Active writing of history can be active rewriting thereof.
The Balfour Declaration - As stated by MidEastWeb
Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.
"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour
From - the Institute for
Historical Review.
PS A good background explanation of this affair is at
The Fraud of Zionism. Another, written by a
Jew is Contract With Jewry
Memorandum to the President
A 13 March 1981 introductory letter and
memorandum to President Ronald Reagan, submitted by the U.S. representative
of The Arab Higher Committee for Palestine.
Dear Mr. President:
I have always admired you, Mr. President,
as a nationalist who is determined to restore the United States to its
position of respect and leadership of the Free World in the battle against
international communism.
I am one of those numerous Palestinian
nationalists who oppose communism and who believe that the greatest danger
to human values is the Soviet empire. As you know, that empire is composed
of thirteen republics, one hundred nationalities, dominates as colonies nine
nations totaling one hundred million people in Central and Eastern Europe,
has ninety communist parties throughout the world, and is determined to
encourage revolution in every country so as to overthrow governments and
make them satellites of the Soviet Union.
Only America can effectively meet the
communist challenge, but first you must restore the United States to the
rule of law in international affairs, to respect for the rights of peoples
to self-determination and freedom and for promoting human rights throughout
the world. Anything less will not give this great freedom-loving nation the
necessary credibility with the many non-communist nations.
Unfortunately, there is already great
disappointment relative to your declarations regarding the Palestinians and
the Arab-Israeli conflict. Your attitude is one-sided in favor of Israel. I
fully understand your situation because, throughout your adult life, you
have had numerous Jewish friends, many of whom are Zionists, and it is
apparent you have been exposed to only one side of this dispute. You
probably have never had an Arab or Palestinian friend, nor an adequate
chance to meet a Palestinian or an Arab to explain to you the Palestinian
and Arab point of view.
Accordingly, I respectfully submit to you,
Mr. President, the enclosed Memorandum with the hope that you will kindly
acquaint yourself with the Palestinian viewpoint.
Mr. President, the American Revolution was
one of the first revolutions in the modern world which established by its
Declaration of Independence "that all men are created equal, that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these
are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
The United States was the first country
since 1919 to champion the right of self-determination of peoples.
The United States signed at least twenty
treaties and declarations which accepted the following principles of
international law:
The Conference of American States
reiterates, as a fundamental principle of the Public Law of America,
that the occupation or acquisition of territory or any other
modification or territorial or boundary arrangement obtained through
conquest by force or by non-specific means shall not be valid of have
legal effect. The pledge of non-recognition of situations arising from
the foregoing conditions is an obligation which cannot be avoided either
unilaterally or collectively
By promoting and establishing the United
Nations, the United States has accepted the principles of the Charter, which
outlawed war and conquest, promoted the right of self-determination of
peoples and prescribed the rule of law in international affairs.
By promoting and adopting the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, the United States has pledged to promote the
universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental
In addition to all the above, the United
States as a nation observes a high moral standard and cherishes the
maintenance of peace, stability and the rule of law in international
The only way the United States can deserve
to be a leader of the Free World is when it adheres to the above-mentioned
Unfortunately, Mr. President, the
United States has violated every one of the above-mentioned principles when
it chose to aid and abet the European and American Zionist Jews to occupy
the ancestral homeland of the Palestinians and reduce the Palestinians to a
refugee nation in exile.
I am sure, Mr. President, when you know
the complete facts, you will uphold justice and support the right of
self-determination for the Palestinian people. You will uphold their right
to live as free people in their ancestral homeland, the restoration to them
of their properties and homes, and uphold their dignity and inalienable
civil, political, religious and human rights.
It will be the greatest of all your
achievements, Mr. President, as leader of this great Christian nation, to
restore Palestine to its sacred status as a shrine of peace and justice,
where Muslims, Christians and Jews can live as fellow citizens in the
democratic Holy Land State with no army, no navy, no air force-a land for
pilgrimage, devotion and spiritual inspiration for all mankind.
- Issah Nakhleh
Who Are The Palestinians?
In order to cover up their crime of Genocide
against the Palestinians, the Zionists brainwashed the American people about the
Palestinians. They portrayed them as the aggressors, terrorists, murderers,
fanatic anti-Semite Muslims, who want to throw the Jews into the sea or commit
holocaust against Jews. Many Americans do not know that the Palestinians are the
victims of aggression and Genocide. They do not know that the Palestinians were
expelled from their ancestral homes, lands and properties, and reduced to a
refugee nation. They do not know that twenty percent of the Palestinians are
Christians who suffered the same fate as their Muslim fellow-citizens. They
do not know that the overwhelming majority of the Palestinians, whether
Christians or Muslims, are very religious, God-fearing, peaceful people. Most of
them are farmers, laborers, professionals and shopkeepers, whose only wish is to
live peacefully in their ancestral homeland.
The Palestinians are descendants of all the
races which lived and fought or conquered Palestine since time immemorial,
namely, the Canaanites, the Moabites, the Hittites, the Jebusites, the Hebrews,
the Greeks, the Romans, the Arabs and the Ottomans.
The Palestinians of today are about 4,500,000.
Twenty percent of them are Christians (Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants), and
eighty percent are Muslims. The Palestinian Christians are descendants of the
first Christians who adopted Christianity at the hands of the Apostles. Since
the seventh century A.D., Arab language and culture dominated Palestine, and
this is why they call themselves Palestinian Arabs.
1,700,000 Palestinians live as refugees in
Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Libya. 700,000 live as
citizens of Jordan, 700,000 live in Israel as second-class citizens and
1,300,000 live in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and 100,000 live as
immigrants in the Americas.
Due to Zionist control of the mass media in
the United States, the Palestinians have been smeared as terrorists. The
Palestinians are one of the most educated people in the Arab world. There are
more professors, lawyers, physicians, dentists, engineers and teachers per
capita among the Palestinians than in many other nations of the developing
The Palestinians Were Recognized As A Provisionally
Independent Nation
When World War I broke out, the Palestinians
were living under Ottoman rule with representatives in the Ottoman Parliament at
Constantinople. Palestinian leaders joined other leaders from Lebanon, Syria and
Iraq in fighting for national independence and freedom from Ottoman rule.
Palestinians, as other Arab peoples, joined the Allied Powers with the hope of
realizing their independence and freedom.
According to Article XXII of the League of
Nations Covenant, the Palestinians were recognized "as a provisionally
independent nation, subject to rendering of administrative assistance and advice
by a Mandatory until they were able to stand alone."
Great Britain was supposed to obtain a Mandate
in 1920 to lead the Palestinians to self-determination and independence.
Instead, Great Britain ruled Palestine as a Crown Colony for the benefit of the
Jews of the world, because of the Balfour Declaration.
What Is The Balfour Declaration?
The Balfour Declaration was a letter issued on
November 2, 1917, sent by Britain's Secretary of State, James Arthur Balfour, to
Lord Rothschild, in which he stated: "His Majesty's Government views with favor
the establishment in Palestine of a national Jewish home for the Jewish
People.... It is being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may
prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in
Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other
Great Britain had no connection whatsoever
with Palestine in 1917, so why should the British Government promise the Jews of
the world a Jewish national home in Palestine? The answer was given by Samuel
Landman of London, who was Secretary of the World Zionist organization from
1917-1922. Landman disclosed the facts in an official pamphlet, "Great Britain,
the Jews and Palestine," published by the New Zionist Press, London, 1936.
He stated how the World Zionist Organization
in 1916 entered into a secret agreement with the British War Cabinet, by the
terms of which Great Britain promised Palestine to the Zionists as payment for
using Zionist pressure in the United States to railroad the United States into
World War I as Great Britain's ally.
Mr. Landman states on page 4:
The only induce the American
President to come into the War was to secure the co-operation of Zionist
Jews by promising them Palestine, and thus enlist and mobilize the hitherto
unsuspectedly powerful forces of Zionist Jews in America and elsewhere in
favour of the Allies on a quid pro quo contract basis.
The 1939 White Paper
For 21 years, Great Britain denied the
Palestinians their right to self-determination and independence, but finally
issued the White Paper of May 1939, in which it stated, inter alia, the
The Proposal of partition recommended by
the Royal Commission, namely the establishment of self-supporting
independent Arab and Jewish states within Palestine, has been found to be
His Majesty's Government now declare
unequivocally that it is not part of their policy that Palestine should
become a Jewish state. They would indeed regard it as contrary to their
obligations to the Arabs under the Mandate, as well as to the assurances
which have been given to the Arab people in the past, that the Arab
population of Palestine should be made the subjects of a Jewish state
against their will.
The independent State should be one in
which Arabs and Jews share in government in such a way as to ensure that the
essential interests of each community are safe-guarded. The establishment of
the independent State will be preceded by a transitional period throughout
which His Majesty's Government will retain responsibility for the government
of the country.
The Zionists in Palestine rejected the British
White Paper, and revolted against the British administration of Palestine. From
1939 to 1947 the three Zionist terrorist gangs (the Haganah, the Irgun, and the
Stern) carried out the most dastardly crimes and massacres against the civilian
Arab population, as well as against officials of the British government. Many of
the political and military leaders in Israel today were members of one of these
three Zionist terrorist gangs. Menachem Begin was the leader of the worst of the
gangs, namely, the Irgun, which committed thousands of crimes. The most notable
and well-remembered of Irgun's dastardly deeds was the blowing up of the King
David Hotel on July 23, 1947, when 91 persons were killed and 45 were injured.
Another particularly notable crime was the massacre of
Deir Yassin ordered by
Menachem Begin, when 300 men, women and children were massacred and their bodies
dumped into wells or mass graves.
Yitzhak Shamir was leader of the Stern Gang,
which committed murders and massacres. It assassinated Lord Moyne in Cairo and
the United Nations mediator, Count Folke Bernadotte in Jerusalem. Moshe Dayan,
Yigal Yadin, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin, Ezer Weizmann and Ariel Sharon were
members of the Haganah gang, which committed mass murders and expulsions of the
How The Palestinians Were Made A Refugee Nation In Exile
In 1947, the British Government submitted the
Palestine problem to the United Nations General Assembly, requesting that steps
be taken to determine the future government of Palestine. At that time, there
were in Palestine 1,350,000 Muslim and Christian Palestinians, who were
indigenous or born in Palestine and 650,000 Jews, out of whom 200,000 were born
in Palestine and 450,000 who were immigrants and mostly illegal immigrants.
On the 29th of November, 1947, the United
Nations General Assembly, by 33 votes in favor, 13 opposed, and 10 abstentions,
adopted a resolution partitioning Palestine with a total area of 10,435 square
miles, of which 272 square miles are water -- into three areas:
An Arab State comprising 4,476 square
miles, or 42.88%;
A Jewish State, comprising 4,893 square
miles, or 56.47%;
An International regime for the City of
Jerusalem comprising 68 square miles, or 0.65%.
When the implementation of the Partition Plan
appeared to be impossible without the use of force, the United States took the
lead in the Security Council, which passed a resolution calling for a special
session of the United Nations General Assembly to consider further the question
of the future government of Palestine. In the meantime, the United States
promoted the idea of establishing a temporary United Nations trusteeship for
Palestine. President Truman issued a statement on March 25, 1948, in which he
This country vigorously supported the plan
for partition with Economic Union recommended by UNSCOP and by GA. We have
explored every possibility consistent with basic principles of Charter for
giving effect to that solution. Unfortunately, it has become clear that the
partition plan cannot be carried out at this time by peaceful means. We
could not undertake to impose this solution on the people of Palestine by
use of American troops, both on Charter grounds and as a matter of national
During the war between the Palestinians and
the Jews in Palestine after November 1947, the three Zionist terrorist gangs
committed many massacres against the civilian Arab population. The most notable
was the Massacre at Deir Yassin, a suburb of Jerusalem. Under the direct orders
and supervision of Menachem Begin, 80% of the population of Deir Yassin, 300
men, women and children, were massacred. Begin's terrorists then herded the rest
of the Arab population into trucks, and paraded them in Jerusalem to create
panic amongst the Arab population. In this book, The Revolt, Menachem
Begin admits that the objective of that massacre was to drive the Arab civilian
population out of the Jewish state.
The Arab states of Syria, Egypt and
Transjordan responded to the appeals of the Palestinians to send their armed
forces to protect the Palestinians. Unfortunately, due to British influence on
some Arab governments, the Arab war effort was sabotaged and the Jews remained
in occupation of about 80% of Palestine. When the Armistice Agreements were
signed between the illegal Zionist regime, called "Israel," and Egypt, Lebanon,
Transjordan and Syria, the Zionist regime remained in occupation of 7,847 square
miles. That was 78.47% of the area of Palestine. The Palestinians remained in
control of 2,153 square miles-21.53% of the area. Transjordan unilaterally
annexed the West Bank, and Egypt remained in control of the Gaza Strip.
The above indisputable facts prove that
so-called "Israel" was established by genocide, by war crimes and crimes against
humanity. Using invasion and conquest, European alien Jews violated not only the
nati6nal integrity of Palestine, but also the human, civil, political and
proprietary rights of the indigenous Muslim and Christian population of
Palestine. The Palestinians were deprived of their rights to live in dignity and
freedom as a, people in their ancestral homeland, and were reduced to the status
of an exiled nation, living in the misery of refugee camps. They were left
looking for the day when they could return to their homes, properties and holy
places, which they cherish more than life itself.
No people in the world today are subjected to
the Nazi racist criminal methods of humiliation, persecution, intimidation,
oppression, exile, imprisonment, detention, robbery, murder and annihilation
except the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. The Palestinians live in a
concentration camp style. Palestinian families are being uprooted from their
lands, rendered homeless, and Jewish colonies are established on these lands.
Over 5,000 Palestinian young men and women are in prisons and camps, tortured
and humiliated by Nazi-Zionist methods. Palestinian leaders are being exiled,
tortured and humiliated. Palestinian men and women are being daily attacked or
murdered by Jewish hooligans; university students are arrested, beaten, detained
and universities closed down. Muslim holy places are being desecrated. Harem
Sydney Ibrahim Alkali in Hebron has been turned into a synagogue. Excavations
are being carried out under the Dome of the Rock, one of the holiest places of
Islam, as a prelude to claiming the site for rebuilding the Jewish Temple.
Jerusalem Arab inhabitants are being forced to
leave the Holy City. Arab lands in and around Jerusalem and in many parts of the
West Bank are being usurped to build apartment buildings for Jews in order to
complete the Judaization of the Holy City. The fascist Zionist leaders are doing
everything to complete the annexation and Judaization of the West Bank and
Ga'za. In February 1981, the Likud authorities and the zealots of Gush Emunim
intensified their activities in usurping a great part of Palestinian lands in
the West Bank and the establishment of more Jewish settlements with U.S.
tax-free funds supplied by the Jewish Agency.
The Palestine Liberation Organization Is Not A Terrorist
Mr. President, you made several statements
during the election campaign and one statement after your inauguration
describing the Palestine Liberation Organization as a terrorist organization.
With all due respect, these statements are the result of slanted misinformation
from Israeli and Zionist-Jewish sources. The official position of the United
States regarding the PLO was established by Henry Kissinger in 1975, in a
Memorandum of Agreement with Israel, which states: "The United States will not
recognize or negotiate with the PLO so long as the PLO does not recognize
Israel's right to exist and does not accept the Security Council's Resolutions
242 and 338."
This statement means that in order for the
United States Government to negotiate with or recognize the PLO, the PLO must
first recognize the Zionist conquest and occupation of 80% of Palestine, thereby
legitimizing the illegal usurpation of the Palestine homeland and dropping all
claims by Palestinians to their homes, lands, properties, their right to return
to their homeland, and to live in freedom and dignity. For what? In order that
the United States representatives talk to PLO representatives. This new brand of
United States diplomacy is immoral, unjust, and violates all principles of
international law. It is typical of the crooked deals concocted by Dr. Henry
Kissinger in connivance with Israel.
Dr. Kissinger is a Zionist agent and has
dubious connections with international communism. By tying the hands of the
United States, in agreements with Israel, Dr. Kissinger was not serving the best
interests of the United States but only the interests of his Jewish nation.
The PLO is a Palestinian nationalist
organization, composed of engineers, physicians, professors, teachers,
businessmen and farmers. It is elected by the 450 members of the Palestine
National Assembly, which is the Palestinian Parliament-in Exile. The Palestine
Liberation Organization represents the Palestine, Liberation movement, which is
determined to free the Palestinians ancestral homeland from the military
occupation of European and American Zionist Jews. The goal of the Palestine
liberation movement is the restoration of the national and religious rights of
the Palestine people to live in dignity and freedom in their ancestral homeland.
Right Of Palestinians To Resist Conquest And Occupation Of
Their Homeland And Usurpation Of Their Rights
The people of Palestine are legally entitled
to use force in self-defense, to liberate their country from Jewish occupation
and subjugation. No one can deny the right of Palestinians presently living in
exile, or under Jewish domination, to join the Palestine
resistance movement and participate in the
liberation of Palestine. The principles of international law, and the principles
of the United Nations Charter outlawed war, outlawed conquest and outlawed
military occupations. Aggressive war has become a war crime, and therefore,
resistance movements by the people of occupied territories against the
aggressors are justified. A resistance movement is fully justified as a struggle
by a people for self-preservation.
The resistance movements in the Soviet Union,
Belgium, Holland, Norway, Poland, Yugoslavia, Greece, Malaya and Burma during
the Second World War set the pattern for subjugated nations in their struggle
for liberation from the yoke of foreign aggressors. During World War II, all the
governments of the "United Nations" gave assistance and encouragement to
resistance movements against the Axis aggressors.
The resolutions of the General Assembly in
recent years support the legitimacy of the struggle of the Palestine people for
national liberation. By its resolution 2160 (XXI) of November 30, 1966, the
General Assembly recognized "that peoples subjected to colonial oppression are
entitled to seek and receive all support in their struggle which is in
accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter." In paragraph B of
that resolution, the General Assembly re-affirmed the following: "(B) Any
forcible action, direct or indirect, which deprives peoples under foreign
domination of their right to self-determination and freedom and independence,
and of their right to determine freely their political status and pursue their
economic, social and cultural development, constitutes a violation of the
Charter of the United Nations. Accordingly, the use of force to deprive peoples
of their national identity, as prohibited by the Declaration on the
Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States, and the
Protection of Their Independence Sovereignty contained in General Assembly
resolution 2131 (XX), constitutes a violation of their inalienable rights and of
the principle of non-intervention."
Again, by its resolution 2440 (XXIII) of
December 19, 1968, the General Assembly re-affirmed "its recognition of the
legitimacy of the struggle by the opponents of apartheid to realize their human
rights and fundamental freedoms." By its resolution 2446 (XXIII) of the same
date, the General Assembly confirmed "the views of the International Conference
on Human Rights, held at Teheran, which recognized and vigorously supported the
legitimacy of the struggle of the peoples and patriotic liberation movements in
Southern Africa and in colonial territories, in accordance with the relevant
United Nations resolutions. " The United States voted in support of these
Therefore, the Palestine Liberation
Organization, as representative of the Palestine National Resistance Movement,
is recognized as legitimate by international law.
It must be stated here, that under the order
of the Palestine Liberation Organization, there are 50,000 Palestinian Freedom
Fighters, who are Palestinian men and women born and raised in refugee camps.
These young Palestinians are willing to sacrifice their lives in the cause of
liberating their homeland, from which their parents were exiled. They are
yearning for the day when they will return to the homes and lands of their
parents in Palestine.
These men and women and leaders of the
Palestine Liberation Organization are not terrorists. They are freedom fighters
like the patriots of the American Revolution. The Zionist propagandists keep
reminding United States public opinion about Jewish women and children who lost
their lives when Palestinian guerrillas took a school as a hostage in the
settlement of Ma'alot. The Zionists hide the fact that the loss of life was the
result of the storming of the building by Jewish armed forces who were mainly
responsible for the tragedy which followed.
If the United States Government and
politicians brand these incidents as terrorism, why do they not brand as
terrorism the massacres of Palestinian and Lebanese women and children, who have
been burnt by napalm and destroyed by fragmentation bombs dropped on them by
Israelis, using United States airplanes in southern Lebanon? Over 100 such
Israeli raids have been conducted since 1967 alone, and over 3,000 Palestinian
and Lebanese men, women and children were murdered! Are Palestinian and Lebanese
women and children human? Or, are only Jewish women and children human?
If the United Stated Administration and
politicians want to be fair and evenhanded, they must brand Israeli political
and military leaders as terrorists and war criminals. They invaded Palestine,
occupied 80% of that country, expelled and exiled in 1948 more than 1,000,000
Palestinians and robbed them of their homes, properties and all their worldly
belongings, and forced them to live in degradation and exile.
Messrs. Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Ariel
Sharon, Moshe Dayan, Ezer Weizmann, Yigal Yadeen, Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon
Peres, and all the other political and military leaders of Israel are terrorists
and war criminals. They were members of the three Zionist terrorist
organizations, the Haganah, the Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern Gang, which
committed terrorism and massacres against the British forces and the
Palestinians from 1939 to 1948, such as the Deir Yassin massacre, and the
blowing up of the King David Hotel and killing Palestinian men and women.
After the establishment of the so-called State
of Israel, Zionist leaders used the armed forces to commit massacres against
Palestinian villages throughout the country.
During the 1967 June war, Zionist leaders
committed massacres, war crimes, and crimes against humanity against the
Palestinian civilians in the occupied areas. The leaders of the Labor Government
and the Likud Government sent American airplanes to bomb refugee camps and
villages in Lebanon and killed thousands of Palestinian men, women and children.
Americans also became victims of Israeli war
crimes when, in June 1967, Israeli airplanes bombed the U.S.S. Liberty
which, at the same time, was being torpedoed by the Israeli navy. Forty-two
Americans were killed, and 155 Americans were injured. The attack on the
U.S.S. Liberty was premeditated with the object of preventing it from
monitoring Israeli communications, which proved that Israel was the aggressor
and started the 1967 war against Egypt.
Even today, Zionist leaders are continuing to
commit war crimes and crimes against humanity in the occupied areas. They have
turned the West Bank and Gaza into a concentration camp similar to what the
Nazis did in Europe.
Zionist leaders in occupied Palestine are the
terrorists. They are the War Criminals, and yet the United States treats them
with respect and recognition, while they call the Palestine freedom fighters
Lies Spread About The PLO
One of the biggest lies spread by Zionist
propagandists to deceive and brainwash American politicians is that the
Palestine Liberation Organization collaborates with the Soviet Union, and They
say the PLO is financed and armed by the Soviet Union, and any Palestine state
that may be established in the West Bank and Gaza will become a Soviet
These are Zionist fabrications and are made
with the object of inciting hostility in the United States against the
Palestinians. Not one single ruble is given by the Soviet Union to the Palestine
Liberation Organization. The weapons used by the Palestine freedom fighters are
either from European origin or Soviet origin. The Soviet weapons were bought by
some Arab states, which delivered them to the Palestine Liberation Organization.
The reason why Palestinians do not use American weapons is that the United
States refuses to sell them these weapons, and Arab countries, buying American
weapons, do not deliver these weapons to the Palestinians. If the United States
is willing to sell weapons to the Palestinians they will be very glad to buy
them at a high price, and not as military assistance-like that given to the
Israeli invaders annually at the cost of $2,000,000,000 to the American
Another he spread by Zionist propagandists is
that the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinians want to throw
the Jews into the sea. According to Zionist logic, European and American Jews
have the right to occupy Palestine, expel the Palestinians, and reduce them to a
refugee nation, scattered throughout the Middle East, rob them of all their
lands, homes and possessions, and the Palestinians have no right, even to return
home or resist the invaders. Can the Zionists prove that a Palestinian expelled
one Jew from his home? It is the Zionists who threw one million Palestinians
into the desert in 1948, expelled many Palestinians after 1967, and now are
endeavoring to Judaize the West Bank and Gaza and drive the 1,300,000
Palestinians out of these occupied territories.
What the Palestinians want is not to drive the
Jews into the sea, but to return home and live in peace, dignity and freedom in
their ancestral homeland. The Palestine Liberation Organization declared its
plan for the establishment of a secular Palestine state, where Palestinians of
the Muslim, Christian and Jewish faiths can live as fellow citizens, without any
discrimination on the ground of race or religion.
The Majority Of Palestinians Are Religious -- Against
The overwhelming majority of the Palestinians
-- Muslims, Christians and Jews -- are very religious and devout people, who
take pride in the fact that their homeland is a Holy Land, every part of which
was sanctified and blessed by all the prophets from Abraham to Jesus and
The Palestinians aspire to live as free people
in a holy, democratic state, which will have no army, no navy or air force. They
aspire to restore their Holy Land to its status before Zionist occupation and
desecration. The Holy Land must become again the land of serenity, peace,
pilgrimage and worship. It is a negation of its sanctity, indeed it is a
sacrilege to keep the Holy Land as an armed Zionist camp, with the ugly weapons
of destruction bent on massacres, atrocities and war crimes.
The overwhelming majority of Palestinians are
against atheism and communism as a philosophy or a way of life, and shall never
allow their democratic state of the Holy Land to become a satellite of the
Soviet Union of the United States or any other state.
Israel Is A Colonial, Racist, Military Regime Of Apartheid
It is often stated that Israel is the only
democracy in the Middle East. What a farce of statement, to call such a racist
regime a democracy, a regime established by genocide, a regime practicing
discrimination against Oriental Jews and apartheid against the 700,000 Arabs,
the indigenous population of the country, who chose to cling to their land, and
who are living as second-class citizens with every type of persecution and
oppression, known only in the annals of the Middle Ages! Even their children,
who left the country to study abroad, are not permitted to come back, and if
they go back to visit their families, they are subjected to such harassment as
to force them to leave their country.
What kind of a democracy is this, which daily
expels Palestinians and confiscates their homes and lands? What kind of
democracy is this which is a state for Jews and only orthodox Jews? Reformed
Jews are also discriminated against in this so-called democracy.
Israel is racist because it is built on
Talmudic principles which consider Jews as a super race above all races and
peoples. It is reactionary and racist because it
maintains that "Israel" is a state for Jews only in accordance with the
definition of Halacha, that is, strict Jewish Law. A Jew is defined as a person
born of a Jewish mother or who was converted to Judaism in accordance with the
strict Halacha rules. Consequently, there is no place for a Christian or a
Muslim or a Hindu or a Buddhist or of any other religion.
"Israel is a testament to the inability of men
to live together," wrote Look Magazine Senior Editor Robert Moskin, in an
article entitled, " Prejudice in Israel," in Look Magazine of October 5, 1965.
The Council of the Sephardic Community of
Jerusalem in 1965 published a booklet entitled "Danger: Jewish Racialism," in
which it explained the plight of the Oriental Jews in "Israel" and the
discrimination and persecution they are subjected to by the European Ashkenazi
Jews. It stated: "The oriental Jews are Victims of racial attitudes, Ashkenazi
non-democracy, cultural genocide, discrimination in education, and appalling
living conditions."
The orthodox Jews are the dominant sect in
Israel. They persecute Reform and Conservative Jews. Reform and Conservative
Jews are not permitted to have synagogues, or pray in public places in "Israel."
The political, legal, religious and social
system in the "Jewish State" is based on racial and religious prejudice,
discrimination and fanaticism. The "Jewish State" was created for a special
class of Jews, namely the Ashkenazi Orthodox Jews.
Jewish fanaticism, prejudice and
discrimination against Christians and Muslims stems from the teaching of the
Talmud, which abhors Christianity and Islam. Christianity and Islam recognize
the Old Testament and consider Bible prophets as their prophets and teach
tolerance and neighborly treatment toward the Jews. The Talmud teaches Jew
superiority and exclusivity. It teaches the theory of the "Jew-master-race." The
"Jew-master-race" theory as practiced in Israel dictates that a pure "Jew race"
of the Orthodox Jew sect must reign supreme in the "Jewish State" without being
interfered with or defiled by the presence of the Gay (i.e., idolators or
non-Jews), and without importing Reform and Conservative Judaism to "Israel."
Zionist racism in occupied Palestine is more
extreme than Nazi racism. In Nazi Germany, marriage between Jews and non-Jews
was not favored. In the Zionist regime in Palestine, such marriage is prohibited
by law. Even marriage between Jews is prevented if the rabbis consider one of
the parties is not allowed to marry.
In Nazi Germany, no Jew was prevented from
owning or leasing property from a German. In racist occupied Palestine, no Jew
may sell or lease a property to a Palestinian or Muslim or Christian.
Palestinians are expelled from their homes,
robbed of their properties, persecuted, segregated, and treated as second-class
citizens. The following crimes and violations of human rights are committed by
Israel against the Palestinians:
Collective and area punishment;
Deportation and expulsion;
Ill-treatment of prisoners and detainees;
Ill-treatment of civilians;
Destruction and demolition of houses and
Confiscation and expropriation of
Looting and pillage.
Some brainwashed United States politicians
under the influence of Zionists usually state, "Israel is a state which shares
with us the same values of morality and democracy." It is a degradation to the
high moral Christian values of the United States to be compared to the fanatic
Talmudic principles applied by the colonial, racist, military regime of
apartheid which is ruled by terrorists and war criminals.
Israel Is A Financial Liability
The United States Administration is
endeavoring to cut the United States budget to save billions of dollars from
Social Security, medical aid and assistance to the poor. Instead of cutting
these billions of dollars necessary for United States citizens, it would be more
appropriate if the United States administration cut the $7,000,000,000 which it
is giving to Israel every year, either through government, military, economic
and food aid, or through tax exemptions to Zionist-Jewish agencies which are
collecting tax-free, tax-deductible funds and transferring them to Israel, to
assist the Israeli government in perpetuating its occupation of the lands of the
If the United States will immediately stop
giving Israel $7 billion every year, it will not be obliged to make the
following cuts in the budget, which was prepared by President Reagan:
$1.5 billion in child nutrition;
$1.2. billion in medical aid;
$1.2 billion in extended unemployment
$1.1 billion in social security minimum
$803 million in student aid;
$550 million in disability insurance;
$172 million in cuts for arts and
$43 million in public broadcasting budget;
$238 million for youth conservation corps;
$220 million for vocational education
$7.026 billions
Which is better for the U.S., to finance its
social, educational and humanitarian services for its citizens, or to give
military and economic assistance to war criminals, to assist them in
perpetuating their crimes against the Palestinian people?
Senator Adlai Stevenson stated last year in a
speech in the Senate that 71% of United States foreign aid is given to Israel
and Egypt, to the detriment of the best interests of the United States. This
demonstrates how Israel is a great financial liability to the United States,
which is endangering the best interests and national security of the United
States in other areas of the world. Instead of giving Israel and Egypt 71 % of
its foreign aid, the United States should allocate funds for Latin America and
for Asia and Africa, which is being infiltrated by communist agents, to tear
them away from the United States and the free world.
Israel is living, and completely dependent on
U.S. economic assistance and on funds contributed by Jews from ten other
countries. Its high foreign and internal debts make it a bankrupt regime. The
high rate of inflation and unemployment, high taxation, the wave of immorality
and crime, the corruption in the government and the armed services make this
regime an unlivable state. The uncertainty about the future resulted in a high
rate of migration. There are at least 500,000 Israelis who fled the country to
New York and California. Soviet Jewish immigrants, subsidized by $15 million
annually, refuse to go to Israel. So what is the justification for the U.S.
squandering $30,000,000,000 of official aid and more than $30,000,000,000 from
tax-exempt contributions to build a military racist regime after reducing the
Palestinians to a refugee nation.
U.S. Has No Moral Commitment To Israel
It is often said that the United States has a
moral commitment to the existence, survival and security of Israel. What kind of
a moral commitment could there be for a state established by genocide, by
expelling the indigenous population, robbing them of their homes and properties,
and by establishing a fanatic, racist regime, which is worse than the apartheid
regime in South Africa?
The United States has done all in its power-by
word and by deed-to encourage the liquidation of colonialism, imperialism, and
the subjugation and exploitation of the right of self-determination of peoples.
The United States played a very important role in the adoption of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.
In view of these principles cherished by the
United States, how could the United States consider it its moral obligation for
the survival of a regime of aggression by European & American Jews, who invaded
Palestine, violated the territorial integrity of the country, occupied over 80%
of Palestine, expelled over one million of its indigenous population, and, at
present, occupies the rest of Palestine and wants to dictate its terms to
determine the destiny of the population of the other 20%.
How can this great Christian nation aid and
abet the Zionist world criminals to desecrate the Holy Land, turn it into an
armed camp?
The Israel-Zionist Watergate
The foundation of the United States Government
was shaken, the country experienced a political tremor, a president resigned,
and many top government officials were sent to jail because of the scandal of
Watergate. All these problems resulted from a simple "breaking-in" to the
offices of the National Democratic Party, and an alleged cover-up by the
President and his assistants of the said crime.
Israeli agents and Zionist Jews commit in the
United States the most heinous crimes, defraud the Treasury of the United States
with billions of dollars, and violate many United States laws. The FBI, the CIA
and other United States intelligence agencies, the White House and many members
of Congress, are all aware of these crimes against the national security of the
United States, and yet no one dares to institute serious investigations of take
steps to end these crimes and punish the perpetrators. This is, indeed, an
Israeli-Zionist Watergate, more serious and catastrophic than the original
American Watergate.
What are the elements of the Israeli-Zionist
(1) Israeli agents stole 8,000 lbs. of
weapon-grade uranium between 1957-1965 through the Nuclear Material and
Equipment Corporation (NUMEC), formed by Zalman Shapiro. NUMEC agreed to serve
as a "technical consultant, training and procurement agency" for Israel. It
formed ISORAD, a subsidiary company half owned by the Israeli government.
Through these two companies and Mr. Shapiro, Israeli agents were able to steal
and smuggle out of the United States about 8,000 lbs. uranium, which enabled
Israel to produce about 14 atomic bombs.
All investigations carried out by The Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, the CIA, the FBI and other government agencies proved the
crime of Israeli agents. The facts were sent to President Lyndon B. Johnson, who
ordered the cover-up of these crimes. All subsequent United States
administrations were in possession of the facts, but nobody dared open this can
of worms because politicians are afraid of Zionist revenge.
(2) Over thirty Zionist and Jewish political
organizations obtained by fraud and deceit exemptions from income taxes and the
deduction of contributions made to them from taxable income. They have been
collecting for the last thirty years over $100,000,000 every year. They spend
these fabulous amounts of tax-free, tax-deductible contributions for the
following political purposes:
For the control of the United States media
of mass communications;
For brainwashing the American people;
For influencing United States elections;
For influencing the United States
administration and Congress;
For threatening and blackmailing or
economically and socially destroying any American citizen who dares
criticize Israel;
For a lobby in Washington for legislation
to further the interests of Israel.
The following is a partial list of these
organizations which defraud the Treasury of the United States:
B'nai B'rith, the Anti-Defamation League of
B'nai B'rith, the American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress, the
Conference of Presidents of Major American-Jewish Organizations, the Jewish
Labor Committee, the National Conference of Soviet Jewry, the World Jewish
Congress, the American Zionist Federation, the World Zionist Organization of
America, the Zionist Organization of America.
The Internal Revenue Code entitles "Charitable
Organizations" to such exemptions. "Charitable Organizations" are defined as
religious and educational organizations, etc. Not one of the Zionist-Jewish
organizations which obtained such exemptions is either religious or educational.
They are nothing but political, using the fabulous amounts of contributions to
dominate the political life of the United States and dictate American policy
towards Israel.
(3) The United Jewish Appeal and the Israeli
Bonds Organization: These two organizations were formed to collect funds for the
State of Israel. The United Jewish Appeal collects every year between
$300,000,000 and $500,000,000, and transfers the funds to the United Israel
Appeal which, in turn, transfers these funds to the Jewish Agency Incorporated,
American Section, (known also as the World Zionist Organization, American
Section), which, in turn, transfers the money to the Jewish Agency, Israeli
Section. The Land Settlement Department in the World Zionist Organization in
Jerusalem plans and finances most of the Jewish settlements which were
established in the West Bank, in the Gaza Strip and the Syrian Golan Heights,
which are considered illegal under international law, according to many
resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and the United Nations
General Assembly, and even according to the declarations of the successive
United States administrations since 1967. American tax-free, tax-deductible
funds, which are collected for supposedly charitable purposes, are being used by
Jews to rob the Palestinians of their lands, necessary for their livelihood, to
establish Jewish settlements, and deprive the Palestinians of their livelihood.
The Israel Bond organization is collecting
hundreds of millions of dollars in the United States in order to help and
subsidize the illegal work of the Israeli government. According to legal
technicalities worked out by the lawyers of this organization, all contributions
to these bonds are deducted from United States income tax, thereby defrauding
the Treasury of the United States. These facts are well known to many members of
Congress; why, then, is no investigation made in Congress to expose this fraud?
American Christian political organizations would never be able to get away with
defrauding the Treasury of the United States in such a manner.
(4) Over 350 Zionist and Jewish organizations
obtained tax exemptions and permits for deducting contributions to them from
taxable income. They transmit the collected funds to organizations and
institutions in Israel, amongst which are political parties, religious schools,
the Israeli National Funds (which usurps Palestinian lands), labor
organizations, etc. It is estimated that over $500,000,000 are collected every
year by these organizations.
United States citizens of Irish and Italian
origin number more than 20 and 10 times respectively of Jewish citizens. They do
not collect tax-free, tax-deductible funds to be transmitted to Ireland and
Italy. If all different nationalities or religious minorities in the United
States were allowed to defraud the United States Treasury in the manner in which
it is being defrauded by the Zionist-Jewish minority, the United States would
become bankrupt. How come only Jewish and Zionist organizations are able to get
away with these illegalities and frauds? Who is responsible for this cover-up?
(5) The United States has given Israel the sum
of $24.5 billion in economic and military aid from 1949-1980, and $3.4 billion
in 1980. It gave Israel the most sophisticated military equipment in the United
States arsenal. Israel used these weapons to launch wars of aggression against
the Arab countries in 1967 and against Lebanon in 1978. Not one week passes
without Israel sending American airplanes to kill men, women and children in
southern Lebanon. Using United States weapons, supplied by military aid in such
a manner, is a violation of United States laws. The United States successive
administrations never enforced these laws against Israel and did nothing more
than lodge a friendly reminder to Israeli authorities.
(6) The Mossad -- the Israeli intelligence
agency -- is carrying out illegal and subversive activities against the Arab
embassies in Washington, and the Arab missions to the United Nations. It engaged
in stealing and smuggling 8,000 lbs. of weapon-grade uranium. It collects secret
information and steals technological secrets from United States companies. The
United States intelligence agencies, the FBI, the White House, and some leading
members of Congress are all aware of the Mossad activities in the United States,
and nobody dares to investigate its activities.
The above crimes and cover-up are only a few
of many of the crimes committed by Israel and Israeli agents in the United
States. The cover-up by the successive United States administrations and members
of Congress of these crimes is the greatest scandal in the history of the United
(7) There are in the United States over 50
Zionist and Jewish organizations which have branches and agents all over the
United States, working for the State of Israel, for Israeli political parties,
collecting money for Israel and pressuring the United States Administration and
Congress under the instructions of the Israeli government and its Embassy in
Washington. Each and all of these organizations, branches, and members are
engaged in activities covered by the Foreign Agents Registration Act, and
therefore they are under the legal obligation to register as foreign agents.
It will suffice to mention only a few of these
organizations: the Presidents Conference (an organization consisting of
presidents of 23 Zionist political organizations), the American-Israeli Public
Relations Committee, the American Zionist Council, the Anti-Defamation League of
B'Nai B'Rith, the Jewish Agency for Israel, the American Jewish Committee, the
World Jewish Congress, the Labor Zionist Organization of America, the United
Jewish Appeal and the Zionist Organization of America.
Thousands of organizations carrying on
activities in the United States on behalf of foreign principals are registered
as foreign agents; only these Zionist and Jewish organizations consider
themselves above the law, and they do not register. The Justice Department and
the FBI are well aware of these facts and yet nobody dares to force these
organizations and their members to register as foreign agents.
Israel Is Not A Fulfillment Of Prophecy
In order to justify their occupation of the
homeland of the Palestinians, the Zionists brainwashed many people in the United
States with many myths and fallacies. One of these myths is that Israel is the
fulfillment of prophecy. It is deplorable that some Christian fundamentalists
and missionaries, either because of self-interest, corruption, or Bible
misinterpretation- propagate and promote this fallacy. The most notorious of
these missionaries are Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell of the Moral Majority, who
knowingly perjure their souls in promoting this false teaching.
The Zionists claim that Jews are the Chosen
People and God is repatriating his Chosen People to their Promised Land. Their
interpretation of the Bible ignores the coming of Jesus Christ, and that these
promises were fulfilled with the return of the Jews from Babylonian captivity.
The Talmudist interpretation of the Old Testament ignores the New Testament and
the Christian doctrine. The Talmudists claim that Biblical promises were given
to Abraham and his seed, and that they are heirs to that promise. This,
statement ignores the fact that -the Arabs are also the seed of Abraham.
Moreover, it ignores the interpretation of St. Paul, in his Epistle to the
Galatians. In chapter 3, verse 14, St. Paul states: "That the blessing of
Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive
the promise of the Spirit through faith." In verse 16, St. Paul states: "Now to
Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of
many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ." St. Paul sums up the
subject in verses 26-29, as follows: "For ye are all the children of God by
faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have
put on Christ. There is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ
Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, the heirs according to
the promise."
It must be stated here that the Palestinians-
Christians and Muslims- adore Jesus Christ. Jesus and His Mother are mentioned
in many Suras of the Koran with great veneration. This is in contrast to
Talmudist Jews, who are returning to "The Promised Land," who spout against
Jesus and His venerated mother the worst calumnies.
Israel Is Not A Strategic Asset For The United States
Many American politicians are brainwashed by
Zionist propagandists into thinking and stating "Israel is a strategic asset." A
well-informed United States politician, who once was a member of the Cabinet and
played many important roles in government, commented on this matter as follows:
"I always think to myself, what will happen if I awake one morning and learn
that Israel does not exist any more, due to a great earthquake? I do not think
that this will matter to me or to anyone in the United States. But what will
happen if I awake one morning and I learn that Saudi Arabia has disappeared from
the earth? I shall be, and every American will by extremely shaken, because the
whole Western economy and Western civilization will be destroyed overnight."
This statement in its simplicity demonstrates that it is the Arab world and not
Israel which is the strategic asset for the United States.
The fallacy that Israel is a strategic asset
has been promoted by certain retired United States officers who were, and are
still, working for the Israeli lobby. They spread the lie that Israel is a
strategic asset against Soviet ambitions to dominate the Middle East. Yet, it is
the existence of an illegal and expansionist Israel that permits Soviet gains in
the region.
The claim that Israel has "the best army in
the world" is a piece of psychological war propaganda spread by the Zionists and
their agents to prevent the Arabs from carrying out their military struggle
against Israel. Let us examine the facts.
During the war between the Palestinians and
the Zionist armed forces in 1947-48, the Palestinians won every battle against
the Zionist armed forces, and they were in control of most of the country, in
spite of the fact that Palestinians were ill-armed and ill-equipped.
It was due to the military assistance of British forces and to
the air-lifting of Soviet weapons to Tel Aviv by Czechoslovakia in 1948 that
Zionist forces were able to commit massacres against Palestinians, drive over
1,000,000 Palestinians from their homes, and occupy 80% of Palestine.
In 1956, it was British and French armed
forces which aided and abetted Israeli forces to occupy the Sinai Peninsula.
In 1967, Egypt was not prepared for war.
President Gamul Abdul Nasser moved his forces as a propaganda ploy to pressure
President Lyndon B. Johnson to renew the economic aid agreement with Egypt. The
Zionists pressured President Johnson to refuse to renew the economic aid to
Egypt in order to arouse Gamul Abdul Nasser. The Zionists were predicting the
steps which Abdul Nasser would take as a bluff and were preparing to launch
their attack to crush Egypt's military power before the Egyptians perfected
their training on the use of Soviet weapons. At the same time, the Zionists were
executing their plan of expansion, to occupy the West Bank and Gaza and other
parts of the Arab world, in accordance with the Zionist colonial program. Israel
was planning its attack while Abdul Nasser was being lulled into slumber by
American and Soviet intelligence agencies, each one for its own motives
The proof that Egypt was not prepared or
preparing for war is the fact that, in the evening of June 4, 1967, a party was
held for the air force graduates in Anshas (former Farouk palace and gardens),
where practically every important officer in the Egyptian air force and all its
commanders were present in that party until the early hours of the morning of
June 5, when the Israelis attacked at 4 a.m. According to unimpeachable evidence
in our possession, Egyptian agents of the Israeli intelligence were able to put
LSD in the drinks and coffee served to most important officers and top command
of the Egyptian air force. When Israeli airplanes struck at 4 a.m. on the morning
of June 5, most of the Egyptian air force officers were asleep and incapacitated
by LSD.
We have also unimpeachable evidence that the
Israeli airplanes dropped LSD-25, a nerve gas, on Egyptian forces in Sinai and
on Egyptian military airports, and were able to incapacitate the Egyptian armed
forces. These facts prove that the Israeli armed forces won the 1967 war by
deception, conspiracy, and using the LSD-25 nerve gas. This does not make the
Israeli army "the best in the world."
During the first stage of the 1973 war,
Israeli armed forces in the Sinai and the Golan Heights were defeated, and
Israel would have been completely defeated had it not been for the United
States' intervention due to the efforts of the Zionist fanatic, Dr. Henry
Kissinger, who was instrumental in airlifting to Israel most of the military
equipment and ammunition.
In a memorandum prepared by Dr. Kissinger
about a meeting he had with Jewish leaders in the Hotel Pierre, New York on June
15,1975, Dr. Kissinger reveals the following:
The United States saved Israel from
collapse at the end of the first week (of the 1973 war) by our arms
What was our strategy in 1973? First,
we sought to break the Arab united front. Also we wanted to ensure that
the Europeans and Japanese did not get involved in the diplomacy; and of
course we wanted to keep the Soviets out of the diplomatic arena.
Finally, we sought a situation which would enable Israel to deal separately
with each of its neighbors.
What we wanted was the most massive Arab
defeat possible so that it would be clear to the Arabs that they would get
nowhere with dependence on the Soviets.
We maintain that Israel is nothing but a
paper tiger. This military reputation, as having the best army in the world,
is nothing but a piece of psychological warfare propaganda. It is true that
the United States supplied Israel with large arsenals of ultra-modern
military weapons, but this does not make Israel invincible. It is also true
that the Israeli air force has the most modern American bombers and fighters,
equipped with the most sophisticated electronic weapon systems and
countermeasures. This makes Israel more effective against the inferior
Syrian, Egyptian- and Jordanian bombers and fighters, with no sophisticated
electronic weapon systems. Both the Soviet Union and the United States deny
Arab countries the most modern airplanes and weapon systems. These facts do
not credit the Israeli air force with excellence per se, because the battle
is not between equals and is only between a small cannon and a missile.
The production of atomic weapons by Israel was
not the result of its technology. The French built the atomic reactor in Dimona
in 1956 in exchange for Israel's giving the French government the secrets of the
atomic bomb, stolen by American Jewish scientists and delivered to David
Ben-Gurion. Shimon Peres, as envoy of Ben-Gurion, played an important role in
the secret negotiations with France.
From 1957-1965, Israeli agents stole from
United States atomic plants 8,000 lbs. of weapon-grade uranium. Israeli agents
hijacked a ship in Europe with a great load of enriched uranium. These facts
prove that Israel became a member of the atomic club, not because of its
advanced technology, but because of stealing, smuggling and piracy.
The technological base of Israel is built by
European and American Jews who steal technological secrets from the United
States and Europe and give them gratis to their co-religionists in Israel.
What do the Zionist propagandists and U.S.
politicians mean by stating that "Israel is a strategic asset"? Do American
politicians who promote this fallacy really believe that Israel will be able to
assist the United States in defeating the Soviet Union in the Middle East? Or do
they plan to use Israel in wars against the Arab states? Or do they intend to
execute the conspiracy advocated by Zionist writers in the United States and
promoted by Zionist propagandists on radio and television to launch a war and
occupy the Arab oilfields in order to solve the energy crises? If United States
politicia4s dare to implement any of these reckless Zionist plans (promoted by
Israel and its agents), they will be destroying American interests in the Middle
East and leading the western world into a catastrophe. The only beneficiary of
such foolish, reckless acts will be the Soviet Union.
We maintain that Israel is not an asset. It is
nothing but a strategic liability. If United States Middle East policy continues
to be dictated by Israel, the United States one day will be forced to choose
between Israel on the one hand and the Arab and Muslim world on the other. The
result for the United States is very obvious.
The Palestinians are not deceived or taken in
by the psychological warfare propaganda that the "Israeli army is the best in
the world." The Palestinian freedom fighters, with inferior weapons, met the
Israeli army in Jordan in 1969-70, and in southern Lebanon in 1978, and
inflicted on that "invincible and best army in the world" great defeats in many
battles, when the Israeli army withdrew frantically, carrying with it hundreds
of its casualties.
The Palestinians are determined one day to
enter into decisive battle with that "invincible army" when they are able to
obtain at least similar weapons.
Israelis believe that having 14 or 15 atomic
weapons is a guarantee of their security. This is the reason for their bombastic
arrogance and defiance, but it is a short-sighted and a catastrophic attitude.
Some Arab states and even the Palestinians may
soon be in possession of nuclear weapons. It would take only one atomic bomb to
destroy Israel, but it would take more than 100 atomic bombs to destroy the Arab
world. By foolishly introducing atomic weapons in the Middle East by thievery,
smuggling and piracy, the Israelis are only dooming themselves and not the Arab
The United States Cannot Afford To Ignore The
Resolutions Adopted In The Third Summit Conference
The third Islamic Summit Conference was held
in Holy Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on the 25-28 January, 1981, under the motto: The
Session of Palestine and Holy Jerusalem. The Conference was attended by the
heads of 38 Muslim states and their assistants, and adopted, inter alia,
the following important resolutions:
1. Holy Jerusalem: The program of basic action
to confront the Zionist enemy: the commitment to the liberation of Arab
Jerusalem to make it the capital of the Palestinian state and the call on all
states of the world to respect the UN resolutions against dealings with the
Israeli occupation authorities, which would give those authorities an excuse to
say that such dealings were an implied recognition or an acceptance of the
fait acompli which they imposed by declaring Jerusalem a united capital of
"the Zionist entity."
The conference decided to use all economic
potentials and natural resources 'of the Islamic states to weaken the Israeli
economy and halt the financial, economic and political backing which Israel is
obtaining, and to work to change the international political stances in favor of
the Palestinian people and to back the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).
2. The question of Palestine and the Middle
East: the conference decided to consider the question of Palestine as the core
of the problem of the Middle East and number one issue of the Islamic nation. It
affirms the commitment to liberate all the occupied Palestinian and Arab
territories, to refuse to accept any situation that would encroach on the Arab
sovereignty of the holy city of Jerusalem and not to allow any Arab or Islamic
side to resort alone to solve the Palestinian question and the issues of the
occupied Arab territories.
It affirmed that just peace in the Middle East
region cannot possibly be established except on the basis of Israel's total and
unconditional withdrawal from all the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories
and the Palestinian people, including their right to return, to
self-determination and to the establishment of their independent state on the
land of Palestine under the leadership of the PLO.
It decided to continue resisting the Camp
David agreement and to consider Security Council Resolution 242 as inconsistent
with the Palestinian and the Arab rights and as not forming a suitable basis for
solving the Middle East crisis and the question of Palestine.
It decided that the Islamic states will be
committed to the use of all their military, political, and economic potentials
and natural resources, including oil, as an effective means to back the
inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people and the Arab nation and in
order to confront the states which back the Zionist entity militarily,
economically and politically. It called on the EEC states to fulfill their
undertakings not to put into effect their economic bilateral and collective
agreements with Israel on the occupied Palestinian Arab territories.
The Conference also adopted the Mecca
Declaration, which Stated:
Realizing that Muslims are, in the world
of today, being subjected to many injustices and surrounded by various
threats due to a logic of force and aggression, and to an intensification of
the use of violence in international relations; and knowing that Islam
permits to those who believe in it and to others only right and justice, and
offers to those who do not fight us in our religion who do not drive us out
from our homes and do not violate our sanctities only piety and fairness;
and as Islam does not believe in complacence toward the unrighteous and in
acceptance of injustice and oppression, we reaffirm in the face of Zionist
aggression that has usurped the land of Palestine and the other occupied
territories our determination to counter this aggression, its schemes and
practices with a comprehensive resistance. We also reject and denounce the
policies which make this aggression possible and which extend to it
political and economic aid, manpower and military aid.
We also reject any initiative that does
not adopt the Palestinian option, which consists in a just settlement to the
Palestinian question based on the reestablishment of the unquestionable
national rights of the Palestinian people, including its right to return, to
self-determination and to set up an independent Palestinian state on its
national territory, under the leadership of the PLO, its sole legitimate
We also reject any attempt to put pressure
on us or on any other state of the world in order to accept a fait
acompli and a capitulation to unjust solutions.
We assert out determination to confront
aggression and pressures by all means and to make preparations for a jibed
for the liberation of the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and the
sanctities and for the restoration of the inalienable rights of the
Palestinian people which have been asserted by the international legality
and by the UN resolutions connected with the question of Palestine.
We consider the provocations committed
against the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and the transgressions on the
Islamic and Christian sanctities in occupied Palestine and on the religious
and inalienable national rights of the people of Palestine and the
continuation of transgression represented in the decisions to annex
Jerusalem and to usurp it from its lawful owners as grave reasons that
prompt us to adopt a firm stand to reject this transgression and to condemn
those who support it and to stand in the face of everyone who condones it or
recognizes it.
Therefore we pledge a jihad with the means
we possess for the liberation of Jerusalem and to make this liberation, the
principle Islamic issue, the responsibility of this generation of our
nation, so that, with God's help, Jerusalem will be liberated together with
the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and returned to their lawful
We wish to draw the United States'
attention to the following paragraph of the Resolution of the Islamic Summit
It decided that the Islamic states
will be committed to the use of all their military, political, and
economic potentials and natural resources, including oil, as an
effective means to back the inalienable national rights of the
Palestinian people and the Arab nation in order to confront the
states which back the Zionist entity militarily, economically and
politically. It called on the EEC states to fulfill their
undertakings not to put into effect their economic bilateral and
collective agreements with Israel on the occupied Palestinian Arab
Should the United States continue the
one-sided policy dictated by the Israeli-Zionist lobby, it would find itself
in confrontation with the Arab world and the Muslim world, both of which are
under the obligation to use their military, political and economic potential
and national resources, including oil, to confront the states which
back up the Zionist state militarily, economically and politically,
and that means the United States of America.
In using their economic resources and
potentials as a weapon, the Arab and Muslim states will be taking a page from
the United States book. They will be following the United States' example which
used and is using its military, political, economic potential and natural
resources as instruments of its foreign policy. For instance:
U.S. grain embargo against the Soviet
U.S. economic boycott of Cuba;
U.S. has consistently used the policy of
supplying arms, either by sales or grants, as means of furthering its
national security;
U.S. refused to sell arms to a state on
the ground that the human rights record of that state did not meet White
House or State Department standards, or that a state' . s politics are not
enough in agreement with American positions. (Of course, Israel has always
been excluded from these restrictions.);
Turkey suffered an American arms embargo
for three years because of its action in Cyprus;
Placing restrictions on the use of the
Hawk missiles by Jordan, and refusing to sell Jordan certain weapons because
Jordan does not support the Camp David Agreement;
Argentina was suspended from U.S. military
sales in 1978 because of U.S. opposition to its Human Rights l$oficy;
Guatemala, El Salvador, Somoza's
Nicaragua, and now revolutionary Nicaragua Were denied U.S. weapons;
Both Uruguay and Chile have been denied
even basic police weapons;
U.S. pressured France and West Germany for
supplying Brazil with nuclear equipment and technology;
U.S. has pressured France to prevent her
from supplying Iraq or Pakistan with nuclear equipment or technology;
U.S. reduced economic and military aid to
Pakistan to prevent that country from developing its nuclear capability;
U.S. denied delivering to Libya the C-130
transport planes which were bought and paid for because Libya supports the
Palestinians and other liberation movements;
U.S. influenced the Export-Import Bank and
the World Bank to reduce or deny funds to countries in political
disagreement with the U.S.;
The entire concept of most favored nation
treatment is to reward those countries favorable to the U.S.A. or to
influence them to do or not to do certain things.
Should the Arab and Muslim states apply United
States standards of policy and precedents against the United States because of
its support for Israel, they may adopt a resolution to implement the resolutions
of the Islamic Conference and may tell the United States as follows:
We call upon the United States to stop
helping Israel economically, militarily and politically, thereby aiding and
abetting Israel in its illegal occupation of Arab lands and the usurpation
of the homeland and rights of the Palestine people, and we call upon the
United States to cooperate in the United Nations to pressure Israel to
withdraw from all occupies Arab territories and to resolve the Palestine
problem according to the principles of international law and justice.
Should the United States refuse to cooperate
in finding a permanent and just solution for the Palestine problem and the
Middle East problem, the Arab and Muslim states shall do the following:
Reduce their joint production of oil by
10,000,000 bbls/day;
Stop supporting the United States dollar
and cease buying U.S. Treasury bonds;
Impose an oil embargo against the United
Declare an economic boycott of the United
States by ceasing to buy any United States equipment and products, and to
cancel all contracts with the United States companies.
What shall the United States do if it were to
be confronted in such a manner by the Arab and Muslim states? Will it declare
war on the Arab and Islamic states? Would it use Israeli armed forces (as many
Zionist leaders urge on American politicians in private) to occupy the Arab
oilfields? Would the United States carry out such reckless, mad plans? or would
the United States act as a responsible, honorable leader of the Free World and
protect its best interests and national security by taking the following course:
End its isolation with Israel in the
United Nations;
Uphold the principles of international
law, morality and justice, and stop supporting the illegal and immoral
Zionist conquest and occupation of the homeland of the Palestinians;
Declare its evenhandedness and stop all
sales of arms and the giving of economic aid to Israel, Jordan, Syria and
Egypt, the belligerent opponents in the Middle East;
join hands with the 110 United Nations
members which support the right of self-determination of the Palestinian
people to solve the Palestine problem in accordance with international law
and justice, the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights.
Should the United States take the latter
course, it will win the friendship, support and alliance of the Arab and Muslim
world and it will serve the best interests and national security of the United
States. By adopting such a position, the United States will restore itself to
the position of respect and leadership of the Free World and the United Nations
instead of being isolated in the United Nations with Israel. Furthermore, the
United States will win the support of the overwhelming number of United Nations
members against Soviet subversion, expansion and aggression, in Asia, Africa and
Latin America. The United States will then win the economic cooperation of the
Arab world and Muslim world, which may lead to the solution of the key economic
problems of the Western world.
More importantly, however, the United States
will be restored to its traditional position as the champion of
self-determination thereby making America a true leader of the Free World in the
battle against the international communist conspiracy.
How Can The United States Assist In
Establishing A Just And Permanent Peace In The Middle East?
The key to peace in the Middle East is in the
hands of the United States, which must act justly in accordance with its legal
and moral obligations under international law, the United Nations Charter and
the principles it has always cherished and adopted in its foreign policy,
namely, upholding the following:
The principle of self-determination of
That the occupation or acquisition of
territory obtained through conquest by force of non-pacific means shall not
be valid or have any legal effect. The pledge of non-recognition of
situations arising from the forgoing conditions is an obligation which
cannot be avoided, either unilaterally or collectively;
That no people have any right to commit
genocide against other people, expel them from their homeland, rob them of
their homes, properties and all their worldly belongings and violate their
inalienable rights;
Promotion and respect for human rights.
A Plan For Peace
1. The United States should issue a statement
under the title DECLARATION OF PEACE FOR THE MIDDLE PEACE, stating the
That it is important for the well-being,
safety and future of the peoples of the Middle East to put an end to all
belligerent acts and wars and establish permanent peace based on justice and
the right of self-determination of peoples and respect for the inalienable
rights and human rights of all the peoples in the area;
That peace in the Middle East will serve
the best interests of not only the peoples of the area but of all
freedom-loving peoples throughout the world, and will serve the cause of
international peace and security as prescribed by the United Nations
As a first step towards peace, the United
States shall follow an even-handed policy in the Middle East, based on the
following principles:
Complete neutrality;
Suspension of all military sales and
military shipments for 36 months to the belligerent states in the Middle
East, namely, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon;
Suspension of all economic aid to the
above-named countries for the same period of 36 months, except
for-humanitarian causes.
2. The United States should consult with the
other four permanent members of , the Security Council and request a Special
Session to implement a Middle East peace plan on the following lines:
The Security Council must obtain a
declaration from Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon undertaking to
stop all military and paramilitary actions or threats of such actions
against each other for a period of 36 months;
The Security Council should follow the
precedent adopted by the Security Council and the General Assembly in 1957
by calling upon Israel to unconditionally withdraw all its armed forces from
all the areas it occupied in 1967, namely, the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan
Heights, the West Bank and Gaza.
This action by the Security Council is in
conformity with what President Eisenhower laid down as the rule of law in
such a situation. He stated in his speech in 1957 the following: "Israel
seeks something more. It insists on firm guarantees as a condition of
withdrawing its forces of invasion. This raises a question of principle.
Should a nation which attacks and occupies foreign territory be allowed to
impose conditions on its own withdrawal? If the United Nations once admits
that international disputes can be settled by using force, then we will have
destroyed the very foundation of the organization and our best hope of
establishing a world order."
This declaration of international law by
the President of the United States in 1957 makes the Camp David Agreement
between Israel and Egypt null and void. President Carter imposed that
agreement on Egypt by undue influence in violation of the sovereignty of
Egypt. Egypt was forced to submit to conditions which violate its
traditions, its principles, its best interests and its sovereignty, and
allowed Israel to continue the occupation of some parts of Sinai until 1982.
All these conditions are null and void, and therefore Israel must
immediately and completely withdraw from the territory of Egypt;
Immediately after Israel withdraws its
forces to the borders of June 4, 1967, the Security Council shall appoint a
commission composed of six members of the Security Council and the Holy See
to be named THE PALESTINE PEACE COMMISSION, and entrusted with the task of
finding a solution to the Palestine problem within six months;
The Palestine Peace Commission shall ascertain
the wishes of the Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Arabs about the following
Can the Palestinian Arabs and Palestinian Jews
live together in the Holy Land state which shall be:
A unitary state?; or
A state of federal cantons, as in Switzerland?
How can Palestine be made again the Holy Land
of Peace, open for the pilgrimage of peoples of all faiths?
How can the Palestine refugees return home and
take possession of their homes and properties in Palestine?
How can Muslims, Jews and Christians live
peacefully as fellow citizens in the Holy Land state, with dignity, with human
rights and with freedom for all?
Whether the Holy Land state and Jordan should
enter into a federation or a confederation?
After the Palestine Peace Commission submits
its report and recommendations to the Security Council, and a solution is
approved, it must be enforced by the force of world public opinion and through
the powers entrusted to the United Nations Security Council.
This is the only road to a permanent, just and
workable peace in Palestine and the Middle East. All attempts to perpetuate the
present situation established by war and conquest and injustice will only lead
to more wars and bloodshed. All proposals to confirm the fait accompli of
Israeli occupation of any part of the Arab territories, provide security
guarantees for the Israeli occupiers, and postpone a just solution of the
Palestine problem in all its aspects will only postpone the decisive bloody
battle between Jews and Arabs, which may lead to a nuclear holocaust.
No solution can be just or permanent if it
fails to redress the injustice committed against the Palestinians. Palestine
Arabs and Palestine Jews must live as fellow citizens in a Holy Land of peace
which should become "a beacon light" for all the civilized world.
Errors & omissions,
broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever;
if you find any I am open to comment.

Email me at Mike
All financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to keep it
private, use my PGP key.
Updated on
Sunday, 01 November 2020 21:32:48