Brown's Henchmen

Brown's biggest influences: 20-11
Pretty boring lot.

Brown's biggest influences 30-21
Miliband is a Jew, son of communist subversive and the grandson of a traitor who went into mass murderer. The Telegraph doesn't bother to mention this detail.


Brown's biggest influences - 40-31
Sir Ronald Cohen is a Jew on the make and using the ackers to buy influence. 


Brown's biggest influences - 50-41
The most influential people in Gordon Brown's Government are disclosed today.........
Our list of 50 names has been compiled after extensive research and consultation with senior figures in Westminster and Whitehall, and represents the first comprehensive survey of where power lies in Mr Brown's administration.
One is there to dig for dirt. Another is a Jew who controls people through money. Whelan looks like a drunken oik who can get it down his throat.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 23/06/2018 21:28