in the primates from 0.75 of the first primates some 60
million years ago to 2.6 of the most encephalized monkeys and apes. The
explanation for this increase is that the hominids entered a new niche of the
open savannah in which survival was more cognitively demanding than that of the
apes from which they evolved. The cognitive demands of the new niche would have
consisted principally of finding a variety of different kinds of foods and
protecting themselves from predators. The australopithecines and the succeeding
hominids continued to live largely on plant foods, like the apes from whom they
evolved, but in open savannah these had to be more varied and dispersed over a
larger terrain than those of apes. To obtain these foods they would have needed
spatial maps of a large area and this would have required a larger brain. The
foods they ate can be determined from the wear of their teeth, which shows that
they subsisted largely on a diet of leaves and fruits but that they also ate
tubers, nuts, grass seeds, and insects (Isaac, 1978; Parker and Gibson, 1977;
Grine and Kay, 1988; Stahl, 1984). Some of them lived on the shores of lakes
Baringo and Turkana in present-day Kenya. Here they could pick up shellfish and
crack them open by hitting them with a rock, which they were able to grip
between their thumbs and fingers.
The hominids supplemented their plant and insect diet with a
certain amount of meat obtained by scavenging and possibly by occasionally
killing small animals. Baboons and chimpanzees sometimes kill small animals for
food, although meat has never become more than a small part of their diet
(Strum, 1981). Possibly the australopithecines and the later hominids Homo
habilis did the same. They were also scavengers of the remains of animals
killed by lions, cheetahs, and leopards. The sites of Homo habilis
contain the bones of large herbivores with carnivore teeth marks on which
stone-cut marks made by the hominids have been superimposed. This shows that the
large herbivores had been killed by lions, cheetahs, and leopards and that
Homo habilis scavenged the bones, which they broke up to extract the marrow
and brains, which the lions, cheetahs, and leopards were unable to get at (Binford,
1985; Blumenschine, 1989). With their increased EQ of 4.3, Homo habilis
became the first hominids with the brain power to make stone tools on an
extensive scale, by knapping flints to produce sharp cutting implements with
which they made weapons such as spears and knives to dismember the carcasses of
large mammals killed by lions, cheetahs, and leopards.
In addition to obtaining food, the other principal problem of
the hominids living in open grasslands would have been to protect themselves
against lions, cheetahs, and leopards. Apes and monkeys escape from the big cats
by climbing into trees and swinging or jumping from one tree to another. For the
australopithecines and the later hominids in open grasslands this was no longer
possible. They must have warded off lions, leopards, and cheetahs by throwing
stones at them and hitting them with clubs made from pieces of wood collected
from the few trees that remained. For this their newly evolved thumbs giving
greater gripping power would have been a great advantage. Chimpanzees sometimes
use sticks to ward off predators but they do not collect an arsenal of sticks
and stones for this purpose. The australopithecines would have had to do this
and this would have required greater foresight and intelligence. A further
selection pressure proposed by Alexander (1989) for the increase in the EQs of
the hominids was probably that more intelligent individuals were more effective
as tool makers and hunters and had greater social intelligence that enabled them
to secure higher rank in dominance hierarchies, through which they increased
their fertility.
6. IQs of Monkeys, Apes, and Pre-human Hominids
A number of attempts have been made to assess the
intelligence of monkeys, apes, and pre-human hominids by using Piaget's theory
of the development of intelligence in children. Piaget's theory states that
children progress through four stages of cognitive development. The first of
these is the sensorimotor stage of infancy in which the child learns about the
properties of objects, space, time, and causality. At about the age of two,
children make the transition to the "pre-operational" stage, in which they
acquire language and abstract concepts but are not yet able to understand
logical principles. This stage lasts until the age of about six. In Western
societies children at around the age of seven make the transition to the
"concrete operations" stage when they can grasp logical principles but only in
concrete terms. At around the age of 12 years children progress to the fourth
and final stage, "formal operations," when they become able to think logically
in terms of general principles divorced from concrete examples.
The applications of this theory to the intelligence of
monkeys, apes, and pre-human hominids have been summarized by Parker and
McKinney (1999). Their conclusion is that most species of monkeys do not
progress beyond the first of Piaget's stages, so they remain at the cognitive
level of human toddlers at the ages of about two years. On the scale of human
intelligence, their IQ would be about 12. Apes are at Piaget's early pre
operations stage and reach the cognitive level of the average European
3-4-year-old. Their IQ would be about 22. Estimates of the Piagetian level of
ability achieved by successive species of hominids from tools they made have
been attempted by Wynn (1989). His conclusion is that Homo habilis,
living in East Africa around 2.4 million years ago, was making simple stone
tools that required the early stage of pre-operational ability, about the same
as that of apes. Homo erectus, who appeared about 1.7 million years ago
with a somewhat larger brain, made the more sophisticated Acheulian stone tools,
including bifaced hand axes, that would have required the concrete operational
thinking of the kind achieved by contemporary European 7-8-year-olds. From this
it can be inferred that their IQ would have been about 50. 7uy
Chapter 16. Climate, Race, Brain Size,
and Intelligence
- 1. Evolution of the Races
- 2. Cognitive Demands in Northern Latitudes
- 3. Race Differences in Brain Size
- 4. Race Differences in Winter Temperatures, Brain Size, and IQ
- 5. Brain Size and Intelligence in Humans
- 6. Contribution of Race Differences in Brain Size to Differences in
- 7. Sex Differences in Intelligence and Brain Size
- 8. Genetical Processes in the Evolution of Race Differences in IQ
This chapter gives an account of the general principles of
the evolution of race differences in intelligence. The crucial selection
pressure responsible for the evolution of race differences in intelligence is
identified as the temperate and cold environments of the northern hemisphere,
imposing greater cognitive demands for survival and acting as selection
pressures for greater intelligence. The South Asians and North Africans, the
Europeans, the East Asians, Arctic Peoples, and Native Americans adapted to
these cognitive demands by evolving greater brain size and intelligence. The
genetical processes consisted of increases in the frequencies of the high
intelligence alleles and of mutations for higher intelligence.
1. Evolution of the Races
The consensus theory of the evolution of the races is that
humans evolved from apes in sub-Saharan Africa during the last four million
years or so. During this time a succession of species known collectively as the
hominids evolved with increasingly large brains. These were the
australopithecines, followed by Homo habilis and then by Homo erectus,
who appeared about 1.5 million years ago, and finally by Homo sapiens
(modern humans) who appeared around 150,000 years ago (Relethford, 1988). From
around 100,000 years ago groups of Homo sapiens began to migrate from
equatorial Africa into other regions of the world and by around 30,000 years
ago they had colonized most of the globe. In the early part of this period they
spread through most of sub-Saharan Africa and by 100,000 years they were
established in the south of Africa where they evolved into the Bushmen. By
88,000 years ago they were settled in southwest Asia. By 60-40,000 years ago
they were established throughout Asia, and by about 40,000 years ago they were
settled in Europe, the Indonesian archipelago, Australia, and the Americas.
During the last 6,000 years or so they colonized the Pacific islands (Foley,
1997; Mellars and Stringer, 1999; Cavalli-Sforza, 2000). A map showing the
approximate times and directions of the migrations of modern humans indicated
from the archeological record is given in Figure 1.
It is a general principle of evolutionary biology that when
populations are isolated from one another in different locations, they
inevitably develop genetic differences and evolve into different breeds or, in
the case of humans, races. These differences evolve through the processes of
founder effects, genetic drift, mutation, and adaptation to different
environments. The founder effect occurs when a small group breaks away from a
population, migrates to a new location, and establishes a new population. The
migrating group is likely to differ genetically by chance from the group it has
left, bringing about two groups with different genetic characteristics. It is
not considered likely that this process played any significant part in the
development of genetic differences in intelligence between the races. The second
process through which races diverge genetically is through genetic drift. This
is a process in which the frequencies of some genes increase, while those of
others decrease, through chance. It is possible that the racial differences in
the frequencies of different blood groups and of genetic diseases may have
arisen in this way, but again this process is not considered likely to have
played any significant part in the development of race differences in
intelligence. It is believed that it is through the two remaining processes of
adaptation to different environments and genetic mutations occurring in some
races but not in others that race differences in intelligence have come about.
Many of the human race differences can be understood as

Figure 1. Migrations of modern
humans, beginning in Africa about 100,000 years ago.
to climate. The morphological differences have evolved in
accordance with Allen's law' which states that species and breeds in cold
regions tend to evolve shorter limbs because these produce a smaller ratio of
surface to body volume and this reduces heat loss. Hence, East Asians and
Europeans in temperate and cold environments have shorter limbs than Africans in
tropical and sub-tropical environments. The dark skin of the Africans and
Australian Aborigines living in tropical and sub-tropical environments gives
protection against sunburn and skin cancer; the absence of facial hair in East
Asian men prevents frostbite that would develop if the hair froze on the face;
the smaller nostrils of East Asians and Europeans as compared with Africans and
Australian Aborigines warm and humidify inhaled air (Coon, 1962; Krantz, 1980).
2. Cognitive Demands in Northern Latitudes
The selection pressure for enhanced intelligence acting on
the peoples who migrated from tropical and sub-tropical equatorial Africa into
North Africa, Asia, Europe, and America was the problem of survival during the
winter and spring in temperate and cold climates. This was a new and more
cognitively demanding environment because of the need to hunt large animals for
food and to keep warm, which required the building of shelters and making fires
and clothing. In addition, Miller (2005) has proposed that in temperate and cold
climates females became dependent on males for provisioning them with food
because they were unable to hunt, whereas in the tropics women were able to
gather plant foods for themselves. For this women would have required higher
intelligence to select as mates the men who would provision them. For all these
reasons temperate and cold climates would have exerted selection pressure for
higher intelligence. The colder the winters the stronger this selection pressure
would have been and the higher the intelligence that evolved. This explains the
broad association between latitude or, more precisely, the coldness of winter
temperatures and the intelligence of the races.
The theory that race differences in intelligence evolved
because the peo ples who migrated out of Africa into the temperate and cold
climates of Asia and Europe entered a more cognitively demanding niche that
required greater intelligence is a further instance of the general principle
that had operated in the evolution of greater intelligence in mammals when they
colonized the nocturnal niche, birds when they colonized the air, monkeys and
apes when they became co-operating social animals, and hominids when they
adapted to the open savannah. The new niche of the temperate and cold
environments colonized by the races that migrated out of Africa demanded an
adaptation from an herbivorous to a largely carnivorous life style. The primates
from whom humans evolved had lived for a period of approximately 60 million
years as herbivores in the tropical and sub-tropical environment of equatorial
Africa, in which plant foods are available throughout the year. The hominids
that evolved in equatorial East Africa remained largely herbivorous. In
contemporary times hunter-gatherer peoples in tropical and subtropical latitudes
continue to subsist largely on plant foods, of which numerous species are
available throughout the year (Lee, 1968; Tooby and de Vore, 1989).
Because primates are adapted as herbivores in tropical and
sub-tropical environments they have found it difficult to survive in temperate
environments in which plant foods are not available for a number of months in
the winter and spring. An early instance of primates encountering the problem of
survival during the winter and spring in temperate environments occurred during
the mid-Miocene between 16 and 14 million years ago. This was a warm period in
which much of Eurasia became subtropical. Two species of apes, Pliopithecus
and Dryopithecus, migrated from Africa into Eurasia and flourished
there. At the end of this period, about 14 million years ago, Eurasia became
colder and the climate became temperate. In Europe and in most of Asia these
apes were unable to survive during the winters and became extinct. The only part
of Asia where these early apes were able to survive was in the tropical
southeast and the Indonesian archipelago, where they evolved into the orangutans
and gibbons (Pickford, 1986).
3. Race Differences in Brain Size
The races that migrated into the temperate and cold
environments of North Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas evolved greater
intelligence to survive in these more cognitively demanding climates. To
accommodate this enhanced intelligence they evolved larger brains, just as had
occurred in previous adaptations in the evolution of mammals, birds, and
primates to more cognitively demanding niches. Studies on race differences in
brain size have been given for each race in Chapters 3 through 12. It is not
possible to average these to give mean brain sizes, because there are different
methods for measuring brain size and these give different results. The principal
methods are by measuring the length, breadth, and height of the head of living
individuals and calculating the volumes, and by filling skulls with lead shot or
seed and transferring these to a container to measure the volume. What is needed
is a large collection of brain sizes measured by the same method and one that
includes all the races. Only one such data set is available. This is the mean
brain sizes of 87 populations worldwide, based on measurements of approximately
20,000 crania, published by Smith and Beals (1990). These are categorized in
Table 16.1 into the ten races with which we are concerned. The figures in bold
are the means of the brain sizes of the samples of each race.
Table 16.1. Brain sizes (cc) for ten races
Race |
Brain Size |
Race |
Brain Size |
Race |
Brain Size |
Native Americans |
1,366 |
Arctic Peoples |
1,443 |
Africans |
1,282 |
Alacaluf |
1,397 |
Aleut |
1,518 |
Azande |
1,345 |
Araucanians |
1,386 |
Buryat |
1,465 |
Batetela |
1,274 |
Arikara |
1,399 |
Inuit |
1,377 |
Mangbetu |
1,247 |
Blackfoot |
1,365 |
Inuit |
1,474 |
Masai |
1,245 |
Botocudo |
1,350 |
Inuit |
1,411 |
Nubians |
1,235 |
Caddo |
1,345 |
Inuit |
1,429 |
Xhosa |
1,344 |
Carib |
1,315 |
Koryak |
1,419 |
Cheyenne |
1,399 |
Ostyak |
1,416 |
Pacific Islanders |
1,317 |
Chinook |
1,321 |
Yakut |
1,478 |
Maori |
1,393 |
Chippewa |
1,418 |
Yukaghir |
1,439 |
Marquesians |
1,336 |
Choctaw |
1,292 |
New Britain |
1,232 |
Cowichan |
1,288 |
Australian Aborigines |
1,225 |
New Caledonia |
1,311 |
Delaware |
1,411 |
1,228 |
New Ireland |
1,250 |
Гуаджиро |
1,263 |
NT |
1,232 |
Tahitians |
1,380 |
Gosiute |
1,338 |
QL |
1,215 |
Gros Ventre |
1,394 |
Tasmanians |
1,239 |
Bushmen |
1,270 |
Haida |
1,358 |
West |
1,212 |
Huron |
1,424 |
South Asians |
1,293 |
Koskimo |
1,330 |
Europeans |
1,369 |
Arabs |
1,315 |
Mandan |
1,382 |
Basques |
1,368 |
Burmese |
1,227 |
Maya |
1,342 |
Czechs |
1,341 |
Egyptians |
1,379 |
Nahua |
1,388 |
Dutch |
1,373 |
Hindus |
1,362 |
Native Americans |
1,366 |
Europeans |
1,369 |
South Asians |
1,293 |
Nez Perce |
1,483 |
French |
1,361 |
Sinhalese |
1,222 |
Ona |
1,391 |
Germans |
1,391 |
Tamils |
1,254 |
Paiute |
1,328 |
Italians |
1,411 |
Pawnee |
1,334 |
Poles |
1,315 |
Southeast Asians |
1,332 |
Piegan |
1,381 |
Scots |
1,316 |
Andamanese |
1,214 |
Quechua |
1,296 |
Swiss |
1,408 |
Javanese |
1,403 |
Salish |
1,284 |
Lawa |
1,413 |
Tarahumara |
1,404 |
East Asians |
1,416 |
Papuans |
1,304 |
Teton |
1,454 |
Chinese |
1,418 |
Papuans |
1,270 |
Wichita |
1,309 |
Gilyak |
1,443 |
Seri |
1,388 |
Yahgan |
1,363 |
Japanese |
1,318 |
Zuni |
1,235 |
Kalmyk |
1,371 |
Mongols |
1,489 |
Samoyed |
1,458 |
4. Race Differences in Winter Temperatures, Brain Size,
and IQ
The evolution of larger brain size to accommodate greater
intelligence in the races that occupied the colder environments is shown in
Table 16.2. Column 2 gives the races ranked by the severity of the winter
temperatures to which they were exposed. Column 3 gives present-day coldest
winter monthly temperatures taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica World Atlas
and are averages of the regions inhabited by the races. Column 3 gives the
coldest winter monthly temperatures during the main Wurm glaciation, which
lasted between approximately 28,000 and 10,000 years ago and during which winter
temperatures fell by about 5 degrees centigrade in the northern hemisphere but
not in the southern hemisphere (Roberts, 1989; Foley, 1987). Column 4 gives
average brain sizes taken from Table 16.1. It is apparent that there is a
general correspondence between coldest winter monthly temperatures and brain
sizes. For the first six races listed, brain sizes decrease with less severely
cold winter monthly temperatures. However, in the remaining four races this
linear trend becomes irregular. The Africans inhabit a warmer zone than the
Bushmen but have larger brain size. The Australian Aborigines continue the trend
with a warmer zone and lower brain size. However, the Southeast Asians and the
Pacific Islanders in tropical and sub-tropical zones have larger brain sizes
than the South Asians and North Africans, the Bushmen, the Africans, and the
Australian Aborigines.
Column 5 gives the IQs of the races. Here too it is apparent
that there is a general correspondence between the IQs and the coldest winter
monthly temperatures and brain sizes, but once again there are anomalies. First,
the Arctic Peoples inhabit the coldest zone and have the largest brain size, but
their IQ is only 91. Second, the Bushmen have the second smallest brain size
(l,270cc) but the lowest IQ (54), while the Australian Aborigines have the
smallest brain size (1225cc) but a slightly higher IQ (62) than the Bushmen.
Apart from these anomalies there is a perfect correspondence between race
differences in brain size and IQ. To explain these anomalies we have to consider
the genetical principles involved in the evolution of the race differences in
intelligence. This question is taken up in Section 8.
Table 16.2. Race differences in winter temperatures
(degrees centigrade) and brain size
Race |
Winter Temp |
Wurm Temp |
Brain Size |
IQ |
Arctic Peoples |
-15 |
-20 |
1,443 |
91 |
East Asians |
-7 |
-12 |
1,416 |
105 |
Europeans |
0 |
5 |
1,369 |
99 |
Native Americans |
7 |
5 |
1,366 |
86 |
S. Asian & N. Africans |
12 |
7 |
1,293 |
84 |
Bushmen |
15 |
15 |
1,270 |
54 |
Africans |
17 |
17 |
1,280 |
67 |
Australians |
17 |
17 |
1,225 |
62 |
Southeast Asians |
24 |
24 |
1,332 |
87 |
Pacific Islanders |
24 |
24 |
1,317 |
85 |
studies that used an external measure of head size. Every
single one of the studies showed a positive relationship and the overall
correlation was 0.18. They also report 11 studies of normal populations that
measured brain size by CT (computerized axial tomography) and MRI (magnetic
resonance imaging), which give a more accurate measure of brain size, and for
which there was an overall correlation of 0.40, A further study published
subsequent to this review found a correlation for 40 subjects between brain size
measured by MRI and intelligence of 0.44 (Thompson, Cannon, Narr, et al., 2001).
Vernon et al. conclude that the most reasonable interpretation of the
correlation is that brain size is a determinant of intelligence. Larger brains
have more neurons and this gives them greater processing capacity. It is not
only among humans that brain size is correlated with intelligence. The same
association has been found among rats in a study by Anderson (1993), in which
rats' ability to learn their way through mazes was positively correlated with
their brain weight.
The correlation of 0.40 obtained by Vernon et al. (2000)
between brain size and IQ should be corrected for measurement error ("correction
for attenuation") of the intelligence tests. Correction for measurement error is
obtained by dividing the correlation by the square root of the product of the
reliability coefficients of the two measures from which the correlation
coefficient is computed. The reliability of intelligence tests is typically
around 0.90 (Bouchard, 1993, p. 49; Mackintosh, 1998). The reliability of the
brain size measures is not known but it is assumed to be perfect. Correction of
the correlation of 0.40 between brain size and IQ for the imperfect reliability
of the intelligence tests (0.90) gives a true correlation coefficient of 0.44.
6. Contribution of Race Differences in Brain Size to
Differences in Intelligence
We now consider the extent to which race differences in brain
size can explain the differences in intelligence. To do this we have to cal
culate the race differences in brain size in standard deviation units (d)
and multiply the ds by the correlation between brain size and intel
ligence. This gives the IQ differences of the races attributable to the brain
size differences. These calculations require means and standard deviations of
brain size for the races. The standard deviations are only available for
Europeans, Africans, Native Americans, South Asians, and East Asians and are
given by Seals, Smith, and Dodd (1984) so these are the only races for which the
calculations can be made. The results are summarized in Table 16.3. Column 1
gives the two races being compared. Column 2 gives the differences in brain size
between the two races expressed as d scores (i.e., in standard deviation
units) calculated from the figures given in Table 16.1. Column 3 gives the IQ
difference between the two races expressed as d scores predicted from the
brain size difference, obtained as the product of the d scores given in
column 2 multiplied by 0.44 (the correlation between brain size and intelligence
corrected for measurement error). Column 4 gives the racial IQ differences
predicted from the brain size differences. Column 5 gives the actual IQ of the
race in comparison with 99 for Europeans.
Row 1 gives these figures for the European-African
comparison. The difference in brain size predicts that Africans would have an IQ
of 91. Their actual IQ is 67, so the brain size difference predicts 28 percent
of the IQ difference. In Chapter 4 the genotypic IQ of Africans was calculated
as 80, so the brain size difference explains about half the genotypic IQ
difference. The other half must be attributed to differences in
neurophysiological processes.
Row 2 gives the figures for the European-Native American
comparison. The difference in brain size predicts that Native Americans would
have an IQ of 97. Their actual IQ is 86, so the brain size difference predicts
about a fifth of the IQ difference. Row 3 gives the figures for the
European-South Asian and North African comparison. The difference in brain size
predicts that South Asians and North Africans would have an IQ of 96. Their
actual IQ is 84, so the brain size difference predicts a quarter of the IQ
difference. Row 4 gives the figures for the European-East Asian comparison. The
difference in brain size predicts that East Asians would have an IQ of 109.
Their actual IQ is 105, so this time the brain size difference over-predicts the
IQ difference by 4 IQ points. There are two likely explanations for this. The
first is that East Asians suffer environmental disadvantages that prevent their
genotypic IQ being realized; if this is so, the East Asian IQ will rise to
around 109 when their environmental conditions improve to the level of
Europeans. The second is that the large East Asian brain serves cognitive
abilities not fully represented in intelligence tests. The most likely of these
is the visualization abilities.
Although the contribution of race differences in brain size
to race differences in IQs can only be calculated for the racial comparisons
given in Table 16.3, the results showing that race differences in brain size
explain about a quarter of the differences in intelligence can probably be
reasonably be extended to all race differences. The remainder of the differences
are attributable to environmental inequalities and differences in
neurophysiological processes.
Table 16.3. Race differences in IQs predicted from
differences in brain size
Racial comparisons |
Brain size difference:
d |
Predicted IQ difference:
d |
Actual IQ difference:
d |
1 |
European- African |
1.46 |
0.69 |
2.1 |
2 |
European-N. American |
0.43 |
0.20 |
0.9 |
3 |
European-South Asian |
0.48 |
0.23 |
0.8 |
4 |
European-East Asian |
1.23 |
0.58 |
0.4 |
7. Sex Differences in Intelligence and Brain Size
A problem that has sometimes been raised in connection with
the existence of race differences in brain size and intelligence is that women
have significantly smaller brains than men and yet it has been virtually
universally asserted that there is no difference in intelligence between men and
women. For instance "women's brains are 10% smaller than men's, but their IQ is
on average the same" (Butterworth 1999, p. 293). Since women with their smaller
average brain size are just as intelligent as men, it appears to follow that
brain size has no effect on intelligence. This is the conclusion drawn by Gould
(1996, p. 132), who writes that it disproves "the myth that group differences in
brain size bear any relationship to intelligence." The smaller average brain
size of women has been shown by Ankney (1992) and Rushton (1992). Ankney
calculated that the average male brain, adjusted for larger body size, is 100
grams heavier than that of women. Rushton calculated from another data set of
6,325 military personnel that the average male brain, adjusted for larger body
size, is l,442cc and the average female brain is l,332cc, a male advantage of
ll0cc; 1cc of brain tissue weighs approximately 1 gram, so the Ankney and
Rushton results are closely similar.
Thus we have the paradox that brain size is positively
related to intelligence, that men have larger average brain size than women, and
yet men and women have the same intelligence. I have presented the resolution of
this paradox in Lynn (1994b and 1999) and in Lynn and Irwing (2004). It is that
up to the age of 15 years males and females have approximately the same
intelligence except for a small male advantage on the visualization abilities,
but from the age of 16 years males begin to show greater intelligence, reaching
an advantage of from 3 to 6 IQ points in adults. Intelligence can be defined in
four ways and in three of these the evidence for higher average IQs in men is
quite clear. First, intelligence can be defined as the full-scale IQ of the
Wechsler tests, which provide the average of all major abilities including
verbal comprehension, verbal and non-verbal reasoning, visualization, perceptual
ability, immediate memory, and perceptual speed. On five standardization samples
of the tests for adults the average male advantage is 3.5 IQ points (Lynn,
1994b, 1997, 1999). A more recent study by Colom, Garcia, Juan-Espinosa, and
Abad (2002) of the Spanish standardization sample of the WAIS-111 reports an
almost identical male advantage of 3.6 IQ points. The average male advantage of
3.5 IQ points among adults on the full scale IQ of Wechsler tests obtained from
the six standardization samples underestimates the true male advantage for two
reasons. First, the tests are biased in favor of females because verbal
abilities, on which the male advantage is relatively small, are over-represented
with six subtests, while visualization abilities, on which the male advantage is
larger, are under-represented with only two subtests (block design and mazes).
Second, in the construction of the tests a number of items favoring either males
or females were eliminated, which would tend to produce equal IQs for males and
females (Matarazo, 1972).
A second approach to the issue is to define intelligence as
non-verbal reasoning ability as measured by the Progressive Matrices. This is
the definition adopted by Mackintosh (1996), and the test is widely regarded as
one of the best tests of g (general intelligence). It has been asserted
by Court (1983), Mackintosh (1996), and Jensen (1998) that there is no
difference in the mean scores obtained by males and females on the Progressive
Matrices and therefore that there is no difference between males and females in
reasoning or in g. Contrary to these assertions, a meta-analysis of all
fourteen known studies of adults has shown that men invariably obtain a higher
mean IQ than women on the Progressive Matrices by an average of 5 IQ points
(Lynn and Irwing, 2004).
A third approach to the problem is to define intelligence as
the average of non-verbal reasoning, verbal comprehension, and visualization
abilities, as proposed by Gustafsson (1984). Data assembled from thirteen
countries show that on this definition the mean IQ of adult men exceeds that of
women by 4.9 IQ points (Lynn, 1999, p. 4).
The most satisfactory definitions of intelligence are (1) to
follow Mackintosh (1996) and define it as non-verbal reasoning ability, or (2)
to define it as the average IQ of non-verbal reasoning, verbal comprehension,
and visualization abilities. The two definitions yield similar results. On the
first there is an adult male advantage of 5 IQ points (Lynn and Irwing, 2004),
while on the second there is an adult male advantage of 4.9 IQ points (Lynn,
A fourth approach is to define intelligence as the g
extracted from a battery of tests containing all or most of the major primary
abilities. This definition has been adopted by Jensen (1998, p. 538). He
presents the results of five studies. The results were that males obtained
higher IQs of 5.49 IQ points on the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitudes
Battery for 18-23-year-olds), 0.18 on the American standardization sample of the
WAIS (25-34-year-olds), and 2.83 on the American standardization sample of the
WISC-R (5-16-year-olds), while females obtained higher IQs of 0.03 IQ points on
the BAS (British Ability Scales 14-17-year-olds), and 7.91 IQ points on the GATB
(General Aptitude Test Battery for 18-year-olds). From these inconsistent
results he concludes that "the sex difference in psychometric g is either
totally nonexistent or is of uncertain direction and of inconsequential
magnitude" (Jensen, 1998, p. 340). Jensen's conclusion does not resolve the
problem that males have larger average brain size than females, yet according to
this analysis have the same average IQ. Jensen suggests that the resolution of
this problem may be that males and females have the same number of neurones but
the female ones are more densely packed into a smaller brain (p. 541). It is
improbable on general biological grounds that a sex difference of this kind
would have evolved and it has been disconfirmed by Packenberg and Gunderson
(1997), who found that men have more neurones than women (22.8 billion compared
with 19.3 billion), but there is no difference in neuronal density between male
and female brains.
There are two problems with Jensen's conclusion that there is
no sex difference in intelligence. First, he does not acknowledge the evidence
that I set out in Lynn (1994b) and that has been confirmed by Colom and Lynn
(2004) and Lynn and Irwing (2004) that the male advantage is not present or is
minimal up to the age of 16 years, so the results of the WISC-R on
5-16-year-olds and of the British Ability Scales on 14-17-year-olds need to be
set aside. Second, the inconsistency between the 5.49 IQ male advantage on the
ASVAB and the 7.91 female advantage on the GATB is so great that something must
be wrong with the method. The problem is that the nature of the g
extracted from a battery of tests is affected by the kind of tests in the
battery. A predominantly verbal test like the Wechsler's yields a verbal g
on which on the adult male advantage is quite small. The GATB, on which
there is a female advantage 7.9 IQ points on g, contains a number of
perceptual and psycho-motor tests and hence yields a perceptual-psychomotor
g. Females perform better than males on these tests and so, as Nyborg (2003,
p. 206) correctly observes, they have a higher g. If these tests are
removed and the tests of verbal, numerical, and spatial abilities are analyzed,
the female advantage disappears, as Jensen shows (1998, p. 543). More recent
studies using this method show further inconsistent results. Colom,
Juan-Espinoza, Abad, and Garcia (2000), analyzing a large Spanish sample, and
Colom, Garcia, Juan-Espinoza, and Abad (2002), analyzing the Spanish
standardization sample of the WAIS-111 by the same method, found that the sex
differences in g were negligible. However, using the same method Nyborg (2003,
p. 209) has obtained a male advantage among adults of 5.55 IQ points and Colom
and Lynn (2004), in an analysis of the Spanish standardization sample of the
DAT, obtain a male advantage among 18-year-olds of 4.3 IQ points. It is evident
that the sex difference obtained by this method is highly variable. The reason
for this is that different tests produce different gs.
The higher male IQ can be ascribed to the larger male brain.
Three studies have shown that the average male brain size exceeds that of the
female brain, corrected for body size. Ankney (1992) found a larger brain size
measured by weight of approximately 100 grams. Rushton (1992) found a difference
in volume of HOcc and Tan et al. (1999) found a difference among college
students in Turkey of 91cc. Ankney expresses the male-female difference as 0.78d
(SD units). The correlation of brain size with intelligence is 0.44
(corrected for test reliability). Hence the predicted male advantage in
intelligence arising from a larger average brain size is 0.78 multiplied by
0.44, giving a male advantage of .34J = 5.1 IQ points. This should be considered
the same, within the range of error arising from the use of different tests,
measurement error, and different definitions of intelligence, as the actual male
advantages of 4.9 IQ points estimated in Lynn (1999), 5.0 IQ points estimated in
Lynn and Irwing (2004), 5.49 IQ points on the ASVAB, 5.55 IQ points found in a
Danish sample by Nyborg (2003, p. 212), and 4.3 IQ points found by Colom and
Lynn (2004) in a Spanish sample. The average of the four estimates is 5.0 IQ
points and should be adopted as the best estimate of the male advantage among
adults. This advantage is wholly explicable by the larger male brain, as would
be expected because males and females experience the same environment and
therefore environmental factors cannot account for the male-female difference.
The explanation in evolutionary terms for the greater average intelligence of
men is probably that in most social species males compete with one another to
obtain female mates and in the evolution of the hominids intelligence came to
play a significant role in success in this competition. Females do not compete
for male mates to anything like the same extent. This would have exerted
stronger selection pressure for enhanced intelligence in men than in women.
9. Genetical Processes in the Evolution of Race
Differences in IQ
Two genetical processes must be assumed to explain the
evolution of race differences in intelligence. The first of these is that
differences in the frequencies of the alleles for high and low intelligence have
evolved between races such that the alleles for high intelligence are more
common in the races with the higher IQs and less common in the races with the
lower IQs. The early humans that migrated out of Africa and spread throughout
the world would have carried all the alleles for high and low intelligence with
them, but those who colonized Asia and Europe were exposed to the cognitively
demanding problems of survival during cold winters. Many of those carrying the
alleles for low intelligence would have been unable to survive during the cold
winters and the less intelligent individuals and tribes would have died out,
leaving as survivors the more intelligent. This process would have reduced and
possibly eliminated the alleles for low intelligence, leaving a higher
proportion of the alleles for high intelligence. The more severe the winter
temperatures, the greater the selection pressure for the elimination of low IQ
individuals carrying low IQ alleles. This process explains the broad association
between coldest winter temperatures and IQs and brain size shown in Table 16.2.
A parallel genetical process must have been involved in the
evolution of race differences in skin color. The first humans who evolved in
tropical equatorial Africa must have had black or very dark skins, as these
peoples do today, because of the adaptive advantage of dark skin in strong
sunlight. When some of these early peoples migrated into North Africa, Asia, and
Europe, alleles for paler skins must have appeared as mutations. Individuals
with these mutations would have had a selective advantage because they could
synthesize vitamin D from sunlight, while at the same time they did not suffer
the disadvantage of contracting skin cancer from the excessively strong sunlight
of the tropics. Hence, individuals with paler skins left more surviving
offspring, with the result that the alleles for paler skins spread through the
population and eventually replaced the alleles for dark skin. This process
produced the same broad gradient for skin color as evolved for intelligence,
with the Arctic peoples, East Asians, and Europeans having evolved the palest
skins, the South Asians and North Africans, Native Americans, Southeast Asians,
and Pacific Islanders having evolved somewhat paler skins, while the Africans,
Bushmen, and Australian Aborigines exposed to the strongest sunlight retained
the darkest skins.
A second genetical process has been proposed by Miller (1996,
2005), in which several new alleles for high intelligence appeared as mutations
in some races but did not appear in others, and these were never transmitted to
some other races. This assumption is necessary to explain some of the anomalies
in the general relationship between severe winters and the race differences in
intelligence. The general principles are that new mutant alleles for high
intelligence would be most likely to appear in large populations and in
populations that are subjected to stress. New mutant alleles for high
intelligence would be most likely to appear in large populations because a
mutation is a chance genetic event and hence is more likely to occur in races
with large populations. In addition, populations subjected to stress, including
extreme temperatures, also experience more mutations (Plomin, DeFries, and
McClearn, 1990, p. 91). The effect of these two principles is that mutations for
higher intelligence would have been more likely to occur and can be assumed to
have occurred more frequently in the South Asians, who had large populations and
were subjected to cold stress, and particularly in the East Asians and
Europeans, who had large populations and were subjected to extreme cold stress,
than in the Africans, who had a large population but were not subjected to
extreme cold stress, and in the Australian Aborigines and Bushmen, who had small
populations and were not subjected to extreme cold stress. The Arctic Peoples
were subject to extreme cold stress but comprised very small populations, so
they would be unlikely to have had mutations for higher intelligence. It may
also be that "directed mutation" also operated to produce new mutant alleles for
high intelligence in the South Asians, and particularly in the East Asians and
Europeans. The concept of "directed mutation" is that a mutation is more likely
to occur if it is advantageous to the organism. The theory was first proposed by
Cairns, Overbaugh, and Miller (1988) and has been supported by a number of
biologists (Lenski and Mittler, 1993). Higher intelligence would have been more
advantageous for the South Asians, and particularly for the East Asians and
Europeans, than for the Africans.
Once a new mutant allele for higher intelligence had appeared
it would confer a selection advantage and would have spread throughout the group
of around 50 to 80 individuals in which people lived during the hunter-gatherer
stage of human evolution. It would then have spread fairly rapidly to adjacent
groups because hunter-peoples typically have alliances with neighboring groups
with which they exchange mating partners, and it is reasonable to assume that
this custom was present for many thousands of years during the evolution of the
races. These alliances of groups are known as demes, and a new mutant
allele for higher intelligence and which conferred a selection advantage would
have spread fairly rapidly through a deme. From time to time matings would take
place between demes and by this means new mutant alleles for higher intelligence
would spread from one deme to another and eventually throughout an entire race.
It has been estimated by Rouhani (1989), using reasonable assumptions of a
selection coefficient of 0.01 and a 5 percent migration per generation between
hunter-gather demes of around 500 individuals, that advantageous alleles would
spread at a rate of 0.8 miles a generation. Thus, in 25,000 years, consisting of
approximately 1,000 generations, an advantageous allele would be transmitted
about 800 miles. Hence, an advantageous allele occurring as a mutant in the
region of, say, Beijing, 25,000 years ago would not yet have spread outside
China and would take another 50,000 years or so to reach the Arctic Peoples of
far Northeast Asia. This model does not, however, take account of the
geographical barriers that have generally been present between the races, such
as the Gobi Desert between East Asians and Europeans and the Sahara between
sub-Saharan Africans and North Africans, which have largely prevented
interbreeding between the demes of different races and hence the transmission of
new mutant alleles for higher intelligence from one race to another.
Chapter 17. The Evolution of Race
Differences in Intelligence
- 1. Africans
- 2. Bushmen
- 3. South Asians and North Africans
- 4. Southeast Asians
- 5. Pacific Islanders
- 6. Australian Aborigines
- 7. Europeans.
- 8. East Asians
- 9. Arctic Peoples
- 10. Native Americans
- 11. Conclusions
Now that the general principles of the evolution of
intelligence and the crucial effects of climate on the evolution of race
differences in intelligence and brain size have been set out in Chapters 15 and
16, we are able to reconstruct for each race how and when the differences in
intelligence evolved. We begin with the Homo erectus peoples who
flourished in equatorial Africa from approximately 1.7 million years ago to
around 200,000 years ago. During this period their brain size increased from
about 885cc to about l,186cc (Ruff, Trinkaus, and Holliday, 1997). The reason
for this increase in brain size is that in all mammals intelligence has been
under continual directional selection, i.e., the more intelligent individuals
left more surviving offspring, and this process was speeded up in the evolving
hominids. At the end of this period Homo sapiens had appeared (Relethford,
1988) and the quality of their tools suggests that they were capable of Piaget's
stage of concrete operational thinking of the kind achieved by contemporary
European 7-8-year-olds, indicating that their IQ was about 50 (Chapter 15,
Section 6).
1. Africans
During the last 200,000 years the ancestors of the Africans
continued to inhabit the tropical and sub-tropical environments of equatorial
sub-Saharan Africa. This environment was not strongly cognitively demanding for
them because primates had become adapted to it for some 60 million years. During
the evolution of the hominids Homo erectus were largely plant eaters but
supplemented their diets with scavenging the carcasses of animals killed by
lions, leopards, and cheetahs (Lee, 1968; Tooby and de Vore, 1989). The evolving
Africans lived much as hunter-gatherer peoples in tropical and sub-tropical
environments do today, subsisting largely on plant foods, of which numerous
species are available throughout the year, and on insects and eggs, with only
occasional supplementation from animal meats obtained from hunting.
The ready availability of plant foods, insects, and eggs
throughout the year meant that the evolving African peoples in tropical and
sub-tropical Africa did not have to hunt animals to obtain meat. A conference of
anthropologists was convened in 1966 to debate the Man the Hunter thesis of the
importance of hunting for contemporary hunter-gatherers, at which "the consensus
of opinion was that meat is of relatively little nutritional importance in the
diets of modern tropical foragers" (Stanford and Bunn, 2001, p. 4). In 1999 a
similar conference took place at which there was "a consensus that hominid diets
were primarily plant based, as they are among modern tropical foragers"
(Stanford and Bunn, 2001, p. 356). Hence the Africans had no need to develop the
intelligence, skills, tools, and weapons needed for hunting large mammals.
Furthermore, the temperature of equatorial Africa varies annually between
approximately 32°C. in the hottest month and 17°C. in the coldest, so the
African peoples did not encounter the cognitively demanding requirements of
having to make needles and thread for making clothes and tents, to make fires
and keep them alight, or to prepare and store food for future consumption. It
was relatively easy to keep babies, infants, and young children alive because
there was no need to provide them with clothing and from quite a young age they
were capable of going out and foraging for food by themselves.
Nevertheless, the brain size of the Africans increased during
the last 200,000 or so years from approximately 1,186 to l,276cc, and it can be
reasonably assumed that this entailed an increase in their intelligence to its
contemporary value of 67. This increase occurred because of continual
directional selection for intelligence, i.e., the more intelligent individuals
had more surviving offspring. The genetical processes will have consisted of the
increase in the frequencies of the alleles for higher IQs and probably of some
mutations for higher intelligence. If these mutations for higher intelligence
appeared they would have spread through the population because high intelligence
is a fitness characteristic but they would not have spread so rapidly and
extensively as in the races in temperate and cold climates because the selection
pressures for higher intelligence were not so strong in the benign climate of
equatorial Africa.
The level of intelligence that evolved in the Africans was
sufficient for them to make a little progress in the transition from
hunter-gathering to settled agriculture, but not sufficient to develop anything
that could be called a civilization with a written language and arithmetic,
construction of a calendar, cities with substantial stone buildings, and other
criteria set out by Baker (1974).
2. Bushmen
It appears to have been around 100,000 years ago that some
groups of archaic Africans began to migrate south, where they evolved into the
Bushmen, who came to occupy most of southern Africa but of whom only a few tens
of thousands survive today in the Kalahari Desert. During the last 100,000 years
the brain size of the Bushmen increased by approximately ten percent to l,270cc,
at which it stands today, and their IQ increased to 54. The climate in southern
Africa is warm temperate with slightly cooler winters than in equatorial Africa.
Nevertheless, the Bushmen were able to survive largely on plant foods, insects,
and eggs, as they do today. It has been reported by Stahl (1984) that Bushmen
eat around 90 different plant foods and these constitute 70-85 percent of their
diet. Hence, they were not exposed to the cognitive demands of survival in a
cold temperate environment. Nevertheless, on a solely climatic theory of the
evolution of race differences in intelligence, the Bushmen should have evolved a
higher level of intelligence than the Africans. This failed to occur, and the IQ
of the Bushmen today is lower than that of the Africans (54 and 67,
respectively). The explanation for this is probably that some mutations for
higher intelligence appeared in the Africans because of their large population
that did not appear in the Bushmen because of their smaller numbers. However,
the brain size of the Bushmen is only slightly smaller than that of Africans
(approximately l,270cc and l,276cc, respectively). This indicates that the
mutant alleles for higher IQs that probably appeared in Africans and spread
through the population were for neurological processes rather than for increased
brain size.
3. South Asians and North Africans
The first groups to migrate out of sub-Saharan Africa
colonized North Africa and Southwest Asia between about 100,000 to 90,000 years
ago. In the period between about 90,000 to 60,000 years ago they colonized the
whole of South Asia. Here they were isolated from the Africans by distance and
by the Sahara Desert and evolved into the South Asians and North Africans. They
initially encountered a temperate climate similar to that of today, with the
coldest winter month about 13°C. Around 70,000 years ago the first ice ages
began in the northern hemisphere and lasted until around 50,000 years ago. This
was followed by a warmer period between around 50,000 and 28,000 years ago, and
then by a second and more severe ice age (the main Wiirm glaciation) that began
around 28,000 years ago and lasted until around 10,000 years ago, when
temperatures rose quite rapidly to the benign climate of today (Roberts, 1989;
Foley, 1987). During the main Wiirm glaciation winter temperatures in North
Africa, Eurasia, and North America fell by approximately 5°C. (Roberts, 1989),
and the coldest winter month in North Africa and South Asia fell to
approximately 7°C.
Survival during the ice ages for the peoples in the cold
temperate environments in North Africa and South Asia, and later in the
sub-arctic environment of Europe and northern Asia, would have presented a
number of cognitively demanding problems that would have acted as selection
pressures for greater intelligence than was required in the tropical and
sub-tropical climates of sub-Saharan Africa. There would have been five major
problems. Eirst: plant foods were not available during the winter and spring,
and were not abundant even in the summer and autumn; insects and reptiles were
not available either, because these hibernate in temperate climates. The major
source of food, therefore, became large mammals such as antelope, deer, horses,
and boars that people had to hunt to secure food supplies. It would have been
difficult to hunt these large mammals in the grasslands that covered much of the
northern hemisphere during the last ice age because there is good visibility for
several thousand yards and the herbivores have ample warning of approaching
predators. Hunting in open grasslands is more difficult than in the woodlands of
the tropics and sub-tropics, where there is plenty of cover for hunters to hide
in. The humans that evolved in equatorial Africa were largely herbivorous and
were not adapted for hunting large mammals, so this would have presented new
cognitive problems for them. Large herbivores can run fast and are virtually
impossible to catch simply by chasing after them. The only way of killing these
animals was to make use of natural traps into which the animals could be driven
and then killed. One of the most frequently exploited natural traps was narrow
ravines through which the beasts could be driven and where some of them would
stumble and could be speared or clubbed by members of the group waiting in
ambush. Another was cliffs towards which a group of men could drive a herd of
herbivores, so that some of them would fall over the edge and be killed or
sufficiently injured for other members of the hunting group to kill them. Other
natural traps were bogs and the loops of rivers, into which hunting groups could
drive herbivores and then kill them. Archeological excavations have shown that
all these traps were used by early humans in Eurasia (Geist, 1978; Mellars,
1999). Working out strategies for cooperative group hunting and trapping large
herbivores in these ways would have required an increase in cognitive ability.
It has been shown that among contemporary hunter-gatherers
the proportions of foods obtained by hunting and by gathering varies according
to latitude. Peoples in tropical and sub-tropical latitudes are largely
gatherers, while peoples in temperate environments rely more on hunting, and
peoples in arctic and sub-arctic environments rely almost exclusively on hunting
and fishing, and have to do so because plant foods are unavailable except for
berries and nuts in the summer and autumn (Lee, 1968). When people migrated into
the temperate regions of North Africa and South Asia, many of those with low IQs
could not survive the cold winters and this raised the IQ of the survivors to
Second: the effective hunting of large herbivores required
the manufacture of a variety of tools from stone, wood, and bone for making
spears and for cutting up the carcasses. Some of these animals could be brought
down by spears that had to be made by hafting or tying a sharp piece of stone,
which had to be manufactured, onto the end of a shaft. When these peoples had
brought down and killed a large herbivore they would have had to skin it and cut
it up into pieces of a size that could be carried back to the base camp for the
women and children. These animals have thick skins and tough ligaments that are
difficult to cut, and people would have needed sharp tools manufactured for
these specific purposes. In sub-arctic environments animals that are killed
freeze fairly rapidly and become impossible to cut up, so the hunters had to
have good cutting tools that would do the job quickly, before the carcasses
froze solid.
Peoples in cold environments need more tools of different
kinds and greater complexity than peoples in tropical and sub-tropical
environments. This has been shown by Torrence (1983), who has demonstrated an
association between latitude and the number and complexity of tools used by
contemporary hunter-gatherers. He found that hunter-gatherer peoples in tropical
and subtropical latitudes such as the Amazon basin and New Guinea typically have
between 10 and 20 different tools, whereas those in the colder northern
latitudes of Siberia, Alaska, and Greenland have between 25 and 60 different
tools. In addition, peoples in cold northern environments make more complex
tools, involving the assembly of components, such as hafting a sharp piece of
stone or bone onto the end of a spear and fixing a stone axe head onto a timber
Third: another set of problems encountered by the peoples in
the northern hemisphere would have been concerned with keeping warm. People had
to solve the problems of making tires and shelters. Archeological excavations
have shown that during the ice ages peoples in China and Europe were making
fires. To do this they would have had to learn how to make sparks by striking
one stone against another and then get these sparks to ignite dried grass. They
would have needed a supply of dry grass and dry wood and animal dung stored in
caves to get their fires started and keep them going. This would have needed
intelligence and forward planning. Peoples in sub-Saharan Africa and Australia
also had fire but it would have been easier to get fires going in the tropics
and sub-tropics because there would have been spontaneous bush fires from which
ignited branches could be taken and carried back to camp to start domestic
fires. The problems of starting fires and keeping them burning would have been
considerably more difficult in Eurasia and North America than in the tropical
and sub-tropical southern hemisphere.
Fourth: a further problem of keeping warm would have
necessitated the making of clothing and tents by sewing together animal skins.
This entailed the drying and treatment of the skins of large herbivores and the
manufacture of needles from bone and thread to sew skins together to make
clothes and footwear. It would have been necessary to make clothes for babies
and children as well as adults. Some people kept warm by living in caves but in
places where there were no caves they used large bones and skins sewn together
to make tents resembling the yurts that are still made in Mongolia (Geist, 1978;
Mellars et al., 1999).
Fifth: the final problem for the peoples in temperate and
cold environments concerned food storage. This was necessary because when they
had killed and dismembered several large mammals they could not eat them all
within a few days and they therefore needed to conserve them for future use.
Some animals that could be killed are migratory and appear in
any particular location for only short periods of time each year. This presents
opportunities to kill large numbers of them, too many for immediate consumption,
but they can be stored for future use. One example is reindeer that migrate
regularly over long distances at certain times of the year. In many cases they
follow the same routes at the same time of year, so their appearance could be
predicted by early humans who had acquired a knowledge of the seasons and the
calendar from astronomical observations. Another migratory species is salmon,
who migrate in large numbers at a certain time of the year from the sea up
rivers in order to spawn. Many of these rivers are quite shallow and it is not
too difficult to spear large numbers of salmon as they swim upstream. It is also
possible to catch them in nets, the construction of which was another
cognitively demanding problem for peoples in Eurasia. These peoples would have
been able to anticipate the arrival of these migrating herds and fish and kill
large numbers of them as they passed through.
In very cold environments the problem of storing food for
future consumption could be solved for part of the year by building icehouses,
which served as freezers for preserving the carcasses. Another solution was to
cut the flesh into thin slices and dry them. If this is done properly the pieces
will remain edible for a considerable time, but if not they become toxic. Some
of the less intelligent, unable to do this properly, would have died from food
poisoning. This would have been another of the many selection pressures acting
to increase the intelligence of the peoples colonizing the niche of the
temperate and cold environments. It has been suggested by Miller (1991) that the
storage of food would also have required the formulation of rules for rationing
its consumption and that this would have involved the development of arithmetic
to allocate it equitably.
Among contemporary hunter-gatherers it has been shown by
Binford (1980, 1985) that there is a relationship between the extent to which
they store food and the temperature of the environments in which they live. The
colder the environments, the more they store food for future consumption. He
reports that in general it is only in colder climates where growing seasons are
less than about 200 days that hunter-gatherer peoples store food.
In addition to these five cognitive problems of survival in
the northern hemisphere, a further selection pressure for greater intelligence
on these peoples would have been the operation of sexual selection by women. In
Eurasia and North America women would have become entirely dependent on men for
much of the year to provide food for themselves and their children. In
equatorial Africa and the southern hemisphere where plant and insect foods are
available throughout the year, women are relatively independent of men. Even
women with infants and young dependent children can take these with them on
foraging trips, or can leave them in the care of other women for a few hours
while they go out and gather plant foods. It would have been more difficult and
frequently impossible for women with infants and young children in the northern
hemisphere to go out on hunting expeditions, possibly lasting several days, kill
and dismember large mammals, and carry pieces of them for many miles back to
camps. The effect of this would have been that women in the northern hemisphere
would have depended on men to bring them food. They would therefore have tended
to accept as mates intelligent men who were good at hunting and making tools and
weapons. The effect of this sexual selection by women would have been that
intelligent men would have had more children and this would have increased the
intelligence of the group. Another effect of the greater dependence of women on
men in Eurasia would have been that men and women would become psychologically
more closely bonded. This explains why the marriages and non-marital
relationships of European and East Asian peoples are more stable than those of
Africans (Lynn, 2002).
Survival in the cold environment of the northern hemisphere
would have required an increase in general intelligence, defined as general
problem solving and learning ability, and in most of the primary cognitive
abilities of which general intelligence is composed. Stronger reasoning ability
would have been needed to solve all the new problems encountered in the cold
northern latitudes such as building shelters and fires, making clothes, and
manufacturing more efficient tools for killing, butchering, and skinning large
animals. Improved verbal ability would have been needed for better communication
in discussions of how to solve these problems, for planning future activities,
and for transmitting acquired cultural knowledge and skills to children.
Improved visualization ability would have been needed for planning and executing
group hunting strategies, for accurate aiming of spears and missiles, and for
the manufacture of more sophisticated tools and weapons from stone, bone, and
wood. Fathers would have shown sons how to chip flints to produce good cutting
tools and to make spears with sharp points, and these skills would have been
conveyed largely by watching and imitation, much as craft skills are learned
today by apprentices watching skilled craftsmen, rather than by verbal
explanations. Hunting and tool making would have been undertaken principally by
males and this would be why it has virtually always been found that the
visualization abilities are stronger in males than in females (Linn and
Peterson, 1986). There would have been less selection pressure on the peoples in
the northern hemisphere to develop better short-term memory and perceptual
speed, which explains why these abilities have not become so strongly enhanced
among the Europeans as compared with the Africans.
The selection pressures for enhanced intelligence in the
temperate environment of North Africa and South Asia, and later in the
sub-Arctic environment of Europe and North Asia, would have acted on both men
and women. The selection pressure on men for greater intelligence would have
been the need to go on hunting expeditions to kill large mammals and to make the
tools required for this and for skinning and cutting them up. This would have
required enhanced spatial intelligence and reasoning ability, which are greater
on average in men than in women (Linn and Petersen, 1986; Lynn and Irwing,
2004). Women would have needed enhanced general intelligence for lighting and
maintaining fires and preserving food and storing it for future consumption, and
they would have had the responsibility of keeping babies and young children
alive by keeping them warm. The genetic processes occurring in the North
Africans and South Asians would have been an increase in the frequencies of the
alleles for higher intelligence and probably the appearance of new mutations for
higher intelligence and their diffusion through the population.
The most probable scenario is that the intelligence of North
Africans and South Asians increased during both of the two ice ages, the first
of which lasted between approximately 70,000 and 50,000 years ago and the second
of which lasted between approximately 28,000 and 10,000 years ago. The increase
in intelligence after the end of the first of these two ice ages can be inferred
from their more sophisticated tools and other artifacts (Stringer and McKie,
1996, p. 185-187). However, their intelligence did not increase to the level at
which they were able to make the Neolithic transition from hunter-gathering to
settled agriculture. This further increase in intelligence must have taken place
during the second major ice age (the main Wurm glaciation). The severity of the
climate during this period will have been the main selection pressure that drove
the brain size of the South Asians and North Africans up to l,342cc and their IQ
up to 84. This was sufficient to allow them to make the Neolithic transition to
settled agriculture and then to build the early civilizations along the valleys
of the Nile, Tigris, Euphrates, and Indus rivers, in which they developed
cities, written languages, arithmetic, legal systems, and all the criteria of
4. Southeast Asians
Some of the peoples in South Asia migrated into Southeast
Asia around 70,000 years ago and evolved into the Southeast Asians. This region
enjoys a tropical and sub-tropical climate where the coldest monthly winter
temperature is about 24°C. These peoples had reached this region before the
onset of the ice ages that had little effect in Southeast Asia. Hence they were
under little selection pressure for an increase of intelligence. However, their
IQ of 87 is fractionally higher than that of the North Africans and South Asians
(84), from whom they mostly evolved. The most probable explanation is that there
is some East Asian admixture in the Southeast Asians from East Asians who have
migrated south and interbred with indigenous populations. There has been
substantial migration of East Asians into Southeast Asia. Thus, today in
Singapore 76 percent of the population are Chinese, in Malaysia 30 percent of
the population are Chinese, and there are significant Chinese minorities in
Cambodia and Thailand (Philip's, 1996). These East Asians have interbred with
the indigenous peoples and this has produced a racial hybrid population in
Southeast Asia. As a result of this migration and inter-mating, the Southeast
Asian peoples are closely related genetically to the southern Chinese (Cavalli-Sforza,
Menozzi, and Piazza, 1994, p. 78). The Chinese admixture in the Southeast Asians
has introduced some of the alleles for high intelligence and raised their IQs to
This IQ enabled the Southeast Asians to make the Neolithic
transition from hunter-gathering to settled agriculture and then to build
moderately impressive civilizations around 0-1,000 AD. These civilizations
appeared somewhat later than those of the South Asians and North Africans
because the river valleys in Southeast Asia were densely forested and do not
have the flood plains from which the agricultural surpluses were produced to
sustain the first civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China. However, from
around 1,000 AD their IQs were not sufficient for them to be able to compete
economically or in science and technology with the Europeans and the East
5. Pacific Islanders
It was only around 6,000 years ago that some Southeast Asians
began to migrate into the Pacific islands, where they evolved into the Pacific
Islanders. Their IQ of 85 is not significantly different from that of 87 of the
Southeast Asians from whom they largely evolved, and is likewise higher than
would be expected from the benign climates they experience, where the coldest
monthly winter temperature is about 24°C. The explanation for this is the same
as for the Southeast Asians, namely an admixture with East Asians who migrated
south and interbred with indigenous populations. The presence of significant
East Asian ancestry in the Pacific Islanders is shown by their small teeth,
which are small in East Asians but large in the Australian Aborigines (Brace and
Hinton, 1981). Unlike the Southeast Asians, the Pacific Islanders made only
moderate progress in the Neolithic transition to settled agriculture and no
progress in developing civilizations. The explanation for this is that their
populations have been so small, typically numbering only a few thousands,
scattered on remote islands separated over huge distances. It was only the
Maoris who had a large territory in New Zealand, but they only colonized the
islands about the year 800 AD and have had insufficient time to produce a large
population, make the full Neolithic transition, and begin to build a
6. Australian Aborigines
Some of the peoples of South Asia and East Asia migrated into
the islands of the Indonesian archipelago and reached New Guinea about 65,000
years ago. About 60,000 years ago some of these peoples migrated into Australia,
where they evolved into the Australian Aborigines (Bradshaw, 1997). A closely
related people survived in the highlands of New Guinea as the New Guinea
The ancestors of the Australian Aborigines and the New
Guineans were never exposed to the severe winters that began in South Asia with
the onset of the first ice age about 70,000 years ago. By this time they would
have been in Southeast Asia, Indonesia, or New Guinea, all of which lie on the
equator or very close to it. They were not affected by the second ice age in the
northern hemisphere. Thus the Australian Aborigines and the New Guineans have
the morphological features of a people who have evolved in tropical and
subtropical environments and have never been exposed to a temperate climate.
They are similar to the Africans in their dark skin, wide noses, long legs,
slender trunk, and large teeth.
Like other peoples who have evolved in tropical and
subtropical environments, the New Guineans and the Australian Aborigines were
able to live on plant foods, insects, and eggs throughout the year. When the
Australian Aborigines were studied in the desert of Western Australia in the
twentieth century it was found that they obtained 70-80 percent of their food
from plants and most of the remainder from eggs and insects. They had no
well-developed group hunting techniques (Gould, 1969). It has been estimated
that the Gadio people, a tribe of New Guineans, obtain 96 percent of their food
from plants and only 4 percent from meat (Dornstreich, 1973). The ready
availability of plant foods throughout the year, together with insects and eggs,
meant that the Aboriginal peoples in tropical and subtropical New Guinea and
Australia never had to rely on meat for their food supply and did not come under
strong selection pressure to develop the cognitive abilities required to hunt
large animals. Neither did they need to make clothes to keep warm. Even in the
island of Tasmania off the south of Australia the temperature in July, the
coldest month of the year, averages 45 degrees F, and "the Tasmanians habitually
went naked" (Coon, 1967, p. 114). This explains why their intelligence and brain
size are both low at an IQ of 62 and an average brain size of l,225cc. These are
both a little lower than those of the Africans with their IQ of 67 and average
brain size of l,280cc. The most probable explanation for this is that the
Africans were a much larger population in which mutations for higher
intelligence had a greater chance of occurring, while the Australian Aborigines
were much fewer. The number of Aboriginal New Guineans in the highlands of New
Guinea is around a quarter of a million. The number of Australian Aborigines in
the eighteenth century when the Europeans first arrived is estimated at about
300,000. In such a small population the probability of new mutations for higher
intelligence occurring would have been low and the geographical isolation of the
Aborigines of Australia and New Guinea would have prevented the acquisition of
these mutations from other races.
When Europeans discovered Australia in the late eighteenth
century they found the Aborigines at a primitive level of cultural development.
"Their Mesolithic (stone age) culture was (and still is in remote areas) without
pottery, agriculture, or metals" (Cole, 1965, p. 82). They did not plant seeds
to grow food or keep herds of animals (Elkin, 1967). They did not store food for
future consumption. As described by Bleakley (1961, p. 78) "the Aborigine seems
to have had no idea of conserving supplies against a hungry time." Thomas (1925,
p. 295) described the Aborigine as "a nomad, who knows neither pottery nor metal
work, has no domesticated animals, for the dingo is at most tamed, and he does
not till the ground, depending for his sustenance on snakes and lizards, emus,
grubs, and simple vegetable foods." "Their main stone implements include the
hafted stone axe and knife, and microliths (tiny flakes) mounted as barbs of
spear-heads, teeth of saw-knives, and so on. Weapons consist of clubs, spears,
spear throwers, and the boomerang. Women use digging sticks to uproot yams and
other roots" (Cole, 1965, p. 83). They never invented or acquired the bow and
arrow (Coon, 1967). Several of the British explorers and early anthropologists
who studied the Aborigines in the nineteenth century concluded that they had a
low level of intelligence: "they are still but children in their mental
development" (Wake, 1872, p. 80). Their languages lacked numbers except for one
and two: "two or a pair represent the extent of their numerals" (Crawfurd, 1883,
p. 170). Their languages were also lacking in abstract concepts and were "poor
in collective nouns" (Curr, 1886, p. 20), indicative of the inability to
formulate general concepts that is one of the principal characteristics of
intelligence. The Aborigines did however make primitive drawings of the human
form which survive in the Jinmiun rock shelter in the Northern Territories and
which have been dated at about 58,000 years ago (Bradshaw, 1997).
Diamond (1997, p. 309) attributes the failure of the
Australian Aborigines to domesticate animals or to develop agriculture to "the
lack of domesticable animals, the poverty of domesticable plants, and the
difficult soils and climate," but on the same page he tells us that yams, taro,
and arrowroot grow wild in northern Australia and could have been planted, and
there are two indigenous wild grasses that could have been bred to produce
cereals. The kangaroo and the dingo could have been domesticated by selective
breeding for tameness over a number of generations. The climate of Australia is
very varied and apart from the deserts of the central region is potentially
suitable for the agriculture that was developed during the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries by Europeans.
The Tasmanians had an even lower level of cultural
development than the Aborigines of the Australian mainland. The Russian
anthropologist Vladimir Kabo (1995, p. 603) has written that they are "the only
society that persisted at the level of the late Paleolithic right up to the
beginning of European colonization." Captain William Bligh visited Tasmania in
1788 and described them as nomadic hunter gatherers who "had some miserable
wigwams, in which were nothing but a few kangaroo skins spread on the ground,"
"they moved from one area to another, foraging as they went, seeking out berries
and fruits and the seeds of various bushes. Apart from kelp, they rarely carried
food of any kind with them and "they usually went naked, but occasionally draped
a kangaroo skin over their bodies (Bowdler and Ryan, 1997, pp. 313-326). They
are the only known people who never discovered how to make fire (Gott, 2002).
They were sometimes able to obtain fire from spontaneous bush fires, but if
these went out they had to wait for a new spontaneous bush fire or get it from a
neighboring band. They never invented the device of hafting a sharp stone into a
wooden shaft to make a spear or axe (Ryan, 1992).
When Europeans discovered the New Guineans in the seventeenth
and eighteenth centuries they found them at a slightly more advanced stage of
cultural development than the Australian Aborigines. The New Guineans were
largely hunter-gatherers but they had some agriculture consisting of planting
yams and bananas, and they had domesticated chickens and pigs. But "until
Europeans began to colonize them, all New Guineans were non-literate, dependent
on stone tools, and politically not yet organized into states, or (with few
exceptions) chiefdoms" (Diamond, 1997, p. 299). Following the European
colonization some of them moved into towns and villages and others remained in
rural areas living as subsistence farmers Europeans built and staffed schools
for those in towns and villages and boarding schools were established for those
in rural areas, although some rural children did not attend school. Kelly (1977)
described the life style of typical rural and village tribes in Papua New Guinea
in the 1970s. They lived largely by subsistence slash-and-burn agriculture
carried out mainly by women. The men did some hunting, and some of them worked
for wages on coffee plantations run by Europeans. The clothing of the less
developed tribes consisted of skirts made from leaves and bark. Some of the
tribes had counting systems that enabled them to count to a thousand while
others only had words for "one," "one plus," and "many." The principal reason
that the New Guineans were a little more advanced than the Australian Aborigines
is that the coastal regions of the island were settled by Southeast Asians and
Melanesian Pacific Islanders who brought with them the taro, an edible root
which they cultivated, and also domesticated chickens and pigs. The New Guineans
adopted some of these cultural innovations, but never developed anything that
could be called a civilization with towns, substantial buildings, metal working,
a written language, or arithmetic.
7. Europeans
Some of the peoples who colonized the Near East between
100,000 and 90,000 years ago migrated northwards and around 60,000 years ago
reached the Caucasus, from which they spread into the Ukraine and then, around
40,000 years ago, into central and western Europe. Other peoples from Southwest
Asia began to colonize Southeast Europe from Anatolia. These peoples evolved
into the Europeans with their paler skins and, in the north of Europe, their
fair hair and blue eyes. The Europeans were largely isolated from the South
Asians and North Africans on the south by the Mediterranean Sea, and on the east
by the Black and Caspian Seas, the high mountains of the Caucasus and Himalayas,
and the Kara Kum desert in present-day Turkmenistan. In the last ice age, which
lasted from around 28,000 to 10,000 years ago, the winters were significantly
colder than those in South Asia with the coldest winter month falling to about
-5°C. The terrain in Europe became similar to that of present-day Alaska and
Siberia. The north of England, Germany, Russia, and the whole of Scandinavia
were covered with a permanent ice sheet and the remainder of Europe was cold
grasslands and tundra with a few clumps of trees in sheltered places.
These cold winters must have been the main selection pressure
for an increase in the brain size and intelligence of the Europeans that drove
the average brain size up to l,369cc and their IQ up to 99. Expressing the
increase in their brain size as encephalization quotients (EQ) to control for
body size, Cutler (1976) has estimated that pre-Wiirm Europeans had an EQ of 7.3
and by the end of the Wiirm glaciation they had an EQ of 8.1. When the ice
sheets that covered northern Europe receded by about 10,000 years ago the
Europeans with their increased intelligence were able to make the Neolithic
transition to settled agriculture. However, despite their high IQ they were not
able to develop early civilizations like those built by the South Asians and
North Africans because Europe was still cold, was covered with forest, and had
heavy soils that were difficult to plough unlike the light soils on which the
early civilizations were built, and there were no river flood plains to provide
annual highly fertile alluvial deposits from which agricultural surpluses could
be obtained to support an urban civilization and an intellectual class (Landes,
1998). From around BC 2500 the Europeans overcame these problems in the
relatively benign climate of southern Europe, where they developed the first
European civilizations in Crete and Greece. From around BC 700 the Italians
began to build a civilization that eventually became the Roman empire and by 200
AD embraced the whole of Europe west of the Rhine and included the Danube basin,
the Near East, and North Africa. These first European civilizations in Greece
and Rome surpassed those of the South Asians and North Africans in science,
mathematics, technology, literature, philosophy, and the arts. The western Roman
Empire collapsed in 455 AD and European culture suffered a setback in the
ensuing dark ages, but from about the year 1000 AD it revived and from around
the year 1500 the Europeans became the foremost people in virtually all areas of
civilization, as extensively documented by Murray (2003).
The genetical processes through which the higher IQs of the
Europeans have evolved will have consisted of changes in allele frequencies
towards a greater proportion of alleles for high intelligence and probably also
through the appearance of new mutations for higher intelligence and the rapid
spread of these through the population. The probability of new mutations for
higher intelligence in the Europeans will have been increased by the stress of
the extreme cold to which the Europeans were exposed.
The lower IQs in the range 90 to 94 in Southeast Europe are
probably attributable to some gene flow between South Asians and Europeans
across the Dardanelles and Aegean, producing a cline of South Asian and European
hybrids in the Balkans with IQs intermediate between those of Europeans (99) and
South Asians (84). The same cline is present in Turkey where the IQ of around 90
is only fractionally lower than in the Balkans.
8. East Asians
Some of the peoples of South and Central Asia began to
colonize Northeast Asia in the region of present-day China between 60,000 and
50,000 years ago where they evolved into the East Asians and later into the
Arctic Peoples of the far Northeast. The archaic East Asians were largely
isolated from the Europeans by the Gobi desert to the west and from the South
Asians by the Himalayas to the south. The winters to which they were exposed
were much more severe than in South Asia and somewhat more severe than in
Europe, with coldest winter temperatures falling to about -12°C during the main
Wiirm glaciation. The reasons for the intense winter cold in Northeast Asia as
compared with Europe is that Northeast Asia a much larger land mass while Europe
is much smaller, and that Europe is warmed by prevailing westerly winds from the
Atlantic. It was in response to the cold winters that the East Asians evolved
the cold adaptations of the flattened nose to prevent frost bite, the short legs
and thick trunk to conserve heat, the subcutaneous layer of fat that gives the
skin a yellowish appearance, the sparse facial hair in men (because profuse
beards would freeze and produce frost bite), and the epicanthic eye-fold to
mitigate the effect of dazzle of reflected light from snow and ice. The severe
winters would have acted as a strong selection for increased intelligence and
raised the IQ of the East Asian peoples to 105. The genetic processes involved
probably consisted of an increase in the frequencies of the alleles for high
intelligence and also of new mutations for higher intelligence resulting from
chance and from severe cold stress. The appearance of new mutations may explain
why East Asians have particularly strong visualization abilities, as compared
with Europeans. New mutations for enhanced visualization abilities may have
appeared in East Asians and spread through the population because they were
useful for hunting, tool making, and navigation over long distances through
featureless terrain.
As with the Europeans, it is probable that most of the
increase in the intelligence of the East Asians occurred during the main Wiirm
glaciation. This will have acted as the selection pressure for greater brain
size and must have driven their IQ up to its present value of 105. It was not
until after the end of the Wiirm glaciation that their intelligence reached the
level at which they were able to make the Neolithic transition to settled
agriculture and then to build the civilization in the valley of the Yellow river
and the subsequent developments of civilizations in China, Japan, and Korea.
During the period between around 0-1500 AD the Chinese built impressive
civilizations that were in some respects in advance of those in Europe. For
instance, the Chinese invented printing, paper, paper money, gunpowder, the
magnetic compass, and the construction of canals with locks several centuries
before the Europeans. During the period from 1500 to the present, however, the
intellectual achievements of the East Asians have been less impressive than
those of the Europeans, as has been exhaustively documented by Murray (2003).
Historians regard this as a major puzzle to which there is no consensus
solution. One factor may be that the East Asians have evolved a higher degree of
social conformity than the Europeans, documented by Allik and Realo (2004), and
also expressed in their low level of psychopathic personality that I have
documented in Lynn (2002). A low level of social conformity and an element of
psychopathic personality appear to be ingredients in creative achievement
because they reduce anxiety about social disapproval and appear to facilitate
the generation of the original ideas that are required for the highest levels of
scientific discovery. Another factor may be the historical accident suggested by
Weede and Kampf (2002) that throughout much of its history China was a single
state whose autocratic rulers were able to suppress liberties, including freedom
of thought, more effectively than the rulers of the numerous European states,
who were forced by competition to concede liberties to their peoples.
9. Arctic Peoples
Sometime between 50,000-40,000 years ago some of the archaic
East Asian peoples migrated into the far northeast of Asia where they evolved
into the Arctic Peoples. These peoples evolved into a separate race because they
were geographically isolated from the East Asians on the south by the high
Chersky, Khrebet, Khingan, and Sayan mountains, and about a thousand miles of
forest north of the Amur river. The Arctic Peoples experienced the severest
winter conditions of all the races with coldest winter temperatures of about
-15°C and falling to about -20° C during the main Wiirm glaciation. In response
to these cold winters the Arctic Peoples evolved more pronounced forms of the
morphological cold adaptations of the East Asians, consisting of the flattened
nose, the short legs and thick trunk, the subcutaneous layer of fat that gives
the skin a yellowish appearance, and the epicanthic eye-fold. These severe
winters would be expected to have acted as a strong selection for increased
intelligence, but this evidently failed to occur because their IQ is only 91.
The explanation for this must lie in the small numbers of the
Arctic Peoples whose population at the end of the twentieth century was only
approximately 56,000 as compared with approximately 1.4 billion East Asians.
While it is impossible to make precise estimates of population sizes during the
main Wiirm glaciation, there can be no doubt that the East Asians were many
times more numerous than the Arctic Peoples. The effect of the difference in
population size will have been that mutations for higher intelligence occurred
and spread in the East Asians that never appeared in the Arctic Peoples. The
East Asians consisting of the Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese would have formed a
single extended breeding population of demes in which mutant alleles for high
intelligence would have spread but would not have been transmitted to the Arctic
Peoples isolated by high mountain ranges and long distance. The Arctic Peoples
did, however, evolve a larger brain size, approximately the same as that of the
East Asians, so it is curious that they do not have the same intelligence. A
possible explanation for this is that the Arctic Peoples have evolved strong
visual memory that would have been needed when they went out on long hunting
expeditions and needed to remember landmarks in order to get home in largely
featureless environments of snow and ice. An increase of this ability would have
required an increase in brain size but is not measured in intelligence tests. A
further possibility is that one or more new mutant alleles for more efficient
neurophysiological processes underlying intelligence may have appeared in the
East Asians but not in the Arctic Peoples.
There is a further anomaly in the intelligence of the peoples
of Northeast Asia concerning the IQs of the Mongols of Mongolia and the closely
related Samoyeds of Northern Siberia. There are no studies of the intelligence
of these peoples but their low level of cultural development and technology
suggests that it is not so high as that of the East Asians of China, Japan, and
Korea. Yet these peoples also experienced many thousands of years of severe
winter environments that have produced the pronounced morphological cold
adaptations of the epicanthic eye-fold, short legs, and thick trunk that evolved
in the Arctic Peoples. The probable explanation of this anomaly is the small
population size of these peoples (the population of present-day Mongolia is
approximately 2.4 million and there are only a few tens of thousands of Samoyeds
of Northern Siberia) and they have been isolated from neighboring peoples by the
Gobi desert and high mountain ranges, so new mutations for higher intelligence
did not occur and their geographical isolation would have prevented the
acquisition of these mutations from other races.
10. Native Americans
The Native Americans evolved from peoples who migrated from
Northeast Asia across the Bering Straits into Alaska and then made their way
southward into the Americas. The dates at which these crossings were made are
disputed and it has frequently been claimed that they occurred about 12,000 to
11,000 years ago. Contrary to these claims, there is strong evidence that they
were made much earlier at around 40,000 years ago. This evidence comes both from
the archeological record and from genetic analysis. Archeological finds of
Amerindian artifacts have been dated by radiocarbon analysis at 24,000 years ago
in Mexico (Lorenzo and Mirambell, 1996), 30,000 years ago in California (Bada,
Schroeder, and Carter, 1974), 32,000 years ago in the northeast of Brazil (Guidon
and Delibrias, 1996), 35,000 to 43,000 years ago for a rockwall painting in the
Serra da Capivara National Park in northeast Brazil (Watanabe, Ayta, Mamaguchi,
et al., 2003), and 33,000 years ago at Monte Verde in Chile (Dillehay and
Collins, 1998). It must have taken several thousand years for these peoples to
make their way from Alaska to South America, so the archeological evidence
points to the first peoples making the crossing at least 40,000 years ago. This
archeological evidence is corroborated by genetic analysis that also puts the
first migration into the Americas at approximately 40,000 years ago (Cavalli-Sforza,
It seems most probable that there was an archaic East Asian
people in Northeast Asia around 50,000 years ago, some of whom migrated
northwards into Kamchatka and the Chersky Peninsula and then made the crossing
of the Bering straits into Alaska around 40,000 years ago. Some of these peoples
migrated southwards until they colonized the whole of the Americas and evolved
into the Native American Indians, while the archaic East Asian peoples that
remained in Northeast Asia evolved into the present-day East Asians. The
relatively recent common origin of these two races is apparent from a number of
genetic similarities. For instance, the Rhesus negative blood group allele is
rare in both races, the Diego blood group is unique to these two races, and they
both have similar coarse, straight black hair, shovel incisor teeth, and the
Inca bone in the skull (Krantz, 1990).
The archaic East Asian ancestors of the Native Americans who
were present in Northeast Asia around 60,000-50,000 years ago were exposed to
cold winters but these were not so severe as those of the main Wiirm glaciation
of approximately 28,000 to 10,000 years ago (Roberts, 1994), by which time the
ancestors of the Native Americans had colonized the Americas. Hence, the Native
Americans were never exposed to extreme cold and do not have the morphological
adaptations to severe cold that evolved in the East Asians. The nose is not
recessed but is quite prominent, and they do not have the full East Asian
eye-fold or the short legs and thick trunk of the East Asians. In these respects
they are similar to the Ainu, the original inhabitants of Japan, a few of whom
survive on Hokkaido, who also do not have the cold adapted morphology of the
East Asians because the climate of the Japanese islands was more maritime and
less severe than that of mainland Northeast Asia.
Thus, the Native Americans were established throughout the
Americas by around 33,000-30,000 years ago. Those in the southern part of the
United States and in Central and South America were not exposed to the severe
conditions of the main Wtirm glaciation, so they did not evolve either the
morphological cold adaptations or the high IQ of the East Asians. Furthermore,
once the ancestors of the Native Americans had crossed the Bering Straits and
made their way down into the Americas they would have found life a good deal
easier than their ancestors had been accustomed to in Northeast Asia. They would
have found a number of herbivorous mammals such as mammoth, antelope, sloth,
armadillo, and bison, which were unused to being hunted by man. Normally
predators and prey evolve together in that predators become more intelligent in
order to catch prey, and prey become more intelligent in order to evade
predators. But the herbivorous animals of the Americas had no experience of
predation by man and would have been easy game for the skilled hunters who had
evolved for many thousands of years in the more severe environment of Northeast
Asia. The Native Americans would have found large numbers of these herbivores
that were easy to catch, and as they migrated southward they would have found
plant foods more readily available so that plant foods came to play a
significant part in their diets (MacNeish, 1976; Hayden, 1991).
The evolution of intelligence in the Native Americans can be
reconstructed as follows. The archaic East Asians from whom they evolved would
have had higher intelligence than the South Asians because they were exposed to
the cold climate of Northeast Asia for around 20,000 years, between around
60,000 and 40,000 years ago. The ancestors of the Native Americans spent another
few thousand years in Alaska during which they experienced a severe climate that
will have driven up their intelligence further. Once they were in the Americas
south of Alaska the selection pressure for any additional increase in
intelligence would have been weak because of the benign climate and the ease of
survival in the continent hitherto unexploited by humans. This explains their
present IQ of 86, a little higher than the 84 of the South Asians, but much
below the 105 of the East Asians. This reconstruction provides further evidence
that it was the selection pressure exerted by the main Wiirm glaciation of
approximately 28,000 to 10,000 years ago that must have raised the intelligence
of the East Asians by around 19 IQ points above that of the Native Americans.
There is a problem with this reconstruction that the Native
Americans in the northern part of North America would have been exposed to
severely cold winters during the main Wiirm glaciation and it would be expected
that this would have increased their intelligence. The most probable explanation
for why this did not occur is that the population of the Native Americans was
quite small. The earliest reliable estimate of population sizes is for BC 400
and puts their number at approximately 1 million in North America (Biraben,
1980). Hence, the probability of mutations for higher intelligence appearing in
the Native Americans in the north of North America was quite small and possibly
did not occur or fewer of them appeared than in the much more numerous East
Asians and Europeans.
The Native Americans have the same profile of intelligence as
the East Asians and the Arctic Peoples consisting of strong visualization
abilities and weaker verbal abilities. The probable explanation for this common
profile is that one or more mutations for higher visualization abilities
appeared in the ancestral archaic East Asians around 50,000 years ago and were
transmitted to the subsequent East Asians, Arctic Peoples, and Native Americans
who evolved from this ancestral population. Genetic studies have shown that
there are genes determining the strength of visualization ability in addition to
those determining the strength of the verbal abilities and of g (Plomin,
DeFries, and McClearn, 1990).
With their IQ of 86 the Native Americans were able to make
the Neolithic transition from hunter-gathering to settled agriculture and then
to build the civilizations of the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas. The reason that these
were built in Central and South America and not in North America is probably
that their numbers were much greater at approximately 11 million as compared
with only 2 million as of 500 AD (Biraben, 1990). However, despite their
reasonably impressive civilizations the Native Americans were no match for the
Europeans who from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries onwards had little
difficulty in defeating them in battle, taking most of their lands, and killing
large numbers of them.
11. Conclusions
The IQs of the races set out in Chapters 3 through 12 can be
explained as having arisen from the different environments in which they
evolved, and in particular from the ice ages in the northern hemisphere exerting
selection pressures for greater intelligence for survival during cold winters;
and in addition from the appearance of mutations for higher intelligence
appearing in the races with the larger populations and under the greatest cold
stress. The IQ differences between the races explain the differences in
achievement in making the Neolithic transition from hunter-gathering to settled
agriculture, the building of early civilizations, and the development of mature
civilizations during the last two thousand years. The position of
environmentalists that over the course of some 100,000 years peoples separated
by geographical barriers in different parts of the world evolved into ten
different races with pronounced genetic differences in morphology, blood groups,
and the incidence of genetic diseases, and yet have identical genotypes for
intelligence, is so improbable that those who advance it must either be totally
ignorant of the basic principles of evolutionary biology or else have a
political agenda to deny the importance of race. Or both.
Appendix. Intelligence Tests
Brief descriptions of the tests abbreviated in the
tables are given below.
AAB. The American Army Beta constructed for testing
the IQs of military personnel in World War 1. A non-verbal test of general
intelligence on which the performance subtests of the Wechsler tests were based.
AFQT. Armed Forces Qualification Test. A mainly verbal
test of general intelligence.
AH. Alice Heim. Tests of verbal and non-verbal
reasoning ability.
AP. Alexander Passalong Test. A non-verbal test of
intelligence and visualization consisting of a succession of shallow boxes in
which are placed a number of colored square and rectangular blocks. The task is
to rearrange the blocks so that the red ones are all at one end and the blue all
at the other.
Arthur Point Performance Scale. A non-verbal test of general
intelligence. BAS. British Ability Scales. A test of general intelligence,
verbal and nonverbal ability.
BG. Bender Gestalt. A drawing test of general
BTBC. Boehm Test of Basic Concepts. A test of general
intelligence measuring verbal understanding of spatial and quantity concepts.
BTBC-R. Boehm Test of Basic Concepts-Revised. A
revised version of the BTBC.
CCAT. Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test. A test of
verbal, quantitative and non-verbal reasoning.
CEFT. Children's Embedded Figure Test. A children's
version of the EFT. Test of the ability to find a simple figure embedded in a
larger figure.
CF. Cattell's Culture Fair Test. A non-verbal test of
general intelligence.
CITO. A Dutch test measuring numerical reasoning and
verbal comprehension.
CMM. Columbia Mental Maturity Scale. A verbal and
non-verbal reasoning test of general intelligence.
CPM. Colored Progressive Matrices. A non-verbal
reasoning test for ages 5-11.
CPMT. A test of visualization.
CTMM. California Test of Mental Maturity. A non-verbal
reasoning test of general intelligence.
DAM. Goodenough Draw a Man test. A drawing test of
general intelligence.
EFT Embedded Figure Test. A test of the ability to
find a simple figure embedded in a larger figure. Correlates 0.65 with WISC
performance and 0.30 with verbal scale (Witkin et al., 1962).
EPVT. English Picture Vocabulary Test.
FF. Fergusson Form Boards. A test of visualization
involving fitting pieces of different shapes into spaces as in a jig-saw puzzle.
GALO. A Dutch test of general intelligence.
GFT. Gottschalt Figures Test. A test of visualization.
GMRT. Group Mental Rotations Test. A test of
GSAT. General Scholastic Aptitude Test. A South
African test of reasoning, verbal, visualization and other abilities.
ITPA. Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities.
Measures 12 auditory (verbal) and visual language abilities.
JAT. Junior Aptitude Test. A South African test with
10 subtests measuring reasoning, verbal, spatial, etc abilities.
KABC. Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children. A test
of general intelligence resembling the Wechsler tests.
KAIT. Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test.
A test of general intelligence resembling the Wechsler tests.
LPT. Learning Potential Test. A test of general
LT. Lorge-Thorndike. A test of general intelligence.
Matrix Analogies Test. A non-verbal reasoning test.
MFFT. Matching Familiar Figures Test.
MH. Moray House. A verbal test of general
MHV. Mill Hill Vocabulary. A measure of verbal
MMFT. Matching Familiar Figures Test. A mainly
visualization test.
MMSE. Mini-Mental State Examination. A test of general
NFER. British National Foundation for Educational
Research Test of non-verbal reasoning and verbal ability.
OT. Otis Test. A mainly verbal test of general
PAT. Progressive Achievement Test. A verbal test of
general intelligence.
PIPS. Pacific Infants' Performance Test. A non-verbal
test of general intelligence.
PNL. Pintner Non-Language Test. A non-verbal test of
general intelligence.
PPMA. Primary Test of Musical Audation. A test of
musical ability.
PPVT. Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. A set of four
pictures of different objects that have to be named.
QT. Queensland Test. A non-verbal test of general
RACIT. A Dutch test with a number of subtests
measuring reasoning, verbal, spatial, etc abilities.
SA. Stanford Achievement Test. A verbal test of word
meaning, spelling, and arithmetic.
SB. Stanford-Binet. A mainly verbal test of general
intelligence. Seashore. A test of musical ability.
SON-R. The Snijders-Ooman non-verbal intelligence
test. A non-verbal test of general intelligence.
SOT. Spiral Omnibus Test. A reasoning test.
SRAT. Science Research Associates Test. A test of
general intelligence.
STAS. Stanford Test of Academic Skills. A test of a
range of academic subjects.
TOSCA. Test of Scholastic Abilities. A verbal and
numerical test of general intelligence.
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measures of general, verbal and visualization intelligence
WB. Wechsler Bellevue. Gives measures of general
intelligence, verbal and visualization abilities
WCST. Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. A non-verbal test
of general intelligence.
WISC. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. Gives
measures of general, verbal and visualization intelligence.
WPPSI. Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale for
Intelligence. Gives measures of general, verbal and visualization intelligence
for 4-6-year-olds.
WRAT. Wide Range Achievement Test. A test of general
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The Sunic Journal: Interview with
Dr. Richard Lynn:
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Part 2
Book Review:
Jared Taylor. Northwest Passage. Why some races are smarter than others

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